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THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1908. 3 ysa- fiar--3;2sy " - n 3b rlt LiiBili'iñr- i ' H'Tmri mitt nr rum 1 1 1 1 il i V fiiir r'!1 hinM A ivmur m iinr ""ÉT tf-n -' tirr urn hé n nioi i mil ti mmku fcr BOAHD SEÍ5 DATE OF MONTEZUMA nn n un I Colfax . iintv r.iir. which it is promised Will bigger Hint Ill'lti'C (h;in ever bet, no Tlir foilax County StiH'kiu.m says; j I'lic big Collay county f.ilr is In be i ' ! t In Springer, Wednesday, Thins-' 'In .in.l 1'Yldav, Sepli niber lti. II ami HON II Hill In' Illr higgl "Uiuv has ever had. hiding üeorge II. W' "il. II f. AliiniH. Dr. st thing CoUax i Live ini'ii. in lister oí' I'lma s. I .i., U . . M N. , BROKERGOESTOFAGE OYSTER BAY SILENT; SWINDLING FEW VISITORS 00MMITTEE ON GRAND Woik Piofiiessing Rapidly Exposition Buildings and posing General Effort in coming Visible, Be- i Hlcran&er .Hamilton. NO man not even George Washington has left a more lasting impression upon our higher laws and institutions than this romantic and handsome young Revo lutionary General and Statesman, who died so tragically in a duel at the very zenith of his fame. Upon every clause of the Constitution of the United States his individuality is indelibly stamped. Daniel Webster says of him: "He smote the rock of National re sources and abundant streams of revenue gushed forth; he touched the dead corpse of public credit and it sprung upon its feet." He believed in protecting the brewing industry, and drank good beer all of his days. REFERENCES: Applcton's Encyclopedia; Shouler's History U. ti., p. 71, etc Sumner's Ule of llumilluu, p. Uli. MiIo'm'II, M. M. Snlaar hihI a number "l others are hi work, ami II is liouiul In he a success. Immediately alter the fair the lug -V 11 i It 1 1 is. I,, It,, k1ioo..,1 I., V II, il., ti, BALL IS APP0I.ÍI LI) -I'll- I I he county's building, whom It will rómpelo lor prizes at the na- 'lonut imitation congress. I lie ennti 0 ty. Mr. Webster in churgc, Is erecting ,a line 1 1 u i 1 1 1 1 li k ami elaborate grounds. Ill- In ami on which lis exhihlt will lie displayed during the congress. Last week ollleets ami dirccto'is of the iissoelation ere ch-ctod, anil II 1 '. Ahliott w as chosen manager Tin entire iiiota was ehosen from this oily lor the reason that mneli woik Is to he done wlileh requires the at tention of nu n on the ground, aiel the next list o' officers and direct .n s will he chosen t'vom the entire county.! New buildings, stuck pens, sh, stalls and otlier improv rim ills are In he plaeed on the grounds The premliiin list will he large, and: a meat effort Is being made lor an extensive display from every section of the eonnly. liu liidin; iiKiienltiii e, Iiortleiiliiire, entile, sheep. Inm. f.rhoo work, eiilinary work. laney work, I'lesi'l ves. pirkles. .tellies. ll.lilN. polll-: try. and in fact, cverytliiiiu will he reeognl.ed In the premium list. E San I At the llleetillK of tile hoal ' 1 1 nl of (he Sixteenth Naili. Illation eoiiKiess unit exposlt last ui);ht III the eoiiRiess h ti is, Friday of the mri'inl the event was set as the ,l.i!, or i-"-ll lili lí held i'hiuar- eel of for the innseo Man Ai lested in Los Angeles on Wanant Foi ! Embcivlcment of Customoi's SciHinties, B.v liirnliiit Join mil Hint;'!! I rnptl U he l.ov AlIK-les. l.ll.. All II, Kled erleli It'll. Ill,' j-lin U liroltei, whose ollle,.-, in lilis and otlo'r eltles of the west w fie leei'litly elosi'd heeatlse of alhi;e,i lalin u lit pari to meet oh- IlK.l'ii'ti. l h.ilit, taki-n hark tonlnllt to S in l'i;i iii iseo, w here a warrant tor Hi. nil. K'd i-in li.