Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY. AUGUST 22. 1908. 4 LEGALNOTICES. ori( i: Hu i'i nut vnox. LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICES. I fires thrrcln, and therein to hold. purehiisr, tnortnape and ronvry real i J'Ul.V 11. Me MAM'S (Stall (Still) ( Si a ! ) IS. il) ( S. (Sr. ill ( Si'M 1 ) I nl h-rw is.', i.i any rxtrnr ami In any provided l.y station LS. iif th mnnrr mu unl.iwTul. d,r w hii h this em por., ti,,n Tn riinry of Nrw lli'xiro, 0)uniy nf, 'n,, ,.,., :, , j,,,, may , (,udiirt has- iz.-d. saiuh'Val. In Ihr DistHot Court-. Cause j im,s.s ln ,. .-, ITil,.j ,,f ,.w M. xi, ., I'll A II 1 .1 .'S S. WlllY K Nr. M. Miinurlit.i Mora do Taf.iyn . lu elsr-w hoi .-. inrludiiit; any of thr. .W.FUFH TtlKUN vs. Jose Tafiva. I states, territories. , ..P.nies or ili'i.en- CHAS, g. (01 1 .IA T ,,r defendant, Jose Tufoya : You (, of lh,. r,lil(., state. ,. i,is. i;kx , rpilF ' n..tlfl.'.l that a rnmplaint ,. .,,,,,ml .,,- unv ;11, ,,M H A X K KAl'.fll K,S ,,. filed in t he Dlstrlrt Court f ,..,,.,, h.,Vl onH ,,,,,, f. I V FTT F A. J KS if the itu'ijiiu juuii'iui xMMrifi m im i . i-ritiM'v f New .Mt'xh-o, for th ... ' f L'.IM.Inl'.ll 1.1' tl.íl I 1 1 . 1 1 1 ( i tv "l! 1 ' . ' l)i't'K(in;i I iifiiiwi'lv cvi'i-nr u n H Ti I'filnfv n!' W liii'il ( ill 1 1 1 v tit" ; , ,s, Taf.iya. asking that tl.r mar- " ''" """'l'1'1" " bv Inc.! law-. j f .. rna lillu - ss. ..vv xlWluK between vou and! ' i"m',-1 " "''J-''' "f '- ''"" ' ' " -"iKint. Fins. h,.'s;,id plaintiff be dissolved, ami that nl,k,n '- 'Xerrisr and enjoy all thr prrsona lly apprarrd before no', .-l. ! grtinteii an absolutr illvoreo . r 'B'' powers. .rlvilrg-. franrhlsrs Charles , S. Whit-, Allied Thelin. ,,,,,, ,,,,, josr Tafny.'i; that thr'aiiil immunities gratiiod by Uir la u s . ''ha rl, s (J. ! Iinan. F.eii.Liiuia K. ,,,' for ilivoree. set' up In said and statutes of thr Territory of New , l-'H Ir-. Frank Kal.h. Fayette A ,,',111 ,i 1 i nt arc abandonment and dr- Mexiro to corporations. ..Ion. -; and John 1!. MrManus, luio n srrtioii. Vou are furUirr notilird that1 N'11 ilrrlaration of sjin ial jiowrrs or, to mr in In. the prisons drs, ril.rd in nnl.-ss y.ui rntrr your fi.iiraranci' In ! "hjrrts hrrrlu .shall lir drnu., I to In-, and who thr inrcpiiim In ,his . .iiisr on or lirt'orr n-tubrr 13. rxrlusivt-: Inn all olijr. ts prriniltrd : sli innnil and ra. h a. knov lrdt;. d that V i i. litltS, thr said roniplalnt will be and all ( .inferred by the slai-'hr 'Mvui.J thr satnr as his 1 1 rr art l.iU. n as ronfrsvrd against you. and , lit. s of thr 'I'nriiory of .Nrw Mrxiro and lailtninit will br rrndrrrd thrrrii ar-, shall In- Inrhidrd. ! I! M. MI:;.1TT. ',.,,i,lingly. Vou air fiirthrr notilird. AUTK'I.K IV. ' (SKA I.) .Notary I'ublir. that thr name of the pluintiff's altor- Theeapital stork of t hp, eorporat ion ...r it ,M (.' 