Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY. AUGUST 13, 1908. MICE AND E Wull street. New York. Aug. J 2. Tlio backers of the active opei ations In tho stock market were ton much occupied to duy with their various devices of lead ership und manipulation to pay much attention to the news of the day. The news Indeed offered no radical change in conditions. Information has been procurable for several days past ac- : curatiiy outlining the substance of Mr. Bryan's acceptance of the demo- i cratlc nomination and Its publication about 2 o'clock supplied no material! for surprise. Two items of the day's1 news huppened to conjoin to effect1 unfavorably tw o groups of security j which have been most conspicuous In the speculation in the last few days; and this served to emphuzlse the drop! of the first hour in values. There was a reaction in the price of copper nt the New York metal exchange after i successive advances of a fraction at a' time, for many days past. Copper warrants in London also were lower.! This iilieil.o the feverislincss ol .shares of companies connected with the industry which have been in a high nervous stale anyhow ever since the sensational stage developed in the Huston speculative campaign In which they are Included. The decline In the price of silver to a level lower than has been touched in five years past is an incidental influence on the group of mining and metal stocks as a whole. American Smelting, Amalgamated (.'upper and National Liad were vio lently affected by the early break in prices today. Some of the most conspicuous buy ing today from the same brokers that sold most largely yesterday. The re action wuh regarded as affording a test of the market and when the upward movement was resumed speculative opinion was reassured. The dimen sions of the market were smaller than of late. Til is was partly due to a large diversion of speculative interest to the cotton market, (.'losing stocks: Amalgamated Copper American Cotton Oil Amer. Hide and Leather, pfd Amer. Smelting and ltciiuing do pfd . 80 "i, . 35 . 2 1 'i .138 "i . 136 '4 . 93 'i . 2C--H. . 4 S , . 88 . 94 . 92 . 94 . 82 W87 . 55 . 97 ii American American A nnconda Alcliison . ilo pfd Atlantic ( Kaltimore ilo pfd Itronk lyn Canadian Tobucco, pfd Woolen Mining Cn 'oast anil Line ( Ihlo Rapid Transit Pacific Central of New Chesapeake and Fersey . Ohio . , I95W 200 43 1C2 U(i 5 8 3 3 fi2Vz 5 3 i .j 172 Chicago Croat Western .. Chicago Mil. and St. Paul ('. C. and St. Louis Colorado Fuel and Iron , . Colorado ami Southern . . do 1st prd ' do 2nd pfil Delaware' and Hudson ... Denver and Rio (runde . do pfd Distillers' Securities File fifi 'i 37 23 do 1st fl .19 '.i do 2nd pfd 29 (leneral Klectric 14ii' (ireat Northern, pfd ('.rent Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Central Intel borough-Met do pfd Iowa Central Kansas City Southern . . do j.fd Louisville and Nashville . I39M, . 69 '4 .139 . 12 . 35 . 17 '4 . G7' . 11 Minneapolis and St. I-ouis . .ÍKíiSO Minn St. P. nnd Sault Ste. M. ..119V4 Missouri Pacific 58 Missouri. Kansas and Texas ... 32 do pM í 5 II 4K4f0 Albuquerque Lumber Go WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER. Glass, Cement, Wall Paper and Rex Flintkote Roofing. wmsmmmsm North First Street. the rnrvifrnn kt NIL ftUIYlLltu rtiy PICTORIAL ADVERTISING SIGNS THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE SIGN SHOP IN THE CITY 0EPICE AND STUDIO 405 IV. Central PHONE 461 I New York Central 109 4 i New York, Ontario and West. . 43 Norfolk and Western 74 'i 'Northern Pacific 145 I Pennsylvania 12 ; Pittsburg. ( C. and St. Louis .. 75 Pullman Palace Car 1C I Railway Steel Spring 44 i Heading ,28 , Republic Steel do pfd 24 SO 'v I Rock Island Co IK'i i do pfil 3i St. Louis and San Fran. 2nd pfd 2XVj SI. Louis Southwestern 17- do pfd 40 Sloss Sheffield steel and Iron .. 114 I Southern Pacific 97 ! I do pfd US i Southern Railway Copper . 20 . 50 . 39 . 241 . 26 i . 58 . ir,x . S3 Vi . 