-.'zlfii ii-ii t '! $ I 1.- 'lesident Expects Sfieniious Time loday When West Point Hazing Case Will Bo lhieshed Out, llnniliit Jimrnal ftpet tHl I.hiI U ivsler llav. nil of The Natural Drink of America In every glass is health; and what is health but efficiency and power? It tonics to your table a delicious sparkling food a wholesome malt beverage exhaling the aroma of hop gardens and the fragrant scent of new mown northern barley iieldf. The little alcohol in it promotes cheerfulness of mind which is the best of all medicines. The Lupulin in the hops soothes the nerves and acts as a digestive tonic; while the juice of the barley contains a high percentage of substantial nutriment. THE KING OF ALL BOTTLED BEERS ! hiK .M 1 1 1 - V. 1 1 1 1 1 i I hall, the I.. Ili.llll jeial llllietlon oi the OX'osili., and the year III New M exieo. j The Mont, zu'ma hall eonniniiee whs I appointed as follows: I.eou HertoK, j elia ii ni.-i ii ; I r. K. J. A liter. Sam I'li- I kiir.l.. .1. II. ii'ltl. Ily. Mi ., c -roilen. ! '. Spitz ami .Maylianl luu ul j Tin- hoard attended I" 1 1 1 1 mass jot rolllllle hlsines.s eollll', t, il tilh the j ii ppioaehiiie exposition, and reports I from all 'iiart, rs slmweii that the j pi i-pa ra lions lor the eyi-ni .tie niov j iniT al"iiK steadil' mid syl , in.i l ira lly . j 'I'he visitor o the exposition mounds I who has not kept traek of th, pn pa- j rali, Mis 111 progress tluil'e will he iiiT. I a hi v surprised . I The main expumillón Inuldinu. re- moileh'd from an old si i u, i uro. Is praitieally eonipleteil and i-i hand some and Imposlnii in a pi" a ra lire. The hurt irnlt ural hulhliiii; is about half liiiislied. anil mai hiio rv hall needs only the llulslilim loin In s W ork on the forestry huildiiiK. the lontrarl I for whirh was lei nomr lime ,.t. will I he started at oitro. The Simla I'Y rum I pany has a lame lorre of im n at work on tin- Santa I'Y huihllim whi h will i he on'1 of the most .spurious and hand I home on the grounds. niher woik j Is In progress hikI there is a general i .' 1 1 1 of Industry whlrh shows that the ; hoard is preptiriiiK i" ii hiisiiiess like way to he ready lor tin- K"'.it work wlu n it arrives. worth "i n oul Heir m a I Sa "I Wall street sei lililíes was aaainsl htm. rri riled 111 rVlidllli; (lie n .lose last niKht am) Ullesl ot the Tomorrow the leal strenuous i mil ei en re and a si I'olnl I'll, let Ann. ii I'l d at home ot any Kind t'vuiivr. His i Itils from 1 lilis rvrlllllK president ' plesllletlt -ident today ea me only ew a lid o er w III with a po . nferellee on tse on lili po uter ttiis BRONCO BUSTING FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY at Sama K.uhara and arrlied in eit v at ,'I ; :iii this a t lernoon. The polire deeellves weir at tile Arrióle station to mnl Ills Haiti hilt he esrape,l atTes tiy getting off at San Ki i uamlo station, w here he se emed all a lit olllolil Ir a lid drove at onri. to the uilirr of his attorm s. I'orr was In eonsulla t Ion with law yers until T n. lork while the rity was I'rlUK sround l"l hilll ly drtrrttvrs. Half an hou,. helore the train h it for San l''raiirl.s,o ai 7 ;hi tonight. JudKe lllllls. irker tut lied Horr oer to Illr Koo:.e eil remalle and il" siaienietil lloni the i hiel . h 1 1 o i v as .larol Voi k. v ho an li e will In iihilil. have a 111 i. i, 1 th. W ha mis. frank II. Ilitrlirork, the iiaiioual i eonldh an will collie tu SaK.tmoi'e t III diseuss Hie present Hie entire eoiiutry lell It is believed III New York slat over tul that Mr. made awilli ol III on tills .subject. I Whether the visit of