Newspaper Page Text
.1 r u. iff TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR TAFT WILL BE BOSS OF THE CANAL Secretary Leaves for Pan ama in November. - -1 PRESIDENT AND CABINET HOLD IMPORTANT SESSION Moody Will Proceed Afainst Mer chant's Bridge Company for Monopolizing Missis sippi Traffic. Washington, Oct. 6. The manage ment of the isthmian canal affairs wll, remain under Secretary Taft, who will go to Panama in November to Investí gate the situation there and thorough ly inform himself tt the conditions oi the canal zone. - The decision to kee the control of the oannl In the war de parment instead of tranaferring It ti the state department was definitely decided today In a decision 'that fol lowed the cabinet meeting. Now tha the work Is to proceed under his direc tion. Secretary Taft will proceed t Panama, go over the situation In detal and return to Washington about ith; time congress convenes. The secretarj has had conflicting reports regardln; the progress of the work, the sanita tlqn, facilities for officials and labor ers, and he desires to have persona knowledge which will enuble hlin t' decide what should he done and wha recommendations shall be made t congress respecting the issue of bomb Which have been provided for by con gresg. Secretary Taft will give ever feature of the canal administration hb careful personal attention. IMPORTANT MATTFRS DISCFKSKI) BY CARIXF.T Washington, Oct. 6. Several Im portant questions were discussed at to day's cabinet meeting, although at the conclusion of the session !t was an nounced officially that no details oí the discussion could be made public. In fact it was unnounced that hereaf ter no information would be given out by cabinet officers of their semi-weekly meetings with the president, bul that such information that it wat deemed proper for the public to havf wo'vld. bo given to newspaper men by Secretary Loeb. .Despite- the Injunction of secrecy It Is learned that action was taken on two or three important matters and that others were considered. The mo nopoly enjoyed hy trie Merchants Rridge company of St. Louis of bridge and ferry routes across the Mississippi river was considered at length. It way decided todny that Attorney General Moody should begin "appropriate" ac tion against the bridge company. The attorney general made the following statement ftt the action taken: "It was determined by the president that upon complaint ponding In thr department of justice against the mo nopolisation of the two bridges a,nd the ferry across the Mississippi Intr St. Louis, appropriate action should be begun by the attorney general." Mr. Moody said he could not sty nt this time what action he might con sider "appropriate." He did not know he said, whether the action would look to the forfeiture of the charter of the Merchants.' Rridge company or not. as he would have to go over the law bearing upon the matter before reach ing any determination. The determination of the attorney general to bring suit Is the result of Secretary Taft' Investigation. It Is understood the suit will be, based on an alleged violation of the anti-trust laws of the Cnlted States. The congres sional charter for the bridges provided for their forfeiture In case of a mono poly. Secretary Taft found that the violation of the law had not been suf ficient to work a forfeiture, but sug gested procedure, first, by bringing s mandamus against himself as secre tary of war In case any person felt ag grieved st his refusal to declare a for feiture, or. second, a suit under the anti-trust law. It Is expected that at torney general Moody will proceed un der the Sherman act. The Chinese (Question. Considerable attention e ns' devoted by the meeting to the consideration of questions arising from eomnlalnt of the Chinese government, that its sub jects were unjustly . discriminated against by the United states at riorts of this country. Secretaries Hoot Taft and Metcalf have given much time to this Question, and with the president,' they participated In the dis cussion. After the discussion In the cabinet regarding Chinese Immigration to this country, it was determined that no changes or modifications In conflict with Instructions to I'nlted States consuls contained in the circular Is sued several months ago by the presi dent's direction will be made. Taft Will KhimtvIso