Newspaper Page Text
CITES GORTELYOU F OH MALFEASANG E New Yorker. Complains of Treasury Secretary's Meth ods of Allotting Panama Bonds; Seeks Relief in Court,! THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19,1907 8 . Earn i jj lumn' in i kju iiiwi ugi,ii eaeia una i '" ,M 1 Ll panal 'U mm i " 1 , i r ! ,.T . ,- , ,. i., - "-"vfi f--r-t m I I n . 1 15 Hy Miirnln Journal Sperlal Iwd Wlre.l ; Washington, Í. '..- lcr. IS. .Ius- tice Rouiil, f thi- listrk-l minvm-j ciiiir!, tn.niy cited (ietii'Re ti. i unci vim. secretary of the treasury, tn ai near In court January 3 tn show cause why he should not be enjoined from turnlnsr over or delivering a hal ani'P of the $21,450,000 l'anama canal Imnd JsBue to certain banks and per sons lo whom he announced allot ments. The citation t based on the peti tion of (leoiKe V. Austin, of New York, who declares he offered to purchase the bonds of face value of $.1,000,000 at the rate of 1ii3 .375 and stood ready to deposit that amount with the assistant treasurer at New j York. i Mr. Austin informs .the court that tie has been advised through the jnili- lie press that In direct violation of the statutes and In absolute disregard of j the treasury department circular, of, the I25.oo0.000 of the bonds allotted j p ñ 1 1 itpqq q-i- nirpnr only SI. 000,001) were allotted tn nat- ; UUU I I too UT O I, rlC.nnC: eral pei'.sons, who were individual bidders, and who, In accordance with! the statutes and said circulars, were j ven equal opportunity to biihscrihe i therefor; the remaining 4 .ooo.oo ii j were allotted to divers national banks ' and only 1 3.550.000 of which were : plotted to banks which had offered .i ' hltjher prl'e than that bid by him: ; When he learned that his bid had ; been Ignored and no nllotineiit made i to hltn. he says, he complained to the department, and the response con- j, vinces him of the secretary's. Inten tion to disreitard the statutes and thereby commit a malfeasance, fur; which he says Mr. 't'oi telyou is not a man of sufficient means to answer I to the citizens of th I'nited states . and to him. CLOSING OUT SALE OF RETAIL DEPARTMENT 25 to B0 Per Cent Reduction on STOVES AND RANGES, ENAMEL AND TIN WARE, PLATED WARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS. BUILDERS AND SHELF HARDWARE. MECHANICS TOOLS, ETC., ETC. i Terms Cash j WHITNEY COMPANY RETAIL DEPARTMENT j Term Cash 115 SOUTH FIRST BfciilMl.i.rl-.MH) l aaaUaaafcaat .' I IIH II I taOTieaa whirli aimed at arottsltiK and ortenn-' izine the peasantry. M. Ttrhuikovsky has a host of frii mis in linelarnl, and has' un much symprlhy for the r;t use. ON A VISIT TO YUMA LIVES SACRIFICED IN COAL MINES her and eost 311, lives, the the .lononnah mine dis.isi Virginia with a loss ui n lives, and the explosion ii the other day with 1 livi n followetl r in Wesi early lao Alah, i tun .