Secretary of Hie Treasury (coree h Cortelvon t" the president last Tuesday unrt his Visit yvstorduy to Chiilrmiin Jlltchcnck In ,vi' Vork ha any mikiiIIIchiicc In chalruiail of commit toe, Hill, ami he situation of with Mr. Roose tliat the siluatloli will also he talked Hitchcock will be ' pi esntellt's View y How id,. M uní Soldier or I tu le Sinn I. els His Mount Alri'iiily I riiln. eil Into Inicllity Wlllnml llreaklin; Spirit. poll sel V and fare Huí e. The j ir of the IIKlrrd I' the thai '. Wall.' reus Sail d bloki l''ram.'is in1 rptrd View of the fact Unit has I u menl loiinl as a dldale for the New Vol Mr. t'ortelyou possible enlí state líber- vv a ri a lit i loria I nomimitlon call not he Iciiru- .1 Th hron, K'hiraeo Uroyei mcniRi' ciual lo biislri' ami s' .loiirnal ) 'Miian is not a does not lalte mount to sad. t piip the with requisite klmllv to hreakiiiK his die. The kov ei nmnil rava lev re",imeiitM mounts, l.s rnmprllcd o draw laiKdv from the uiilirokeii lunses of the west- such a 1 1 1 inn Is. vv lien proveil verv capable at tin- stales ari oiiipaiii' ,1 eil before In would have n rhaiK'-s niaih noi l Ii bird Ti ask. oir. The bit the lioiihh aa l list at ia once and lust him an attorney, latter Insist- ' i ' 1 1 y . that he in .-"iiiai iiik t he him. COWLES RESIGNS AS SUPERINTENDENT AT MILLS d hen Secretary Wriuht and I'. S. Military Academy Snpt. liuuli 1,, Scott will come to see the p lesl d i -Ii I toluol row, and It Is llkelv that some dctlnlte de cision riKiirdiiiK the I or re instatement i,f the eiulil West Tuilll cadets will he reached. Il Is believed a sla t elilen t made feienc al the concliislon of tile I be con - hi be lb' purchased 1 V a lues of Bottled Onlr the ' Anheuser-Busch Brewery St. Louis, U. S. A. CORKED OR WITH CROWN CAPS C . W . KUNZ, bHstrllmtor HU6EGR0WDSATTHE LE il ON 511 Í ENNIS LOVERS HAV E ORGANIZED A (MB Twenty-Six Charter Mnmbeis of OiAanization Wh do Much to Make Ga ular in Albuquerque, H, Collier. Sam I'irkard. I r K. .1 AlKcr. Hoy Mel iniiald. hrank H Moore. A. H. Stroup. Sidney I'.nth Heiison Newell; M. ii i 'hail bourne j Melville Summers. Herbert llrooks, ' A. It, .Mctlaffey. Clark M. Chit and I! ' K. Hutnev. j The i lis. which will likely hi Í four In number, w ill be laid out in the vicinity of Ki'liiiismi park, ano ! will he conslructe,! aloim the inns' ! modern lines. Ladies arc to be ir. i eeiveil as members, ami P N under stood unite a number of lemitiiae ten nis plavers will inron themselves. Tin initiation fee for K. iitleni' ii i-- $ ! ' i for ladies jr.. The dues will I of OiAanization Which Will' r,"r"s H "";"!" T,""'""",r!!"' tn In- fill i It. fit lichMi'ii Iti'llini'is nf do Much to Make Game Pop- -i'"' 'ate, m, .,s,i,. i-,,, ami II IS l'VI'iriril loe ni lilllll.lli l"ll will do much to make the ame populai In this city. It is hoped that a series Uist nlRht at the office ni Mavor'"1" Kmes may he arraimcl for the l''elix H. Lester a laiKe number of exposition ibis fall. If this is don. t' lmis enthusiasts, ali. r a short meet- : " ",s' I'ttrariive t'eiiliiri inn. organizi'd a club which starts oif '" lllr P'oKtain of s,.s. There is witli a eharli ." niembi rship of twenty-I H"tliln prettier nor more excitlnir six and which will Krovv In numbers 1 11 I'nnis tournament. Al- rapidly, Hs many oilier devotees of huipiei i, u,. has some skilled players, tiie tim,. have expressed their inten-i'""1 K-'mrs with teams from oilier Hon to join the club. The off icei s I ''" , probably I asily ar- elerted last tiiKhl are: It. H. Collier. ranged. president; Hoy A. Stiiiiiin. secretary "' -H-urer ti,,. tonowiim. con. : HEAVY FINE FOR AUTO omm;;;;: eons,,.,,,.,! .,: pass law vioi.aiion "lUlplllent of courts- l'l. Hob, I t -mart. Herbert K. Havtudds and !: jit, Morning 4nrnl S.ii..: I Ir "''I Hilll. Hee,a. Molll., Aim I', Coinieteil '"nimiliee mi liv-laws and uil "ii a liaise ,.'' tiohuim; Hi" anli-pass rules-.