Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1908. FINANCE AND COMMERCE Wall street. New York, July 14. The. stock market showed ' ;t tendency to Blip hack into the rut of dullness from which last week's animated dealing hud stirred it until the persistent slreiiKth of the market prompted a renewed outburst of buying in the final dealings. In pite of the enrly dullness there was a conspicuous scar rity of offering" of stocks. The absorp tion of Unite, State Steel continued In u manner to keep attention fixed and the persistence of thin demand was attributed In a general way to the cheerful view of the trade outlook omitted by leading authorities In the Industry in published interviews from time to time. United States Steel touched 42. The Southern Pacific stocks were another center of strength and the divided policy exemplified In the maintenance of the Baltimore and Ohio dividend was believed to be re sponsible for this buying on the as sumption that It was carried by the prevailing Influence of the head f the system. There was some revival of rumors of an Intended . consolidation of southern Iron and steel companies and the ultimate absorption by the United States Steel corporation. The railroad freight rate problem continues to occupy a position of prime importance in the financial view and the horizontal advances announc ed In all classes of freight to Texas destinations was regarded as Indica tive of Intended action in other fields rieports of conferences of freight traf fic of eastern railroads pointed to the formation of plans In that direction bv those companies. A sharp diver sion from the prevailing strength shown by the market was caused b the sudden pressure on the Rock Is land and allied securities. ltumon were revived of expected difficulty or the part of demand for the subordin ate companies In meeting coming ob ligations. These were denied but tlr dissatisfaction of various interests with the present form of organization 01 this company is admitted. dosing stocks: Amalgamated Copper 694 Am. Car and Foundry 37V do pfd 100V4 Am. Cotton Oil 33 Vi Am. Hide and Leather pfd ... Amer. Ice Securities American Linseed American Locomotive do pfd American Smelt, and Refining. do pfd Am. Sugar Refining American Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda JVIinig Co 17 . 26 .102 . 83 . 103 Vi .127 . 91V . 23 . 44 Atchison 85 Va do pfd 92 V Atlantic Coast Line 91 Halllmore and Ohio HI', do pfd 82C(i85 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4 Canadian Pacific 1674 Central Leather 26 do nfd v2 Central of New Jersey 1 (Ml ii 200 Chesapeake anil Ohio 42 Chicago Great Western 6 Chicago und Northwestern ...,154 14 C, M. nnd St. P 138 C, C. C. and St. L 52 Va Colorado Fuel and Iron 29 Colorado atul Southern 30 do 1st pfd 69V4 do 2d pfd 4 9Vfe Consolidated Gas 12. Delaware and Hudson 16114 Deliver and Klo Grande 26 do pfd 60flr C5 Distillers Securities 34 Krie 19 do 1st pfd i"'s do 2d Pfd 24 General Klectrlc 13 Great Northern pfd 132 Great Northern ore Ctfs 61 lnterborouch Met 11 Illinois Central 134 do pfd 3(1 International paper 10 do pfd 53 International Pump 23 Iowa Central 16Mj Kansas City Southern 24 Vfe do pf'l r' Louisville and Nashville 108 Mexican Central 14 Minneapolis ami St. Paul 27 Minn., St. P. and Saulf St. M ...112 Missouri Pacific 50 Missouri. Kansas and Texas .... 29 do pfd 60 National Lead 70 V New York Central 104 New York, Ontario and West .. 3 9 "K Norfolk and Western 70 North American 63 Northern Pacific 139 Pacifc Mail 26 Pennsylvania 123 People's Gas 92 P., C. C. and St.'L 73ÍÍ76 Pressed Steel Car 29 tollman Palace Car '.160 Railway Steel Spring 36 Rending 116V4 Republic Steel 1K do pfd 68 Rock Island Co 16 (do pfd 28 St L. and San Fran 2d pfd .... 