Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1907 HE WORKERS ACCUSED or TREASON AN FEN I ORDINANCE WANTED 8.000 DAMAGE BY BREAGH OF PEACE CITY WEIGHER IS! THF IAFFA Lmontezuma trust company ESTABLISHED ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO Capital and Surplus, $100,000.00 SANIA FE ORGANIZATION IS ALSO A LAWLESS TRUST, FOES SAY Goldfield Mine Owners Associ ation Loses No Time in Pre senting Case Before Federal Commission Now in Camp. IBLAZE UNDER LAUGHLIN BUILDING IS STUBBORN Firemen VVoik Hard From 6:30 to 8 o'Clock to Save One of Handsomest Business ' Block in Ancient City City Attorney Instructed to: Diaw Up Law Which Will En- able City Officials to Make, Ariests Other Than in Pub-i ! lie Places. t BY COUNCIL i GROCERY CO.!! : I INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS Good Tiling to Eat. VVilkerson ut l'wt ma-etinij broached t (flaetclaJ llUoalrk th Moraine iournmi S.tnta Fe. X. M.. I '. IS File In til.' basement of i'" 1-anghlin hudd- iitv on the corner oi mm i.aimr in line and San Fin iii'liVu mint. , AttinR Mayo .night council , mbj -ct in which the illy .ml espi i tally the police department are ! fui rested the fact that there I "no , rlty .i diñante loveilng (he i-hm of , bra-at Ii of the pace except in '(unlit i plac. iWILL BE FIRE CHIEF AND INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS;! Fee of Five Cents to Be Charg-X ed For Each Weighing; j Scales to Be Purchased and:? Owned By the City i J I In Every Department of Banking t t It t'i n The STATE NATIONAL BANK of AiuryiKKtUR Is Prepared to Serve You in an Acceptable Manner ' 4.-a H. Moraine Josi-wal Ha-arlal loa-arel Ir I ; ninK- II'' damage " 'he extent if Onldl'lehl. .Nov.. lc 1 The Hold- J u.Ik" Iaiuglilin. Ihe r,.i.i i . , .. , w u. ijiImii .nil- I tier of ti building, wa .going mltlcil a statement In the commission i which I'leablent Itoosevelt hi sent Ooldfleld (hi dare Unit the Miner Ih n il ii a cnmMnal.nn evening, which de Western Kmli ration "f labor ni ganlxatloii. but In restraint of linde. thiil It I In fuel a (reasonable organi zation, un.) In I hi statement ri ijuo l.tioti it on) the preamble from the constitution mid by-law of tin- West- bnme from hi ni f let" Hh nil 5 ..! o clock u n In- noticed Mimke l.u- ' inil fioin a l,a-cuict,t window under Chl'-'f hah. r l.ishcry. which occupies ii loom on the south fide of Ihe build ing fronting on l'oii (iiK(mr avenue An iil.irru mm ((Hen Immediately. mid for h limn Ii seemed iih though I Hie fir- could hp (oil out easily. Hut ! it mm under a siiirwav leading down,, from r.1,1-' toic ti a small r n In , Hip hax-iiii'tU. and rirctl ripiilly. . m roxiilt the city Mttorn'.- aM (of trticted !i the council In draw u(i an ordinance making hxk.iuII and rlllllllir offelix. n llall'i?! I ll IHce till ! iinnlhnl.l". whether commitieii on a "Heel in loiiinc nace or on iniwif jreni i -o. Judiie Ahliott in the di-trict ouit recently di.niil--'-d the cuto- of John l-orle. M'hiu-P divoned w !f.- ICCll.-tetl i him of H-raiilt iiml lialtery. on thoj Kiouiid Iiml Iheie w an no city ordl-1 nance irn hliim lor uncu ave ami the comidalnt kIioiiIiI have heen hiouifhl umlei a territorial matute.. Acting. Aluvor WilkerMim referred lo i I j The ty count il lawt night fHA I v 'on itx third reHiiliiK the ordinance' reatiiifr (ho offli e of c ity weieher and ! inspector i.f m itiit-i and measures, j 'the chief of lire fire department of the city i.i hold th- office. The nrdi- iti.iiice i . a Dio-i imiorian( one, tlm;I oiit(fni th of the limitation r-t"u It iiiff ', 2 from the numeroii- complaint of coai i j t oiiíumei s on tin weight they i-rc ( rec-iMiig from the oealcrn. 