Newspaper Page Text
2 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1907. 200 TEACHERS fl fN SANTA FE ASSOCIATION MEETING LARGELY ATTENDED Albuquerque Has Largest Dele nation; Visitors See Quaint Tesuque While Council is in Session. ft par Is I Dunkirk I tk. W.ralaf J.araal Sania Fe, N. M., Pec. 2ii.-Tn bundled Iwhcri from all part of the territory have gathered in Hant.i IV I attend the tcn() -hitoikI annual rossiuli of I lie New Mi xli u Kducn t lona I asHuchUlon. All th hotela are packed unci the Piiluie, which Is tuk IciK euro of ahont lntlf the ill tendance. i hllrd to overlluM-liig. The viallor laxan arriving jwirr. diiy and have been coining; In eliue In a nleady at ream. A IiIm deleitatlon Jroni Itaton and Int. -tine, Hate point fum In t K o'clock. The IiIb Alhn ilern,iie delcKHtlnn n uní herln; nearly a hundred, w Ji uli arrived thia nuou. la the blKKKit rcprpwritiillon prexcni. l.ia Vi'ifii", Hllver t'ily. Itutnn, AIhiiio irnrd,) anil inner i-IUch hip well repre sented. Thr attendance hn lirokrn all reruriia aneiuiy ami iiuiiv an- ex pected lo arrive tonioirow. Nearly half of I hi" visitor Hum morning visile. I tut tii,ilnl old Inch. in purhlo of Te.wtue, while 'hi- educii iional foiincll, rciniioM'il of tht lead ing rdticaior of the territory. m In ai'Milon, Tin' llrt liUMlni"H homi,ii ol Ihe Mine ihiyn' mot I i hit ".iih held l nllilil al K:Sil In the Hiah hcIiooI hall, which iih Idled in lilt" doiira. l!ovei- nor Curry wan e ted to make ihe opening Hddrees, hut a Ik la etiffor Ina from a severe cold, eontrai led on Ills PohvvcII trio, lie "a mi unci hie to he prpHi-nl, and hi place on Hie proKiam omu taken hy-.Indue Mi Flu. It. (. Parkin, Niipei liitemlenl of the puhlle achilóla at Jaw Vi khh. and pres ident of till" Kdtieiillonal iimhocIh! Ion, iniula the h 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 Hddreax, whlh" I'm feHiir t'. K. Iloiluln. of Hie facility of the I'nlverilty of New Mexico, alsi made an nddreia. After ihe huníneiv Heieiion wan over a rett-ptton wan held In the hall, Hi" afluir lielim in chante of Mi llod, In the llllHl lli e of hnprr iMIellllelll Of II V School ProfcHtor Wood. v ho ivhm III and una hie to he present. An ehihoriile inn-deal pro- ram wiih a feature of Ihe evening!, which wan a moet eiiJoahlc one Tin meeting of Hie luotochi t ton hi already an Hfiured fiicccki, lioth In point of I.IP'nihine"" .Hill llof yllllCi-H DISASTEFaVERTED AT END OF LONG VOY AG Kail Kt rtlli Iwco. I I' c. ajo Jt'te Anier- li'au Hhlo. Shenandoah, JIT iIjiih from llnlllinoie to han Km nclmo. united oillKlde ol iIiIh port linilitht. The weather li' lnn foggy, nIio anehored In datiHeroim proNlmiiv to the northern coaid line, and when the (huiiu-r wit rettllxcd the vewiel nininil.-d lnrnslNi Bhu'. Klhhi"! Ulan liroiiahl In the re pou that nhe itiK unround and n nuiii H"l of lliahoiilx well" aent mil. The Fhi-nundoali wan toweil to narer an rhorixe and will ' lie hrimahl hilo port in the moiiiluK BANK DEPOSlfoRS" RECOVER FROM PANIC iXi'v''Vmk. I'ee. 'J. Today wn. the date of the exultation ol uiot of the "-itm-day wlllulruuiil nolhi inliiil hy the. auviiiK hank" at Ihe hflKht of the iuuie In Urlnher, hut aeat eely a clere' 4 i all. il for hln money. rnknoivn il .hi I'lnv I'. inland, dre. Pee. "Í A Upeehil I , Hi.. I in . in lan from Sentlln ayn an unknown ti I ! I afire In the "Stralls of J nan Pe V;ia. A revenue culler hi, le'i-n "lent lo lu-r asNiaio e. Ninth Cmlloiui i apltal t.ix Un CalloKh. N. C., Pee. aH,-- l a lua Jorlly uf UalieKii today oied mil It Inpinr dl-cpensuiy and will ln eome a iroliilittlon illy. he iilspeh Kar hi I'lnMp at noon hui p loiuoirotA. In the controversy there were s iti for pi nhlhit ion, itsl for and two votes for miIooi . WOMAN "sOFFOCATED BY CHRYSANTHEMUM SCENT ftru-'ftcl. Pec. '.'i; - - pi uh from chrymii hi ilium m ent w.ih ihe unuMia! end of Mine pelpotti". of Chim.iy. win. 