Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, JULY 6, 1903. tsu GEO. W. HICKOX COMPANY f TUB HUIH AI LABOKNT JWlf HOCal W XIW II TIM ALWaf cuxruTi n w RNU IM TOCB W-HK WE IX KI'AIB THE a. , - tit a. -4 . Aim i r iMii it. . . ROLLER SKATING RINK J . - - ; ' -V' vi v , . Oí i ( ; Tf ' r-- i a-JJ )ioi mug, AHeiiioon ami Keona. LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST -p- In tha v,nt thai yo ahogld a,t raealra rr,ur mi.rnmir papar u,phina - p- IKa POfTAI, TBI.B'inAfH CO lf in your nnma aod aildra and ttia papar III ha iWi'vurwl hr apart! maaaaucar. Tha talnpliutta la No. M. I'ort'ittHl. Hit hiogton, I. (.'., July St. New Mixl'ii und Aiir.011.1 Fair In Honlh. ehoera and rimliT In mullí Monday tiltil Tuculay. Alliuo,itrrijiie muí Ncv I'll- lio (o li lii'iivi-r Mi l. timing t. at ItfilriK n' hall. A full I n ijcaied. l: fri shiin Mu acrvcd. W. T. I'ogiic, .Manag r. C. rt. )ienhillod arrived yesterday from ehlver Cli) fur a nlnrl Uualnih Vl '., Why be bothered conking thin warm wither when oti ran at-ciii" already prepurcd cooked roi,l pork, pork loaf, veal )out. boiled egga. collage i h.-eae, toriguca, potato aalad. from ' tin- Nan June Mark!. Mancllua C. Giady and hi excel lent lnnd gave a innrcrl In Koblnaon park laat night which wna attended i by more than fifteen hundred people The park literally crowded from ! Mid to Mid, und the oim crt. one of the hri ever rlv'n here, wua thorituiihly eiioy'd. The hand I a Rood one, the Huliilny evening cnircrtM are a very ; poiulr feature, and every pomihle en-, i run bi i;v il xh'iuiil he given to the or riinl7.atioi). Mrs. King, (( of one of the will knoMn employes of the John M""!fer company, died ji hterday inortilin at : Helen, alter a brief Jlnrx. The re main w ere Im ii'ikIu to A 1 1 1 u 'i u r. i u e lut nlhi by Mr. Klnir and placed In I , (he hunda of I 'ndei taki r V. II. MtronK, i jwho la ineparlnic to aend the reiniiliiNj (o Chicago loilav for Interment. Mr. íjiii Uiei-kman and on lírunoí i reiiirned yesterday on the limited from Hie chmi. Mr lile, kmiinn recently re- turned to thi coiintrv from Herlln, where he him been for the pun! four! years Mtudylng music. J. I. Price, fur aorne inontha pant ' a reHideiit of A ltiuiiieriie, mid whii came here from Cleveland. Ohio, Oled i ycwictriay mornliiK vei v miiil. lily In Ht. i Joaepd'a Kaiiltarliim from acute utom- j rich trouble. Mr. price went to Ilia; lanllaiiiim Saturday evening. He i went tiiiHccom;ianlcri and wax appar-i ently only allghtly Indlaposed. He frit j badly, however, ami went to the (sani tarium for rare. A morning ap-;' proached liia condition became rapidly wimbc ami death occurred at 1 1 M"i' o'clock. Iieceaaed la niii'Vlvcd by hla I n iilng NOT An Experiment WE have pabsel "tlie new xx)t stage." WE WE WE do not extriment with our business nor with your business. are not incorporated for the j;irose of financing auxiliary enterprises. enjoy the distinction of top notch "tti;it time enduring kind." quality WE respectfully solicit your banking business on the basis of superior strength and experi ence, ami assure courteous, intelligent treatment and close attention to your individual wants. The State National Bank Albuquerque GREEN TAG A rri LCI "Hfa For 15 years these sales have been eagerly looked for by thrifty buyers and owing to tjuict business and consequently bigger stocks on hand, ve have cut deeply into cf Clothing and Furnishing Goods in order to make quick clearance. Read these quotations and come and see us. t(l avtted 2-picie Outing t-tjir. nunli ilv to !. gie.