- lost. All kinds window nhadea In ed.oek end made to order. Futrelle Furni ture company, west end of viaduct. (ADMIRAL DEWEY NOW j i THREE SCORE AND TEN: IT Vol' W ANT MISISIMAS CN-! DIMS. ltlsS. M I'S, I IM ITS. STITf'l II KAI INOU ITI.O M AMIII I) I'KI I.. Al l. ON I'S AT 211 S. SIXIIVII ST. I', . I'll ATT A CO. I famous I i-i-n. Immiiiiiiii on Her Way Soirtlicni alifornla Slops ZO!:l 'l ow II. lo sli.sii (he IVMlvr Wild Itoar in r t.A Cir. Dm.noU Ru Ro ll) .el- : I cell I UI I citvto ncvciiK-u J y I Dinner Vh'l.i'Hlex s'ii I 'iulucr-. i piel loo of Allotted Span ol I Coin, .Iff. ' I'hoellix un a nied tiazette says: by Cuptain TAFT EXPECTED AT ni A(.com pa nied by 'aptain t'harles i MontKomery. a famous Arizona scout of pioneer days, the 1'uuntex.s of .Me pierenc of St. i'it ite. is in V-i.- 1' fro.n St. Hrieiic. France, on her w i.v to the 'Kulf of t'alifornia. where she hopes ii ; shoot wild boar, says the Fxaininer. She is directly ' from Canada. here -the Vancouver papers nave columns to recounting her adventures in the I forests of the north, in which sh .an elk and a moose. port of Government Experts Investigating Accidents. j Washington. l.v. I f'.eorxe Dewey gave tnntKht In celebration , tleth anniversary of ha dinner was Informa 1 . NOON TOMORROW War Secretary Approves of Pacific Cruise As Affording Needed Practice to Men of Navy, IIt MornlP7 Journal Huei'lal leaned Wire.) (In Hoard Steatnei- President (limit I (by wireless, via Halifax. N. S .). Def. j 18'. Secretary of War Taft, who Is . finishing the last stage of his journey around the world on the President ; (Jrant. will probably reach New York ; about noon next Friday. In comment- : Ing today on the departure of the bitf I American tleet of warships for the Pacllie coast, the secretary said he1 viewed the undertaking with real khí-I isfactton. He regnrds the cruise nf necessary practice and valuable . tdacinK the men and shii.s under con ditions approximating a war fool me. "Hy this cruise they will gain ex r.eitenie which would not be obtain able in an' other way." he said. "I. would be useless to spend millions of dollars in building up a navy and th-x withhold opportunities lor practice. Mr -Taft declared that the nun has no International slgniticance He declined to discuss American politic-I In anv way, saying that he had no personal knowledge of present politi cal conditions In the I'nited States. ASK FREEDOM FOR CZAR'SMPTIVE , Americans Petition Russian; Ambassador to Intercede for Aged Revolutionist Pus- oner in St. Petersburg. The countess arrived In New Yo n ! in the mines some weeks ago w ith letters to A i as tiunng number of delightful people. whoj.veaTs gave her letters to President and Mrs. I each liooseveit. She was entertained at the I year White House, and the president ml- I killed vised her coiiccining her hunt; , dead campaign with pleasure when le'.juieo learned her ambition was to sho it a j hear and. an elk. He told her flu1 ' must use a 3tl-;!n-ealber , rifle, aa l ; this she did. bringing down a splen- 1 did moose her first opportunity lo fire j at game. The countess anil Captain .M r - goiagomery will leave for the gulf. I floating down the liver In an outfit which I'aptaln Montgomery Is now; preparing with the assistance of Cnpt. ' Thomas l:liaom. The countess visit- 1 ill the penitentiary early In the week, where she was entertained by .Mrs.' I va nine. The inspiration of tlie visit to A mélica b;' the countess at this timi is to gather material for a series of i ly Morula Journal