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THE 'ALBUQUERQUE '.MORNING JOURNALS rAGRTAV..- Thursday, October 5, 1905. Borne uch policy V be devUed it would be a Rood tht. Hufua YVellei Weeks, actuary and econd vice president oí the New York Life company WBji another wit ness today. He went on to the tech nical description of the variou form of policies, the tables upon which the cost of life Insurance Is computed, and the various other computation of his department. The committee adjourned until to morrow morninjr, with Devlin ntlll ex plaining the real estate holdings of the company. For the flint- time lnce the Inve-ttl-ration betran, Jmes McKeen. associ ated with Mr. Hughe in coutuel for thf committee, conducted the exami nation. McKeen, who h;i been study ing technical and Insurance business. ' opened by outlining to I the power and scope of the committee :inil said Its report To the lejrUlature will , Jn no way be limited by the testimony . taken at thee sessions. McCall In an 'swer to questions by McKeen describ ed In detail the system used In mak ing reports to the state Insurance de partments tul nlso explained the ta ble followed by the New York Life In surance company. ' McCall said the Increasing compen sation to agents was a temptation for them to rebate, but under the "Nyllc" system agents contracted not to do so and forfeited the benefits of that sys tem If thev violated their agreements. All Law Are lll:u kinail. "With the bifrinning of every year." he raid, "I dare say. It Is the feeling of all executive officers I know it is of myself that for the ensuing five or six months we shall be badgered and harrassed to death In every state by the Introduction of bad bills of every kind. I believe three out of four 'n surancc bills Introduced In the I'nited Stites are blackmailing bills. It is n condition which I think your comnilt . tee can do much to prevail against if the legislature will but pass a law sim ilar to the Massachusetts law which has been very effective I think that every bill Introduced shall be lodged or reported In the office of the secre tary of state. McCall denied the report of the New York Ufe company discriminating sgalnst American soldiers In the Span ish war. and giving more liberal terms to Spanish policyholders who served a soldiers than to Americans In cimllar circumstances. McCall testified that the New York l ife's cxoenses for legal services from June 1. Í!00, to August 31, 1905, were St. 103. 320. Of this amount Andrew Hamilton received 47.S27. In state where Hamilton looked after legisla tion. McCall said he was expected to deal with men who could produce re sulf. PRESIDENT IS DEADJN EARNEST TOW X SEX D SAYS ROOSEVELT is DKTKKMIXEI TO II A VK HATE REOllAl'IOX. Washington. Oct. 4. President Itoosevelt is dead in earnest on the question of railway rebato legislation and 1 Just as determined us ever that rfgulatlons slrall be enacted looking to federal supervision of the freight ran ' situation, said Keprcentatlve Town send, oí Michigan, today. Townsend called today to talk over the enera I mil.lect with the president andd th pnsident requested him to rail to luultinv to discuss the subject further. Erne OiiUpecds Attell. Philadelphia. I'a.. .t. 4. Abe At tell of California and Young Krne ol this city sparred six rounds tonight a the National Athletic club. Attell w.if outclassed by Krne. The latt-r's blows were more frequent and it-IHn and he was considerably faster th if his opponent. Attell was unable t. reach Krne. and losing his temper. In became rough, necessitating severa! rtiuttonlngs from the referee. Then were no knockdowns uinl both liithter.' were fresh ut the end of the bout. PRESIDENUOllNG F0R RIGHT MEN hEEKIXG KTKOXU AMI KK ANS TO participate ix Tin: iiaui i: COXFERENCE. Washington, Oct. 4. Anticipating the early receipt of a formal invita tion for the I'nited States to partici pate In the second peace conference at The Hague to be called by the cxir of Kussia, the president Is said to hi considering the personnel of tlC- com mission to represent the Tniled State on that occasion. While no date ba been set for the proposed coitferen e I: will probably be held In the early summer of 1806. The I'nited Kt it-.