-!.' i Lrsi,.,', liavmond Stamin l i'.v. c c. Walts was nm ! o air' d Howard Clarke. li.-nie Williams $l"ii in tin- f.-d.-ral 'lb" (barter members of the club e i today. ;,i- as follows: 11. 1". iMynoIils. l!ov Walls, u bo is i deal .V,,Mh,lli A- Sl"nm. V. II Lester. Ipoiard lo a k . ma n. seeut'd a pass f.o liis wi. ci. nke. John Lee Clarke. I ir Kobcil and ave it to tin- Williams woman Stent. U,,ss M. Mel'lltt.. Chal'l.s Hot), were leda ted This wa- tin 'I'l'e. Julius Staab. (Jerry Johnson, (list (oiiviclion of ibl.s kind .ver s.- 11 H llronson. Raymond Slamin. I! cured in Molilalia. SEVEN PRISONERS Golden Rule Management Kept Busy From Moiiiíiií; Till Night on First Day of Great Bargain Event, Tim ureal sale if ib "Tempi. ili which pn Sal I, ! class In BREAK JAIL Wholesale Delivery at Clayton Includes Nolo, inns Crimina: Indicted For Noise Stealing, Sii'eial llihpatrti In thi Murnliiir .liiiirmil. J Sania I'Y, N, M , A Ilir. Accordll ;o advices received todav by Captah l-Yed Koriiotr of Hie mounted police. even prisoners escaped from the Un on county jail Tuesday niRlit. The f'l'i.sonei's .secured an axe and a saw. lit llirourh Hie liar.- of tlioi, caes "id i hoppeil their u ay to iihei y IiioukIi tile outer wall. Sheriff llal- m'kos ot 1 nion toiiuiy and Mounted .'oiici iiijii Heal an- on the trail of lie fucitives and officers In Colorado ind New Mexico generally have been lotiiied to be on the lookout for the u 'ii. Ainoiui the men who escaped tic James A Johnston, notorious horse thief, who was indicted on six omits lor stealing horses and defacing luamls; Teolilo Sandoval. charged with rattle stealing: Aniretu Homero "id W . A. Copper, cattle steallllK. ( "Ion' ; ipis vein- iieiiili.,. W is,. Aur ii. Tin. condi tion of Coh, ii, I William Vilas has shown luii 1 1 1 - anv improvement tor ten days and his family ami lib mis! now fear that In- may led recover li remains in au iinronsrious eomlilion noel o I the time. the ,iil - prcv mis dry Soods cut price bona tule sales held In the city, opened with a rush al the bin oblen Hule Iny Comls store ye.ster t'lay til rii I iik. 'I'he store was hiera Ily lammed from the opeiiinu to the chm itiK hour. It will pav one .lust to n into the (eliden Hule and take a nood look at the crowds. Marshall Hold's Chicago depiirtnieiil store on a Satur day iil'tei noon Isn't In il. A Morning Journal representative waiiilereil Into the "bin store Willi the little prices" yesterday afternoon and the crowd j wan so líense lie had dll licully K' tltliK out. Kvrry one seemed to he buying sornelhitiK. The sei rrt of the "Temp tation Sale" Is that the prices lire chopped so recklessly that the temp tation to buy. Just can't he resisted. Fifty salespeople WTo kept on the .lump all day HttelidiiiK to the wants of the patrons. Saturday will he the bin day lor wash Knods at cut prices Klity pieces of line wash koihIs In lawns, hállales and Swisses solii ordinarily from I f to '.mi cents per yard will be Mierilhed at .1 (cuts per yard. Wednesday will he llaby Hay." No need to save money I" buy shoes for the baby now. Vmi can H"'f the shoes and everyt hiiiK else tie baby needs at he, rock pi Ices. PREPARINgToR BIG COLFAXC0UNTY FAIR Men In ( liarle ot Annual I vi nl He. clare II W ill lie Hiuui-M 'I liluu of ern ra n