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THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1907. F7 SMALL CHANGE FOR II EARLY ACTION 0 CURRENCY CONGRESSMEN ALL EAGER TO TACKLE QUESTION Those Who Have Not Yet In troduced 'Money Measure Consider Formation of Ex clusive Club to Air Distinction (gpcclml Carmooodimc Morolos Journal. Washington. Dec. 6. Mrmbers or congress who have not Introduced currency billa inee the beginning of the prextmt eefwiun ure talking of or ganizing a club. It would be an ex clusive affair, and meriibeishlp in it would carry dlHtlnction. CongreHS is Just coming to a realiz ation of what a big job it has got to tackle in currency reform. No cur rency bill will be pawed before the Christmas holiday; none will be panned by the end of January nor yet by the end of February or March. The ends of April and May are like wise to come and go with currency re form still In the air. The currency act, If there be an act, in likely to bear date sometime In June. There are a lot of things which could be done at the flint session of the sixtieth congress, but not many of them will. In the first place, there Is the coming presidential campaign to take into consideration. Itmli parties will want to play politics. The repub lican majority In unite willing that the democrats should have plenty of time for political speeches; and dem ocrats, of course, are not adverse to speaking. The Ilngley tnrllT will not be re vised; that was long ago decided. An attempt may be made again to pass through the house the Philippine tnr llT bill, but there is evidenced no great amount of enthusiasm for the measure. Kven should It come to pass the house, It Is morally certain to meet, in the senate, the same fate Its predecessor met. A strong effort Is going to be made v to have repealed the tariff tax on wood pulp. The Increased cost of print paper Is charged by the manu facturers to the scarcity of pulp wood, and though they may not appreciate it, that Is a strong argument for re peal of the tariff. If pulp wood has become so scarce that the demand cannot be met without an increase of 25 per cent In the price of the manu factured article It Is hard for even those buyers of print paper who be lieve in a prohibitive tariff to see the logic of continuing the tax. Consum ers, however, are not wholly willing to accept the theory that scarcity of wood pulp alone Is responsible for the high price of paper. There Is well grounded suspicion that the paper trust may have something to do wllh It, and on that theory the department of Justice purposes to act. If Its in quiries disclose that there Is a com bination in-restraint of trade, the de mand for removal of the duty on pulp wood may abate. Hut if there is no relief from other sources an aggres sive campaign will be waged for ac tion by congress. All the talk now, aside from the currency reform. Is of adjournment at the earliest possible day. Republican leaders favor a date not Inter than the middle of June and would be well satisfied If Speaker Cannon and his lieutenants In the house will be bent to keep down appropriations. Kvery member of the house has got to go before Ills people next year and aslc re-election, and those of the major ity party, charged with responsibility for legislation, do not care to be ac cused of extravagance of appropria tions. Moreover, the condition of the treasury does not warrant extrava gance. The surplus no far this year is some tl3.000.O00 less than for the same period last year; In fact, there Is almost no surplus at all. Itecelpt have fallen off. and unless extreme care is exercised In voting away money the government Is going to have a deficit to contend with nert year." Kxperts agree that had the treasury been confronted by a deficit during the recent financial flurry the situation might very well have bix'ii much more serious. There was considerable comment on the fact that when congress con vened on Monday the capítol dome sheltered five recognized presidential candidates, with other posslbilit Irs