Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO. THE ALBUQUERQUE 'MORNING JOURNAL. Saturday, October Í..I905. MASSACHUSETTS DECLARES FOR TARIFFREV1SI0N In Republican State Con veatioa in Boston. PROGRAM FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT WML9F PROHIBITION MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY WEBUflUERQUE, NEW MEXICO Capital and Surplus, $ioo,óoo.oo ' - - iVAS ISSUED LAST Ml OF PRINCE LOW! CtiTiS (it'ILD, JU.MOI. NAMED rOX GOV! SVC Bonton, Oct. . With only one voice raided In opposition, the republicans of Maiwathusetts In t.ue convention today declared for a revision of th. tariff. Contrary to expectations, th radical wing of tho party, under ;! leadership oí Kugene X. K". of i -ton, did not offer a substitute for the plank in the pl.itform relating to the tariff, although In a upeeeh to the delegates Mr. fon declared that the revision of the tariff favored In the Male platform wua not sufficiently wide In Its scope. Foss said, however, that he and ii. followem were encouraged at the con cession made 'to then, and that next yenr they would expect to have the convention accept their proposition lu its entirety. The follow Imk ticket was nominated: Governor Curtis Guild, Jr., of lios tcn. Lieutenant Governor Ebon S. Dra per, Hoped lc. Secretary of Hutc William Olln, o: P.ontmi. Treasurer and Kcr eivcr General -Arthur It. Chapín, of Holyoke. Auditor Henry K. Turner, of Mai den. Attorney General Ha na Maloney ff Greenfield. (mssii ui:(;.ititixG GAuriixn Preillrlcd That He W ill SikiwiI Com-niN-loncr Flfer. Washington, Oct. 6. Close upon thi heels of the announcement hut cx Governor Flfer of Illinois contém plate resigning from the commerce commission on or lufon January J, 1906. conies the prtli tioi. that Commissioner of Corporation! Garlleld has been slated as Governoi Flfer's successor. Mr. Garlleld h had considerable experience along tin indtiMrlil lines sime he became con nected with the deportment of com rrene and laror. That Mr. lioiMcvel hold Mr. Garlleld In high regard ha: been Indicated on si-versl occasions the last time by bi- appoltilnu-nt i the Keep eominllon. Mr. Garfleli Is credited also with congressional am bltlons, and p ;itl.lans from Cieve land, where ,V.r. Gartlcld lives, avei that he might have tire nominator next year If he desires It. Mr. Gar field Is consistently noncommittal as t all of these runiors, but his friends le clare that he 111 not accept the up polntmcnt oC the Inter.-tute commero commission If he contemplates s. riii" ly running for congress In the near fu lure. , i, ih. iniirihto commerce commis- ii today It was learnea inai hhhm it i.....r.i,i in li.-ive one of Its son Kifer. who also wa. bn lillnolsin. The choice of the III! nols delegation In congress we ins to bi former Governor Yates, although Mr Tales Is believed to have hn f other term a chief executive of tn sucker state. OiU'f I.ittie"lli'ni- es I p. Butte. Mont.. O. t. 6 After nvi-nl yrars of opposition to the Hrltlsli gv ernment Chief Little Rear nnd hi. band of 200 renegade Crees, appal.o t the number of their children am horses dying and their Inability to se cure food as the result of the drough prevailing In northern Montana. hac urrendered. Chief IJttl- Hear an. his band lied to Montana at the clos. of the noted Hell rebellion. Neither arms nor diplomacy com romiuer them, but they succumb." It. drought, and before the end of lM rr.onth all of the r.l Montana will be on the way to ; lake, Canada, their native land, then to rrnviln under orders of the . ..minis loner of Indian affairs at ' Many of the tribe ure on the way u Ha'vre. where the tribe a-o-mble prior to .beginning the march to an aria The Crees were deported to t an t asevera, years ago by i ni.ed Mate Troops, but Cimula could no hoi. then, and In a few hJ- . r turned to Montana and h.ue nine been homiler wanderers. on Itmii-M)' IVtlilon. Pt. Lnula. Mo.. Oct. .