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THE ALBUQUERQUE.-.-MORNING JOURNAL,. IWGU TWO. Thursday, (K-twIx-r 12, 1905. Then after all this outlay we are un tier contract to grant Its use. for all time, to all the world, on the nam terms as to the people of the 1'nlted States. , At II rut bluah one mixht ex- pect partisan opposition Instead of noii-pnrtisan co-operation. But. so manifestly-wise Is the enterprise. abundantly able Is the government to bear the expense, and so many are the advantages to be derived therefrom, that throughout the length and the breadth of the nation no voice is heard against It. The markets of South America. South Africa and the adjacent in)ancH are Just being developed. The eye of the world are upon them. The merchant nations of Europe know where they are located, and they ur.i establishing banks and warehouses within them, and they have already established fast and regular lines 'if steamers to them. The Tnited States has neither banks nor commission houses, nor warehouses in these porti, nor has It means of communication with them, except through old, worn out, dllapitated ships, sailing under foreign flags and making eight or ten knots an hour. fast Tropical Import. The I'nlted States imports a million dollars' worth per day of tropical and somi-tropical products. It sends tí) Europe in excess of everything we re ceive l ruin r.ui o;,c. u iiiuii'fii uwii.n- per day In raw materials and food products such as I have described; end Kurnne in turn sends millions a day to the ports of South America. Mouth Africa, and Islands adjacent. do not need to tell you of the great number of ships that nail the triangle. They start from home with a cargo of finished products which they leave In those southern ports, then loud with coffee, rubber, hemp, ma hojtaiiy. dye woods. And fruits for th Ignited Httites, then 4nke a load of our raw material, cotton, copper, petro lum, and food products, back to Eu rope. Gentlemen, I have never taken the "position that what goods we ship to Hotnrti America do not ultimately reach those ports. I have mimctlm. Iffiwever, called attention to the fact that th quickest way to go to Hou'.h Americ.i, or to send mail to South America or to ship freight to South America, and the most usual way, l lo Sfiid first to Kurope und theme .) Ihe norm of destination. A lariff shire of our "paltry commerce with those countries does actually go by way of F:urope, rather than In those nlit icnws, owned by the men who tik.' tint position that bncauso there are way l in which goods can be sent I hence, therefore no occasion exist" for improving the means of communi cation. I am aware, for my attention ha.i been called thereto repeatedly by h'T ter. and more frequently still by edi torial comment, that a representative of the department of commerce and labor, sent to South America for th" purpose of Investigating this subject, has renorted that there are means .if communication between the 1'iiHe 1 Slates and South America. 1 have read his reports, and I bee my critic's IMirdon, for the distinguished college professor does not take the position assumed by the steamship companies, that existing meuns of communication are satisfactory, or that they sliouM nut be Improved. Our great difficulty In getting a foothold in foreign markets is to get our producers Interested in the sub ject. For this puroose the govern ment goes to great expense in gelling rotisular reports on conditions in these foreign ports. These reports are rei ularly published in pamphlet form for general