34 i do pfd Tennessee Texas and Toledo. SI Pacific Louis and West. do pfd Union Pacific do pfd T'nited States Rubber'.... do 1st pfd United Slates Steel do pfd Utah Copper Virginia Carolina Chemical do pfd Wabash do pfd West inghouso Klectric Western I'nion Wheeling and Lake Erie . Wisconsin Central .101 . 4 7i .11'; . 4 4V; , 2M . 107 . 13 . 27 . 73 'i , 57 )4 . 22 74.200 Total sales for the day, shares. Komis par value 3's registe on call. ere Irregular. Tota, sales .!.4:4.IMIU. I nlti'il States led advanced per cent ! SI. Louis Wool. I Si. Louis. Aug. 1 2 - Wool yulet: ! medium grades, combing and clothing I lllii 20c; light fine 16i1'4c: heavy ; fine lli 12c; tub washed 20i27c. Till" Metals. York, Aug. 12. There was h of 1 In the London copper wlltl sped closing nt Í0O, 5s New dec I ine market and fulares at 61. Locally the mar ket was easy in conseciuence with Inki limited at $13.7511 13.87 'i ; cleclrovllU $13.62 i 1i 13.75 and casting 11.1.37 H it $1.1.50. Lend was 5s lower at f 1 1 Ills in London. Locally the market vas unlet ami unchanged at $(.571jíi 4.87,,. Spelter was higher al 1 ft. 15s in London. Locally the market was Millet and unchanged at $4.7(Mi 4.75. Chica o Hoard of Trade. Chicago Aug. 12. The union. ling of a long line of wheat today sent Sep tember wheat down 2jC, while other markets declined sympathetically. September corn declined c, oats c and provisions l5íf17V to 2ft 32 Ho. September wheat opened (if"tv lower to a shade higher at 94 '4 c to 94 c, sold bet wen 04V..C and 92c and closed weak tit 9 2 fiv Vt c. September corn opened 'i. e lower nt 77 c. sold between 78 and TTMiC and clos.-d at the latter figure. September oats opened S c lower jit 48 He ranged between 48 and 48!c and closed at 47 c. (.leneral liquidation weakened pro visions, holders being discouraged at the continued liberal receipts. Sep tember pork closed 3 0 ii 32 1-6 1" down at $15.20; September lard lííííTíc lower at $9.30 9.32 "3. and ribs 2c lower at $S.671. ROSTOV STOCKS AMI IMtMtS. Closing Prices. Money Call Loans 2fi Time Loans ,3 'if lion. I- At.-hison Adjustable 4s Atchison 4s Rallii nulo Atchison do J.fd Mexican Central N. Y.. N. II. and H I'nion Pacillc 3 414 89 9714 89 94 k 1 6 7Í, 143 158 Miscellaneous Amer. Aige. Chemical 25 Amer. Sugar 13814 do j f.l 1 27 Albuquerque, New Mexlct ; CITM milDAMV 1 Jiun Ltwirani "EVERY SIGN A SALESMAN" The Way It's Done Oar lumbar M uaonfactarwd M amr own milla, from lb alca of tba ka body or timbar la Iba m uthwaat, ac cording to tha roport of tba Bar ment'a axparta. A larr atok of drr pruca dlmanafoo on haad Why oot buy Iba baat wbaa M I tfcaap aa tba bar klaila Rio Grande Lumber Co eimta Omm' 14 aod Marqtl. Amer. Woolen 26 do j.fd 91 IT. S. Steel AT hi do pfd 109 Milling Adventure 9V4 Allouez 38 Amalgamated 80; Atlantic .. 14 't i Hingham 50 Calumet ami Hechi Hid 6K0 Centennial 32s Copper Range 79 V4 Daly West 104 Franklin 13 0 ran by 104 Isle Royale 22H M ass. Mining 7 ' Michigan 13 Mohawk I74 Montana Coal anil t'oke 23 1 Hd Dominion 4014 ( .xceola 113 Parrot 27 lyjiliicy Shannon . 96 . 15' . 74 . 20 . 12 . 445i . 27 . 48H . 5i 7 .143 . S3' . 2H . 15' . 124' . 23 U .11 : Tamarack : ; Trinity ! United Copper il'iiiled Stales Mining I'niled States Oil Utah Victoria t Winona I Wolverine. North liutle Í Hutte Coalition Nevada I Calumet and Arizona i Arizona Commercial Oreeiie C'atianea . . . . ; QFFIC E RS COMPLETE NINETY MILE RIDE I San Francisco, Aug. 12. The first I contingent of seven army officers j from the presidio under Colorado I John A. Lundeen, w hich left the pres. lidio Monday morning, returned to i day having successfully completed I President Roosevelt's ninety mile l id ling test. The officers reported at the I general hospital and after an exuml 1 nation they were declared to be In i excellent condition. The second party of seven officers under Colonel Sims started on the j ride Ibis morning. The ride will be lover the same route taken by