Canal. It was definitely derided that the management of the Isthmian canal ihould remain under Secretary Taft. f Secretary Wilson brought to the attention of the president and cabinet the determination he had reached re garding the Inspection of meats. He Indicated that under the law meat pn'-kers could not be forced to pay the cost of ment Inspection. He had de cided, however, that here;ifter pack ers should py for e1s or tags placed upon Inspected meats Intended for ex port. This will bring a revenue to the department of agriculture of nearly 130,000 a year. This sum the secretary proposes to devote to extending the Inspection of meats to packing house- which have requested mat mey De given Inspectors, but whose requests hive not been complied with because the department has not had funds with which to pay Inspectors. Th Ides of Secretan- Wilson was approved by the cabinet and It will be put into operation at once. August Will Recover. New York. Oct. 8. It was stated to riiht that the condition of August Belmont, who was operated on yester- .. r xnt,ndlcltls. was unchanged and that his recovery would be rapid. JQIJEKQUE Alleged Despot of Island of Cuba and Candidate of Liberal Party Who Would Succeed Palma iff: Í, S "- 3lvl Iff ; y ' w r.-W fir iWl v-V - PPmrDENT BUM 'CUBA, LMDZS'f. THE CHICAGO PHYSICIAN MUST ANSWER FOR BRUTALMURDER irys Suicide After Killing Lililí Girl. POISONED CHILD OXDEJt - TO HIDE WORSE CHIME Chicago, Oct. 6. Dr. Oliver R. Hart, ged 29 years, a physician residing In :he suburb of lingers Talk. Is In cus pdy of the police pending further In estigatlonof the death, of Irene Klo av, ten years of age, which occurred yesterday in the residence of the phy iclan. It Is the opinion of the police 'hat a charge of murder will be lodged isalnst Dr. Hart and that he will have nuch troublo to escape conviction. The glil died In a bed room of the 'Iart resilience In which she and' the diysiclan h id been locked for several 'lours. It Is the opinion of the auth orities hased on 4he facts disclosed at he Inquest held tndiy, that the girl vis maltreated and then poisoned in in attempt to conceal the crime. After 'ndlng that it was impossible for the hild to recover the physician swal Twed morphine and lay In an uncon clous condition all of last night and luring the greater part of today. Lute this afternoon he partially recovered nd was hrotnrht to the city and lock d up tn the East Chicago avenue po ice stat'on. The girl was taken about a year dnce from the Industrial homo for "'Iris hy Tlr. Hart and his wife, who do. 'Ired a girl who could sorv in a mea ire as companion for Mrs. Hart, who 's but 17 ynnrs old, and at the same üme do light work about the house. Yesterday two sifters of Irene Klo 'cow called at thp Hart residence and in company with Mrs. Hart went on a "hopping expedition to the city. Irene complained of a headache and wa left lone in. the house with th" physl lan. What happened In the house Is not known exactly, hut the first Inti mation that anything was wrong was 1 telephone message sent by Pr. Hart o n neighbor. Mrs. Richard Curtis. Dr. Hart told the woman to summon help at once, a he was dying. Mrs. Cortls sent word to a physician ind then ran oyer to the Hart resi dence. She let lies little daughter limb through a celias window nnd un bolt the fropt door so that she could ret Into the house. After entering he called to Pr. Hart and he shouted rrom the door above: "fiero I am . You will have to 'ireak through another door." Mrs. Curtis threw her weight against 'he hen room door and broke ll open. The Klokow girl was lying on the lied nartlally dressed, her hair disarrang ed and much of It torn from her head and the room showed evidence of a desperate struggle. The girl was un eonselous and evldentlly dying, uml rr. Hart Informed Mrs. Cortls that she hid swallowed morphine pills after he had given her some medicine. Or. Hart went Into an adjoining room and wallowed a large quantity of mor phine. The efforts of Dr. Hulstron, n physi cian who hss been called ito revive the Tlrl were unavailing, and she died In a ihort time. Dr. Hart was given some restoratives and Dr. Hulstron labored with him for several hours before be ing convinced that he would ultimately recover. A detail of police officers were placed nt Dr. Hurt's bedside and he was practically under