Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1908. 'ATLANTIC FLEET SNAKE INDIANS ON E I I if is. a new at the rT. ,v irruí vh ivimim'iI i mr ,tm !.' Mfttv foir if f fimlil it i -V rai ' Mtr ;mn..r wo ( ry in ffMwrp't ihi tHrr vmit '.imiuiiv m.é (in k i usr atttt'i" oh; VH! Vfw Lhm. whftt ymt want t-tué j tit it. Vt w y i mi n ;cf 1 íiífc kwwká i lirrrut !'r tei .fii r.sL tt?m T,aT. ,r ;it .uiv (iww- MaaVaaflaaaMaMaJa I William. Jennings aBBl W" Our ' I .4 IlItTAJf iia ijs inwto fZccord-t XJENK PHONOGRAPH .41 l,r imk TTio- iiwrorrt i'BBW of telling pawicrt from a rjrrr i.rrMHtre. wt -n-n -rttt irs. :u Tit Trns. (itfstion. lmMi ittwnrarraUtT. 'ITur f jMHte nrMtnn. An Ideal KetHihlictti". rvta l'jfwff erre mil by Air. UrTitft htmwetf. Fvcrroiw vvlm toa imnit inn i-timlc. will rn-ncrniiw utl of Him wotidcrf ul charm of tow iM inaiwr itxM lia nuiUi- him raitum oh an ornior. I 'mirf in .mr -Mr- incl ltr th rfal vniiT anil k"i wfrrH of ti l imwHw r T'nmt4Mi irm f lil iu TIiimiihh .' I fMimcfanti. I-'rut fituitt iMi Ui? Iti? n lUtiwtl- pTf-ry day .V jwn I jiiswCT ninfHKrmpli Tmnéí'tk' with lli uw hli; luirn irM13rSU.ii". s4i rn ! u-nl-. ImIixiii Ki-tnril Mia íurniT irff tutlv it-tw iim-Ii. & WEST GOLD AVENUE MgniH m m I 11 yin! p W; üicnrpcrated 2S0,000 Shares IGC,GCO Shares in Treasury 4.CQ FJLL A Heme Company for Home People In a Nutshell tmmzinm ; Ht f IVrt Itm? muí IíH í--t rlei'jk iitt iiC i' lour to ltnrtiii lVrt wiftc. n wvfiMr rm nU.tirt tt .m ht ion. xxt ytnt liatp (Mir rfrHtMMHiiwi TI- '-pliT lililí tf IÍH l llif- - Il titli - tUft4 UU M 1MM (1ÍI4iMHU. l l ; i - f4 . u cHttt lutl rhf atwi ifrT-t'. hiWTtiiiiilv ifiii ON4 K TO KVKiSY OVi;. I THIS MAY lr -ltrr. It i ilw KKP III V TIIK M Vlíhl T THAXTON & HICKS, Fiscal Agents iUmtnt ,W I'tntt i4UmI IVariw Ktilldio;. ai itT Qi r:i:gri i;h mi;h o. V I I ft ft t r ' he : 1 1 ..ioina ; ;. ! .--rute ..V r'J. tsü. Mr ' h úut -c"tr. ; -I w n, :,n 1 -a' ,oT I ;je, A-r.rrait sf-frT'lr, "Hnuii1 .f t n "'ie fc.t Vfu KUI.M. . : Ktv - n ri -r- tm-' ' ir 9i j .-i-wtni n ,nir,Ml. 'v o r- . "Arrment ;i i t' -i -'i . ."ii.'-. ' ; .r-..';i " ' ' 'i- :'ao . ! r t, kind of bread Frencir Baker i Today at Store iff lú ten lies swrvlws for tli EDISON Lindemann EEQÜE COPPER GO, PAID NQN-ASSESSABLE m ! BE YOURS. io inarter :r;?:er. l!ie-4rl(,nefj ;ls ,, rhe report o oilXTle ;laa:ie in V'.ni-Tllr'.'l, ; r .,j,. that :t .v..s lar more M-rf liu.rt w;i! suppose i. and aMr.esit Interests had sufft red f the Mr ;,r,.v- that a a REVOLT !j.luUl."d V,CRX CF BANDITS uijr f ! írrr.ütt'rv rami- t ir b'- fMT-inali"n of a htsi:n fori ..i.t.i ;!.- m.-v-. t'.af i ni 1 1. r I. ,1. ;j n -m it ;ittiTr,r- mre fir-1 i-i oir'ioar ill i-in i-ut .ii'.tijr t . !! y of , T' til- I ,i if PUTS TO SEA Fifteen fjttleships Sail From üoiüen Gat-3 on the World's Cruise; Scarlet Fever Epi demic Holds the Nebraska. (Br Mrnlns iournal 8aela taud Wire 1 J; Shu Frain'iMco, Cal., July T. Fifteen ' ImttleshipH of the Atlumio (le.-t mh'iI- Í , cil today nn tlie voyiKi1 that Ih to takej ' them around tile world and enil ut ; Jj ri.iinidnn RuailM. wUenee they tarteil j . iat De.