Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1908, mi MID I rinnrii ' FQ BELEN. NEW BASEBALL The Future Railroad Metropolis of New Mexico. Located on the Bel7n GO TO BELEN " RTANMXGJ OP THE HUMS. National Ia-iikuc, Won. Lost. P.O. Pittsburg 57 36 .C.3 Chicago . 55 37 ,514s .'ew York 54 37 ,5!i; Philadelphia 48 4(1 .545 Cincinnati . ,4S 47 .505 Buxton 41 52 .44 1 Mruoklyn 33 57 .3B7 1 St. Louis 31 61 .337 American l-n;uc. ! Willi. T ,nst IT. Detroit 58 36 .611 St. Louis 57 3 . 5 !t 4 1 Chicago 63 4 2 '.560 t le eland 5(1 43 .D3'i Philadelphia 45 4 7 ,4N!I Huston 44 51 .4(12 Washington 36 56 .381, New York 32 61 .345 Western Lcaejic. Won. Jxiat r.c. Omaha 58 3 .597 Sioux City 58 42 .58(1 Lincoln 53 46 .535 Denver 52 52 .600 Pueblo 41 58 .414 Des Moines 36 61 .371 AM Kit I CAN LKAtMK. HKl.KN' IS Till ii'rv iv 1.1 -un i.'4 c.u't'n . ...... u.myiMtVlt, M .MKMCO, N TIIK MAIN LINK OI-'TIIK SANIA IK SYS I'KM l.LADINO HAs'P AM I ;s 1 'Vil S V 1 'If V 4 I 'á V It t 1 .i 1 V 1 1 'j k THE BELEN TOWNSITE AMD IMPROVEMENT COMPANY OWNS THE BELEN TOWNSITE-1.000 BUSINESS AND RESIDENT I ms wviin ft winF avfniifs Awn ctrfftq . . . ' ' -ww.wb.wrt,wl., 1 I w 1VI.WW (liab. U M IUU U Helen. Now .Mexico, lie In Hie vmIIcv .if 11... in.. 1.. n .. ...... ... " 1 " " ""l ,,,, ,,.. mhl., , ji,,,,,.,,. t-iMirciii-H. tt loin lelal luí., Mercantile Stor. of nil t'tii, I'lileut Holler Mill, A Winery, tli '"' Hoiel Helen, with all nuHlel'ii liiiproicnioul.s; icslaui ants. IlrU'k Y.'M'cl. two Lumber Yurds, ele. ele ele BELEN IS THE LARGEST SHIPPING POINT FOR WOOL, FLOUR, WHEAT, WINE, BEANS AND HAY IN CENTRAL NEW MEXICO - ALL FAST LIMITED, EXPRESS, MAIL AND FREIGHT TRAINS OF THE SANTA FE ROUTE WILL GO OVER THE MAIN LINE THROUGH BELEN, EAST AND WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. lor . .cl-n 'l'""1""!1 '; W-. from "l.l-aKi. (o California-,, I.I. I. 1.1 an olcKa,,t lliuicy laii,,, IK , llI11o1illlls ,1,.,,,.,, , ,l( ,.,ir olMce; loumlhou. iiiii. 1 11 mailt,, irmM 10 w O'minodatc ,in ,.Mrs. j . i(R ilei-c,l for sale iidjoln Hie dcpoi grounds ami llnncy Katliiif House; trecls K'u.le.l, hlcnlks out; shade t reels, rlr, IHK PIIICl -S OF LOTS AUK MV; TIHMS i:SY, OXK-TIIIKD CASH; IIAI.AM i: ON NOI i; AM) lIUItTU V..K J 11(111 O NIC TO TWO YIAKS AT H PKIt C1V1 IXTKHI SI II ILK 1MU 1CT, WAHH.WTY DIII.S t.l VLN I l!OM CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY' ANI GALVKSTON .1011 n iii:kki: President. WRITE FOR MAPS AND PRICES, OR OTHER INFORMATIONS THE BELEN TOWN AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY UM. M. Ill lit. I It, Sei ieliu j-. G RAYS TAKE FULL OUT OF battery, played a very slcudy a in,'. ' A Men. 2b. Pert Cruliani. with the Hrov, 11s. Iielil ! Saekett. 1 tlown fiist tiS,. , .si1Mie, anil I Hail. . p. shows 11, c result of his work v. ith ' Sal 'ford. Dawson. Saekett. who cauuht behind ! BROWNS St. LiMils It: Philadelphia S. St. LouIh, Aur. 2. Philinlelphia made a rally In the ninth Inning, but lotild nut seeurc enough runs to win ':::! 