distribution. quantities of them go to Kurope, however, and are furnished, not us we furnish tfictn, to whomever asks for them, but lhe are sent direct to the concerns en gnged in the trade with the ports whence the reuorts are made. These reports are full of statements to this effect. I f;uote from I'rof. Hutchin son, he being the principal authority of those who oppose every means for the creation of a merchant marine, lie says: "As I came south I found condi tions much more encouraging, and here In lllo de Jaulero, ami In the neighboring state of San I'hiIo. I bnve been, deeply impressed v I ' h th ' possibilities that nre awaiting develop ment. It Is piensan! lo note an und -r current of friendliness toward the United states, ami a seeming willing ness to meet any advances our people may make at least half way. There is a great Held awaiting development if our Importers can be made to under stand that It is worth while to em ploy the right methods." Does anyone doubt that an Ameri can line of steamships making regular trips to Hlo de Janeiro, the govern ment paying the loss until the trade Is established, would knock at the door of every factory In the I'nlted Htates, submit samples of the good consumed by the people. i.g their production and the privilege of carrying them? In the same report I'rofessor Hutchinson says: "New Hues established would have to run at a loss for a considerable time. Of this there can be no doubt." . In the same report In which J'rof eesor Hutchinson's oft quoted artb I" appears is nn article by A. '1. nihil who was sept abroad by Ihe New York Commercial, lo Inquire Into trade con ditions, from which I quote: "The liermuns are especially ag gressive and many of the German houses are doing the business that we ought to tie doing. If they that American goods are In demand Ihey get samples of them, send them home and Invite the manufacturers to imitate them, even If the articles nre Inferior, and thereby get the trade. This Is not difficult, for there is no representative of the American Inter ests on the spot to defend our goods." I iocs anyone doubt that an Ameri can line of steamships, in part de pendent upon the trafile, would s-e that our goods were defended? He further says: "Spain has the Kant Indian and th Egyptian cotton market to draw upon ns well us ours, has good shipping fa cilities, and more Important than aM . this, turns out goods which the Spanish-speaking people all over the world want. II gets the trade be cause Its manufacturers turn out the to meet the requirements, rath er than, as we do, try to educate their customers to take what they produce." The reports ure literally full of Specific Instances where our manu facturers have refused to change then patterns to meet the conditions of th" South American trsde. or hre they have abandoned a trade partly estab lished whenever there has been n local demand sufficient to keep their factory employed. Ioes anyone doubt that the representatives of American transportation companies would do much toward correcting these tle- ieIowibly some one will say "Who caree particularly for th American manufacturer? It is his business, not ours." Yes. but It Is my business, also. I own some farms In Iowa and I want my tenants to feed the men who manufacture for these markets. I am selfish. In fact. I am so selfish that I desire every industry under our iv, r to prosper, and I hope I am wise enough to know1 that no one class of American people ever did prosper ex.ent when all our people prospered j hope I am w ise enough to know that Theodore Roosevelt, lar : 1 it .sSaaj : - r.