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t AVtHliMfiday, (Vtobcr 4, 1905. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNALS nvr. COUNCIL TAKES UP MATTER OF EXPERT FOR WATER WORKS Mao Now. in Albuquerque May Be the Examiner. SEVERAL IMPORTANT ORDINANCES PASSED YESTERDAY AFTERNOON At a regular adjourned meetlner of the c iiy council held yesterday nftor noon In the office or City Clerk Harry rV Lee- Alderman T. N. Wllkcrson, of the Rpecial coinmlttwe named by the council some months ago to secure an expert lo examine and upon the value and condition of the plant and property of the Albuquerque. Water Supply company, presented a partial report, containing several letters from experts who had been approached by the committee with a view to the ex amination and report desired by the council. , ' Anions: the experts suggested by the committee Is Mr. A. C. Jtiflle, a brother-in-law of Mr. U. E. Putney, of Al buquerque, who is now in the city and who is an expert engineer. The com mittee was in doubt as to whether the ervices of Mr. Kittle could be secur ed, but recommended that he be invit ed to make the examination and re port. The report of the committee was unanimously adopted by the six 'mem bers present. Messrs. Walker and Ilar-rii-on being absent, and the committee was continued with Instructions to o.ien negotiations with Mr. Uiflle look ing to the examination desired and a report on the cost of a new , water works system for the city. The com mittee Is to report back to the council the result of thase negotiations at the next meeting. The meeting, which had been ad journed from Monday night, was for the regular grind of first of the mouth business, and much business of a, rou tine nature was transacted. Including the reports of city officers for the month of September. The report of the city marshal show ed Í70r collected from fines during the month, while almost an equal amount was collected by the clerk from li censes. The clerk in answer to ques tions from councilmen, said that but four gaming licenses had been with drawn owing to the increase In the cost of the city license made by the council some weeks ago and which went into effect the first of September. No liquor licenses had been withdrawn owing to the increase in the cost of that commodity, A large bundle of bills were referred to appropriate . committees for inspection and a num ber of petitions and communications read, among them one from several anhilects and citizens calling atten tion to the need for reliable city maps, land marks, etc. fcrvepil Ordinances Pnssotl. An ordinance amending the ordi nance covering plumbing inspection was passed which requires connection to lie made with sewer by all new buildings within fifteen days after no tice from the building inspector. The ordinance allowing certain fire proof roofing materials to be used within the lire limits, other than tin and slieet Iron, was passed. The ordinance prohibiting1 the throwing of rubbish in the Jiarela ditch was passed under suspension of the fules. This ordinance was pub lished in the Morning Journal In some detail some weeks ago and will be rig idly enforced. Several ordinances of more or less Importance on lirst reading were pass ed lo second rending, and several side walk ordinances, to take the place of certain defective ordinances passed more than two years ago, and under which sidewalk construction had beVn refused by properly owners affected were passed under suspension of the. rules. Terraco Addition Vn(i-nvoiWs. M. V. Slamm. secretary of the Ter race Addition Improvement company, apeared before the council With a re quest lo be allowed to lay his own pipes and make connections with the city waterworks for those lots of his addition, which are within the city limits. lie said that he proposed to begin work at noon today In the grad ing of Silver avenue and that the com pany proposed not only to spend large umounts, but to make Up addition one of the most desirable in Albuquerque. The request was referred to the water committee to report as soon (is possible. Flavoring extracts arc gen erally fictitious or weak; Schil ling's Best are true and full etreiigth. Your grocer's; money back. MOTHERHOOD) How To GainfL-O. The Happiness" r1 l0f Children P y b0 Motherhood Is woman's highest sphere In life. "1 iX Vl It Is' the fruition oí her Hearest hnnpt and . Crj v m - --------- - ..w. . www . . w r w m m w Motherhood Is woman's highest sphere In life. It Is the fruition of her dearest hopes and most holy desires. Yet thousands of noble women, through the derangement of the female generative organs brought on by female weakness and disease, are unable to produce children ! Ninety-nine times out of every one hundred Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will so restore and strengthen the female organism as to make child bearing possible, easy, and