-rmlier. Tin- ni.xteenth nieui-i ' lH-r of the lleet. the Nehriixku. was left! J behind beeau- of an outbreak of j 4 i wearier fever amon the erew. She will tic olaeed in quarantine three days and tlii.rniiKhly f timiirated, alter which j she will join her sinter ships at Hoíio- lulu. ! Without imiii mv or eeli-lrat!on of j any jutrt". the lirteen bi tliihtini? ship-i; Wot under waj; promptly at i n lot k ' upon the signal from tile Conneetieut. I Hear Admiral Sperry' Haifdiip. and1 ti-uniinir in ninarle coluivin. kIowIv, wended their way out of the bay. where they ha. I fouml anchora'"! irom time to time Mui. e their arrival here two mnntlis :i?u. A few Mina! era ft followed in the wake of the fleet a far as Col.l. n (Jale an. I ave the bin white -ibip a partiiiK .salute with their tiren, while on the lulls were gathered .scattered prouu of peoplf silenily watehinar their de parture, which wa.t in striking con trast to its entrance reception upon its aiival .May 8th. The vessel. presented an Impres sive and beautiful picture as they slowly steamed throuuh the harbor a when they entered the (lohj.-n (late two months ao. A.s the Connecticut pasjted out of the bay the (lanship tjave slcrnals for more .peed and the ImwH of tiie wacships were soon throwing up a steam of white foam as they- plowed throuiih the water. It was 3:10 when the Kentucky, the last in line, passed the lighthouse at the entrar e of the tloldcn Gate, and half an hour later the fleet was lost to view in a dense cloud of black hmoke from the forest of funnels and the thick w.ather which was rolling in from the sea. Just before the ships started, Hear Admiral Hpewy rrcrived a teburam from President Roowevelt conveying to I he lin t h's heartiest (rood w ishes up on the eve of its departure. Itlfi VFSSKO K. OI MKII I'nileil States Sliip Connecticut. At Sea. July 7. The Atlantic buttle.ship fleet has pa.sstd out the (oblen (ate at a speed of ten knots. When outside Hie heads a thick f'iK abut It in. The 'lleet was stopped off xiie !i!iLrdn by wireless telegrams, and gun signals In ..order to diseñarse pilots. On the sec order to diseñarse pilots. On the sec- . ourse for Honolulu. The mtf lifted about 6 p. m. At !l o'clock tonight the lleet chariiied its formation in perfect order to line of squadron. The weath r at this hour was fine. ADMIHALBERESFQRD N TROUBLE British Papers Demand Fighter's Resignation bea Be cause of Disageement With Admiralty Authorities, IB Mornln J.iiirnal Howlnl Latuatl Win. London, July 7. The campuisn now beinií wajied by tlte nevspapers aurainst Admiral Lord Charles Bt-ris-I'ord has reached a point where it -eems inevitable that the government mus interfere in some way to abate what is becoming a public manila I. It i.s difficult to arrive at the true facts in the case, but ever since the noto rious signal incident on October 21, 1IPI7, strained relations have existed, 'ii'ttinn Lord Ueresford and Hear Ad miral Sir Percy .Scott- Lord Beres lord also has declined to continue his I rienilsliip with Sir John Kisher, first lord of the ailiralty, on account of his K.-ari'emeiit with the admiralty pol icy. This feelinif has been so open that Lord Uereslonl. at one Í Inf. lunff's levees held recently, deliberate ly 'J- ut" Sir John in the presence of many naval aud military officers. Several of the influential London newspapers openly clamor for the res ignation of Lord Ueresford from the command of the channel fleet on the round that he cin not asree either with his superiors or with his inferi ors and that naval dissensions of such a nature are a national d.iner. other papers contend that Lord 'i r. síoi d is the vi Urn of an unfair press campaign. The Standard thi murninjr ;oseria 1 1. 