'Ir liara, and his postof- i sh: 1 1 li- (in, llundrrd 'I'limisauil I )..).; . Janhn-.-, J : o r.r.TS. Cor. I d Vol. ri, , address is liemalillo. New Mrx-ars, divided into one hundred t hou.-.- I'a'' .'.:.!. in. shares of the nor value of one irrmnair oi .sio.u is .oii- , , , TERRITORY II SOCIALISTS LOOK1 FOR BIG VOTE I THIS FALL i COND Hi AS TO FINANCES NLARLY A MILU'OM IN .Expod lo Oailic-r in Ihri, COUNTY FHI.ASURILvS; Shaio of tho New U Will Show Up h Kr U'llll'OI EloctiiMl. Fresh and Criso baked in white tile, Top- ''iior ovens of the $r, 000,000 bakery lOpSE-WlLES Graham Cracker EirJity-Fiu1 Pom CollootPU and 01 taxes 1 01 1 tui ia! Show I Im iv-Sow: 1 Ueu.i'iit' Au'ia:'-. tiosoio, fNlH'cliii ("orrtiMilHleni. M..idiiii .Inurnul. .KUIX VIA'AHI.i:. Clerk. NOTICIO. ;'ai.:a I--.-. N M . .' .. i I Mi a. i 1,10 1 h, aiiiina I i i .. i lo- i i n - nial I lavc'.Un;-, am:.' ..i i Mm'foi d. Hollar eaeh: ami the amount of HaMlily Tin- lio. ky Mmm i 1 )s.lo-' Vl i - in. hi.:. . i o. i ;,v. i 11,1 i'irrj'i a anual r. ! !! ; .a rt - a. n : . . í Eli.- int. n. i . on, I il i. i. i.r Hi, llm. ' Italsio. k v ilh wlii, h it w ill . ominen,,, ration and I irvrlnpiii. nl Coup in hisinrss shall he Two Thousand, cue ,''il''1 "filer of Srri.laix .,f ,w Hundred ljoilars. ..M.xi. o. August li. l'.ia. !i a. m. A KTIt'l.K V i XA TI I AX .1 A Kl-'A. S,.nlaiy Th, namts and nostoiTiri' iiildrrssrs' HoikI Tux Now Iiii. The l.iw reoiiireM r verv able bndtcd i in brtween the age.s of t wenty-our I "f ""' '"'"' poraloi s of this eorpora-; . . . tlon and tile nurotier of shares sub- ll IX sixiy yi-urt., in annually pay a , I'.inil .... ... . ... 'srriird lor ,v ia, li i,l'sii.l ln...iri j, u a i ..mi ix oí inrt-f nonara or. in lieu ' Conijiareil ( to T( rritory of N.-u Mr: not . .1 ; pi. la!., I 'I X. V. Mex. ! ,i 1 1 y un., l a--. .1 a- I. r- w. i' i . 1 1 1 t i í i ki'i 1 1 1 1 I! ,.n N,u Mi a , from his ,,, n ;,, 'i', ha I, . n , .. ii-lhi" I' U.-i.M'f U: i:i. 1" lh, ,.'l. p.ii::,. h " ni " . , ia 1 1 1 lie, 1 . i . ' n . I ni ' li w . I. . .. :! 1,1. . h,,,v a I o n i i 1 1 1 1 ; ' I ia , ri 1 I . I i i ' I I'I I 1 1. : 1 ,1 1 1, h-a.b r. w ho i.r. I ' r, 1 1 . t i . l ill i', l I '' . pi .it, I a : i ' I " ... I 'until V of of m iK'h sum, to on the publir j tors iiiv as follows: mad three days. üec. S, Cahpter r,3, u,'"l,,s '" Alliii,iirr , A. A. is of tint 3th I-rgislative Assembly. - :ilMI '-liarrs, IfHiiil. The suprrvisor uf Hoad Dlstrlrt No. Alfinl Thrlin. Albuiiurripir, X. .M., 3. (oinprlsing 1'rt-L'ilietH Nos. 12 am) i :fll i-liai r:,. $:inn. L'll. whleli preelnrts Inrlude lili 'ity ( (Tiirhs Q (loodnian, .vfliuiUrriiir, of Allauinei que, aerrjjls the otTlet' X. M.. nun shares. $;;iio. Illioiit ronipi'iisation anil Ih de.votini;: I'.eiijaniin liothe. Albiiiueriiie. X. tiine and energy to thr il!s.