- ...... j . n II Hi " lie . - ' i . :'tV-nvv íí an 1 5 1 1 I I c f r.i . ' ' ' - r " . -x- - f 1 a : '-t ' ' .wfc-v & a - , r i k j"t II II in Mb.Lelahd Takmg-The" the prosperity of nny one (Imms menus the prosperity of nil. The I'nlled Hl;ttcs Is the owner cf the l'hllippine isliinds, mid thoce pos-- VC'HillllH. pIlIM till' I'.lllillll.l, pilH i merchant murine, would Insure i 'he Amerlenn people soinewhnt more ihnu their 'irosonj.10 per cent of the nie thousand in i I lions of" washed I, y the shores of the I'aeilie. Where Wc Musi II ill. At our coast line w ere liroiiifhl to in abrupt hall. Here we are im loug 'r linlependent. I u r foreii;a eiuii . fierce Is four t Imo-i as lare as f lit y V"ars uko. ton m- carry in our siui only one-third as many uross tms as forty years iiko. Wc have proteele.l and enc"Uiai:ed every interest hut our ineri hant marliie. und every prolecl.'d interest has lloinisheil. We have every fuillty for international com merce eycept International nnTi -hunts, inlernat'uiii il hankers and an inter national men haul marine. Shall we iot have ile-xif I am not uikIii,: stiip Hiil'xhlicM. I am speakilitr or re mits, not of method. If W" but take advantage of o-ir opport unites we will lend these products cf f irm and fae torv under every sky and iu'o every oiit, lid l-iak.' ur liiiaiu i il leiitiia 'he eleniiiK house of ut lead a frac tion of the world's trade. - i!i:i.n:vi:i) i:iii ií,ii:nt. i I'l-csliloet rromptly Coiintorm:nn!o;l Any t'lildic I'.i'tcpllon at l liilc. 1 Moliile. Al l.. I let. I I. - I'l e-i.h id TtoiMcVc't evidently niiinlent lena My I . -. 1 1 1 J the committee of arraimemenl i ppoinl' I for his rci option In this i i'y out uf en mlia rrassini; position. The oloied residents are plinninii a 'vna- '.ll.' II t -1' t I i 1 1 III i-II t for III" chief I'M' Ulive i f the nation at H onlo'ed lunch, and a r.umher of III" incial'i rs ,f Hi"' leal white mililaiy coinpaiie i id an oiineed they would not escort the pleiilellt III Ihe place. Alayei l.vons has just I eived a 1' I- ter froi i I'li'sldcnt lioosev.'ll it ; t i 1 1 f - 1 1 :i I IIO lllblle in I to I tit out II rei the plb ll he i h'ii i h d dor EX-PRESIDENT RAMSEY TASTES UTTER DEFEAT fioiiD wins ovi'uviii:i.Mix; VHToitv ix i u.iiT ron w -hasii toxritoi.. 'toIi'iIi. Oct. II. At the incctin ol -lis klii lilcis uf the Ualiasli rullroad loiaj. .loHopli ICainscy, foi-iucv picsl llcnt. Mas tli'Tenled oci liclmlllul.V hv (coiir tioiilil, who lis-le I all fl ill-rccioi-".. They iir': II. Iliiblial.l, I".. T. .IcITcrv. .lolin T. Terry. W In-low -s. Pl'r , K. M. (.allnway and 1). T. WclN. coi i u s t i.i: x sw i:r.p ix I'.omiioi.iii:us' i:i,i:(Ti:x T'de lo, O., Oct. II. tleum-e J. (iiul'l tinbiy won a decisive victory over Ji .""tdi It.imsey. Jr., In a conli st fur the control of the Wabash rail-j mad. electing nit of the x direi l.ns j 'o he i h'iseii by the bondholders. The vole i-ii by (liitibl was 2 S , f. I 0 ils'aitisl 31.HI0 for It.imsey. The Uipt's claim: of the riKht to vote under Hip eiuiiul.l-j Uve fy-t' in as disallotved ! t'ne tci-j b'is. When the ni".'!ins; opened tiiis 'i'oriili'K, (. ;-. tinea, for Could,! withdrew the nominations mude -.-1 terdav und substituted the name of! Thonias II. Hubbard. K. T. Jelfcty, I John T. Terry. Wlnslmv S. Pierce, It. i M. (lallosay und K. T. Welles. 'I he nr. nes withdrawn were: l!uel Si'e, Itobcit C. Clowry and W. '.. Saunders. Itamsey did not mike the Ions In advance of the vote. At the close of the bondholders' mecllnif a caucus of stockholders lo hoose directors convened. Some ted!, on e iinliiathin of I roxles that con sumed much time III the bondholders' i -.