-u laKeed . . . , .V75 '.,it tumurU l 2-piee tjutjeg Huita, wortli tZ U tK, K" tKK'-d . . . . M-'i l( HHHuri'-d Ku'ineiM Huitü, tarn Hi. id to 2. Ifri-ftl taxK'u I 'i 20 aaaorted lsuifie üuiu, M'vrtit Hi to tS'.it, ki-u MK''4 JI; All Oar Hart, Scha finer and Marx Suits Worth $250, $23, $24, $25 and $27, are now $17.50 J'lO Young Men a Kuila. worth I1ZIG to 1)4. g-een hkk' Ú .! T5 JOM Hoya" Knee I'ai.t Kaita. worth M I ft to It, gie.n tagged SS.kW lo Hoy' aL Knee pant Huít, woitli IZ i" to 14 i. íhhkiS .HMV 1U 15o' Waahable i-uitis, Luxeouuted tw.iity j'-r .i-iA. i One Pair of Roller Skates Free With Every Purchase of $2.00 or Over in Our Boys' Department 10') pair of Sien' Trouwm, worth up to 12.: I") paira of Men Tioum-ih, worth up to '., tin paira of M'-n' TroufeiK, worth up to IT. .' 0, 75 pan of Meii'a Trouera, worth up to 17. o. .0, gi een tdgged . . Ott grceu IKU'd terf-n tagged . . gr--u t-xged . . é O aH . Í3 u Underwear dofcen dain lialbriggana, Morth er nuit. I! 25. jr-u tit;gd.. doisen plain Kalbi iggana, worth per euit tl.ii. green tajeged.. doztn Vancy J.iale. worth jjer auit, SZ H'. gieen tagg d dozen i'leiith Jialbriggans, worth per tut í.'.iti, given Ueg.d. Shirts t, A Ml 1" -.- ' dozen Hoíeu. II doten aaored. SI. floren afcsorteil, tl.7 hiii.'i, greco tagged , Golf Khilt. green lapsed and 12.0 C'luett Miii w. gre.-u tagged . 1 .4MI 11.11 . . . 4ic l .34 , . V fililí the MiimillICi le even day nt Itarkii' III the I llliiil le.l. j HHeiitllH .IoiiiiihI mi i-t lnv llnrthtri", -P4A new .'RUM.I, Hir JO '..MO'J lor III AthudUeniue Je.terday. ' li' IC. J Hli'oim, of Hanover, M M., w n vKlior In AlhuiUeript yeater- ihiy. Atr and Mr, f, T. Krench returned lam nlglit from a ahoi-t honeymoon Hip to the Oram) Canyon. 'liv re will he a riKUlar meeting of 1 1 i- board of education tit the ( enli ul HJC aiinml hiiihllnir thin evening. V..K. S rlpturc, Jr., the attorney. rrumied liji lilghi from a. ahorl toi 'aliy aneii, on the pecoa. Hi legíiie V. II. Andrew" returned, iilht fl'om ltuHwell. where he l ili to attend the Kourtli i f July cei- tiiatiiüi. liie Plymouth llil.le I'I.ism of the 1 IWijKi'' k'il tona I church Hill give tin llie,'Alfe und on, liobert Price who re lumed to Alhur)iieriuc late InHt nlitht from Ihe upper peeim, where Ihcj have been for mi outing, i'ndriiukei' Prank II. (Strong, who Iiiih chuige of Ihe remullía, wiim not prepared to inn lie uny announcement uh to funeral iirraiiKementa laat night, but It l an ticipated that the body will be takin to the family home In Cleveland. Mr. Price lecenily arranged to eatuhliali n cold elorage Iiuxíihkh here, forming a company with a number -of prominent hiiKliicp men for thai purpoHe. a It I a revelation to people, vera ciimcm of lung e-e , en uur .ocluí ttila evetiitifr In the cl'iiireli imrioix. . Attoriuy Ocrenil Jame M. Ilervey, in iunpani- d tiv Mi'i. Ilenev. nrrived I the Alvargilo lnat nUlit from Kon iviU. 