-delegation will consist of about livt members. Including representatives ol the army and navy, as was the c:ise with the delegation to the first con ference. The name of former President Oro ver Cleveland has been mentioned n the head of the new delegation, nnd there is ground for the belief that he will be appointed If he will consent to serve. Other names suggested for the delegation are General Horace Por ter, Mr. Joseph It. Chonte. President Nicholas Murray Puller of Columbia University, Hrlirxdier ileneral William Croxler, I'nited States army, ami Cap tain A. T. Mahan. t'nited States navy, retired, nnd Brigadier tjeorge H. Davis. Judge advocate general. I'. 8. A. The head of the American del egates to the former conference wu Andrew P. White, and the secretan was Frederick W. Ilolls. There ure several Important ques tions left over from the peace confer ence of 1H. Among these Is the question of the rights and duties of neutrals during war. The first peace conference expressed a wish that ques tions relative to muskets nnd inarliu artillery, such as were examined by It. should be made thesuhject of study on the part of the governments with a view of arriving nt un agreement concerning the adoption of new types and calibers. It Is expected that re ports from the various government will be made at the second conference. Hangers After .Monk lillwnn. Edna. Texas, Oct. 4 Hangers have now taken the field In the effort to rapture Monk Gibson, slayer of the Condllt family. Many of the posse men have come In and abandoned the seurrh. Tidal Wate Wnt Un Cohan Vlllug Havana, Oct. 4. A tidal wave today truck the village of Campechuela -near Maslnlllo. Fifty houses were damaged, but no lives were lost. IJlg Lumber Dlaxn. Rhine lander. Wis., Oct. 4. A fire In the lumber district of this town to night destroyjd property valued nt $400.000 - and rendered 400 people homeless. About 40.000,000 feet of lumber wa destroyed. Bomb Tli rowers 1'mW tlx Ax. Tien Tsln. Oct. 4.-elx 'neo suppos. I to be bomb throwers were handpd over to the viceroy for Investigation Tuesday evening-. MANN SAYS TURN HIM LOOSE MILLS SAYS BACK TO JAIL HUBBELL FAILS TO SECURE LIBERTY FROM JUDGE MILLS Appeal Is Takeo to Federal Supreme Court. APPLICATION F01 BAIL IEFUSED AND EX SHERIFF IEIUÍNED 10 JAIL Thomas S. Hubbell and suite re urned in stale at 2:30 o'clock this norning from liatón under the corn il ind of the guardian angel of the ex herirf. Perfecto Armljo le facto. The ond hopes of Mr. Hubbell that he vould come back to life, liberty anil the pursuit of happiness were rudely dispelled In the court of Chief Justl.-e Mills yesterday when that official nt i:30 a. ni., rendered a decisión refus- ng to grant his liberty to the former herlfT and recalling the writ of ha beat ,-orpus In behalf of Mr. Hubbell. The aurt gave ris reason for its action, tck or Jurisdiction. An appeal was mmedlately taken to the I'nited Htales supreme court. Application for bail lending th granting of the appeal vas made by Mr. Hubliell's counsel lid denied by Chief Justice Mills 'onsequently for the present Mr. Hub- lell Is remanded to that same ld fa- liliar cell In the I'.ernalillo county jail vhich he left hopefully and buoyantly ii Monday night. Hut there are more igars nnd it Is rumored n bottle of tonogram and perhaps before th veek Is up another bath, ro the ex- 'a'erirr is making the most of the sltu- tion. lid Is not exactly iheerful, but topes for the best. As the train from the north upon hich the i arty arrived. No. 7, did not aih here until 2:30 o'clock this, lornlng. Sheriff Arinijo escorted his risiiii"!