Newspaper Page Text
VAGEMX. Tliitrs.InT, Ot-ttilx-r 5, 1905. THE 'ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. RIO GRANDE VALLEY ' MOST FERTILE IN THE SOUTHWEST ' Surpasses California and the Salt River Soil. A CLEVER WOMAN'S VIEW OF THE NEW NEW MEXICO The follow ins I a portion of a let ter recently published In "The Earth," th Santu Fe's monthly magazine, by Mrs. Margaret Rowley, of Topeka, Kansas: Editor of the K?rth. In rlilf nfc throiiKh the states from Pennsylvania to Kansas It frequently heroines necessary to look in the Kail road (nicle for Home small town to know what state you are In: so closely Jo they resemble each other. There are the ame kind of people, farm anil fence. Kansas in the first state to differ. and after her western border Is reached the change Is very decided.; There Is a different atmosphere and a decided differem e in the way people do thine and live. The towns arc filled with The swarthy Mexicans and an unfamiliar tongue Is heard. In the larger t, l(es like Sliver City. Albuquerque. I'hoenlx mid many oth ers, there is a strange mingling of the old and the new; here it will be' found that the American has built a city, not a bWu. and has crowded out the Mexican with his mud house, and there are noon two towns, oin- the American has male of brick and frame, the other of adobe liaiifrs on Its outskirts. Thirty-five years ago there were but two industries: miulin; ami cattle. Now there are a hundred. Farming and gardening have been the last I'' be developed, and for this reason. Tin most alluring pursuit known to man Is gold, and every one of Iheiu went to make his fortune in those til th? seductive yellow lumps that everj man saw In his dieams. If all had succeeded, gold now would be ai cheap n copjier. No matter w here a man oes. or fot what, he must be clothed and fed, ami this given a vocation to many, and there were many more fortunes m id' In "store keeping" Iban In miulnir. Necessity has, after all, done moi. for civilization than anything else has Men tried -many vocations, and then, were fjllurcs, and these failures haw made the way for the aicci s-s of tin next man. And now the days of experma ntini. are over. Th" man 'ha! s now know.s what to do and fi lie '. way t do It. The f'lilnameti vie the first g.-ir-dei)er.e, ami with tti-; apparent!;, crude skill soon made won I they con sldered u fortune and went home. All that the towns n I is the riicht kind of farmers in their vicinity. The mand for ruin and alfalfa fat exceeds th- !o. ,1 supply, but especially Is til" tlll. k Kaldellcr needed. Tin coiin'ry Is fast i;iug up, and all prod uce can be consumed in their near vi cinity. The problem of Irrigation b being; fast solved; an the boring for tin limlertlow proves to be very successful UMire so even than surface water, foi in dry seasons the evaporation Is verj great. Men of science haw turneil their efforts to Irrigation, mnl fields id grain are now thriving where orne neemed a hopeless desert. The Kin liiande valley grnus .ei fruit than can be raised In California and some day not far distant It wll. equal If not exceed the Salt itiver v.u ley of Arizona In beauty and fitilltv Twenty-live years alio I missed the Salt river In n wagon going to Phoe nix. That was then a small adobe town with one business street, line! With saloons, gambling houses, and It few restaurants kept by Chinamen and the country idiowed then less pro mise, for there was not even a railro id and they were only talking of their big ditches. Now It would be hard to find a man that did not know of the wonderful he.ipty and fertility of