Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE . MORNING JOURNAU PA Gil TWO. Wednesday, October 4, 1905 MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY) 'JUDGE AlANN'SWRIT Perfect Beer THOROUGHLY filtered soft river water, the best Barley-Malt, imported Bohemian Hops and Special Culture Yeast are the ingredi ents of REBUPUERQUE, NEW MEXICO Capital and Surplus, f 100,000.0a OF PROHIBITION No One Knows Just What INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS ItProhibits. r- villi mi NO SUPREME COUIT CLERK IN SANTA FE TO ISSUE THE WM Meanwhile Judje Mi Is Is Preparing ft liftA Hi.? IAriciArf lit Hiiftholl iiiis Morning, IS'liil to tlie Morning Journal.' Knm l e, X. M., Oct. 3. Nothing I known lien if the rumor Unit Jmlgr Edward A. l nn Iiiim Kviirri a writ of i-olilliltl(il (lim-lt-il to JikIkc Ira A. Atilxitt ami rrMrnliiiiig lilm from fur- tlMT action ill tll case of T. S, Hill)-' lirll. .Indue Mann It In Sit n (a Knsii anil InqiilricH then full to Inlnic any lllflllllllltllin us to tin urll. Join Scilll. Hork of tin wnprriiM court, U In Tilo, niul c-Oii-equciitly noiliiilK rim It ' leui ncd thinimh hi- office. Sum !l return lint:' lililí- i-wiiiug lien tin writ can Ih KmiciI on Juile Miinii' or:.c S.tve for the Information Riven to the Morning Journal l ist nlKht liy Col. K. W. Ofl)fn of counsel for T. S. liulilicll. the above tlisputeh from Hunl.i Fe I tlie only liiforiiiaüi.ii which the Morning Journal lia leer B bli to uM-iin In renard to the writ o1 Inn ordered by JuilK"' Mann nri'l naid to have the effect of prohib iting Judge Ira A. Abbott from taklnu further action In the sheriff's ofTIi cow. Th it Judge M inn hai, honied an or ler for n writ of prohibition It un doubtful, for Mr. Inibson toll tin Morning Journal last nlidit that h h id h"i n directly advNi-d of the isMi nin e of the order by Jiidife Mann am' that he exjifi-ifd the writ to he Itemed lit once from Santa Fe. The absenci of Supreme Court Clerk í-'ena compíl eme the situation finee no order can come from the unreinc court or any HsKociate Justice an a no inber of .111. h court, unices It conic through Mi. Sena's hands. Order l-ucd on Amended Trillion. "I was advlsi'd today," sibi Mr. last nliclit. 'that Judge Mann now In Santa llosa, ha 1 isin d a writ of prohibition, upon th" amended pe tition of counsel for Mr. Iluhbel! sub mitted to Judge .Maun List Friday af ter Iluhbell had been committed for contempt of court. The writ has th effort of prohibiting further action In the sheriff's office cuse u t lilts eourl and of further recognition of either of the rontestiinis as sheriff, aside from tae right of the court to give order to his clerk for the lsuan of pro cess. The writ is mad" returnable on the 5th of Jaunary next, when the- su preme court meets In Santa Fe." Asked what would be the effect of this writ upon the case, Mr. Inibson declined to say. He said, ill answer to questions, that he believed It vaiuld have no effect upon th action in ha beas corpus now In prnim-Hx In-fore Judge Mills In H.ituii, where Iu! hell Is held, and In lili h a decision Is ex pected this morning ' the npr-nliis ol court. Kffort made yesterday and last night to secure the text of th writ from Santa Itnsa. Al.imognrdi' nod Sinta Fe were unavailing and in to this time no one. ivlicth-r i'ilcret d In the cafe or not. seems to know ex iietly what It Is that Ju.lg.' Mann se.