-!iaiK of M.. ."(" shares, $:i(in. Ihr diilies of 1 lie onirp to the end: Frank lialph, A lbiiiiirripir, X. Al., Ilial proirr uso be made of the road i Htm s hares, Jlliio. fund and that wo have good roads. Fayetle A. Jones. A I huipier.pie. X. This hist runiciit wis filed for oril on ihr Tih day of Annua, llm';. ai 11:1" o'rlork a. in. Ilr, .lid,. I in Vol. "II" Mis, . ,f ;, ,--ords of said eiuinty. folio :nn. A. i:. WALK i:ii, i: or,l,r. lly Ida I.. I ' 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 a ', li.puiy l!. i minis iir- :'s to pi, i so. iali' i , aor sinus a -Mrliall - a In. r- a , ,f "' a p .In. I il ri n t- I' " ' u "! . a Al. i,i. i ; a . , : , . . i .'.en iinli.lal, for o. I. I, i' II.. I I'. a. "li, I ion upon l h. ..ft I his fall I l ' . l 1 1 I I -' an'i C0L0ME0 ENGAGES Inly 1, Mri I lyiinillll ruiprn VUCLL IMMUVVIV IIMULn i,i - The rharurtrr of mails to be built im. I tb)1 line of work are ilriermlueii liy the (ood Hunda Assorlatlon. Mr. S. M. rortrrflehl Is titithorlzed tn rerelvn payment of the road tax mid for the rolivenlen. n of tho publl? will iniik calls 'lien ho can do so ot imvineiit ran ho made tit T'orterfleld and Co.. IMG Went (ubi avenue. The law will be HtHitly rnforred. VV. II. (Jli.l.KXWATKU, Supervisor. LAWYERS H FOR 0101 L AWS NIITII 10 I (Hi I't Itl.K'AI'IOX. Al., 3)0 shades, $;iiii John I!. Mi .Ma nus, A Huniurniiir, Al.. ami i-harr.s, $:iiiii. I A ItTli.'l.K VI. The p. rlod liniilril for the dura-1 tioll id I his rorpolalioll shall be fifty! ears. . I j ,, , ahtici.i: v... Ilmpoilant Pio.i;mni Outlired v,,,-. ..,i.n III- llUll. Il'ltlll.,1 ll,-i,l'l..iP lliil'L. I . (('liarles S. While, Alfred Thelin,' fOI' SoSsillll Of Cllllllllissiull ill ('liarles q. (ioo.lnian . Henjainin Molhr, l.'rank Ralph, Kartte A. Jonr.s and John II. AlrAlanus air lu re. Seattle, P of til, Ih,,i,,i:'ti'alio!l a a I . : a ,1 ,. I. ... -Illl-'l-. ai riloriai funds, hut . Hi .IM. . .-. II' ,". TP e r,p.,rt of the a.l'i ml v.ili.alpui niol', liian llv, inilli", .1 lh, pa 1 . , a r. an i , '.alii, iu,r, as, rf fiiii .: it : il".. inori o i r !' a 1 :im . t p, eoiilll v ti,a in . Htor had a roinhiln.l I'.il.'li. ... l!i,. l.a.'ks of Mt'.l,VSf,i'.. TI- s lit .. , Mr J li. : . 1 : 1 . 1 . a h.lllloii, .:i!ni haa I it niaiolliilii'.l a a , n ft , ;, : of loil'li al.ililv. ha-, la-, n . ii.:. i ,.,,( p.. th, sam, i,',l for a .,. , ,, i and "i, iiiaii.ii: m. til ..t ;h, i'oloinb.. lh. ilini' fin' i iiiinM' . :li, let- and vll thu hh; .1 soin:: al filmy t;i ni'li'liy lo I" i.i it, .1 , ,.. Il'at I'Opiliat l;i limit luni. n. ni, .lili. ni than ,v,r I t . . i 'ih, ,,;,., . nirhl Mi' .;, ,ld ,:.ii, h.