'illeil In a room ileeoiated with a lint liiiin-h of the aiiluiun flower. Mine. Pelporie muí lor hiuleind. liflei- dl.nltif;. fill asleep in tin- wai.u room. In n their M-ivant e:ii, ii.. the t'Mini Mine petpoite w.i ili.i and M Pelonrte urn "n"i i"ih 'i'lo rnairn life w.i kiU'iI h opiiiiiiu ,11 tile wlnit.iWi, hut hi wife hiiil h, , 11 Miffoi ated h the l,ea i'man.uioi. of eh i s .-..i ni heat u in Tin ii the fu-f int:iiiie in Kiir.ii, of ili-iithj ti.itit i it. ti,i.,.i ni fin. , nlthoiiKit thi re are ii A, i .-r will known poiMili.iii plant. ,,i-n n Ihr Ua llec Uli.l the In" !,T,1 i-iil .!i lili. lei wlliih II I death lo , i.M . FUNDÍ? FOR EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS LOOTED BY RICH hill, an I'lirliHiin in Pne-iltau - H , lunge It, si Weallhv Pii.pb p Mofaiatf uiie l(aiil fur I'oor Poll e. Pe, I'S -A - 11 I.I IS ll. ll port luí he. of Hi. ... .,11. I 1 e Uní...,.. .1 ll'l.l N W 1,1. il .. d i lo, : for lio- t . it ir' Inula ke l- i ..lie, i, abrían - Urt r in, nice ., pp.or polls lloil , i-ooirn . look lino i I.i' se .mi ..i 1. 1 vei i en mío in. , ,1 i h. ve iu . ,,f the I-IUIU- t l..lni'd Hi w a I h v w 'io. wi-iihy ,r ed larger portion of or re , ni i ii, t Hi I.v the Jun i Ir hoii- leci-Hed in ..! ut th.- francs u liiih s m, t.- , Ihe.) v I, lhoe who oí the f cur tiame nf b.t,.,, niaiU.-e coanta, I he hill TA G GERMAN -GOKIHENT OTHERS INVOLVED ' I MOVEMENT IN KILLING OF OF FLEET EVANS CRITICISED FOR VAIN BOASTING Beilin Authority Believes Bat tleships Will Remain on the Pacific Ocean Until Question of Supremacy is Settled, Merlin, pee. -tonimentliuT upon Ihe Ainerienn (leet wed recently hy II, Colonel (iaeilke, Ihe departure of Mhh h wria re I" resident ItoiiHevi the faniouH mililaiy and naval ex- perl write,. In the iierlln I iixerhlaii : The Hptech tunde hy Admiral Kvana In New Yol k some time hefoi e the departure, of Ihe Heel lie now eoin- inanilH is typical of the AmerliHUM, woo If i hey don't know HiiythlnK Ue at leiijit know how to hoiint. Thv admiral nald If I reinernher rlht: "II nnyhoily trien to .slop nie he will find It a illllli u't task. 1 know my people and 1 Know my Hhips, anil I know what they are aide to dn. hey will not disappoint the American people, he II l. cue or war... It will he ureal pleasure lo me to take the Heel lo Yokohama, ax I k now the Ja p tlvcd Hmuuft unene well, and hnv them." Pe added thai III Runner. hail irnki'ii all record, and lliat their kill with their nun wu ho perfecl that no luilielilp In exltence would Alihtand Ihelr lire loiiKer than two minute ( Tl4; la rather cayin too much. Such a roHiilt would Kinp.-is even iHe J.ipanexe vlclory at the hatlle of TchiiHchlmH, which at leant hinted half nn hour. It Is perhapa n very Rood Hunt? to have mich confidence In nnea aelf, hut 1 helleve that Hlao Toro know hi men, 'unil hla ahlpa, anil known what I hey lire nhie lo do. We furthermore- know that the Jap linean are mirk Ihr nluhl and day lo airi-iiKlhen I heir navy. I'rohalily to he ready and prepared for all cou linaenciCH, lie there jieace. war or how The Alnericiina have Nenie enoiiuh 10 ml ii 1 1 that It Is a very urent han dicap lo them that they have no eoal Inii Hlailon In the I'aelllc, and It I therefore likely Unit the tleet com ni. mile. 