-ln the w Louis circuit curt today 'm was commenced before Judge T o. on the petition of Joseph K ame Jr.. deposed pre-idenl of the Wabash Hall way company for an l"J"-f vent the voting of the stork he d b the Missouri 1'acluc and Iron Moun tain Hallway companies ot the bash annual election next Tuesday. INTEGRITY OI' CHINA. Itusslan organ Snggcts riii-iirrinT In Anglo-Jap Trfr. St Petersburg. ct. .1 he Nve Vremya suggests tint Hussla. France. Germany and the Cnited Kl ates. a. the powers Interested In tne far easi. hould sutmcrlbe to the provisions ol the Anglo-Japanese treaty respect nf the maintenance of the tatúa of Clilna while affara in Central Asia should te mutually guaranteed by Great l.rltaln und ltossia. The paper says It be Hevea that Great Itriuln and Jipan re sufficiently sincere to approve thi plan. , ., The paper's suggestion U the result of Ita conviction that th-J Anglo-Japa-nee treaty completely pataiyies Has la and the other powers in Asia It dlscusse the chances of offsetting- the Analo-Japonese treaty by an ntl-Hrlt1sh coalition, but flnd nr power u1tible to Join Germany. Or many Is unsuitable he.auso Franc would not admit her into the Franco Itusslsn alliance, while Fram e Is nol suitable because of her entente or íllale with the rnlted States. Amer ica la not suitable because she Is nol ripe tot an antl-Brltli-h enterprise. JUS8IAN8 HOPE TO HAVE HMS MU London. Oct. The St. Petersburg norrespondent of the Times says In twllerea the auggestlons made by No vo Vremya express the opinion of tin Ilusalan ministry of foreign affairs I! add there la not the alightest doubt that the troposals would be cor dially responded to by England. He further aaya It la aa yet prema ture to discus the ultimate object of Russian diplomacy a Indicated by Its desire to liquidate the whole Aalutlr question, but It la suspected by shrewd observers that Itussla hopea by thl !an to have her hands free to deal with the Near when the conven ient moment arrives. Anyhow. It ap pear to clearly establish that the tiiooted alliance between Russia and ilermnny no longer finds eupjMirters la fit, Teteraturg-, . Notable Ceremonies for lhe Visilin; Briton. 1?f Ai vvu DETOTiATION IX IdS mm OFF ANNAPOLIS Washington, Oct. 6. Uy direction if the pr "!.;. -ii t the state and navy lepartments have at last begun . the preparation of plans for the reception n c,-ut... ui his serene highnesr Pi.-,..- i.cuii óf ii.ittenberg. The Hrit-'.-, nr .! ,:..U.ji. Sir Henry Mortimer Ourand, following up a notice sent to he state department by Mr. O'Relrne. he Hritish charge May 9 last, that the liiadron would be at Annapolis under Prince Louis' command early in No ember, has now supplied the state lepartment with a revised list of the itaff of the prince and of the captains f the ships of the second cruiser iquadron who will accompany the -ear admiral on his forthcoming visit o Washington. The staff consists of Flag Ciiotaln Mark K. V. Kerr, mem ber of the fourth and fifth classes of he Victorian Order; Flag Lieutenant 'lerald Sowerby, Secretary F.dward F. ihearme. and Kngineer-Comiiiandei .Villiam F. Pamphlett. The captains of the uhlpa of the sec ntl cruiser s.uadron lire: Charles II. ol.ert.ion of If, M. S. Cornwall, c'oni (anloii St. Michael and St. George and nember of the Victorian Order; Hlch ird H. Farciuhar of the II. M. S. Es ex; Itlchard H. l'elrse. of II. M. S. Hedford. member Victorian Order; Charles II. 1are. of the II. M. S. Her-vii-k. member Vli torinn order; Her lert G. King Hall of II. M. S. Cumber and. Distinguished Service Order. The English squadron under the omman.l of Prince Louis of l'.atten lierg will, according to the present dans, arrive at Annapolis Xovember I. remaining there until the 7th or Kth v'hen It will sail for New York, arriv ing there the lh. and remaining in Sew York until Xovember 1", when the B(uadron v.