2.". Vs St. Louis Southwestern 16 do pfd 38 i Sloss Sheffield Steel and ron...ri9' Southern Pacific 90 do pfd 119VÍ! Southern Railway 17 do pfd 45 Tennessee Copper 35 Texas and Pacific 24 V Toledo. St. L. and West 20 do pfd 4 5Vi Union Pacific 140 do pfd 82 V United States Rubber 27 I do 1st pfd 98 V 1 THE ROMERO AD PICTORIAL ADVERTISING SIGNS THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE SIGN SHOP 4 IN THE CITY i OfFICC AND STUDIO 405 W. Central : phone 4 o i i MltlllMIMIMMtHMItMIOIMIOllOI M t . 41 .107 . 34 . 74 do pfd 100' Wabash 11 do pfd 23 West highousc Klectrlc 55 Western Union 54 V4 Wheeling and Lake F.rle 6 Wisconsin Central 17 Total sales for the day 45 8.000 shares. The 'money market was still mod erately affected by the withdrawal of government deposits from the banks and bv the payments of the final In stallment of subscriptions to the Un ion Pacific funding bonds. Bonds were heavy, The expected offerings of $13.000.000 In bonds sold to bankers were an Influence. Un(on Pacific bonds "when Issued" yielded to 95, the lowest prices yet touched The Rock Island railroad system bonds were all weak. Total sales par value S2, 358, 000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. HOSTON STOCKS A XI HON 1)8. Closing Prices. Money Call loans ..27" Time loans 3ii 4Vi Bonds Atchison adjustable 4s bid Atchison 4s Mexican Central 4s Hallromls . 88 . 97 . .80 . 84 . 92 '4 . 137 .149 . 74 . 128 . 126'A .41 . 107 5Í, . 41 Atchison do pfd N. Y., N. H. and H Union Pacific MIsocllniieoH si- Am. Arge. Chem. Amer. Sugar do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Mining Adventure 111. 30 Amalgamated n' Atlantic 't Calumet and Hecln . ..655 Centennial ... . Copper Range J Daly West Granby , :.o V4 Isle Royale . Mass Mining Michigan . . 20 Ms 6 vi 61 Moha Montana Coal and Coke 75 Old Dominion Osceola ,n.. ,, Parrot Quincy Shannon 2 ! 86 .14 .64 ',4 . 1 " V4 Tamarack Trinity United Copper . . United States Mining United States Oil . . . Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine North Tiutte Rutle Coalition Calumet and Arizona Nevada Arizona Commercial Oreene Cananea ... . 36 . 24V2 . 43 , . r. m, . 5 .133 . 73 Vi . 24 .113 . 12'i . 19 . 10 St. TjOiiIm Wool. St. Louis, July 14. Wool Firm; medium grades, combing and cloth ing lSifiSO; light fine 16ííUC4: heavy fine 11W12; tub washed 20ii 27. Chicago Hoard of Trade. Chicago, July 14 Profit taking on a large scale caused weakness today In the grain and provslon market on the local exchange. The holding produc ts were especially heavy and closed nt 1 net declines of 27'- to 29 cents, the greater loss being sustained by pork. Wheat for September delivery chlsed lower. Corn was down Vá and ots were off M. September wheat opened ft to W Vi lower at 91 to 91 V4. sold up to 92 4 and declined to 90. 1 hi close was at 91 Hi Vi. Corn sentiment was bearish all day. owing to Ideal weather for the crop. The close was weak at the lowest point. September opened 'i il Vi low er at 74 to 74 H, sold at 74 Vi and Closed at 74 cents. Cool weather In the northwest had a weakening effect on oats except on July delivery which was Independently firm owing to active covering by shorts. September oats opened S Vi lower at 4 3'i to 4 3, sold between 43 '4 and 4374 and closed at 43. Provisions were weak during the entire .session. September pork ranged between $15. 82V, and $.16.60 and clos ed nt $15.82 V4 i' 1 5.85, a loss of 87 . ii90 cents. Lard sold between $9.33 and $9.60 and closed at a net loss of' 27 cents at $9.37 'i. Ribs closed at I a loss of 37 to 40 cents at $8.75Ki 8.77 Vi. Hoston Wool Market. Hoston, July 14. The demand for special lines In the local wool market continues with late advices holding firm. Heavy sabs of Oregon staple wools have been made and there Is a call for one-quarter, three-eights and half blood fleeces. Quotations: Territory. Fine staple Fine medium staple .... Fine clothing Fine medium clothing . . Half blood Fine medium clothing ... . fifi iff 60 .5f.i 56 .48-3 52 . 45 c 48 . ro ir r,r, . 