Spelul la.crt Wlre.J Washington, Dec. 18. The coal mines of the Pnlted States are killing three times as many men per one thousand employes as those of most Kuropean countries. In the seven years Jl'.MU men have given up their shot 1 lives in the mines of this cotinlrv. As many violent deaths have occurred Vdmiral a dinner I the seven liiltll The t eharni'tjT, ! HANTA t'l.Al'N TAKE NOTICI5. Tlo Kurlell' Fiirnllur romtiiiny hni Jut i 1 reeivil a nfat many thliiKS uefut for j m I hiiii K 1 1 ' i i luring (he last six yen : the proceeding eleven The number of fatal accidents ear Is now double that of the Mlíi. In 1 Hurt .MU men were or in lured in the mines, the lumbering i.afil and the in- 4,ra ihere being no speeches, hut many the admiral's guests took advantage! of the opportunity In gtaceful fash- ! Ion to congratulate him. Among ; those present in addition to the id- mirtil and Mrs. Dewey, were: I President and Mrs. Konseveil. M'f. rionaparte. Mrs. John I!. Mel.niit'. I Mrs. Frederick A. Valid, rliilt. Mrs. Nicholas Fish. Cieneral Horace Por- . ter, Senator llraudegee. Admiral an I ! Mrs. Hrownson. (leneial and Mrs. j I). (enera! cut. .Mr. arm ; Morton and Admiral ( app. Writinn ii..k. tí1 (0 ni $; 0. Kui'krH. 6'lc to t jl). Uumi chulrs, St and up. pii-lures lie anil up ; Ana criHt vartfty of niful prflinti I fur the jloVr h..v and glrla. Hun t bay until you aee our line. DR. H. D. PETTIFORD Veterinary Surgeon i -i. - i ti Therapentlm. Hurgiry ana (itiaia- trlc un Kiiiln. Uovlne, Ovine. Poclne. ( 'n til ne anil Ki.'tlne. I'luine 4M. Ke.lilrnre, 13S N. Walter Prictti-ea Fred Mrs artilles in Kuropean magazines, she being a writer of note. Captain Montgomery Is famous as hunter, trapper and scout, and Presi dent lioost vi'lt wrote It I in a letter tell ing him to see lo it that he didn't lose sieht of the countess while she Ts lsin the west. The captain was In the Apache raid of Di7:i. and was the first ... i for. man tor the Creene i'attlo i oni pany. Mfs present home is in l,os An-gcu-s. He is the very last of the no n obt lili- o. I. Mini is a., iiiii oí 1 1 ii 1 1 iifv i tire nno ironiier oai nig as iiin-n a mug man These fearful facts have neen gleaned from the report of govern ment experts acting under orders from Secr-tary C.arfield. of the inte rior department to investigate tin' tu lliré and extent of mine accidents, particularly those resulting from ex plosion and also to make .suggestions as to how mining conditions may be Improved and accidents prevented. The statement in the bulletin Mint an increase In the number and in t .e seriousness of mine explosions niy be exi ted to continue has already proved fateful, for since the w nils were written the country has been startled with the news of three more; explosions Costing nearly ñau liv". i Tile first explosion incurred in P.'nit svlvanla in the early pari of Decern- USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A pwAer to b phaken Into tha aho. If yoj have Urrd arhniK fwt, try Allrn'a Fool Kuii. It rpara th. feet anil makea new or Hunt ahoea eapy. 'ur armn. awollen feet. Ki-llpvea i.'orna and hiinlona of all pain anil aivea rent and comfort. Try It toilay. Bold tiy all iTiiauixta anil Shua storea. 