scattered around. The gavel in each house was wielded by a man openly In the race. In the lower house. Speaker Cannon shared honors with William J. Ilryan. At the senate end Vice President Fairbanks had Sen ators Knox and Foraker as counter iiltrartions. Thrre a!.uo 'vns I.n Follette, of Wisconsin, who has no Inconsiderate support for the repub lican nomination, and Culberson, of Texas, who same time ago was much talked of as a possible democratic candidate. As Knox and Foraker en tered the chamber they made a bee line for each other, and shook hands warmly and each Inquired solicliious ly as to the health and general condi tion of the other's boom. "Uncle Joe" Cannon reused to talk about himself and the presidency at one and the same time. He was "jollied" a lot by his republican col leagues and given many assurances of support, but his almost Invariable an swer was "Oh, go 'long." What the Speaker would like to know is how much of this palaver on the part of his fellow members is genuine Can non enthusiasm and how much Is en thusiasm for desirable committee ap pointments. And, being wise in his generation, he is not going to get ex cited over what members tell him until after the committee lists are an nounced. He Is willing to accept it at Its full face value a pledge of sup port coming from any member who sought a deslrablo committee place and didn't get it. When John Sharp ' Williams pre sented Mr. Cannon to the house as the "speaker of the sixtieth congress," he referred to the speakership as the second highest office In the United States, and. therefore. In the world. No one Is going to take the trouble to dispute that the speakership, next to the presidency, is the highest office in America, but some of Mr. Williams' hearers wondered if the minority leader would be willing to carry the thing to Its logical conclusion. If the second highest office in America is of necessity the second highest In the world, why not the third, the fourth, and so on? We would wind up in having an American street sweeper holding a higher office than the king of Kngland or the Pope of Home. BUSINESS GOOD the Hock Island railroad, tvent three mile from Tucumcari. in the midst of a fine farming country. piactlcairy ell the land within eight inll.-H of here Is located. There are! fully ft 00 people in the town u v. j Corn, millet and Kaffir corn can br p ithout irrigation, broom .dm , especially doing well. A goo 1 bneO'i I factory has been established m re to j handle all the brooms that cm be1 raised. Cotton, It has been deu i.n st rated, can be raised In payinir hii.iii- ; titles. Melons, squashes, pumpkins and cantaloupes, and In fact, all kinds of vegetables grow splendidly 'iii i ii r iiniifi ap no MINI NÜ NtWii Ur r THE WEST posit almost Invariably values In gold .i ml enough to represent ,i net profit. inis is n carry some mH er often I pa rt of the e generally LIVE TOWN ON DAWSON BRANCH LOGAN ANOTHER NEW ' ENTERPRISING PLACE Roy Has Grown From a Wide Place in the Road to a Hust ling Commercial Center in a Few Years Growth of So lana, I Special rirrnKndelii' Moraine Journal. Hoy, N. M., Deo, . The growing town of Roy, slxly-nlne miles from Tucumcari, on the Dawson brunch of the El Paso and Southwestern, Is one of the coming towns of this part of New Mexico. In fact. Hoy is not only' coming, but Is already here. In a very; few years it bus grown from a witlst-' ling post to a big and very import- i I'll in I KKI IN ft TO II It YM. ant shipping center, with a popula-' pazo oixtjikxt is Kimniniw.i n rure tion oí 500 peoiilu and more coming; uny cose .f itehins. UHnii. mciling in on every train. For twelve miles Jerome, Aria. It is generally be lieved here that copper prices ure now at about the normal level, ami lunge operators are acting accordlnalv. It Ten new buildings have Just been I s uiso pointed out. that cornier de- completed here anil len more are un- der way. The town has two good ho tels, a good school wllh 100 foip''s. taught bv Professor (alloway alio, Mrs. Oalloway. and plenty of good j business