1 barflas lads wallop t.'attericii Waddell, Howell and Spencer; Plank, Dygtrt and Sihreik. t 'hiendo -; asliliiKloii 1. Chicago, Aug. 2. llahn'a double and l)ougbeity'.s single scored the win ning run for Chicago today in the tenth. Score Chicago . ... (KM) 1 (M) (100 1 Washington ..010 00U Oou u Patteries Smith and Kecly and Street. It. H K 2 7 0 1 2 3 Sullivan ; IIomoii H; Dclroit 1, Detroit, Aug. 2. Boston won ewsily today. Stahl and Wugner dbi whiip great hitting. Score n. II. K. lM!trolt 000 000 31 0 4 1 1 2 Hoston HO 010 01 18 16 1 Hatterlts Klllian, Donovan anil Schmidt, Cicotte and Criger. KS'I KIt X LKAfil K. Oniaba III; Sioux City 7. Omaha, Aug. 2. Omaha defeated Sioux City ill an uninteresting game today. Score W " I'' tMtiaha 340 000 03 10 15 3 Sioux City ..'.'.004 003 000 7 2 Batteries ttagan. Hall. Hollcnbiili mid Lcbiand; McKay, Starr and Shea. Denver 10; Ie Moines ;t. lies .Moines. Aug. 2. olniKlead pitched a good name, but wan poorly supported by the Des Molnep. Score It. 11. K Denver Oao iM) 320 1 0 1 0 0 Des Moines . .(Mia 020 010 3 4 4 Uatterles Corbett and Zalusky; Olinstead and yVeigert. THE MEDLER GIANTS Slump in the Fifth Paves Way For Final Score of four to One in Favor of the Grays, the bat in Hie absence of Chambers. played a very i 1 game, considering the fact that be was placed In tin- po sition on account of an chiergcncj . He "as at a disadvantage on account of never having caught either Daliey or Saffnril before, and was not familiar un nn' signals either one of t lie ,n r. pitchers used. Saekett made two .r-t- Siic'kft t. i y nos. one t,,r (,., liases and one a L. three bagger. "Snapper" Hale, u ho ! " iimpiion me game,- rendered Ovo or U'...i, - visions which were not rceeiv- KV,.,i i Weeks I Tola is Prow us . 0 rays . . Siimiua 1 111 ee-ba.-. 33 1 i; Score of Inning. 0 I ll ana nun nun ii 4 n ni i I'we-base b:l. hit, Saekett. Sac i 11. II I (i I t Sack flee hll 1 1 . tlll'ee d e.l with enthusiasm by the lans the grandstands. 'Che decision, hi ever, were erv difficult to render each case. in w -In and I lii'ke iruck out, V Saffnril lis, l.i Kane. St.. I son. by Week-. ; 3. Has. s en III I I'ella by I :!!!-. balh. oil- Da i ley. 3, nil Salter. I :;, Saekett. 3 Wild pitch, ft on bases, linreliiv, :, ; Prow us. 1 2. and lit teen rime miniile of gano I ' in . tw. hours I. lie. Xo (.nine ill Lincoln. Lincoln, Aug. 2. The Llncoln-Pueb-lo game was not played on account of local Sunday observance law. AMIHICAN ASSOCIATION. At LouiHVllle: Louisville 4; Kaunas City 2. At Milwaukee: Milwaukee ; In dianapolis 10. At Columbus First game, Colum Iiuh 10; Minneapoli 5. Second game, Columbua 7; Minneapolis 1. At Toledo: Toledo 4; St. Paul 3. In a compatallvcly fast and well played game at Traction park yester day afternoon, lhe Mrowns went down to defeat before the Murcias Grays by the score of I to i. The gam.