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= opFICIAL DIRECTORY. ~ STATE. Ifl"" N pe SABGIVETRON f"f:';‘.}l«'“ 5&., L s e L, GONELLS ) R ivees .a.:Sec’y. of State. R ... .............Auditor g[‘,*’w‘rwfi{;fi.. B v cnonavns san A PEDPT P ; J,W.'I‘mmd' R .. ......Bup't. Pub. Iue, i H,L‘w po ¥ A‘tt' L J. pdooenses coomen oo ALY General q B' mdm 6 Ahd:t .(\ R - s B.C‘meeu"“”“””' (r . XI-- .r(,ll(.!'}.l] “ tn. Sim#, Sec'y. State board o griculture L~ 1. 8. SENATORS, »““ 7, Ingalle Proston B, Plumb CCNGRESSIONAL, - r g g, Tarer, 6tb. Dist. Sheridan, WW JUDICIAL. ST o .‘ Distriet Judge Pratt.... .- = ?0:’. Hawkins -vee..Clerk Dietrict Court | COUNTY OFFICERS. . b Usnsnskacannes s NEPPEsentative M_Jflstus " gtépheu vanWyck............Probate Judge 7. C. Tritt......oen---..:c..County Attorney . Ellsworth............ooooevvenn.. . Sheriff B'VwSchk....................Connty Clerk. ‘ s‘(},Wflson....... ... ....County Treasnrer | ¢.Fountain....... -........Register ofDeeds x'.me Worcester_County Sup. of Pub. Ins, XM BRIDES..c-coooenvtiennen......Surveyor WEHIL....oooovniiiin Coronor J.J. Dalbey, Chairman X Daniel Hickman «....Commissioners Ceo. Lawson BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WMWVW Ii kinds of Job Work done at” the €ycLon AOMce. withgneatness and, dispatch, - i ¥. Harper, P. M, ' i A . - | WMMMMM ! ' L. McPhexeon, Does a General Banking A Bnsiness. Farm Loan A Specialty. 1 ° ‘ A NI NSNS NS NI NSNS NSNS NSNS NSNS NSNS oster Williams, Dealer in gcneral Merchan Fdhe. | MMWMNW M. Lewin, Dealer in Farming Implements F of all kinds, Hecan't be beat on prices e Headquarte re at Prrrish, Hardware. AN N I N N N N N Nt PN N P NN il'iard Hawkins Proprietor of the City Bar ' H bea Shop, WMN\MM’\MM/\N John Scott, Blacksmithing done cheap i WWMWWW B. Crowley Dealerin General Merchandise,i He J can't be beat on prices, in anything in his line. N C. Parrish, Dealer in Hardware, Tinware and J everything f&und in General Hardware Store. M’\WWMW overns & Hays, Dealers in Pure DBrugs, Put- Sent Medicines, Toilet Articles and everything kept in a first class Drug store. WWMWVWW“ t. Francis Hotel, Fletcher Bros. Proprietors, Only first class hotel in the city. Good Liv ery in counection. . .I . MWMW w. Sumdpien. Dealer in General merchan dise and Patent Meaicinas. ® oung and Carven, Dealers in Dry Goods and Grocerier, Boots and shoes; and every thing kept in a first class store. -———————___~.—_~_'_______;__‘___~ The TRXAS SIFTINGS, the “great -humerous lnstrated weekly, containing 16 pages (same, size a8 Haipers Weekly) will be mailed to any addres iu the lfl'nitod,(fitn.te’s or/Canada for threc¢ months on regeipt of . S v , PNE DOLLAR. Liberal dircount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copics mailed on re teipt of 5 cta, : : Address all ordere to. YRXAS SIFTINGS PUBLISHING COMPANY. ¥4 Broadway, N. Y. r——THE v FAST MAIL ROUTE MISSOURI PAQIFIC e vy xr : C RAILWAHY. ATCHISON TO ST, LOUIS And ThHe East Thl;il the Route Sbiocted .by the - United ”Sttatea_ Government for the FAST MAIL TRAIN No Route exceeds the time made b ‘This line Between s Al 5. H N CLark, : ‘W. H.NEWMXAX, Tat; Vice Pre‘s‘t 'fid(cfi'f,‘l‘ _:\;E;Dc.;eu'l tragtic Mog: .’ ;s %crd Passenger and ’l‘is(:f.elt‘ :\g::glo. & : f i - NOTIGE! FCR ALL GLD sOLD IERS - THEIR WIDOWS AND ORPHANTS. I sm now prepared to make appli eation ior hounties, Pensions, Bach aymd all kinds of claims agains. ‘ vernmensg. - ¢ ;- ; . . Pgrties having money in Freedan': " ;favi g Bank can now secure the sam: . By producing their books aud paper: i A peopes proof. . . I .