this valley. The orange are the sweetest iiimI command the best prices In tin New Vork markets. The Santa Ft railroad facilities are unexcelled, and have made all this part of the couuti) what It Is today. Hut this New Mexican country luif more claim to distinction thiin lie In ' I he mere fact of fertility of soil. New Mexico hi.i the finest elimine both winter and summer to be found, and over all hang a romance; an enchant ment that item Into the blood. Here can be found every type of the huniiu kind. The man that his mude his fortune, but lost hix .health, conies here with his money-bugs for new In vesl merit and health. Farmers' come that hive grown tired of cold winters and muddy springs, with the burning summer full of hard work, and no other as.mrame but the fickleness of the weather to give them a return for their toll. The young man comes for Adventure or fortune; the sli k man for health ;the poor man for better wage and opportunities; the man that hu made fatal mistakes In business or morals. And lastly, the man that Is trying to bide from nil lie once knew They are nearly nil men of purpose, find have come to live among a people Idle from Inheritance, who know as little of this work-worn world as It knows of them. The mountain, so changeable In rotor and deceptive In distance, have bidden their treasures securely since the beginning of creation, and have ilelled man with their calm dignity, fortified as they ore by the vast Stretches of t wny. waterless plains. However, there I no barrier that run hold the average American from the pursuit of gold. Many were the human bones left on those deserts, glnce lít the travel to the west has Iwen steady. The tales nf hardships itnlv Imre-ised the burning desir" In the breasts of others to go. More limn half a century has passed since those áiy of danger and hardship IJke children in a field of Mowers, see ing only ahead of them, they rushed ni.-idlv onward, looking only for gold never seeing the treasure they passed. Now every effort Is being made tc Hive the memory of those times to ..w history. The rew remaining landmarks over that famous Haiit i F ii-ill are fast crumbling Into the past, nnd the men that made them ore gone. This earth, can never we such timer a. those were ngaln. What we now cull the west hn no duplícale. Huch resources, mini wwr,,,.,, will found logethel 1 , I tf Is distinct, and unique, but only the American could have devel oped It. 191.1. danit ih Is Cflilsed.tiV il illsor dred condition of the stomach and Is quickly fureU v I namucrniin nnoo ,h nd Mver Tablet. For sal by all druggist. No Secrets To Hide THE MAN FROJl (KOIU.K SAMI HIK ATTRACTIONS TO APPI'AR IX I J.K.S' THKATIUt NEXT MONDAY. The title of "The George Samuels Attraction" is very likely to become a household word in this section of the country if but line-half of the a.stute manager's promise will be fulfilled. Mr. George Samuels I the name of the gentleman in question and he 1 cred ited with being one of New York's blest and most experienced amuse ment caterers. lie certiinly shows that he fully re. iltecs the weaknesses existing In the theatrical situation in till part of the country and with a method entirely his own has ptarted out to remedy it. In doing so he will assuredly attain two objects, vis: The betterment of t li e conditions surrounding the theatric 1 performan ce gIV'MI In this e o u n try and, coii peqit e nlly. giving the jiuhlie the benellt of n so much ( desired ob ject: and. secón d 1 )'. his ow n lu cre a s e .1 bank ac count, fm the night of Monday, Oct. 9. at the F.lks" opera house In this city, Mr. Samuels and his company will apear in two well known and clever pro ductions. Th" first night will witness the up. pearani'e of th.i celebrated melo- 1 1 ' l . in.