arret until late this afternooti, when the Inquest -vcr the bndv of the Klokow girl was adjourned. Dr. Hart, who was then 'n elinost s normal condition, was for nulty tiken Into custody. The Inquest, which brought nut no fafts other than those stated above, was ndjeurned until next Tuesdav, at which time the coroner's physician, who has made an examination of the hody of Irene Klokow, will present his report. The police, however, declare that they will pot have the slightest Hfflciiltv In proving by vUence that Dr. Hart gave morphine to the girl and, I responsible for her death. Dr. Har has resided In Chicago bul i short ll;ne. nnd Is the son of a mil lionaire residing In St. Iiuls. who sent him regularly an allowance of money which has supported him nnd ills wife, is he had no practice In his profes sion, Mrs. Hart was before her mar- ALBUQUERQUE, h i - HEAD f TJfc QONZALO PS QUE5APA rl.ige Vera Krlegesmann, daughter of an official In the St. Ijouis pontof fice, They -vere married when Mrs. Hart was but 16 years old. (ny "or and Oi-tTiio Leave Tod:iy. Montreal. Oct. 6. Tomorrow the United States marshals will start wHu Oreene and Gaynor for S ivannah, (Jaw-here they will te placed on trial for alleged embezzlement and couspiriiey to defraud the t'nited states govern ment, on indictments secured in 18!''J. licit (Kid Will ( After Crowe. Helena, Oct. B. Governor Toole to day honored tile requisition of (Jov- crnnr Mickey, of Nebraska, I'at Crowe. The specific charge Is robbery. Illnnrv ftefflel.t 1m tiuineil :i i-n'i'iit ;m,i he wiH go to Butte after Crowe. steaherTlameoa floated yesterday nit; iii it will ni: (ooo i;vi:st a i i:v KKPAIItS. AS San Francisco, Cal., Oct. B. The steamer Alameda floated today nnd Is tonight moored at the Pacific street wharf where the workmen are busy removing 200 tons of the cargo re maining in her hold. It Is expected that the damage Is not so great as tit supposed and that her stay in the dry dock for repairs will not be of long duration. OVER 3,00011 AVE SUFFEREDFROM PLAGUE TWF.NTY-riVK NKW CASKS AM) FOtlt DKAT1IK IN XFAV Olt LIUXS YI-XI'KllDAY. New Orleans, Oct. . m.: New, 25. Total to dale, 3,14 Deaths. 1. Total. 407. ' ' New foci, X. 6. Ileport to 6 Cases unile Discharged treat ment, 2,510.) 200. sixtfkx xi;w casí;s IN I'lASACOLA I'eiifcii'ola. Oct. B.rTlio official fev er summary today folows: New caf-es, 16. Total to date, 219. Dealhs, 2. , Total, 37. Discharged, 79. jl'nder treatment, 103. Itrltaln-ltirsla I'.iitcntc. London, Uit. . Following closcdy upon the publication of the text of the Anglo-Jiipanore treaty, has come considerable talk of the possibility of on understanding being reached be tween Great Lrltain and Uussla. The newspapers are pointing out that If Russia Is sincere In her expression of i desire for peace In central Al.i there Is no reason why the two ancient ene mies should not come to an agreement that will not only assure peace, but clear away the suspicions leading to the friction that has existed for years The Russian ambassador has mude frequent calls on the foreign office since his return a fortnight ego. Five-Story Ititlldlng Collapses. St. Petersburg. Oct. 8. A five-story building In course of construction on Mesi'htxclmnkajo street collapsed to day, and a hundred workmen were burled In the ruins. When this dis patch was filed only sevea were res cued. They were seriously Injured. ' - White Haired Prlsoucr I'lcads Guilty. 'Houston, Oct. fi. Pleaded with from the bench by Federal Judge Hums to withdraw his idea of guilty, offered tht services of an attorney free of all ciwt. white haired William MeOer mott, sixty years old, Insisted upon his plea of guilty on the Charge of coun terfeiting, and asked Immediate sen tence. He was sent to !eavenworth for thirteen months. MeDermotf had coined twenty nickels. Just to see if he could. - i Í v n 1 MOWING JOUBN NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1905. '.