1 hy Admiral Kvana ufter vlsll ItiK Hun Kninclsco will remain In lh" l'hlllipine. and we shall then see If 11 I really kuIi,k to return throtiKh Ihe Suex canal as. the Americun (,'uv irnmeiu very naturally states at tin present time. I'ersonnllv I doiihl H, and helleve Hint Hie m-ent American Meet will re tnaln in the I'aillle, epher until war lia aettled who I supreme in the far eii. or some permanent nrrane nient has heen mule hit ween Ihe .l,i puliese and American Koverumcni, If stieh a Ihlllir I posslhle. A reinnrkalile love stoty Is ie,orl d from T.iinov. In Austrian I'uland. Kala. n pi, lire serueant, was pna slcuiaieiy In love with a conk, named Anna .Mlkowkl, Inn lic iiilvanees, and ow Inii to only left the house In her father. ,,. ried hla hls Hi reals oiiiptinv with pair mil tii lather for Hiein, ami loilliis from I he scrueatit saw the aether, and takln Hie iinothvr love. linked hrou Hii t hem don n , r Ii Ills ervlee revolver. lie then killed them hoth Willi hla Witness. nf th,, lo s, Ize K.i la, w ho lions and I i.i r i U-;i . lie I ipt the poll, e havonet. crime attempted ei,iied to his d himself within. e al hay lor a dav. hut v ester, lay. on tho aiipearant'ii o u ennuanv ,,r Inlniiiy who had heen calh I to storm the house, he shot him, -If HiioUKh the hei,, l eaili I Inliii. ship itiiihlcr Host, .ii. lie,. :ii llallis..,, Poring who started on,. ,,r i. n,H, ,,nM,s In H e I'nlted Slate f,,r n,,. huililh. of 'Imn sieam-iii iN and who was pies, lent or Hie III VIII' ship died today, aued ti.i. oiuianv K I ji rty-einht hoin, seeKer arrived in Veaaa one day last week, inostlv i rom Inillaiia, and weie taken out insp ct me lands on the l.a V (;r.i l t. K.aa I i A well known society w uni.i n of I'hoi nix. whose name Is withheld wa n-eiiitly eaniiht hftliiK toilet eaes and othiir arllcleM troin Herrhllls More. Ii is liria ved the woman Is a Kent Ine Menu, maniac and the matter luis n hushed up althouuh It a at lust reported lo the poller and 411 h rrel, ilireutelled. Tie new llarvev hou-e at t'lov I. will he M feel iiont, left wing .1l feel lung. nollaV. i onel , ,. ni Ihe mission 'tvlc sIiiiIIhi lo the Alvarado, n bae tni ni lof.v o leet uud i.,nii.,,i pii-e oi yiiu iuoi. i IUM. WDMIT - ti. A lJUle Sound AiP Ice Will Help Minerein In Mliipier,iie. No ivinan can We heslthy and w'I t Hie kidnf are a,rg I'oanina :hal l ass otf in Hie luiiie n hrn the kld- .-r i w.;l air iriained In Ihe Uoilv wiieti ihe kulnrv. are so k Kl li:i ;ir d bisd.ler gel tiif'n , ai,, oiii. , row,ti,,K the ili-lt, ai female oiirnni iliK.lrb ami otimtimes ,l L,laell,g iihm Thin la thr true ,u t,r ; hai ,i g ,low ii pan,. ImnrtiPu. I,a,k a. he. anlxaehe. c Prle pooiung " r,ie bea laehr ,1 ii .rj a 'languor, net youaneaa and rheumatic i pa, ll Worn differing ,, t- a Knl iiov I'.,. the iviiiedv that eurra k Ikj.uava You i:l ' l.r"r iu thai kol'ieva mml bailer, and IimIUi I r.. a n wi.en the kid data are wa i i.rt .in Ci.uiiir,4iir won. an te'l v..,, nl. hi p.. a K'.!nv Ptl'a .M, H Adair, of 17 Sfoul, K.tph l,.'.imif N, kfilc,, aaa . I VI,e'(,r Tu ) ,ii . ina In, lira a 1 k.j- I .11"' trtoili i,r not. I wn rot i er ate ' never, hairaa from iatt( ais-uti lle.eaa Kidra pi am tve a Piral, i., t Ham to" a.r if tlaa , "uld i i a'f..rd n, at laait a., ire ,r lief fr.., t,,a :i, litlKMtl hiat, ,h"i" al,,.ul,lf Wtl.. oh I f.- ,, ron.. I 4.4 i, ifa-' tee a atueat u'-i itl.lara fcut I I an I w i d aü down tha rain uld "1 ' f at, I at fiiiiiMi waa - a. ' ihe mr ,,f I..J f , K-.l,rf pota to, oight rel'ef that war 'rania m hov'i.g a fc'h apprwitot ;. . .it ihli j:-f.!iiii " , , Tor . v h ad dealrta Pr'ee .i ! 