- rr ond night will be seen t h e equally celebra t- e mixiCO. ed comedy, "Th" Man From Mexico, These plays them elves without consideration of the x. 1 1 i ; t i mu iiny which will inter- ret them - uiiu! I be sufTii lent to at r u t the attention of those of our the-il-r goers who are at nil conversant ilh tlo plays produced within the in vt five years, lis both of them have ti uced widespread reputation a be ing the best of their class. Hut the principal feature that. Mr Jiniuels wishes to Impress upon his xpe.clant patrons Is the fact that he vill pre cut each play produced by ilm with all tht;- necessary scenery ind accessories that were originally een w hi n first produced. . It was in tliii very fact that owing 0 til.' absence of suitable settings and Mountings - the theatrical weakness ibove rcferreiMo, existed, and which !r. Samuels has set out li remedy. Mr. Samuels has had constructed i n 1 s-ale to suit the requirements of the mall stages liY the theaters to be vis- ted, special scenery, etc., for each day to be presented, so that when one islts any production presented by 'The (eorge Samuel Attractions," he an rest assured of seeing a complete nenie nroluiliiiil In every detail. It is tear. ey necessary to add thill this fact n connection with popular plays and i line company of artists. Is hound to nove a boon to all our theater-goers, vho will surely attest their apprecia tion by their liberal patronage rind qidorsement. BASE BALL AMFmiCAN I.KAtit.'fi. At l'hiladelphla . K. TI. F.. :t. Louis 1 f "hlladel.ihhi 4 1 Mattel es lluwell and Spencel ; 'lank and Schreck. At r.i.Hton TI. H. F. lost, .n 1'- 1 leveland 1 & 2 Latteries IHneen and Cflger; West ind ltoelow. At Washington K- II- E. Vnshliigton 3 " hlejgo 4 0 Mattei ies. - Huitlie and lleydon: I'ftttetMon and Sullivan. NATIONAL LKAC.ri:. At Pittsburg K ittsburg 0 'loston 1 II. K ft 2 9 2 (Thirteen Innings.) II atterles Case and ind Moran. Peitr.; Fr.mer FOOT BALL Harvard Play Itagsiil Giinn. Cambridge. Mas.. I id. 4. Harvard defeated i'.owdoiil today by a'score of Hi to (I In a game which was charar erl.ed by frequent fumbling and un iclentitic pliV by both teams. One llroki n ItHi Itecoi'tleil. New York, net. A. Columbia de Vited Seti.n H ill today by a score ot II to 0. Clark, of the Seton Hall team cid ri rib broken during the game. At Ann Arbor t'nUersity of Michigan 41 iCalanrizoo College ' At Minneapolis Minneapolis it. Thomas ; ' At Champaign Illinois 1 Wabash ' At New Haven Vale S; Wesley a ii At Madison ' Wisconsin Marquette At Philadelphia Pennsylvania :ctlyburg no pko;hami nMrj.Ari:i. Moihm-c-o AniM-ur Inillfferent Itcgard Ing tin1 lrciMi-,il inferMiit. Washington. Oct. 4. Mr. Hum mere, I'nited Htate tnllllstiT to M 1 rocco", write to the state department as follow respecting the approaching conference: "In resiionSe to the Inquiry n to whether the Moroccan government has Intimated any disposition to formulate program of subject suggested for discussion. I beg lo report that I hae received no communication of any kind regarding the proposed confer ence from the Moroccan government since the Invitation to my government J r v! "J i $k m - lIJÍí, p n -rl We hive nothing to conceal; no secrets to hijej . M'e publish the formulas of all our medicines. You will And these in Ayer's Almanac for 1906; or write us and we will send them to you. Then show the formulas to your doctor, and ask him what he thinks of them. fcREÜ: to take part In the same, which wits ut once forwarded by me. "A wan reported noine months ogo to the department, the minister of for eign affairs. Sid El HadJ Mohumed Ben Arby Torrea, was summoned to the court to assist in the consideration of the original reform proposed by the Frerrch government to the Magh ten and ha remained there ever since. The acting minister of foreign affairs here Is a long distance from the court. "I have Interviewed neveral of my colleagues as to whether they have re ceived any communication from the Moorish government concerning tjao program of the conference and receiv ed from all a negative reply." Itiimonn'' Draw Another Full House. The second performance of "Kamo na" by Mis Virginia Calhoun and her excellent comoany at the Elks' theater last night drew another full house Those who saw it the first time went, again and enjoyed it more than ever Those who didn't bought good seats and went early and enjoyed the play immensely from start to finish. Miss Calhoun, as Mamona, is Unexcelled. She is one of the most finished actress, es ever seen here and her support is magnllicent. The play is rather uni que and cater to the very highest class of theater-goers and literary peo ple. Further comment on the scenery and eostuniesjl unnecessary. The play Is given by a very clever cast, is ad mirably staged and the costumes and setting are picuresque and fasi Inatlng Have you seen the modern cooking wonder at the Albuquerque Hardware Co. store. Come in any day this week COMMERCIAL NEWS Wall Stree t. New York, Oct, 4. The market for stocks remained In professional hands today. VigoroiM efforts were made during the early part of the day lo extend the recovery which set in late yesterday, but the efforts proved una vailing ntid the course of prices turned downward. Closing; Amalgamated Copper KS'á Sugar 142 Anaconda 12;l'.j Atchison Xtl'S, do preferred '. . . 10 4 'fc New jersey Central 212 Chesapeake & Ohio . f,7r, St. Paul, preferred ISIvi l'.lg Four nil Colorado & Southern, 1st pfd.. (I2"i do second preferred. 4 1 F.rle 4!l'i Manhattan lK.ár'i Metropolitan 121! Missouri pac I IK- in.VH New York Central 1 r, ft 14 Pennsylvania ll.l 'i St. Louis & San Francisco, sec ond preferred (iil'-j Southern l'acillc r,9xU 1 'nion Pacific l:t;j I'nited States Steel 3S'i do preferred 1 05 ' Western rnlon 90 u. I'nited States lionds Uefundiug registered 10.1 U do oupoti 103 Refunding ü's, registered HKI'i do coupon 10 4 1 New 4's, registered 1114 'w do coupon , 1 2 I 'i Old 4's, registered KM :'i do coupon 104 Tlie Money MacKcl. New York. Oct. 4. Money on ( ill. stronger and higher, at .1 "j Hi li pel cent; prime mercantile paper, at 4'j i 5 per cent; bar silver, Clc. Metal Market. New York. Oct. 4. Copper was quiet but firm in the local market with lake quoted tit J 1 6.37 . til 1 (i.7 .1; elec trolytic. $lfi.37 Mi fu lfi.2 'A, and cast ing at 116.12'i (i l.37',a. The London market was Irregular with sot closing nt 71 Ds, mid fu tures nt 71. Lead was higher at 14 10s In Lon don, but remained unchanged at JI.S." -M. !M) locally. Silver, 1 c Mexican dollars. 47c. Cliiciigo Hoard of Tiiule. Chicago, Oct. 4. December wheat opened a shade to fw "4 c higher a S4'ic to H4M.C, declined to 83tt !', and closed at X4'4(!i ''lc. liecember corn opened unchanged to a shade higher at 43lS,ii to 43 . old off to 43c and closed lit 43U v. December oats opened unchanged at 27 ír c and closed at 27c. f lilciigo IJo Stock. Chicago, Oct. 4 .',ittle receipts 23.000; market, steady to 10c higher. Steer. JfiJiOii (1.20: lockpr ,m,i f..o.i ers, $2.15úf 4.20: cows, and canners. It.i'iKii l.2.i; tiulls, I2.'00r,i 4.25; heif er. $ 6.00; calves, 2.ri0fy 7,:r,. Sheep r-celpls, 35,000; market quite animated and 10c hieh..i- Sheep, -it 5.75; lambs, :t;n,i 7.75. Knnsn City Livestock. Kansas City, Oct. 4. Catth re-.elpi.