ma ii nei'eil. have inoiinls and can uros much below bled horses It lias been necessary for Hie kov erninenl to employ professional horse , breakers to niannei new consiiiti-' , incuts before the mounts are assigned' I lo leiMllar service, 'lle hl'eakiim of those horses under the ioiikIi ranch inelhods nflei, sours their ills., Illons and lnakes riielil iinreilable ami illffi- : Clllt lo IlliimiKO Ti, meet ulilluns ' that ale aniniallv hecomiui; more nK. Kiavated Hie government lias ileclibd to establish remount stations, w here Kiceii inoiinls can be broken lo sad-' die before liejm- assigned p, service. ! i Hd Kurt Uei'o has loa n e(uipped as one of the remount stations, ami It Is exoectcil that the management' will be able lo graduate more than! I. nun horses anniiallv tit for eavalryj moiinis. As soon as new slubles caul be built the inaiiiiering school will' open The first pupils will com prise j good ,'t-veai olds drafted fiom the res orvallóos. These arniy remount stations hit! no Innovation, as such eslahllshmeiil ' have been In operation with signal! success In Knglund ami P'rai and! should the new department accom-j plish as much as is expected all horses! tor cavalry mounts will lo- graduales of remount stations. Cavalry horses usually last an average of seven years, when they me eoiiilem nod and re placed by new mounts. i nere win no no broncho busters I employed to manner the new mounts, j Tiie old regime of breaking the young horse's heart and spirit will be sup planted by a system of kiniliu ss vv lilch Will develop Hie courage and docility of the young mounts The maiiner , lug w ill be under the direction of ex j pert civilians. When nr, Incorrigible i Is discovered the animal will be ln spectefl and condemned. A rebellious, .stubborn horse throws Hie whole icgi ' menl Into confusion when practicing i army evolutions The cavalryman will 'be assigned a mount w , II ma iinered to saddle, but out to the cavalry drill The province oí III' soldier Is to in. struct his mount in Held work. It Is , Hie provine,, of the civilian trainer to .school bis charge 'o good manners under the saddle and Hie n,hliir Is exported to train his mount in the ml ' of vv a r e Known lllliclnl o the American taiiithiT Conipuuy Simiii in l,enr Alhliiuel'(lic Siiccccilcil hy I-;, I,. I .Wills. C. C. Ciiwles, lor some years siiper iiilemleni of operations lor the Ameri can Lumber company In this city and who has been connected Willi the coin pany almost since the establishment ot Hie plant In Albuiiier,iie, yester day severed his coiiucctlou with the company and will leave A lbii,iiei , uc in the mar future. Mr. 10. L. I'A ans. vv bo has been con ucct'-d with tin- company In I lie past! in Nations capacities, has been ap pointed to till tin vacancy ami will lake cliaige ol the otiicc at mu c. Mr Cowlcs has lor sonic tune past been preparing to leav e A Ibmi llel 'iuc and his resignation which was pre sented some time ago was not ncccpl- i'd h the ma nagi'iilcnl until yester day. Ho has made a gnat many friends In this citv ami has been one I of the most active and suceessliil of-j lifers of the big corpora t ion. The j in ics of his coming departure will be received with very geneial regret. I HAYTI WOULD ABOLISH DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY Mccii Turns Ihivvu Proposition In Hclu-r Liiglllirs syluin In Legations. CHAPIN MAKES NOISE I IKE A CANDIDATE Clolilhllliui Sliiuilnril I loll re r ('uri'lcv Wiir Into Mr. Ilryan s llallvvlck. t I .lili -i il II , Neb.. Aug. Ii. Kllgeiie ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . pi "lill'il ion camlldiilo for I president. In an address at the Kp vvoitii assembly tonight said he had 'little sympathy with the county im I Hon or iiny other movement looking ltd I In- sn,ipi'e.ssoii of the Honor Ha tic that fell shor' of nation whin pro hibition. He connects the Inpior trat lic with -lave holding and lollerle i an ( predicted (let within Ihn prcHont gelll'l at ion Hie eovei iioieut vmii,,,, n,.