1 Lor. i ií eres ford iiinaiieii to Sir Peri y Scott that be wis i(u:t( riKht in diobelnn a signal v!i;, h the admiral had sent up, dur ir.j? which, if obeyed, would have iiroujiht the cruisers Argyll and ilood Hope into coiiiMttn and thai incident, J as the Standarl. im he!ir,a; toward I In restoration of frirnflTy relations ,etween the two officers. The matter will le raised in par! amenf today. AGE DISAGREEMENT RENDERS 50.000 IDLE if. Iie'roit. Jjly 7 i.ffk-iais of the Western Bar Iron asoeia!inn anj rep resentative of the A malí lin n e. i As m utlun of Iron V irk. rs met in t.n fereme n this city today in an effort ... adjust the .l.-a-ement regarding wajes between the Republic Iron anj Steel company and ItB i.l.Ko.l em ployes, u Is sa.d (hat the empi"e ar opiiosian a waif. redaction pri-jMs-d bv the company. All the plant of th R'-uriti,. Iron and Steel e..m-lKn- hive hen hut down sln c Jon .:. TSe I ferell, . Bill he coll 1 tfl lle.l i WARPATH IN OKLAHOMA Armed Band Defies Aul'wiiy of State and Nation; Claim They Are ClateJ Out t.f La II IUOi (Br Mnrnlnc Journal KdkIiI I :id tVlrf Musko-ee, OMa., July The sher iffs of M Inlosb and okr.-.uln' e nulli ties; .went to the old llUkory e.i'"Uil- near Henrietta today to inv.stiuate tli" upilrnsu; of Hnake Indians and were driven away from the ramp by thirty armed Indians and negroes. Wore sending thein away. Cruay j ír.akí ib llvet-ed a miw;i' lefvitiK the j laws of the state ami the I'liiO-d Ktatesj o'i rrintent. lio -'ciai'.s, uae no j authority our the Indian. The ofrici is at once Rot into cm- j munieation with Cnthrie and it Is1 i.robahle that state troops will be sent) to disperse the malcontents. i razy 'íllilk'' i the leader of seVeril bun- ! dred uncivilized Creel; Indians, many ..r whom d ' not speak Knglisli. They find the laws of the -new Mate ob jectionable, and they are rnraK. d by Crazy Snake's assertion that they urn bein.,' cili ated In the land allotments. sin.iui I1 ( Ai'Ain.i: or II MI,I(i Sl'I TATIDN Outline, okla.. July 7. Aetini; (!, ernor IVIIamy stated toniRht that un less the situation in. the Snake Indian tamp. Wellcetkn, becomes more seri ous than now seems probable, no troop will be ordered out. Latest ad vices received here from Wetleetka aro that the sheriff Is about abb tu cope with the situation locally. BEING EJECTED fl Suit for Damages Brought by Passenger Against Santa Fe Railroad Company in the Dis trict Court; Court House Notes. Florence Kelllsoii, lhroufili her nt- tornevs, Klock anil Owen, .yesterday afternoon bled a suit afpiin-t the At chi.son. Topeka & Santa Fe railway askinit llamases to the amount of S3. (MM), toietlier with tin- costs of tilt tuit., to have been üiiitalnH by tile plaintiff, on account of the de fendant's action in forcing Mis:t Kelll son to leave a Santa Fe train at Trini dad. Colo., on March 9th last. The complaint alleffes tnat Miss Ki lllson purchased a first class Santa Ke railway ticket from Chicago to Al huueriUe. boarded the train ut Chi cago and rode as far as Trinidad, where she was forcibly ejected from the train and refused passage to AI bu.ucri(ue. As a result, the complaint also allege. Mis Kelllson was great ly humiliated, contracted a severo ill ness which confined her to her bed for many days and was otherwise In jured. According to the complaint, the plaintiff was taken from her berth fit 5 o'clock In the morning and was forced to leave the train without suf ficient clothing and that she suffered much bodily discomfort on this ac count. On account of these allegations Miss Kellison asks the court to award her damages In the above amount. Meal Company Sm. Th M'estern Meat company has en tered suit against John Duffy asking