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THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL pace sr.vj:v DISTRICT COURT HEREAFTER WILL NOW 3níwrtny, Octnfcrr 4, t!05. Ir. (DM Um' r-T r"7 '-A y A . Ms) f Judge Abbott Will Start Work Promptly at 9:30. IMIÍIAI DOCKET TO BE CAllED TD1S 108NING Hereafter business In the district court will begin promptly at 9:30 o'clock in the morning. According lc an announcement ytoterday, there will be no more watting until 10 o'clock, but business will start on the stroke of 9:30 o'clock. Especial attention is called to the announcement and fur ther attention to the fact that the seemingly general opinion that court does not open until 10 o'clock is n fallacy and not supported by the law and the orders of the court. This announcement was made yes terday In the course of the further announcement that there would be a general call of the criminal docket in the Bernalillo county district court this morning at 9:80. All persons in terested should be 'there on time, anl especially persons who are under bond Only one case came up in the crim inal court yesterday. That wasihc case of the territory asjainst Sam Gor don, charged with carrying ccmce'ilcil weapons. Gordon had pleaded not guilty. A Jury was Impanelled and when Gordon faced it he decided that II would be just as well to call It off. He rlsaded guilty mid -Judge Abboll assessed a fine of $50 and costs.- TK-' prisoner was allowed to. take a look around fe friends to put up the lino. MK'lui'o Mtrvrter (Joes Over. The case of the territory vs. Mc Clure, the man charged witfthe fa mous Rio Puerco double murder h:a been postponed pending the re turn of W. B. Chllders. counsel for the defendant. It IS understood that Mr. Chllders 'proposes to question the sum moning of the grand jury which in dicted McClure, and thus if posslbli render the Indictment void. AVlth the Adventista. Monday night, nt the tent on lit li mad avenue and Broadway, Elder M. D. Warfle, of Roswell, conducted i Ftudy on "The Two Laws." Last night Elder J. Peelandjlclivered an interest ing discourse o. "Christian Obedi ence." These services were profitable to all who attended. Tonight the sub ject for consideration will be, "Ke prntence and Conversion." There Isa stove in the tent and all who attend will be made comfortable. All are invited. YOUNG MEN IN PLEASANT SOCIETY EVEN! TIIK TIME IIOXOKI'.I) KI'OltT OI SNIPE HI NTING IN DULGED IN. An informal shlpe hun-ting party took place last night In the vicinity of four miles below the west approach t" the Barcias bridge. The function war arranged In honor of Herbert Cree, formerly of Alexandria, Indiana, and for some weeks past chief clerk at Ma Joy's. At last accounts the guest of honor was holding the proverbial pack In a lonely spot among the willowr whistling softly for the elusive bird lets. Those In charge of the happy event only walked a total of ten mile." through the deep dust ami chink hole and it is rumored that several will be unable to attend to their re spective duties today. Those present Included II. W. Mof fett, Jay Mitchner. Bert Baker. H. 8 Pearlstine, Tad Maloy, Joe Scottie, Clifford Ilayden, Ed. and Bailey Ken nedy,' Bob Archer, John Hughes. Henry and George Hoffman, Will Tratt, Will White, George Dean, W'n ren Havwood, Seymour Lrwlm-on. E. W. Fee and M. B. Field. An enjoyable time was had by nil. But It Is hard t decide exactly whom the Joke Is on. Albuquerque is destined to be to New Mexico what Los Angeles is to Southern California Another opportunity tc JAKE BIG MONEY EASY koice Fifty Foot Lots, EASTERN ADDITION. HIGHLANDS-S100. $150. 