1 The pHHsaare ot the oidlnance will ? i nu cí iin the iin iii.umen Hpn.n ,ii or aj (the people of AlliuiueriU. and will! alun e 10 cftiMumer of staph s at t u- (he ini-taiiie and i-ahl rurtlier Hint Hie police depai trnent I, ad heen ohllK'l " I'"-" "l o-vcral iliKordeity hrawlK Ix-caine Ihe oil. n.-o x w-ie not rate weiRlit. (ruanntecd city of Alhii.iii ripie. ct.rrect hy the . In a liuhllc idate. em Federation of Miner In nipjiurl 1 1 hat In half an Hour tlir entire i..ii - . w also oi d.i etl on non Ion of , of the contention. Thit Htalement ' mi nt under the Khle more ami t lie ,i,.rn,Hn x. ustadt that the lty attor hao iK-en officially received hy the ; Tnited Stales Hank and Trul oin- , lit.y ,(rav up an nrdlnaiice piecrlh- tinimhitoii. and the oniilerutioii nf!pn ofllce. iiiiear.d to he on file. j i,, what 'iin ILpior ll-enoi'" It .MI he begun lit o'clock loiiiot- and It w as nearly t n clot k h-fore the : may he Iwii-'l. row. Toda wa (a nt hv the com- ' firemen had conquered (he flame-. ; ll-r Mailer. jKliU' H enure otock, coiiumiiik hi gen- i Me nieeiiug in me coijimii jlli nien K fui nililim goon, appcam to ' night was aiteiuled h..' A'derinen W'll ! have he-n ruined hy the water. Ilti le I keion., llaydeii, llanley. I damage having heen . ne to It hy I Nenstadt and l:e:i .-n. In the alixence fire, lie had Ihe only ex. lusive gen- 'of Mayor McKee, Alderuian Wilkeisoii II. men u f urniihliig atoie in Ihe city, officiated in the mayor'M chair, and hia Mock w daniiiged to Ihe ex- i .Vumepnis matter of routine hui- I lent of uhout 14 muí. The losn Is rnv- ! num, heslde the more Important ar- I ered hy Insurance. The floor In the i (Ion noted elsewhere, came before the tear of th el'nlted HtHtes llnp k i council. and Trun cninpanv' idfice was liurn- j Alderman Harrison was i.ppointpd ed thioimh and ihe hani".ome f u n I - , i committee of one to notify the tele lure of ihe private office was ruin- ! pli uie company thai It Is using ohso ed. otherwise the .1. image to theilcte "Heel names !n its directory, hanking office, which is one of tnej The matter of ail electric light at finest in New Mexico, was slight. This Ihe corner of Sixth street and Mi.r- PIANO RECITAL IS A ! GOOD THINGS TO EAT 2 3 WITH AMPLE MKAXS AND t'XSini'ASSM) FACILITIES 4 it 3 1 The Bank of Commerce of Albuquerque! ; S I Kitends to Depoalfora Iery Priiper AiH-ommodutlon and Solicit N?w J Accounts. tapiutl. $ I ."dl.oiKI UU. Of fleers and llre tors: Sikiinon Luna, J f 2 5 ! OOOC)CXXXX)CiCOCOOOCXXXXXX rTetiidi-iii; AV. S. Mrlcklcr. Ice Prefident and ashler; V. J. Joluisoii.I Assistant Cashier; William Mclulosh, f.corge Aruot, J. C. Ilaldrldge, A. 4 ii. lilot kwcll, O. II CroiiiHell. f mission in going over the Information obtained by ilenrral Kunston and (inventor Spink. All of this was laid before the member of the commis sioner, who were In executive oion this morning, and the entire day wh consumed in considering It. Oeneral Funslon and iloiernor Spark will leave lioldfleld on Wed nesday morning. ;neral Kunston re luming P San Francisco anil over tior Siarks (o go to his ranch i