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13 1 1 1 MR tamm si' ... -i V m m 0 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1907. 220 WEST RAI uroad Ave 220 We s"t RA Leon B. Stern, proprietor LROAD NEWS FOR HOLIDAY SHOPPERS THERE ARE ONLY EIGHT SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS YOU CON'T REALIZE THAT. CAN YOU? DON'T PUT OFF YOUR BUYING UNTIL THE LAST MOMENT. OUR HOLIDAY STOCKS ARE NOW COMPLETE AND AT THEIR BEST. EMPHASIZING THE WISDOM OF SHOPPING EARLY. YOU NOT ONLY AVOID THE CROWDS INCIDENT TO THE HOLIDAY RUSH WHICH COMES JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS. BUT YOU CAN SELECT YOUR GIFTS FROM A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK. THAT MUST NATURALLY BECOME DEPLETED AS THE CROWDS INCREASE. WE'RE OFFERING EXCEPTIONAL MONEY SAVING INDUCEMENTS FOR EARLY SHOPPERS. mm e of Novelty Silks Another Great Lot for Monday's Selling 75c TO $1.75 NOVELTY SILKS AT 39c. The second shipment of these high class silks has been received and will be placed on sale Monday. The patterns include black checks, pin checks, overplaids. monotone cameo and multicolored checks: also nobby club and English checks. There is nothing more in demand than these silks, and at the prices quoted they are great bargains. At this price we will also close and fancy silk velvets worth $1.25 a yard. Helpful Hints to Gift Buyers ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES MAY BE PRESENTED AT CHRISTMAS TIME WITH EVERY ASSURANCE THAT THEY WILL BE PRIZED BECAUSE OF THEIR UTILITY. EVEN. WE MAY SAY. THEIR ABSOLUTE NECESSITY. ONLY THE BEST WILL BE FOUND HERE THE RELIABLE. TRUSTWORTHY KINDS. AND OUR PRICES WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY WITH EQUAL GOODS THE WORLD OVER. Gloves Manicure sets and articles Umbrellas for women or men Fancy combs, belts, belt Hosiery for women or men Handkerchiefs for all Pretty neckwear Toilet sets and articles Indian bracelets buckles, jewelry Bags and purses Toilet articles Fine perfumes and soaps Rubber boots for boots Waists. Kimonas, robes Furs of the highest class Fine table linens Blankets, comforters Art needlework articles Babies' apparel, etc. Rubber boots for girls ecial Inducements in Shoes WITH EVERY PAIR OF SHOES PURCHASED. LARGE OR SMALL. WE GIVE AN "EXER KETCH" FREE AND ONE CHANCE TO WIN THE "EXER-KETCH" IRON AUTO WHICH IS ON EXHIBITION IN OUR SHOW WINDOW. Moreen Skirting FOR DROP SKIRTS. ETC ; WILL GIVE EXCELLENT WEAR AND SHAKE THE DUST. 45c VALUE "- - 29c Special Holiday Glove Sale SALE OF IMPORTED GLACE 16 BUTTON LONG KID GLOVES: ALL SIZES IN BLACK, TAN. WHITE AND BROWN. NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE $2.95 Neckwear, Belts and Combs THE GREATEST ASSORTMENT WE HAVE EVER SHOWN IN THESE f "REE DEPART MENTS. EVERYTHING THAT IS CORRECT IN STYLE. AND AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. me Linens Make Beat Christmas Gifts WHY SPEND MONEY FOR THE MERE TEMPORARY AND TRIVIAL GIFTS WHEN YOU CAN BUY LINENS THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME AND COMBINE BEAUTY AND UTILITY. Opening Sale of Chriátmas Handkerchiefs EXTRA SPECIAL OFFERING OF THE SAMPLES AND SURPLUS DOZENS OF A NOTED MAKE OF FINE SWISS HANDKERCHIEFS. IN SCALLOPED. HEMSTITCHED AND lace TRIMMED EFFECTS. OVER A THOUSAND DIFFERENT STYLES TO SELECT FROM AT ABOUT ONE HALF THEIR ORIGINAL PRICE WHICH WILL BE PLACED ON SALE MONDAY MORNING. AT 5c. 10c. 16 2-3c. 25c. 35c. 50c AND UP TO $3.50 EACH. Christmas Toys WE NEVER DISPLAYED SUCH A VAST ARRAY OF FINE NEW TOYS. EVERYTHING IN JOY GIVING ARTICLES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. THE SELECTION IS NOW AT ITS BEST. DECIDE TO BUY EARLY THIS YEAR AND AVOID THE INEVITABLE LATE RUSH. Mechanical Toys Iron Toys Dolls Patrol Wagons Kitchen Sets Dolls Stockings Bell Toys Rubber Toys Drums Hook and Ladder Tea Sets Extra Dolls Heads Railroad Trains Toy Sad Irons Coffee Mills Fine Engines Dolls Shoes And hundreds of others. Teddy Bears WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE IMPORTED HECLA TEDDY BEARS: THE KIND WITH MUSICAL VOICES THAT PLEASE THE LITTLE ONES. PRICES. $1.00 JO $12.00 WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF CLOTHING FOR TEDDY BEARS. TEDDY BEAR SWEAT ERS. TEDDY BEAR TROUSERS. TEDDY BEAM TOQUES. TEDDY BEAR SUITS. Folding Chriátmas Bells FOLDING CHRISTMAS BELLS. THREE SIZES IN RED. 10c. 15c. 20c 25c Furs and Fur Coats Less 25 Per Cent Waiáls, Nets and Taffetas $8.00 Values, Now $5.00