- to the Savoy hotel, where h a comfortably esconced for the of the night In a nice loom without nv bars over the windows, or nails in le door. He will be returned to the county Jail this morning, and Is ex erted to receive quite un ovation here. The argument of counsel on the up- illcatlon for a writ of habéis corpu ccuided the rreatei' part of Tuesday nd the dav yesterday was occuple tutll train tin"-, ; -corlicK to Sheriff erfecto Annijo, c!:!"My with reading rom his famous asHortinent of law ooks bv Attorney W. II. Childers, hief counsel for Mr. Hubbell. "H Imost made us miss the train." sai l Mr. Armljo this morning, Indignantly Pesldes Attorney N'elll 1!. Flebl. 5Ji iillders, Perfecto Armljo und Thomas lubbell. Francisco A. Hubbell and At- rnev A. IS. McMillen returned ' w ith lie parly this morning. When nsked last night concerning )ie relative comfort of the liern ilillo nd Colfax county Jails. Mr. Hubbell efused to make any positive statement mill be consumed his attorneys. Hut i Is said that he enjoyed the change. Mel'iit-hiutl circled President. Cleveland. ., Oct. 4. The conven ion of the American Civic association I idav elected the following officers: J.'llorn-M McFarland, of Harrls ' ;ng. Pa., president. I i ll lo Ikvilli III SfcH. New York, Oct. 4. - Not tt it hsta nding ;'ie desperate struggle of his wife ml son to hold him by the feet after M- fainted and toppleil over the sill if the np-ii window. II. Krapp, c ashier f the Cooper Kxehungi! bnnk, fell to he street from the fourth floor of his limine today and was killed. Ilalliiiiore I'lycr Wrecked. Counelsville. Pa.. Oct. 4. The Fair mont X press on the l!:tl!lmore í- 1 tillo lilroad was wrecked early today at ':ound Kotlom. two miles south of Mofgautiiwn. W. Va.. the bag-j.rje car. I nlies much and Pullman hair ar iimhlliiK ever the bank at the edge of lie M onontfa lieli river. Klghteer. i rsons were Injuied. five severely. - Itri'liii Cars Kiinnlir;. Ilerlln. Oct. 4. All street cars atv " .inning today, the strikers of tile elec ' i leal wi rks lielng unable to stop work : ! the j ow er houses. - Itiislness Men I .nrouraircd. New Orleans. Oct. 4. To business een the most encouraging feature nf the yellow fever situation Is the dispo sition manifested by parishes and towns of Iouislana to raise their quar antine about October 13 in harmony ivlth th" suggestion of the medical authorities, Prm-n Treaty Approved. Tokio. Oct. 4. The peace treaty passed the privy council today. The -rder abrogating martial law nt Sase- bo. Nagisakl. Tsushima and Hakodate was passed by the privy council to lay. ' ron-tndt lm U l.nborei s Si l ike. Cronst.idt. Oct. 4. Hock laboren h ive niriln struck for more wages and hotter hours. j SirlLe IJkelv n firaiul Trunk. Chicago, (I't. 4. High officials of fh" fjr-ind Trunk railroad have been -ailed to Chicago to prevent a general strike of swItrhmerNm the system, growing out of the walkout of 7 5 men in the yards at Klsdon. The local offi cers ndmltted the labor situation Is growing more critical hourly. . MM Itisisevrlt In Vokohnnm.' Yokohama. Oct. 4. Miss Alice Itobsevelt find party arrived her- to day on the átenme- Minnesota from Hhlmnnisekl. Miss Roosevelt wfis rc ielved by the American minister. American consul. Imperial master of -erernnnles and governor, but declined any formalities. She will go sight-seeing In the Interior until o.