4.14c 4 8 .48 1 .in Three-eighths blood Quarter blood Tin- Metal. New York, July 14 Tin was quiet and without important change today. In London prices were unchanged at 130. 2s. 6d for spot and 131. 2s 6d for futures. Locally the market closed at $28.37 ft 28.62 '. Copper declin ed 5s in London to 57. 10s for spot and 58. 2s, fid for futures. Locally rices Were unchanged, lake $12.75'r 12.87; electrolytic 1 12.50 ' 1 2.75 and casting $12.3741 12.50. Lead advanced T SIGN COMPANY "EVERY SIGN A SALESMAN" United States Steel do pfd Urtih Copper Virginia Carolina Chem. 9d to 12, 17s, 6d In the Knglish mar ket and was slightly easier locally at I4.40IÍI 4.45. Spelter advanced 10s to 19 In London but was unchanged at In this market. Standard foundry In the Knallsh market was unchanged. Bar silver S.1 "; Mexi can dollars 46c. Yew Orliniw Cotton. New Orleans. La., July 14. Cotton Spots were quiet but prices were un changed; middling lie. Xi'w York 4'oiion. New York. July 14. Cotton Fu tures opened sternly, unchanged to a decline of 3 points and closer very steady at a net rise of .iii 18 points, chlelly on the new crop position. Demand For Staple Wools in Boston Helps Along Other Grades According to Brad street's Review. Concerning conditions in the Ron ton wool market, Hi adstreet's Review says: The Hoston wool market has been active and stronger during the past week, the demand for staple wools continuing very active and helping other grades. .Manufacturers are dis posed to anticipate their needs in staple wools, and a fair amount 01' business has been done In clothing woids, though they are relatively more quiet than staples. Fleeces have been particularly active at higher prices, there having been sales of several hun dred thousand pounds of delaine and staple fleeces at 2Blii'27 cents for un washed delaine and 3435 cents for washed delaine. About 40.000 pounds of Ohio quarter blood fleeces sold at 24'i cents. There were the early bought wools, and show u profit, but the wools bought later will have to be sold at an advance on these prices. There has been u fair movement in the new territory wools, line medium Utah selling at 15 cents. Oregon staple at 18 tí-19 cents, medium Utah at 18 cents and fine' staple territory at 20 cents. Foreign wools are quiet. The end of the season In the west Is in sight, though there is still some wool in the hands of the powers in Idaho, Wyoming and Oregon, but the choice clips have been hold. Montana Is very active, with prices advancing, recent sales having been at 16W17 cents, and In some cases at 17 WIS cents, these prices being higher than the dealers were willing to pay earlier In the sea son. Values are also higher in the fleece wool sections, 30 cents being an average for washed Ohio, with 23ir24 cents for unwashed on the cars Michigan wools have not been as ac tive as Ohio and Pennsylvania, owln j to a smaller percentage of staple. The Antwerp sales this week were at 10 per cent higher prices, and London is expected to open July 14 very strong but the offerings suitable for this country will be small. UNIVERSITY 1 Work in Charge of Expert Promses to Be One of Best specimens or Highway in Southwest. The work of lowering the grade of Fast Central avenue In the vicinity of I'nlverslty hill Is progressing rapidly under the supervision of J. M. Hloom, the civil engineer, who has charge of the work under the direction of Itoud Commissioner W. H. C.illenwater. Mr. Hloom is a road builder of much ex perience, and it Is safe to say that' after he has completed the road, it I will be one of the finest specimens of scientific road building In the southwest. The length of road under construction Is nearly four city blocks and the width is eighty feet. A uni form grade of three and fifteen hun dredths per cent Is being adhered to. the material used In constructing the road is macadam, which Is manufac tured with about twenty-five per cent crushed stone, 4 which there Is a good supply being taken from the ex