'Tliey VIII proceed to finita Ce tin innrntna; ' iiiar tm i ding of Modern llriilh- iii"id of America Monday night, July the Hii- tioubin liial have 'IIP! hern cured bv Kolev' Honey and Tar. It not only atopa the cough but heal and atrengtheiiN the liinga.. L. M. Uugglea. Iteaaiior, Iowa, lite; "The doctora aald I liad coiiHumpI Ion, and I got no heller until I took Koley'i Hon ey and Tr. It atopped the hemor rhagea and fin In in my lung and they tire now an Hound n a bullet." J, II. o'ltlelly and Co. Hubbs Laundry Co. "Our Work is Best" WHITE WAGONS BUILDING Reosolutions Forwarded to the Surpervising Architect at Washington Asking that the Work Proceed, Giiafing Dishes I ti.t leeched a large alilpmcnl. which r hnien't room for Mild arc milking aivet lal low prieea Ihli wn'k to move them. EVERITT, The Diamond Palace or.M HAi.. ak., Aim yn:itvi i:. At recent meeting of the hoard of director of the Commercial club the officer were directed to forward to tha aupcrvlKlug architect at Welling ton an urgent reijueat for Ihe comple tion of the public building here. Work on the nullding nua ueen at a aiauu- stlll for annie weeka and there la now little prospect that It can be completed before the winter unlcai work la re- aumed at once, president Medler. In tompllanye wlih the action uf the di rectora, yetdcrday forwarded a letter to the aecretary of the treaaury. In cluding the following rexolutlon: "He It reaolved. Thut the preüident and aecretary of The Commercial dub be directed to communicate at oiut with the Honorable Jtcrretary of the TreuHury of the Cnited Siatea. and ailpervl'lng architect of Ihe treaaury. CLUB URGES HASTE SUfJ JUAN COAL LAND I OH IHE FEDERAL RESTORED TO I Era Celebrated Rickctts Entries i Cause of Sensational Suits of li Other Green Tag Bargains 15 cent h'se, gieen Lagged at c 2f cent Kaney Hw, green tagged.... ... ..... ... IS i l.ent KllKpendel, glel tagged , srr 75 cent Huapendi-ra, green tagged , , , . ,Htv II HO Night Hhirta, green tagged ,.;.. ill cent four-tn-handa, green tagged 75 cent Knee pauta, green tagged tin- 1 2 cent Handkeiehlefa, green tagged ll'g green tag IWigaina in Boya' and Men's Kuriii.Hhing tJooda of A!i JUh4l' f.ii l axu m;i; is. tr mux imv xov. a Year Ago; Returned to the i J Government, J SIMUN The -, Central - STERN The following clipping from the cur rent Iwue nf ihe San Juan County Index, published1 at Aztec, marka an Important development In a caae which attracted the attention of the eiillre territory little more than a year iig-o: Thia week In the office of County Clerk ICbleii the government attorney! have filed iuit claim d, ed and relin iuixhm' iHm on i ail Innda in thia coun ty taken up by tho lUcketta family and other of New Jeraey. It will be re membered that Captain Dezendorf and other government agenta brought the action agalnt them, people, and the ' coal land hat all been returned to the government. It la underalood that no filing whatever will now be accepted on Ui In land. Hie lin kett coal land rllinga were ! made ny ir i:ick,-tu, formerly an tHHIHmiMtltm(tM4 Avenue - Clothier BARELASTEAHHOHE ALBUQUERQUE WITH TI VICTOR B S YOUNG WEEKS PROVES A PHENOMENAL PITCHER 1ST HAVE HEW SEWER SfSTEIHOOfl DISGRACEFUL CONDITION ON MOUNTAIN ROAD WOLKIf.3 & SGfil VkU M B4l;tntl,J, MJ4; A!bu".ueri,ue, fcw Umz-). WHITNEY