-i. 10.000; market, steady. Na tive steers. $4.00 5.S5; , southern steers. $2.25 ff 3.75; southern cows $.75i 2.25: slockers ami feeders, $2.5r li 3.2." ; bulls, $2.0Qfii 3.00; calves $2.. SOii 6.00; western steers, $2.50'ii 4.00; western cows, $2.00(í 3.25. Sheep receipts, 6,000; mnrkel slrong. Muttons, $4.00(ii 5.00; lainlis 15.254111.75; range wethers, $4.25 41 5.00; fed ewe, $3.50 Cq, 4:7 5. WimiI Sales Siiinlli'l. P.oston, Mass., (let. 4. Altliougl the lone of the wool market Is strong business has fallen off noticeably. ''h' ule have been In small quantities ranging from 25,000 to 50.000 pouni lot and have occasionally reachei 100.0011 pounds. Territory Wool continue to attract retier i Interest nnd ore In good de man. I. The grade on call are tin quarter and three-eighth conibltu ind half clothing. In pulled woob the demand ha been for tine long sla pie carrying grades. Foreign wool! are active. Idaho fine, 22ii24c; heavy fine, 1! 4i2!e: fine medium, 234ü4c: medium 274i 2Sc; low medium. 28. 29c. Wyoming fine, 224 23c; heivy fine I9420c: line medium. 23 4i24e; me dium. 274i2xe: low medium, 284129c I'tah and Nevada fine, 2.141 24c: heavy flue.' 1 9(ii 20c; fine medium, 2.'! 61 24c: medium, 27ii28c; low medi um. 2S4i 2c. Montana, fine choice. 2S4i 27c; fine average. 24 4 25c;, fine medium, choice. 26 4i27c; nv-rnge. 27S2Hc; staple, 2 4i 30c; medium c hoice, 24 30c. New York Wool. New York, Oct. '. Ulrica wool, steady. nnd Kt. IO11U Wool. St. Louis. Oct. 4. Wool unchanged. lejdy; 1 "y " p The Store of Qu ' "Railroad Ave. SPECIAL That Show to a Marked Degree the Advantage of Buying at This Store VERY WEEK this store always has "specials" that are not advertised and you can depend are all of a worthy character? Come visit our store day by II HID'. 'day you'll lind something that will interest you. For this week we call your attention to fiOo Corset Cover I'inbi'oldcrlcs for '200 a yard. Ten pieces from which to make it select Ion. A great lMirgulu. ' - -' Zg5wiS M illAIIl SKIRTS, worth JG.A0, for $3.50 -C.enuine Mohair Skirts made up in the newest plaited styles, In colors and black. XliLACK & COLORED PANAMA SKI UTS', worth $10.00, for $7.50 A new assortment Just in some new designs shown for the first tine:. Kxcelleiit values. ALL-WOOL TVV.KKD SKIRTS, worth $5.00. for $3.40 Made in the. wide popular umbrella styles, In two varieties, in two colors, worth double the price. $12.00 SKI UTS for $9.00 At thl price we show u range that can not be equalled elsewhere In the city. The lot consists of Panama, Nun's Veiling, P.roadcloth, Muhair, Voile and Granite Cloth Skirts, made up in the latest designs. Marvel for the Price. Kvery one worth Double. t A It AUK C1IANCK. i TOacIi garment is made of the genuine water-proof material nnd come In three different colorings. All are stylishly made In the latest up proved designs'." CHILDHENÍ9 RAINCOATS for $4.50. '9 Under "priced. 1 AYc litivc erouiKNl into one lot for till week every Ile.iily-to-Wcnr l!:it tliat wns priced from $."5.00 to $8.50. For tlil week we offer yon your choice of any one lint in this lot for $4.00 Our Autumn Showing of SUks mid Velvets (lathered from every prominent market nt home and abroad. Our stock of Silk and Velvet. incdude every popular novelty for Fall wear. Careful buyers will find here every inducement that high qualities, correct styles and lowest prices can give. 