« nuve lost your discharge | L § A wewnguplicute,. L AW, GRFELN, Cluim Agen 1. . : 78 i ‘ : KAllAl e o e ’ THE WESTERN GYGLONE e i LY GEO, A. SANFORD, EDITOR. ‘ One Dollar per year, in Advance. , Entered at the post oMce at Nicodemus, Kansas or iawsmission throwgh the mails as Second cluss matte . I Prr LOCAL NEWS N il A nice shower Tuesday. Ilelpless Kicker Lightfoot. *The Millbrook ring at last are down No witnter weather yet in sunny Kancas, ‘ The straight republicans are yet ahead. | Fifteen papers in Kansas are con-, ducted by women. \ Miss Mary A. Moore has been on the sick list this week. . R. Cayton will make out final | proof noticies free. : : Our school house looks boss with her new coat of paint on. - Get there Eli! Get where? Go to Sample's for groceries. H. S. Henrie is stocking up hisstore with an excllent stock of goods. Final proof notices made out at this office free of charge. Hear ye! Hear ye! Sample will pay the highest mar ket prices. Business is feviving again after the smoke of the great political battle clears away. i Sample has lately received a large invoice of boots and shoes, Groceries received daily. . Say boys had you not better go out on another dog raid we see the'streets are not wanting numbers now. Get there Eli! Get where? To the Great Western Hardware store in Hill City, and get your Hardware. " Samnle wants all the chickens ducks, turkeys, and eggs you hay got. e pays the highest market price. Our citizens will leagn with regret that our old liveryman T. ¥. Tavlor had his bara burned on last Friday in B e Our rooster does not appear thig weck. We think-he ir ust be in Bro. Pgitchard's oftice fcfowing over the town election, © - b Sample has just received the choic est stock.of- groceries ever seen in this town, which he is selling at the low est living'prices. i J. W. Gritlin is putting. up a pair ot scales in the west part of town and ‘he will handle coal and do a general weighing business. aa When you are at Hill C'ity remember that J. C._F. Brown wiil give veu a -better bargain in groceries and queens ware than you ever got before, Our old, friend Tom. Evans passed through town'this week. He was ac companied by Matt Lyons and they are making & tour of the west in search | of a business location il l The great Western hardware new ] stock and still “New and eom l plete order just arrived, woodware tin ware and hardware. Run ron ren. “headquarters at nill City. . Prof Porter called at our sanctum ‘his week. He reports the school in “rood shape with'an average attendance o' 53. Assistance is ne~ded and we kope soon. to see a t_e:wh:er em- 1 ployed. i o } ~ Nicodemus generallv attended the i jollification meetinz at Hill'City on Wednesday evening. G. W. Jones, A L. McPherson, Z. T. Floteher, Thomus 1 Tohnson, and H. R. Cayton were a-, mong the prominent speakers. ‘ Thiere will be 3 Thanksgiving- Pin ner on the 24th of this month and a 1 festival and concert in the evening for the benefit of the A. M. E. Church. A orand time is expected. Further par ieulars will be given next week. Hon. James. P. Pomeroy wasin our town'a few hours on* last Monday Quite a number of our citizens called :n him at the bank. The gertlemen .poke very favorably of our tewn and ie was glad 1o see the rapid progress we are making. Where are you going? I am going Where to? Why to the great western. iJardware store in Hili City, and ge a wagon load of Hardware. 