-lucra was om-meiu-ed mid the meet liiK promUed to continue even loiiKer than that of the stockholders. Tin: ta;;.ht nivoiu i: srrr. Ikflw Will IU- llcpoltcl hj the Coull ' I'll day. Wooster. O., o t. II. The decree la the T.iKKurt dlvone ca"e,wlll be given out Friday, October IS, at 2 p. m., ac cordiiiK to a si itetnent made by JuiJkc S. It. Knsoii. The fiartles In the raise have been notllled to be present at that time. Thlnnlntt Out losipihce. New Orleans, I ., Oil. II This c ty today hnd the first taste of f ill weath er with a drop in temperature to Bl, The cold will still .further thin out the mosquitoes muí tend to Improve the fever situation. Junior, as He Appears Costumed .for Strenuous- - Game His Father Wants Played by if - 'i r'v H Name Oi ' 'Iiieqdo&e 'Roosevelt, 'JzAAIimCAHDIDATE ROOSEVELT INSISTS ON SQUARE DEAL-IN FOOTBALL l.'cW II il. Oí-I. II. Waller Camp, Val"': lcral athletic adviser, tmiifiht a slutemcnt In rcRaril to the Kill' out ni'ii:rci( ol' Ihe athletic representa- jtlves of Yale. Iliiard and Princeton Willi I'lesident Koesevelt on Monday j which was held for the pu'r;iosc of (iiisldcrlti'i reforms in the une of f ii. it l - i I ! . Tlie st itetnent w.'is made ppuh'l.' after Vvord h oi been received .If am I'r:'.dd'Md KooH-.'Vi'lt and Is as i follow;: . j "At :i meeting, with the prci-ident, it wis üKi-eed that we consider an honor- ihlo oldiK ilion lo carry out In letter I COLD BLOODED MURDER OCCIRS NEAR P1I0E1IX PI 1 1: KOKKITO IÍ'.1H ON iKUswiAt u i ti:i: kii Xtjsfi .U SPS MAIHO. 'All llll;i!oVeV.i-d and ( old IliieS Mill'' I, r was commuted in Hie I!aik( coin I ry Si;n I -y elm k when pet .-t i-,;ly killed .1 I'l'ccelX I) IZ' tl, aflerpoon about L' o' T Sol-rito shot and in sus Madio. says Ihe . After kllllns his vie- lia, .'..ri it., mounted a l,ore and al- .-.pi.' aptur colic i on an Tin- d to leak.' !il e:' aie but w i s ft mn tin d al'oul ti n mil if the tragedy by Nick S indei- I V. I. lln-nsK r. two Mexicans had been dril.k- leir ami ula'ti llo tr.Mf'dy occurred were rblliuf it :i ;ismi, accoril i n to in.-.i-a i-'fpiii'is. l'ie waRoti w.m l" ii"i driven by a third Mexican. Sorrito and Madlo were sealed In t'.e ,,ii k ef the vaiRiin and Madlo was le'iipi'K a hore. A fourth Mexican wis mil in th.' ) and Ihe driver of the iv ijimi stopneil for a few minutes' conversa t ion with him. It Is said that it was while they wci e s!o ped t hat I 11 red. Sorrito drew h hooiiuK occur- l illed Madia without provocation, ac oordliiii to the other witnesses. Aftet klllluir his man he niounti'd the vic lltn's hor.-e and l!cd. The other two men reported. Ihe matter und Ihe sheriff's office was no ticed by ti-li' hone and Deputy Sherirf Wayne Davis, who is invariably sent out when there arc bad men to cap lure, was senl to P.uokoye. After his departure word was received at the sheriff' m oflite that the murderer had hen captured. r.i liiin? licfitM's OITcr. New Yoik, Oct. 11. The ofl'er that has loen made by n wealthy man of New York i.i present gf0.(iitu to Dr Itehrho: if ha v.oiil l make known hi treilinent for on-uimpt 'on excitad interest In Paris. a- or I'n ,' to n ll-rald cable from that city. Dr. i:c,i rlnif said he woull not entertain the offer in that form. "M Is a mistake," he said, "to Ini.iK lee I have kept my discovery secret. Put I have dios, o and will continue to (boose the persons to whom I make 'itiimiinicitlon. Mv only desir- is to h ive such coll iborailon as 1 know wilt advance the matter." Ill-: llcward for Si lilITi r. N'i'iv iirk. oct. ii. A reward of f.'