Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1908. I FINANCE AND COMMERCE Willi Street, New York, Aub. IS. The opening of the stock market was uwalted' with considerable interest this mortiiníí ow ing to the severe decline of yesterday. Reports that speculative pools had 'liquidated heavily and that important market interests were selling colored to some extent liy the lack of support to special stocks. The market abroad, however, showed little reflection of the weaknes.1 yesterday ami after early heaviness rallied so that when busi ness commenced here the compara tiv chant's were alight. This circum stance had an encouraging effect on the local speculation so that first prices were not uttered much from last night's closing, though the tend ency was downward. After a few minutes the bulls began to buy r:m-j triously ami as they met no Important pressure of stocks grew bidder and soon had a large portion of the list ruling a substantial fraction above i yesterday's closing. American Smelt-i ing, National Lead, Southern I'acith'i nnd Itock IslnniT were In special de-1 mand, the reassuring statements re-j garding the latter road's financial ol- ligation having a tonic effect upon the list. The railroads, however. lermin- ated when the traders perceived thatl stocks were being frd out as fast as the market could take them. The pro-j fessionals then ranged themselves on the. short side and hammered' the list! energetically, especially the metal group. American Smelting broke rap Idly to rtO'i, a loss of nearly 3 points, the decline being accelerated by the execution of large stop loss orders Amalgamated Copper was also con spicuously weak and large sales drove United States Steed down to 44. The general railroad list meanwhile offer ...i . .. ..I' resistance at various point i..o TT,.i,m Pm-llle had n 11 Interval of' decided weakness when it sold down to 1B4'A. In the final dealings, there was a general covering movement of extensive proportions which reduced general losses to a trivial fraction and advanced St. I'aul to a. point above .V' sterd'av's closing. ( losing hiocks: Amalgamated Copper 70 On -Is 1 or. v. American Smelting & Ref'ng do preferred American Sugar Refining... Atchison 1 3 3 7s 0 7', 0 4', 1 00 In 200 4 I H 1..0 14 4 1 1 1 '? 26 fifiU 31 3S 11 '. 3 2','. 10s '?. 16 do preferred ...... Central of New Jersey ( 'lies:' pea lie and Hi io Chicaeo and North est. Chi. Mil. and St I'aul ('.. C. C. and St. Louis Denver and Rio Orando ... To preferred Distillers' Securities Uric do first preferred Int- ''Ii "'Ii Metropolitan do preferred Louisville and Nashville . . . Mexican Central Missouri Pacific Mivsoiirl, Kansas and Texas di. preferred New York Central N. Y., ontorla and Western Mit. c. C. and St. Louis . . it. L. and San Fran. 2nd pfd Southern Pacitic do preferred Texas nnd Intine . . 31 . . 63'(. . . 1 06 , . 4 1 . 74 . . 20 . . 0 4 7v , . 1 I 7 4 . . 24 rxxxxxxxxxxxooooc Lumber and Building Material Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Windows Doors, Paints, Oils, Brushes Cement and Building Paper J. B. Baldrldgc, 405 South first ooooooooooo Albuquerque Lumber Co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER. Glass, Cement, Wall Paper and Rex Flintkote Roofing. North First Street. THE ROMERO AD PICTORIAL CirMC ADVERTISING JIUIIJ THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE SIGN SHOP IN THE CITY 0EFICE AND STUDIO 405 W. Central PHONE 461 ni tTÍiib Phi. II- Union Pneltic 1 55 ilo preferred S5 The bond market was steadv. Sutes $810,000. United, Stales 3's roistered 'i jut eent on on II durinK the week. 1MISTOX STOCKS AMI IIOXIIS, Closing Prle. Money fall hums 1 Time loans 2 lioud. Atchison adjustable 4s .... Atchison 4s Mexican Central 4s 1 'a 4 ' an k liuilroiiils Atchison ST "4 do preferred s:!'i Union Pacific 13 4 l iseellaneous American Sugar 1 ' lio preferred 1 L! S American Woolen LTi! do preferred 0 United' States Steel 44 H do preferred Ids Mining Adventure Allouez Amalgamated ' H41 . 