-tober 13th when she will sail freni Yokohama for San Francisco. For picture framing go to Newcom er's, next door to postofflce. ' If yon need Hesselden. m carpenter, telephone tt Cliesiient Disinfectant It Hahns Kureka lime. Effective n4 aft. Preserve Your Iwn. Kill th worms with Hahns Kureka lime. For Founlnln Pn larirrt. mn'l rompiste stock in lh Went, go to Nen comer'i. ' t OF PROHIBITION Order Is Somewhat Limited in lis Scope. ONLY SEEKS TO STOP ORDER BY JUDGE ABBOTT FRIDAY l ull advices from the Morning Jour nal's coi rc-)onilcnts yesterday In Sim la KK, Mhm .lodge lúhvard A. Mann is liolding rnurt, nnd In Sania Kc, iw wru'd lo tlii-ov coiisldcrublc llylit on the order for the writ of imo lilhltlon Issued by Judge Mann on np- pllrntion of counsel for T. S. Hulibcll mid seeking lo limit the IKfion of JiK'ye Ira A. Ablaitt in disposing of the slierifi's offiii' ronlroversy in ho far an it serve- I" interfere with the Iraipiuion of roprl and county busi ness. It develops Hint the writ of pro hibition has hern ordered to be issued by Judge .Mann. In its scope Hie writ seeks lo prohib it .1ikIí;c Abbott from enforcing Ills or der made l"s( Friday to Hubbell, rc iiii'iii liliu to turn over Ids office nod committing him foe contempt in full ing to obey the order. The ground upon which the writ is ordered, -s "t no ruse Is held lo liavc been pcmllng In-fore Judge Abbott. The writ (foes not, iiflrmpt to puss upon Hie title to the office, n"r does it see'i lo prohibit Judge Abbott from placing the process ci the court in Ar tuljo's lrinds. The order for the writ lias not ivt arrived In S antiil-'o, nnd when it docs arrived !n Suutn I'c, and when it (lia s until Saturday morning, owing to the absence of Jose I). Sena, clerk of tbc supreme court, who nlone lias power to carry out t lie order. WRIT I)II!i:CTi:i) AGAINST ORDKI! It V Jl IM.i: AimO'IT LAST I RIHAY Spc i to the Morning Journal. Santa Posa, N. M., Oct. 4 To the representative of the Morning Jour nal Judge Kdward A. Mann, who Is holding court here today confirmed the report that he has granted a writ of .prohibit ion .'directed against Juriie fin A. Abbott, of the second district upon pedilón of counsel for Hubbell The writ prohibits Judge Abbott from enforcing the order made by him against lluiibell Friday and re quiring hi in to turn over the I'.ernalillo comity sliiYilT's office to Perfecto Ar mljo. The ground upon which the writ is based is that no suit was pend ing when Judge Abbott's order was made. The writ does not pass on the title to the office or the judge'.- right to place the process of the court In Armijo's hands. This N substantially the scope of the writ as outlined by Judge Mann. The petition for the writ was pre sented to Judge M inn in Alamogordo last Thursday by W. I!. Childers. of Albuquerque, and following the order of Friday tin amended petition was tiled by W. A. Hawkins, representing counsel for Hubbell. the writ being therefore based on the amended peti tion. NO OP.DFi: I'OII WHIT Y FT ui ( i:ivi:d iv santa n: S erial to the .Morning Journal. Santa Fe, N. M., Oct. 4. Judge Mann's order upon the clerk of the supremo lourt of the territory, to is sac a modified writ of prohibition up on Judge Ira A. Abbott to restrain him r oni enforcing the order upon Thomas Mubbell to turn over the jail to Per fecto Armljo, but also recognizing Perfecto Armljo as sheriff de tacto, is expected to arrive here tonight over the Santa Fe Central railroad. Su preme Court Sena, however, is out of town, and the writ will prob ably not be issued until Saturday fore noon. It is held here that the writ Is of no effect as the jail had already been turned over to Armijo, the order fur the writ being directed merely against Judge Abbott's order to Hubbell to turn over the Jail. j Judge N. I!. Mclaughlin