.on has been offered by the relativa of Abraham Si hitler, one of the o('!l cers of the defunct bunk of Alamosa, Col., for the continuation of his pres ent whereabouts, whether livlnn or d 'ad. His ("'atives are convinced llhal hi? coinniill"d suicido. II" has not been iieiini or sime spioiiucr -i. wh"ii be anno'imed his Intention of KoIiik to Chii'iKo. He un here to obtain liniiin lal assistance from re i tlVeS. , More Trouble for DumcJk rly. Penrli. Oct. 11. The itrand Jury li-is reported to th" state's attinney that they wmi'd find at b'tist twcnly four more indlclriients i?aliist .V Doiiithei tj-, ihe city school superln tetidenl who Is now In Jail ctrirKcd with cmbeit.leiiieiit. i The latest re ports of his peculations In padded p i' rolls places the amount aU nearly a quarter of n million dollars. From testimony before the Ki"''"d Jury lu ll av II appevrs thtit he realised si lie tls.fiftfi In three years by lisimj t It- name of A, H. Andrews and Co., of i'hlcai, to false accounls. Rule i í 'and In pirlt Ihe rules of the titnie of football rclatiiiK to roughness, holding and lyul play and the iii'tivt' coaches of our universities teiiif; present with us pledged themselves to so regard it and to do their utmost to carry out tiltil obligation. (HlKtied) "WAl.TKTl CAMP. "JOHN 10. OWSI,KVT, "J. 1!. FINN. "A. I!. IIIM.KKUANK "K. 11. NICHOLS, "W'M. T. itICIl), ,11!." TIicko men represent Yale, prince- ton and Harvard. TO SEARCH FOR BODY OF MURDERED RILEY AIMOMWS D1T.I KMIMII) TO KK un: ki mains or max sn:.;i.i:i in mi.xko. Dr. A. ('. Wright, Charles (.'uniiinK- (iam and Andy Tonjf i f llisbee, and i.j:i:.i i'.'hlnuncr cf -Sahuaripa. Sono- 11, have left I)orv,-l.s to litiish the w ok lieuim hv S. L. l!iley, who va killed near Taiin hi n cthort time The party Is heavily firmed and pro- ' 4 1''1"'"'1' 'l month ami will not only I "IM IIHM' l I I v Minn Hi 'l lili O 1 1 1 ! 1 1 I on mlnlnir -ropci I u a, w hich was Mr j Uilev's object on his list J'mirncy, but I w ill t il-e sieim to make the ldenlitlca Ition of bin body ah:ilute, pn that tln ; w I 1 1 1 v.- c-in collect a life Insurance pol iey In the Ancient order of I'niled Workmen, and will aim try to make arranuemcnts I hroui(ht to liouil il have the body is for burial, says the I iiicitia I loictl Atiie Dr. WlaKht. v. h lean. i was Kllcy's part ventures in Sonora, oler of the present no in tin miuini; atol who is the Ii parly, said today: . "There will he no. trouble In identl fvini; Ihe body if it is really Uiley. and i of lhal there can he no doubt. Itiloy revolver and:his three miiks which will Identity him, no matter how greatly the body has decomposed. Om Is- sonic pecul iar hi ide,( win k In hi upper Jaw. un ci her Is a broken bone in his hand which never knit properly, leaving a r t null 1 1 íí bone which was visible whenever his hind moved, and Ihe third is a break In tho left knee Joint which caused his le(f to bend inward and made him slightly lamo In const Clleoi e. i "The mines which Uiley went to Ret are in He chinos mountains In the Kuhuarliu district, about seventy-live aulles south of Montezuma. They are known ns the Manuel. Columbia, and Sin ( and are on property ad- i'liiilnsr the famous Codena de Cobra company's mines, Uiley and I had "worked six months nrtkinii a sale of these mines to mi eastern syndicate and Ihe affair was all nrranned. KiliX when he went t i his death, was Jour- neylnii to Sihuarioa tcS make.the llmil papers In the transfer. He never reached