houses. McFarland Brothers! have a gooil dry goods and gentle men's furnishing store and also :nn the Kxchantfe bank here. C. AV. Hut-j clilson Is manager of the big (it-own, Kellv Mora here. I). M. Annijo nod M. Hopkins being his assistants. Kn- ' gel and Pierce have n hardware store, the Ifelnken Mercantile company his I established a large trade. with a 112.000 stock, and II. II. Ibinken l manager W. W. Moore, the lending real estnte man here and United States commissioner, has located 30(1 settlers in l,OK,in himself. Oil Under wood, one of the old-timers anil ;i former stockman, has settled here, gone into business and invested heav ily In real estate. The railroad agent here ' U. S Merrill, who reoorts that the hu-ilii"'" here Is now three times as lilir ns It j was o year ago. Mr Miriill Is si brother of one of the Santa Kc tt.ii'i dispatchers at Albuquerque, A little folder recetitlv Issued M boost contains, among other tliiims. the following Interesting infor mation: "l.oirnn Is in the southeastern part of Union county. New Mexico, on the. C. It. and P.. .".!KI miles from Kan-I sas C'tv. Union Countv Is In the norilieastern part of New Mexico. The Canadian, river, on which Logan Is situated, traverses the southern part of Union lounty. Near I.ogun. and adjacent to tills and other streams. Is more Hum a million acres of fin farm land sull ied to homestead. Of this vou have von r choice of an l0-are farm for about nr.. The soil Is mostly of red sandv loam and fiisht chocolate, all of which! Is underlaid with u line clay subsoil I and will 'produce most anv paying. crop with the well distributed rainfall which we híTve. icently received in this In our community we have cribs of billed to the Lluvia de corn, stacks of ml!o innUe, kailir lorn'li ronslsted of nine h and millet, cellars lllled with canned loads, aggregating 1 ".'inn pounds. The fruir und vegetables, besides pump- i r()m) uessor it was found necessary to klii onions and potatoes Hint were I , ransport in three sections, and 'the throughout Arlgona, whereas In Mich igan the gold and silver values are almost a negligible ipiantlty. I level opinent operations iim.ine; tne Jerome propel lies are making visible head way, especially at the Utile Daisy and tile Verde runde. At the latter the shaft is sinking through a ouartie for mation carrying a e,, sprinkling of sill. 'Ill Oes. Dawson. Yukon Territory. Promi nent orfii iiils of tile Vukoii liaslii Hold Dredging compan state that their plans ate now wi ll under nay for the letting of the conttaet tor the com pany's first gold die, iff, and that ne gotiations will iiméiulite.lly t, closed at a very early dale This compa ny's holdings are reíanle, I as among I the richest In the Vuknn territory,'! anil are held by exclusive concession from the Camidiau government. An I Important advantage enjoyed by these, leaseholds is the l.n t tlu.i ill' Fraser falls, capable of producing 1 ."i.imoi to ; 40. aim horse power, lie almost at the center of the company.- acreage. The company's dredges are to b,. operated by electric poner ceiiciHicd at the' falls. Large ahii incuts ,,r old bul-, lion continue to he sent southward from here on every siiüiner to Seattle.; I lertno'illlo. Sopor, i. Mexico It has i been shown by careful investigation! I'll m t the principal Increases in Mex ico's mineral production during the past year have ben in g.ilil, silver and copper. An cinu inotis amount of American capital Is Invested In devel oping copper properties. In Sonora and Sinaloa new copper reduction plants are being Installed, and every I provision Is being made lor handling a largely Increased output, line of the; largest equipments of machinery re- ' lNt ( let was I Cobre mine, ivy wagon- j Everything for the Retailer and Consumer Contractors And Builders Ol'K RTtM'K OP BI'IMIKHN' II4KO IVARK COMI-KISKN KVKKVTIIINO OF MKKIT. (H' ll ITY, NOVKI.TV, OK NK-CKSMITV. COM K IN AMI IVSI-K T Ot It M Ml ANT LINK OF CAMINI) SM'1 ÍIMIIIS THAT HT AN II KHT TF.HT. THF. hm- Sportsmen And Rangers Our IikU of