has been retained by Hubbell to represent him here In tha m ilter. MIC H SPF.t T1.ATIOX AS TO K,!'l i:( TOI' THK WIUT There Is plenty of speculation in Albuqui rque as to the elfect of Judge Mann's writ of prohibition, especially in the light of yesterday's develop ments before .lodge Mills In Raton, where Judge Abbott's, right to commit Hubbell for contempt was lo all effect, recognlz -d. Few Albuquerque attorneys are will ing to fxpros an opinion upon the críe-1 of the writ upon the sheriff's of- WE FEEL Albuqacrque, ti. M. Wo Grind Our Own Lenses jt! s'v for uiu reason wc can guarantee r - -5rx all classes croicribtd by vr. V- KJr- BEBBER OPTICAL CO. Mff. Opticlana Member Optomerty Board of Examinara fue controversy and the large number of them decline to 'discuss the matter at all for publication. The scope of the writ, as told In the incssagei to the Morning Journal yes terday, ihinvs that U la a considerable modification of the first story told here following the Issuance of the order. Judue Mann does not Feek to prohibit I Judge Abbott from running" the af fairs-of his own court, and tne win dots not seek to go Into Judíe . Ab bott's power to place process of court lit the hands of -Armljo for cervlce. but merely to prevent the order to Hubbell to turn over the Jail. And the ground here is limited, since i! s-ems to be solely based upon Judge Mann's view that no case was pending. This ground for the writ ws another point on which Albuquerque lawyers were loth to express an opinion, and there seems to be considerable specu lation as to whether the writ will have any efiVct whatever, since ArmiJo al ready has possession not only of the jail, but of the sheriff's room in the court house as well. WUh Armijo in l!iU position and no question raised as to Judge Abbott's power to recognize him as sheriff, there seems to be some obscurity as to Juat what the writ will accomplish, or in what way It win affect the situation. AKMIJO'S PKIM'TYIN CII llfiK OF VOliVV IIOISE Ol TICK Fred P.. Heyn, deputy sheriff under Armljo yesterday took possession of the room In the court house known nr the shorlft's office. Armijo has for some time been occupying one of the rooms formerly used by Uuobell, and now takes charge of the other one. An entrance has not yet been gained to the vault in the inner office In which It is presumed are the records of the sheriff's office. The combination is held by Hubbell and his deputies end has not been turned over. Should tn-: court desire any of records, or should they bo necessary In the trans action of court business, it is not ie- lieved thai any further objection win be made to revealing the combination to the vault, since such a course would probably only result In the noi-eysity of destroyiiiH a little more county prop erty as a result of the controversy over the oflice. There are ginger worms and red-pepper bugs queer board ers that have to be looked for, not in Schilling's Best, but in making it. There are eggs of these queer boarders, too small to be killed by grinding. Don't keep spices warm, or they'll hatch. Whitewash Your Chicken House With Halm's Kureka Whlto lime Keeps out lice. Don't cuss your Fountain Pen. '..lit take it to Newcomer for ex;r;rt repair lug. TT.o verj best of Knnsns City beef ind mutton ut Knill klclnwort's, 113 N'orth TldrJ street. Don't fMl to see thai large display of boautifiiV .dolls at door to postoffico. Newcomer , next. g Prof. Dean's aitM)t(t!ni i King Cactus Oil SneecIMv cures ruin, pralnn. lirul-iw. nlil il ore. s-.ioIIInl'. f mm lille, chiipiiml h ilel barDod wire cuts on unimois, inirnem 13 nnd Milill-.' l'h'Ik, maiiKe. Itch, and Oil hurts tt of man or bo oat. At iiniL-K m n V. : nnil íl nonio, n I 'ml ri ilonirstBil I'iiiin. or seui pri'i'il'l y Urn nmiiiifaiiiiri -m, OLNEY & McDAID, Clinton, Iowa, If your ilruju-'Nt cannot upi'ly. 