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The Globe-republican. [volume] (Dodge City, Kan.) 1889-1910, January 21, 1909, Image 4

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The Globe-Republican
Tie Globe-IcpaWlcai Printing Copiay
W. I. PATIS, fMsUsat '
J W mil. BMTtMn Ml IHUW.
En tared u the PoitofflM at Dodge City,
Iimm, lor transmission through the mall
second-class matter.
.neuge x uei.
All klndi of out meats at Sturgeon
Brothers. It
Nearly all of the stores are busy Invoic
ing this week.
All kind of not Beats at Sturgeon
Bros. It
Mrs. F. W. Imboden bas been quite 111
for several days.
Twelve dwellings in Dodge City for
sale. L.it. Smith. tf
Jilts Alice Davis has taken a position
at the telephone office.
Good Alfalfa bay for gale, fT to 8 a
ton. Phone 355,
Mrs. A. M. Aten. 3c
Bert Zimmerman is working in Kolley 's
barber shop this week.
All kinds of nut meats at Sturgeon
FOR SALE Five room bouse, good
location. Easy terms. Inquire of C. D.
Don't forget tbe new bowling alleys.
Some fine scotes being made on them.
Try your luck. It
LOST Uddstone cuff button. Re
ward if returned to this office or to
P. 0. Box 463. 3t
Tbe report from I. M. Stone this morn
ing Is far from hopeful. His condition
was very critical.
You don't have to be an expert bowler
to enjoy tbe game. It only takes a few
games to get your band in. It
Geo. Finnup, of Garden City, was here
today looking over some Investments In
Ford county lands.
WANTED A lady to take charge of
business in Dodge City. Address Box
858,Dilya, Okla. 2t
The Interest keeps up at the new bowl
ing alleys. Lots of sore fingers last
week, but most of tbem are 0. K. now. It
Tbe Farmer's Elevator & Supply Co.
will pay the highest market price for
. ,. - i i
curu, uaui, aauir euro auu lurgaum
seed. tf
J. B. Witberspoon who has been firing
on local between Dodge City and Lamed
baa been promoted to fireman of Nos. 7
and 8.
Clarence SkDlington has returned from
his visit in Kinsley and bas now taken
up bis work at the Santa Fa freight
Congressman If adison la taking a lead
log part in tbe moovement in congress
for a rbange In tbe rules wblah will give
the speaker less power and tbe represent
atvesmore liberties. Be is one of tbe
committee working upon that particular
Hedge Post. ,
Mrs. Ed. Stubbs and Ted Stubbs left
Wednesday night fr Covington, Ken
tucky. Tbey will return to Dodge City
Mrs. Stewart Young, who bas been
here visiting ber mother Mrs. J. P.
Griffin, left yesterday for ber borne in
Rev. Geo. A. Rlcker of Wlohita,
preached at the Christian church last
Sundsy evening. There waa a large
crowd present.
Mr. Eogllsb of tbe Real Estate firm
of Hale A English left Monday night tor
Nebraska on business, and will return tbe
last ef tbe week.
Lost between the Mayrath . School
bouse and Ensign, front glass door to an
Auto lamp, find'r please leave at Burnetts
store. J. K. Sayre. It.
Mrs. J. E. Dlllard, will leave this even
ing for Wichita, where she will remain
for about three months taking treatment
for ear and throat trouble. -
Tbe basket ball game sttbe rink last
Monday night between the Sophmore
boys and tbe Freibmen resulted In a
score of 17 to 17 In favor of the former.
Elmer Shoemaker of Spearvllle and
Miss Alice D. Mason of Contlan, III.,
were married at 2:00 o'clock today by
Rev. Imboden at the M. E. parsonage.
Personal experience with a tube of Man
Zan Pile Remedy will convince you It is
Immediate relief for all forms of Plies.
Guaranteed 50o. Sold by Palace Drug
Some of tbe members of tbe local gun
club held a practice eboot at tbe park
yesterday, and witnessed an exhibition
by an expert from one of tbe ammunition
Roy Nicholas, formerly with the York
Key store here, bas returned from New
Mexico, wbere be bas been for the past
year. Ha will mske bis home here for
the present.
N. B. Klalne and wife who are spend
ing tbe winter at Sulphur, Oklahoma, a
famous water and health resort, are said
to be enjoying tbe climate and tbe water,
and improving In health.
W. E. BonnitMd and wife of Beloit,
arrived bere last neck to nuke this place
their home. Mr. Bonnlfield is an expert
in laundry work and bas been employed
by the Dodge City Steam laundry.