n-i-U'ierate. Tonight I'relitent Mi Klnnon. of the (iol.lfielil Miner' union. wa tailed before the coinmlosion unit asked to St Artistic Woik By Pupils of Mrs, 1 Rosa Furttelle Gideon; An-1 other to Be Held Tonight. give hi version if the trouble. ,i i loss I also fullv covered by liuóirani e. Intimation of what .nssed during ihc" well as the loss of the huildlni;. aeaaion (a Riven out. but after the " ('- Vonix. who occiiiies a room meeting it was learned thai I're.ldent west of the hank on the Sim Francisco ela - i Mi Mnnon iald to Ihe inemher nf Ihe commissi. hi that Ihe members of Ihe Western Federation have been peacefully Inclined ul all times, mil wa emphatic In his declaration (hat no necessity has existed for Ihe pres ence of troop. lie has promised to prepare a comprchenslv,. statement f Ihe Western Federation side of the rortlrnverty to presented later. Strike-breaker to the nun. her ..f thirty were brought lulo liol.lflehl .. il, and will tomoirow go to work In Ihe mines ,, dVrnnns'rntlnn wrsj made todav wlien the su Ike-lireiikris alighted from the train. and i! I-. ' kn.iwn now tha: the plan of liie a-- ocianon is to l.i in u it,- men iu -in., I li, hers rat h da In the meantime oppoi i uniiy ,, - I Ing given to any meinber of tt.e; Western Federation to renounce all, allegiance (o tiiat organization and ! return to work Not nianv of tin j members are taking adiantag' of the! offer, however The t ( number i., I late Is pi... ed b the mine opera:,.! at IU". I he union ..iIhui ii. m t,..t this number h; gone ha k to work Commissioner Cl,;,il-s - . i . i. but loinmis-ioier. Meil.eit Kn.,, Smlih. i ,iinni....ii.'i' ,,r i orpoi ill. it nnd Ijiwr.nte n Mmiai .,--,, ant, secieiary of the department of i . in- nicree and labor. .1-, li i,, ii,,,ke! any statei u tonlglit r.gaiiiing n,, ! results of Ihelr tl, e.l ,g., I ,l.,j inn iiotn tne Mine (in nets' a tloll a slalenieM ,.s In their . is. emu .1 in III. 1 1 sialenif iit to i Ihe commission ua obtained. The' mine owners ,ip. - biingmg ,,( H I sull ugHliisI the Western V,ei .11 ion ..f Miners by the government tor the ,iis. solution of thai oiga n lua i Ion as a liust. combinan, ,n I conspira, y in j restraint of liu.t- among the st.'ue. I 1 1... . i.- i. ...... i . ...e ,,., ... trio, nial pio- ceedlng. on Ihc same ground, the leg.tb.n being nia.le ll,,,i h,h .ogani mtlon Is trea.nahle The tneHlgall-n that will he t,fc tlie . mlllnis(,n M, re,.uii.. ,,i eal (W.) week. li,,,,. .,,K t 1 , 1, c ""' ont,.. .,( ..(fa.r, , , ;.,, field, so far as Ihe HfrMtm m Is , n- cerned, will be ptariicn!l in u,e i i.iinie oi ine cuiimssi.m. Hi, kels of the 1 1 1 , t ii ale iroi II g Ule lililíes, but (hen .-.,MI ,,, mierri-i eti-e the men at w.,rk today or ton ki,t The flr-l InMallln. in ,,f , ,,,.,,(. e.noie nuiiiner .,f men (i,,m mm, eg distil, . ,., M p , the siriking im niheis of the re.ieianon or Millets allle,l n irotii silt..-ilia. The no Ho- laitnber o( (hirtv, . , ,. , K , ,- taino ,o i,e '.,..,. 1 ,. I ...... i a. , oni mo.:. Il..ns hate I lr f,,r :... me,, . ,,,.,. ,,. I a. made on the aliHal ,,f n,,. The i 111, end ..f the we. k e amp liilc.l ..,,.1 l.o, . ,., , i ok ihis m,.,,, leg nr, ,,,e ,np, Mj, "ik t.'n.e stntls l,. ii. .Vetada C. -du. ,i..,i ,,ik ni;i up f ..n,..i r ,,), eight II,. I, ,- .,,.. nuiiiiM r i i ,,. i i.. p. r.