1 i m .it M Minn i . Huff,.. i .t fork. a.. at-i. u for Hie I i, !,. 1 1 i "''- ! Mm, i l ar ti, na me - l.,an a- tn.lit LOBATO SIX PEOPLE HELD AS ACCESSORIES TO CRIME Preliminary Hearing ofCecilio Durham Begun Before Jus tice of the Peace Craig, With Big Crowd Attending, Kotir or live hundred people, ninsUj from Atrinco ami Harehis, vihriiled he tween the ofilce of Justice of thr I'eace lieuriie It. Calif and the Flur dera' tindertakluK rooms all of yester day afternoon, where they listened a heat they could, 1'ust to the liuiuest he fore the coroner'a Jury on the remains of Faustino Pohato, who was shot uud killed on finísima day In front or the X-Spot aaloon by Cecilio pur ham, and later to the first testimony In Ihe preliminary hearing uf Durham hefoe JudKc ('lain on u chill Ke ol murder. Th llrsl business In connection with- the l.illins was the liuiuest. which wuh lieniiii shortly itller noon. The Jury after hearing; the testimony of several witnesses, returned H ver dict tiiidind thai J.ohnto came to his death from u nun shot wound inflicted by a weapon In Hie hands of Durham. The preliminary followed and one of the sur;, rises of the proceedliiK wn found In the complaint ol the tern lory which Chili 'je six other person.' as accessories In Hie kllliUK with Dtir Iiuiii, These men art- Salvadme An zures, Manuel Anzures, Antonio Mo lino 1 .11 x Plhera, lirieifofiM- Aimircs tul Josefa All.ures, ll heiliK alhKed thai all of these nu-n had to do with life row In Atrlsco on Sat ui day tiiuhr which started Ihe. trouble between Po hato and Durham, and which culmin ate, I In the kllliUK at the South Sec ond si reel saloon on Christina ul lei linen. The complaint of Ihe territory fol lows: In Ihe court of the Justice of the peare of I'rccUict 211. uf the county of Pei na llllo, In the territory of New Mex ico : Hila tin Pohato. being sworn, on his oath saya that (.'ccello Durham, on Itn" itli day uf December. 1ÍI0 7. Ill Hie mil t y aforesaid. In ami upon one Fau-tliui' lnl,nto did make an assaull, and a certain pistol which was then mid there loiuled with Kimpowiler and one h aden bullet ai.d hy him, the sal, I Cecilio Pui ham in I J rintit hand had and held, he, the hhIi" Cecello ptilhani, unlawfully, feloniously uiur with itiH', ice aforethouKht. and from delibérale Hliil picmeilllateil desiaii, unlawfully anil maliciously lu elieci ine ueiuii o, the said KhusiIiio Pohato and aRainsI the said Kaustlno Polmto dnf llieii ami Hiele shoot otT and illseh.n e. Hierehy and bv strlklUK Hie mi 1.1 Knusllno Po hat.i with Hie said leaden bullet. !! IIIciTiik on anil In the riaht side ol bin face, one mortal wound, of which mortal, wound he then and there died, and Ihnl Salvador Anziires. Manuel Aiiuriw. Antonio MoMmi. Pui llibein, i.rea.irl.i ..nxures and Josefa Aiiüureí were then 4nd thern unlavvfully, pres ent, aldnm. ibeittntc mid assislum; t'u mu itl Ceeello Pillhiilll lile I iu v and ,,,,1,'ileP al'ol es.ilcl lo do and coiuniii. (SiK ll lill.AUili I.IH'ATK. Suhscr'ihed ami s"-oin to lichnv me Ibis .'Dili dav ol Nov ember. I 07. i;i:nH'ii: n. i iiaiu, Justice ol tin- pence. Hilarla Pohato who hIkiis Ihe coin ,lant. Is a hi i, liter of the dead man. Piirhain. who h.i lot a leg ami wlio wears a wooflen slump, was li on k li I In from Hie county jail al half past three, a curious, crowd fol lowing him as he was ecorled from the slreet car to the court, hy Slier ilt Arinljo. Pin haul ave no evi dence of serious concet ii and walked , aluily beside Hie sheriff to .Indue Cralu's court, speaking