Newspaper Page Text
THE AIBUOIIEROUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1907. Rio Grande Valley Yields Bountiful Results to Farmers SIXTY THOUSAND BALES OF HAY IN plats were luiJ off February 1. 1907.1 to be seeded once every fifteen days, j The tirst plat was needed February 1. 1 hile the last one was Beeded August' 14. 1807. I I The variety used fur the test was! ;the .Brown Australian, which Ih a I : small growing kind, but a good I .1 keeper. j ! While the plats were plunted at dif ferent times It was very interesting I to note that all of those that ripened j I a crop matured about the same timel ,'and these were harvested on Septem ber 19, 1907. The early plats pro duced good nind bulbs: the medium j ; late produced only a few bulbs and a i IMMTMCT OUIDMCMTP romsreat many scullions; while the very imniLHOL OI III I O rnUIVIIlate planting produced nothing but VALLEY NEAR LOS LUNAS I "a"?." idea can be had of this ! test from the following table, which I elves the vleld Der Plat and the dale ntftl'PStiníT KP.Cll tc Frnm Href Io.' Planting owivwtaitQ I IWVUIIJ I I VIII TWO WEEKS SPLENDID YIELD OF ALFALFA NEAR E ALBUQUERQU i: i I "J1 Date Year's Working of Armijol February Farm At Ranchos de Albu-MÍhT M - ii. . ! March K queique norm ot buy. iAPni May I spatial Carraapaadeaea Morning Journal. Los Lunas, N. M., Dec. 11. More than 60,000 bales of fine fall hay and thousands of pounds of fall wheat have been shipped in the lust two weeks from Los Lunus. Los Icenles. Peralta, Valencia, and other places in this part of the Rio (irande valley. Simon Neustadt and Fred Huntng oi this place, and Max Paul Kempenlch, of Peralta, are the biggest shippers, their teams bringing in hundreds o Sound bulbs Scullions May K. June 3 The olher failures and From these would seem are planted Pounds. Pounds. 1 128 '4 6 15 M 7 sr. 13 13 15 7 18 5 15 4 4 1 FOUR HUNDRED TONS FROM A PART OF FORTY ACRES five pints were practically were not even harvested, results at the station It that the later the onions the smaller and mure In ferior the crop. It is quite evident that under our conditions onions can not be depended upon to mature good and heavy crons late in the fall. j For I I : and : can bales and hundreds of sacks of wheat every day. Simon Neustadt, who is also post master here, said, "The outlook for bumper wheat and hay crops next year Is very good at present. The fa cilities for properly irrigating the farming lands In this part of the! county have never been better. 1 ex- pect with good luck to ship twice as much hay and wheat next year as this year." Despite the heavy frost which j killed practically alf of the fruit In New Mexico last summer, Mr. Pedro ! Saiazar. of Loa Lunas, who owns a tine fruit farm al Peralta, secured over I two hundred barrels of fine eating; apples from the trees which he plant- ed several years ago. According to Mr. Saiazar he ex- pects to secure a large , quantity of peaches, pears, apricots and grape i this coming summer, providing the' frost does not kill the buds. He says' that with the proper use of the irrl- i gation facilities almost any old fruit can be raised in the eastern portion of I the Rio ürande valley, where his! property la situated. Hcsides owning the fruit orchard, Mr. Saiazar has several thousand I acres of land available for sheep and I cattle grazing and for farming pur-1 poses. On the latter two crops of flue i corn were raised this year, and three rtq 111 crops of wheat and alfalfa hay. vaiJium