I, CNfl, Itll'I.F.H, RKVOI. VMtS, K VIM'S und AMMUNITION la the me-t cúmplele siiti rurrfidly selected lint .if UK, II UKAUK and Vl'AKAX rt l ll .OOI1S tier li..n In tills rltjr. K4X.IS. BASK III KNKKS, COOK, OH. AMI til VIIMi Mill KH IN FN III I SI Y.lltlF.TY, MII.ICAMl I'llll M TO HI IT All. I'FKSIINS AMI CON 1111 IONS TIMVAKE, URANITKW'AIti:, MM II IMI II. SI I'I'I ICS ANO TOOLS OF Al l. IIFM l( 1 1" III V Si. Mcintosh Hardware Co. II E II HOCK I- K I C F. H V It O M I' T 14 II I I' M : N T S Vi II O I. K S A I. K A N II KKTAIL In not less than five of its largest shoots. In the oro workings recently a single round of shots fired into tltv newly discovered ore body broke down i 'Hough ore to keep the train cats busy continuously for three days. Since this strike was made an ad la nee of over 100 feet has been re corded ill the sixteen-foot ore body. Ii Is planned to continue drifting to tlie eastern extremity of the property, l.utiil feet ahead. The ore now being taken out for shipment Is largely ol smelling grade, anil the stuping of this ore on a wholesale scale Is going forward steadily. Hail Weather Delays Tail. lioloiigne. Dec. S. The steamship President tlrant. on which Secretary Tift and parly are passengers, and which was to have sailed 1'nuii this , port today, has been detained by heavy eat her. RUMOR THAT M ADR ID i COAL MINES WILL CLOSE $1 OMANTEL MISSION CLOCKS I OR F 7 grown here wllh the natural rainfall. In the "and hills," north of here, i are patches of wild plums that supply us with some fine h Hies und pre- ' serves. The sanie hills will produce , tame fruit as well us wild. They are free. This country needs deve' ip- : ment only to make a fruit country that will surprise the most hopeful. W heat has not been tried to any extent, but farmers here from the I w heat belt of the nin th feel ."lire th ii this soil will grow wheat sjccessf ullv. As tine flavored watenieloiis and cantaloupes grow here as lard' and plentiful as anv one need want. U'ates as pure and snail.ili g is na ture can make it can lie had fro'i driller or "dug" vits at a depth C .1(1 to 1T5 feet. wagons' capacity was tested P limit. Six miles to the west of the Lluvia properly a ! irge y of black copper carrying high valué In silver is reported to liave been d Iscovered. A large area of this mineralized ground has been taken up by Chihua hua capitalists. Kreckinrldgo, Colo. The mining In terests of this district are likely to ! receive incalculable benefit in the ! form of cheap electric power, and the ! material for the electric towers soon 'to lie instal'ed Is already being hauled had been received ! by the Colorado Central Power com ! pany. The power line will include both I.c.idvllle and Idaho Springs, touching ' Kokomo. Frisco, Preckin ridge, Moiilexuma and Intermedie! le points. At Preckenridge the Welling (Nperlal C'orresiMndear Murnlna JeuriMlJ Cerrillos, N. M .. Dec. X. The rock crusher which the Salvia Fe Installed here nearly a year ago, employing a large number of men. has shut down. the i Superintendent Jones, of the Lewis Construction company, of Kmpoiia, Kas., which has been operating Hie crustier, gives no reason for I lie ces sation of work, and he states that It will be next spring before the crusher is started again. The Cerrillos rock crusher has been preparing ballast for Hie Santa Fe Hacks from Dodge City, Kas., west to Needles, ChI., und to Kl Paso, and also the Helen cut-off. At the time the crusher was shut down, it Is said, or ders for several million tons of stone i hliii. It is pointed out, means that the Atchison will have to seek elsewhere for proper bal last until next year. A number of the suloons which have heretofore done a thriving busi ness In Cerrillos, have closed their ' ;ét Often The Kidneys Are Weakened bj (her-Work. Unhealthy KiJoejs Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to lie traced to ine Kiunevs, lint now modern I science proves that ' nearly all diseases have 'their liejiinnitig in the disorder ot these tuost