Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUOUEROUE WORNIWG JOURNAL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1907. 8 SENSIBLE XMAS GIFTS ttht ran rmi bur llml will l mur upprrrbifr than pwér of íjrl ftN, prrtwi Hlllnff HlliN-ri for timi Mr, In ur mrw lhu of frll Klip Hr wi bate th NriMii' ImIm( t rMt in nn'.r I Hl. Thfro I 4Milniiljr Nt-ilhirtg lak In to maka Ihla lh best MMirlmrnl r bowa. 77ie Ideal Shoe Store ll:o HKRT.IHi. M(r.. TI 44. Irnlral. LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Tlie WntllH-r. Fur llio (wenty-lour hour eiiiHim al n'cluck yesterday altci nunii: Maxi mum temperature, in: minimum. 1. mean, U2; ninth lii.l; partly rluuily. Meal her I orix-MM. WaslilliKlon, Hec. f. New Mulc'i mid Arizona. Tuesday and Wednes day luir. New wan received li.r yatriliiy of (li d.-atli in l,u An relea riunday nlKhl of Mr. Kufti.'iie .Murray, until re cently a resilient of AltiUiHTue and l! Pi many friend hi'ie until hi re moval to Ang'-ics. Mr. Munay whs connected with the Whitney i I la i (I war.' company. Mr. Murray I now survived by her husbend and nix culturen, j The Stoddard Haytou automobile In limine of II ,M. Western, of leii- i.-r 1,-11 vlhmiiImv fur I: Ii,m éiiiII Mlsíicc Alison to nirpl I.ieiitenuiif encouraging i i ni I "' ri r . of the regular army campaign Ik having ((.effect In the d ' vrlophiK of the fariiiiriR districts. Isiaucin 4 alley I KloiirMiiiis. "I have Just returned from a short 'stay ill the Ksiancia valley." said I'ro , feasor Tinsley to a Moniin Journal i representative eslcr-la) . "ami I find j cniidlllons there to tip extremely fa ; vorahlo; much more satisfactory, In j fact, than could have been hoped for i at the beginning of, the season. Rain ! ha been abundant and the poll I" In good condition. Home of the crop planted by the newcomer ure not tin one best adapted to the roil of that part of New Mexico, but these crops ate doing well, nevei thelcss, and the result In potatoes and vegetables of all kind are surprising. "It I an Interesting and very sig nificant fact that more than 4, 0'"! aeren of wheat have been planted in the Instancia valley this fall. This doe not represent a Ingle large es tablishment or aerie of large plant er, for not a Mingle lot include more than sixty acre. Hut I he w heat land I scattered from one end of the val ley to the other, and when it I con nldered that the lot ure all under I sixty acre. It I easy to see how many farmer it take to plant four thousand acres. The vallev I set- ' tllng up rapidly. .One of the most sign over there Is the PEITlfJE HEARING I ODAY A allow will mi rid y be given thin afternoon and III" remainder of the week. The Woodmen's circle will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock In odd Fel low a' ball. Former Mayor ('alter Harrison, of l'lilcago, w an in I he i ll) yesterday on hi way tu California. I). T. McCsttignn. of tlie editorial staff of the San Francesco fall I In All'U'iuery ue for un Indclinlte iay. I.Ai-lfr lli.m- I '....! itiu lull j.f Mi. ........ ... ... , '.. ,.,.i ) i em esenl l M K ix ii. i.,, a. i.e I' ., ,. .,,,. ,.f n, yesterday on biislne, licro.e .he dls- );ijr(.) )(; aKTe. trlct ruuit. i preacher and a statesman In the ex- Ilev. K. (. Post and wife, of Jji k- ! ,.i Ve work of the Huptbt denomi- Homllle, III., wliu have been visiting I tiatlun. w ho ' steady demand for rellniiulshmeiit. In wa compeHrJ to leave the marhlne r"1'" valley, a In every new district here and go to Fort lluachuca by rail alter making the trip from Denver here. Mr. VVcstcott was accompanied anuth In the machine by Arthur Mor rl and I'uul Iledrlck. Ur. K. C. Clilver. Held iiilasloniii y of the American Kaptlst Home Mis sion Koclcty, died at hi home in New Yoik a few day ago. During the re cent meeting of the Territorial Itap tisl convention held In the llaptist church here, Dr. Chivera wa present the society, being the here for several ihl, loll lant nielli for their honic. Ltre Carnes, of 1'lttshuig. I'a., who ha been Visiting his brother, Dr. I). H. Cains beta lor ome time, lelt ye tetllay for Iam Angele. Inspector D. D Hronsoii. or the for- rit aervice. left last night on a I tip through Southern New Mexico Ailxona on loirsliy liuslne. Hie Tlilm-lielle Ai t club will un al with Mrs. l.uu Chamber, úl,". S intli Hroadway, Tuesday afteuioon from 2 to 3 o'clock. Visitóla ure welcome. Mr. Lou Chumbéis and hIMci-Iu-law, Mr. Huchanati, will leave today for 1.1 I'aau where they will visit friends lor several week. Mewing for harlly s ake will he, tlm iniler of the day at the meeting ..r lh lil.ilui.ll, i.i I If . nil el iti.m I tif ii. ..,.'. .1.. i. ii.Im ufier Hti'iu and ma.hlnc shop Will It. Kirk, of 1'hlladidplila. ur llved III the city yenterday enroute east from lioldlleld, Nevada. He af firm the published storle of the la bor trouble In the Nevada camp and Hay In hi opinion the -whole situa tion ha ben brought about by the work of labor agitators. There had and been no actual outbreak when lie left Mr. Kirk that one source of the; Iroulil Is (he failure, of the mine own- I er to guarantee the scrip paid Hie miner. j where there I a rush for homestead there have been speculator who ! number huve taken up homeateada with the expectation of selling out. These re linquishment are now being sold rap idly, and there Is a steady demand for (hem. During my stay in the valley a parly of twelve farmers came In ami I was Informed thai every one of them bad bought a re limiuishiuciu uml proposed in setlle." U ill Talk sugar Id-el. Professor Tlnslev uas a delegate to Hie last national Irrigation congress In Sacramento, and was one of the most active delegate In bringing the congress to A llitiiueriue. During hi tour of the county Professor Tinsley will be asked to give particular atten tion to the beet sugar Industry and to talk to the peoole on the benefits of engaging In beet cull are Attorneys Reach Agreement, As to Evidence to Be Admit-! ted Which May Shorten Trial j Hoie. Idaho, Dec H. Hy agree- j iiiriil of attorney for the state and ! defense in the i'etlibone case today, ' the trial was continued until tonior- j row morning, when the opening state- i ment for the prosecution will be made by James H. Hawiey. i The postponement was agreed to partially becauxe Senator Horah can j mil reacli the city until tonight, and partially that a stipulation between the state and defense as to certain evidence