judgment in the sum of HI. 88, to- . JL Most Valuable Agent. Th glyeerino mpri7d In Dr. Pinrrtt's nedicines gretly enhances this medlcinil propertim which It extrsrts from nntiv medicinal roots and holds In solution much better than alcohol would. It alo possesses medicinal properties of Its own, bein? a Yaluaula demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic and antiiermenU It adds greatly to tlincillcai'jr of tlio lilaek Cherry bark, liloodroot, Oolden Seal root, Mona root and Queen's root, contained in "Golden Medical Itjcovery " In subduing chronic, or lingering cough, bronchial, throat and lung affections, for all of which thesirents ,irn recommended by stand ard medical authorities. In al! ratos wliern thern Is a wasting away of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak Horn vTi, as In the early stage of con surtirían, there can be) no doubt that gh' cenaeacts as a valuable nutriUv and aids y.e IJnlden Sen I root, stone root, Qu. rnj t and Ulark Cherrybark in prfncA4"g ingestion and building up the fteih aifl'-frengtn, controlling Ilia enngh and brings; about l:"althr condition of the wliiH sv'tem. Of courso. It mut rot eW A.rted to work miracles. It will not cure Uinsumption nreut In Itsearller c tro'--'; -i li II Í- A- y. -"" it u etl. eir.e: TTIs In the lingfnnf in ielll hing-on coughs, or tints of long standing, ven when accompanied by bleeding from lungs, that it has performed lis most marvelous enres. 1'mf. i InlcT Kllingwood, V. D., of In aeit Med. Culli'gi!, Chicago, fays of fiy eeripe: " I n (1 rspens! !'- .erTes o ei-lln l pn rpo. riotilmg a tiled qutntur of ti troxiue of h.urrvea In sohuiuit, lb in one of the tt Via 11 uta. -tul ell, uets ef tlie pre-nl Unie in P. upon enfi-iiitd. tlioruered suim l, h i.l i r If there Is ul.'erfttion or n tarrital gvsirliis iraiarrhal in t!"im:.i it id te la.a-'lii. it Is a imst eftieteni pre'.ir.tion. lilvci-rinii wilt reliere Q.aay reii of p nmis (PiitrtiMirat aud aicettair. gastric iatoojacii) ai iiiitv " "t, olden Wx1U-al PIíttt ii riches and mr'ti ltt bli-si raring blocbs, plnjpies, crupilona, acruf uíouj .weiltug aad ola aorea, itr n.r. fot fib..aie.-iii,,r .a nao; Sml toPT RT ni"!. Of HllTTtllX rí. T. PIO I !' I '. 1 r-t t i lag (til-. nuaiuuiiaai llMtra iauu aMXiüúi ta lb WANTS FROM Til From the million dollar sunlit bakery the cleanest of bakeries baked in white tile, TOP-FLOOR ovens, come'' Ic9SE-yiLES Graham Crackers Made from the best whole wheat graham flour crisp, dainty crackers, wondrous! good. With all the nutriment, all the good of the whole wheat, retained for you and as good as a Graham Cracker could ever be. ,.f,N .t gi tber with interest and costs, alleged (o lie due the plaintiff on account of meat sold and delivered to I lie defend-1 ant, and for which Duffy has failed and refused to make payment. Klock and Owen represent the plaintiff. Probate Court Session. The probate court held another ses sion yesterday afternoon, Judge Jesus Romero presiding. The final report of Al Coleman, administrator of the, estate of Aaron Klory, deceased, ni approved and the administrator dis charged. The bond of Sister Alexan drine as guardian of Magdalena Mnr mott, a minor, was lileil nn( approv ed. The petition of Kmll Klclnwort praying to be appointed administra tor de bonis noil of Hie estate of Frank Klclnwort. deceased, was approved ;.n.l tl.e H d 111 I M ist I'H I llf Ordcl'Ctl tit ii I C ., hon.i of SL'Oil The final report Dr. J. F. Pcarcc, administrator of the estate of í!:n