1 can .ot hardware there twenty five per i cheaper than atany other bard ' vare store in the county” ~ No sir ne ou cant fool me to go any other }pwu. There you get more witia less “monev timna ‘apy other poiat. Mrs. A. J. Lovelady has returned from Millbrook this week attending the bedside of her sicik daughter, Mrs. Lovelady says ske is mmproeving rap idly now and will soon be able to be upand about. We are glad to learn this fact for the lady had a hard fight to pull through. - The concert given at the Raptist Church on last evening was a complete success. Some excellent music and songs were rendered. The novelty of the occasion was the Corhel Duette. The okl mans song and chorus brought the Louse down and many and loud were the applauses that followed. “Curfew must not ring-to night” was so rendered as to hold the{ entire audience “spell bouud”. We would be glad to comment on each Fieee but space will not allow us. all present voted it a success and the best Concert ever in Nicodemus. Ladies and gentlemen we return al vote of thunks to you for the entire people of Nicodemus. l Nicodemus, Kan., Nov. 11th, 1887. There will be a quarterly meeting on the 18th of this month at the A. M. E, Church. Rev. J. B. Robberts will be present. C. H. Browx, Pastor Notice of Application to Purchase Sehool Land. The undersigned uereby gives notice that she will on the 23th, day of Nov, 1887, make appli cation to the Probate Court of Grahum boufity Kansas, to purchase the fol lowing decribed schooal land situated in the organized county of Graham Kansas, viz: all of the southwest qr sec’22-7-21. She names the follow ing witnesses to prove her continuous residence and - improvements, viz: Thomas Fletcher, John Vaughn J. A, Deyprad, John Lored, all of Nicodemus, s Done at Nicodemus, Kans, Nov 10tk, 1887. G s NOTICE FOR PUBLICAT 10N. Land Oflice at ) - y e Kirwin Kans §. ‘\O'HOS' October 17th, 1887 Notice is hereby given that the fol fowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his ¢laim, -and that said proof” will be made before the Register or Receiver at Kirwin, Kansas, on December 2nd, 1887, viz: William Kirtley. m k. No. 18146, for the wi nwdand wiswisee 4-8:21 ne nanres the following witnesses 1o prove his continuous residence uwpow, and cultivation of, zaid land, viz: duckson Scruggs, Chules . Revnolds, Johu Vaughn, Edward Smith, of Nicodemurs, Kans, i. A. Yonge Register.” ‘ : W. R uill Att'y. . 3. .L:nu'i Office, } No S118) Kirwin Kansas. ) , . Sept 15th, 1887, Complaiut having been enteved at this Otlice by Tnomas Burkholder, acrainst nans. Cherestopisen Boulson for abandoning bis nomestead Futry No. 21031, dated June 3und, 1889, upon the now Qr. See 30, Town 8 », Range 247 w, fu Graham County, Kans with a view to the canceliati on of =xaidentry; the said parties ure hereby swmuoned to appear at this Difice on the Znd, day of Dec 1887 at 10 o'clock A, M. to respond furnish testimony concerning sai alleged abandonment, i A: Yonge, Register. 