The report comes from Topeka today
that Repreientative W. A. Morgan of
Hodgeman county, who is well known
bere, was stricken with paralysis this
morning, affecting bis left srm and side.
Rev. Sorey's Sunday school class of
boys will give a literary and musical
entertainment at Fort Dodge tomerrow
evening. Tbe boys are endeavoring to
raise tbe money wbichtbey bave pledged
on the new cburch.
Mies Lena Sugbrue, daughter of Mrs.
Pat Sugbrue of Ft. Dodge, was married
bere yesterday to Mr. Frank Fortune
also of Fort Dodge. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. F. W. Imboden of
tbe Methodist cburcb.
Tbere is no case on record of a congb,
cold or la grippe developing Into pneu
monia after Foley's Honey and Tar bas
been taken, as It cures tbe most obstinate
deep seated coughs and colds. Why take
anything else. Tbe Palace Drug Co.
0. T. Downey, a brother In-law of D.
J. Phillips of tbe York-Key store, Is bere
from Indiana for a short visit Mr.
Downey Is a merchant and Is taking a
vacation, and at the same time expecting
to make some investments In this country
in land.
: Hedge Post. , '
If you will take Foley's Orlno Laxa
tive until tbe bowels become regular you
will not have to take purgatives con
stantly, as Foley's Orlno Laxative
positively oures chronic constipation and
sluggish liver. Pleasant to take. Tbe
Palace Drug Store.
Wlnfred Jsoobs' fsotory for making
steel header barges, Is to be built at once
at Hutchinson. Tbe company Is com
pleted, tbe officers elected, the money
raised and everything In readiness for
business, but tbe completion of the plant
which will take about a month.
Golds contracted at this season of the
year are quickly relieved with Bees Lax
ative Cough Syrup. Its laxative quality
rids tbe system of tbe celd. Pleasant to
take. Best for children for coughs,
colds, croup and whooping cough. Sold
by Palace Drug Store.
Mayor Reeves states that tbere Is an
old ordinance on the olty records, order
ing the streets named and the bouses
numbered, and that the matter Is In
the bands of a committee whloh is
authorized to let the contract for Ibis
work. Tbe numbers, however, do not
seem to go up.
Pineuls for tbe Kidneys are little golden
globules which act directly on tbe
kidneys, A trial will convince you of
quick results for Backache Rheumatism,
Lumbago and tired wornout feeling, 30
days' trial $1.00. Tbey purify tbe blood.
Sold by Palace Drug Store.
Mr. Ktogsley, who brought tbe
machinery bere and did the work on tbe
prospect well, was bere this week, and
disposed of his interest In tbe machinery.
Tbe prospecting Is over for the present,
but may be resumed later. All of tbe
necessary machinery Is bere now for
drilling a deep well.
J. A. Henry and wife of this city, who
have been visiting relatives in Salt Lake
City, left that point a few days ago for
San Francisco, but were compelled to
return to Salt Lake City on account of a
severe snowstorm wbloh delayed traffic.
In a letter received bere la'ely, it was
learned that Mrs. Henry bas been 111.
Woods Liver Medicine in liquid form
regulates tbe liver relieves sick headache
constipation stomach, kidney disorders
and acts as a gentle laxative. For chills
Teyer and malaria. Its tonic effects on
tbe system felt with ths first dose. Tbe
91.00 bottle eo ntaine 2J times as much as
tbe 50c size. Sold by Palace Drugstore.
A few cases of diptherla bave been re
ported in town duilng tbe past month
Tbe little daughter of Frank Misner,
Gertrude, is tbe latest cafe reported. It
Is a matter which calls for vigilance on
the part of tbe health officers and tbe
board of education. It is boped that
with care diptberia will not get a start in
the schools,
The Lincoln Carter "A Good Woman
Will Win" show at tbe opera bouse last
nlgbt bad a fair audience and seemed to
please the people. Tbere was a mind
reader speciality by which a number of
the citizens learned some Interesting
things. According to the information
given in this stunt, tbere will be a new
opera house built bere within two years
When Roosevelt recently let fall bis
gentle benediction upon Congress, and
some of the members were showing their
teeth and snapping at tbe big stick, J. D.
Brown got nervous and wrote Congress
man Madison, requesting to know where
tbe Representative from the Seventh
District "was at". He received the reply
from Congressman Madison that be bad
been one of tbe thirty that voted against
any reflection on Roosevelt.