iierma ii. i li censed, was approved and the admin- Istrator jiiurncd ilisclia rged. until July -J2. The court ad- S Suspect Held for Wilson Mur der at Philadelphia Proves Innocent of Sending ed Ale Poison- Br Morning Jmirnm HiwiIrI Inwd Wlra.l 1'hlladelphla. July 7. Willi the elimination of Frederick filen. Jr.. from the case, the police of this city today began tracing the movements of the supposed murderer of Dr. William Wilson through Hrlstol. Trenton, Jer sey City and New York Chy toward .Boston. Frederick Ules praci icai i y proved to the satisfaction vt the au thorities that he bad nothing tu do with the sending of the bottle of poi soned ale to Dr. Wilson on June 2(1. He was arraigned today before a mag istrate und held in C00 ball pending an Investigation into the death of tils wire, Klir.abeth Wilson Alexander ijics. June ll. though no charge waa preferred against the prisoner. De tectives simply stilted that In luvestl- taling I ho Wilson murder they came across suspicious irctimstances In connection wlih the death of the prl ncr'a wife, mid desired lo have him held pending Investigation. '1 hough Lno quantitative analysis has been com pleted. It was otiiciaiiy announceu ai the coroner's office today that Dr. rioblnson, the city chemist, ami 1'ro fcsMor Meeker, in an examination of the ale sent to Dr. Wilson found In that portion turned over to them nuf ficient cyanide of potassium to kill twenty men. The chemists also re ported that a partial examination of the viscera taken from Dr. Wilson body shows that It was literally sat urated wUh cyanide. Iter. I. W. William Testifies. P.ev. I. W. Williams. Huntington. W. V , testifies as follows: "This Is to certify that I used Foley' Kidney for nervous exhaustion and kidney trouble, and am free to nay that Foley's Kidney llemedy lll do all that you claim for It." J. II. O'RifilV Hlid Co. ! journal Want Ads Get Results! jTry a Morning Journal Want! :.'-. .'.. '.. ... ":'.." : vvV-:; ,' 1 S 5f: v:.v.';.;;.-:.-'r:.,.-.. a a y-r-y-- ,: MYSTERY HROUDS DOCTOR'S DEATH You can always be certain of their nn n't v nnrl vvholt'snmrnrss. t .. . Then they're scalcd cartons : v fresh and firm ture and dust. Insist a Cracker IfX)SEWlLES KHMO .MAKERS FILE I War Secretary Wright Learns of Army Uniforms Made of British Cloth by Chinese Labor, I Br Morning ,!,irniil Nii.i l-I ImhI fVlra. Washington, I), C, July 7. Secre- ofltary of War Wright lias received from American makers of kliukl cloth a protest against the use of the F.ngllsh made kliukl Tor unlfoi ins. The pro test recited that the uniform- were not only of lirltish material, but were Hindu up in Manila by Chinese labor, thuM excluding not only American manufacturers of khaki, but American labor In Hie production of the uni forms, Tiie protest was made through President Itoosevi It, w ho forwarded It to Secretary Wright with a reiiuest that he make timulrlis into the sub ject, with a view to giving all pos sible work of this kind to Ainei'lcuii manufacturers and artisans. Inquiry by Secretary Wright devel oped the fact that the iirmy iiiarti r masler at Manila bad let contracts recently for khaki of lirltish make which was to be made Into uniform for the Manila constabulary and for the soldiers stationed In the Islani. The contracts were made In the usual way through the iiiarti rmaster gen eral and a board of oflleers approved the letting of contracts. Such con tracts as have been let. cannot be In terfered lili but Secretary Wright di rected that the minimum amount of