- was the best of the several which have been played this season between the two It anís. Cp to the end of the fifth in ning both teams played league ball. In i ine second hall or the ruth the score; was 1 to 0 in favor of the Mrow ns. The Mrowns had forced a man across the plate in the second inning, and: judging from the snappy playing on both sides it looked like the score would remain stationary. The Ml owns let down a liltip in the fifth inning and tile Grays, iiulck lo take advantage of! the opportunity, filled lhe based as "'on as possible. Dailcy. who had, been pitching llrst class ball until the, fifth Inning, Tailed to keep up the I good wont, and he was taken out of, the box after the Grays bad scored' their fourth run for the inning. Saf-j ford was substituted and pitched good; ball throughout the rest of the game, j The Grays were not In their usual j heavy hitting order yesterday, and only made lour hits in the entire game. They made every hit count, however, and won out by a safe mar gin. Weeks and Pena, the Maridas The fame gone forth tt fans at Triuid t bey want t he Gray s a couple of games. if the Mandas Grays has 11 A lbuiUerille, a lid t be I have decided that up there to play Manager Padilla COLORADO ROADS SEEK TO ENJOIN RATE LAWS yesterday received a wire from Kd. Webster, malinger of the Trinidad team, asking for two games to he played there on August Mb and 0th The offer was promptly nc, e.ed and lhe Grays will leave for the 'oloiado City next Friday night. The local lads reall.i the fact thai they are going up fast ball team when they 1 'on ver, A UK. 2. if Colorado have mu t for a u injuie tlenihers of tin against play Trinidad, but arc confide making it interesting for them. The box score was as follows: P.areliis Grays. lit of Players. J'erea, lb. , Aiarid, ss. , Hidalgo, rf. Weeks, p. . Pena. c. . . Saladar. 3b. Gonzales, He Hlassl, Luna. cf. Totals . 2b. If. ,.M. 3 4 4 4 1 3 0 ii. p.o. a. !: in Fourteen ra ilroads linked the federal Hull rest ral lllllif the Colora lo tailroad ' commission from ciiforciini tlo law as I t" rates ami railway regulation against I hem. The railroads will attempt to show that the law creating the com mission is class legislat Inn. because it .exempt a score of íailmads of the state less than twenty miles in length, j The ease is brought in the I'nited . States court because it is alleged Hint the law isa direct violation o Hie fed eral constitution, in that it denies cipial protection and :;ies spe.ial privileges. woman" andThauffeur perish in auto wreck Saul. i I'm. Mr. Marl. lit. a sa ii I ra n il.. Aug. 2. While W ife of I lie editor o,' iseo weekly p.lpi Mcintosh Players. Hale, ,f Weaver, 3h. . Graham, lb. Kane. ss. . . . She), aid, rf. . Dickerson, If. 2 7 1 4 27 lll'ou lis. A.M. II. H. P.i i. . a o I n . 4 n i i . á 0 111 . 3 n 0 1 a. n o i i II 0 a cliauff' over the Lomond went ove ur wen- trav Hear Creek n to Los Gal...-, r the grade n md Uto t 1 1 Summit, and killed hv til" instantly kill, cehed injurie died. ' both o. fail. The' d and ,i s, from w ling I ad from lien I he urn bine 'iir Van Lone upanls were chauffeur was . Marioll re lien she II KNABENS HUE GUT FOR THEJREGORD Dai Tim Aeiial Mariner Will Leave Denver in Airship Bound for Omaha; To Be Followed by Automobiles, I H.v M.miiiiK .l.iurniil wcitil f.riiHiMl U'lre. Denver. Aug 2. - Hoy Knabeiisliuc, lhe aeronaut of