the j first party. GOOD RAINS DURING FIRST WEEK IN AUGUST Wenllier Korean 15ciorts I'arllv Cloudy Weather Willi (ieiiernlly Light Showers and Modérale Tem pera I ore Throughout 'IVrrltoi'y. The summary of the weather port for the week ending August issued from the section director's flee In Santa FV tinder dtc of re 10. of- 11, is as follows: Partly cloudy wentlicf with general ly light showers and modérale tem perature prevailed throughout the week. In the northwestern part of the ter ritory the rains were more freiuent than anywhere else; they will prove of considerable benefit for. compara tively, the northwest had very Utile rain during July. I'xcept In sections of ICddy county, where a fairly heavy rain fell during the llrst of the week, the remainder of the territory had relatively light precipitation but prac tically every locality I ' ' one or more showers. The warmest weather was during the middle of the week, hut no tem peratures that were especially high were recorded. The nights were mod erately cool and the minimum tem peratures were very uniform. The mean temperature for the week was below normal in every section of the territory. Texas Republicans In Session. Dallas. Texas, Aug 12. The stato convention met again today nnd ad journed to await the report of the platform committee. A new candi date for governor appeared today in the person of J. H. Simpson of D.illus. What Is Rest for Indigestión? Mr. A. Koblnson of Drumquln, On tario has been troubled for years wllh Indigestion, and recommends Chamberlain's Stomach nnd Liver Tablets as Ihe "best medicine I ever used." If troubled with indigestion or constipation give them a trial. They are certain to prove beneficial. They are easy to take mid pleasant In ef fect. Price, 25 cents. Samples, free at all druggists. Toledo, Ohio, ami Return $60.96 .account (I A. ft National Hncamp- iment. Tickets on sale August 27, 28, 29 arid 30. Relurn limit Sept 17th. Limit may be extended to Oct. 15th. Santa le and Return $4.15, ac count the Republican Territorial Con vention. Tickets on sale August IS. 17 and 18, return limit Aug. 21st. Moiintainalr, . M. and Relurn $3.50, acount Chautauqua Assembly. Tickets on sale Aug. 13 to 15, return limit Aug. 26th. I a C arne, Ohio. and Return $63 25. account annual tournament National Riflemen Asocintlon. Tickets on sale Aug. 5 to 31. return limit Sept. 3rd. Santa IV anil ICetiim tl 4.1. ac count annual meeting New Mexico Hir Association. Tickets on sale Aug. 29. .10 and SI. Return limit Sept. tih. j I Call office. f.r full Information at ticket EXCURSIONS T. E. Purely, Agent COLLEGE MEN IN FORESrSERVICE Thirty-Nine Young Graduates Receive Appointments in Various Blanches of Work, (Forest Service Hull.tin ) Thllty-nlne young graduales of nine Aiiicrlcuu forest schools llave lately re ceived appointments as forest assist ants in the forest service and huve been assigned to positions for the pres ent lield season. The new appointees are drawn irom uic various lores! schools as follows; Yale. IS; Haiti- more, f; i niversuy ol .Mtnuesola. 4: I'nlverslty of .Michigan, 4. .Michigan Agricultural coll. -se, ;); Harvard, 2; Cornell, 1; I'niverslty of Iowa, I. ami I'niverslly of Nebraska, 1. They have secured their a ppoint in.-nts as a result of passing the regular civil service examination, which Is the only avenue to employment as a forester under the government. In addition to these graduates of forest schools, fifteen oili er candidate- passed the examination Twenty-two of lile new appointees are already at work on various nation al forests, taking part 111 their ailmin istratloii, and sev. in. -en have been as signed to different projects connected with the technical study of silvicul ture. Forest assistants are men who have completed their prcllmlnao training for the profession of forestry, as the graduates of a law or medical school have compl. ted theirs, and are ready to enter on praclical work. Til til they have