14 . fill .671 . :to '. io . 1 2 i . inn . 214 . 12 . 6 r. ' . so , .IS1-'. .107 . 2.-.M . 04 . 14 . 70 . 42 . 2 tl ' ' . 4 3 Atlantic Itumli.iiii Calumet and Hecla Centennial Copper Range Italy West Franklin ! ra n bv Isle Royale Massachusetts Mining . . . Michigan Mohawk Montana Coal and Coke . Old Dominion Osceola Parrot liuincy Shannon Tamarack Trinitv United States Mining .... United States oil Utah Victoria r. 'L- Winona ask 7 Wolverine 14 1 North Hutte T:ii Hutte Coalition 27 Nevada 14H Calumet and Arizona 12" Arizona Commercial . 20 'i (n ene Cananea 12 Cliiengo Hoard r 'Prade. Chicago. Aug. 11. Liberal sales by loading holders caused .a slump lit wheat prices on the local exchange to day, the September delivery closing at a net loss of one rent. Corn was off 1 ' fir 1 c. Oats were 1 (ill He lower. Provisions were 1(iiil2c higher. September wheat opened 'fíe low er to a shade higher at 93 to 94 'e touched 04 'S c and then declined to 03i df Tie. closing at 3rcr r. September corn opened VK i? ', e to v4 (c lower at 7 GR to 76 V4c. sold at 70"K(i77e and then declined to 71 w.c. closing at 7.1 c. September oats opened Va tii 'i e low er at 46 (if fil l', sold off to 4.1SiC and eloped at 46f"K r.i 4 6. Although trade in provisions was unlet the market was firm the entire dav. At the close September pork was up' 12'-'.c at $1.1.07 '4. Lard was .1c higher "at $9.30. Ribs were riíi7'r higher at $.X.701i S.72 Vs. SI. Louis Wool. St. Louis. Aug. 1:1. Wool Firm : medium grades, combing i n 1 1 clothine 1 9 lil 2 0c line 1 1 ' liiilil line 16 'a I 6 ',..e; heavy 12c; tub washed 20'ii27i'. New Orleans Collón. New Orleans, Aug. 11. Potton U.asy; middling 10c. Weekly Itank New York. A ug. 1 Sialemonl. i. The statement VJIIÜJÜíi!'?!'1;!'!!!!'! 'ia!!?'!!;!!"! Albuquerque, New Mcxlc SIGN COMPANY "EVERY SIGN A SALESMAN" The Way It's Done Our iumtar la Bianufaotar4 at r own ml II. from the W k of th bat body of llmbfir la th x-uthwMt, ic cnr.ltnf to th repirt of th jor DinC irperta. A tar atoek of 1i sprue dimension on haad. Wbr not bur the ht haa ! a)ttp aa tha br klnda Rio Granite Lumber Co a. ( !Virr tit fi1 Mar'4u('. ; of the clearing house banks for the week is as follows: Loans. Í1,2!H,UI3,Ü0; Increase $14. 392,000. Deposits, $ 1.3S.",92S.:!00; Increase, $17,411.800. Circulation, ? Tj ,"i . !t , C i ll ; decrease, $306, son. Legal tendéis, $ 7 9 . 4 tí 4 . S 0 n ; Increase, $11113. 1 HO. Specie, $324. 63."i, !HI0; Increase, $1. 044.200. Reserve, $404.100.700; Increase. $2. 747.300. Reserve required, $340. 4S2, 07.1 ; in crease. $4.3"2.!ii0. Surplus, $:7.lilx.i2."; d'eorease, $1,. SOü.SíiO. Kx-United States deposits, $:,!. 924.r2ri: decrease, $ 1. 60S. .10. Percentage of net mil reserve of the clearing house banks at the close ol business yesterday was 20.43. The statement of banks and trust companies of greater New York not members of the clearing house shows these Institutions have aggregate de posits of $!.02T,423.000, total cash on hand $ 1 on. x 61.200, and loans amoun: Ing to $!HS, 097,100. Tin MettiK New York, Aug. 1.1. No fresh fea ture was reported In the metal mar ket and prices were more or less nomi nal in the absence of cables. Copper was dull with lake limited at $13.62 "3 n 13.7 3: electrolytic $ I 3.10 'iT 1 3.62 t-j : casting at $13.21'?i 13.37 'i. LeaiT un changed at $4.17 .Ci 4.62 'J. Spelt. i easy at $4.67 l, ii 4.7 2 'a . ttlbere to Worship Coday CONtiltKt; ATION Al, ( IH IU II. I!e. W. .1. Marsh, Pastor. No preaching service. Sunday school at 9:4.1. l'lUST MKTMOniST EPISCOPAL. Itev. ,1. C. ltollinx. I. !.. I'aslor. Preaching 11 a. m. by Rev. .) H. Ileald. Sunday school 9.4.1 u. in. Kp worth league 7 p. m. i ikst iiiTisT cm p. ii. Itev. tloliu A. Sim". Pnsior. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m Subject. "Sons of Thunder." Rev. W. A. Nicholas will preach at N p. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Youngj people's meeting at I p. 111. All lire cordially invited to these services. CIIKISTI.W SCIKXCIO SI.KVICU.S. Sunday morning service at 11 a. m. Violin solo by Mr. llolman. Sunday school at 9:41. Wednesday evening meeting at S o'clock. Services are now conducted In public library building. All are welcome. Ift CIIIMSTIAX ( IM IICII. (South iironil wa v. ) Itev. W. K. llrson. Pastor. Sunday school at to o'clock. Com munion and sermon at II a. m. Sub led, "The Truthful Man." U.iiab 19:13-14. Christian linden vor at 6 : 1 .1. livi ninir service at S. Subject, "The Tongue." James 3:7-8. Pia: t- ing Wednesday evening, 4 .. to S ::!(!. FiiisT MirinoiMsi' i:pisc(ipi,. Rev. .1. V. liidllns. I. It.. I'astor. Sunday school meets at !t:4.'. Stran gers are made welcome. Kpworth league at 7 p. in. A wood meeting with good fellowship. Public worship at II o'clock, with sermon by Rev. V. A Nicholas. Theme: "i nil- Citizenship." At s o'clock in the Presbyterian church a union service in iliatue ol Rev. II. A. Cooper. The public Is cor diallv invited to all these services. rut st pri:shvti:i:j w ( in itcii. I Corner Filth St. and Silver Ave.) Ilutrli A. Coper, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and S p. m. At the luornimr hour the pastor's themo will bi "The Lost Christ." In the evening; there will he union serv ice with the riiiiiii'i-Kiil ion of the First Methodist chinch. Musical selections: Anthem (evening,) "No Nlcht Nor Sinli There" I.oud th-K.-iu Preludi "l'astoral" Ciiiilmant Oflei tory "Intermez.o" . . Muscugiil Sunday school meets at 11:4.'. Veinoí people's sucietN- of Christian Kudenvoi nieeis at 7 p. m. The public Is diallv Invited. w Tin: SAI A VlioV Alt MY. (2(l(! West Silver Avenue.) Captain and Mr. Solm, Ollieei's or ín liai'ire. Public meetings every nhiht In the week except Monday. The Sunday meetings are as follows: 11 A. M. Holiness meeting- 2 P. M. .Junior meetlim. All the children are Invited to attend. fi:30 P. M. VouiiK people's legion. 7:S0 P. M. Open air on the corner of Central avenue and Second street. 8 P. M. Salvation meetiiiK. Kverybody is invited to attend all these meetings. All children havltm admission tickets for the poor chil dren's ontinK are reiiiested to meet at the Salvation Armv hall on Aurust 21, at S a. in. All children wi.-hiiiK tickets can obtain them at Junior meetinii at 2 p. m . today. t- ST. .lOlIVS l l'ISCOI'AI. (IU'üCII (Corner Fourth St., and Silver Ave.) Itev. Ileli-lii-r ook. Ph. I Itii-lor. N'o services today except Sunday school at 10 a. m. Disagreeable at Home. I.ots of men nnd women who are Kroeable with otli'rs. Kit "cranky" at home. Its not disjioslt ion, Its the liver. If you find In yourself that you feel cross around the house, little things worry you, just buy a bottle of Mallard's llci bine and put your liver in shape. You and everybody around you will f'el better for It. Price CO ; cents per belli Sold by J. H. i O-Jtielly Co. Hesolved that all orders for Mipplles of any and all klnd and fir all purposes bu made out on the regular requisition blank of the Irrigation Cnnuresa pro vided for that purpose, and jnld requisition must be nl(tned by chnlrman of th aodltlnif com mittee, or In