-k to prohibit Judge Abbctt from doing, liesult of I lllllsdai's Action. As reported by the Muniing Jmir luil Monday morning. W. I!. Cliilderf of counsel for llubbell went lel"" Judge Mann In AlamoKoido la.d Thursday with petition for a writ o' prohibition. loiter while Judge Mana had this petition under advisement and nfter llubbell had been committed for contempt, mi amended petition w as Hied by counsel fur llubbell asking that Judge M aim also prolilbit J ul u Abbott from restraining llubbell i f li liberty. It Is understood that Judg Ma mi has also granted tills amende! petition and the writ as it now Und. prohibit Judge Abbott frou recognizing Arniijo as sherlif, or from taking further action in the tase, whatever, until it comes up for a he n -lug before the supreme court. As the matter now fluids, however, the exact scope of the writ is linlclin ite, and Its effect Is therefore an un known quantity, iilthough it will un doubtedly serve to further compile at the busii.esii of the unfortunate tax payer, who is Will, hlng with mure oi less amusement the n'l-cnuou 11k tit to hold the sheriff office. The writ doe: not beccmie effective In any event un til It la Issued by the clerk of the su preme court und unless Mr. Sena can b Induced to return from Tuns to hi1 office In Santa Ke at once, the writ cannot be Issued until Friday. The announcement of Judge Mann's decision served to'soniew hat detract from the Interest of the hearing in Jtaton. where the doughty ex-sheriiT of Jlernalillo county was on trial for his liberty before the i hief Justice of the territory. Decision Withheld. Tho heurlng was lummeiiccd yester day morning and the day in the llj ton court was occupied with the ar jrument of counsd. At Its conciunlon Judge Mill announced that he woul'l render his decision this, Wednesday, mornliin on the convenlriK of the court. Whatever the decision It is ex pected that the corpulent person of Mr. Hutbell will return to Albuquer que tonight, whether In chume of the sheriff or i on lu IIiik his ow n tour. rct upon this mornlns's dedslon. Much speculation was Indulged In last nllht on the streets as to the ef fect upon county aff ilrs of the writ Of prohibition Issued by J.I ! M.ttlii. hfouid It prove as binding as has t een rumored. The general Impression I- that county affairs have already been pajfTlclently muddled by the mutest Drer this and other offices and that tnl laxt -complication will be enough to effectually finish the twisted Intellect of the average ay mind. Willi eve ra I lawyere confused an to the ef fect of the writ of prohibition. It Is malí wonder that the average cltiicen ha to atop and think several time to recall the exact aiatun of the matter. WrU of I'rolilhltlon .Vot New. The vrlt of prohibition, according to neveral attorney of Albufiuernue. Is not new to the courts of New Mexico, i, i. alfl lo have been used In the Í j j 1 ft i i -n TcyK.l I III i rTr-rm Corhtd or Tiñ Capped " Kinó o$Baffl&yx Beers" By lacrin, (ageing) not less than 4 months, every truce of the injurious, un fermented constituents, found in immature beer, is removed. Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. Orders Promptly Filled by Chas. W. Kunz, Distributor, Albuquerque, N. M. mm ijuiii ttmmirzwiwi'miumvsm scawH bonil. a justice of t'v eupteme inur fort IddliiK a riot .-r Jus: , e. iltl iug n.