2Tie. rion't accept any aubatltutra. Kor FREK trial pnikiore. also l-'ree sampla of the FOOT-KASB Kanltary CORN-PAD. a new Invention aililrt-aa Allen B. Olmated. l.a Km. N. T. " AiroH)s of Noili'ng. I "Your wife used to like to sing and she played the piano a lot. Now we i don't hear heriit all. How's that .'" I 'She hasn't the time. ' hive tun children." i "Well, will! Children ate a bless- ng. Transatlantic Tales ' TO CIRKA COI.I N OVE IHY Take I.ASA'I'IVH KHOMa (Jiiinlne 'lalilfla liruKSlMO refiinii money If it falls lo rule. K. W. illtOVE'H ignature ia on each boa. lúe. IT YO!' WANT SOMKTIIIMJ I!-.l, M K AMI X)I IN THK ' (.!!(( Kl( Y 1.IVK VIH C.W l.- ways t.irr it at i'. ;. nsvrr & ICthS. 212 W). SI-X'OXI KT. FRESH Vaccine AT RUPPE'S TAKE ME WITH YOU AM WORTH .0 CTS J flood fur ten renta on any purch Bnioiintina to one dollar rnaile In nun atore from Pecemiier Snd to Iirember ?4itl Inrlnalve. IIKNHAM INDIAN IKAU1M1 CUM PAN V, Kallr.iail Ave ami Kht atnet. 0 I'' IÜ THIS COUPON IS CASH DON'T THROW IT AWAY. HA VP. THK COITO AND BRING IT:' TO t K NTOKK WIIKM VOIT COMK TO . IMl YtU'R IIKIHTMAS filtMIM'INU. IT ALSO KNTITI.K VOV TO A l'IIAM'Ki ON M)K OV THK KI'I.KNIH 1'KIKH ; WHICH WK IIAVK CKT ASIIIK I K OI II ITKTOMm. I It"' Wasliington lashioacd Appanl We point with pride to our choice selections of Men's Furnishings for the Holi day Trade. td'n ftrlueira and aleant Nackwaor the beet tnakaa of (iloyee per f tain la Mdrla and C'ollura lha beat branda of drrwear iholia lloelery. Mufliera, Klajbi HuImmi, 1'ajumua. I mlirrllaa. Hone Coala, Hatb Itulwa, tf., l. , nil reaaonably priced. It you're at 111 undecided a ta Jnat what la buy Htm fur Clirlatinaa wail taha pleueura In aliowln 70a a boat af thlnaa ha would ba drllgbted la hua. M. MANDELL Fine Clothing, Furnishings Bcnham Indian Trading Co. PRESCRIPTIONS? WILLIAMS DRUG COMPANY! 117 WKST i'KNTIlAr, AVKMT. TF4.KP1IOXK 19 l illlVMl mil Hlllll AI KM'E AMI I IKST MTKFKT I I . " """ "-l 1 a...!, ' annaaiaiiii.i uai- .. r" " " "' "" "1 awBaaBPaaaeaaaawnaweweneaaeiapiwBBBj v p.w in ..--t .uv i,ciiwiiuimt h a hid w. vwmr a i ' h , h', lia laaiaiaii i,,.'-.. 8 . . I N I J l II .' j, rt ii " Ml l ll 1 1 1 i taaaiail Mi a. iiaana a iwaaaaaMa , aeTaannaj afín aatvJta 3 THK tCDNUVlHT tT STORE OPEN EVENINGS THE BCONOMl ST I is -li lilí Mornlnaj Journal Hneriul l-ead Wlre. , v- v.irk Dec. IS. Kmini nt men In this and other cities have begun movement for the release of Ni. h Tsehalkovsky and Catherine Un kovysky. the Russian revolntinr now imprisoned at St. retersburK political reason. It was tod. iv that a (telcRauon Samuel J. farrows f..r announced headed by waited on Huron w lo the slro.-'li'c Itosen. Russian aintiassanor ai -InKton. Monday, and , resented to lb" h iietition request Ilia: the .ris..ner releas. The memorial wan wlthiebl from imblicHllon until t".l.. that . tn basaador Kosen iniBht conimiui'.a ;e with hi Kov.rnmeiit. i rrnrsTi; iu i n r M( IIOI.VS 1M'llIKOYK I imilntv K.