JSqIo n n
pJPyJLI d d a n a i
"We find that we will net get into our new place of
business as soon as expected, and that we have a
much larger furniture stock than we care to move.
The low prices we have been making to help put
this stock where it belongs in the homes of the
good people of this community will continue.
Fact is, you can get most anything you may wish
in the furniture line at practically . your own price.
Right now is the time to buy furniture. Just come
in and let us surprise you how cheaply you can buy.
! The ffiome.Fwnishing Co.
Peculiarity of Magnetized Needle
When Placed In Water.
If a thoroughly dry and, clean sew
ing needle is very carefiilly laid on
the surface of the water In a basin
the needle will float In spite of the
high density, of steel seven dr eight
times that of water.
On close inspection it Is found that
the surface of the water Is depressed
under the needle, very much aa if
there were a thin film atretched over
the water, and slightly Indented by the
weight of the needle. This property
of liquids, of offering a certain assist
ance to a force exerted upon their sur
face, la termed "surface extension."
The magnitude of the force of surface
tension varies from one liquid to an
other. It is greatest in the case of
mercury. The cause of the phenome
non must probably be looked for in
the attraction of the liquid molecules
to one another. A sewing needle, thus
floating upon water, may be used aa a
compass, if it has previously been
magnetized. It will then point north
and south, and will maintain thia po
sition If the containing vessel is
moved about: If the needle Is dis
placed by force It will return to 1U
position along the magnetio meridian
as soon as the restraint is removed.
Primitive Mods of Exchange That Pro-
vailed tnJEarly Daya.
In the early days of the United
States furs and skins were very gen
erally transferred from hand to hand
as money. Thus, in the northern
states, a pound of beaver was regard
ed as the unit of value, and In the
south the same weight of deerskin
performed a similar function. In the
far west furs retained a currency val
ue until quite a recent date. But, aft
er all, as a bale of skins was rather a
bulky roll of money to carry about, It
was customary to cut off small strips
as tokens of ownership and pass them
from hand to hand, while the skins
were deposited in recognized places of
security. Proof of rightful ownership
was demonstrated when the strip was
fitted to the part from which it had
been detached. Trickery in substitut
ing another skm was not so easy as
might be imagined, because it seldom
happened that two skins would prove
so exactly similar in shade and length
of fur where the strip was cut off aa
to deceive even the eye of a novice.
Chess and Checks.
Chess was originally the game of
kings, the game of shahs. The word
"shah" became In old French "eschac,"
while the old French "eschecs" was
further corrupted into "chess." The
more original form chec has likewise
been preserved, though we little think
of It when we draw a cheque, or
when we suffer a check, or when wo
speak of the chancellor of the ex
chequer. The great object of the chess
player is to protect the king, and
when the king is in danger the op
ponent is obliged to say "check," 1. e.,
shah, the king. After this the various
meanings of check, cheque, or ex
chequer become easily intelligible. Ex
chequer, or scaccarlum, the name of
the chess board, was afterward used
for the checkered cloth on which ac
counts were calculated by means of
The Right Sort of Wife.
An Atchison man recently refused
a proposal of marriage. "I like you,"
he said to the girl, "but you bave too
many friends. There would be too
many at our wedding, for you would
be afraid not to invite them all, and
your many friends wouldn't be satis
fled unless they made fools of us by
playing aome kind of crazy pranks on
us when we started on our wedding
Journey. You have so many friends
that we would get all kinds of wed
ding presents that we don't want, and
would be kept poor In future trying to
pay back when the donors got mar
ried. You are nice, and I like you,
but what I am looking for In a wife la
a woman who is friendless." Atchison
A Lost Bet
An Irish waiter named Kenny was
noted for his wit and ready answers.
A party of gentlemen who were stay
ing at the hotel heard of Kenny's wit,
and one of them made a bet that ha
would aay something Kenny couldn't
answer at once.
A bottle of champagne waa ordered;
tbe one who had made the bet took
hold of the bottle and commenced to
open It Tbe cork came out with a
"bang," and flew Into Kenny's mouth.
"Ah," he said, "that la not the way
to Cork!"
Kenny took the cork out of hit
mouth and replied: "No. but it's the
way to 'Kill-Kenny.'" Ideas. ,
Ha Said It
"Horace," remarked Mrs. Flgtree,
"we are going to have company at din
ner, and I do wish yon would brighten
up and look lesa like an honorary pall
bearer. Say something humorous."