cavations. Since July 1 approximate ly 1 'i.ooii cubic yards of dirt have been cut away from the approach to the bill. One of the most commendable fea tures of the building of the road Is the fact that the cost of excavation and construction Is being held dowp as low us possible consistent with good work. The cost of the grading Is about nine cents per yard. Itailroad contractors generally receive eleven cents and upward for such work on large contracts. Mr. Kloom. who Is building the road, besides being a civil engineer. Is also a mechanical engineer, und has gained much knowledge of modern road construc tion in Knglapd and France. He has tested modern road surfaces In those countries, for dust lew ness. durability uinl nolselessness. Mr. Hloorn has also constructed experimental roads MARKET ACTIVE AND STRONGER GOOD PROGRESS ON 4 i i"r ink iwm.n AUiomoniie club, work- fing in co-operation with the trafile -oiniliissliilier of the ISrltlxh govem. lllellt. Iluiiio Oiicm li I'orfKt lire. H IliiiKliam, Wash., July 14 Ai oakiiiK ra") last niicbt lid Oil after- ll.e.O j,. Ill, III. , I , flt. HHldellH IIM-fl n.lM't- ti. K. I the . ,1.1.1 r i -. Willi ll I, in I,, . ii ,u, rill,,1 1,1 t .iii tin 11,11. - III, I fill ,. ',llll. hi I i) III. I' I 1 1,1,11 1, 1 1 1 OFFICIAL CALL FOR THE REPUBLICAN 11 rut Mull Hundred and Eighty Delegates Will Have Places' in the Meeting at Santa Fe on August 1 8th to Name Can didate for Congress, The official cali fur the republican territorial convention for the nomina tion of H delegate to coiipress wa made public yesterday. The following Is the .xt of the call: t all for Territorial Convention. A republican t.riltorlal convention Is hereby culled by order of the re publican committee to lie held at San ta Fe on the ISih day of August, A. 1) 1908, at the Capítol building, for the purpose of nominating a candi date for delegate to the sixty congress to represent N"W Mexic -first The several counties of t o v will be nil It le I to r the terrl "seii.atiou as follows: Counties. Delegates Ilei nallllo 10 Chaves Colfax Oona Ana F.ddy. ilrar.t Ouadalupe Lincoln Luna McKlnley Mora Otero Quay 4 16 8 3 r. 6 5 3 6 5 3 Klo-Arriba 'a Roosevelt 3 Sandoval " San Juan San Miguel Santa Fe Sierra Socorro Taos Torrance Union 4 14 10 4 12 9 5 Valencia 12 Total HO Notice for precinct primaries shall be given at least live days In advance of holding the same. County conventions shall lie called by the county chairman except In such counties as have no county chairman In which case a member of the terri torial committee of such county shall make the call hereunder, provided, that In the county of Hernalillo Hie call for the county convention and rules regulating and governing Hi0 procedure and method of conducting the primaries in the said county of Bernalillo shall be called and made by a commission composed of three electors of saiil county of Hernalillo to be selected 111 accordance with n I resolution adopted by the republican executive committee at Alhu(UeriUe, N. M., July Mth, 1Ü08. All county conventions shall be held not later than August 15th. 1008, and the chairmen of the several county committees are requested to promptly advise the undersigned or the secre tary of the committee the names of the delegates selected at such county conventions in order that the sum innv be entered upon the temporary roll. Proxies for delegates will not be recognized except when held by per sons residents of the county from which such delegates may have been selected. Delegates to the territorial conven tion heretofore elected bv the county conventions of the counties of Slerr. and Itoosevolt will be recognized am no additional convention shall be bel In such counties hereunder. Legislativo Xmiilnalioiis. In all legislative districts compose of three counties or more the join membership of the delegates selecte here under from the counties of sal legislative districts shall meet