'B.Itfeid3lCo a Comnvvnicaiioiv Nade Easy llelween the Oreat Southwest nnd KatifltiH City, St. Iul, Chicago, and all points North and East by the El Paso . Southwestern. System -Lock Island System Í Shortest, Quickest, therefore the through trains dally, carrying1 Standard nnd Tourist Sleepers, Obser vation Dining Cars, Chair Cars nnd Coaches. For any trip, any where, any time TAKE THE SOL'TU VVKSTEUN. GARNETT KING General Agent, EL PASO, TEXAS. HE C2L Third Ji The Greatest SkM ' Bargains This store bits ever shown arc now 011 exhibition anil selling fast. The variety In the fcature of till showing nnd the prices arc tin- equalled for Albuquerque. Rest. The Only way with two V. K. STILES Oen. Tnss, Agent- 45 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS :g. ALL CliAKSIFEEX ADVERTISEMENTS rAYAELE IÍI ADVANCK- 1 i ; .UNIOiN lw) LABEL PKI180ÍÍ All PKOPKKTY LOANS. Money to Loan On Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Horsei Wagons and ether Chattels; also 01 salaries and warehouse receipts, aj loir as $10.00 and aa high as $200.00 Loans art quickly made and strlctl) private. Time: One month to one year given. ' Goods to remain In you; possession. Our rates are reasonable Call and see us before borrewlng. Steamship tickets t and from'al parts of the world. TflEJ HOUSEHOLD LOAN OO . Rooms 3 and 4. Grant Bid. PRIVATE OFFICES. OPEN EVENINGS. S05 West RnJIrosKl Avennft 1U.SIXFSS OPPOltTUXITIKS. STtJCK companies . incorporated; if you have stocks or bonds for sale, of fer them through me to Investors. George M. Kellogg, Broker, 345 Elll cott Square. Buffalo. ' oB FOK SAliF- FOR SALE A very fine violin and a 24-karat solid gold watch chain by Fred J. Yohii, 302 South Second St. FOR SALE Cyphers' Incubator, 220 egg size and three brooders; qlso bone grinder. Ill 2 South High nt. o5 Full SALE Gentle saddle pony also drives. 618 North 6th st. o9 FOR SALE. Gentle driving horse and buggy, or separate. G. M. Sollie. 224 Soyth Walter street. oH FOR SALE. 12-rooni house, 5 room house, two houses, 4-rooms each, monthly rent, $65.00; will sell all for $3.800.00. F. P., Journal, ol I FOR .SAljo.C'hcap, second hand copper still, one 1,000-gallon wine cask, one COO-gallon wine cask, twelve 500-gallon wine casks, wine .pump, hose, capping machines, grape, crush ers. Apply to the John Becker com pany, Belén, N. M. FOH KK.NT nil: Jtr.At. Kurnished rooms, good location, board In connection. 124 Smith Edith. ol 1 I'tiR RENT. Furnished rooms, gentlemen proferred; bath. 615 South A run. oil Ft) It KENT. -furnished rooms with baUi. 516 North Second street. ol 8 FOR RENT Two rooms "furnished for light housekeeping, with bath. Ap ply forenoons, between 9:30 and 12 o'clock at 223 Ninth Fourth St. If THERE are people reading our For Rent column today who would make desirable tenants for that vacanfrhouse of yours. There will, be tomorrow, too; and there Is time enough for you to get your ad in this column tomor row. It should have been In today. Fi ) I R EN"rTwo nicely furiiUlit rooms, modern Improvements, for gmi- ta ineu only, prívale family, $10 each. Applyjnumal office. 01 FOR RENT. Furnished looms for light housekeeping. 22 1 S. Edith o? FOR RENT Furnished large front rooms, bath, electric lights. 418 North Fourth street. " o5 Il)R REN T Furnished rooms and board in private . family. 415 North Second street. tf FOR RENT Well established stand for lady masseur. Moon-Keleher Stu dio, tr FOR RENT. Large furnished room. 214 South Walter street. o2 FOR RENT. Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping;. No Invalids. 