his absence by thi actinic chairman; that all bllN Incurred must be properly vouch ered before payment anj audited at any meeting of the auditing committee, by the chairman of sab) committee, ur In his absence by the acting chnlrman W. K IIOPF.W El,!,. halrman. Tt. K. TWITCH KM, Secretary. R SPIT7 Chairman Audit Com. I. A MAri'HKPSii.V, OKOROK A KNOT. ;W. L.Trimble 8c Co. I Iter jr. (Vnl and hair Slah. Hrl- Ian Turn. m 14 al reawniahln raii-a TrlclJioi.e S- N. NmiDil 81 I L GO TO r r 1 1 1 i . HA I ii ur. hoinns io iviaKe aim i ess on Second Day of Chautauqua Assembly Which Besan Yes terday at Mountain Town, Quite a number of Albiiuiieriiue people leave this morning on the Ros viell train for Mountalnair, up among the pilles Oil tile ÜeU'll i lit -off, tthel'f the tlrst annual New Mexico Cliautau Miia assembly beiian eMtenlay. To day is Sunday si-i 1 dj al the as- s-eiiihiy and Dr .1. c. Rollins, pastor! ol Hie First Methods eliurch here, will make the principal address this evening. Misses FI. ueiiee and Isabel Fov will represent the (Min.-rei;allonal chut slmi' h on "Sunday Schoul Day." nnd r representative" will Ir,i rruni the Mi'thodisl and I ' i t shyterla n churches and ot!n The prospects f nembly are nios: did program has l many good speaki anee from all pa i i'ids lair to lie lai u- the Chaulaiuiua lavorahle. A xpleii--en a iTa ngeil w it h ri. and the atlend Is of the territory; x (.(inn roit niit. Daiiiliiin tierni Thrlies in ll. as Well as in All ;ivii-c. A well known cliieaKo h.ilr spec ialist invited the Iniei- i leean reporter to come to his otfh e and sec, under a microscope, how the erin that causes dandruff thrives in vaseline. The specialist said that all hair prep arations conlainliu; i;ie:ise, simply furnish food for the eerms nn, ,,., to propagate them. nny Wflv lo cure dandruff Is m destroy the KerniH, and the oulv hair prep.i'ra I ion that will do that is Newhro's llerpl clde. "Destroy the e.nise, you re move the effect." Wit In, ul ilandnilT no fallliiK; hair, no baldness. Ask for ilorpiclilo. It Is lile unlv ileslniver of the ilandrufl' erin. Sold by lead iiiK druKtilsts. Send lile In stamps for sample lo The llet-plelde Co., Ie- trolt. Mich. Tivo size It. II. Ri-la,s and Co raie spei and $1.(H1. la) aitents. .4l-4441 CRANE MILLINERY and t DRESSMAKING CO. i Prolly. SlylWi Trimmed Hals at slid lower prices. Call nod see he0-i. I 1 1 i 1 1 clsiwheie. Itress. makliiu of till Muds ami ladles' laiiorioii, i ii'si cia-s won, u.-n-. ill II 1 1 ' 1 1 . MiRini-ry and IH'"' Par- f MISS CRANE lors. Corner Ccnlial and J I'll'th SI. Phone llll. J The Largest Stock of Bicycles in New Mexico Itepalr Work a Specially. Xeiiey for the IMIIAN Mount cvn.K. F. S. HOPPING 321 So. Second St. MANY MOUNTAINAIR TODAY Cleaning and Pressing is not an experiment willuis. For several years vjc mess. Darticular trade of the citv. again, and would like to demonstrate to our old frjends. and their friends. thatwe have lost none of our skill. Our jfl"!PJj,lcnt is h-cjjT-Jnan cvcr' and wc Promisc t0 Pcasc-- New Mexico Cleaning and Pressing Works 319 WEST GOLD. !v,'wrwjpww ÍAftihrTtwBi Household Necessities APPLE PARERS APPLE CORERS FRUIT JARS FRUIT JAR CAPS FRUIT PRESSES RUBBER RINGS Brass and Enameled PRESERVING KETTLES in all sizes RAABE & Harvest is at Hand WRITE US ABOUT MACHINERY. WIS Altf! Till-: 1WUM MCIIINK.HY AM) WAtioN ri:ori.i J. KORBER A Bargain for Tuesday Only Special ill Apron (.Incjillllis, .Ml plei-iH i Mia e.ooil quality Check Api-on .lni;liaols, mi sale Tues day. u; usl I Hlb. in tt :tll a. in. for i 4 l-2c Yard GOLDEN RULE DRY GOODS CO. -Nf'-'J-'-si--?