important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Thrrfnre when vourkidnevsare weak or out of order, vou can understand liow quickly your entire lxsiv is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its If you are sick or ' feci badly taking the ereat xiumi Vilmer's SwamtvKoot asvourkidnevtarewell tbev wiil help all the other organs to health. A trud will convince anvoiie. if nn re ick" vou can make no mis take bv first doctoring vour kiunevs. i retaty: K. h. arson. vn-e tiri-nunn. The tmi.l and the extraordinary effect of j M ,, Hose Cate runs a go..d hotel , ' i-., ... c.imiklfMt the creat here, owned by -Mr. Kdwaids. .Miss I. k'lmer S"m"r1' e'l,8 j ! Collins conduct. ladle.' furnishing kidney remedy. i soon reaneii. .,, Tili,tt a millinery e. tanda the highest tor its wondcriui cures, , , nm,.nt .th of these ladie. ow i- of the most distressing, aiei u mi on ua merits ty un f druggists in nny-crroi g-r-. 7- . ana one-u"iiar i liottles. You may have a sample bottle Bvwt awmms-noat br mail free, also a pamphiet tt-iiiii joti how to 6nd out if vou have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this piper hen ritui'.' to Dr. Kilmer Alo. bin ham ton. N. Y. Don't make any mistake. ( lH remcmlier the name. Sw.imi. Rs.t, 1 tk Kilmer'. SicjraP Root, and the In every direction every ituarter sec tion of land is -taken up. Kxperlmetits w ith different kinds of crops have all proved successful and it has been j found that wheat will glow splendid ly; to better advantage tt'n almost ; any other crop, although iiuck gar- 1 dening is can led oil with success. 1 Green and Wood own n good steam j plow und have plowed up over 3.UUU ' acres for the neigh boring larmers, over 2.a'fl unres being already in 1 wheal. F. B. AIcDaniel. of Iowa, is coming In with another steam plo and well drill, winch will be kept Ini There Is a great deal of building Ii going on. one of the principal strut -ili i,,,... a mi. tur uji' liitinir th,, tieu stone $ block óliv4 feet, erected by F. II. Foster. Twenty houses have gone up since March and twenty more are con tracted for. The largest store In I'oy . an 1 oie of the lending mercantile estaliish inents of the territory, is t h r. ol th" Florshelm .Mereainlle company , v.iiiii has an up-lo-tlate tuo-storv ouildiir; Auxilio fed, modern 111 every re.-p.-ct. and containing a t.'iO.lniil sto 1, id goods. The cotnp."r.v noes u v, hole sale and retail business. Sol. Flor shelm. of .Springer, is president: H (ioodmaii. malinger: L. K. Aldridge bookkeeper: F. II Strong, wiirehousi ....... ...O I, I.'..,-1 Sinner , u ,i.u,ul,illl "I'l", ..1. .-..... p. .. . . , j- A. It. Stanton. A. Iipea und Max hi 1.'.....,.. ..I... Iu 1,,,,.l. l.'l..,.UhUl..l le,u 1 Prutiiilinjc rpfiinit.'. Plln filie In 14 (In y ton lead and nunc is likely to lie 1 doors 011 account of the shut down. II atii-i 1 on,, of the largest users of the power. s reported that the Madrid coal mini s ; This company is now blocking out ore I m probably shin dow n soon. í i , I ,r 1 s :i IV"r"iW' 11 asti Hall lililí harge of the hardware and harness. department. W. Ileadle Is driver anil 1 works six men. Some idea of the company's wool business may be, gained from the fact that It handles! Irimi 40.000 to áO.OOO lambs and two million pounds of wool. The com-1 pany also has a large lumber yard ( caiiyilo; t-li.OOO vt.nili of luinb' l'. froni 40.0IIU to Ml.OlllI lambs and two' general merchandise store here and j stock Inti rests besides. Ii. P. llranch ! runs a llrst class resianialit and llv- ery stable, Appel and company con duct a general merchandise stoic. Itaiim Hrothets own a tin shop. une of the important firms is the Hoy Sand and Livestock company, owiiing the lownsite. which consists of 200 acres, one half already haling been sold for lots The lloy Trust and Savings bank will open for business in a few days, comfortably housed in Its own build ing. The officers an- Frank Hoy, president: Dr. F.vans. vice president: Will C. ICoy. cashier. .1. W. Taylor also has a lumber yard here. There Is a flourishing school here, with 110 pupils under the supervision of Miss Wood and Miss Mason. Solana. Solana, ten niles from Hoy. stsr'e 1 last February, now has a population of 200. Homeseekers are coming In here rapidly and the country is set tled up lor mnv miles around. Mllo maise corn and kafflr corn grow well In this locality Mr Talbot', of this rdace. has located 71', settlors thH begin year. Water can be found an;, w her- remedy, Dr.'btecn 10 and ion feet deep. because as oon , me fouina i.'