-i, I ions ar, k.'i.t i'a i.'f nh a . a n. I l h, i , H" ml) I rom i. indi. Irr, I, hid p"it of Ihr trav.'llne aa.lii.a -how, I 1 n a , 1 1 .piia,n., in mu. i ;1! í i . í . -t u r !f. 111T I.I of t', I',,, ..v.s had ' l-il. Is a lialit, of Cain-." a la, nllo I II rot Ire I. ,! a I t II' Ml.! ,.! I it, ie. .il i 'a r.'i . IV r.l I I I h, la,,a . wih 1 1. p 1- I 1 a I sho" n a I III, 1 ' o 1 1 1 1 u I .o ,,ini;lil . 1 1 i thir, ha- lad been a -mal. ',laaal'oii l-l I" I ilr i.i Ih, i; i . a I , I pnaiii.h o.- !iort:iL;, in :im 'iinl. . . t'i t . . . .un) . ,r l, ia it n I a , I u i ,,l an, I i- , v p. ,t,.l i..' Ihr hhaui . of all i.rii. . ia i iit iK, a hi-; hii. ,,Th, .".; M.,' o!',laii.r a 1 1 I r; hap. Ihan mi I ia in: li l ,r, " a I. Int. ininh ..n tl, plan s.Mndc from the best whole wheat ...-"' irrahain flour a ilclitiotis, whole i ''..''..-',' 'y 1 -a '': '. V ' f . .: siuui 1 .1 1 1 a 1 1 1 vv.iili. '' Come to you in the . ;' thrici'-sc.ik'd, dark brown, .t inuuiture-proof ,uk.ii'. At your i'rotvr's I0i lops e -Wiles ' " 4' 5, : KANSAS CITY .1 REPUBLIC A M GLOB: HOLDS BUSY i 1, 1 1 ia I pine ;,:..; .1 '! all's I . I. 1 . T Ma', i. i 1 1 Mot II 111. :,i i't 1 11 I li, 1 in a ai- V t lo .)! 1 . SESSION 1 'oh. in I 1 ..If, al .1 .!o, it- ,,n, ,,,, I 1,1. 0.1 II,' r ,1 Ib. I i s at ' ' . ' t a I , : 1 ho i :: ,. .,, t . 1 1 o i 1 I . :;. ( , , . I.' ; . -. 1 a ! pi . .. nl. .1 a'l : i'i. II."' 10 lh. . lah. and i" pi, ... 11 ' .1 mail, a , I. I and .! a 1 . 1 ' 1 o 01 : ' I 1 1 pari metit of the Interior, 1 l.ninl (ilflee ut Santa Fe, X. M ., Auiiust 4th, IfuiS. Xotire la hrreby ven that I'Vder I, o (itero, of fauna II 1 lo eounty, who, on I iee. 1 V t ll. HUI,., mad.; Ap pile. ilion, Xo, lOliui (I, lililí) for pit ; i, K. M.V. Meridian, has filed' o-! :"'lM'""""1 '"'aus lor this eorp, .la in! lb, .eh. ml 1 I : 1 1 til.' Phii 1 1 1 ha '.- m a 1 l, 1 it nil, tire of il. trillion to make Final C11111 niiitatlon I'roof, to eslablisli plaint to the land above deselihed, before f. Court (.'ointnissioner, at Alhuuiier ipie. .M. M , on the 17th day of .Sep tember. l!t(IS. I'laltnant narneti as wltitPhseM: Juan (itero, .uf A llnuiuerniiB. N. M.; Celso 'laielii, of Albtiuuer.nHV N. M : Juan ( ! ut i.-rre, of Albuiiuerque, N. M.; -Manuel Hael, of Albuipirripie. N. M. MANPE1, ft. OTKKO. Iti'ljister. nstitllte.l Ihr Hoard of llirrr- K, rnln .h.urnnl S I.eiu.e;l Wlrrt 1 '" ' ' ("V'TItof Cut.; has Ins,',.! as I he ( '.. noy I tors to un. mine the ufa;rs of Ibis i ,.,mi,; Wa: h , Aim. -'I Th, thr,, 1 "pon a eha, a ,,, nini ',: f,- .,11 pnl,!i, .inarm, uill aho ' " ! rui ion for th, fiiat thrre inonlhs; . , : moin-.w. mil only in :l, i-mt.iiw il. hut . i!'lil. 'I "n s, (,i, tu o.i-i s ,111 01 i 1, a,i, ,01 10s- 1 alter the I limp of the ( Vrt il'iea I e of , tit conn Ir olfli . a, as . 11 and ih, r- "' 'i .11 lt- m ' -I i,,i,.r, and n liuorporatio,, and until their kii.