ül sal! for Gibraltar, where It is to be on November 25 During the time of the stay ot the tuadron at Annapolis, probably on he 2nd or 3rd. the irince will vWH .Vashlngton and lie received by the iresldeiit. Welcome at Xcw YorU. In appreciation of the courtesies ex ended them In England and Gil.ral ar. the cre.s of the vessels of the first ..iiulinn North Atlantic Meet, are miking arrangement.-, to give the due jackets of the Itritish Atlantic !eet the time ' their lives when they irrive at New ork. It has been de bled to entertain the Britishers at n Treat banquet, smoker and theatet i.irtv, mid the visitors will alo be ti teo In tow by American bluejackets. na ahnwn the siiihts of the city. A ommlttee. maile up of H- Si'imin.' h r. chief .uartermaster of the 1' W Maine; (. II. Samson, chief tni't't cap ill ii of the Massachusetts. finl J. P ' i.fti. l.oatswain's mate. fls: cuss, of Iih Ml'sourl. has at its dispo: n! a en tlderalile sum. raised by Huhsi-ripllon nwuiir i lie seamen, which is to be ipent for the entertainment of the vis tors. tiip p.rltlsh soiiailii'ii will be escort d hy the first squadron of the .North xthinllc licet, under .onimand of Hear Vdmlral Uobl.-y D. Evans. Prince '..mis of Hattenberg will sail upon hi? biicshln Hie Drake, anil following will ome the Essex, the Cornwall and the t.-iwicl:. The ships of our navy vhlch make up the first squadron of he North Atlantic Meet are the flag hip Maine, the Missouri, the Ken ucky. the Keaisarge. the Alabama he Illinois, the Iowa and the Mussa huxett. Llalitlilp Aground. Astoria, ore.. Oct. . The Columbia u-er iiL-htshin nart.'d from her mr nes during a heavy gale today and li-ifi..,l on t lie beach. The crew wat aved. Willlcy Stint for Colorado. Wiins is CItv. Mo.. tt. fi. Ch il l ! wiltlev. former iiresl.lent of the bank, against whom ... ti.,1 1, tmeiil was returned in thai Ity recently, will leave for Denver to light or tomorrow In custody of an f t. er from Colorado. ,L I'WOIl PKA P. ONI EKI.X I. Ii:t No Nation Suggo-I Siibjeiis tin IMhcii-sIoii. St. P' tersburg. Oi t. 6. The Itussl in ;overiiment has ie.-elvel a laige nuni ,r of relies to the peace conference Invitations. II of which are favorable iut contain no suggestions regarding he subjects for discussion. The an nouncement of the program and tin late for the meeting of the conference vlll be fent out ns sonii ns all the re plica h:ve been received. The time of ,I,e meeting will be fixed without jreaier delay than necessary to per mit all the dcl-gaies to reacn in. Hague. I.FS THAN' Tllj: LIMIT. M-ason's M al Ci'tcli Amoiintcil to Only II.IKIH. Washington, Oct. B. W. I. l.emb "ey. agent for the department of com merce and labor, In charge of the seal lahorif-s of Alaska, h is returned to Washington, ami brings with him ar. 