to seveial Irh tnls on the wax. Apparently the Whole poiOlllll inn of AtllsiO, llletl, women uud children, were ptesent and all of tin in l no, I to el Into the hltle .lu-llce court. Which al best can aecomui. elate not more than fifly people. The il.ivvd vvaillled i;l I lull 1 1 until darkni lor 'lew of the pro arn.M uf the trial The ei,ufesh,ii of tiilPiiiham lo the police vva read and a Kutnl deal id le-iiinoiiy I nl rod need, The lestuiionv was only half cou"- pleleil when court iinitT o vi' k this 1110111Í114 Ti,,. Morj hrotiuhl out at the pi ellin in.ii v thn fat varies little from Hie details alv cn by. the MornlnH. Journal vesterday aside from Hi effort to inipiii ,i(e lh. six Alriscu people III the affair AMATEURS TO APPEAR IN ST. MARY'S HALL pululan Praiuallc (lull lo p. 4nl liildolu' Pmlglil Wiih Slnaig plomie to be on, of the ia..t ,ie, es-fui amaleiit ,e, forinances jli.ven in V I l,n.!lel i lie lecelltlv will be plave.l in si. l.irH hall at k this iieiiini! vv ion ihe I cm, l lan Dramatic colli, coliii,.,,.,! of a 1oik c.ile of I", al amateur will pre-ent. ' I'ahio l.i Tlie ,ene ol the play I I ml in Pome at the dawn of t 'hrlsllanity Bataviaf F'reserved Jams -Jellies - anc f ' it 1 1 m h i mu - 1 Uf .. e- 4, .1 1 1)t I ! fx 4f -I .j M H I KM Hk. HM.IIT. TROTTER AND HAWKINS GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET t 109 - Ill N. Second St. I In the time of Emperor Diocletian I and Is. a very IntoreMiiiK 3ná intelle.-I lua I work. While the piny ia ditflcult and require talent above the average, it Is vvinf jdently expected that ihei players will aCiUÍL themselves wUhJ honors, aa they have nearly ail hiiil more or leas experience. Beautiful i and appropriate costume have been ; Imported and special scenery obtained ! for the occasion. The advance sale of tickets hua been lame and a cro.w-l did house will no doubt he present. Follow ing Is tfía cunte of chaneter. Tertullus Si. J. Kelly Prefect of Home Fablus .... Will Keleher A Homnii' Nobleman Kulvlus -, . ,1 ,J, MeOulneaa i A Syrian Sebastian poy Ifannon An officer of the imperial guard I f'uervlnus John J. Tlerney Son of TcrtuüUH 1 Syrn ' Pucy Coleman t Slave In the house of Fabius Afra Ilerthn Pnehs Slave In the house of Fablus Fuñióla .Mary U retinan I Paughter of Fuhlus , Anea Isabell Connelly j A young lady, kinswoman of Fablus CHlpurnius ., p.wrenee Keleher I Filend uf lablus Dnrin.i intermissions between acts the following proginni will he ren-i derert: Air de Pallet Kiolse Yrisarri ' Mo'ovvsk! Valse Miss .Margaret Asselin I ('liii;iin i "lloodloe. Sweetheart I Peonorp mid Helen Cow lesi PeeliatioH r. ... Mamie Kelly "As the Moon Pone" Vocal nolo. m,.h. t. J. Shlnh k i "Therv is a fjreen Hill Far Away" i "Take .Me to Jesus, lo Heaven" Director J. II. I'rum. ' Stage manager llenry J. Sandoval, i Accompanist Mis- Armida Shin-ii Carpenter o,j,.,. lo Wage Cut. New Vrk. T)ec. iii. A widespread building strike In this city la poast ble. The carpenters' union has refused to accept A vut fiom j-, ,,, 4 r,0 a day linn it tne ,ni.Ull(l members of the carpenters' union strike, other build ing trades arc expected to slop wor!; in symjiaihy. I'iislileiif lcnvc. YaMliington, Doe. lioosevelt and family today for Pine Knot, For Yli-gimi. J6. President left Washington Vu., Ihe country home or Mr. Itooseveit. where ihey will remain until next Monday. The Mi-ml. - New York. Dee. :' Holiday condi lions prevailed In the metals, markets today. Tin was. however. ISc higher at iL'H.r, (Hi 27.25. Copper renuiiued dull and iilK hanged. w ith .lake at $1 3.:i7 t it 13. SO; electrolytic nl $l3.2a i l.'l.3 7',: casting at t pt (hi (a-13. 