gaiu.d experience In their work, however, their positions are necessarily subordinate. Tin y are ut the foot of the ladder, ami must prove their Illness in order to mounl higher. The government pays llnin $1,000 it year nl the start. On the national forests the forest assistant often acls as adviser to the supervisors ill charge, who are west ern men experienced in all practical matters, but usually witlioui school training in the science of forestry . or they may be assinned to the study ol some particular problem which needs to be Investigate.! in the Interest of good forest management. As forestry means knowing bow to get the most out of any given piece of forest land, it calls for studies and experiments, both scientific and practical, much like those which have to be made In the Interest of good farm management, and the forest assistant Is prepared to do valuable .unl. nionk lio.-i io.e. There Is a growing interest in the profession of forestry now, and many young men ore asking how to get Into II and whnt It promises. Clifford Pln chot. the government forester, has lately written on th's subject: "To be a good forester n man slioul. combine something of the naturalist wllh n good deal of the business man. To know how to use the forest he must hi' able to study II. He must have, therefore, the power of obser vation, n fondness for nature, and the ability to penetrate her secrets. Rut If he is to succeed he must nlso have good prnctieat Judgment anil the abil ity to meet and handle men He must be resourceful, nlile to stand by him self, willing to undergo the priva tions of rough life, and capable of j commanding the respect of rough men, who . iiiickly recognize virility and genuineness of character, bul will not tolerate pretense or the assump tion of superiority. He must he of the kind that likes to get tilings done, and does not Klve up when things arc not going bis way. He will have to fuce difficulties nnd work out prob lems far from outside help, relying solely upon himself. He ought lo be hard to whip. "The professional forester cannot hope for big fees and certain pleasant surroundings of life which crown dis tinguished success in some other pro fessions. The first prizes which nre bestowed upon the great lawyer, the eminent physician, nia- not yet open to him. He must be content without much luxury; he will have to spend a good deal of time out of reach of the ordinary comforts, lie must be able and willing lo rough it without com plaint to sleep on bard beds, cat homely fare, endure prolonged exer tion nnd Ret along with plain people. On tile other hand, If he is at all fitted for his profession and a few weeks of actual forest work or good sum mer school work will tell him whether he Is or not there Is open to him n very rich reward life in Hie open, in the midst of beautiful, healthful an. congenial sin roiiiidliigs, creative work of unmatched usefulness in any ma terial Held, a pla e of large responsi bility and dignity, and with il all ; fair living. "If the forester's temperament I? scientific he will have the Joy of Ho discoverer and organier of knowledge in a rich and almost virgin held, while if it be practical he will have the chance of sharing in a national work of prime importance to our people The Value of a Mini. The value of a man Ik the subject of a series of lectures that liev. J. M. Sollle will .b-llver nt the Crystal thea ter, 120 West Uuli! avenue, beginning Sunday, AiiKiisI 18. lit II a ni- Tlue leetures on the value of a III. Ill are the result f eighteen years and will be delivered wilhout charges except a hut collection to pay the janilor. The i ontlnualioii of ihese lectin's after Sunday morning. w ill depend upon how mu, h the peo- appreciate them. All who will muy come. EAGLES NOMINATE THEIR CANDIDATES Seattle. Wash., AuiJ. 1 2. Nomina tions of iifli-i rn for the eu.sulng y.,;u and the s.i-'I.on of Ihe place of the meetinB for HUH were the principal subjects of businesa