'infavorable report relative to Piu le Sam's sealing industry. He said today that the Northern Commercial com oanv. lessee of the sealing privilege. lad "hipped from the Prlbilof Islands luring the past year oniy n.jns rui eal skins, while the lease provided hat the company may catch lTi.OOd. This showa that the supply was not sufficient even to meet the demanda of the lessee. The blue foxes and the white foxes ilso were exceeding cane, only one if the latter un 1 none of the former being caught on SI. Paul Island, which heretofore lias been one of the most mportant buses of supply. Mr. Lemh key avers that he lost much sleep over the notorious pirate craft, Arapulco, Captain Alexander McLean, which was e!'d two weeks ngo by lhe Canadian luthorltle at Victoria. "This adroit viol. iter of the Pnlted states law." said Mr. Lembkey, "hov ired around lu the vicinity of the Isl ands and caused considerable worry. However, the AcBtnibo made no raid in Ute rookeries. He hail to be watch d all the time, mid his arrest t Vic toria rld the seal herd of one of its boldest enemies." Mr. Imbkey reports that there are at pi"""'"! "S.K3S breeding fur enl cows on the Islands, and l.TfiU breed ing bulls. This Is a decrease as com pared with the preceding year of 13 per rent for the cowa and 14 tier cent for the bulls. Clerk of Supreme Court Judge Mann's Order tbe Sheriff's m SN-iul to the Moruiug íüirnal. Sama IV, X. M., Oct. 6. Jose I). Sena, clerk of the supreme court, re turned liciv tonlglit from Titos, anil upon order of Jnde lalum.l A. Mann of Alamogordo, at once Issued the writ of prohibition directed to Judge Ira A. Ablxitt, of Albuquerque, seeking to prohibit the latter from further puss ing upon tin- matter of the I'.crnallllo county lierl(I's office. Jiule Mann's order In full, ns Issued hy the supreme court clerk, Is as follows: ' "Now, therefore, you, the said Ira Abbott, individually '..and as jude of the Second judicial district and of the district .'ourt thereof, are hereby com- ''il to desist anil refrain from in any manner passing upon or determin ing the rllit of one Perfecto Arinljo. to the ol lice or sheriff or lleriialillo county, New Mexico, ex. cpt hy Judi cial proceedings In the ordinary course of law, and front directing ordering or 'Oiitiiiulng, enforcing or Insisting uMii the enforcement of any order or direc tion by you or said court mude prevl- iiis hereto that the said Thomas ,1. Hiibhcll shall deliver to one Perfecto Arniljii possession of the county jail of the said county of llernulillo, or of the prisoners therein confined, or of ii room in the court house of Iternalillo county, or of the records and para phernalia of the ofliee of said sheriff, until the next term or the supreme court of tlie territory of New .Mexico to be bo;; un and held on the third day of January, 1IMKI, or until the further order or said court thereon, and thai A on shall show cause at the i-ext term ( said court xvliy you should not he absolutely restrained as aforesaid." W. P.. Childers and E. W. Dobson, of enunuut for Hubbell, with Frank A. Hubbell, of Albuquerqu, have been here all day waiting for the return of Sena, whose absence has delayed tiro .orinal issuance of the writ for some lays. They returned to Albuquerque tonight. The impression seems to prevail here that lhe writ will have no partic ular effect upon the situation In l'.er na'llllu county ns regard the sheriff's ofliee, the court's right to recognize Armijo as sheriff ile facto remaining unquestioned by Judfce Mann. SPI-MTLATIOX AS TO El'IT.t T OF WKIT OF PKOllllsrUON Loi'aliy there In pretty general inter ft In the elf ict of the writ of prohibi tion upon the affairs of T. S. Hubbell. who Is still resting as comfortably as i'oulil be expected within the cnullncs t the Hernalillo county Jail. Lc-T-ii men are still a little shy in expressing The Casino Theater SUNDAY, OCT. 8 The Vaudeville Performers BENEFIT HAItllY NACE Acrobat and Contortionist. HICHAKPSON .V LA UYP.D Sketch Team. Jew Impersonations H. (. GIIM1S Late of Hivcrly Minstrels MAItlAN WHITING Orpheum Monologist and Mimic. HAMILTON SISTEKS Song and Dance Artists. A. WIIISTLEK The Human