the plai e and 1 am ffiflnK now to complete the deal, as well as lo make the Ideniilh ation of the body and try l i arr.tiiiic for lis removal tc the st il". "As for the hitler, jve shall bring th::l hod'- out If we have to (JO to WashitiKioii lo L'eL nctlrin. My part ti"i- hall not remain li an unmarked crave in that rinvon where he was found And I shall also try to arouse the citTli'.'rs In that district to take steps to i ruirehciid his murderers. He dh d and was found with a rope wound several limes about his chest, and It Is believed he was strangled. Of couive, he whi lassoed from behind, If the rope story is true." Macon Takes Oath. Washington. Oct. It. Cohort l!i con. of .New York', today took the oath of effice and qualilled ns assistant sec ictary ! state, Francis U. Loomls va cating that office, W ill lluilcl to Coast. Tacnai.i, Oct. It. Charles Pfclffer lownslte agent for the Chicago, Mil waukee und SI. Paul, liar announced authoritatively that the road Is to build to Ihe coast at Taconia. Yukon fiold Shipments. Vancouver, H. C, Oct. 11, Accord hi to a dispatch from TtuwVuii, tin golfl shipments of Yukon territory for Ihe season of 190f lust clofcd Will be approxhaalely ,()U,000. MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY INTEREST REPORT ) irst'Mát n - . t Albuquerque, New Mexico . . . : i v AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, AUGUST 25, 1905 . A ; I RESOURCHS LIABILITIES I-nans nml Tlscoiinls $1, 191,220. .19 Capllnl and Priflts 285,0.10.28 Itonds, H(oUs, ltcnl Kslatc 15,22. fid Circulation . 200,000.00 Iliiiiklng : Iloust; and Furniture . . . . 38,500.00 licposits . T. 2,17028 21 I'nlted Stales yonds.. .$ 323,000 00 Cash and Kxchaiuje. . . 1,310,015 50 1,C03,0I. 50 , TOTAL $2,955,958. 19 TOTAL $2,955,958.49 DEPOSITOR. Y OF MANY METHODISTS ATTEND SILVER CITY CONFERENCE AI.IU Ql'KltCl KAXS OX PKOGKAM ' of. knomsii mission (íatiikijixí;. 1 S eclal to the Miming Journul. Silver City, Oct. 11. A large num ber of prominent Mothodlsts'from all over the territory are attending the New Mexico Kugllsh mission confer ence of the Methodist Episcopal hurch which Is In session thla week in this r.ity. He v. Wilbur Fiske of the Lead avenue church in Albuquerque delivered an excellent address today on "Aggressive KviuiRellam." The an nual missionary sermon was prftached by Kev. J. I.. Shlrely of Santa Fe. SiH'i Assful and well mttended evan gelistic services were conducted Sun- lay and Monday evenings by Uev. Wil liam Iteace, pastor of the First Meth odist church of Uoswell and, Hishop A. P. Morrison opened the sesnons With fine .sermon on Sunday. The program for the rest of the week is as follows: Tuesday, October lji, 2 p. m. Anni versary ol the W orn 111 s Home M is- nn iry society, address by Mrs. l'od- kln, of San Francisco, nnd Mrs. A. P. Murrissey, address by Uev. C. 1?. Dat um, of KI Paso, and Uev. Henry K. Carroll, D. D., of New York city. Friday, October 13, S a. m. Uusi- ness session. 3 p. m. Anniversary of tho Kdm ational society', address by! Dr. Thomas Harwood and Prof. C. M. Dlght. 7:30 p. 111. Anniversary of the church esecutive savh ty, address by Dr. A. P. Morrison, followed 1iy evan gelistic services. Saturday, October H, 9 a. m. Uusl- ness session. 