the contract should be taken ami that be restore whenever possible prefer ence to American manufacturers. Secretary Wright made It clear that bis pr-aJoci'ssor in office. Judge Talf, as not iiwiiic of the protest, as It was not received until alter hi' hud relinquished tiie portfolio of secretary if war. it was pointed out lit the war dc pnitiio lit that much of the khaki used In tlii country mid by ofiieeis i.r the tinny Is of Hi llUh manufacture, prac tically of the military furnishers handling the lirltish garment ln pref erence lo the American made mater ials. FKK'S n.HrT IIUFR. THK OF QCAUTV. WALlt 8 KTOKIC It F Fit imio TIIE ROMERO AD PICTORIAL ADVERTISING STRONG PROTES SIGNS THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE SIGN SHOP IN THE CITY 0EEICE AND STUDIO 405 W. Central PHONE 451 Í . ynttl-tyt t-l-i-lf -'ft packed in thrice- which keep them entirely free from mois- on the Graham i r i gr m tne uark nroivn package. It signifies the best the genuine. Just try one package. At your grocer's 10c. KANSAS CITY FOES OF BRYAN TO SUPPORT GUFFEY (Cinilliiiicil from Cage I; Col. 5.) biIIipi ants of Mr. llryun still claim that New York "III vote for the Ne braskan, wlille the opposing forces are hopeful that the decision may help them In their efforts to block a nomi nation on the first ballot. Mr. Mur phy maintains the some spiiliixlllte silence I' hlch has characterised his al titude ever since his arrival in Den ver. A spirit of conciliation. It Is said, sllll i.tivaibs the Tammany delega tion. As an evidence of this It Is pointed out that Judge Alton H. Par ker, who was reported as coming to Denver ns the representative of New York stale In a flht against the adoption of any aiitl-lnjunclion plunk, went Into sc-ton of the fnin mittce up resolutions tonight to ad vocate an i.ntl-lniiinctlon plank which Is declared to bete been drawn ' Samuel liompeis himself, nn.1 which formed a part of the tentative plat form pul forth today by the New York delegation. !,evls Nixon was chair man of the subcommittee nf the New York delegation that brought .this about, und It Is the boast of the dele gation leaders that they have con ciliated the radical, conserva live and labor Interesls 11 at once and that they have put forth n strong bid 'or the far wesfern vole by advocating i, sufficient Increase In the nnval es- talillsbmctit to maintain a fleet on 1 both coasts. A number of state con- ventlons In the west advocated such a I plunk I" Hie platforms of both parties. I but the New York people say the west was Ignored In this respect by the sil ence of the republicans. AHugctltci'. the N'. w York delegations displays a feeling of contentment with Its posi tion ut the convention, despite the criticism that lias been tillered he cause of lis failure lo express a pref erence ns to the presidency. It win k.i til tonight that a fourth caucus may be held lifter the i'.oinlniilíoii of a presidential l lllnlldllte o ,p clile w here the support of the stale sbi.Tl lie thrown In tlte vice presidential i-oi- (est. M l VF M Nt I'XC'H npi't-si: i iti i: i.p us AMI PI I P Pa ngor. protesting free pulp lias been and I. -not clin irina n Maine. Jtilv against file 7. A I eli grain adoption of u und free paper resolution ent by the Maine Timber i tiers' asi-ocial Ion to the f the convent Imi at Denver, The and illspiiuh i. clares thai free pulp paper will be Injurious to Mulne industries and throw thousand w age-earners out of employment. of SIGN COMPANY "EVERY SIGN A SALESMAN" 4-t9 M'