Mocking Iiird. CURTAIN AT 8:30 YOU CAN SAVE Some of your money by letting us furnish your Drug-Store Sup plies and we citai furnish every thing usually found in a well kept, progressive Drug Store. B.II.Briggs&Co. proprietors Alvarado pharmacy First St. and Gold Ave. Doth Thonea WE FEEL Of our ability to handle your v banking business to your satisfaction. We shall be glad of an opportunity to talk with yn Albaqaerqoe, N. H. STATE Completes Formalities of Upon Judge Abbott Office Case. opinions and í,. ut to 1 1" "'"d Is sufficiently mysterioc work ings to cause some confusion. The average man. therefore, will wait de velopments today which are expected to determine how far the xxrlt will af fect the matter. It Is understood that Hur,beH's counsel, who roturned . last night following the issuance of the writ upon Judge Abbott, expect to se cure the lease of their client today through the Instrument in "question. Whether or not they will succeed Is u matter the day will probably deter mine. Should they succeed, it seems proba b'e that the ea:c will be just us far from the supreme court of the Cnited States, to which they propose to cany it. ns it was before Hubbell, following the advice of his counsel, went to jail for contempt. A PKAt El PL DAY IX THK COl'ItT HOI SE AND JAIL A deep and somnolent calm reigned over the precincts of the county court house and the jail yesterday. There was net n ripple, of excitement con nected with the county situation. Thomas S. Hubbell sat contemplative ly in his lonely apartment nnd reflect ed tin the vanity of life and the bless ings of the hereafter and smoked more cigars. There are all kinds of cigars In Tomas' suite of rooms. In fact there is a stick of cigar boxes four feet high and if nothing elaexre sults from his confinement the con tumacious ex-sheriff will emerge from his experience a finished connoisseur of tobacco. Flowers have also been left every day by his friends to cheer his solitude. KNOWS W1IEPE KFCOHDS AIIK .HPT HE WON'T TELL Up to last evening the county rec ords, in the quest for which i'erieeio Armijo hopefully forced o;ien the county safe, were titiil not in evidence. Mr. Armijo, however. Impacted the In formation with a mysterious expres sion that he had a pretty good Idea of n, u-horea bouta and exnected to have possession of them In the not far distant future. Perfecto would not shed further light en his "hunch," -but he is not a talkative man. Ho. how ever, has n habit of doing things, which he has plainly demonstrated during the brief .time he has been in the do facto business and no one doubts he will find the records. Where the treasurer's little pile of dinero Is located Is still a mystery, which it is hoped will be cleared up hi the course of lime. The treasurer ile facto, however, does not seem to be as fortunate as Mr. Armijo in the way of 'hunches." Insomnia ami Iniilgesll.m Cured. "Las year I had a very severe attack of Indigestion. T. could not sleep at night and sulTer i . most excruciating pains for three h l'rs after each meal. I was troubled t'i way for about three months whci X used Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and received immediate! relief," says John Dixon. Tullamore, Ontario, Canada. For sale by all druggists. attention We Guarantee the' Spots Will Not Come Hack. We Live to Die and Dye U l ive. Ijidles and Gentlemen: For the hcsl ami mtetpialed clothes cleaning nnd dyeing telephone us Gooels calli'd for and delivered. Iloth Telephones Automatic Phone, 075 Colorado Phone, Keil (10-2 rings O. F. PLATT till North Firth Street Cut This Out for P.el'erence I'lJ'iJFnEfiCH FHKALt ttPILLS, A fUr, CfiTál Reubv tot fi trui-muit MviewTKpATinR. VCVED KNOWK TO eAH. &tA; I a"". ffc-Mmu diDtikhlrt'I or 'Jmi? Khin.tH. Kent pr-paid fit 11.00 if Iwn. Will rjiit triein on trtaf. to bt rui.t tnt wlVn -.ffH. Strnjiirt Vnr. If jm 4u'ft dow mi be Ia) -m I'D 1 jroitr orüra to tha I UNITFO MfDlCAt. CO., fifdd In Albuqnerqiuo by 3. 