-s trial Indue, to pr.n ee. v.'ltll the case It is said to liave In en employe 1 an. ill ai one of the famous miulnv suit o h ierri'ory ami in one or two othci actions which the attorneys could not refill. The Issuance of the writ by t'n clerk of the supreme court and U 0, t upm the slicrlffi olTn e will ! it.rtilcil wltil even pih' Interest than he dei-iou as to the fale of t'l" bod', of tile erstwhile :-!niiT .if ! : r h i I i I i ounty. tn"v waltinit la liatón la learn from Jiidne Miilr wlieth' r c r n ! h ! o remullí a prisoner. SAWED THBÜÜGI1 BASS AT PNITEM1AR IMtlSONKIt AT SANTA I i: II i MADi: t.dOI STAI1T l I'M'AI'i: wiif.x nist ovi:iti:i. special to tlie Morning Journal. S.m'a Fe. N. M., ')t. 3. --James -tcott. u t'nlted Siate.v'prlsoner, held n th" penitentiary for pnsdnj; couu erfelt money, made a daring at-icmpt o ev. a.e from I In- penitentiary early his illuming by riwlnr throtiKli t!i ars of tin.' pii-on kitchen. V.'lv.'ii aught by a jiunrd Scott had sawcl four or live if the heavy Iron bar and slh ped out in!o tlie enclosure. His .start toward liberty win suddenly hecke.l by th" appi-irance of a rill nuzzle, the weapon having" a l.-iiard a ihe other "inl. Scott was taken hack u a cell. He is believed to have hi. lie as.slst.mie i'f several other lucí ivho ba l b i more or less at libert.'.' u the prison kid hen und who hid al nost the posiiioiis of trusties. Mi s. hiiifw IcU A'Aitln on Ti iul. Cincinnati, (.. let. 1!. A petition nr a writ of error for Mrs. Casnie 1 Chadwlck. charged with hank wreck-' i:g and convicted of conspira, y lo de-' fraud, was at the head of tile calendar in the I'liited .SI.i'ih circuit inert of ippeals whli. h opened here today. The ei .n il of the case Is one of the most oluniioioiis i ver brought to the court, f a de Isioi, Is given against her, she will at once begin her .sentence oí ten years in tlie Ohio penitentiary. She s now In the Cuyahoga county J til. Atto'ii.y ,1. 1". Caw ley made the irgiiment in support of the petition or Mr. Chadwb-k. lUstrlct Attorney I. J. of Cleveland, conteste;! till.' pel ilion. TYPHOONVÍVüK WAS DIRE AKD DEADLY loss i MiAii mom; wil l, iu: í.nno.i'im i;oini:s sl'ltl AN N AI.OMi COAST. M ini! i, (i.t. ::.'i'lie estimated ;n tiie hetni. .'rowing districts from the ravages of tin lecitit tyohoon is t,-,, 0(111.11(1(1 gold, ll' ino In warehouses i'.'.kIv f ir (liipincnt Is also a total les. 'I will take a year to get the planla lens In shape again. The reports now lug i, r'-ont the south Indícale 'loiter loss of. life and property thaa it tirsl estimated. On Ticio Island the teach is strewn with dead bodies, inning them si.tne Americans. The aelies are in such condition as to be tnrf cognlz able. VI ulhosioek Port l!oociietl. Vladivostok. Oct. li. The ' lliit freight ste itner left tnU port today lor ('he Koik thereupon reopening regular . ommcrce hy sea. Was Victim of AnoUier Mini. New York. t. .1. -Mis JCath'-'lli e t. eon nd. sister of Harry A. Leonard, 'lie young rn in who has confessed tho Hiefl of $3.'i!.l)(ift worth of securities "rot. i Ihe National City brink, declared oday that lie was the victim of anotlt r ni l i wliom h" ivas try ing to pra ted. Mis Leonard said fhe had giv en the police the name of a woman vliii pi iced a part of the .securities In i cafety d"posit vault. I'ledi'loiil Strike SprcmN. ib rlin. nd. 3. The strike of