-auv m. .,.. company is uun i.n.m.i .e..,.,.. .,u . ing and selling real estsie and patent ed land and horse, and cattle. The officers of the company are'C. I. stnlon nresidellt: J. H. Carson. - i store. Inn itulms a fe ini'es oilt-ide of I tow n. J. 8. N.colay has a flourishing eneral merchandise luislncs.. He hn handl -d l carload, of freight since September I. of this year. F. M. Hughes also runs general men han dlse business, as doe. L. H. Frv. J ". riinri h h.i .lost oM-ne, a slm'l ir store, making luinilnre hi spe lapy 4ite. Jhiighanilon.S'. Y., on every Ixrttie, WOTIItll l T i.ltoulM. M- W 1X1WX Another eastern Near Meie.i i .wn ,1.1 whi.h has a great future 1 1 11 im eniei nr inn an.i What the Viorning Jour nal Does for Advertisers and How It Does It. Advertising in the Morning Journal has a far broader, deeper, more satisfactory meaning than in any other New Mexico newspaper. It is synonymous with conscientious, painstaking, result producing service. Service mark you for when a Morn ing Journal solicitor is sent for he represents an organization that will help you plan a campiign, write, illustrate, and set all advertisements an organization that will see that your ad vertisements . are placed in suitable positions that, in short, will help you in every way to make your advertising a mighty factor in making mony for you. When your advertisement is inserted iv the Morning Journnl half of the work is Jone. The sctd of success is sown. And 5t goes into a fertile field the most representative homes of Albuquerque and vicinity homes where the Morning Jour nal is so popular that it has a circulation in excess of the combined dailies of New Mexico. If you are not advertising in the Morning Journal, you are LOSING not saving money Xmm .) i THE LEADER 5-10-15 Cent Store I 309-311 West Central . C(XXXOCOOO CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS N uTIMXiS I mu u(-ir'prliitf for h rhrlslmin gift :i Jt-wlry I' tniM'Hon hjixh Un IiIi'hI It Is one in whfrh the Inl i hiMr value ol (tit xirtft lt' i Inst in th Mmlly fi i-ltiiK that Himi( 1 tti Kl r. .Ii wrhy in h lux ury, it N cniiui iiiK. It al'loi ilM o)ihm lunity fur n liiH-r t'xhltiit ol (;i-t' Ihiin iihini"! nlhin lst 1 u r i n k thi year u h:v m i iimiiiIh('I tni lot of Ji'Wrli v lUaiiioniiM in alt hi ., I'tii i s hihI hJ t (!!;. rtMK 1, MthH, ttioMi-ht j, Im a iiiiiM, ful in, walrh.-j. ilriüi lili mi muí rvtivtJHiii; thr J -.. Ir v I'.; tx. rupf Imt ("liH. Hi'ai f , in i k la h, nil Wh. phi that ii'rly ht.lonK-t t' I lit Intf to Mot Hill IHIIT to for your competitors. Morning Journal advertising is good and it would be good for you. Don't arguel Don't inferí Try it! DeJJlbuqucrque IJlornin93omal uhl.'h wt- ohttiri our ir-Mwl. ' M id MU I I ss 'i ll If I ni I! ( OMI'l'll loiis iu x. I'otMf ruiiy and insM' i mir slot u. S ! I w hat you w i-h. ami va- viil la ft aiid uiitll J 'Ju In i maf. .Noiiif our vvlmloM. YANOW Tflcplionc 452 114 West Central frt-frtriHfrr'--' -- t--t-if t-it rt -f WALL PAPER NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED A T T II i: Albuquerque Lumber Co First St. and Marquette Ave. Albuquerque, New Mexico ü-- M--'--,--1'--"'--- KI --t-AlvM-t)Mt I -tM The Way It's Done MTV 9 r Our lumber la manufacture! at onr nun null. fr,m tha pick of th bmt he ! if In the wut hwent, e iiriiinu to the rcpurt of lh jov.rn rii. i.t'n i'prt.i. A Inri; !ock of dry wjirute dmienpiim n hanj. Why nt t ur the let vhfi It la M rheup the other Kin I. .-wr T toB f Un, on the main i:-i '.'j L urMMaaMi(t7 Rio Grande Lumber Co I'lu'iie t. Corner I I and Marqnett.