11. O'Klflllj A Co. nFof Kidney JT . 'S. fíj rtldAAam troubles. Cures in 48Hours URINARY DISCHARGES y Fach Cnpsule Uearcthetiaa)!;?-! Bswar vfcwjntirfcHa MEN&NDWOMEK Vnn Pig ii for unnfttnrrl diwliarni íntíanuimtí(nii1 irritittioni or ulcarittiont uf m tic o ui nintiiurnnnii, Pa.iii'mh, nnd r.ot Mtrin l.nt or iKíitnüoué. Mold b7 IDrnvcUU, or irxnt in fiinln wrnppr, hr rxprff, prdpnid iol nf a hnttifl l.7S. Ciic.-jt it. tit oa loiuoét riui nul l Clrlrlnrtt. heEvhsChcmi(1.iCi. CINCIMATI.O Every Woman iBinureLe im sp-mim Know rtttitt the wcii'trrfnl MARVEL Mhirling Stiray I lie MW Hrir. Jtiirr. ivm awl .yuriuin. Hmr Suf nt Mo! Í ouveniMil, iw '"ff.. . ' 4k IMr érvtmlñt fbr h. ll -nnin,t lm SI IH ri., n-,ni ,,n oiii.r. i.ui win! kiHiim for llhifllrnlril turn It W It iriTrt f ,,11 l,..ll,ill.r. I.. vli,lil I" Indira. M ltl 'l, CO, 44 fc. MH4 ST., JKV lOHk. SIRE NATIONAL BANK s,? i mm INTEREST Toti & Gradi, 1 DIera lit GROCERIES, PROVISION!, HAT, GRAIN ASO FCEIi. Ftu IiM of Imported W'lnea, lienor u1 Ogara. Place your orden for thla line with no. tlS.tIt.S17 NORTH TKIRD MTREET RICO HOTEL III N. First Strati ' DINELLI & LENCIONI. Props. Salóos. Rettauranl JL Rooming Honsi If we don't do your hauling wo both ose money : ALBUQUERQUE TRANSFER CO O.W. EACCUS, Prop. S.T.Vann.O.D. EKSIGIIT SPECIALIST President of New Mexico Board of " - Optometry. First estiiUllsheel optician in Now Mexico. Gln.xHfS fitted for poor siffht, headache and nervoiif. strain. Office: Iioom 9, Whiting' Block. Appoint ments made at Vann's Drug Store. i .; m , i t i THESE cool mornings suggest warm under wear; the subject of Underwear naturally o O suggests 6Ae Globe Store as the place to pro- .4 4 1 . cure the best made at prices asseo ior inienor goods sold elsewhere. Mentor Underwear for ladies and children is the most healthful as well as comfortable underwearhealthful be cause Mentor, material is very absorbent, tak ing up excessive perspiration and keeping the body uniformly warm comfortable because it is soit. smooth, warm, and non-irritating. o o o o O o o o Alicnfiitp fit no shrinking, and long wear is - 2 mtsrsnti?fJ. Union gr VSS' w W Ghe Globe Store and examine these garments. In Gentlemen's Furnishings we have just received a special máke of A, Í Bodies of Wamsutta muslin, bosoms of fitting and guaranteed in every particular . regular $1.50 value, O Underwear in all grades union and two-piece suits. We . make a O specialty of Coat Shirts, Corliss, Coon & Co. quarter-sized collars, and t Shields' Guaranteed Hats. . Look for the Big Globe Sign On West Railroad Avenue I .... ALLOWED ON SAVINGS AMPLE MEANS . . AKD CNSURPAStstD FACILITIES BANK OF COMMERCE '' ALBUQUERQUE. II, 1,1. EXTENDS TO DEPOSITORS EVER. PROPER ACCOMMODATION AND SOLICITS NEW ACCOUNTS. CAPITAL, 1 Offloera and Directors: SOLOMON LUNA, President. W. S. STRICKLER, W. J. JOIINSON, Vice-President and Cashier. Assistant Cashier, WILLIAM McINTOSH. GEORGE ARNOT. J. C. BALDRIDGE. A. M. BLACK WELL. O. E. CROMWELIi. m mm The First National Bank will rent a year and up. Call and let us WEST RAILROAD AVENUE BETWEEN ;SE'COND THIRD STREETS n-Vo-.. The Store of Relia , f J f CP f.. O J and Two-Piece Suits. You are urged to call at Elegant White Shirts Our Price: $1.00 each DEPOSITS 9150,000.00. you a Safe Deposit Box for $2.50 explain the system. MENTOR COMFORT UNDERWEAR 2200 linen, perfect or money refunded bility mr ' i n ssms ai , Sí n