-c. I. The tall fiKiire i f N'ichola Ta. ha Ikovsky. w ho is mi confined In the fortress ..f t. l'eter and St. Paul at St. I'. ter-burc. is t"f familiar to Knclishmen teresled themselves in for lihertv in Russia. M. Ts haikovsky. who l the old" and most widely known of the lead er in the levo'ution.iry movement. I now about aixty ears of nee. IC still maintains Id s mpathei ic an! strenuous teniiei a ment and "n Ulna a ra- weeka a busily !- cased in raisina: funds arroni Knetish friend for the relief of euff. rer In ihe Russian .iis..n enile net I 'ements. Since adv.uicinu aife and the watch kept over him b l:a HKenta have prevented him fr.m Ins a more iiettve part In the rn i,... w mont. to whb h he clven the better part of his life T-ehalkovekv ha devoted hmisei ohtninlna; and .listributimt relief hi fellow men lie h.i rod n Ihe camp.iiKn at the ho where he hae lived ne.rly I"' r - I" or rear l.'.ndon He came here from Pari h. reaided a ebon time, nn turn from Aim re a. to whi. h i " i after hi e. (ie from trshutT in the een!r. ..r in l,onrt..n L4 From toclkiy n man, our tore evening until 9 until Oirfnt -will h i. n O'elnt k. ALBUQUERQUE'S EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS HOUSE. DRT GOODS, ULI.IXF.KY AM) WOMI..V8 llK-l)Y.TO-M'.AH AIUII-.MS rilO.NB OlUHrilS FU.!.: I'HO.MI'TI.Y. MAIL OHDKUS ni.I.FD EXCI.l'SIVFXT. PHOSIITTjY. t 'Shop Early in the Day and Early ! .1 . .1 intne montn We heartily Join In thle re .pieat maite by the welfare .ireaaniaatlona for the benefit .if the tlioimanda of alora ieo rile. W'a aleo augifeat It for your own benefit. Onlya FevvMorcDaysTill Christmas, GctBusy ! know lnt V. lialH "f " rentlv 1 hot t-r arifl m. txt ..ur m i I' w III ) Iiuinun linrenuliy tun munt. n. '. i... ...... - ptTff I Sale of Silk Petticoats M nin I . Ht in t lie p-.itiii4lniH mtk f. it l-i m:ikf ( h l.'-l 1, a lile up 1. ( t'. up !, S. aliifn u I ,'t 4, 1 UK Up I. nt Ti. lltll'K UP Anil all our MkLic A itnail l I "it mint an pr-'Viilc ats in all i We run milt t , r.u 1 1 II oo Ii : mi it;, i in I Ike In i.r a lil.erdt ldt k rn Ami lilack, Hny K'u it. f-ll..W. i I HM I hid dhIm At I hi pit Ip Ht H't ill thin BU If Ut teo in thin :) nt ro in thin fhIh t ilk i.tti'(tit hH. als-o l""tn t any uí t tie vtihicg until thf thp h'.lidfivn. eontnlninK itrcflfti, c ti it n Kt'ii anil mu. liividfd Into $ 4 ! A MM .( I1.HN -iIucmI tiolitUyn. A Sale of Kimonas and Dressing Sacques h 1 Such ntu mul nr niiitlf tn tti , Iri tnjt, n.Jik thin a o k NiiliiH'- m.i of Taffi n rrt t y lit v ! a r of f ír( 1 n ry nM ft (JfiiKiiai Hihl my a mitt- of rr- in t rent. ly trirmiiftl with la ihi i hit h, pUntíi'l i .llTt inn nith th s 1 1 k lT-"tnr Jm k-'ta. nm ) of ulu-rn t fhitt.i Bttk. nil i-anu(nrlv fr-m t 1 Tremol it nt pat un"!, natl of flnnltit nv. pink nti-t Mu- fun ln' k lih Metilo,.: niM-i-iaiiy prt'-l at finih-.l ih rit'"in. worth ll á 60 at . $7.ft tinic tatrifwa ft itifv ami ilk rii'bon. m' Mi i. i; t t.ft in fancy ntnp with fifítir: plora Ik It, wro flTUKhPil it h hoi. !. and mp itf fancy mripfd !imrt. ith f'tturt. hiirh rollr full ti k. ) fr.-nt yl.AO and mp K .iii"n I.. rl- r K mona i ;i pi-' Kirn..t,a f,itin fan y 1 1 ir il rot..Tel fl-mft. d h rm patrema itth lnl r.'PTeM ni t'aix- í, -"lora ar pmk. Mu? an1 Uv-nftt r. . . .ffl.M and up tn moll'im i;rk rr"Uinl. with l"- Jiallt-rni, inalf with full r k (Mih 1Mi, finish'! with lilt t n noi. p.ail-P. pfiat li.Oa anil up - f fm. v junk or rav il .ni-!. In fancr atriv, Kmpirt hat k it in r t.h -n. al!