may be drawn. This stipu lation will provide that the testimony on tile explosion In the Hradlcy resi dence at Wan Francisco, given at the Haywood trial shall be admitted a evidence In the Peltibotie trial, and it Is understood that the testimony of a of Colorado witnesses will alo be covered in the stipulation. Ky l hi proc edure the trial will be great ly shortened and the state spared the expense of bringing witnesses from other slate. , NO USE TO PAY FOOLISH PRICES Fr any Ih tar - for PAINT IVO mr PAPKR HANGING. An4 Prtcea Ibat ara .Tot' lw ara Juat mm mrnrm b 'Kribllah- Prlvn" mm tltna-a that ara Too Htpi. I' ait mm. Our price ara rifht. STACY & Co IN BTMN ESS AO MS AT 325 So. SECOND ST. rmiNF. i4i OHTKOfATH C. H.CONNER, M.D.D.O. Sperlall.t. Jtovm, 1 soil , W. T. Arm I Jo Blag. Phone. XTft nnrf M A SNAP House and two tot. mint he aolil at one. W. P. M.tcalC, S21 West Gold avenue. SHRINERS ELECT the home of Mi. Mcdlcr. Carter II. Harrison, foi met- mayor of Chicago arrived In AIIUít:rt"Hie on I he California Limiten yesterday morning on hi way to Pasadena, Cal., in Hprnd the winter months. M. Frank JT. Moore, ai ling secretary. Ticket have been placed on sale for the ball In be given by the KIKh' bund Thursday night, In Klk' bull loom. Tlie philanthropic depai (iiient of llm Woman' club will mecí this ar Iciiiooii at Hie home of Mr Marga ret Meillei, 1UU2 West Tiietiis. A. C. IH'Kiiih. Jr.. who ha been coiiiierted with Im Opinion Publica, for tin past three months, has re signed and iiniiounced Hint be i xpci t to eslalillsli a newspaper ol hi own 111 thu near flit lire. All Intel est llig ineetlliR of Hie ex I'ciiltve iMiintu II lee ol tin' anti-sal i league wa held last llirli! nl which Hie proviNloii of Hie ant l-gambling act. whleh beeoine effective J.inuaiy lt. were disciissed Hpeclnl oiiimiinleullon of Temple Iulge No ti, A. F. A. M. at Masonic temple, Tuesday evening. December loth I 7:ilN o'clock. Work In lv A. and F C. degrees. Virdtlng Masons coidlallv Invited. Py order of the W The ianlles' guild ol SI .lohti'.-. church will be enletialneil thl" after noon ut the bolisj of Mr. William Jeiik. n Fruit avenue, from 2 until j o'clock. A home looking table III lie one of dig features of the after noon, i The rebullir meeting of the Wood- men circle will be held thi afternoon i at 2:30 at tin odd Fellows' hall oí-I llcer fot Hie ensuing ear will be elected and a'l ihcmliei aie niuesled to un present. t K. . Sliull, ol ht. I.oul. of Un-i 1 : li I i runde Water and l-nei compunv I I In Hie city with u parly of I'liicago cMpliulliil. In. lulling Thomas Cannon. Itobert Krldo. J. J. W iseman, F. D ' lllllrr and lv J. Vaughn. ! The funeral of Muigueiiie, the Hi lls daughter of Mr. and Mrs F. H Coen. '.'ll llaaeldlne avenue, wa held, veterday afternoon al the family resilience, Itev. W ilson .1 Marsh, con ducting. Intel incut was In Fall view I enietel A lelegiiini mo rueived in this eil veteida iiimunelii' the death In i Iji Angeles of Mis. Hiiuene Murrav. foline'i- ot Hits . 