200 PER LOT Dead Easy V ay ménUOnly $10 Doton, Balance $1.00 Ten Wee K A chance to double your money in six months. Perfect abstract of title with every deed URETY INVESTMENT COMPANY S V. II. GREER, Pj-csidcnt SOLOMON LUNA, Vice President 3 M. V. FLOURNOY, Secretary D. K. B. SELLERS, Manager RABONA AGAIN IN ELKS' THEATER TONIGHT MISS CALHOrX AM) IIKU Xl- r.wv iikti nx to vuw to ax- OTIIKIt CUtnVDKI) HOl'SF. "Ramona," with its beautiful love story, Its gorgeous production, both in scenic art and costume, and llEhtful Spanish songs and dances will be presented again tonight at the Elks' theater by Jliss Virginia Cal houn and her superb company, who pleased so completely when they pro stntetl the play here last Saturday night. "llamona," in its scenes takes one all over southern California, and names that are dear to every dweller In the southlands ure the lunduvirko of Its acts. It Is marvelous with what ease Mis Calhoun carries her various scenes and her famllinrity with .Spanish customs and traditions. She fits into the pic ture, and a point to be emphasised is her command of makeup resources, ííhe gets the genuine olive tint Kh'ided with high lights of rose, w;iicii mark the Spanish-American with gentie ancestry: In her hair dressing she has commanded another bit of i'nif art to do her service. Walter Shannon, who plays Aless.n dro, is gifted with a splendid voice, and is of commanding . stature and convincing personality. His Interpo lation of the Indian hero Is a study of pronounced force and dignity. If you miss this performance you will miss one of the veiry best dramat ic treats Albuquerque ever had. ASKS MAYOR FRANK MEE TO FIND HER A HUSBAND In Kansas' City there Is a woman, thirty-five years of age, healthy, sound in niliul and body, kind and gentle and guaranteed to work in double harness, who is looking for a husband. She is conducting the search upon novel lines and she Is managress of her own matrimonial agency. The one defect in this 'otherwise perfect offer ing on the matrimonial market is the unexplainahle and unexplained objec tion to Missouri men. She wants none of. them. 'Alderman Thomas N. Wii kerson tays the woman Is undoubtedly crazy, but that Is another Ktory. At (lie meeting of the city council yesterday afternoon Jlayor McKce had read to 'the council the following letter: "Kansas City, Mo., "September 2!Uh. 1 00.". "Mayor Albunuerqne, N. M., "I'enr Sir t am looking for a hus band and want to Ilnd one through you. Please advertise in your papers. I want a good, kind, true, loving hus band; one that will take rnn there in di ftr old Xew Mexico and give me a good home, either in country or In town. I will send my photo to any one' sending me theirs. I am no ad venturess. I am an honest, true wom an, and don't want any of these Mis souri infn for a hushind. I have been a widow five years and have one sweet daughter nine years old. I ain ""t years of age, ljave large brown eyes and brown hair. I am American born and while. I could love a good man wlih all my heart. Please do this much for me. "Respectfully. "MARQITK 11 IT K N 1CKE11SON, "324 East lSth Street." It was after the reading of the let ter that 'Alderman Wilkeison express ed his view that the woman must be demented. Mr. Wilkerson Is some what proud of the factnhat he once resided In I'ike comity, Missouri, and that he still says "you all" in ordi nary conversation. The letter wa.l discussed with some attention, to detail and the council agreed that the request of the wom an, thirty-five, kind, sound and gen tle, must be met If possible. The let ter was therefore referred to the chairman of the police committee. Alderman George I', hearnard, with power to act. ELKS' THEATRE ra:ocr.9 4io Fiiglno For Sale. Enlarging our power ulnnt we offer for sale one Sx12 30 h. p. 2S5 revolu tion Iluckeve automatic rnt-ofT en gine for $250; can be seen In opera tion at our mill at Helen. It is nn ex ellent machine. The John Be"';er .ompany. Ilnllroml .Men. Get your .train.-l.ook t-overa from Mltchner's, at the Jyurnal office. ir . : í.-,x-u- j-JfcSiÉIiMfciifcliiiftJSBBliJfcu8B ?,iVi)..,f.i' . ai.I mimm MONDAY A Deserted Bride TUESDAY A Man From Mexico ScntH mi Sale Saturday. October 7, t , . . .liaison's Hook Store.. . PflKFS, .... 