- - : ''" iniloian sP-ti,. i:ms p, -. ,,,1'i.k ,. ,,, ,. , ,,. ,..,, v, ,. . sin m Id misa Hi, an sois ar, ele, led and ipia 1 if il ; a ml lh, "1, 11:1 .tint; ih Aim-i i,an liar 11s- ; ,vj,, ,,. ,.,.., r , ,.,',. - .. - liiiiu r to make, adnpl, all,r -.villi ilmiit ihn i ,i,. jpii. s in att.n-i . ,, . . . ... r aiii,. 1, prrs, mino pl,a.s tw, nt? r ;V, . ,,,,,, -. pi ,1 ' is 1 talis. Amasa Al, láiloit ol I'l'i Hon. MRS. FRANK'S SINGING . DELIGHTS RINK PATRONS IN WH'XKSS WIIICRKOK, the said liuoriorators have hrrrunto irsprr tivrly set Ihrir bands and veals this :rd day of August, I mis. C11A l!f.l-:s S WIU TK AI.KIi i:i 1 THKl.F.N ( HAS Q. 1 UK iDMAX i:i: HiiTlllO I'KAXK KAI.l'll .'. v i.vrri.' a nivi 'si .If MIX 11. MrM ANT 'S T.-rialoiy ,,f X,- Alexiio. (.'oiiuty of Hernalillo ss. (Hi this Id,! dav ! l'lofi sor s..ainii. I Willi.-ton of Mar if A lurusl, 1 IOS. 1 k.-ii-il I.ih srliool and whirh tiiak, i'l'i- persona i ly Chill Irs S. Territory of Xrw Mrxiro. ( iff ire of the Serlelary. ( I li t 1 114 All: il' ( ((AIIVMilSOV. 1, .Nathan Jaffa, SVrrelary of the Trirllory of .New Alexin), do hrrrb.v iri tily that thrre was filial for reroi d in this uffh-r ut nine o'rlork a. in., i char on thr Hixth day o I August, A. I), ilioth,, Frank lialph. Fay.-ltr A. 1!HIK. 1 Jours 'and Joint li, MrManus. lo me Ai-llrlen of Inrorporallon of The I known to br lh, p. rs.nis d. srribnl in KiM'Uy Mountain I Adnrai!on ,,nd who .xn-tit.-d lh,- forrnointr in - mill l)rrloiinrui Company -strumriit (.-..i. lil. I,,, , xeillted the sallir as hi, ll,, a at and also, that 1 have romparrd Ihe;aI1, dnd. lollowinii eoity of the same Willi the; 1; t ! 1-' 1 f I : I 'IT liliitinal tliereof now- on file ami rt. ' o i- , v ,.,,. u;s f if-.-, : I . , Willi a c.V I by W. II 1 lire it to he a eorreet transrript ' . jllan of X'. w utl,ans, .m h.-lialf of and of the whole I hereof. Kndi,rsed No ",",77 c,,r Itn-'d Vol :Mls "''"' " '"' pi' ..f the iliven under my liand and the (lieatj - i.lKl r' r, t) ' " "'" '' " ' ' ' "11 it.i! I laurhtei s ,,1 17,11. and I si:'. Seal of the Territory of New Mrxiro. I Ar'lh.p,"" f , ,,.,,,, n The1'1'1"' " ln"" :l d the City of Santa Ke. the ( 'apila I . Hl((,k M, ,,,,,, ,.,,,,, p,,, and 1 .,- ' ' '"" "" halt h-llel.l w In r- .la.l.u, ...i ims s.x.n uay 01 .aiiiíum, a. 1 ,,,., ,.,, i won his lamou v I SOS. -NATHAN JAFFA. i:..,...t e v . . ... I he It.Hk; Mountain l. r num.! .'!'! ' l A' , HITCHCOCK PICKS ilrielopuu nt ( iiiiipiiiiv. Artlrbs i,t Inrol'poiiiliou. Know All .Men by These I'resents, i Territory of New Mexh , County of; th-H We, the u ll d r I sillín 1 . in order t o I -r : la i i I lo ss j x,.v y,)(, .M,. ;'--For the pur torin a rorporation un.lrr and in pur- I '1'1'is instrumnit was fih-.l for r. , urd ! , . of ... ,.-tin' from Ib, r, pul, lira if the provisions of an Art , " 'br .til day of Annus!. lHti.s. at , in, ml.. rs,i;, in ,-om;,,ss th, most el f.-.-tiv, sprakn-s Im- ue ,arlv in th P-'iia-'r.