before the grand aeria, Fraternal Order of Kuglvs to day. A Close contest has developed for the next meeting with Om.ilui, St. I'aul and S.niogu Hprings, N. V , striv ing for the bou-.r. The onlv lii:ht in the election of of ficers, which takes pint- h'ri.l.iv, lies In tho sebttion of a grand treasurer. Household Necessities APPLE PARERS APPLE CORERS FRUIT JARS FRUIT JAR CAPS FRUIT PRESSES RUBBER RINGS Brass and Enameled PRESERVING KETTLES in all sizes RAABE & Harvest is at Hand WRITE US ABOUT MACHINERY. wrc AltF, Til 10 FA KM AMI VAiO 1' M XCHINK.ISY KOPI.IU. J. KORBER SANTA Ft TIME TABLE. (KlfMlIt From III Kant Arrio. Impart No, l.Houllmrti Tal. Riproil.. I II p 1 J N.i. I, t'allfornl l.lmllKil 11:10 p HI l No. 7, Norlk ral. Kaal Mall..lll blp II 111 Nu. I, El P. Ma. 1.11 Blip. .11:41 P II Hl Vriim 4h Went Na. I, rllh'ag.i f'aat Mall I 111 : a Nu. 4, ('hli'ao I.lcullcl a 60 p I "I) Nu. I, Chi. a. Kan. Illy Hip.. It p 'i:li Peoa Vallar Traía Nu. 11, Amarilla. Hoiwall an I'arlabad t III No. 11. Fran i'url.bad.H.uwall and Amarlllu It'll p From Ilia 8oulh- Nu. 10. Chi., lian, a K. C. W. .1 a till Nu. lo cintrada at l,amy villi branch train for flu. I a Ka and topa at all local puima la N. Hallco. T. K. H U HUT. A.nt. Jesolveil tliut all order for fuipiillen of any und all und for till purpimca to niudo out a on th regulnr requisition liliuik of the Irrigation Congress pro- a vlileil for tliut piirpoHi-, und eul.l a reiiulslllon tniiHt le HlK'ied liy a chiilrnmn of tho (lU.lllliiK eom- a niittee, or In lila ulmenee. by tin a aetliiK cluilnnini; tliut ull llll- Incurred nuift he proiery vouch a ered before payment and audited a nt any meeting of the hu.IIiIiik a 'committee, by tho clmlrmiin of a hi. Id committee, or In IiIh ub.icnce by the uctinji ctinlriiuin VV. H IIOPFWISIJ hulrmnn. K. 13. TWITCIIKLU Secretary. n. KriTZ, j Clinlrmnn A ml It. Com. . V. A. MAI'lMIKItSON, ! iiKonan a knot. : l uniiid worthy con.lui lor, n urn n.l In Hl.le Kiiiir.l nnd trustee. There will be no Hesnlon tomorrow, ill tile nil. moon the nnin.1 I.eVie llele giite anil othei'H will o lo '1'. ironía to dedicate: the new ledne hall then). The probable new ollieers ure: Urn nil Worthy President Hornuril J. MonoKiian, riill'i.lelplil.i. Cilllll.l Worthy Vice I'l esl.letit F K. IlerrliiK. South Hend, Ind. liran.l 'I'lensurer Klnlny M llelenn, Mont. Gnin.l Seeretnrj Conrad 11. Milwaukee, Wis Qrand Chaplain John A. Crap, .Mann, Kline Cleveland, o. liran.l Ti usleen Theodore A Napa, Cal.; .Martin .1. Oriiy, Hell. New Haven; W. '. MrKlnney, Saginaw. Mich., ami Harry I , S.-ullle. MRS. GOULD ASKS W ALIMONY WITH DIVORCE New York, Aug 12 On the appli cation of counsel, Mrs Helen (loubl today procured In the supreme court an or. let' directing her husband, h'rank J Could, lo lile within twenty fonr hours ills answer to her suit for dlvor The i day. all itnpl.ilnl. wlil.ii was (lie. I to-j ges misconduct on the parti of .Mr. Ho ill. I. July 2,r. 111115, while be was al North Sv.luey, It. "., cruising on the yacht ILinilla. Mrs. (I.uild bus not ask for alimony In her peti tion, but requests the cost. ).ly of Hie three cbll.lien, Helen, Margaret nnd Iiorotby, A and 5 and 4 years ol.'. As soon us the order calling for an inswer in Hie divorce case rea. heil tlie ifl Ices or Mr (build's a 1 1 or in s t lie II II -liver to bis wile's complain! was sent o the e. unity clerk s office and filed. It containe.l a general denial of .Mrs. Cool. is allegations. 'I lie following statement was lurnishe.l at the ot'li.