- I'"V 11 Mr. ii.i.ii will remain In Lunula Mveral days and Is expected lo inrke ii call upon W. .1. Hiyau. Kind Lot i'lin. Held In Northern Now , lloi to Avolil Most vh thus of those w ho are II lllilM.ll1'. , l'oey's initio Laxative iui constipation by . i in u la 1 1 1 1 g and bowels and ic.-loies i acHoll Of tile I'OWels. f.,. Laxative ,o'.s not I , a u-.e ,i 1 1 I Is mil, I and pleasant lo ppemiicps, í 1 1 1 p e 1 1 1 1 i c 1 1 1 s are , 1 1 1 1 1 . , . f , -, I s i hroitle the liver riHtuial y's (irluo or nrlie take. lie Tile people o these davs with 'ions fur I'llSV Ho ii , Ills," ll'li. sil bs! It lites d'l hy J. II. illy. Mexico City, Aug -The Interest ing fact lias Just been made public that Ihe Hayllen government has been endeavoring to pel siiade Hie Mexican government tn join II In establishing Hie rule that no asylum should be recognized when political offelllleiH sought pi oiei lion lu foreign legations of consulates. It Is declared that on May Jl last the llaylieii government uiade such a ruling and wanted Mexico to add Its wolKh! precedent migbl lie es tablished. The stale department here refused to consider the proffei. CONSllfsTciHiSED'or- HELPING INSURGEN IS BATÍ LING ROBINSON CHAMPION OF NAVY l ive l.'onml lli-iil i n Mare -laml Set lies I'liglllsllc Supremacy of I'lirl. 'III.. Aug. Ii,- Hatlllng f Ho- cruiser California, i the heavyweight chain tiie navy hy knockibg out Valb',1... Kobilison. lonight wo ploliship of Arthur Holmes of the cruiser Mary land In the tilth round. The light wm a hard one and both men vvei e hud ly punir In d. Iloblnson pul Holmes out with a right swing lo the avv. Iloblnson was lavmcd In Ihe belling at odds of II to I.", The light vviia vvlliiessi'd hy 2,, Kill men and iitilceri on hoard the Maryland but there were no civilians proseni FRIGHTFUL BRUTALITY IS PERMITTED IN PRESCOTT ( Hi e Whe, i a o ' i ami V I gll . IUl e -colt Joiirna I- M incr. I e ihe authorities of Piei iv ipal county going to tak er the brutality vv It I ' I al foreign Itcpresiiilallvcs lllumeil foe Intcrlei lilg In ll"mlnraii I prising. Alanauu.l. Nicaragua. Aug i Ihe Nlcaragllall goveinmi'lll has placed funds In Mexico so as to enabb X I, .i - laguán students t,, leave i iuutemala ' Where It Is said they have been pol-j SOI Uteil. The people of ll'li 111 ll.l aiel tra llii I hy Hie I ITorts that have been I made by tlm rniled States In obtain j the fie, doln of Hi, students. 'H ill- ' duran i vdut ion isl s w h have l., kin reluge here declare thai Ho- i sular olliclals at ('.Iba .a i I ic i pa t "d Willi' Salvad ans and final, nia la us In the I recent i ev olution In Homlm as. ni", I n oi, dank cellars b oi , s In I lie leitl- liCWIi'l, llm-I iu a barr oj oi ink o i o ra nsplicf oí I-re. Iui f a poo, I or box Ii a dee rrc. Ii all . loalhsoni. ! the v.. s, ell Hid Hi' II lel'kl ' . dimly liglit' teeth of a hele, was w mu ssed III dark mol icott business lights to the hiulger. onh vvlthoiil food nt supply of I out into Hi" il cellar Into hound Such last evening, is as 1 1 lug I; -I. peeping 1 In av, u. ,lteu (he d'e. I men mu hav w oi.hl I, a ens. ol a e sha,i .M"l till 1' 111 III 1 1 was I la lighter III Joe I HI - made