'or nulo liy v AM; rNTKIil'HIsINiJ nisi c;;ists. It MEN AND WwitiEFi I'm Vig U f'rnn.irurl H('tian.'nf,iiiIlaMiinit(ion irrititttuns ur nlnHHtioii i( iiuirou nicnitirannii. .Va lam, A f-,B 1V....I. I'MiclM. .jiTHrtv::sCKtK!C4t Co. ClMLIRKATt.C C.S.. ff I KMiloHR, ft d t.ot ostria (.fut or poiKiTi'jut or itnt in r-l"1" wrRjter, f i i.r 3 n-'ttl i K.7ft. ';... 1 - pnt Vnntt Every Woman 1 Is liilern'.c I ar t hotill Vnorr .. OlKMltllif WllliiliTfld MARVEL Vhininn Snrat iThe mw Vli,.l Hrriur. ;,,-. s anil .iirUon. n.W.t out Cuiiviminil, IranIM tar N. , 'r.. . I Í ll- I-.1IIIM1 MA lit H ( R-vr.f no tilln r. Ii:l iwlill tlamp for I'l.mlrilU-ll tK'll-M'iilrd. I r C'TIB rnu i BTinMiiiirn nmi oir-f no.?, in TnlliKiilf lo lie:w, IIVV- J a y.. und kT., .-:.v vouk SIRE I MM 1 Heals I K jRjfíí The great mftrnfUizcil, A A? I &t I no.iitiiiitraiKl licnllitK Mil- jl fl . I Tuma K 1 NG c ACTUG fl v,....,.... u mm Of our ability to handle your banking business to your satisfaction. We shall be glad of an opportunity to talk with you - 1 1 STATE NATIONAL BANK j j.. a Toti Sc Gradi7 Dealers In GEOCERniS, pRovisnoirs, sat, GRAIN A.I FUEL. Flaa line of Imported Wlnna, ODort aal Osan, riace yonr ordors for this line with ua. 31X-11K-S17 NORTH TttTRD tU'RHlgf RICO HOTEL III N. First Straat D1NELLI & LENCIONL Propa. Saloon. Restaurant k Rooming Hausi If we don't do your hauling wi both lose money ALBUQUERQUE TRANSFER GO 0. M. BACCUS, Prop. S.T.Vann.O.D. IvYICSlGIIT SPECIALIST President of New Mexico Board Optometry. of First established optician In New Mexico. Glasses fitted far poor sipht. headache and nervous strain. Office: Room 9, Whiting: Block. Appoint ments made at Vann'a Drug Store. o o 7k. WapAV i T ML I I I I f- i.:?. PHESE cool mornings suggest warm under wear; the subject o o o t t o o o o o o o o o o o o suggests 5he Globe Store as the place to pro cure the best made at prices asked for inferior goods sold elsewhere. Mentor Underwear for ladies and children is the most healthful as well as comfortable underwear healthful be cause Mentor material ing uj) excessive perspiration and keeping the body uniformly warm comfortable because it is soit, smooth, warm, and non-irritating. o oí Absolute fit no shrinking, and long wear is guaranteed. Union and Two-Piece Suits. You are urged ühe Globe Store and examine these garments. In Gentlemen's Furnishings we have just received a special make of Elegant White Shirts Bodies of Wamsutta muslin, bosoms of 2200 linen, perfect fitting and guaranteed in every particular or money refunded regular $1.50 value, Our Price: $1.00 each Underwear in all grades-Hinion and two-piece suits. We make a specialty of Coat Shirts, Corliss, Coon & Co. quarter-sized collars, and Shields' Guaranteed Hats. I Look for the Big Globe Sign t " On West Railroad Avenue MONTEZUMA TRUST ' COMPANY RLBUPUERQUP, NEM5 MEXICO Capital and Surplus, f 100,000.00 INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS ,MPLE MEANS AND UNSURPASSED FACILITIES BANK OF COMMERCE'" ALBUQUERQUE, 1U1. EXTENDS TO DEPOSITORS EVERY PROPER ACCOMMODATION AND SOLICITS NEW ACCOUNTS. CAPITAL, Officers and Directora: SOLOSION LUNA, President. V. S. STRICKLEIt, W. J. JOHNSON, Vice-President and Cashier. Assistant Cannier. WILUAM McINlOSn. GEORGE ARNOT. J. C. BALDRIIXJE. A. M. BLACKWELL. O. E. CROMWELL. The First National Bank will rent a year and up. Call and let us WEST TíAILROAD AVENUE BETWEEN ci?'rn'TTri .nOTUfun CTDrrTC The Store of , R.eliability of Underwear naturally is very absorbent, tak-. $150,000.00. you a Safe Deposit Box for 12.00 explain the system. tCL na MENTOR COMFORT UNDERWEAR TT to call at ..í-fV-V' j m - $ 1 r i WLiH S