-'ph r,lallni; lo i liin.n of, ""' sli"" 'l- r,;.,,ri shows) -While the HI "M J,l!-V ' ""' lwiii-tix , ititi," and "In our 11, Sa, . i slat, I.i i nils ol X,v-,- M, a,,,, ,, , ,n inK ; H,,m,," M., ,, , v , , , 1 1 ,, n a 1 1 h,a ul a n i i ! (Soul); . . i uuuei ia, ,s,w jii-'.,, o nalllill:.; lav . I I a I . il soli-s, w . -, n uf, ill Mi, r:n! oo ano imiinr i er li , 1 1 1 1 - t , , , . ,.,,,,,1,;,,.., ..,. , . .a' ",,.,.,.... : asl nehl be Mrs I' l l.-,,,,e -11,. to- ,in, :n . ihu--:li.-il,il slid, -r w,i, as pn itv an as a ptl t, pi lat, as I ii,y , p,, .,, I"- a ml Al i i. Frank's slnaini; of la. ihllas was so I , lltai il I, ft a la! 1 a t a v f. . i n of hotli, si, I, n . . s i a in, "" 'I'i- -ln.ini; hy I be ; , ., ,- ,.,. , .....,, ., r. leri-llorial hanks i,,..v,s pial liny ai.-: iiniisii-,ll ,n I i n ,, it I a I Mr In so! id ...niiiition ami i.n.h r l-'i-.'i nk' i-.-ii.litiott .. 11 w i . d-l u: h i - loin-,, i: I., fa. id, it. of th, rominis- ' finli. was in Ihr chair ami il ,1 i via a d j his annual aildli-t- al thr mol'liim; I srsioll. 'I hr rrpor! of Ihr r ilnniili r I Si a I 1 (Seal ) I '""'I'' " ''ill iiiaKinp' ili-s. i - -,t, .m.j ,,,,, , ,,, ( Seá I ) ' ati non - su i rt an imii, tab -:s!l,w, ih, ba,,. :i ini srn cm :; and ' (pjo!) :,i)N(iS "NI I i n!hiiM,i:.!p: (i,iili,'i : I Dcl.iils ol S.tnt ilrl: ' ti"ii un! I)isi-ii.s:.'r:: S I iii Huí Iciiiiciy. Ti, .oi-,- '. a i: , : j In Id an , nl an a: a . n I ' t . d in- I in, i n í h"i , 1 1 i 1 1 i S i I . a- a i ,it 1 , ' i, 'li' 1 '. , . -lailall, I in Hi, t on j ana lit. .. -v : i- AiNCXI'V . ' I' it a, ' i h Al, t ; i ill tol-,1 n.o. I, John: ,ii nal i IP. ,.: lie I t I 1 1 i 1 1 : . u I , w -i,l pa- k ' In ' ;í'H l I'll 1 I ! ' ' I I' I ; I ! o-i I I. :l, h i Por, i i in 1 1-, hon J a i . l i , , . i il , . i ' : n . . .a ' .1. nl ; : i . 1 1 lh. w I " I i I ' a a. I .1. !. it ! lia II,,' iinl i! ' ! o, a lit, I w , al !, la. a I i '' lo Hi' ia , -. I I.i f ,.a. . j ,i I an l 'oltil.,1 Ion n ni'. I- l,t, ,.f I In 1 1, i ,,f i a, , .i ai ,,. .. , I "i.llv : '!'laui. ,l I. I, p n - :t,, p. a,,' I tip, I 1,1, il i, f, , It. .,, I 11" to Hi. s ol' low 'i I" I'i' I' - nl " ' .,,,,,, I'M,,, I" 1 i i a ll. ll. . . I. .I I, Al I a ' John ' ; pin. a 'I ,.(. ( Seal) a!) f'-n-f jam .sha hlr I, inipi I onnu-nt a: bard labor. Todav was la -ly lakrn (Srnl) j up w til a disrii sion of Ihr pioi.ost ,1 j uniform I. ill '.f'sal, on -dork n rlili llrs v.llirll has b,,n pi, pared by hank.. "i :: V p. r , , nt ar, r, ipiir,;! t,,. h f '!.! :! I S :.'n -:pi. ruis. . an a vt ra -.' , Th, nalatiail t , Inn I :, p. r , , II. -ia , rt. -I at I 1 1 . t ol 111 f 11 I . t I , ill i i. , nip '' i: o a la ,n ' li -i-.ri'..l, I I I r s-, v I ip , li M'l I ' ' I I t I pool I ' .11. I ' lo ll, a. h a M-mi HI- la'. aun ni lh, ia I. i ! ' . i; i , pin a I III lit 1 1 - i, I tin il I i .r..,il,P ll. II, appear,. I In loir mr. j imrai.