101 North 6th street. tf FOR KENT Pleasant furnished rooms, healthy locution. 510 East Conl ave. tf FOR RENT. Rooms and board 315 South 3rd street. tf FOR RENT. Two rooms for light housekeeping. 1203 S. 2nd street, tf FOR RENT. Five-room brick house, North Fifth street. Rankin & I 11.. room 10, Amino hlock. tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms, both, electric lights; terms reasonable. 724 South Second street. o7 FOR RENT Apartments in Park View Terrace, eight rooniB each, mod ern equipment throughout. H. H. Tll ton, room 19, Grant Block. tf "l7ÓST. LOST On Monday a tni-rill íiíack purse. containing $10 and small change. Kinder please leave at Jour nal office, v o(j 11. E. No. !)47. Notice for Publication. Department of the interior, land of fice at Santa Fe, N. M., September 25; 11105. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler ha filed no tice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the probate clerk nt Albuquerque, N. M. on November 4, 1905, viz: Juan Romero for the S. W. quarter, Sec. 4, T. 8 N., It. 6 E. He name the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said land. via. : Filomeno Mora, of Esco- bosa, N. M.; Juan Antonio Alderete, of Peralta. N. M.; Prudencio Maldona do, of Escnbnsn. N. M.; Jose Mai donado, 01' Fscabosa. N. M. MANUEL It. OTERO. Register. $2r.00 Second (.Ins. $25.00. Colon- " 1st I talc to California. Commencing. September 15th nnd dally thereafter until October 31, the Santa Fe will sell tickets to nil points In California nt a rate of $25.00, one way only; stopover allowed. Call on any agent of the Santa Fe. H. S. LUTZ. Agent, Albuquerque, N. M. Colonist Untes to tlie Northwest. Commencing September 15th , and dally thereafter until October Slst, the Santa Fe will sell tickets to Bill ing, Butte. Helena and Missoula ot n rate of $33.95; Spokane and Walla Walla. $."16.45; Portland. Seattle and Tacoma, $38.95. For -"rtlculars (fall on any agent of the Santa Fe. II. S. I,L'T7.. Agnt, Albuquerque. N. M. Gross, Kelly & Co WHOLESALE KERCHIITS Wool, Hides and Pelts a rdeclallj Albuquerque anil TÜI Vegiis B. RUPPE PRESCRIPTION DR.VGGI3T' 203 Wost Rallrofttl Ave. A. P I 'i U can. have no bolter friends than those to whom Its want ad columns: have been Í real service. This paper wants your friendship 011 that basis. WANTED. Instructor of short hand for evenings, state terms. Art dress P. o. box 4K7. r oil WANTED Girl to assist In cooking and housework. 315 South Third St. WANTED To rent, a- S or 4-room house; close In, by a couple, not In valid, c. W. S Journal. o5 WANTED A girl, to .help with housework and goto school, fll South Third st. o g "BENT'S NO. 1 "cures dahdrutT, fall ing hair; kills head lice, all insects. 35c. At Alvarario Pharmacy. , WANTED. Apprentice, for dress making, paid while learning. 401 North 5th street. . 0 .WANTED. Chambermaid - at St. Clair hotel, 113 W. Railroad avenue, tt WANTED Position as hooWWonnr or office man. Address Frank Mr Kny, Los Lunas, N. M. i 8 WANTED. More boarders at Casa de Oro. Home cooking. New manage ment. WANTED. Help at Casa de Oro, tf WANTED. Competent girl for emi- eral housework. Apply 523 Keleher avenue. tf WANTED. Cook and girl for een- eral housework. Apply at Journal office. i WANTED. To buy young calven suckling or weaned. Highest pries paid. C, care Journal. tf MALI.; lirXP WANTED. WANTED Some-" flrstelnV." 'Óñ . ters. Anrdv ta J. W. McQuade. üvered to any part of the city, wed- unig a specialty; satisfaction guaranteed. S. N. Balling, Pioneer Bakery. 