-iiois i, i (,, itlJ i.nry. In ot.ier street front, moved a portion of hi stock and some ios will result, al- j though his store w.-i not ilam.'ig'd ' either hy fire or water. The se ond ! floor of Ihe building was occupied hy numerous offices, which were. how-! eer. not damaged except by smoke. I The loss on the building can not lie j determined tonight. The basement I ; flooded with wiil-r. mid Ihe building, which Is one of the finest iu the city. ; mil) he tlamageil hy settling walls. The oilgln of ihe fire Is unknown, but Il is suppose, pi ha; .been caused from elecrlc wires under the stalr wav to the basement, where the fire evidently originated tpiette avenue was referred to the I light committee. ' Mr. I'oiteifltdd. the real estate miin. ; Appeared before the council with aj kick. He .said that two year ago he. had been assured the t ouncil had or- , deied a water main on south Walter1 street from Iron to I.ewls avenue, and that the main ha never been laid. ; Tne matter was ordered inv est igat.-d . a ,,nce. ' Hefnre adjourning shortly after s : a'clock the council, on motion of A 1- tleriuaii Harilson, passed it vote of thanks to a committee present from A most (.leasing piano recital was ttiven last evening hv Misses Klleii -Mary It.imsay. Anna Catherine .Mon lev anil .Margar.t Helen Asaelin. pu pils or Mrs. I!,, -a Futrelle !ide..n. nt her studio in the Commercial club building. Certifican, ,,f attainment have heen Issued to the three yoiini; ladles, whose spl. i.dnl pla)ing: yester day surprised the udmiring frientls. vvlin were privi eged to attend following; was the program: lruraui. Sonata, in C sl-,..rii minor. ip. : ! net! The Home Restaurant 207 West Gold Avenue. 12 Place your orders with IJfor your Christmas poultry, jrrice ana quality guaranteedj Large, Well Lighted Room Prompt, Courteous Service Music While You Eat Patronized by the Best People Number 1 Meals The la I ; I hi the Woman s dull on Its attendance ,. i 'and attention, the vole being enthtisl-' , astlrully iiiialiimocs. FOUNTAIN PROVES WHITE ELEPHANT DEPARTMENT NOTES OF INTEREST IN NEW MEXICO Miss Monley. I'olk Song Miss Cow íes. Air de Hallef i Javntle, in ti flat . . . Valse, in K minor. . . Mi- A-se'ln. In My Heart ,,f Hearts. V on M :-s Co vt 1c (a I llerceuse. i ip. ST.... (hi lihaps.e'i in Heet hoven 1 i Breakfast 25c Dinner and Supper .35c Special rates by the week or month. Breakfast 6 to 9 Dinner 12 to 2 Supper .5:30 to 7:30 c. .per , MRS. M. F. MYERS, Proprietress. OOC30D0DOO3OOOaXX Moskovvskl i . . J s. Ha, h ; 'hopin i II I o-lonks- liaiigv and i(Hi!niiitciiis. Kosut ll Men ,-( I'atcui on a Kmc Lb-. incer: ip i ; minor . olilev. minor. . I.ov e . t ra ige . . Chopin . . . . Liszt ' I The Jaffa Grocery Co. i 2 i IiMiartrtTsnt r iii.i íiooil Tlilng! to lit. Mall Order Filled Same IecdvcJ. City Council At a Loss What Disposition to Make of En sign Memoiia re foi Market Says leu- T if handsome granit foil lain, a inclino in I ,,l tb, !,.(,. Hfl-' nial. I.e.. Kusnii pies, ule, I the tity of j Aih ,oiiel,iiie l.v the National 1 1 mini i,.- i w ha? 1 , , (gnerlal IMnpateb to th Montliw Jnaraal.1 I Washington. I. C, ec. 1. Mail lliesseliger serv I. has been . t;,hsn- I 'id at K-nna. haves coiimv. I ! I he iinnie ,,r the oo-ioftice at V.-r- i Imljo. Colfax count, lies been hanged lo VcrniiJ.i I'. irk und Tali '. Adama has b-en a ppoio iti .t (,,,-tiii 'i t, r. j A civil service examination will he ! I,. I.I I.i t.'... 