-i II. Wbitr. Alfred Thrlin. 'I'll'1 annual ,'iion i-rsull.-d in the ( Piodniun, 11,-n iamin , 'li, of Amasa M. Katou. pi rsl.Vni ; Wall, i- ihorip N it i it It of riiiliitl.-lphin viie nrrsitl,ni: charles T. Terry ol New York, fi-n lary ; a n 1 T. II. I;us sill of y. it- II, imii. Conn., t rt .-our, r iinl rat h a, know I, I t ,,,a,,. ,,. . i... drill rllt'll S,,,ssl , ; ra I- sillr. Fill I. At thr np, nine of th, , onf,i ,n,r h, Xotaiy 1'iibli ' j vrlopmriit Company. jw.ui h; j FU. il in olfire of Serretary of Xrw '' llrhish. : M xiro. AtiKiist li. I mis, !i a. in. j X ATI I A X JAFFA. S. -,-rriary. Com-alrd (l to Al. ' I it-Inn' ni r I la IIVi and eafefu! mana r 1 1 1 1 1 i id. G0VERN0RCÜRRY TO VISIT SAN JUAN i 'I'll'1 in u riü v i ifi'i n i r jii ( if r ,i 'i ! w Will U li I li' rin I. ;i ri-l 1 1 .1 .11" j u .i--: m ii' h ; 1 1 ; 1 1 . i , 1 1 i ) I v ) li 1 i ' r. ii inn lir ni n-r-. pic, rui ' 'lh- ' Trjr'-'li:n. I In- Lillh- M .i-I. ;t . " -'. MU llilil' I'.iVWl. I," ;hmI "-I'll.' I'd. Ill I j ln:: " i ' 1 1 1 1' ! n l; ! ii) h I n i i 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 ' - ' i 1 I : In- t.t. .11 .t ..;!. "tu ''''.i' lilnis i I . i 1 1 i ' I.i'- :i . i . -i Mi n i li 1 1 hi; 1 1 -m ' : i I ! ' i nt i n tin;.; ui1 i 1 1 1 rl .i i n i (., Y)u Hi' K-i le:' li-tnr-s i'iiiiimi' t.i Le , i i im í i 1 1 j r i ii ml i i i .i v. Huí1,'' i'( a -I , I mi-Jit 1 j j 'l'lic ciilirc i ii' - if t ;i in I't 1 i ; H ; I w ill !. .it- , I.iiui'.hi I'm- t!i" I i ' i ! t hnr. It i:- ,-llrh I ..' ii.lil .it n-l ; VA'ii i i' t r 1 1 . i . ! i in il-1 ini'Ml lh( l.ii-'i-l ii.iw.l ini Will mvesti..'i;itt Conditiniis in in, hi-. m n .im, is . M...,..i I'Allntu.i;,,,, IA,, O Hi ( ' Pi's-ail at I , ,u ir I , f , p. , ! ' a',, ,., i vi'! i i III, in l .villi nta t .liliililiilil Sore I'yi-t furril. 1 'For twenty viols 1 yuliri. d from Navajo Rr;; ;ci va 'Vtf'- lllrs oi , !'. h v 1 M i lila I-'-U I I 'dale ,or I III I a. i 11, 1 a In a l l V ,. a I ir i,'l. ,a ! . ' Iba: h, app j II, r. puoli. a il n r. i i . a II 'i I'm i w a - pi ,-a n: Pur-nic: a f - w- f. l .at ;. ! a i . i v : a I : : 111. 1 ! 1 1. I ', w t Mi I.i P, a lot nil t ii .; 1 1 upon ti, i o I ari. us pa : I di. I. 1 III.. I . Pa tl la a . ml as , , I I. I. ral, I. I, lh, a! I In- hi I I. I, I I Al r il .,1 . . .,! ,1 . i ami , I , o I i pit 1 . 1 1. :- :, I ;..u . ;, ,a . ' f p i. I i i . 1 1 ' i ' : . I !.v 1' i, , ha ti ma o Ill a ', in a . ,, i 1 1 a l trine ' ó : u . ., h nl . o l hi.- 1 1 , -. 1 1 . 1 1 1 hand . ,u P. ' a - I and 'IP, an : ...i in.-, "'I h ,' .! was ,',::'!; In ! n i ia;. ,ird v... Hi, II r i ' ' I . i-, i h .