3 - A. J. narris, Receiver. o W . R ARY. U.8 LAND OFFICE. } =398, Kiuwin Ransas. ) s et T1th, 1887, T Otdered by €oms. letter “u” of Sept 15th, 188%. - : ' Complaint having been eptered at this Oftice by B. P \WinLiaNsoN against Joux Braxxsay for Tailure to comply with law as to Timbor-Cultare Entry No. 10420 dated Aug 12th, 1885, upon the s w Quarter Section 11, Township S s, Range 23 w, in Graham County, Kansas with a view to thecancellation of said entry: contestant allezing thai John Brannag, bas failed to plow the 1st, 5 acres from date of his” Entr Aug, 12th, 1885 to '24th; Aug, 1886 for the growth and eulitivation of tim ber as Required by law, and that said John Brannan holds said land, for speculation and not {1 his own usc and beneiit and that t the date, o said contest said Braannan bhad eon litionally sold, and relinquisted his sight to said land, the said parties are qereby summoned to appear at this Office on the 5th, day of January 1888, tl0oclock A. M., to respoud v d uruish testimony concerning said - wwed failure. | u. A. Yonge, Register. A. J. parris, Receiver. W. R mill, Att'y 1 * DIANAH SMITH. ‘ W. R HILL ! 1 | i REAL~ESMagTYH REAL-ESTATYE i - £ ; | : B ) LOAN ARD INSURANGE, Improved and wild lands for sailg in GRAMAM TREGO & SELION, +COURTIES. o <SAGENT FOR POMERY’S LANDS. ot e RN ATLOWEST RATES OF INTEREST 1 MAKESZABSTRACTS,” TRANSACTS A GENERAL REAL RSTATH BUSINESS. | | CITY LOTS EOR SALR . 1 WIR AIFT. . . mamsaa, e e e e g H. R.CAYTON 5 LAND AND LOAN AGENT WILL PUT MORE MONEY OX YOURFARM . . 1 - ANDGET YQUR LOAN THRRSICT SOONERTHAN ANY AGENTIN THE COUNTY. | GOOD RATES. BUSINESs ATTENDEL . _ ‘ : - TO POR ROOKS AND GRA\H AM : 1 | COUNTIES. ‘ * NICODEMUS, = - - _ KANSXKS. X : o b, ¢DONTFORGET THATH J08TER WILLLAMS }hb‘ 3 47. \ TV- ! ’ 7 'i"t’{’.;. ‘ —— 1S THE PLACE TO BUY— — "~ -~ GROLERILESD OF ALl AINDS = e o L L e Fante e e FRMER GIVE US A CALL s NITODENRUS - - o v 50T AN IGINAW LUMBER CO,, ‘ > ¥ oy v ) 5. YK Lo STOCKTON, KANSAS. Dealera in Lnmbea, Lath, Shinglee, pocrs. Binde, gnd eil Kimlrof I'g fu!‘xgn;nto;ziulkvptm stantly in sgock, o the bewt :rsg-‘*‘r-;‘:*‘f;_t}r;:-n'm;“.':; *e. UWyau cumtcuplate voliding Wm. LLawson, ‘ | AATIRRNENAT LAY MILLBROCK, &ANSA - f | Collections a spesiaity . ‘ St.Franeis HOTEL. _ ¢ . . KEICLEHER; BROS, Paoramguts N{CODEMUS 'KANSAS. This house is in first-class order and is prepared % turmish the best Mccommodations e the 1r.. . ing pabiic. ZCharges Rm»-g:w Livery in conneciion. ‘- . T, Tletcheer. o _ NJARY PJ3LIL L ui), LU NANDINS "ANCE AGEXN NIGODEMELS, XANSA. Land for sale in Rooks aud Grah:m countiea, Money o laan en esl Betose. AN hads of ias ‘d asiness siteuded to. Legal p&p‘?o made ogt u-gtt.q 1 ; CYCLNE $1.00 ‘ R G 0 in "THE™ ™ . CREAT wWESTEEN HARDWARE S 1 4.k TOGET YOUR STOVES & AT Bl ) LANTA S NG MAG ! s g ‘, s . ,"4‘:5; IIAS NO EQU AL, ERFECT SA7 5/ T 8 V¥ Homa Sewing Mochice 8 ‘-CIRANOE’ M’\es' ws ‘rior Sovarsy N. Y, Chicage, il Ot i ‘R Cn DT“”, 1". : &:\ Fra=<'s & .—— ——————— . -—— ————r g - hoat - L 7 el BB . A PUR | s omee Bl U_btisLL uz‘z;:owb{u This old English Family Med.e o ase for 86 years, all over the far BLiley Indigestion, Liver, & - Of Pure Vegetable Ingre:. . FREE FROM MERCUMNY OPEN FIRE ST G**% e .. PATENTES. o Burianykind of I's SOFT OB HALD C< & ThOy herp is = o L %‘D;‘ Pe:ici entue SAVE M . * Sttt + ] MOPTTHAN THE | Keey 1re lams # % Sirew kifss wi o ; CIVE B0 L & BUT BURN T & Men:. ;.l:guou; ’::* Feon <7 Chre: « :;m s x e s Cnmivet, 4 f.g By i ~a Kagpe Aplow i price sathe oo~ thwme y & &N OpemnGrels Fuw ¥ ¢ 1ol o ;f_ -n(h-ml\n*'u: et » *‘m% Puping say stove Acx ¥ o Sembes - e b mwescal to . T o 80LD'S HEATER MFE | GR4-642 East 14th s T{}