Toledo. Ohio, who Will he in Denver the second week ill I September to exhibit his new passen ger (allying airship al the Colorado Interstate fair and exposition, will at tempt to lower lhe world's record for a dirigible aliship before returning to Toledo. Ai cording to the a o nou uccinctit made in Denver today. Knabciishue; will slut from the Interstate fair grounds In Denver, Saturday morn ing, September 12, with two of bis assistants, for (iinaha. ",'Js miles from ; Denver. The world's record now is 100 miles, but witii climatic , thill" as tlu v are west of tile Missouri 1' I Ver. pa r! i, II i'l I Iv ill ll. li. v o,l I ha! he wl :iini miles and po.--.jh cessi'ul in covering tin to limalla. ll is being aliaiig.,1 1 1 lit t at sev eral towns between Denver and lima lla, tin re will In- automobile o fol low the ail slilo, to be imlilieil of its it. Kill from lime to time hv Ii leg i a pb, so that dining tin- entire flight tlu-re will be an automobile following: lliis is tin- greatest Might ever at leinpíed bv an airship, and a-hlce from Knahelishue are that be is con- I'.dent :hat in bis new air . raft p- ' will not only .siabli-li a lew world's foci. i d. but will lie a hie I.I leach the Mission I river. j Aeronauts through. ml Hie world! w III be Interested ill t Ills lllght, and J ft il Is possible that several will come to Denver to witness the start, at b-asl, and will arrange for following by relays m aiitonn. hiles. I mi liensh ite will reach Deliver, Sept. ml., i I ST. VINCENT'S ACADEMY Boarding and Day School For Young Ladies and Misses. In charge of Sisters of Charity. For particulars, address Sister Superior, Sixth and New York Ave., Albuquerque, New Mex- PROFESSIONAL CARDS .VriOltNKVS. WILSON 1 JOHN V. Í Attorney tit Law 1 Collection Made. New State National Hank Mldg., A lbuiiieriUe, N. M. I!. W. 1). MUYAN Attorney at Law Office In First National Hank buiblloit A Ibiutuei ine, N. M. I'llYslCIANS AMI SI IH.roMS, it L. lll'ST ' Physician ami Surgeon ItooniN ll and S. ,N T. Arnillo build ing, Alhuiiuerriiie. N M. Ill t sT fi H A D 1 1 A C 1 1 & TOLL-- Practice Llinlieit, Far, Nose and Throat Oculist and Anrlst for Santa Fn Coast Linea. Office Slate National Hunk Miilldlng. Hours: U to 12 a. m.; l:3i) to 6 p. rn. , IIOMKOI'ATIIS. I 'US. HltONHON & rtllONSON- DIARRH DEA olorado, il Is it least lunke will be Sllc- riiilre distance I There Is no need of anyone suD fcrlng long; with Hiis disease, for lo effect a iiiii k eme ll I only iiccessary lo take u few ilowes of Chamberlain's ColicChol era and Diarrhoea Remedy In fact, In most ciiscn one lose Ii siinicicnl. ll neier fulls ami ran In- relied upon In the most Meten- and iliiMgeroiiH nisei. It Is equally Milualile lor children noil Is the melius of saving the liles of many children each year In lhe world' history no ini-ill-cliie lius cicr niel lililí grenler Hiimcopathio PliyalciiiiiH mol Surgeons, Oler ami H Drug Store. PhoncB: Of fice U2N; 'sldeiice, 103!. Alhu,Uir. due, N. M- DKNIISIX. I'll. .1. L K K.l f"l Denial Surgeon. Kooms -3, Harnett building. Plioim 74 4. Appointment" mude by