1 u ..U .M I ..... ...... N(ithilUrr DO- '' """ l""1"'"" "f ch "k and let- Jvf,, r ! Place. j "jv IS i a patent has be.n Issued to Antlrew ! I 1". Young and J. F. Hinkle. of lío. 1 . H ell L, 1.1...L 1.. I HI IIIKIIIJÍ 1. j I ill'. M iss ta r: s elm. i lía ills lint ate naris ,,n second niano hv ("resent ,1 ,n of C.-rtifi, A. Shaw. Another recital will be civen hv ..ou .. , .. .... . . i-i.s ... ...... ..loeon inm evening lumberT:ompanT" closes for annual repairs Hcv. J l'ii- ! from the vicinity i,, aloes ,., ur-d t a l.lcs in the p..-. fees. if the tamp, ai'ly all the -ion of the The valu- I t-1 II - lllg IMani Will I u- Mint ,wn -llti Ills of danuarv While Nc.i-snrv Ill-novation is Cai-rit.-?! Out. The annual mi.l-wlnter ovethinilhig i i iiiacnineiy anti it-iiovetion of ihe Maria II linche, of St. I'litil. 1 1'lani ill Is gln at trie American Lum ti a,(,oin!ed a i lerk In the of-; lr eouirwny mills today and the of supervisor ,.f the Jniin na- will losed down unid Jan- n. ,1 f oest a! Santa F-. 'uaiy 1st. when npetatinns will he ro- has .level. .oe.l tel.. .,.. v. i, . . i 1 'nir.i. i tor .allying the mail -ume.i on ine usual While the ..f i. 1.1 1. (.(... fort,... c.v Th.!""" erri.M... f. Mi.dtt.l eW.nta !"' '"-in, ve. ha ..led the forte n.iii.Mii i.illv, mil,,,,""""1' h" '" '" Th'""'1- ' ,, i woods vshl be at work as us- nlRl t , i ' ,.( the aldermen had i. ".al and by (he time the annual re- : . e .,, n nasi .we, i . oiupieieii ine lU-ware of I requ.nt (obi. I um logging pond will be packed three A succession of colds or a protract- ' " with logs ready (or a fast first ed cold is almost certain to end in "f th ear tun. Superintendent Car throblc .alarrh. from which few peí . i pentei . who haj? lhaige of ihe work nn ever whol y re, ir. line everv In Ihe wood", ame to the ,-itv ves(er- ha le "iiai esi i ( Ilia ke fount. mi. A a Fe t oii'panv te Ol,.osltc (I,, lishcl oil the fo f. still pa--re have : hel (the i Hie I, log var he ! hot ., alio staled I.. I..1 e. Ills , liUtee.l to fultll-h Alval.tdo, hut i (l oliosll olí I. f i. r , ..lav II. e! I II . silt 'I lie I Jt 'Is Itillie. 'olllltalil ill lived oil the ,, a thai fountain would alise ..o inanv t. coiigr. gate ,,it,.,slte the Al do slid tints ,1,-tiacl from the aes- " ,, asm., i.f Ih,. guests of the I Al.i.iniii. l.-iinaid. iliainn.ui ft Ihe cmmitiee having l he (oiuiia n in lepoi le.l j,, ,e fountain is i" i 'al in the Sania Fe vanls. in ton p.tnv is i.nxioti to get It .,rr th. Ir hards and lb.- committee is lu'li,-d t i Un..- w list lo do v, lih it Th. on mittee w as i. oilii, ii. d with instruí-- (loll to filial a tempoiarv leslmg pis, a. for the i. Mil, lain on anv luopeilv told the attention it deserve and you may avoid this .lisagreea ble disease. How can you t nr.- a eld ' Why not try Chamhei lain Cough líeme. iy? It is highlv re, ominen, led. Mis M. White, of Hutier, Teiin.. savs: 'S! eiu I veais ago I wa lx",ther..l with my throat and lut,g. Someone (old me of i 'ha mUei lain Cough liemedy. I lagan using it and it lellev.-d me at on. e my thioat and lungs are sound and well." For eale by all ill UKÜ ss. Auib'issiitlor lo Invo-llatc. W'a.-hil'Kton. In. Hi step.- will be I taken by Amli i.,,r Major lies' 1'l.mches to a -erta in Hie nact f icts! connected vviih the shooting and kill- I ing of three Italians in l-ouuduita. who j had been ini'.orltd to work in the! t amps oí me i reinont l.tim'ter t om p.ihy. The probability is that the i a.