J. u. MBwart, oi jviouyuerque, in spected the land owned hy Saiazar this week. He is considering buying enough land for a fruit orchard and farm near Peralta. Mr. Salazar'a farm Is only one ex ample oí what can bo done with the large tracts of fertile farming land In the Rio Grande- valley in Valencia county, and especially on the west side of tile river around Peralta. Properly Irrigated, a farm anywhere in this part of the valley would make Its owner rich in a few years. The agricultural opportunities are xinpar arelled. Working on tin- Itontls. With the approach of the real win-1 Troop K ter season the farmers of Peralta and engaged Valencia and the adjoining country are giving the county surveyor male rial assistance In getting the roads in splendid condition, work which has been much needed, us numerous chuck holas now being tilled up with rock and cinders have been the grief of travelers. J. (J. Stewart, of Albuquerque, N. M.. formerly of Kentucky, snd K. L. Wootton. also of Albuquerque, spent several days in Los Lunas and vicin ity this week inspecting tine pacture, fruit and farming lands. Mr. Stewart intends to engage quite extensively In cattle, sheep and farming business in the neighborhood of Los Lunas. , Fixing the Itrhlgc. The much needed improvements upon the Los Lunas bridge across the Mo Grande, which the county That Dull l'celing After Fating. have used Chamberlain's Stomach Liver Tablets for some time, and testify that they have done me more good than any tamets i nave ever used. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling after eating David Free man, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These tab lets strengthen the stomach and Im prove the digestion. They also regu late the liver and bowels. They are far superior to pills, but cost no more. Get a free sample at all drug stores and see what a splendid medi cine it is. NAVAJO BAD MEN BREAKING HOCK AT HUACHUCA Williard With Three Officers of the Fifth Cavalry Sees By-a-lil-le Safely in ment Prison. Immense Crop of Wheat; How Peralta Fruit Raisers Beat the Frost; Woiking On Va lencia County Roads. Henry Koyliul, formerly of Pecos, near Glorieta on the Pecos river, and who Is now in charge of the Perfecto Ai ni I jo farm of 150 acres at Ranchos de Albuquerque, north of this city, was In Albuquerque yesterday mak ing arrangements to sell 100 tons of the finest meadow hay ever seen In Albuquerque. Mr. Koybul has been farming about 40 acres of the runch this season and has accomplished re sults that speak most eloquently of the agricultural possibilities of the valley lands around this city. "1 have learned a good deul from the tirst year," said Mr. Koybul yes terday, 'and expect to do twice us well next year, with any kind of luck at all. I have learned several valua ble lessons, especially about the rais ing of vegetabes, by which I can profit next season. 1 have sold 400 tons of a I fulfil from the ranch this yeur. which 1 believe cannot be beaten by alfalfa raised anywhere in the country. I have raised tomatoes, corn, all kinds of vegetables and have not discovered anything that will not : grow and produce a big crop with a I little work and attention. Grain. while It requires more work than other crops, can be grown with ab solute success, but 1 believe that hay and vegetables are the crops that will be most largely planted in the valley. I have now on the ranch ten nillch cows, ten pigs and plenty of chickens and (lucks. 