---f4 L. B. PUTNEY KNTAHI.IHHKI 111 HtilM.I llrorwt, Klniir. V M rl fur,ll Vtb A) HI UI KM1II ... - MKW MIXII I eoals l-nlv's Columbia Wheel, Inn lit) new fiilMI, special in .... lialnli'ss anil w in-Ill $l.- Lady's Tribune lialnless Wlieel, neier used, worth 7.", special at $111 Also M1'ltlltlcs III Wheels (.colicoli ll'H It is nol even a new bus- held and pleased themost We are now in business PHONE 1143 Sp tmm mm rti'i niniiiiiininiiiiwtKM m MAUGER & CO. PIPE-CLEANING. JZW,i mid repairing Is one of our k p oi lul 1 1 Maklnt,' cthovtn and Joints Is another. V are exiiert Pliimbern In all tnnllelioB and nr noted for doltiK good work thoi-niii lily, In a reaaoualiln time, for a reasonalde prh-e. W'e use only thn best iiuiIciIhIh unci employ only the most reliable help. We should be pleased If you will favor us with you. next plumbing- Jab. Tuu won't ri-iiiet It. Standard Plumbing and Healing Company If you have not tried Our Delicious Ice Cream you should order a sample at once. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. The Matthew Dairy RIO North Sril Ktreot. Otllce Phono 4Mt. I arm Phono I0W7. Thos. F. Kclchcr MOATIIiai AND I IMUVdH iiaim:ss. sAPin.iH PAiMs, iirro 408 West Central Ave. VENICE OF AMERICA Finest P.euch Itesort In the World MathliiK, hoatl.-iK. FIshlriK, llunc- Iiik dally, free i nneerts, etc. Vlli.v and ItutiKilowii elenn, cool and complete, I17.1.U to $35.00 per month. Apply Villa Office, Venice, Culifornln. SWEET and SOUR PICKLES IN BULK JUST IN : i i 0 i t f . HM tl. iy.l,liliP 1 1 liifin limtoiftámamá f'mtwti Ka i 11 m i - u : ÍT.N.ünvillciIlfl 0 f aaa sl'lll I T I'AKS lA 9 Tiiii-iNftT .v m mm V. Central. PI null 2:ts Try a Morning Journal Want! Hardware & Ranch Supplies 115-117 North First Street 212 N. Second St DAVIS & ZEARING IM Wwl lulj ATMHM ALBlUKBl)a. WW MUM Have thi. fliuwt tlilnc la ttm 'oen line for gn or Kaaollnu nmii, Call ami let an allow theui lo you. Price $2.25 MIS LAV riiMf AHL 1'ltr.SII I'ltOM TIIK OVKN. You cannot Imagine anythlntc mor temptingly ih lli Ions than our biead, rolls and fine etikex, ' The mere Might is . noiiMh to miiUe the most dyspeptic fornel his troubles. Come and Just i i;l:ince III t ni I t you lo try our hnkluir. And Just one tasto will de termino you to eal none but our rolls, bread and cake hei cal ler. Pioneer Bakery !.'07 South I list SI. THE WM. FARR COMPANY Wholrnaln and Hetntl IIKai.H IN VIIH.NII AMI KAI.T MMáTt MwuBHfll a MlMHiliilty For Cn-ttln and Hoars tha Hlirgrtat Mar t Prlfwa la Paid. GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY Wholesale Merchants Wool, lllI. and PrJta a Scs lliy. AJ.IiílQl'ltltUPi; TiAal VIXUI CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR CO. au-rMMra to Mollnl A tckla ml Hiirlix lil a Uluml VIIUI.KMAI.K IIEAI.KHM IN WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS W hunilla vArrihlna la our tin. Wrna r..r llliiilniicil fatal., nu ana PrlM Ual, laauail t daalara unly. 1 alaeholia 111 coiinkr riiiar nr. and coppaim Ava DRS. COPP & PETTIT DENTISTS. Room 12 N. T. Armij'o Bldg. Phone 547. B. M. BRIGGS & CO DRUGGISTS rroprtstatra C AITr4s lbrTOiry, Cor. Ool4 Vlrat lllshliuitf fhitrMiwrj. Cor. ftwil 4atrml m TIIIICI K I ICt A MEAT MARKET All K Inils ot Fi-i-kIi anil Salt Mi-at hteniii KntiKac l-'aelory, IMtl. Kl.l IN Willi I. Mimonlc Huililliitt, North Third Street ! ARTHUR E. WALKER " I lira liiMiiraoii'. (s,criary Malaal llnllilliiir AHM-i'lnilon. Phoiifi a. íl7 Vrt '4airal Ainun. Xtn'K'r. ai:i: vor htiiMiTo i:T,r.soTt visir iik ii kiiop? ip s. Tit i : .lt.M I IM'llll, HtriH, IS 'I II I 1 Till-: III.AKI lot I! KI4H Ki rviiuji, itns llhl'lvW Pl.AM. Ass 1H AMI fr ltiiM HI llll'. . M. M'tXIY. I'ltOPKUV xviMMiw stlAs In Mock an.l male to onler. I o wit .rl. e. S i-ifaelion uur inted. Fu Irelle Furniture I'o. ItOLLS