-e will reach the slate department, in the event ihat the Investigation to b. inducted. h the Italian olflcial. bcajs ,,ut the ui, official r pons ic girding tlie trege-'v. - " '' OLJTJ of ihe interior, t'ntis-i Ftot-. otrice, Santa (-, N. M , Iec. l:t. 0 1 N"..ii,-e Is hereby given that the f., II, -wing 0 . name, I . laiinanl ha filed ii-lkaj of his in- Si'.-nti-.n l.j make final (,r,,..f In ,,f j hi claim limler e-llons la ni 17 f the ."'I if Msirrh 3, jksl. i ; Hial.., :,4I, a. Si amen, teit l,v Hie act ef Keliruury :(. (f,s: Slats. 47i. aa.t that aaid pns.f will ( A maite l,.fore t'ntt Platea '.,urt t'eitinii- iscner ai Alf,utiisriue. ,N. M .. ,,n Ja'aiury I '7. l'tos. vjx: Kil-mna l'hava-l de Sarn-hi f f r tl. tracts t. ?. an,t4. secll. in, Zi. -'.1 and T T N' . (! 3 and í l; lie names the f,l.,s un.- imixo to i Tir os h.s actual rniiinui adv.-ia. p-.s- sssion t,r sala tract f..r Iseniy vear net I, re, aobnit ll.e sui-va-y of the township, vl: Mjroiel M,,-. . f Vaifncia, , M ; .lm,n V ie..l.i,-.i, ..( Valencia. N. M ; ('..liparp.. s;t-l,h,I, f.f Alt,utUei,jue. N Mi Piai-li),) .ll:,7sr V Ulero. ,.f A llni.lller'iue. .V. M Any paTton who desire to protest aealrmt 't.e Mll.,an,e of said pr.s.f, ,,r wtio knew f any RtilistanTlal a.s.n ,.e.."l"0 I -f any sji.stanlial r.-aa-n uniWr the laws' an t reuníale. na of the Inlerior departmsnt , stiy su. h .roof shll!4 rint he allovled will' !.e niien an opr rtnnity at thai alieve-men- if ned lime hi. p,.i. e to cr.,s--eannne i Hie witness. ..r said -laieiRnt. and to ..f-' fr ev idenee In rebuttal ut that uhniltte.t ' :.j tlainctit. MAM'l-II. K OTKItn. 1 litglfler. RUGS $3.50 and up CARPETS 35c per yd. and Up DAVIS & ZEARING 106 Weal Gold Atcbm AUIlQll.Kgdt, LEW MEXICO CUERVO HOTEL fl'F.KVO, N. M. Hrt (la llaaanj aaal Himm, Anti(a Ilua, rtJlli . day. MK. M. V.. KKI.I.V. Propr. KOHH KÍ L Al Tononltll co. Vluss iilar l ..ic.' "iMiring the sumnier of ISI3 I was "all a..d penger lln. betwaeo Rnawoll troubled w itii muscular paina In I Ho j -v- M - "1 'i'-rratieo. N. al.. dally. Hundr .. .ep ... ...v i,..,i, saja al r. i. e-euiar, '--,,' -' in. on ia..;la of Toronto, (int. "At time it was sol h'"'k u'''na ""u ra I Kallroad. J,' J painiui i (oti .i nam v walk, ciiam-i " .... . . -'. ".r "- '"""i herlaln' I.lln Hnlm wa, r.snm.oa.,,,1. I" f"' llnl tram du. at I e,t to nie, so I tried it and was com-l h,,,,r uu A rn.l SET OF. TBETH rOB $8 ra líunnln ttm. hatwaen th. two aw-.taos s i w as com- I hour. Mea.a furnlahed at 1'uil Necdmnr. . Il l ll,f t le s, le Itoak salt for s.iilirv for I ,otl f a ssinib lln-t. .lHre I. slisk. .TllslH".! tul. W. 1 v-e. ii2 -tent tin -ug- ,? w 1,1, h h .s be. mi. I, lie ,.r th,. ,(,,.,.. . Hon ..( i;,,l avenue nn, t w h. le the new I. ..-!,.'. Mild I, oval ,1 w hi. I. oi -1 1. - - ... ni. r of I he . lie . I.f -lre k . id troul.' lNi i HKmi r Tiwr " '" ' "n . r , ' si la !.a I . , ; uili. ' a or J I , II p H.s , I , " I... H a. r I purzitnit en. n.' a as-.n 1 iMrka! ! l. riarcer ,-f j 'h. loman J.ial a ro ' In e ' tp i .,, r "i If It . arte , , m. , ur. I , ' " g,-led i j at lb., (ul, Fouith sli the will -land ("tint t'i Is -. t a.iina Tb- fount.,),, ,,,,, ,i,Ml,,. dlllon that il In. ..i, ,.,t vv ha passing t afTi, an, I ihe I I. ci-an.,1,!,. olll a u, - -tl-el sllggest,in woul.l I, I the p.M,.fti, ,. I- ,-.,,. are