COMPANY WHOLESALE HARDWARE. Stoves, Tinwaie, Enanirlcd lionwate; Iron Pipe, Pumps, Valves, Fittings, Belting, Mine and Mill Supplies, etc. WAGONS. IMPLEMENTS AND FARM MACHINERY. Mail oi dei s solicited. Albuquetquc, N. M. nil II IgC UJ'HII IMIIII Ulinris tin 10117 -1 , I f inimencement of work and the com. ""'" u, .. .,. . -ew Las yeUS Miction of the federal building now in-"" 1 I .,.. f mmmriirilmi In A Ihuo uero ue. ! """ "f government auit brought! V M ' that thia Commercial club I ,Jur,"K ""' UrU t aomewhat atren hávlug 111 view the tnlercMta of the , liy , "" l'-'iod during w hl.-h Ormaby Mc of Albi,uer,,ue and It future w elfare "a. g, of Washington repreeted the and the convenience of It citizen, ;goven,ment lif New Mexico. It wa .1... h.íM,.i ,.r ,.rl ..non thial chaiged that the . nine were not . : . " mude i pUOIIC Mrui lUO' L III'" im n"- tunlly, of the utmoet Importance to! the ily of A Ibu'iiicrouc. Work hit e. ,..e,i .,.... the, for a comdd-!"""'"' Involving coal i,(da lnli.-t,t. fluh. erablc pcrioil of time and the early j rei-uiuption of the eanie would mate- 1 Defeated 5 to 1 While Santa Fe is Cleaned up 4 to 1 ; Victors Ready to Meet all Comers. I 1 u so Clogged on the North Side of City That the Maa Holes Are Steadily Overflowing. Loudon's Jersey Farm For PURÉ ICÉ CREAM rlaliy help the biiainc.- Interest of Huh community by affording emjdo -men, to a large number nt men during thU period of general depreeetoii, and it the name time tend to obviate the i preacnt uiiaighlly apiiearance of the , pr.miM upon w liicli tlic building Is to I be l OCIruetell." made In good laith. hut were made I . ,, , . , ,, .. . . . , , i I IM li.'M'lll .'t., II l'd,U Ollllll'll for trannfer to (he Phelpa-liodge com- I pan. In couiiecthni with the. and j'" Alhuii-riie trom Santa I-'e lait :i-g Involving coal huida In I nilit. flushed with vietoiyand rea'Jy the San Juan fi.ida. .Meilarg Bin ceeded I. , ,, .. , . ... . ,, in ati.ring up Ko.iiethuig .re than a'" """'"' "'thing In the baseball paxHlIU iinnjtlon In Santa Ke. It waajlini to be found in New Mexico. Ill conmetioii with the San Jui-n coal 1 Aft. r Iokiiii? it stame ith Sam.. Ke on tin Fourth of July by the aeoie ...f CRYSTAL JULY 2 to 8 WfATT SISTERS e! ,4iTe Mild 1 euitiiimr. MLCCifiS Any pcibon land c that the llret iliu ie' grand Jury Indicted Charle A Soles, of V.gaa. for alleged parliclpa!P.ri In Ihe!2 l- afI"' f'nyir.g an alm'iK all. g. d fraudulant entri.-. and an out-; rrl'"' " " ' Párela, .-.-un aei cooie of the wunc r.i.- ere the jury. 'lown to hm-lneaa y.terda and in fixing invi..nnti..iu l.i. l, i .,. morning defeated l ea Vega by PHONE 1402 Albuquerque Carriage Company tllKMIt IIAIlItj KADDIJj First and Tijora3 .4 . Tr r r- r r-v r r r r r r r- . . l I tie .LttUyu&Kyuts PLANING MILL rmm ounn TUB t'ITT Hke. f in. ! tanrtiara, Man mm4 flat A. 4. Ml m. tr r-ni-. rkaaa 4c rcr. taa olíala Itl rjlk rir HlrM. ir ton auk ri or ast- I.IM: VOI' CAN AI.'VAVal HM IT AT V. . PKAIT . IM SOUTH hlUIMl ; i w o convtction- j What effect the restoration of coal lands to the public domain "ii the a' of the coo la : known. in the ita ; not ! .... VITI! 1 AlfHON. 1 siUf i hereby given by the ' deiaign.d that Oito Itekmann lucday, July .. Z o emeu p. m,( ,.,. ,,,,,,! ,ru,. 