207 South First stret. PKUPE-SIOAAL' PHYSICIANS. DR. U. H. CONÑÉÍL Osteopathic, Physician and Surgeon. All disease siiceesiuf nllw Imaua Ofllce, the Barnetl Bldg. Hours; í to 12 a, tn.. and 2 ta 4 o. m. üom telephones. DR. J. H. WROÍTL Physician and Surgeon. Albuquerque, N. M. DR.. J. E. BRONSON. Homeopathic. ' Physician and Surgeon. Room 17, Whiting block. DR. V. O. SHADRACH. Practice Limited. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Oculist and Aurlst for Santa Fe coast lines. Office, 313H Railroad av. Hours 9 to 12 a. m.: 1:30 to K n m PI JOFKSKiON AL, N LllSIi. MISS RUTH K. MIí.t.TiyrñMÍ Swedish Massage, Manual Movement. rnuiopnoria, ana Hydriotic Treat ments. Much fla Vflnnp rtutha ortt Glows, Fomentations, Hot and Cold to the Spine, and Cold Mitten Friction, given at Room 40. Barnett huiMfni. by MlSS Ruth V.. Mllletta o4.i.l. i!lrS!ronit.tiie.-Creek Snnlturlum. DKNTiwTH. UK. J. E. KRAFT. Dental Burreon. KOnmil 1R IIHiI .1 Cant PIa.1. . Ithe Golde-i Rule Dr Goods Comnanv. uuin linones. E. J. ALGER, D. D. S. Offices: An.iljo block, opposite Gol den Rule. Office hours: 8:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.; 1:30 to 6 p. m. Auto matic telephone 432. Appointments made by mall. . , - DR. L. E. ERVIN Dentist. Auto Phone 691. Rooms 21 and 22 Barnett Bulldlny. , .tok n. W. L. liKYAN. Attorney at Law. -Ofllce In First Nattional Bank bulld- AICII1TJC1X J. W. V. O. WALUNGFORD Architects. Rooms 46 and 47. Barnett Building. Both 'Phones. ML'SIVAIi. ; ' " ROSA FUTRELLE GIDEON " J UL Teacher of Piano. Commercial Club Bldg. Albuquerque. STANLEY B. WCLD, Aiuitr and Chemist . OUNTICO BSAY -, , . v , Siiíclnieí Alian, (Jold.bilref, Lint. Jl.00:n)f lW,;ic.' Copper, 75c. Law piictt lur clitmlculweik. Wriie fm pii:ei, itlscnunti nd iumpletiick. 1 imnot running in Aiat Co. but pf'..onA!lyi?nnductndruartit.Ilwriflr r.ormrilydoi., Umrhcwoilc In Cf nvrr. Hichell of (rlci nciMn EaMsnd VVtst. Conatitarid Umpltc irnr.-Mxii ordrrirperlvrpromptttlriitfhn; W;U.TrtrÉTtíti Code. no tvmt nri st.'. . tLiu, uuluxaud box i j A. FLEISCHER Real Estate and Loans, Fire Insurance. Surety Bonds. S1SH South Second Street Automatic Itione S28. FOR SALE. $2,650 8-room, two-story, frame dwelling, bath and electric lights, on corner. New, a bargain. $1,850 C-room brick cottage, on Highlands, close In. $1,600 New B-room frame cottage, well built, near shops; easy pay ments. $3,300 9-room, 2-story brick, suita ble for rooming or boarding house, on Highlands. $2,900 New 7-room, brick dwelling. well butlt, bath, electric lights, barn, In Highlands. J2.600 6-room .frame, bath, electric lights, trees, shrubbery, lot 76x142, Fourth ward. $3,600 7-room frame cottage, els- gant residence, W. Tijeras ave. $1,300 6-room frame, near shops. " $1,200 4-ronm frame cottane; new; North Eichth st.: easr terms. $1.400 6-room frame cottasre; bath! large shade trees; Fourth ward. $1.250 4-room frame cottage; bath: electric Ilsrhts; close in. $3.000 7-room, two story, modern brick dwelling; bath: gas; electrlo llEhts: bam. $3.200 6-room brick eottage; modern well built: larire cellar; stood bnrn: trees and lawn: fine location. West Tileras road. $2.700 6-rpom frame dwelling with modern conveniences; well built & Arno st $2,300 6-room frame 'cottage, mod ern I conveniences, trees and shrub bery, corner lot 60x142. $2.800 6-room brick eottage: larga bath room. Mouth Arno st. $3,100--Nlce residence In Highlands, 7 rooms: modern conveniences: cellar, barn, lawn: lot 71x160. $1,000 6-room frame cottasre; trees and shrubbery; near shops. I gOO 4-room new adobe; with stons foundation and shingle roof; tree, near shops. Money to Iimn on flood Real VUt at iw Rales of Interest. 1 f v