mili on,. ,,r and tlo tin lion is .. nlo1ll sTIH k NO nilMa S.I I- 1 .1,,. , n (i,.. M ;i f o,l .1 I J The F I, 'I t he 1 '"" 1 .lav for a conference with the uffl t ial of th" cunipatiy at which (dan were completed for the st.aking of, logs at the olant p, ruling the renewal i f operation. ' ' The closing of the mills for the j t oming two wea'k I ineieiy our an nual Mint down for repair woik ,,n machinerv and lo make necessary re novation and implora tnenl on th plant auid Oeneral Manager Wade vesterdav to representative of The Morning Jouinal. liusin. s pro lei for the coming year are 11 sat Isfactor a- we coultl tb-sjre and we have everv imn to f-al sure of a laiger volume ..f busiiias. in IsiiS than a-ver lof.-re our Kaiesm-n will go out a Usual i.n Iraaca-mber ... to bagin Ihe .ampaigu for the coming -ar a Hal UUI . orí e-aonden. e gives (VetV Mssutalice that l.usines so tar a we ere coticer i:e, b. going along ,uite as satisfa. to, 1 1 v a In the past. The preeent shut down ha no connection at all with tlie oserating plans f (he v o'ii.-r than it is neia-satv tot tnake ihe ii-ual annual , lean-up.'' ......... .wx o o..e e.ti.,,. laoivie. I (fa IT cnara. KI.nrsiuB tkartlsa a.,-ss.,mma. , es PS two dar ID U n O. Crotm rra,.ii (lead Mthng., upwaral I'alulea kmlracliog All Work Aboolulel from. have mnce recommendetl It to everal ! Jaied by auiifylng tb. company of ni friends, nil of whom peak ! highly of It.'' For ale by all j gist. .MM . IM -i GaaroBleeaJ C0PP & PETTIT It. . T. Arm I Jo BuUdlag 1'IH I 11 le il al The harg arsel sa-uat. ar Mali,. i, s, rion !' '-- a. l a l, , I "' " ST, ,; J, i'.. :,. . I !, i , , . . , i.,.e f,.r r. -. i, . i,, (i.. ,, II at h.- It e I., r . ...( he -CUM retlte In n. ,;,. ... I ' P I, III I n j nt. n. rt .. , I I'OlslV - that l-l le- is I 'lace 1 hewn. Ilanlev of the comoiipee of the p. ution for piiblle l.l.e .It l,e I.4IH,, l-e lr, i N oth First st .rt and !ho I i.,,l mat h- had pre. t,, i.. iiMoii t. iivi-i,,n S,i( r i't M'r-. Ml Miers said that i,,ii Ki n- .. in t.. th. b gh. r II ' ould lío Willi hi V-to toiii't Hunk it a a t think ! up. .'.i to have a ,--. --t, ,-n .,f ..I that pin, e The i ..!,,. Hi! - .I.-, ba'ge.l and the mcV,! h. o,- I tlf. tila- ti.- far a" 'e -He , , ,.,( . re. I ii A ll,nr,i ,tt A taaine ai :,.ae.t ' hillaT pfd . an .,! a I v ii a il i 1 A , l: (i : i . t: t: H li TALIANS SLAIN IN L OISIAN uloiog A'aaaania.e.l e i.wal A Msr Hai '. i Was I - I '. .; n . la . 'Negroes Resent Importation of Foreicneis Into Lumber Camp Region; Three Killed in Nicht Attack. We Sell on the positive guarantee that if it does not give satis faction we will return the entire amount of money paid us for it. We mean this and ask all those who are sick and need strength to try it with this understanding. J. H. 0'Rielly Co.. Druggists t i r v w ñi ww. . i REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank AT ALBt'Qt'RRQfK l.v T1IR TEftRITCiRy op NEW MEXICO TUB CI.U.sE OF HfSINESS PtcKMBtll J. lu;: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy h...- :.r im pl ;5 yewri no rom. ur Uae proven mor prompt or ow íToeriu,; in :: rum of Ccujlis. Colds and Croup tt.a.0 ChaintrLln- Cor.gU Remedy la umut ItuJ.n It W ro.i.4 upon s ! u- plic'ly Mtbofaml-y pnv... n In,,, j t. oo no or oalier tMt---ie A.,aJ j a- 1 o aaaa vumiasnni T-O . tsaTV Mwtatami. rrtcm 6e Ur.oaijt Trial a.f - ail". ' s . w l o w at i al I! Hie -. i f : ItankiT . It M a itpeit. bank, w.,- Wal.b. taisl a I ln . 