-' t - V V .pL ... jr f 1 t Ú . I " . PARTY. TOMLINSON SAYS RATES ON STOCK AMTOO HIGH Present Schedules Are Un fair to Chicago. EXPERT TESTIMONY O.N SUIT AGAINST WESTERN UNIS Chicago, Oct. P.. Kxpert testimony on the subject of freight rates was given in Judge Itcthea's court today In the interstate commerce commission's full against ycvcntccn western rail roads. T. V. Tomiinson, secretary of the American Stockgmver.V association of Denver, traffic nA'Ut fr the Chicago Uve Stock exchijtte and for fifteen years connected ,.ith the freight de partments of a iumiier of western roada, was on the witness stand and was questioned t length by counsel regarding tils opinion of the reasona ' bleness of the rates on cattle, dressed meat, and packing house products. "In my opinion the present rates on live stock fn in Missouri river points and southern Minnesota are too high, said he. "The rates on live wotek should te lower than on dressed melt an I picking hone' products from these points. Kven with equal rates on -thee commodities, live rtock in terests would be discriminated u The a. resent schedules nre unfair to Chicago. They give an advantage to fonth St. 1'aul and Missouri river markets." During his testimony Tomiinson en deavored to compare the rates on live stock a u l packing house products shipped east of Chicago with those shipped from the west In equal dis tances to Chicago, and the railroad lawyers objected, but were overruled. Witness declared that If the rates to New York from Chicago were the same as that from Missouri river I oin is to Chicago there would he lltlli or no cattle shipments to New York. Judge Hethoa then adjourned court until next Wednesday. Simpson Shows Xo Change. Wichita. Kas.. Oct. 10. There is practically no change In the condition of ex-Representative Jerry Simpson, who Is in the 'St. Francis hospital here. He Is resting c-aicy tonight hut tdinws no signs of permanent Improvement. VICTIMS 07CAYE-IN II0RRIBLYJ1UTILATED FJ(;ilT Oil MNF. KII.LK1 IV AC- ciDFNT ix í;ki:at vfhmoxt i 'M'AIMtY. Troy, N. Y., Oct. fi. It Is now be lieved' that eight or nine people were killed by the cave-In of the Vermont Slate quarry, which occurred at (iam vllle this iifternoiin. The bodies reenv. ered thus far are (hose of J. . Wil liams, president of the company, and two of the workmen whosv names are not known. They were foreigners Hiid their remains ere horribly mutilated. It is believed there are six more bodies In the ruins which cannot be recovered until tomorrow. School for Socialism, t New York, Oct. 6. It Is announced on behalf of the New York section of the socialist party that the late Mrs. Kdward D. Hand, mofher-ln-la w of I'rof. Oeorge D. Herrón had bequeath ed $2ti0,0 to found a school for so cialism. Mrs. Rand, who died recently In Italy, established four years ngo a chair of Christian sociology In Iowa college, Orlnnell, Iowa, which was fill ed by Herrón. About that time he married Mrs. Rand's daughter. His views were too radical for the college land he resigned. SI. Paul a Total Wrcrk. Kureka, Oil., Oct. 6. Fast on the rocks near Point tjordrt. the San Fran cisco and Portland company's steamei St. Paul, lies a total wreck. Her ninety-three passengers and crew of (15 men were taken safely off. The dis aster, It Is said, was due to a thick fog. Rockefeller on Itaii? Suicide. Cleveland, Oct. 4. A homo for foundlings with Infant Incutmtoi-s will be erected by John I). Hoi kefeller for the Cleveland Humano society. "I am opposed to race suicide," Rockefeller Is reported to have wild. In announcing; his plans to the society officers. i PALMAIS , ARROGANT DICTATOR According to Denunciation of Gomez. SAYS FRAUD AND FORCE CONTROL CUBAN ELECTIONS Old General Appeals to United States to End Rank Despotism and - Punish Ballot Box Staffers. New York. Oct. 6. Oeneral Jose Miguel Oomez, candidate of the Liber- il party for the presidency- of Cuba, who is at present In New York, said today that It Is the duty of the United States government under the Piatt amendment to Interfere In Cuba and to see to it that the Island has genuine md honest elections. He described what he said was the despotism of President Palma'is gov ernment and the combined and open use of fraud and force in Cuban elec tions as follows: "The days of the 21st. 22nd and 23d of last September were days of terror in all Cuba. The chief leaders of our party were arrested, resoectahle men. men of conservative Ideas, merchants nnd distinguished professional men. The assTsslnatlon of Vllluendas took place. He was a young man of great vigor and the leader of the Liberal party In the house of representatives. A stupid story of dynamite was in vented, being made up only to make an Impression on the I'nlted States, as it