7 i : lead at $3..",tC,i 3. Ml; spelter dull and unchanged at c 1 n l ün. Chicago llofird of Trade. ' Chicago, Dec. 2B. The wheat mill lo t was sitrona; all day In'caujie of the alleged nniHll stock In Ihe spring wheat country. Shorts were active bidder, hut offering were scarce. There ivas Hunu; buying by bulls, who bused their actlun on reports of the lipearance" of the Hessian lly In southern Kansas. The market closed strong. May opened a shade lower to 'i i -1Kc hltrhor at Hi",'c to PUiHe. advanced to 107 ti í 'r and closed al 1 117 'i 107 'c. The feature of the corn miirk t wa V the wide lluciuatiop In the December delivery.. Shorts ere active bidders. Do You Think " For Yourself ? Or. do yon com four mouib Ilka a ontH irulv doma "batatar tuo4 or maxli- be yffarod ou f Intelllcent thluklnf woman. la need ofielVr f rum weaknan,uerTOu.nea, pain and aulAiiif. then It naan mack to run tint tneiA.,Ti trtrd and Irna!, n,niii iaf nr imm ' V'irtfg'Timii lla "f dnunfwt for the cure uf woman' III. . 4 The tnakori, of Tr. I'leree'a Faorlte Pre acrlpiluii, for the cure of weak, nervous, run doirii. i,r-worUrd. dabllllated, paln-l, ked wnDieii. knowing Hila medicine tu be uunlu up of liurrealeuta. Trrr oaa ut w hich lit tba truuaest iMwalble indomement of the leadlni and ataniUrd autliorlilca of the aeTeral arhoola uf practica, ara perfectlT wllltnf , anil In fact, are only loo glad to print, a UieT dut the formula, or Hat of Ingredlenta, of wblrh It Is cuuiiHned. in plain XViiaVian. on artJ7 auU la-wrapper. ' Tbe formula of fir. I'latra a Karorlia Pra acrlpt lua will learlha niotcrltlcleu, Illa tion of medial i rtii. fur ll contains no alcohol, narcutlca. harmful, or kahll-fumiliig o rug, and do agent auiai-a Into It that la not highly rerutu mended by the niuat adrauced and leading uiedlcal taackira aud auihor luea of their aereral acboula of practice. i,i it i ret r 3" orne l'rrrr'i Mor fortín cure ofi'ticli thr -h ct,. lni,t,t fTT hii ( IX. TTTT a!-lrd No other radiola f ar vomaa'i Ilia hat any ...K -..f.-.,...l . t. o ." , . ,.,..,,.,.,,, t ai', ,,e riT-ci,iiinn uai raceiTi-a, in Hie uu , uuallned recouimrinJatluu of aacli uf Ita MTeiad lugredianliby acoren uf leading meul cal man uf all the achuol pf practice. 1 each aa eudurMineul not wultky of your CuBsidaialiuo 1 A b,,llet uf Ingredient, with numejona auttiuiatlTe profe-iional eiidurweiuanta by lh leading medical auihorttlv of ll.U country, will Is mailed rr lo any isie aendlng naiu and addrru with reunrat for nam. Addrest Dr. b. V. I'larce. UuJalov N. V. I? l( T4IHY1 Jli t a.k frises Out H.rid Trophy Underwood Thi niftin tt fl winnin .rtit - tilrd m.A I "V 1 . V UlMera ) pirwi ji inn .'iwciit fr th ( litAinpiutmliip :ii..en i. t,e-r it. H"7 uf. h l ti.i.r., 11. UTf NT) I niltTVlXXl TA(rf riitr-r. i.n i lump. ntflnp t ne cSliu-. w.rtl. ami Hrt ; tli t-'f1 ihlih t-:: Hi mn t-rjr -f th .. tnt of th Tn- T.'t! Tdil pn- t p 1 N'-Hntf Ma. bln -ruten rrt"r nit v oilp-r mm 1t. V K I. Frit. rni.K.ri Mil i 40 . :i 4 eT :, Mr M O H'tle-.lell I n.UrwiM ,7 ;n A -, f 4 t"J Mr K h IrefMr Hemini.n í-3'.