1 1 Mr and Mrs Murray left here to live In California, about il month ago. six children besides the bereaved hu-dmnd smvlve Mr. Muir A bo giving hi name a Artlini Charmer, wm si-nl to Ho' loiiutv lull lor fifteen duv Jeslelday bj l'olici I Judge Craig, on a charge of sleallnu a box of isiiilv fioin Hie Flench oaaery. Tiie i" said lion be n hungn. He bad In his possession a old watch hl. h he mvs he bought 111 Floreliee. Col j Tlie lartl.-s of the Tempi.' Mbert lli'llrvolelll aim Alii so. iei win iinr a afternoon te st Hie cepílleme of Mrs. Nob llfeld. k'.'i West Copper atenué Fiida. Ixeemhei 1:1 The entei tainment ' fot Hie purpose of raising fund, for (hr benevolent work ol the oeleM. Inteieste.l in the work Is coidlallv Inviied lo si ten, I. F. J. Cliilin, or the Clovls Townslle; company, left last night for Clovi. where he goe to idose a deal with Hi Sania Fe 'company ror the purchase of eighty acres of additional land fori terminal purpose. The railroad com naiiv proposes to erect large concrete, , at l lovis. i which . desllned to become one ot ithe most Imporlanl points on Hie ' Haslern Itallroad of New Mexico. Mi'.i fill till exepects to return to Albliller ! !ii"' Kalurday evening. ! I Ihe luneriil ot Hie lute Airs, j n I Ulalic. lióse dealli occiirreil on Fri day li Ik HI will be held tills morning al'i!l o'clock from Hie I in iniii ulale Conception church Fr. A. M. Manda iluli olllelallng. Inlernicnl will lie in Is inla Harliaiii cemetery Tlie follow ing member ol A lhu.iiei iic council. KlilKlils ol Coltiuiliu will net as an I'scorl al the fuiictal: Hcrnaid o ,aiihllii. .1 H. Heaven, I!. A. Kin Ik. Itobert Archer, (lorn-go lieuuregard, A. Camb ial Is. M. A. Skees. Wullacc NEW OFFICERS W. D, McFerran Potentate of Dallut Abyad Temple, Handsome Jewel for Past Potentate Wilkcrson, de LaDilc her llessel : Ai mij ' The r.illoulng ofriecr have ' ele. led fill tl IISIlllIK Vl lir for i Warren post. i. A. K.: IMwaril ' son. post coniuinn.ler: II I I senior vice commander; o ; j bury. Junior vice commander Tlmnia Harwoinl. chaplain: ' I'hllllps. officer of the dav Jllsti St. II. J. I.. W. A. K.I been (!. K. a r.l. PlllM Ill'V. JoHCpIl w w. McDomild, (tuarlermasicr; AI. Custer, 'post surgeon; J. I.clhert. officer of ' (he guard. II II Sleward was elei t I o.l delegate lo the millotial eneiimp- ment, with Joseph Phillip as alter 1 mile The officer will be Installed al j Ihe regular meeting on January 4th. ' A short session of probate court ' wa held yesterilav with Judge Ito- mero presiding Several matters of minor importance were disposed uf. Ilallut Abyad Temjile of the Mvh llc Shrllle held Its iinuiial cle lion of officers last night with the following resulis: Potentate. William I . McFerran : Chief Ituhhan, I.. II Ciiainhci lili; As sistant Italihan, K. C Alhti; High Priest and I'tophel. C o. Citslinian: I oriental (nido. I'iiiiI 'leiilsih. Treax ! urer. A. J. Malo; Itceoidcr, II. K. 1 I 1 1 Hi il ; First Cer nial Master. I otto llaan. Second Cercinonial Mas I tor. I W. II. ,M; Cnptiiln of the j Hiiard. F. J. Ilol s; Director, Frank j MeKec; Marshal, ,l.iv A. Iluldis; Out- er un ill, l ge IMierharl ; Delégale lo the Impelí, il Council. St. Paul. Minn., June IT,. Unix, T. . Wllkerson. .1 M. Wilkinson, W. C. I'orterf Ield. of Silver city, A pleasing event of Ihe session wa the presentation by Ilallut Abyad Temple lo Past Potentate Thomas ,V. Wllkerson