was only received with laughter In Cuba. On the 22nd day of Septem ber, the day precedlnr the election of members of the election hoard, the moderates arrested the leader of our parly organization nnd on the 23rd the ballot boxes were taken to the polling places already stuffed with votes, and defended by men of criminal anteced ents, armed w ith rifles; and also by the rural guard and municipal police Wherever members of our party re sisted they were fired ipon. In the province of Santa Clara there were many killed and wounded. "After having prevented the-Liberals from voting on the, 23rd the elec tion ader of the Moderate party fill ed up the ballot hese icv n-dinf to their desire. On the 27th of Septem ber the drawing up of the list of vot ers wis begun. It was padded to nn extraordinary degree, there being In scribed as voters the names of persons who had never existed or had died. In many cases the number of names of the voters falsely Inserted were more than double the number of names of genuine voters." Asked whether the coming Decem ber elections might I e conducted In 'tils sime manner, Oeneral Uomeü re piled: "Yes. the result will he .that ns this body of Imaginary voters has been created, the will of the genuine elec tors will he stifled by members of the boards of election officers, who will till tho ballot boxes with Votes of false electors." doughertY'exposure precipitates panic KOItIA XATIOXAL HAXK IX TO WALL AS RKSILT. GO- Peoria, III.. Oct. 6. At a meeting of director of the Peoria National bank late, tonight It was unanimously vot ed to close the doors of the Institution and ask the controller to take charge. Since the Indictment of N. C. Dough erty, until yesterday president of the hank, on many counts for forgery, hundreds of depositors have with drawn their accounts and this caused the hasty action tonight. IXMTRY TIIIHTFKX LOOKS RAI t)lt DOIMIKUTY I'eorla, 111., Oct. 6. A total of thir teen Indictments have thus far been returned against Newton C. Dougher ty, city superintendent of schools and president of the Peoria National bank. Ten of them are for embezzlement, and three are for forgery. Forty more are being drawn by the stutc's attorneys office. Cave-1 ii Kills Fourteen. Troy, Oct. . Fourteen men were killed today, by a cave-In at the Ver mont Slate' company' quarry about two and a half miles from Granville, .V. Y. Among the dead Is J. H. Wil liams, nresident of the company. The others were Hungarian laborers. Six teen men were buried In the cave-in. David ' Cadawallader und Warren Queen, foreman of the quarry, were resc ued. Queen will likely recover Williams was a prominent citizen of Grunvllle. ( lew lo Kidnappers. New York, Oct. B. The abandon ment of Tony Marcndlne by the per sons who kidnapped him end held him for ransom, and the return of the lit tle Italian boy to his parents last night has given a clew to the kidnappers of the boy, who but six year old, was abandoned on a trolley cur and was turned over to the police. Mrs. Meeker's Mother Read. Greeley,' Colo., Oct. 6. Mrs. Ros z"ne Meeker, the only living daughter cf Mrs. Avllla D. Meeker, widow of N. O. Meeker, the founder of the Oree, ley colony, who was killed by Indians received word today that her mother had died at the home of her on, Ralph, In White Plains, N, Y. Russell Gets Promotion. Washington. Oct. 6. President Roosevelt today appointed Charles W. Hussell, formerly special assistant at torney general In charge of the Insul ar bureau of the department of Jus tice, to the office of assistant attorney general vice William D. Purdy recent ly promoted lo be assistant to the at torney general. ESCAPE FIRE J1" 'WES TlOUtwUNEARTHS AIRSSfT Mirers Saved Frcm Fearful Death. Fifty FKEMONr MINE GUTTED BY DISASTROUS BLAZE Terrific Explosion of Djnamo Starts Flames Which Imprison Workmen in Bowels of Earth Dam aje $75,000. Pueblo. Oct. 6. A special from Florence says: Ry the prompt work of their companions fifty miners who were In the under workings of the Fre. niont mine of the Colorido Fuel & Iron company, three miles cast of Florence, were rescued alive through the air shaft. The mine was being s.'owly burned by a destructive fire, originating In the electric house of the mine, probably caused by the blowing up cf the dynamo as a terrific explo sion preceded the cmitl igrfttlon. The property loss