safe. - Lydia LPinkham's Vegetable Compound with its record of thousands of cures, is the remedy for women. Thou sands of women are happy mothers of beautiful children to-day because in time of need they took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. No matter what your female weakness or disease, it will afford you speedy relief and cure. Every woman who desires to become a mother should read these-letters: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I had been married seven years and had no chil dren, owing to a female weakness and womb trouble, which caused me severa suf fering each month. A lady advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I did so, and now I have no more pains and am perfectly well, besides having a fine baby boy. Mrs. Rosa F. Karel, Ravenna, Neb. Another happy and grateful mothfer writes to Mrs. Pinkham as follows: Dear Mrs. fínkham: I was very anxious for a child, but could not carry one to maturity. My husband advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I did so, and soon began to feel better in every way. 1 continued its use and was enabled to carry my next child to maturity. I now have a nice baby girl, and 1 feel like a new woman. Mrs. Frank Beyer, 22 S. Second St., Meriden, Conn, Actual sterility in woman is very rare. If any woman thinks she Is sterile, let her write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., whose advice Is given, free to all would-be and expectant mothers. Her letter will give you valuable information. 1 . Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail ALBUQUERQUE MAY SOON HAVE A Ordinance Now Before the Board of Health. INTRODUCED INTO COUNCIL AT YESTERDAY'S SESSION At yester.lny'.s meet ni of tin- city council, Alileiinan llanley introduce, I fi Ion?; ami cmriil!y iivpjrcl onli- "! cienUn tin' el'tice of city ric:iv ciiKcr anil providing for the creation ami maintenance (,f a K;irl:i:.;e collec tiou system in Allmitii-rii. Tin; or dinance, which wa read in full, has ticen referred to the street committee of which Air. llanley Is chairman, lo act In conjunction with t hi hoard of health, In examining into il provis ions ami iletei-ininliiK It pracllciiliHity. Th matter o'f a frarTiaie system Is one which h.iM been uracil by the hoard of health for u Ioiik time, ami which has been ullowcl to pass by the council from time to time, owing to the expense which its maintenance will entail. In Hip opinion of the board of health the gai-hagi' collection system Is next in importance to a Rood w ater supply 11 ml a kooiI sewer system, and it Is the view of the board that really Rood sanitary conditions catino! iui maintained In Alliin,uer(i!e until such a system Is in active operation. The council is now believed to be ready to ileal with the problem ninl the ordinance introduced yesterday is intended as a basis fur action. The ordinance provides for the appoint ment of a city scavenger by ihe may or, who shall be continued by the city council. It provides for a city dump ing ground and for the hunting of irarbaftf and refuse deposited therein The city scavenger has his duties thoroiiKhly outlined for hint and is given the right to collect certain max imum fees not yet definitely fixed for tile collection of garbage and refuse. The ordinance proposes a system o? met ll gmhage can.s which hall be used by every householder and which shall be kept covered and separate from an asli and refuse receptlcle, which must ilso be riaintalned by I fie householders. It will, !? put III force in its present, or in modified form, serve to 1 lean AlliUiiieriUo thoroughly and to keep the city clean in future. Elks' Theater . - Wednesday,) OCTOBER RETURN ENGAGEMENT Of the Talented Young At'tresa t Virginia Calhoun Ami an Excellent' Company ' RAMONA The. California. Romance, dra matized from Helen Hunt Jack son's noval (authorized by Ut ,le, Hrown & Co., and C. H. Jackson, owners of copyright.) A glorious love talo set In idyllic ncenie environment, Special music. $1.00, 75c and 50c Komi 011 Sale nt Mutsoii'H Tm'Nilay, October 8. THE SEAL OF GOOD PHOTOGRAPHY Absolutely the best in every branch of portraiture. Our prices are right. WE DO THINGS THATOTHERS CAN'T MOON-KELEHER STUDIO 31314 WKíT UAILKOAU AVENTE 1 51 I ,1- ti i Home Adornment is not complete without adequate lighting faellitlen'nnd the most aatls faclory and economical method of Il lumination 8 ever ready INCANDESCENT . . , LIGHTS . . . We can fit your home with special designs If desired. We do the com plete Job wiring, fitting and connect ing. M. NASH. Phone 401 .506 W. Railroad If Sufficient Inducement Offers Robert Dross The Expert Accountant Will give a scries of twenty lessons in PRACTICAL Bookkeeping For particulars and terms ap ply at the office i 2121 South Second St. t I'3! fvj Farm Ha mess St&nhopcs Surreys Buggies ALBVQVF.HQVE CARRIAGE COMPANY Coi:Xi:il FIKST ST. and TIJKISAS HO AD. Ask your Grocer for the Empress Flour It is from old wheat, well seasoned, guaranteed to make the best bread and pastry. Your grocer will supply you. M. BERGER. Wholoilc Ajtt 114 W. Copper, Auto. 