or a very handsome Pat Potentule' Jewel, which Mr. Wllker son was exhibiting to his friends last night vlth pardonable prldu. TINSLEY WILL TALK 10 VALLEY EASTERN WOOL MARKET SHOWS IMPROVEMENT f inance and the Markets. Nothing ubtuiL a metropolitan news paper shows more plainly a high de gree of urguniyu t ion tliun un accurate and comprehensive report of lheli.,i. o world's market. As might be ex- JUSl ReCCIVed, pectén, tne Chicago Kecord-Heralll cover the Held in Ihe same satis factory manner thai Is characteristic of tlie paper's entire new service, sol are worth In London, what monev and Nlocks are worth in New York, and wheat und the other grain ure worth in .Chicago, Kaunas City. Min neapolis mid the oilier markets and present In addition accurate Informa tion on the event and conditions that determine these values. The Kecord-II. raid i the only morning paper in Chicago having Its own special correspondent cover Hie New Vot k stock market. (icotge S. Ileachels letters report the dally iiiovernentn of the New York stock and money markets in u way that shows the writer's close association with Ihe men who rule In those af fair in Wall street. Faiuul attention Is devoted to the Chicago slock and Hiisi in-ill I markets and to the daily niovementiii of prices on the Hoard of Trade. The "Speculative CoHsip" and the limes that record Wall street and l-iSalle street happening contain many a line that shows a hit of tlie I real "Inside" hislory of the various I market. The Iteeord-1 lera Id makes II a point to cover in full Hie. Iin.-iu- i-lal report of compauic and corpo-j ration and devotes particular alten-i tioit to banking inlerest in Chicago and Hie west. MlM Pbll brick ' HlBdergartea. W. Oold. A Large Con signment of Imported Lucca Olive Oil. A. LOMMORI & CO Dealer in Groceries and Provisions Phone 791. 323 S. Second St rxDcoocoooooooc Good Idea BACK OF The STYLE VIH I I. Fiad lust Hiere' a lot nor. thsa slle la Hart ss-haff-rr M Marx rlolhes; hack of Iba l.vl. I. Ihe blah ijualiljr f ma terial aud lallorlai whii-b Bnak. Ihe alyl. lad. Vou raa find plruly of cheaper llollir. tliaa aur Hart sshaffnrr Marx .nil. and oierroal.; but Ihrj II prolisbly wear lieup t Ihey i-osl; the.r'll lk rhvaMr thsa joii like lliriii ia a fear week. Hart Ki-liuffner Man llollir. re all a mil; llier eo.1 aa all aool priisr sod wear like it:, sjuil. t .'U.OO la !K.O.'; Ovrrnml. I it II to i.'.VOo. h' il 0 -;!-lf iy is,- r. J fJi.1 ' Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffher Mtrx SIMON STERN The Central Avenue Clothier ToH ave Dome Syst em MHKX SI'I.MTINO YOl K Coff ee anc I T ea n r 1 a iih.i It has never been our I policy to stick out a few I articles "below cost" as a bait, and then "even up" on other articles, BKST. ( AKHV M)K III T THE I ,.r I ccma, Tetter ami Sail lllu-um. ! Tile inli-tise il.liini.- loi i-in-lovlsl i. of these MllmenlH is almost Instantly lv allayed liv (.liambei lain .Salve. Many severe cusi-a have been cured by it. For sain by nil druggist. avium; ik K (tlltr-.K AKKl HUAMlli (II- Our Will Show lug; of Holiday ls He lne of Hie Miisl Com plete In lovvn. Large si.e sleeping lils-,Uc doll larg li.-ads. long curly nntural hair and eye lashes, u bcaut.