The company came, and, with a few
preliminary cough and winks, which
were Intended to announce to hit wife
that the witticism waa about to be
perpetrated, Mr. Flgtree said, timidly,
"Yea, dear, what la It?" asked lira.
Flgtree, graciously. '
, "Have you got all of your hair ea
this evening?" Judge.
Not Har Goal.
"Did you see where a man sued far
divorce from his wife because she waa
a baseball player 7"
"Probably be did it because she
didn't make enough home runs.
V .
A Washing Powder without either soap or lye.
New, isn't it? Makes no suds. Does not burn.
Ash your State Agricultural College about it.
Try it.
j ' Special low prices on Rochester Nickel J
Plate, , Copper Chafing Dishes, New "y- ft
Q Drip Coffee Pots, to elean the stock up, ' Q
Another Wonder for the home is the WONDER
WASHER. A time saver, life saver. Its the
neatest, quietest, quickest, simplest, most durable
will wash anything from one single cambrich
handkerchief to six yards oj carpet. It will do
more work with less work, than any other washer
0C On Kansas City, Mo. (Q Qfl
ODiOU and Return OOiOU
Account Lmbermen's Convention
Tickets on Sale January 22nd to 28th inclusive.
' Final Return limit v ebnury 1st
Chicago, 111., and
Account Spring Merchants Meeting:
On Certificate Plan, January 30th to February 7th. February I3th
to 2 1st Also rates to Kansas City and bt. Louis.
BS The Only B
HOmeSOekerS Rates! To the West, Southwest, North
west, and Southeast. Fare : One and a half plus $2.00 for
the round trip. Tickets "on sale First and Third Tuesdays
of each month. Limit 25, days. Liberal Side Trips and
Winter TOUrlSt Rates: Points, in Alabama, Cuba,
Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mexico, Mississippi, New
Mexico, South Carolina and Texas. Tickets on sale daily
Final limit of June 1st. Liberal stopovers.
Best Service to California, Four Trains Daily, Two to Colorado
For information concerning Connections, Routes or Fares. Inquire
at Ticket Office.
R. D. RHODES, Agt.
Simple Remedy For . a Grippe.
Racking la grippe cougbs tbat may
develop into pneumonia over nlgbt are
quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar.
Tne sore and Inflamed lungs are besled
and strengthened, and a dangerous con
ditlon Is quickly averted. Tbe Palace
Drug Oo.
For infanta And Children.
Bi KfeiYea to A!wajs losgfct
Bears the
Signature of
Laxative Fruit Syrup
Pleasant to take
Tht new laxative. Does
cot gripe or nauseate.
Cures stomach and liver
troubles and chronic con
stipation by restoring the
natural action of the stoxn
ach, liver and bowels.
Refuse (substitutes, Frlos 60a
Tom Leavitt, tbe former U. S. Recruit
log officer bere, will take a position in
tbe Santa Fe offices bere beginning Bun-1
fci4 60 YEARS'
Anyone wiidliitf nnkirh and description mat
MUIGKIT iwcwiiiui. .Mir ' -hv..
Intention is .nihllr ri?"tttl'l9..j;onimnr.lfi. ,
tloinntrlotljoonflilemlVl. HANDBOOK onPaUinU
lent Im, OIlit lienor for lecurlncpatonu.
Pntantf takeu thmiiKli Miinn A Co. rwlr
tptcUU notkt, without eburve. In tb
Scientific American.
A hMiiUomeljr IlliinlniCed weekly. Tjuwt off.
dilation of nr wlantllo loiirnl. Trn, S8
Sir, fnnr moiitUi, SL Sola brail nawwlealere.
UNN&Co.8614" New York
BrMioh omo.S F . Wahlxwl. D.C.
First published December 31,1908. ;
The State of Kansas
Ford County J
In the probate Court In and for sail
county. '
Motloe Is hereby given, that letter of ad
ministration on th sstate of Emanuel KtMl
deceased, were granted the undersigned, on
the suth day of December 1908, by the Probate
Court of Ford county, Kansas', Now, all per
sons having olaimt against tbe said estate
are hereby notified that they must present
the same to the undersigned for allowance,
within one year from the date of said letters,
or tbey may be precluded from any benttllt
of such Kstate ; and that If tuob claims be not
exhibited within three years after the dnt
of said letters, they shall be forever barred.
Eliza Kibski,, Administratrix.
Administrator of the Kstate of fiuinmiitt
Klseel, deceased.

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