and as semble not later than the L'Oth day August at Santa Fe. X. .M.. and hoi district conventions for the purpose of nominating legislative candidates, prn vided, that said legislative nominations may be made as soon as practicable after the adjournment f "1( territor ial convention at which meeting all of the counties of said legislative district shall be given opportunity to be pros ent arid participate. Hy order of the territorial commit tee. H. O. HPRSI'M. ' Chairman. A (iiMtll HKASON Mbnipicripie 1'inple (an Why It is So. Tell Yon Ooans Rhlncy iMIls cure the cause I of disease, and that is why the cures lare always lasting. This remedy strengthens and tones up the kidneys, helping them to drive out of the body the liipiid poisons that cause back ache, beaibn-he anil distressing kldney and urinary complaints. Albimuerque people ti-stifv to permanent cures. T. A. Harnett, retired, living at H14 South Hroadway, Albuqu. r.pie. Xew Mexico, says: "For; years I have been more nr less troubled with kid ney eomoliint. the ailment becoming more pronounced than ever about twn years ago. Itesiibs having pain in my back and a general weakness exten ding from my hips down my condi tion was so that any little exertion W'ould tile nie. There w us also a too freouent a.tion of the kidney se cretions, disturbing my n-t as often is ten times a night. Ab"Ut a y.ur a?' I hail tie goid fortune to barn of Ooan s Kuliiev Tills and procured . ln.x I o Unit II. i medicine ever riffulileil Hie I ll peni-fTi ,)tiV- ed from iti, in. They have t-p.ired me ,i ureat deal of a uoyt ru. and iinon . in. in., ai.d liny not only giv- Str.litfth Hint toll' tn the kellleM. lull III". 'Kol,le I lieoi." For . lil ,S V JM I II I. I(. I ll. to nil! rl I'll, e I'.. Ill I. I - ill .11,111 n 1,1.- r I III I. ..Ill I I I I I I.. ,,11. i CONVENTION I McCormick Line of Implements Xg. . I n A ADP o I-DIL (X Harvest is at Hand WRITE US ABOUT MACHINERY. VK A H 10 TIIK 1'Aim MAf'I'IM'lltY ami .;oN ikoi'Ij:. J. KORBER Panama Hats worth $5 reduced to $3.50 Panama Hats worth $8 reduced to $6 ALL SUMMER CLOTHES AT A LIBERAL DIS COUNT. BLACKS AND BLUES RESERVED CLUETT'S SHIRTS IN SEVERAL NEAT PAT TERNS; WORTH $1.75, SALE PRICE $1.25. E. L. Washburn I Company 122 S. 2d. 119 V. (oíd. Hesolved that all orders for supplies of any and all kinds and for all purposes be made out a on the regular reipilsltloi i blanl: ' of the Irrigation ("on gres pro- a ! vlded for that purpose, and said a requisition must be signed by aj chairman of the auditing coin- mlttee, or In his absence by thi acting chairman; thut all bill aj incurred must be properly vouch- a ; ered before payment and audited a at uny meeting of the auditing aj committee, by the chairman of a said committee, or in his absence aj by the acting chairman a, W. S. HOPKWKLL, a I'halrman. a 1!. K. TWITPIllCLL, a j Secretary. a H. KIMTZ. a Chairman Audit. Com. a fiKOKGK AHNOT. a GOOD CROWD ENJOYS PICTURES AT RINK A large crowd was preñen! at the skating link last nlnht and enjoyed the combination skating and moving picture program. The entertainment was unusually good. Mr. (1. K. Cli - 1 1 the popular baritone singer, sang two IIIhuii .1 song in pli asang volee and ; nanner and made quite a hit. 1 he films shown on the canvass were en-j tlrelv new and very entertaining, i Among the films shown last night' w. r.- "Kach In His Turn." "A Magpie ! Phonograph," and "A Iay In the Life of a Suffragette." The last lllm is one f Hie best seen h re In a tiuo-.t It depicts Midi lit, '-like disunities'. the sol lows and troubles of the ciir- ' tic lailies In F.nel.ind who are 1 1 ü I t - p nig for woman sultran. lie.-ii.Ps be-. ing very Inlerestim;. the su" r, ti e film Is very Hiiioslng, the iba i ai ters bow n, continually g. tlo tio-. K ; In all kinds of fceriou troiiMe. Tin-1 yialli will be repealed al Ibis Clll- lug' performance al li rolo u-doii of; I h. hkut in pi ogi am. 1 f. . HWM.M I f.M 11 I Hi: I I l til l(i:nli;. ns l Mil ii i:i.i : or i ii i ii h.ii it mm ii- I HI I 11 V I M. Mid I'l - I l .i ,. ' I ; I n Mm hn-iv 'i nt: nr I- III. HM IS THE BEST MOWERS GRAIN BINDERS HAY RAKES BALING PRESSES MAT IPrn . Hardware & Ranch Supp IVlAUOILH. 