$ IS Inch lull Jointed tine kid 'body doll, long curly natural hair and eye lashes. one of the handsomer,! doll shown this season $.1.,'.H Trinity chime $1.45 Holmes trumpet mouth harps. something new $ I 110 12 inch pi, tal top trunk, would please any little girl II.T.O We will need a few more extra clerk TIIF. MA'.i:. Win. Klckc, l'nir1i-lor. I in Mai ki t Mill (ulcl. Although Huyera Are Minvtlng- More Acllvlly In llie-loll. MITIt l; TO Ol K ( I SIOVIf R. W. r. ilrmr,l to rin.imi.-e that l-'olry-. Ilnii.v and Tar for cough.. cnldN and lun trouhlra I. not aftrfted hy the Natl.ninl Pure l-'ood and liriix law a. il i-,,nlln n-. ,. platea or othrr harniful drii., anil w. r.i-.Hiiin.iid It a. a flafe remedy for i-hlldt'.n anil adulta .1. H. O HI.lly C.i. White H ouse Hill Bros. Morey's Aim I IPIIIN'S und othrr fmnoii. Tea.. T. N. Linville oooooooooooooooqc Spot Cosh Store i T sTniritp rtnitin o o r x iicvti.o, cio nan t uu. W. L. TRIMBLE & COMPANY IJVUItr. l 8AI.K KTABIJiS First tTlasa Turnout at xveasonaoie iiaies. Telephone S. North Sesinrl Street Put it is our policy to give the best goods the mar ket affords at the nar rowest margin consistent with economical man agement. OOOOOOOCOGOOC OPIDSH12 IMiSTOFFICK. Watch V Grow. Watch Our Huslncss McthiKl Win. NO KICK M From those vvlm unlcr CIT FlOM Kits a ml IMAMS from as. UK 1)F- i.iviit i hi; (.00 ds. IVES, The Florist .lbiiiiu-riiie. New Mexico. FARMERS n.i Ihi'iii such practica eticoui agetnent as I Tinsley til rem.. ' coiintv for a ,ek. be asked to llddl ,' . a I ( farinel hele on Sal ardav 1 cult ut al coll, j;,- Is now k I f. SKill- in til' lie! r-cff- n rfx r - - I ell. out aging f ll llilni: III MIS, joaig II.RKI , ,,.r, , .. ..,, IVI.IKH ami SI-AM. H : pi. o ti. al I li-t I net I o i 111 WITH Wiu.lllMIN 1,111 II lll-rfH I'll ! Hlul i lop. II). .st hi,. U 1 lllXIKIIII III NHIIHVU der till. on. ..f 1,1. li I' I'NUXK 14. l-xpert have in id, a en I file "I k ,t lite I o'l. ge to i ti.m Is Hli ad pi oiliici 'nr I Ihe most t'i.l.f I. led F oui Ihousancl Acies of Wheat in Estancia Valley and a Stione Demand For Famu Lands, Professor J 1 1. Tinsley. of the New Mexico Agricultural college al Mesilla pnk. arrived In Alliii,iier,iie esler dav and lodav will siarl with A. H Slrotii. coutily sitperlntendetit of schools, on h lour ol the county in the coiir-e of which he w ill talk 'with Hie laimers of everv preiinet, giving it-iiueilon and i a 11 I 'I ofpssol III I'.'l llllllllo II .iolialil o -. log ol I I. e Agrl- -1 1 11 a I'ro- I a II. e tunc oivghiiill lln I lo- farmers Il pi opel lies IMII-IDK Mi-4'OHMH'H l ItlJs 1HK I Ml lt IIMHT. fioii- ivh mi- I'.e college i r i stii.iv. t ',1s .hi CC I -suits of an. I Hie EVERITT THE DIAMOND PALACE I)-. lint .lenrlcr. t'eniril Avenue Mail Inter. ill- 4 . ,..1 u 1 our ItejMir W.'iw. H rails! net's as of condiHon lite Hostoit wool market: The matket 1 still unlet. Iliouah Ihei-e has been an Improvement In the Inuuliy from man u la.l in ers. especial ly those mnking woolen goods. Many sample bag have been set nut, otn of them resulting In business, while oilier sale are ponding. Manufactur i er are still buving onlv In small lots as actually needed There are few forced