1 have been selling cheese and butter all the season and the amount 1 can sell is only limited by the amount 1 can manufacture. "Farming In this valley, like farm ing alsewhere, takes work and hard work, but It is work that brings re sults every time. I do not believe there Is more fertile soil anywhere than In this valley of the Klo Grande." Office Furniture WE ARE HEADQUAR TERS FOR OFFICE FUR NITURE. OUR STOCK CONTAINS ALL THE BEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE DESK. ROLL TOP. FLAT TOP. TYPEWRITER DESK. OFFICE TABLES, CHAIRS AND STOOLS. MACEY SECTI0.NAL BOOK CASES, RUGS AND CARPETS, SUITABLE FOR OFFICE. SUBSTANTIAL HOLIDAY PRESENTS AT LOW PRICES CARVING SETS TABLE CUTLERY TEA & COFFEE SPOONS POCKET KNIVES RAZORS SHAVING SETS RANGES SADDLES HARNESS LAP ROBES RAAEE & MAUGER 115-117 NORTH FIRST Hardware and Ranch Supplies 'MM flSllI Atom AMim-vr and m-oiiinu ,ooi iiokhkh by c.kttinq voir H ARN ESS or i s. K IHV HUlt 1AKI.K HMti MAKIM1 IIKI-A KTM KNT TO OI'K BKISMK AM M 4KK Al l. II R IKKSKM: HKI l MR ( HN( wr. CAN m r, voit iiKTThK i KvriiKK. itr.TTrit onnthi tiiin ad in evert WAV MONK SATISFAI TIKY IfA'IIIIK IIIHlim AT I'HII M I'l l I V A LOW AH II! I'AV HIR THK ISIIKIOK FAKTKRN WAtir. HARM'S. WK .l AKANTKK Ml RÍ IM H Or OIK l.rATIIhR ÍOOIIM AMI INVITE TOO TO I.OIIK OV K (U K l.AIUiK TO K. J. KORBER Se COMPANY 2 1 2 North Second Street. Albuquerque, N. M "HOMINKXT I'KOPMC ! publish the story of the Indian light. j written by Business Manager Wilbur I Harlan, of the 'Way Down Kast" I show, and Illustrated with phnto I graphs of Captain Williard. the other com-1 officers and the Indians, taken at the mlsslonera started a number of Santa Fe station here. months ago, have been practically fln- "Hy-a-lil-le," the big Navajo medi cine man, his lieutenant Polly, anil eight more bad Indians, ringleaders In the recent uprising quelled hy the Fort Wingate soldiery near the Slilp rock agency, are now busily engaged In the squaw-like pastime of break ing rock at Fort Huachuca. Ariz. Cap tain Henry O. Williard, commanding of the Fifth cavalry, wnicn the Indians in the recent hostilities, arrived in the city yester day accompanied by three non com missioned officers after escorting th Indians to the Fort Huachuca mili tary prison. vl don't think the Indians will com mit anv more depredations in the near future," said Captain Williard i KOItRI'K CO. HAVE KFCrRFI) yesterday. "They III have plenty of THK sKKVIf'KS OF MK. HltlS ; time to reform over that rock pile.' OF IIF.NVFlt, X MKA In I. WHO Is Captain Williard and party arrived, A SPECIALIST ON HORSKMIOK. in the citv on No. 10 from the south ixcj. . and left for Fort Wingate on the Cal- I ' -. ifornia limited. It Is understood tlie New York World, on Nunduy, will Testify Hie Fffhiicy f Hie New Scientific Dandruff Trolllinenl. A. K. I.anler, Henver, says: "Herpt clde has made my hair grow rapidly." Mrs. A. (Juerln. (treat Falls, Mont,, says: "t find Herplclde un excellent dandruff cure." H '.reenlsnd, Portland, ore., says: "Newbro's Herplcide stopped my hair's falling out." J. D. Israel, Norton. Wash., says: "Herplclde has completely cured my dandruff." Charles Hrown, president First Na tional bunk. Vancouver, Wash., says: "Herplclde is noted for keeping the scalp clean. Insist upon the genuine. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.. !. trolt. Mich. Two, f.Oc and P. H. Hrlggs & Yi.. special agents. See us before plac ing your orders elsewhere. We Can Save You Money. Albert Faber 308-310 Central Ave. When You Begin Christmas Buying REMEMBER That All thir Fine Diamonds & High Grade Jewelry rciawm-iil unredeemed iilitlgrN, and have lieen secured Ml low price, ouiiMWiUfiilly e are in mimI(Ihi lo sell llieni In ymi at a IImmiuiiI of from a.1 50 ht cent on I In usual Jeweler' price, ami we will do li.. Cull and lie n.nvliiocd of tin- truth r what wo say. L. G. Rosenf ield 1 IM t cotral Avenue The Mau You. Can Trust AIIiicuer,i,o N. M. BASE BURNER HEATERS $15 to $18 Perfect Condition AT BORRADAILE & CO. 117 Gold Ave. GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY Wholesale Merchants Wool, Hide and Pel ta 8 pec laity. i Al.lirQt KHQI K IAS VEÍJA" St. Elmo Club & Sample Rooms Joseph Harnett, Proprietor, 120 Wil :.nlrl Avanaa. CHOICE LlQl'OKS SKRVED. Ati the popular gamea. Kno every Men day. Thursday snd Kstunlay nii;ht THK IMHIItK VOt' ARK Tit ft F NK ! TU C mm r vn b limn 1-nits thk rimi IT I Tl MVHSIY VOI' AT V. I. I'M lit I OMI'AM, HOI 111 fill O Ml' SI HKKT. Read Morning journal Wants! B. RUPPE 203 MINT M AI tf TAKK NOTHT, Th l'tii'IHIr Furnlltitfi tnnnnv hB jut rtx Mv-f1 Rirat ninny t hi 111 t-afui for Iioti ni irtriB Writing tírale I? on to ff Ofl, HiM-kfr. le In &U Miirrln ihnlra. tl n0 and up. I'hiuiri l&r and up. And wmt r I t v of unfiil prráwnti I ha nldar hnvi inil Irla I kiin'i bu V West Central Avenue'1""" y"u " ,,ur I,n WM. FARR COMPANY Wholesale and Retail DKAI.KS IN fRKHII AMI SALT MEAT! Kssmics a ffMffclaltj For Otitis and Hnga tha Rlggeat Mar ktt Prices 1 Paid. E. A. 1 . THE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST CONTRACTOR Shop Gertig & BUILDER 41(1 v. CopiM-r Avo. IMiime H47. MILLINERY l'i-li-daic Styles at Ixitr Price" l.mtlcs' 'lalloring ami liressmaklng. MISS CRANE 512 N. Kccon.l. Phone Hi. TOTI & GRADI IIS-rit-ilT Narlh Thlri llml lleslers la (iROrt- Kirft. rHIII INIO.NH, ORAIW, BAI snd KuH Finn lina nf Impurlnd VltiM, IJ- tpinrs and ('liars. I'laua rnur ordara (mi Ihtn linn with ua ARTHUR E. WALKER l'lre liiHiiranc.-. ss'r4iry Muluttl BiiIIiIIiix AswM'intlnn. rtmna 595, tn. et 4V-iilrill Are.oie Read Morning Journal WantsIjjRY A JOURNAL WANT AD! CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKES Ished. The workmen are now husily engaged in rip-rapping the shore line and placing piles to prevent the river from eating away the approaches to the bridge. Walter Connell. Junior mem her of the firm of Huntng and Connell. of Ia Lunas, general merchants, trans acted business in Belen Tuesday, re turning home today. AMI All. HtlKTH ! TO ri'KK A CIII.D IS ONE DAT Taka LAXATIVE BRUMO Quinina Tabla! : I)ruiít rnfund miinny If It falla to cura. I I W. GHOVB B aicnatura la on each box. tía. I LATE ONION PLANTING IS NOT ADVANTAGEOUS Proferir l-'aliian .arela, in Kxiert. ; mcilt SlallMl Itiilletln. H'vonuiiciid I jirly riant log If il lira y 'ros are tt be lei'iil'l I ihiii. j 'olonel Epes Randolph has filed a suit in Tucson for nearly $2.0ilit j Hgalnst Uvcurgus Undsay, the final j action In a long series of suits Involv- , ing the promotion of the t.lanos ue jro Mining company. FANCY CAKES IT A. A. A w T 204 West Gold THE RA CKETl 205 So. Second V r t r r SECTION Ml lies: DEAD IN CHAIR I I! ,VG DAYS irofesior Kabian !aici. of the Ag- ; cultural experiment station, has is sued the following bulletin on the od oriferous onion: In Station Bulletin No. 55 it Is if- i nnrted that better results can be se cured from onions transplanted a. I earlv as possible In the spring. Very : sat I 'factory results have been oh- talned from onions transplanted as VVOt Ktlieil late as the ism oi jiarcn. n"c transplanted after April 1 have al- ways produced smaller and Inferior crops. Th writer has often received . letters from onion growei-s in different larts of tha territory complaining that the rrmlpr cent of their onions produced scullions. The reaw.n for this has been. In most cases, the very late planting ol in; n.ns 'Thna v M : leo. II. A ghastly p.anteu i n,.m- . ;.