mull. i ii as. a. laXi'Ti; Dentist. Iluiiiii 1 4 X, T Armi.lo Hidg. Phones Still and l"2.i. A lbui act nun. New .Mexico. KiiKiigeiiicuts Made bv Mall. ASSAY Kits. HIM'OC.HS. Price 25c. Large Size 50c. V.jknR"s Assaye-r. Milling and Mel a i I iirgica I I'higlneer, (H'tl West l-'rilll avenue. Postofllce Hon lT.'f, or at nlflce of V, 11. Kent. 1 1 :i South I'blrd street. cmil pit i"T:oss-'- ( 'until Surveyor. Attorney bclore C. S. Land Depart, nient. Land Scilp for sale. Civil engi ring. Hold avenue, oppostta Morning Journal office. ANOTHER VICTIM OF THK KUUNOMIH'I 3 IM l.NOMIHT Tins Mark Stands for Mdse. of Integrity. SPECIAL TAHLi: DAMASK Kxlra heavy 72-Inch bleached linen table da mask. In eight good pat terns, regularly $l.2.ri per yard, at 99c THE ARIZONA D Venturesome Califoi nians At tempt to Visit Mine in Auto; One Dead, Other in Serious Condition From Heat, B Mnralni Journal Boaclal Ihm WIicJ Yuma, Hrli. Aim. 2. Spauldlng, aged 4."i, an autonioh!e manufac turer of San Francisco, who with 'I. P. M McCauley of the same illy, "as on his way to Inspect come minen near Jila Rend, perish, u on the dec eit and McCauley imis overt onie by h-at ami is In n dangerous condition. The men left Yuma against all ad vbe, Friday afternoon, and plunged Into the They probably got out of the machine to make repairs. rt they were found yesterday uncon scious beside ihe car. McCaub-y f -Oved, but Spaulding dbd five hours liter at Mials-kell. im Jfiinli -K-ÍI--I.I.Í ECONOMISTl AUWQUURQWS EXCUJSfVE DRY SPECIAL onov ii:i"T. Hat brooi Ilea, Veil pinx. Collar suppnlls, It'll bmkles. Head chains, Hracelets. etc., u in Hi up to TTic, Special KY IMIDS, IILI.IM.7Ps;y AM) ft'OMS'S KKAIDY-TO-WKy 11 A KM KNTW KXVl.VM Vrl.I. rilOMC OltDKIM KILI.KD PltOMI'TLY. MAIL OKDI HS ITLI.I I TltOMPIXT. 25c Till Mark Hlnnilii for VETERAN NEWSPAPER MAN DROPS DEAD IN SURF Penhi tgnt. N. J.. Aug 2. Samio-I Moffalt. an editorial writer, in Cl li"r' Weekly, was strb ken with ap "pl'ny last evenin while bathing In 'be n. can. ud died just after he lia-4 been brought to shore bv his brother. A- V. Tallman of New Y'otk. Mr. .MnfTett was 4 ye-irs old Hill " ' a io , h.-w of Samuel t'luiini' Mmk Twjinl. H was foi m.-i-ly ashirton ,orrespndeiit of t!ie i-mi )?anico Kxaininer and was ,tnio-' t- 1 at one tim,- with the San K''i- "' Psl. . Kob Kidllev R.-tnedv will c,i' ny I .OlUle 'f no-die more.--gopj b J H. O'KH!!)' a. Cj. 'hw at kidne of bladder f" il- Itlil t u U; Hi. r-a. i I edi. liM-. No me.L.lne . - ri f 1 A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS We are determined that a'l summer goods most move, we positively shall not carry over any of this season's merchandise, and therefore will inauciuratc a scries of spec;a! sales for each and every day dinng the month of August, or until every dollar's worth of our well selected stock of summer merchandise has boon moved to make room for our fall and winter stock now being selected by our buyer in the eastern markets. Our reputation is so well established that our friends and patrons know full well that when wc advertise goods at special