sule, und for the most part these lot ate off grade The market continues to gain In strength from day to day on the Improvement In the 1 1 UH in in I i.l na, ho,. tu. lasler money market and Ihe xpccte.1 firmness in foreign markels on good grades of oíd All fine grades lone advancen j , o, loieign markets (luring the neck, I r.lthougri low grailits are again lower, j The purchases tills year in Australia j for American account were only t I about III. HUM liaos. against oil. mill ' líales last year, and this assures hold- 1 er of domestic nool that all their '.n ks will be needed helóte I lie next clip becomes available. Spick 111 lo cal dealers' hands are small, and con sist laigely of clothing wools, staples having been well cleaned up. I me lol of staple sold during the week at IT. cents for I an. uml pounds. Cloth ing Ictriioiies ...Id moderately, mosf Iv fine medium. full Texas Is in bel ter demand, a sale lielng iccordcil of I ."in. 'inn pounds al I'li u;-.' cent, vvilh tlie choice glades In the o( si a higher pi ice . l- i, ,-. i s m e uuict. there is a l.etiir Inoiiirv fo limner blonds Muscular rain ( uml. ' Ihiiiiig the summer ol :m; I was troubled with miisiulai' pains In Hie tnslep of toy fool,-- srtvs Mr k ,.,r. iof Tomillo, nut "At times it was so i painliil I could hardly walk. Cham berlain's I'aln Halm wa recminenil i'.l l" me. so I tried it and was com plete! cored I. on,, small bottle, I have sin, rceoinm, tided it to several ,,f my friends, nil ,,f whom speak highly of it." Kor tile bv all druggists i II. 11, Harris, forest supervisor, hn i returned from a business trip in the lo i Mon-cjiri.i nut to CRYSTAL THEATER W. It. OltKMHIKI'r , Mgr. 120 West Gold Ave. Maiiiano national forest. A Walk of two hincha will sat jon m.nj , .liar, .a roor elolhlnf. dry gonda aad hoe.. II. vina . real or oilier h.y t- j peaaea la psv 1 ran ..II yaa a f'!A.o -aver- ' east for f i IVA, ! Terco I for ! !.. a !. yoalh'a long raal lor ..", m a lo hor a ...reoat for II.N, a !.V X man a anil for l (i. a .'o muí .oil for fH'J.M. a :I M l a .oil tor (I. "4. A good, all waol, ' he. 1 1- man', .all for 0. Aa ele(nt line ml l.ilie.' far. and (altor mad nil. ( asll j everyhody' porkrthoa-k. 1 E. MAHARAM I W eal Onlral. I aah or ("rertlt. XI AI l'ABKK BAI.I.. T'i l.MiHen Mc.-he win give gran halt V rin..,lay evening leiemher 14'tl Ktka Tht-aler. Ticket It NOTIII4i MOItl", AI'I'HOrill. 1i: Kill illltlsHIAS THIN A piiiiidi.iiH'ii. 4iK iozi:n n- I N I T M HS ta.on. mi i i r sti :uo. IIS WKST HAIMtOAl A KM K. THU IHIIIllR VOI' 4RF1 T( I' I t .4 HI 1 1 T VOI H I.HIHIKII-. THK Kllf" II I TO SVIIslV m AT r. li. HI (IT (ovii ANi, sin th mmi arKi.i-.r. IK VOI' 'Vltli NOT SATISKII I wnii mi: siiokivi; oi' lorw HOItsK. TltV KOHIii:it CO, AM lli: II I M MIOl IN A M IIMTIK II 4 MM-It f THIS WKKK THREE MACS THREE Hit-ill In mi Sisitlaiid. Ilunis-i-s nuil llagpl-rs Illustrated Songs. MR. OSRA L. GOODHUE llnnjoisl SHERiVIAN & FULLER 4 oincillaiis Ijidiea' Souvenir lvs Tuesdays and ! Friday. iCIiildren' Toy Matinees Saturday Afternoon. THE CRYSTALOGRAPH ' THE S. R. Dale Realty Co. Ill ftouth Broadtrar. . Solicits Your Busines Kolnry In fflr. 8 PI UK DHl'GS. COLD SODA 8 8 A l ull Line or Toilel Article Q Q SKCO.M ST. ANI 4rf)LD AV. B X4altn snail. - at isrlrr, II) I aih s.r.aa. I ha. U Ka tur m irT mi o HOI ' SUM M MrMI M lAr 4Mil I r A "itiri t 1 . ' '-.