elec trical workers has extended to two more factories. The total number of men out is SS. mill. No disturbances have occurred. Two-thirds of thi street cats are running. Women Itui-ncil Husband Kscnpeil. F.dinittoii. W. Va.. Oct. 3. Mrs. J Algo and her three diildren and Mrs. Joseph Cardelll and one child were burned to death in their cabin last night. The husbiMuls of the women escaped. llevMird for Train Itnlilier. Seattle, (id. 3. Five thousand dol lars reward I offered by the i treat Northern I'.rj res Co. for the capture and identlfl. itlon of the bandits who dvn in:ltd the exprés . nr on the east bound flyer north of Pulían! lust night. Diii-flon Sur ei hdendent Scott said today that useful- as known the r.ib'-ers si . ni ful I !. Noted Nimdlst for Mayor. Toledo. iha. In I. 3. Hrand Whlt lock. the novelist, was nominated for mayor by the Independents' onven tlon lat night. Well Known síiocpimiit Killed. Newcastle, Wyo., Oct. 3. Charles Mlnter, one of the lest known sheep men of I'pton, was shot and Inst.uit'y killed by his lo-rder during a quarrel yesterday. The name of the herder was not learned. According to Ihe re nort Ihe herder m led In self-dcfeiis'. but thli Is not verified. itAMSEY WOl'LO STOP WABASH MERGER t.OI LIVS rOK.MF.K KK.HT HAND MN IS IN OVl'.S i;::m:i,i ion. ne Mo., (id. .". A .suit for i was filed in the circuí! by Joseph K linsi y, Jr.. he V.-iha-!i niilr;d. tiou Moiiutain and W.t s. i!ie Men au'.il" Trust Vori;. Waller S. VI!:;aii. ! and Ci i.iw .1. C.o'.ihi. Ih" com t for ;;u Itijtinc- n preV'Oi'in'; the proposed annuel ting of C.oorge Could and hi a-- St. Louis, in injuii th. oiirt tod iv ote. i lent of .'.-rainst th" ha-h r.'Hiiii :'.).. of New II. M. Will; ! rn- v - 1 : ti int. I rot .'.. i : i I a hi ' road next I! .,es, y ii'cc'aie' u In t riffle M issou li Leiils a nd it I dors ibash ; Toledo. Ohio, when i I", t a board of ti r :id nit to control the V ye ir. I lli ees one re.-ull of th" ollld tie to nt ill- competition let ween til Wabash Paolile road bet ween Kansas City. CASE BALL I. HAGUE. and Slie- II. K. 3 1 10 0 Scan- n. it. k. .2 n n .3 11 2 Leahy; U. 71. K. , . n n 1 . .5 8 4 -:--. ) GOVERNMENT CONTROL WOULD BANKRUPT ROADS .lAMi s.i. 11 1 1 1, says itvrr. iii:.r I.ATION M KAN'S i:ll ItOAl) COUi'SKS. NATIONAL At St. Louis Ft. Louis r.rooklyn i:altet'ie: Taylor Ion and Hitter. S ( r od g.'.nie it. Loui . . . , r.rooklyn li itterics MeDoug ill niul :'c 't'loii and Hitter. A t Client,'!. (""li. 1'hi! idelohia (TlvrTern liltilu Tl -ittefics - Tfeilf-r and O'Neill; I'it t'i'er a nd 1 looin. At Ciilslnlcr Tí. TL V.. "ittsbn , in 11! 1 Postot. 2 8 1 Hitteries Lynch and l'eitz; Young find Needham. y "cond ganie !'itt'b.;;-g v I'.OIoll atol I! itterles l.ielleld f and Moran. At Cincinnati Cincinnati New York liitteries -Overall lor and Powerman. Second game Cincinnati New York I Patteries lowing and .Street; ott and Pou'ermun. and Tt. IT. K. 4 11 4 3 7 1 Pelt; Willis li. H. K. 4 9 2 2 H 0 and Schlel; Tay- H.H. K. , . 