Is firi.OOO. The men were In the main working shaft when the tire first started nnd were unable to get lo the surface, b reason of the flames having destroyed the main shift. Superintendent Mc- Calllster realizing their danger, sig nalled them to hasten to the uir shaft and that ropes would be let down to rescue them. They acted at once an i while all of the available men In the camp were fighting the flames, which Were extinguished anout live o ciock this afternoon, Superintendent McAl lister and about twenty men were hoisting the miners from the ulr shift one at a time, the work being so slow that only two were raised an hour. it took the combined strength ol twervtv men to hoist one of the miners below, and had they pulled quickly un the rope, romo of the timbers In tnc bhaft would probably 'have been loos ened, falling upon the remainder of the men below, ami shutting up the small entrarme to the air shaft, there by cutting oft the only avenue of es cape. At a late hour tonight nearly all of the men have lieen nrougtu oui and the rest are in no danger. All of the buildings, including the clcirle house, blacksmith shop, hollei house, main shaft, etc., were totally destroyed. SOLDIERS YnRAGED AT , MURDEROF COMRADE XFORO IX FAXTRYMAX SHOOTS W1IITF. SOI.RIF.R AM) TROFRMO TIIHKATF.NS. Wichita, Kas.. Oct. fi. A Ppcclal to the Kagle from Aiiadarko. Okla., stuto that private W. H. Smith, a while sol dier whose company Is stationed nt Fort Sill, wis murdered this morning at Aiiadarko by W. C. Mitchell, a ne gro soldier, w 'ho is a member of the Fort Reno Infantry. The soldiers were encamped, at Aiiadarko. The murdered man was shot In the head and Instantly kllcd. Feeling is high among the soldiers, and serious trou ble iiKiy result. Curler Trial Adjourned. Chicago. Oct. 6. At the request ol Assistant Attorney General Irwin, who has been called away on private busi ness, the case of Captain Oherlln M. Carter, charged with defrauding the federal government, was today ad journed until next Wednesday. Vpsots Political Precedent. New York. Oct. 6. Political prece dent was upset last night when resolu tions praising President Roosevelt for his tact and st ttesmanship In bringing' about the settlement of the Russo Japanese war were accepted amid en thusiastic cheering at the democratic city convention in Carnegie hall. Per fect harmony marked the convention which unanimously nominated George It. McClellan for mayor. scouringToijñtrv for ABRAHAM SCIIIfFER I KAHF.R PART OWXKU IX ALA MOSA HAXK HAS MKT FOIL PLAY. New Yoiji, Oct. . Through police headquarters alarm has been sent over ihe country for Abraham Schiffrr. part owner of the Alamosa. Colo., bank which closed a few days ago after $200.000 funds were reported missing Abraham Schiffer left New York Thursday, September 2H, ostensibly for Alamosa, ami has not been heard from since. His brother, Herman, fearing he met with foul play, asked the po lice to usslst In finding him. Isaac Schiffer, another brother, Interested In Ihe bank, was arrested lit Alamosa last night on charge of emher.lemcnl and receiving deposits sfter the bunk whs insolvent. Herman Schiffer said he knew nothing of any speculation in mining stocks or mines which Is re ported to have caused the colliipse of the bank. WEST VIRGlÑiFwiLL BRING TEDDY BACK RF.AR ADMIRAL RROWXSOX'S flagship iKsi(;i nv DF.PARTMF.XT. Washington. Oct. 6. Th navy de partment has designated the armored cruiser West Virginia a the vessel which will carry tho president from New Orleaim to Hampton Roads on his return from the southern trip. The West Virginia Is the flagship of Rear Admiral Hrownsoii's division of ar mored cruisers. A By Carrier. ev MoniH pilfF 5 CFNTÑ Ily Mail, $3.00 a Year RIVL PAYROLL Mutual Life Pays Enor mous Salaries. v , PRESIDENT M'CURDY RECEIVED $150,000 DURING YEAR 1904 Son of Company's Executive Says Be Thought There Was No Limit Set to Emoluments of His Father. New York. OOct. 6. Closll g a weeki every day of which has produced a sensation that has stirred the country, the special legislative committee in vestlgating the methods of Insurance companies adjourned today until Tuesday of next week, the sessions to be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Instead of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as heretofore. This change was made because of reg Istratlon day In thU state and mem. hers of the committee desired to bq present In their various districts. When the Investigation began today it was expected that the president of the Mutual Life would be called to tha stand before the day was over. 