-a. sue. i . il . hi. ..4 Aa-il..rr u.ft. 4ii iinniM iNiiai'tit iiiiiii H pr. rlplt". .i i t-'C rtp.riio..,'. ..v. t-it.i. of ra'.o-H ti.rta J. H. O'REILLY & CO. I avAA-j a a a . . f r Til V T TTTTTTTT T -. I lilaeea. aM Ha,ia,a Malwlai. The ALBUQUERQUE PLANING MILL thk oi.nrsr THR t ill XlMMlna I arallar. Si .r. a4 liar 4 1 All Vlndx window shade tn stork and mad to order. Futrelle Furni ture company. tve( end of viaduct. ARE lot' UO.4114 Or Vloil4 Ih Ilk. lo Inter Hi Till. I.nsil -r.fil 4okln laMlnatrr If eo thri. 1. m .piMO.1 a, .it no amsll iip.n;. anil aira one lit rinat held, of .linti in A merle t-' erlect from W. nfler heaa of kl.s .re Ih ataierlle "f lh-e i.ul i-I the farnoue Aime h.fl. t.hi-h ! ' ' ..e of .1 ..reala pSr-.e. Prill Mil en. ' uaiher rrora I ta :' Tkera ra IV. We la the hera III kleb (ralla hark ; u hi ho, xa frra tne .! eVxith Arnrmn nrl Tur..H .- k an aheot fa welhers. , III rrllitr F O. B. aelrer i"ll S. ti j If lnrmi.4 eatl isr arl'e, Cha4lr a4 I XXXX)OOO0COCKX)0(XXXX)OCy?l jX I'HOM, It! IWI . MI-HI II Ol I B1RKERT BROS. 8 c5 8 R' 8 X tS! 3 8 !q 4 ii r kim ol A MOK is Q Q 4ii K (.HIM IK TI-IIIM. IIH "J Q Mini T UK. II rUHtv Iff X iQ I sHtm 401 OIK I HKIsl V Q M sunk er (.Kin I-me X O 4MI 4IM Mill. I. M.KH- 0 4BI V I Itl'lllsHI r Ule. g O KII.K I IIH I lW I KH l Q X l 4KI-: M.HIX. 4T. O IX 4KK 4111 K TO "Ml. TIIKVI O 4 III 41'. Q !8 8 lest X D I I BIRKERTBROS. I 5 rHO. IM ll S. t.K.HTH Q I WILDER STARR CO.; COMPANY f Conñieational Church, Thui s-; ;day Eveniiiir, Dec. 19; Admis sion 50 Cents. WILBER STARR ! Ilariioiic ami luirCi s.01,.1.11 . ALGER ANKER Xlolllllst. MISS IRENE DODDS 4 iiiiii alio. MRS. VILBER STARR t cllist ami AissuiiaHs. 1 III. isiiiiaiiiy K etiiliMrwil liy tvo Ic.., aiillenilv 1 1 il 11 I lie 4 lii. airo l!ci-,ril mul St. ImiIs (.lil--lN-nioiTal. WHEN YOU WA N T Something Very Nice for Your Table Order a Can of Dinner Party Brand York State Red Pitted Cherries Only 30c a Can ALBUQUERQUE CASH GROCERY CO. II. WAItli. Mgr. 31a 5larlilo Ate. SEE EO. PRICE lUII KEAL ESTATE. LOTS, HOUSE ANO BAVCIIK. 212 SOUTH SECOND STREET. THOS. F. KELEHER IIOKSi: Ill.ANKKI, f.AP l:ilHI. IIKMS. KAI 1)1. KS. I i: I HKIt. I'AIMS. i oh wir iKxrr.Aii avkm i- f . -s. a V ÍCUAL . FOR CASH ONLY AMKRICAN BLOCK CEKRIIX03 LUMP ANTHRACITE FURNACB MIXKD NUT CI.EAN OAS COKB 8M1THINO COAL. woon NATIVE KINDLINQ W.H.Hahn&Co TEiiKPHoxE 01 WAGNER HARDWARE CO Kui-ccssiMr, Albuqurrqiie Hardware lu 1-1)1 KTII ST. ASD CCXTIUIiATB A NEW AND HANDSOMER STOVE OR RANGE WILL MAKE A GOOD BEGINNING. AND A TOUR THROUGH THE HOUSE WILL DISCLOSE MANY NEEDED "HARDWARE THINGS' WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED FROM US AT A SMALL OUT- LAY. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF GRANITE WARE. CROCKERY. GLASSWARE AND ALL KINDS OF TOOLS FOR THE MECHANIC. WE HAVE IN CONNECTION A TINNING AND PLUMBING SHOP. ALL WORK ENTRUSTED TO US WILL RECEIVE THE BEST OF ATTENTION. oMNivnr, rHUee (It. K. M -4 44--4V4sV4-4V4Vs44-.i M. . l-i a. r . mmr a mwm. j im w rw ainss, 'ocoococxxxxxxxxxxxxx)ccxxo m