4 , .4 12 2 i; 3 KUl- J'oriland, die., o. .1. Hill, of th" Grc road, was the prim b inquet tendered 1 i a i k expo-ilion Howard Elliott t. l'r sii'.ent J. at Northern tail ipal speaker at a y the Levis and to 1 1 i in and President, of the Northern Pa cific today. Hill in Id: "Not w ii lisia ndiug the paid by the people of Stales is only about 4'l ill it of Itiiasia. we have p. ..pie who a re proa triin the rc'iilatioi by the federal autre afraid any federal ever get down deep us where we live, la they do the i ..' iitr wl;h railroad corps, bankrupt t'.vo-t liir ! ; 'he I'niled Sl:'""-.i." veru:,'o r 1 1 the i'ni.ed per (cut "..' i great re "tie hiug a new il I"' of railway vaic ilies. I am im regulation will 'iiiitii;h to touch alise long before will I." strewn They would T the iriieare iu Armistice Tokio, I id. 3. the acecpian. e i Japanese and nort hern Koro i ci tve I. It is la ole t iee to an ; si:i insisiiinc Not An .f Hi.. liu-'-ian h is not ,..-.. I th (glcelllellt epoii an Acceptcil. ilTi.ial r-'port of armislii e bv the :ii: : l;.'l t :i" the in ii r"' dii !' Kns- i:ral : lie boundary of tin .1 to Ill'lll'le tlie po.'ilie h"ld by the Japanese tr Hearst Di'i'liiX's to St V. 'v Yol k. d"t. 3. O'ingr P. Hearst, in a b-tl I in I ;'c thin v tonight, I'-". nd. -sman V. r to ,1 ii'itiee Sai'i dei lincil to iiec-pl in i in 1 o a: I'll' i)u ncishlp mayor by League. th.; .Mil' Oriici'-i I lections. St. I'eter.-buir, int. An imperii! de. ree was puhlishei! today directing !h it i ni mod hi I e arrangements he made to conduct the elections cf members o! the nation il assembly. Pegu i:i tious for the conduct of tin; elections are al so publisned. Troops "Suppress" Pinters. T" i 1 1 i -. Caucasia. Oct. 3 Troops sup- r 1 1 rioters at pVcrnan after eight M iissulinan.i and two Armenians hid been kiliiil end eleven person wounl e 1. The trouble arose from the at tempt of Armenians to rescue some of their fellow countrymen who hail been arrested for murdering a Tartar Cincinnati Was Aground. Tokio. Oct. 3, According to later information received here the Ameri can cruiser Cincinnati was floated without assistance- after being aground for seven hours. She has been re pinte.! passing Shlniotiosakl. hound for Shanghai. Justice Harbor Dead. Postori, Oct. 3. Justice .lames Mad dison Parlcr. of the nioreme Judicial i ourt of .Massachusetts, died today of l ent disease at tlie Cnlon club In this tlty. He was a resident of Pittslleld. A M F. RICA X LEA G I." E. At Washington R. II. E Washington 1 3 3 Ch ica go 3 fi 1 p itteries Wolfe and Heydon; Owen and Sullivan. ,l New York ' Tt. IT. E. Del roil 0 5 1 New York w . .3 8 0 1 latteries - Mollin and Warner: Orth and Connor. S ' on.! game R. H. K. tvtroit 1 7 2 New York .10 12 1 Patteries Wiggs, Disvh am' Prill; Griffith ami Kleinow. A t Philadelphia Tí. II. F. St. I ouis 2 10 2 PhlluteliihW "i !l 1 Pnlteriv SadilolT and Silgdeli: Henley. Pender and At Huston Poston Cleveland Patteries Parry and Donahue and Clark. Schreck R. If. E 7 r. 1 4 10 1 irinbruiter; If you need u carpenter, Hesselden. telephone tf Whitewash Y( Chicken. House With Halm's Eureka White 'lime Keeps out lice. Don't tmS your Fountain Pen. "cut take it to Newcomer for ex;i"irt repair-lug. TT.e very best of Knnsns City tiecf and mutton at nill Klclnwort's, 112 North Third street. , Don't fall to see that large dlinlny oí heautifn1 dolls at Newcomer ?, next door to postoffiee. 00ÍISTIPATÍ0N "Fomror nlni yonm T rurrd with chronic cnn. itimtitm Rti dtiriiitf this ttn) 1 hicl to tukn un inj"ctioii tf warm wtT onc very 'i hours tn-foro 1 coltlt! 