0f the Alhu aharp. at corral, .oilier Third atre. t j ,ueri,ue-KUu. la Automobile Com and Copper avenue. I will e at i an y ailcttnn tor Mr. Krlek Paulaen of Fur-I A I.HI "JI K lí'jl ' K-KSTA NCI A minglon. . M., eight nei oi Amer- lean horae Theae anímala are In good condition. If you need a good horae come to thia aal. I will aell one nine year old work horae. weight alout t -W0 pound, four well broke aiddle horaca, thre to harnea wtight a"erag about kali pouifda. ! three two year old and paal unbroken .oil. Inapect aulmal .Monday before sale at above tcntioiied corral Stii'IT KNK'HT. Auctloni CHARLES ILfCLD CO. Wholesalers of Everything USVECftS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA CLA1RV0Y A NT D E-W ITT T. COURTNEY. TIk- anal em Mx nl. uniniiF wihI rellar.l Trance Ulmittat In tlaf rarM ha prrmaurttilT ka-atrat I M.r 4iy. and If vom are la doutrf or m-lW- rail arul a lnni, .11 gie adw.-e u.n Bl ana. ra ot if a " """r Haiiiii. iteai I xau- ami rttangva of all kUxta. .lane vtoOi v.ll imtlii.'r ,., ( Ue nm nf l It mi woixlrrlul anaV Bn' l',a I "m taali ki,me, rnaieuamenl . .m1 awmw tlir.iig lolUntiKg l ta !. .SMS "l t-turail .! . t M ).'. ."! - - . . A GREAT SHOW FOR THE MONEY Tti 1 " s t 1 ! l it ntlid t fiom tlif divuH U.b rck. Mulvom !'. .rltr juRsI r. mj th Th- Vtti fiM (!. ictiijE"!. tlimr-r und (. liniMn. ni tm rr ntm thm oKfht-r with Iet of n mo in puturr Rim and thutlT HluTrtd jrii íoruifiig un h"ur n. m t)Uiirtr of Ut l-t lniai(tnb -ntTtinnm-nt than vhu-h nft if'tt-r U gKrn fr Ihr mi tigta now in thr it:cs i r- 'won of T lo 1. Wi-'kti, thf nw I'itclM'r (Jiwovpfi ii io í- k ifnt I MütMi r lnni i'.t'l'li t. of ih- liar U tf.m, hif fiie-t irui(n toi an ttf, ami trti k out l v n tnn. íaí!(iií lut thr hiti-, hi h ht kcpto 1 wMll-ri Uial tlv iiriuoj orth!-!-. un - ÍTIn- hinrsl run m!' (' fh !a -j han , aran t am u hj roai n art error. V- k I hen li.'- Ht- J tm jnt íiing h ajit'-rnoon nm- l'h Krtt ye, an! in T!it e.niti- he if nun to kIiov. uo m w ' iii 1 r, for In- utink out nixtu frifti Hitó llnwíf hut two liifj. i-f' aM'ijr s.Miiii j.- ty tht- fcor of i t' 1 Jn tiiif k t -iriil run fvof'd ,y rAuiH y Hd on an f-rrir. j "I ht lit' ! the ftít t;i- ( i ha! I t nm in Ilt t-í r ii,r . ' wij Mjii jütf'r I'míJíKm lit iitrlit, "iik! i mut ' r ady to J'Ut tiif t ani tácmiti tíl i orn r hI any uhh. WV Hi hr iaJ to ' ino, t the &totm Hi TfarlUoi p-irk ."unoiiy or any th r tun- ffr ine mont-y or on any ot her h lh it - ; "ire. ' "Thr- t m N t p i j-i-ii 4 iiit two' lHf hfr m h", 1 ím()'-. an um-4u i tn N"' M' Xi'o H hi 'i-i. in ;ht gu,. with Snu f'e S-'urfU. $-itrh-d p r. UJH, i '' t 'n, ttruK out nu nn hj ; jho-J thorough i-ontrol. a.t-uir:n r i i i - - 1 t tnt iim' on an error OCR ASMíRTMlCTT OT CAM! -rt. i.y k .-i.ier-MtriTS AI VMiKTABIJ1". AKE Aj.lay. when he pc hl iwn gome H I1CTI I KT K It. COME IN AXD a tola! f twetn-even ir;-,ug.. HAMIXt TIII M- r. H. IIATT an.,ut a faet piu h cg aa cou d or O- X. 211 SlllTll ÉilXXD. U.rtd He in. in ei !e. ai 1 ...rm nd if he can k,- p Lp the hek ht l a no e4Udl In thu i.i.n of the cuc- , try" ; AIT" i.Mi iHIl-K I'll. i Py A. II (lariiett. Keeretary. . The underiiisnrd having been i pointed trustee of the Albu.juerque- I i Klnii' U Auiomobltc Company, no-! ; tice is her. t.y giicn that ail p.