1 1 5-1 I & CO. 212 PIPE-CLEANING. nd repairing Is one of cur specialties. Making i Ibows and joints Is another. We are expert Plumber In all branches and are noted for doing good work thoroughly. In a reasonable time, for a reasonable price. We use only the best materials and employ only tho most reliable help. We should be pleaded if you will favor us with you. next plumbing job. You won't regret It. Standard Plumbing and Heating Company If you have not tried Oar Delicious Ice Cream you should order a sample at once. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. The Matthew Dairy ftn Vorifi 5ril Street. Office Phono 420. I arm Phono 1(1117. Plumbing SCIENTIFIC SANITARY Connecting Ranges, Steam Heating, Gas, Water and Sewage Plumbing. All Work Guaranteed P.A.SMITH, 909 N. 1st, Phone 657 Thos. F.Kclchcr i.i:athi:u ami kimuvus hahm:ss. sxDiii.i:.-, iwi.vrs, icm 408 West Central Ave. FRANK A. STEPHENS Contractor and Builder All War BlrleUr rirat-Olaa Reala-rara. Kaat It, a. Vhmm 174 win now si;..rri In stock and mude tu order, lowest prices. .Satisfaction guaranteed. Ku trelle Furniture Co. VENICE OF AMERICA Flnet lleaeh Resort In the World 1!, iihlng. floating. Fishing, Pane. Ing rtaliy, fie eiuiccrt. etc. Vl'lie arid ibing.ilowM clean, cool and compleli', 1 1 7 f.U to I3Ü O per month. Apply Villa Office, Venice, California. mu k i: of kw.i:. nil! Sl I -Ml ,.r..,- rl,of ll.e Mloi.pi. riiic-1 .Manila Automobile Co., lie Impute lo fuiir-i't lioili r ImiImmi cars, tn-1 I.e. coihIiikhi. Also one lol lis, I-.. OI'IO HIM kMIVV, 'I'riiKlt'r. I'.. i. Ii I'l.ll.ill! loa-., Mill I .'.ll llmipii npir plies I treet B 7 North F.W Sir N. Second St. DAVIS & ZEARING Iti Wast tloM'm EKUl'B. LEW HUIU Have) the finest filing la the oven lino for a gim or gauolluo stove. Call ami let us show Uii'pi to you. Price $2.25 BREAD PURITY. Is of prime importance In the health ful sustenance of life. Pure, sweet, wholesome, satisfying brruJ Is our ii 1 1 1 il t day In, day out, week ill, weak out. If not acipi.-iinti'd with the ex cellence of Hutter Cream bread, has ten your trial order this way and be convinced of Its superiority. PIONEER BAKERY 307 Ron 111 First Street. THE WM. FARR COMPANY Wholesale and Ret 11 OKAI.KB in Hh.Mlt AMJ halt mm aUM a Bpwilnlty For Cuttle and Hog tha BlirfMt Mar. t Price I Paid. GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY Wholesale Merchants ' Wool, Hide and Pnlta Hixx-lall jr. Lnrcri.KQri: iiAa ticgai CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR CO. Dnrceiiaora to Mlln A Kakla ail Harhwhl a Uliinl WHOI.K8AI.B I1KAI.EK II WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS W. n.nril. Yerythlnc In our lis. Writ for Cattlufu and Prlaa Um ud to dealers only. Talppbon 111 CORNBR riRIT BT. AND COPPBB 1T DRS. COPP & PETTIT DENTISTS. Room 12 N. T. Arrnijo BIdg. Phone 547. B. II. BRIGGS & CO. DRUGGISTS -rprteur aff Alsvarada fharraaey, (or. Itala mm Pira Hlfblaa fbarnasry, (or. Kaat OMral mm ilrwadwa?. Till It l KHU MEAT MARKET All Kinds of 1'rexli ami Salt Meat Sleiioi (sausage taclory. J MIL HI. I I XWOKT. Masonic Hiiildlng. North Third Street Arthur e. walker fire Insurance. KetTdary Mata! Hiiildlnr AnwM'lHtlon. Ptiona aaa Went IVulinl ATI-nun. MlTICf. AltP, YOl'lililMi TO FM'ASOTtl VIsIT OIC TO SHOP? If so. TIIK t.i:M i:mt:l in iti l is thk pi. i: in siop i thk HKAitr Of I i:it I IIINC. 1X11 u HUM KH IIUIM INlim NTVIIOV. KVIKS f.4U 1 '' .- .til k lj .Ata 4. -a.f a. a a a. sll:, , , t VltS I'Ass o ASH ! ' Tiii i-iir, W. M. Mild, l'IUll'Kll. 'loll. I'.cl ipoiliir milite tl.ifo braa, ,l 7 . r liuoilrril. ' I e alrongrat Iii.ih tur ad.l f. U t't-r, tul au .Try a Morniwj Journal Vant!