1.1 kr. .f John ..f fui.l d W f tías k '"'a. '.-atl A VI,. 1 'j t )! I at W ! n l a I ' never I ,ea to l ha-'n "Tliam lid t i houl t t WO.t. . che. th-t a be ,1 in a oin t' w as tf.te I e I bo a a v er. he .. 1.1 l-e.( at Ihe rile-etr. if i-.-r d..l !e aver v lie ,!i. r,t lino. . "an l ir-t ' noleaa p, ll.e I ai. v ote I - si .... n be I i-, th Ktr,k re. ...i ! ih. k w e,e i arrie J a r- ,e in I Th.. I a ere ' a.f Ihe ' f T ', e.l sta'ss te ni !" e ank V. ........ "." ' ' Mr ..., -V Kris, 1 (! la I IMMtk I bo Waaroiog JaearwaU I i Mtanra-e. Ala. Iev It. Altoiii. r j Italian wa kiliej Sunday morning j near Tieni.o.t. !.... hy negroe. mak- I ing thra-e I a n.ns ! Jose their l,vej n account of prejudice Against In, ir replacing mi i lanorer at ("hathamvil e. T,i ..'har Italian- i " a-, e ea.uea.e.i ..eia. - ua, nam, nir at... , ientv-sii were r.hlaed .' News aaf the killing Hear Tremorit , orrlvnl h re tomcht Su m groes ai- J tat k-tt a aar:v of tw e-iiv-nice It.i lian j i i f v, ho were s.u.1 ? te fleetr.g fr-on thei f -j ' . .-hathaniv i'oe sat Hon The black are ' t'i t i ' 1 hotlght to tiave emho , tened t the' : ' a-a m ida- aaf ihe whita at t ha- luinbe-r ' I THE rftN V.H0 Wlf&S 5Y THE f ISH BRAND SLICKER .a. is Um man who has tried lo (jet the same service out of ton other make Cksan Laqht INtrebie (naaranterd aaterpeoii otM 6otd Lvaaatwr. HI silt K( F.. I. "an. and di.eeiinl. iv.rdrafia. aaeemea an,( uns-rura.t I iill-d Mao-. B.-iM. to .-,-ure C'rrulatn.n .lher t,..n,la ta as-. -are t'nite.t Kiaie. tlrpeait.' '. ' premium, en t'mteii Stale. U-iuia H'.tola. ae.nntie ele Itanko.c house f-irntlure and flTltlires Hue fr,,m rational bank in. a reserve aa-entil!!! I'ue fren, alale banks an,( bankera .', lass fr..m aianr-vral reaaerie atirnl. t'heek. and other taah Item i.!!!!""'" ri.lnr.ifi for clearlnc house. ... '. N.atea t.f other national tank ...i!!.'!!!..' ', ' Fraction! paper curren.r. niskela and ceril. m.nej renerv. In bank, vii; ; "" l-rsa, le la-gal tender note. 11"" It RerlsfTiptloa, cent of fund will, fnlled i-jr'-u!atin l ..... State, treasurer (S per .TM.7M U in il,. ;u anal i l,,,i out 00. 0 Il ::i i J s;n I It. .144 ti :i !!.H - 1 I 77 17 ; 77 ;u.vt Jai 7 I. . , IIIBIIITIKS. Capt'.l pai.1 In Purtaoi. fun.l t nalin.lefl pr .fils Irs. eipen. and 'la'xeti 'ñáiaj ' Vait.anal bang n-'tai oulat.naling .. Iie to at l,.r n.i ..nal bank ...Y.. . " ' 1 He ta ataio banka and banker. ..... Inai.iaiual alep..s,ia ..ibiavet i i-heek '. ! '. '. '. lime a-erliñ. ate. ,,f defsaait ... I'ertifteal '..'.".'. 1 Cashier . a has a a out! an-l!ng ....'."..."' t'liileai etaTa-s def..ait. IVp.n. if InlleJ .siatr.'d,".','fn.4r..'.'.', .13. . (I .1 ?n nl i ... : m .1 " t,. 1D7.1.-.7 f 1 1 3t : ?. tv if . I tkaSII ;4 4 fu .: ii iJ ll 41 s t:i : It . 05 t, tJ Terri. .rr of N. r,.artT f ... c mr in th i - i. (.ii nteh, nn tt-v airr to h f vl i h- l;alin 1 I Osa aaas-a. l-aalaMMrWB. e V KWn,l I J tM4 ka, Bi oamlaaia. aV ... . J e ' ISS'S Wawrr. 'aaj l ral Sell.- 2 r MEI ANO WOMEN. ( . aa faar aa anal tfias ImtatWM aar faaear ilk, of aro. Osersba . a e'aaaaas al .aM OMna - C.irreet At teat; i t .-: iiM.rJu jcx w. n oi RvoT aV M Mil. I kv, llAV.Nv.l.leai l:raatrro. :. Paborrllaed an.l toorn ta ts-f re me tb 4-1. II. S tT ef rvmnher. I'll KAKII. N tary l ubltc muer, i II