25c. 50c, 75c and $1.00 Co i Hudson 9 . lit ii rv' m" ': wan paper ana jap-a-mc First Class Work Guaranteed Prices reasonable 110 West Second Street. Don't fail to see our large new stock of Carriages Buggies Spring Wagons BaJn and Old Hickory Farm Wagons LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS l.est lino of Stock Saddles ever shown in Hie west. Everybody wdcome to o tlirouh our large three iloor repository J. KpRBER. & CO. Corner Hrsr Strut and Copper Avennc '.AtEUQl'KJL'E, KWEUiCO ANOTHER MURDER ACROSS THE BORDER WIM.IAM O'llAI.Y, NOT!'l MININf. K-XG1NKKIS SHOT DOWN' IN . M ICY I CO. William V. O'Daly la dead, lie war mnrdered at Choix, utate of Hinaloa, MmIca. Thursday. The murderer has been apprehended and is now In Jai! at Fuerte, Sinaloa. News of the as nasslnation was telegraphed Thul'da to American Consul Albert Mo(nvet of -Nogales, Sonora, by Mayor K. V. Cranz of Nogales, who was in Sinalo.i with Mr. 'O'Daly. No dealla of th" crime were given, the message statin that details will he sent later. Mr. O'Daly was In Nogales the 1 ik! time about a mofilh aito, says the No gales Oasis. He left here In rompa ny with Chief Engineer McFarland ' the Cananea. Yaftil Itiver and I'ncllli railroad ami Mayor F. F. Cranz. a. Nogales, going to Sinaloa in the Inter ests of the extension of the road with which Mr. McKarland Is connected. The assassin who struck down Mr. O'Daly rohhed the southwest of one of lis best ponied mining men and robbed Mexico of one who had don much toward the development of thr mining interests of that country. For picture framing go to Newcom er's, next door to pnntoffiefi. 1 Just received a new assortment of Nobby Ktreet and Tailored Hats' a. T-io, Economlrt. ' , Did you get a souvenir at the Albu querque Hardware Co.'s store thlf week? See their advertisement In th!: paper. , Inspect your library unit select the volumes In need of repnlr, then tnkc them to Mltchner's where they can be made good as nf.w at a nominal cost. Head Albuquerque Hardware Co.'c advertisement In this paper and you will not wonder why they have such crowrta every day. V " .A. o M f í u X . M II ft t W 1 V LI f I O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 17 Li ) 1 NOW GOING ON Preservo Your Ijiwii. Kill the worms with Hahn's Eureka Urn. For Fountain Pens, largeet, most complete stock In the west, go to Newcomer's, , Have you seen the modern cooking wonder at the Albuquerque Hardware Co.s store. Come In any day this week Alwaya fresh. Alwnj-s good. Al wajr cheap. , K. G. Vratt A OoH Gro cers, III 8. Second El 'VllliX ; V i(QÍi'Airí Liiity A allcoppep; ...... -r 1m Ah&viA We heartily invite our friends to call at our store any day during this wek where we are demonstrating the superior qualities of the Mew Majestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron Ganges The MAJESTIC MALLEABLE and steel ranre ns fnrniprlv Inrnorl nnf hv fli fnípcHí ywa ni a line Imnn ?tr. l.h,Juffho1 t the entire country par-excellence, and far ahead of any other range made. But with, the NEW CIIAIvCOATi IRON BODY in place of Steel making it double its value, aod the fact that it is the only ranee in ex- i . . . i jhiente maoeot maiieaoie ani utiarcoal iron, you can readily see that if 'quality is considered, the Majestic leads by MÍ'finííS,??'00'1,01 at our 6tore THlS WEEK; and let us explain this new feature: UlAULOAL IKON BODIES; lot m explain why it is the best materiat for range bodies, and incidentally, why it is not Used on other ranges. We want VOU to call if vou intend tobuv or not. as the infnrm.itiiin .rainer! will serve trn - J -"I . o ..... uv i tyw in the future. MAJESTIC RANOCS COLD IN ALU" OF..THE ABOVE COUNTRICS.' Al m ji ( Í HANDSOME SOUVENIR FREE As long as thoy last we propose to give each prospective customer a neat souvenir, something that has not been offered befo e. I i you intend to buy, call early and get one of these souvenirs. HOT COFFEE AND BISCUITS FREE Come any day duriug this week and have buttered hot biscuits and Lot coflee. Biscuits baked on a Majestic in three minutea yrhile you wait. HANDSOME SET OF WARE-FREE W i tu every range sold during .this demonstration we will give absolutely FREE one set of Majestic every, cent of $7 50. This ware is on exhibition at our store. Everything useful, ornamental and du in and bee it and yoa will agree with us that it cannot be bought for a cent less than $7.50, and it is cb Come in any Jay, you are welcome whether you intend to boy or not ware worth and durable. Come cheap at that. T7T7 n ( I ULCr-i II i 7r it ffM. V; W 321-323 Railrockd Avciwie . - Í fv , ' t i 1