--M k nil a,i -unl. fini-ih.t w i ih Uk 1 1 ruff. ft-M-ial at n4 mp Women's Coats ' but .iurii g 'i.iti aome ten vi a reanmed an artlT ment'an.l leíame .' the r 'Ijth n. i in & z. Vie . j hi' te- , j j iiitititn i M I'e- j j Hit. f L, J j ta- I Hi f fta a i OA i o f .! i:, in Atol a t-i in t rtitit t i tn ata a'f t) ".-a r ir i . in irti. at . tn ) h: naif t in " gf if r-I at ( i-mi n 'I I.e-M,,!.) . ff I In thi taile at jiar pin- ar.l " rninii Kml-llitfMl. I lttM r f mh: I nmi-rHfHlljr Hlahf4 9 mm !.--. I MM tmrnm ta air f'.-ioc-ft (n aal- at a l.-t 1. I :-t T l.iet 1" i'h'i.tH I t 3 ' hiofr.., - .t 4 TlKet P. ft -tfl frfilbU (I ' Ml-r AMI C.IKI.N T4 m Tal la At wiirrUU H-4rHnm. tX Ml. rhoif. , . -t t h at w a n- rth ip t lip to . f h f r n m h up t 7 1 ta p at'1-! tn thiB tiii-. gray, hiuf. at an t a.ft 4 ' r-tM' i'n ntitnatlona. FUR -SPECIALS FUR th' growing . r or nioe itw be in 'h "in.- one ..f the l r eK I I i i-í l' ! I raln a-' upt.-t ! I lr....n. Al! a t " j i , .f . .i. .. k -.f fura ..r....r a . f r'-.k p -t-. Mia ' Ota I Ve. o -v- in..' an.t ;ra .. .ta ef i-.r.i Mi-.k. l.)i,a. K.. art I I'la.n f- ' ' " ' ' !.,, .t . n .... .1 a itiluooit .f le IV lea. j . I.i.el't). I ' ' I 1 . I. a ' ... i i '-- ' .. ..a S I .1 aniiriii it a .. a ia a. ..a, .-a. al MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Special Sale! One-half Off on All Hats Entire Stock Without Reservation Sterling Values in Cut Glass f irri thine; ta liir More Marked In I'luln I la.irr. a I... are j.l.lae. i f fine i nl le. and alio Lave till are Ihe Mill are .iHMiinntt I'll- al- "I rut Klaa. Me h ,-l- n. know Milu... atol noy a'"" ki.m- lo dtiiilit'iiii thai It la Imit.i' a ihani e ea it , I ' r.-o liere I. many e M.lke your a. tlon ti'if Willie a l' are eount an.t tile t' k la c-.'llipl.t.-Ke our lalile .if lillalle pie. . 'I'hev are I I vea. creatna an. I rOiaara. I'liit. In-ln" itet:t-a al. na )" a laenty P-r cent dla- -rrv l...' ra'n.l l.oa la. relerya Ol .LH.i'ea. I'.t.lm atol oltirr itl-'li' WHEN MEN SLEEP I'm Junta and Wn PaUfi" Niie prit M-n' t mpf t S pi Iip a Knt In 1 a I price . ... . Men Outing l -t Th are a I We aii-i eat ry ' M-n'a Irei1-iit i tT' ma pi . pmk ami hh ItoKt-a (.h.iR 'I an. U ii'ii- an. I k t g rianii'-l i"pn1-ra. aip if ..1, ,f i.i. n t : i.. i, a f t no n Hi irl-.M'KKH, put up ' io- in a to i"-f pn valtia apTtal I AO 11 flit val. i. Ppeclai ! i ' u. pftta 1 VI -M n ;t m-v ptp);l pt i. a ... 9- f ).?)' to- I. -i SI an. $1 ?- and 9) rmm ri.t Jllti. I tMI Exquisite Ribbon Novelties In th C'hrlnfma tor ifta Can't .it liinff like bruin them Mail tn our own workroom, faahlonod ripri-aalv fo to toll hern ).., tip at II 1 1 f 11 1 t lli-at Hthln IM-Vfll i.-a a I anvwlifre ia ,A v.. 1 Molly Merry rlltlnn for holl.lay fan. V lk. No 2 3.V. a .lee. of in varda. N". He. No. 1 No l. N". Ml tt. No l Í.W No. 1-M.J.V tl.e yar.1. I'oliiaeiia mt.l.on. nevieet rlhl.on nio.-Ily for fant y work. No. u UN-, N I No. a Lie. ti. 12 tor. No. I Me. No. JS Í.V. -No. Ma var.l. In .o.ine.ll.m won nuitiU-i, a. dealie lo etala that all our fan. y hotliliiy rttitmlia have Iom-ii fnlo.