'Phone 626 AlA. KINDS OF FKF.D AT THE LOWEST MARKET PR-ICES ART AND MUSIC STUDIO Miss Viola K renter and Miss Akucs Stillhiirn, well known youmc ladies, who have been teaching in I lie Alhu- iiietiiie iulillc schools, announce thatt they have oieneil an art and music studio In the Kai'liett JiiiildinK. rouuisj 'i, and :n. Mlsf K'reincr, who Is a Rraduttc of the Michigan Conservatory of Music. In Iietroit. and who Is a finished mu sician, will teach voice and piano. i Miss Stillhnrn lias studied ait cien Isivetv 111 the leading schools of New j Voi d, and will kívc instruí lien In draWint, and water colors. Slildl" ! hours will he from 9:30 to 1- a. in.. and L' lo 4::0 p. m. tl A DOI I'.IINfi THOMAS. Had His I'tilHng Hair Sl ipcil. ami HniiilriilT Ciinil. Wit limit lailli. If. 1!. Fletcher. Itutle. Mont., Oct. 20. 1S'.):. nays: "Like many other peo ple. I have lieen troubled for years with dandruff, and within the last few inoiitlis my hair came out so badly that I was compelled to have what I had left clipped very close. A friend rec ommended Neivhro's llerphlle. con r.'ss that I doubted his tory; btit 1 ave Ilerplclde a trial: now my hair is as thick ns ever and entirely free from dandruff." "Destroy the cause you remove the idTecl." Hetpiclde Is a dellirlitful hair dressing for regular use. Hold by lcadiin; driiKKl.s-l. Send 1 (li- In stamps for sample to The ller plcide Co., Kelroil, Midi. !. M. 1 ',riK.;s & Co., special agents. Hon't fall to read lpuiiierine Hardware nient In this paper. arefnlly tic Al- Co.'.s advertise- riitiiM'st )l-.nlcctanl Is TIahn'H lOureka lime. Kffectlve and sate. Xo mutter linw lnrj;e or how small the hook riipilred. w' run inake it for yon nuil jriiuninteo sntisfaclon. The Milclincr iiunpauy. You tire cordially Invited to attend our exhibit any day this week. Come and have n cup of coffee and hot bis cuit. If you Intend to buy or not. Al buquerque Hardware Co. votiít: to watf.ii cosi mi:i!s. Water tax istdiie and payable lit office of undersigned between lirst and lifth of month. W.VIT.H SI TIMA' CO. 05 217 West Cold Ave. A-l f!oom. KcHsonnhle Prlrrs. Courteous Tii-iitnient, 914 South KimiiiuI Street. V. G. I'rutt Cx Ctwerien. YOU CAN SAVE Seme of your money by letting 'M furnish your Iruif-Siore Sup plies and we can furnish every-' IhiiiK usually found in a well kept, progressive niK Store. B. H. Brings & Co. Proprietors Alvarado Pharmacy First St. und Gold Ave. Roth 'Phones umm mm french nmn PILLS. BLOWING 18 NOT EXACTLY IN OUR LINE, BUT WE HAVE TO INDULGE IN SELF-PHAISE TO BIO TRUTHFUL ABOUT OUIt BEER. WE KNOW IT IS AS GOOD AS ANY BEEU BREWED YOU WILL AGREE WITH US WHEN YOU TRY IT WW TAKE EVERY POSSIBLE CARE IN THE BREWING AND BOTTLING. PILSENKR BEER DELIVERED AT YOUR HOUSE FOR $3.00 PER CASK OF TWO DOZEN QUARTS; $2.00 PER CASE OF TWO DOZEN PINTS. Southwestern Brewery & Ice Company Auto. Phono 292 ASK FOR DIAMOND ICE Colo. Phono 3 Automatic Telephone, o. 310. Culormlo Telephone, No. II A nrv Chitum Rfliar tor Ri rrUMni MlmvmoATww. HtVfd I II BWII TO lAlt. H.Í.O Huil I H.U.. f. tlmi tiiirntAl or liuuv K-tunV.1 Hut pr-ftli fur II 00 ir l.,t. Wlil iriitt Uivin on trlftl. In il fur bfii ile'l. Suii,lri I rc. Jfuur druuUl ium Ml I btve latla arrtil fuur trriln lo UM UNlTto uro'Cllco., ncT lanoxrirt. . fld hi Albuquerque by J. 11. O'lUcllj St C. 3S3r3 Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE PorTnfUtnmtlin nrCnltrrhnl lh lIlaHilnr nnl M-nwd Kid U'). M0 0UKEMrAT. Curat q'llrkly rlllij rw'rninneiit'y tilt wornt rnniN 01 4Jnorroor mi Wlert, nu innlttr r,f hi Inim mauiilnii. Abanlntelf imrmlcM. Huid bf ilniHifti. frka 11. if), or tr mull, ptxt puicl, 1.1X1,1 bun, fl.-,t. TKE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO. BcllclooUln, Oblo. ItrPI'R. Aren for Alhnnern Scott's 1. A. BORDERS CITY UNDERTAKER. Black or White Hearse S5.0O urns Cniiinippi'l.'il flnh ullillnif. Alnmin-rfino. New trtte 5 PLUMBING AND HEATING CO 4!2 WEST RAILROAD AVENUE 1 STANDAR I Plumbing:, Heating: i Iron Pipe. Fittings and Brass Goods í ? Gasoline Engines, and Pumps. Garden Hose J PMHS InaHBrarWrMrWrHUrul JrrV A. xSTeíMocí SmartCpm 1líT i3 ttyMsfii Dressers WM Wear rgcsagaraayg.t Green. We are showing the latest novelties in g:reen effects for fall and winter wear. Single or double-breasted, as you may prefer. Suits guaranteed to hold their shape and having: an individu ality about their make- up, at $15, $18, $20, $22.50 and $25 Dutchess Trousers: $1.75, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $3t50 and $4.00. Paraxon Trousers, the best made, $5.00 to $7.00 119 West Gold Avenue "p .J 4 o WASHBURN CO 122 S. Second Street ... Jgft. -L I