1iav an Hclion 011 mv bowyU. Jluppily 1 triol C;m-iir-ti( am! todaj I ahí a well lúin. iMtrinií tho iiiim yt-um bfforo I nurd f :scHrcts I uilTf(l ;;iitoii misprywith Int'Tnul pllfv 'i'haiili to yon 1 huí 1rtu from All tfint thin monitni;. Vou CttU Uüo tail iu behalf uf mifTfrhiir htitnmiitv." il. b kiAhcr, IWauuku, ill. fpftl Best For fi The Bowels CANDY C AT MAWTIC PlaBflTit. Palnrabtí. Potnt.Tntf 0vi1. HoOoníl, Vfvot teiclcn, Wtpiikn or ripo, IJc, 50. Ntvr p'ilii in btiU. c'liiiino t.ihU't yUinpcti C C C. liuarmit' t'ti to emu or yiur tnoiu: liajk. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicaco or N.Y. 603 ! ANNUAL SALE. TEH ifllLLIOH BOXES 1 WE FEEL SIRE Toti St Gradi, Dealers In GROCERIES. PROVISIOKI, HAT, GRAIN AND FOX. FbM line of Importe! Wine, IJqnort u1 Cigars. Vhu yonr orden (or thla line with an. Ilt-llt-S17 NORTO TTIKD BTRICET Albuquerque, N.M. Of our ability to handle your banking business to your satisfaction. We shall be glad of an opportunity to talk with ynn 1 STATE NATIONAL BANK RICO HOTEL III N. First Street DINELLI U LENCIONI. Props. Saloon, Restaurant A. Rcomlnj Hons AMPI.B MEANS AND UNSURPASSED FACIUTTES T II E ' BANK OF COMMERCE f ALBUQUERQUE, H, M," EXTENDS TO DJr:iOSnX)H3 EVERY PKOl'KIt ACCOJLMODATION AND SOLICITS NEW ACCOUNTS. CAPITAL, $150,000.00. Officers ninl Directors: SOLOMON LCNA, President. W. S. STHICKLER, W. J. JOHNSON, Vlce-Presldrnt mid Cnshler. Assistant Cashier. WILLI A3I McIN'loSIT. GEORGE ARNOT. J. C. RALDRIDGE A. M. BLACKAWXIi. O. R CROMWELL. Wo Grind Our Own Lenses 0-f'. pop thia reason we can guarantee 0 - M ilsvsses proscribed by ?. f BEBBER OPTICAL CO. Mf. Opllclairis Member Opt omerty Board of Examiners It we don't do your hauling we both lose money ALBUQUERQUE TRANSFER GO G. M. BACCUS, Prop. S.T.Vann,O.D. E YESIG I IT ' SPECIAL! ST President of New Mexico Board of Optometry. First established optician In New Mexieo. Glasses filted for poor siirht, headache and nervous strain. Office: Iloom 9, Whiting ItUx-k. Appoint ments made at Vann'a Drug Store. The First National Bank will rent you a Safe Deposit Box for $2.60 a year and up. Call and lot us explain the system. . T o II Mi i . V A h4 -V I WEST RAILROAD AVENUE BETWEEN VSE'COND THIRD-STREETS The Store of ni in o ' o N- I .- i i (' fJr-t-' o TPHESE cool mormngs suggest warm under- & wear; the subject of Underwear naturally suggests ü?e Globe Store as ihe place to pro- I cure the best made at prices asked for inferior goods sold elsewhere. O Mentor Underwear o i for ladies and children is the most healthful as well as comfortable underwear healthful be- cause Mentor material is very absorbent, tak- L J ing up excessive perspiration and keeping the body uniformly warm comfortable because it 0 ' nmnniti Wlfm iriA 11 Htl-f Y V í t A t III CT. U Ility o ftp x 1 ISftI i - .. .. ! MENTOR COMFORT UNDERWEAR Absolute fit no shrinkinc. and Ion? wear is í S? - v guaranteed. Union and Two-Piece Suits. You are urged to call at J5he Globe Store and examine these garments. O In Gentlemen's Furnishings we have just received a special make of O Elegant White Shirts Bodies of Wamsutta muslin, bosoms of 2200 linen, perfect fitting and guaranteed in every particular or money refunded regular $ 1 .50 value, Our Price: $1.00 each mVmWáTrJtmmmSXmmmmi i Underwear in all grades union and two-piece suits. We make a specialty of Coat Shirts, Corliss, Coon & Co. quarter-sized collars, and t Shields Guaranteed Hats. i O" o Look for the Big Globe Sign On West Railroad Avenue ímou caae ol the üanU Fe tounty -