- - Monday aft-! Vll tMT l'lsll h; mriKii r mm ri.A r voi k IIKHKKN AT IN Y H AM NO I TO UK IHHArilllMTr.ll. At Chavt Station i Finally Make Ghastly Discov-i ery After Thinking Laborer; Was Merely Asleep. FRENCH BAKERY ft raal Oafrnl. Phnna 7. KIIWARIISA NHKI.K. I Hp-al t .rre.ta. M.rauaa Jaaraal I The earlv lif.n lunallv mature from the last Julv to the first of September, de pending upon the variety, inlonn ripening at this time do not sell as well as later in the season. If onions could b planted late enough in the season so that they would ripen a heavy crop of good bulbs b"Ut the last of October, they could be dl.i im.u4.iI of to better advantage and in larger quantities. Therefore. In order i hp to settle this particular tne .ie iwrtment of horticulture eondu. ted a 'time of seeding test" during the past season. Fourteen l-L'OO of an acre LIDIES CAN WEAR "SHOES astatine atr aatnr Allana rw Bnwrtir m ahakaa Hito isa anna l maawa ut r aanaa "J IwataM ralMT to coma and uai"ua It a lt araataat comfort MaearT f tba .f AlkM'a ronl Baaa ta a nrli n rora for ttrd waattna. knt. aching "' At all druMlata aa atoras, rae l.n" a x .pi ana atltuta. For VRKK trial acliaéra rr- aampla f lha roOT-A9B Fanitarr -OB.V-AO. a aaw laiantio. addreas Ailaa " Olmatad. La mor. N. T. ernonn bv the section men at have. X. M . near here, when the lifeless body of Juan Apo.laca. a section hand, was discovered in the tie house. Apo dara was seen Saturday night to en ter the building, seat himself in a chair and apparently dtop off to sleep. Sundxv no..n snd MoicIhv innrnlnc was tlll apparently l.-eping. in practically the same position url ous to know why Apodara did not re port for' work Monda. Ill section foreman ordered an Inquiry. which reunited in the rttscovei) of Apodaca' ded body. The Mexican laborers, who had been working with Apodaca. were considerably excited over his death, which was due to heart trouble The body was not moved until today, re maining seated in the chair all day Tuesday. A podsca was of middle age. a good worker snd seldom taiked shout his relative, except to say they resided In Mexico. The bojy will be buned here. HURRY IT IS 11 Mr TO ttlHK I'M It I MIT Am: ami ri.i m ri mux., w k HAVt r.VmiTHI. Vll M.Ml i rHK HKT Ql AI.IT. i THE CHRISTMAS STORE NOW AT ITS VERY BEST. BRIM FULL OF HAPPY SUGGESTIONS FOR YUELT IDE TOKENS. THE CHILDREN'S FAVORITE T0YLAND AND EVERY BODY S BAZAAR OF HOLIDAY HELPFULNESS AND ECONOMY- DO-YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING NOW.. IT IS NOT ONLY WISE; IT IS CONSIDERATE. STOCKS ARE FULL, FRESH AND COMPLETE, AT THEIR BEST. EVERY AD VANTAGE IS TO BE GAINED BY MAKING YOUR SELEC TIONS NOW-TODAY PURCHASES WILL BF CAREFULLY WRAPPED AND HELD TO YOUR ORDER FOR DELIVERY. : : i t WM lL IrMN la Mr THIS WH.K maula. Varb lar Kn I ., per .... Ir Quality Counts The Monarch Grocery Company 307 West Centra! Avenur Phone 30. -1 -A V.VA-A't, 4 -A V 4-A A- --- Hi -Ml -,-- -HtM i A4mH44 204 W. Gold 205 S. Second Telephone 1013 D. H. BOA TRIGHT