bargains they are sure to find that we have made no empty promises. Our show windows shall be our medium of reaching the public, and for each ano every day during the month of August we shall have a different special displayed in our show windows, good for that day only, and with prices cut to the very lowest notch. We stand behind every sale made in our establishment, and realize that a pleased customer is our biggest asset. The economical buyer wil! find that money can easily be saved simply by watchinq the windows of the THE ECONOMIST. Each day shall furnish its share toward making the loosening of your "purse strings" a pleasure. One-of-a-Kind Sale We hnVC pn Jrcfed all wash dressew and suits, where thei .- Is only one of h kind left and have removed, them from stock to Special S ib- Ha, ks. The assortment is mad- up of the season's ll.-st Styles, from th Dainty M.-ie.-r-l7.d Princess Dress. to the nobby and stylish coat suits, and In al tb olois ,.f Dame Fashion's decree. These garment sold at prices ranging from 1 1.3 ll to I2.V and have ,.en pía. el o,, sale for Final iT.-ariii. e at M!.- over or,e-i;,f actual Value. W- have pt numbered tno,. gai menis for y out isv choosing as ..l-b'rts. Watch Our Show Windows Final Closing of Summer Millinery This w..k vie will .ll ..ur lines of spring and suiotin i Mill, loo at Ibis late of di i. mil : Ji. ini tritnloe.1 hats for. . ,a.lH I a "O ll illlllli il bats lot . , JU.'IH Í .'.Mi Ii ltiim-.t Inn f'O . . ! i A I tie- al.ox,. rates mini women an .ilfojd to indulge ill a ha lit -.f In ad w e.i i a ml I he Lot !.:. ., I2.SH. to f:l.:.". to 'HI. worth lo IT. 'OI. i worth to M fia. i worth to worth t. H oí t h w ort h at . . at . at . . t , . . . .!e . l IIS . nj .un . .;!.! . .tl.UM . .R.VHN worth to t T UK worth te Wolth In worth to i 2 :', t . ll.."'' at. 12 2..".". n . ) .l;l,Vi Oil! -Pltll 1 1 1 1 . V III I li;l(, ON MnMiH lvs.fs ill . 'lo I ill:. OF W this - I nl LOWS; 11 ! lo in l n -. s-.ison. in It Hi., .-lid of the wor'h all that the Mil 1 Compri.diu " limPe-l mi, ,!.' waist, a all sixes, s' lui' of the .- While -'tile, s Hie p ' a U ked. Tic's, i M'iini LOT ll - i-oriisis ' f '. auHful ,ii.l and auto waist. (,, .;. tl. of the iilie t' .. lith in th- , a. id i o . ,ie,. loos I'l.'l half ten d.t-j- ut -D SPIIIM. a tul a i h .. ..-I .11. s- i- e fl'.ui rue! c ! h It i let -I"l i'i 1 I l ft I ' . to to oelei V tr i niuo'd i- ! up to It H. 27c t., hi. -oi niel t of lll.Kelic -lUlili'-s ,,f Dimities. , 1. ,:.! , ,,,,. I;, f ottl Hi" .. ' fmi-- d Kif- h ill. !., J I nil, IO- HJe lMP.i:oiin.itii.s lac. A .lean ,j. ,s.,e of a few thous and l.llds of Kl-lbrolde, j. n left frOlll olir Season's S, IlillfcJ, Tll' se em In -,; ,bi o s ate on t,e bc-t ,,l,ll!y i.r .(..'h. SWISS, .alllbjie .iml i. ilnnook. In hiindieils of .I.-hkiis and patterns, in all widths ,-f c.hies and liixitions up t-i 12" wide, all cut in briirthH of 2 '-j to K ,r,s. All on sale ...Muda., by lb" Ici.bH.. pel laid c 4 -I' Y WATCH OUR SHOW WINDOWS mm roisixi,, "miwwm"! "".! : fca ÉiH i i iimni'ma I H n k I "doit t.llll-l N. IWOH.I