í 4-41 4.t? ' UH. Ml M UdHtl I Il'Iff A tttf 41 1..J ? allA (. !h. Mr Pail! Muntrr I ritlrr . mI 4.4 1 14 3'.7J h I, In a -rt n I nir0"d 4 4 1 i t : 1 ; 5 1 Mt RdMi I . t rill AH Urr4m. Vait1io Hi a at r (ItiPOn. V. ." t I In "fite-pt aj,nt f Itf iyn;ri Uiw ti--" K i'r tK h' Ut fi !4 m . u ntp itriBit!p ..n an l'p.ler m, m r 91 -f U per . iTnute, -reti Wng mi re -r-ia UNDERWOODjTYPEWRITER CO!, INC, li ttettaMB MreH THE JAFFA i GROCERY CO. i . As the holiday season is over business will as sume its,, usual course, and we wish to state that our prompt service in de livery, and our accurate attention to the, fiUing of orders will agairfbe fore most in our minds, The making 'of prices will not suffer, and wc wish to assure our pa trons that our prices at all times will be the low est possible to cqnform wKh the qúality of merchandise, ( our I Si i Our efforts in our bak ery department will be concentrated on quality and variety and you will I I do well to see us before placing your, orders. i T(ie Jaffa Grocery Co. j! Good Thing! to Eat. !! ! Order Filled Samo aa Received. t so Hint option and brought about advance nf 2 cents over Ihe cloe iit.j ofl Tuesday. Tbir poor eoiidilion of the new croo was the chief bullish influ ence. A lura-e putt of the (rain i later lost on reallKlmr salea. fUher de. KveelxM i e, o nlmni ,1 a res, ill of Hie , . r Z rio advance In December The close .was tlrm. December sold la twcen ai'íi. and SHc and I'losed nl '""c. Muy I opened a shade to V, (u - c hlRher at I f,Hc to AiiUr. advanced to f,s'aC and closed at 5wfii Vii". , Pibe-ral receipts offset the nata, mnr i ket. Tbe market was tlrm the Brealee part of the day. May opened c lowee lal f:IV4C. advnnced to f,:i4i,c and I closed al 53 jc. ; VI sit Hirer I. j Nrw Yolk, lire I'loaini; qtlolMlhaiK en a few of Ihr more active RtockH on the j Nrw Volk mock rxchaiiKr toitay err up I foll.m a j .... fifi ' ,i,i prefrired '4 ! Nrw York f. rural K"a j prniiMi u aula 1M Kent hern Pat-It h: I I nioii Pacli'ic 1 1 .' -a do preferred 7 i A,l,HÍK,unalr,l t',.,rr 4''n I l ullett Klalra Hleel 4 . a:, 'i tto preferred nn", M'liit-v on cull firm, ! 1 tsr ccnl. pi lint niercuiilile pa,rr, , ii s per ecu HI. loili Ol.l. SI. I... ni, lire. :'.-Wool IrSily: lei)1 and wcKtrrn inrihiinia. '.'!( :"3c: nit'diiiins. mi, Ll,.;. fine, l,,4il7e. Kunaaa lly l.lve Slock. Kunsas t'liy. Iire. "fc. I'atur recritns' t n,l. Market sttottlv to 111 rents liiKle.r. S-oillii-rii ieers. 1. 1 toil t.r,0. a.iutlirrn vws. - "' aiocKrra mi rertjers,- - ".,, , lifuls, IMiinnil; ealv ea, t3 no t 6 HO : we-irrn -., i o j : Slirrii Itrcripls .'i.lMtll. Markrt airtulv Mu ll. .1,. l:l i i.ii; lainl,. t', Sunt mi: iMOKr uetheis. t'l .'."ii 4.11,1, fed euc. l n! i 4 ui. 1 1 I I, hut o I Ivr Nloek. I'hlcjia... lire. -fall le iri-cipls ! Hilo Market lo.' la ie loner Huevea, ttt.o . .'0. cows and hrifrrs $1 rni4:.; Telaos I1I . .1. calvrs. tf. toi'i e-wrslrins .i,i,t;. ,.Krrs ami Ne.lrrs. t::.Wit Shrrp i Wrstci n Rr. rlpls It no Ma, lift str n i. J f. s . . vcarlinifs. 1 4 fl, '., tr. . 1 1 ,li 4 l ; . wrstrrn, tl , fc .1:.. t Kit aad the f hampionshlp f lh. Woa By th Typewriter .m rtit nf th mi In tht lnternmlfnal mk! Typ? i llfr. M " K U Kritit. l'i"ke nil pi us morid ret ni. rr, nu'ra Mmr. I.i,r4 I I S aprr.l nuiiuic f IW-atrr. rata. MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY ALBUQUHRQUS, NEW, MEXICO ;. ... . Capital and Surplus, $100,000.00 INTEREST. ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS . ocoocsX)bcKOO STATEMENT- OF STATE NATIONAL BANK OF ALBUQUERQUE - At the elnse id kindness llereinlier 3, I WIT, made In rrinnr tit r iliiesl id Hie 4 onititridler of Currency, iisliiufttoa, II. 1'. T.eans Untied f-mtes il..n.H, fir liiiiikliiK Ili.iiHt. ieiger 111, if; 1 fixtures, Vault, ele r"ah LIABILITIES. r'aplhil stei -iirplil met lireflls . . I'iicnhilliiK currency IlepiSlim CXiOOOOOOCXJOOOOOOCK J WITII AMPLE MKANS ASD UNSCItI'ASSia FACILITIES X I The Bank of Commerce of Albuquerque; , , Extends to