-eit Silk Hosiery Sale of Unmatchable Values pHlfal ! "lian. know. AH put up at... i ... . iw.n mvmrv ta nmiin . n ti o n Ht ma n V . a ia In tli-ir Ton hriatV. obIi-iv ll wtiM iRnlx iiml not e.niin n-rwii ...i- TliuM ! a auprrli t..rk of nl Ik Mopiy hvr--'ry popfiwm - And tht-av valiif" haw iifvr '',n t-gualt-.l, m- far at w in hamlsonia gift tn.xra for the a.ktnii Silk lina, fint- ipiaht), cohu. ! k. hita tan. Sky p4 jfll KiyT Iout'1- llfl inri T' Hlafk tnk Mm pa ir Ila.n.1 Ttiri-a'l fíilk HtorkiHK. In b.ark tn hlai k, plt.k on him k. IikIh hlua n. Mu k tirul prwnu, th pa ir toot frffCt. pu aith ma kfp .f pi in nt- pta hl I a Vn.. KloVt-H J. (ll trnal- ut f'r 'hartnini lipvur Id tutt'-n l-rK Th- li-tiUtion BUI .Tnohlia To 'iap Tr. f P RH'1 T' e-n W'h'ia K M-n r -ft M Ilia, k Wt!k H-i'i prj? fti . . . . Glove News for the Women !,,, i,,. h,. it .1 l -tot H'"' I" eitouah palia of rear v ! and i ti ' " ' 1 a. a KI.1 o.vea it .Mti at)llll .'ao- 1.. i., at ... itla.e Kid o. ... -I. Knl lii.'io ilt..iii f..r roi'i'il 1 .r ilreaa at.i N l l err .ar ..f ..or T ". hlrd Jdntn f . I. Ml In to-r rertlf: oan at tier and i eut 11 aa. 1 . i at i oa r atreet or at.aa (f : and Pi aa PI . and l IV ? aa . t nfi a ' I t' I ' r -' ti wrm I . . and 1 Aprons With a Charm All Their Own the Apena pr llM.h f Ol i In 4 or .ra. M aaea' f r i hri.lrnaa aiv- ii' i i o of em - . aa. . pi . up i t ti l Women'a ahile lioae. all up Ihree pair In a hanitaoine f-lin oil far tn-a of .1 pair oiilv HOI. II W Ituie llel ml pink. tt aolld colora, PI.JJ deep mili" l-'P. per p.' Ml, PHW and pj.aa nr.-l f.-ral deaiana, ríe. I hey make beau . ?.." and up to fia.M MU I t. or il-alana all tlo t...x. e in a .or r--B.i';.r pair quality. Holiday Sale of Thousands of Handkerchiefs I nmalrhahle r-.lnea I ÍVr I i aj.lMI. Tlte nt nt c imple! alorU I of s-w al.'Xif.i. al prt.-ea thai have nn parallel. lit. fa i I! It looi'l rttitiroid'-red Initial ol tried Inttlale, t.V, Holiday handker. hli-fe and faa.-lna.liia ahoa Itia in Soniena all lineu liapdk. and lip . -ii ii.. ñu.olLrrlll.fa ilh 1...Í..I rmM v, . .it i..n.ik.i.-lileta Hit elik ir.olala at t.V and i..- It iiett nandk.-r.ho-f al W omen a Armenian lno n nmrtkerrlilefa at Wi.n..n'a lian.l lira it liandk We ran eupplv i ur ew-iv haiidk-r,-ltl (ee our aiw.-lal all Un it .ten lo an-. t from lae lie. M and nar I V, SAe, a.. PI on, tti.mailt. lt.-d liar i.rlh t. autar up -Ik. , PI Ii i ant r. h.-r lit.- ea- Mir, ile mil U N ana aa Pl.&a aad urn fuit resalar ala, h. epn'ial ea.-h . . . We hate .he ttutton In Wr II " TI IIIIV BKAH M'M I XI. i-tv fte of III 'o-tiilitie I ill p.. 1 1 .-.I f ear and a '' ! makina tl.r f.-tl. fl rfrt f 2 o I r.a I ' '""I O ' I i.t I al ; ii t ie at T.-dde Bear rhli h haa -aina reduction en tro-m: H 4 ÜA ti ! t im aa .m Anolher new aale pri- .raie in Ihe TI MHI.IMi t.rar famlty. TI IHIV reKu'ar aellina; prlca 1219. aarh IIH Zephyr Hand-made Slippers Our f-. It. .atina .r..a. tnld a allpper. Miaaea' ellpper W omen a n.-l"i k la very r'.mpt'.' In a!l altea, all colora and fer a'l ages at 4 X !C I A at ce .la ..It MIIK IMilW lK 11. I5 3 THK ;s:o,?,tE oocoooocoocoooooo j!