7:30 p. m. Keceptlon to TUshnp J. F. Kerry, address byHoll. U. C. McClure and Uev. V. Vali'al lienhurg. . Sunday. October 15, 9:30 a. nt. .ove Feast," conducted ly Uev. .1.1 Freeman, of Kentan. Okla. Dedica 1I011 of the First M. H. church, Silver City. The dedicatory r.'inion will he preached bv Hlshop Joseph lierry. J. D.. I,. I.. D". of Huff.iln, N. Y. lierry Is one of the most popular aifd elociuenl divine In the denomination. It Is to lie hoped that everyone will avail himself of the opportunity to hear I1I1U. .At 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon a platform meeting will be held, when several of the visiting paNtors will speak. .Special music has been - arranger for 11 these services under the direc tion of Messrs. C. H. lllcknian and Ueglnald Piatt. The public is cordial ly Invited to attend. ; V ; ', A Judicious Inniiiry. - ' A Well kiicwn traveling man who visits the drug trade says he Has often heard druggists Inquire of customer who asked for a cough medicine, whether It was wanted for a child or for an adult, and If for a child they almost invariably recommend Cham berlain's Cough Kemedy. The reason for this is that they know that there Is no danger from It and tha. It ul ways cures. There is not the least danger In giving It, and for coughs, ecrlcis and croup It 1 unsurpassed. F01 sale by u 11 druggists, nnllfl'c Mystery Doeioiw. ritsburg, Pa., Oct. 11. There were no further developments today lnthe mysterious disappearance of Edward O. Clin I iff o, the employe of Adams Kitpress company, and the missing $100,000. It is known. that, the miss ing man signed for a money pack age containing 1100,000 and that the package never reached the money for warding ofllc-e of the company. There W,as also about u thousand dollars In the Wood street oftlee of the company on Monday, which Is missing.. The express company has paid the hanklii Cincinnati the $100,000 which was consigned to it nnd was lost nfler be ing In the custody of the company. lU'SSIAX POLICE DISCOVER REVOLUTIONARY PRIXT-S1IOPS St. Petersburg. Oc t. 11. The police today discovered on tho outskirts of the city a number of secret printing shops which 'have been engaged In Is suing revolutionary roclnmatlotn Forty arrests have been made. If ynn imh'iI a oirM'iUcr telephone lies sclilcu. H RLBUPUERPUE, NEM MEXIGÜ Capital and Surplus, fioo.cxxi.oo ALLOWED ON SAVINGS OF THE CONDITION, -OF THE- lomafl THE A., T. & S. F. RAILWAY SYSTEM ... AMPLE MEANS AND UXSLKPASSED FACILITIES BANK Of COMMERCE " ALBUQUERQUE, II, 1,1, EXTENDS TO DEPOSITORS EVEKY PKOPEIt ACCOMMODATION AND SOLICITS NEW ACCOUNTS. CAPITAL, Officers and Director: ( " SOLOMON LUNA, President , STKICKLER, W. J. JOIINSON, Vice-President and Cashier. Assistant Cashier. WTMJAMf McINTOSH. GEORGE AllNOT. BALPUIPGE. A. M. UliACKWELIi. O. E. CUOMWELL. w. s J. c. ilav ir íi.T The First National Bank will rent a year and up. ' Call and let us WE FEEL Of our ability to handle your banking business to your satisfaction. We shall be glad of an opportunity to talk with you , v , AlbuquerqucN.H h STATE ALL KINDS OF FEED AT THE c orvi i o nt -UP f. mdkM Southwestern Brewery & Ice Company Auto. Phona 232- -A HOME DEPOSITS T! nmK - $150,000.00. you a Safe Deposit Box for I2.C0 explain the system. SURE NATIONAL BANK Ask your Grocer for the Empress Flour It is from old wheat, well seasoned, guaranteed to make the best bread and pastry. Your grocer will supply you. M. BERGER, Wholesale Ajtnt 114 W. Copper. Auto. Thon 626 LOWEST MARKET PRICES It's Hard to Te&ch An old dog new tricks nnd Ut hard to teach a man who has been drinking Southwestern Brewery Beer, to drink nny other Beer I'llsener Beer haa an exquJslte flavor, delicious rlchnew nnd. health-giving properties. Delivered at your house for $3.00 per ease of 2 do, quarts. Our Malt Extract Is unexcell-, ed us an appetizer. IN.DUSTRY- -Colo. Phont BIK93 n Jñ EiQSSBrw A,