Hi taken u Mian H, o i CCE IB Ic Tlo I; I Tllackel e In bis i lone llftl ol Hi org. I night were fall pretty stars were blue canopy of scene, that w h Ii II ml Jeers of a h tin -hoi's t ollar, w hied a lgels vv , ( p. I t le than a IMok- sl Veil KdK.ll' ibid lllght I to that scene. Ituftner. the nil- in o TO BELE , NEW MEXICO The Future Railroad Metropolis of New Mexico. Located on the Bclen Cut-Off of the A. T. & S. F. Railway hiii.x is tiiiim v-hm; mu i:s sm hi nr .i.iiM.M i.i;i,ii i;, m w miaihi.ii i iii: main iivctir iiik sama i i: sysii.m i.kaihm; i.xi' ami wir iwt tmcAwi, kans rnv ami (ia iston i l S l ltls0 AMI OI.I MIAIIII lor n M r-m. ...... . - nr. a r-a a r-i- nniim nú tiii-v Tor nr-i f ft i To iii ll e i T T 1 trr nupinrre Mr nremnipr I nTC OCV1lr lT Hmn AWfMlirt? AMM fTDf TTP I fit bLLLN lUWIVblltAfAJU ImrhUVumLNI LUIVirAIMI UWr.5 iritütLtlM lUVVi.Ollt l,UUU DUollMtoo Mu ntolur-ivLfU LUioiJAiiuri. iiiul hylhuuo hiku oiiillio h len. Mexico, lies in Ilie xallej of the lihi (.laiulc II lias rim- lici ". and n la .iulilul,i-, Sclimil lloiisi-s, linn lies, it on n Inl (luh. Men anille Mor-1 if nil i bissc, I'uient Holler Mills, a Wluei j, Dm -ii vv llon i hi ii ii, Mild nil inoili in 'iiipiovciiiciils; resiuul mils. Iliick M uní, loo l umber 'arils, ric, i-lc, i-m. BELEN IS THE LARGEST SHIPPING POINT FOR WOOL, FLOUR. WHEAT, WINE, BEANS AND HAY IN CENTRAL NEW MEXICO ALL FAST LIMITED, EXPRESS, MAIL AND FREIGHT TRAINS OF THE SANTA FE ROUTE WILL GO OVER THE MAIN LINE THROUGH BELEN, EAST AND WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. Tin. SiiiKi, IV Hallway t'onipanT lm lion-' I In- hir-;cM terminal yards on lis from CMraiM lo California vlihli 111 an rl'2'-t Hnrrcy IjiiItis !!"n-f. a siiiiiiuIou il-Mt. mull and rpre (ifllcc; roumlliouse for liglilccii slalls: irai ks loans,,,,, .,le . US cars. Jlie o iltrr'il fir -ktlr uli"iii the ili sl groumU ami lartejr latine lliluir; .trii-U itraihsl. sidewalks laid out; shade tri-i-ts, !. thi: nun s of lots aki: i.ow ; i i isms i:sv. om:-tiiii!i cami: hai.a i: on xori-; am mim;i.i: i ikim onk to i wo yf.aiis at h ri it t V. r imi ukt; titi.k i-i i:i i it. w ai:icntv hi i us t.ivi;v deri.ikcr. st. Hiding with bull ihsiu 'hi iti hi i: I'rfsiili 1,1. WRITE FOR MAPS AND PRICES, OR OTHER INFORMATIONS THE BELEN TOWN AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY WM. M III IM. I IE, sssrnary. In los hind, pulling back with all Itla mighty sli. nglh to k. ep ihe haylii,; bloodhound Horn tearing the box t'l I IS lll IMS lll.ol llr.S, re to ge M , I'liutiug l..,,l.;. , within the frail bul almost all tight walls Think of an immigrant ilu atrbal mall, one Malvo who has I ti mystifying thousands nt l'i" KIIC Hieaier tlilsi week, standing l-v LulTner s side with another end nf a , lialn In his b ind, waiting for th" s'kii.iI I,, spring th-. door and J- i k th" poor badgered badger Into the dim I'thl and til- teeth of the Simon I .a-r:i'i- he-t awaiting blin. Think of et.sillO.- e.ille.l " VI j s s , , , , ' f,,r sllOlt. -iiHi'liiig Just behind Huso two, with pi to cm kill and ready to give the signal i, i spring the imp, ami yet Im-k-ginn foi Just a moment' more lime in whl' h to egg on some heltor In the ero d to take Just twenty d'dlais more ,-t his iii'iin thai the bailg' r would whip the dog in . n minutes. W nuig I .ml pi. An nn K'Hi speeiilisl has discover'! Ihil nervous prostration can h i nre-t hy cteat muscular activity Appar ently In- his yet to ham thai th viv He. in In of mil I nil! I, livitv i l. i .no- Ii ii I4i i ii Im-íuií, . loryoiis pi, i iri t em - -'1 u, sou St a r. t I i !