-ronnj j Indebted to h ,ld company are reit : ed to make Immediate aettlement . th,Me having . laiina agatnat tha coin i p4ny are r.-.tu.-ted to file aama with I the tiUft. TTI I'll 'KM A XX. TruHtee. r:vi itv om: i taw Hisn Aitorr Ol It l'l.T MHIK. IK TOt' HAW. Mir i.niv i s Toms, no mi NOW. IMI-KRM1, AV.MKT, or rtfelnt lilt who tililili Aihu.juer- ,liel pl..'lil KrmT U-11I i(. a,.'" jut.- t'o p....i m . i. .i anv other . iria of tieeda houid take a trip to the voiii'-r of Mxunttui! road lid !ve ,i!il etr.'t aiid io"k carefully a to condition -itiiig there. It will not lake very Jong to take in the whole aitoatioti and ait. r li ita la-n n i tliere w ill ! no dekire to etay long. ' Mountain road if- lite entfi mi; bo'ib b'iuiidary of ih ii- .f APiUiiW'oiu' ( end it mut l.e in mind ti-wt tie rnatii a, w.-r lio. i on from iiwiiii . B'Uth dl hargieg, on lo- m.ijiIi that til" aerivuaiy onrUiíií coidilrffi right O't the north 1'fk- of the eit 1 w her tiie main e'aii i a sei i- I ..U" ma f ter. j yj heavily ia the nyl.-m ..v.ieharg ed at thia point tliat toe iwm man h'de i? oertlowiiig ai.d r!od',.g o. - atr.-et and aurroutid ig luuniiy with the worat typhoid breeding nui'e-ia1 imaginable Tlie ity n nm-nt doing what it .an to r- n ij the trou ble at Uiie jwiint but the trouu.e m- bwt with any parla ular pw.-ti.rn of lie pl e. nf t.-m. it i '.tie e.o.p!. , ,.hiJo j unavoidable f.-t tiiat the pumni tem U w ot n out, m'i" ' iut- aiid lorooghlj ro'tefi aud ,i.ui t'l.te -n e fio ruy I'.r IOu 'tu'Tfjuc utiti! a le w and an ad-juai. t.-m i buít. To I'mii who uu i vote ga!lt a M-T . oti1 1 U-t e.t lfl.f! moje. argue againet oí. i.,r p-jti-i.. r ttb. r i ....i. r:. i . -t,n d, 'ion isi-i'i.r. on !. yun ta i. ! l.'aj Ic m tO rel..- v;. 111,1,1 11 -ek. t. r.V"rv II. -wl It 'Ik- t 'tr ill Nf Tork. Jti'v Í. tufe, a '"' ' b . t l-...,.. ( n.tuf to'ia one of ti. e n .ft t-tit-r-vat .r . ft., f i "r e-t fmr A. a t --e't f - l-atio i"-o heat aoíí t i,. hew Ib y Ce it th l-fa t- Direct From the Mill to Us Fresh Goods Just in M HI, ' i:i. ue .l:ofA,. tjj ljr. a-k AeiMrfdV t 4v iMuaU wke.. . . fc-f lJl MM K tttii Xl, it ).jk ALBUQUERQUE CASH GROCERY CO. I" aWtaat iie atio heat till -..pi. ".uj;'!! r. i.. at ' Itetn 11.11 'trraj 1 Mlh qualtiy Milt white per hHR.Irr-4. The- amir oía. I.. r f tnr. a2 -04 rtrat. 7i;- n ja. t mux. nr. TfUtT AMI MUI VTMX mili I'IMi'X HMK I1lr OAl.llPi I I UP 111,11 att -A mtt - it TV k !-! I lV III It imi , ,ovr -.i 1 fy tIMI TIC Hl-H f al "T AW OII TIM I- I HONK -l. , . T1INO ANI, haiikhk OI IS OI'K wnui. t. i.rvnrmv..' HTKa.. IK Tor 'VT TO HI. r-i ..',XA.1 I'RV aiK HV TMK IMPI!!IL M 1 n l I N-l MPAKs;V. IM l ' "V HMK ol llivton ice ftlM. LlCMHtl. UUL OP IU1- l i UI..1. n i- uniti. i journal maris crny rssu.ü T;.e . tie t r il líí' nut ah lili 4 ;ti i -lie ' H t I VC-K At Afil Mf-alA, tP4r-. UT li MIO Kt TTjAT UK CO U'3 TO. MOt r J W (.Jl'flfa I.., I W I t ., t.' l'.e . y t!,. 1 '- :y f ' . d:o- t,oui..e t f'w .) a K. t It it j . K;-.i at.4 C. M illLaaaav iü.rit I -. a ' ' g ' - .r a f ,. a. at ui- d !-. K .e ". e r u.-m at.-j a i e " : pm .e f-. t for jt " J H AJT7TX- Mil. Oi a-i ;TP. Ull M't T J Mkli.V I t MI-Ki M, r-Ul es, tJ4 . A Oi XJ Tint, Try a I;rr..-3 y.2.'J i f I é