Depositors Pvyry Proper Aecunimndatlnn and Solicits New) AcuouiitH. Caidtal, $1 .",0.000.110. Officer mid Directors: Solomon Luua, . fresldeni; y. H. Mrlckler, Ice Ifesideiit and Cusliler; W. .1. JiilniHon, , Assistant Cashier; William Molulosli, (iiyire Aruot, J. O. Puldrldge, A..' M. Plackwcll, o. Fu CruniwelL ' I ! w-l"l-4"t 1 1 1 ! COOOOOOCIOOOOOCXXXD The dome Restaurant 207 West Gold Avenue. Large, Well Lighted Room -Prompt, Courteous Service Music While You Eat Patronized by the Best People Number 1 Meals ! Breakfast .25c Dinner and Supper :.35c Special rates by the week or month, -1 MRS. M. F. MYÉRS, Proprietress. -JJuoooocKoooooa " BOBWEIX ACIOVniBni CO. "ns paaaenger Una between Roawall . Himiliv 1 "" na orranea, N. M.. dally, I .. ..-"." wun all irmna on ma I iiecK inland ana Sania Ka Central Railroads ilMV, , ,t , p. m Ije,y. Tu'ncV on arrival of Rock lalnnd train dua at J I m. Kunnlng tlrr.a brlwren tha two polnta houra. Mrulll turnlshad at Camn Nrr.lm.irr frra tf charira. Bzcuralon partlea accoinmo- i dated by nutlfylng tba company two daya lo i flold Crowna tiold I'rnaBf (iold Mlllliga, s,p wards ainlraa t.itraclloa All Work Anaolutely Guaraoleed DRS. C0PP & PETT Km l. W. T. Armllo Hollttln. IT Journal Want Ads Get Results! A Fl'LL KT Of. tCKTU FU G&Ss $8 il .. .. m TT..m from 1 &S REPORT OF THE CONDITION Ol' The First National Bank AT ALBfOfFHQt'R, fx TUP! TERRITORY OF NEW MKXICO. TUB CLOSE! UP BUK1NK1S.S KBt t-UUtK J. Hui: KKNotKrr.t. Toan nn1 dlsroiinta t ivrrdru r,s. arcurnl an,l utisrcurril I'tnied Matea llenits lo sn-urr circulan.-,, Otlirr b.xols to Berorr I'luir.! Klalra tlrpesila. . .' I'rrmlimis en fnoetl 8tatra lx,Dtls It.anlK. si.ctirit irs, rlr JUnkina; hoiinr forniturr and fltturra ..".".'.' liue from nalittnal banks mot rrrrrve arntal. line from stale banks and bankrra line from approvnl rrsrrvn agrnla 1 hrcka and oillrr cah llrnia KlchanKee for clraring hu Not.a of olhcr national banks Kracitonal paurr currrnry, nirkrle and eerila.'.V. Lawful money reserve tn bank, via: rprete ........... j" notee Rr. Iran nil.. n cent of fimi with t'nlted State c-lri ulallon Total iiAniinitit. iapltl at. irk paid la furious fund 1-nduid.d i proflia. lraa errne.w and taiéa'paid! gaitera! tank a.Hee oulslandmg tlu. I olher national banka . Iu. to atate banka and bankrra Individual ikpivm aul.Jrct to check Time errllUcalea ,.f drpolt ... Ortined checks Yhlrr a t rinks ovlstandlng' . .'.".'.'. . V t nuea Stales clrpos, ra ... le.-ii. ot l ofted MW diabursing' friera! Tdal Territory of ew Veitrtl. rnnnlv 1. Krsnk M, Kra. cs.htre e ,h. . . Correct At teat: -A ltttvJBX Safnibrd and sa ra to Krf re tie;. RKSOl HCKH . IStS.?r.0.77 . )l,,-..7i'.ll.ll'l . 3ti. 000.0 a.mtlii . sin.cis.m j;a,r.o!).r,ii . jioii ono on . :.i.(nii.a;i . 1(111, 1)00. no . C4.-..06S J.i S7H. r.os.'.e . 1 Breakfast 6 to 9 Dinner 12 to 2 Supper ; 5:30 to 7:30 . RUGS $3.50 and up CARPETS 35c per yd. and Up DAVIS & ZEARING fOS West Gold Atenae ALBiqitKyrE, tEW MEXICO CUERVO HOTEL (TKRVO. N. M. I I ret Claaa Board asd Kooana. Amariraa flan, IJ.&a m day. vm. m. y. k Ft i r. rmnr. AT ..I.7:7Tl It IH.L'Ug III , . 200. oea ft ion out . g one a ,. tl ? !70 t .. Ill J4 41 tl.;ti 21 ,. it. i,?4 t U.TT 7 J.:t 77 7l- Itl 17 - t; 74 im: m treasurer 41 per .tl.4)I.IM II t t. . t t!.t J ;,s 1; jut (. lie 111 -t , lit 17 . Lili III 41 l?t M tf 3 11 t 4"t 41 M.tll it .tt.Mi.ft tf f Tiren. 1,0. . - 1 . ' . . a RANav 4KK- i.aahir. o.r. M. W. A- B ii. K. Ft OfRVOT. M MILI.KN. tí A 1 Svul' Directora. ma TVe "S die of Derwaakatr. It. . CU KAKI. No'.ary I-abUa. 4'r un cunar.