'By a misunderstanding, however, President McCurdy had left the office of the Mu tual Life before he was called for and It Is expected that he will bo the first witness on Tuesday. In today's testimony, the sensational development came when Mr. Hughes demanded the pay roll of the executive officers of the company. This was produced and showed the solarles of these officers since 1 877. For the year 1H04 President MaCurdy received JKiO.000; two vice president were pild $50.000 each, the second vice president $17,000, the third vice pres ident $10.000, ami Ihe general mana ger $25.000, who this year will re ceive $30,000, and the treasurer T50.000. Robert H. McCurdy said he never knew the salary of his fattier until to day when he heard It read In the com mittee room. He thought, however, that there should he no limit to the salary of such positions, because they should be In accordance with the ac cumulations of the, company. When asked If It was any benefit to policy-" holder to Increase the president's salary. Mr. McCurdy said he thought the trustees had considered that when they Increased the president's salary. No lucrase, however, had been consid ered, when he was present at the trus tees' meetings. F.arller In the day when McCurdy was on the stand Mr. Hughes trie I to bring out why C. H. Raymond & fr , and partners In that firm received larger emoluments from Ihe business than any other agency. McCurdy said he did not know what Mn. Theabaud received from tho business and had never talked with him about his personal affairs. Ho said IC'wiis a large reward for large achievements." nnd that all businesses of large magnitude were built upon that principle. F.vcrvbolv Is Related. During McCurdy's testimony It wss brought out that Oeorge Raymond, brother of Charles H. Raymond, was the general agent for New Jersey; iinai riowarn i.ewis, general hkimii iur J northern New York, with office In Al bany, was n cousin of either the vice president, Mr. Granulas or Mrs. Gran nlss: that Dr. K. J. Moss, medical di rector of tho Mutual Life, married a sister of the president of the company, and that P. Stuyvesant Plllotte, in spector of risks. Is cousin of Louis Theahaud, son-in-law of President Mc Curdy nnd partner of the Raymond firm. C. W. White, secretary of tho company, whom McCurdy was asked about, he said wus) no relative or any officer of the company, but that Mrs. White was a niece of Mrs. Grannls, wife of Vice President Orannlss. At one point In the day's testimony much Interest was manifested when the expenditures of the company were tuken up, The auditor of the Mutual Life, C. A. Preller. was on the stand, and he was asked as to the method of re cording expenditure. It was gathered that theso were passed upon by the expenditure com mittee, of which Robert Ollphant was chairman. Three entries on the hooks of payments to Ollphant of $25. 000 each were looked Into, but no In formation could be gleaned. Mr. Prel ler was asked about the campaign con tribution to the republican congres sional campaign committee, which was disclosed yesterday, but he said none had come under his observation. The $2,500 to the congressional com mittee was looked for when the ledg ers were produced, hut up to adjourn ment this afternoon this had not been found. PACKERS TLÉAD NOT GUILTY OF CONSPIRACY SKVKXTKF.X MI.X AXR FIVF, COR POICVI'IOXK ALSO KXTF.R DFMFRRFJIS. Chicago, Oct. Demurring te nine counts, ideas of not guilty on one count were entered this afternoon by seventeen men and five corporations. Indicted on charges of conspiracy to monopolise the meat business. The demurrers are general snd charge am biguity, vflguenes. uncertainty and indeflnttenes. In seven of the counts. Allegations also are mad that double charge are contained In the two oth er remaining counts. TSvrnly-l lve American Klllwl. Manila. Oct. . government re ports give the icwilt of the storm a very serious. At least 800 natives and twenty-live Americans and foreigners were killed. The losa I )ncM.lcul&blft. In Albay and Sorsogoif provinces, eighty per cent of th building were destroyed. 1