-e ( .Mis. ;. ml. I s ill.uiiey: "It is not co.stoma r to file bailings in alailiott unlit the the time lint I i.c,, I j tor making up the liiilgiio ui rule since Mi's. ,oll hi s altolncts dc ur answer tiled we b.i.l not lightest objection to lining -o hae hied up tiiis llflel'llooU. V. see fur- thing in the incident requiring lioT comment. The IjiIci M.ttt In Ihe World. mid not be cut. nl. l lo be kept lu the bouse and doing nothing by rheu matism. Neither aiv you. who are always busy and a. live Then i..n't neglect Ihe first twinge of an a. he or pain that you might think Is Just a vrl' k." F!ul well wi'h Itiillaid s Snow l.iniiiK nt and no miller what lie lio.lble II Will ,IS I,. p,:i II Olee SolJ by J. II O'liiellj Co. ftnvwalMtr la. MAUGER ufF M0 , & CO. PIPE-CLEANING. f'fn and repairing Ih one of our aiieclaltlea. MukliiK fibow.i and JoiutH Ih another. We art. expert Dumber In all bratiche and are noted fur doing good work thoroughly. In a reaaonabla time, for u reaHonabla price. We une only the l.esl niaterlalH and rniploy only the most reliable help. We lioiild he pleiwed If you will favor ua with you. next plumbing- j.ib. You won't regret It. Standard Plumbing and Mealing Company If you have not tried Our Delicious Ice Cream you should order a sample at once. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. The Matthew Dairy BIO North 3rd Strict. O nice riioiiu 4)1. 1 arm I'lione 1IIW7. Plumbing SCIENTIFIC SANITARY Connecting Ranges, Steam Heating, Gas, Water and Sewage Plumbing. All Work Guaranteed P. A. SMITH, 909 N. 1st. Phone 657 Thos. F.Kclchcr i.i:ATin:it AMI I IMUXJS HAItMXK. S AIHU I H. I'AI.MS, RT 408 West Central Ave. FRANK A. STEPHENS Contractor and Builder all Wara Birlen, rint-tliaaa esMcara, 14 Raat la rbaa I WIMMIW Sr.AI.N ick and made to order, lowest HiXisfHctlon guuranlned. Ku Kurnltura Co. In ad prlcei trella VENICE OF AMERICA Finest Hcach Hesort In tha World Kathlng, rioatl.ig, KlHhlng, llanc- Ing dully, flee ioiie-rts, etc. Villar and Itung.ilows clean, cool anil complete, lli.ütl to IJi 00 per month. Apply Villa Office, Venice, C'ulifornla. Hi ginning today hcks will lie fur nlshej by OHkey'a hack Hue at all hours o the day and night I rompl and satisfactory service. Telephon 1D& or 1K tf ! Try a Moniina Journal Want! 'Journal Want Ads Get Results! Hard ware & Ranch Supplies I 15-1 17 North First Street i tv il L w l J 3 ' - jf i Hl J 212 N. Second St DAVIS & ZEARING at Waal (lula LRigl iauLB. umw aiaxiuai llavK the fliut tlilua; la the oven lina for Raa or aaaulluu atovo. Call ami lot ua ahov I hem lu you. Price $2.25 JS BEAD DOLLS IAI AKI5 i iti'.sii i itoM Tin: ov i:. You cannot Imagine nnytliliiK more templiiiKly .leli.ii, us than our bread, rolls and line cakex. The mere night Ih eiiougli to main1 the most dyspeptic forget bis Irouliles. Come and Juwt a glance 111 tempt you to try our baking. And Just one tunlo will de termine you lo cut none but our rolls, bread and cake hereafter. Pioneer Bakery 207 South I-'Ir-it SI. THE WM. FARR COMPANY Wholesale and Retail naaLKa in vhkmii ami halt MBATt aauaaga Buaclalty For Cattle and Hog tha BlgfMrt Maf iat Prtoea la Paid. GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY Wholesale Merchant! Wool, llld. and Pnlw H,MM-ially, M.IWOIWHIITJJ XaAB VKGAM CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR CO. arrmuMini Mallal Ka ta sail Marhavhl Uluaal WIIOI.KaAI.K DEALKua IN WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Wa handla avarTthlna la uur Una. Wrtla iiiuairaiad Caialnaua ao Prtaa Ltml, ta,ui lu daalara unly. T,l.i.h,.na 111 CORNER FIRST MT. AND COPPBB A Vat DRS. COPP & PETTIT DENTISTS. Room 12 N. T. Armijo Bldg. Phone 547. B. II. BRIGGS & CO DRUGGISTS lnr1Un lavni44i Thmrmmry, Vmr, mm Wlrmt MlsklMél Ifhmrmtkvy, Cor. Eét DatMl mmé TIIIKI STIU , MEAT MARKET All Kinds of Krrwli ami Salt Meato Meiim Saiisaga Factory. KMlIi kl.l INUOKT. Masonic Huildlng, North Third Street ARTHUR E. WALKER F1r lusuraacr.. Rnerdary Malawi Itnlldliig AsMsiatlon. I'liun H tllS Ht tVatral ATfnun. Nimr. auk Yor;oi(;TOiT,PAsoTo Vlsll' OK it KIIOI'? K. THE tilt A 1 4 I'.NTK Alj HOTH, IS TH K I'l.At i: TO S'IIU. I TIIK HKAKT III' t:KltYTIII.d. Itllit BUK M ITtOM t MON STATION. HVI IH Vt: 111 2.llll, I t KOI-I.AV Fl-AN. SI KI I T t AltS 1'Ass Til AMI I'KOM MKIlll'. . L M'tXIY, I'ICOl'lUa. ItlK. A full line of Loaded Shot Gun Shells at Mcintosh Hard- i ware Co.'s. i i i