-r III', oa i ,1 -nt , it .1 o! lit, i . i -' '., , ii I ', i i. Hi , p a In t a ma n -nl ; '. '. a I ' a 1 1' i a n 1 p. a I -a ni! 1 1 ion. i Wii'i ,ia I!. Tilt li ' a i i" i"!",', a , i i, i in it. ll i . - a. it". I la - a - o, !. w a" I l.-li i, ll. - 1 a i I i i ' 1 1 1 1 a. 'I. -I ill I ,1 p to la ; , , I I ! I II ll,. li li. lis III IV an i tu 111 I ' alii I', p al, I .a i : ;, 1 1 i a I ,'t I i .i. . 1 1 , ; 11, I I . ol I ll, p a il- p. i', I,.-. il i I SlOil, CAMPAIGN SPEAKER, tola n -1 the I.euislalive Assetnhlv of t lir : 1 1 : 1 " o'rlork a. Ill T.i a aiory of New M exieo, entitled "A li ' Itrronlrd in Vol. 'II' Mi--,-. ,,f iter A.-l to rrnlate thr formHtlon and olds of said County, folio IbiL'. P'U'i iiinent of cnt i, orations for mill- ' WALK Fit. Krt tinirr. his. nianuf.irturiiiK. Imlusti ami Hy bl-i L. I'luininir. I ' put - Iln oilier iiuisuits," aiiproved Marrh I .". ' I 'it,', a., i .... . .. .. '" in it-i'v pioi iue as itiiiows: AUTK'I.K I. 'Iln- eoiiorate tiame of this rorp.. 'a'l.ui shall br Thr llo.-ky Mountain I'vploration ami I rvt lopmrnt Coio I oiy. I - rampainn. a ronier.-nre wns In hi to 1 ninlit b, ,-n 1'ii nk II. ilitrlu-ork rhiiiluiun of lhr i, f.uhl ira u natioua . 1 eoin in ittee, and Janus s Sluiiiian. tin , r. pullieaii iioniin,, lor it .. 1 1 1 . s i i J , n t 'I'h, nalional attiuaintan,, Mr. Sh,r 'jman ha, wild all tins., men made hp '. H--.-I i Mr, un!-. valuable to Mr I li t, h. o. k. i tu- ) tour whn h .Mr. Shrr Al'.TlCLH 11. Ihr prim -pal jda.-e of busin.-s; ,.f tbis roi, oration shall be It a 4. X 'I' Armljo IlulldiiiK. A I bu'i i uiai in-. 'W Mexieo. and the ak.-llt in .hat;; M"iiot, and noon whom all noil.. !" 'inl proeesM iiKahist ibis i ..rp,n ''a may be served shall b, John I: Minus. AltTICLK III Th- objerm f,,r l,i, h the eoipon, '!"'i is esiiiblPbe.l are. priinaiili. to h'peri f,,,., lot-.ite, at-iiuire by dis '"iv. Irase, llrense. ool'oll. pnl ' ' ', franehise, nr.-mi. pift. d,- i-e. ..r '"h.-mise hold. own. ,.i.,t ''(loi. mine. w.nk. t ml,, ami .-- l''"s. I'1'.'! niin.-s. mineral land, ami tlaiuis. NATHAN JAFFA. "'I. ami timber Inn. Is ,,.,,1 ' .-v.r. iaiv of X'. w- M.xi. T.-ipiliiry of X,w M.xi,... (ifflee , ill- Sarin. II v. I I Mill l( Mi: OF (IMI'MHHIV i . . a I oa u .) a 1 1 . i . M-. it-'ttt oi itr- I tit - s I T.-iiiloiv of X'.w .M.xi, ...' tlo b,i .b : man will umbi la k,. b.-ninnini; thr las i.'in'i that there was fil.-.l for r, tor, 1 week in Se.teinher. will br nuirr .x in Ibis olTI. e ai nine o". ... k a. tn . on tnisive than has been evp.-rtrd. It i ih ' sixth day of AiiKiist. A. H. 1 Ill's. . likely now that be will . oiiliuti, ti '. itllieiile r oii-liabililv f Sloek- i '1-1'v. r a. I. Ir.-ss.-s. most uf tli.-m in tin bold, is ol Hie lini-kv Ililill :.r.-l,iral and wr,:,-.i stab s until , er I.Mtloralioo nml ll.-ieloinnrlil ' " l'l;l,"'-l '"' '" ,l;,v' t ' . (No. .Y.7K.); and a tso. that I hnr romi,;uid thr followil, roa of III. sain,. Willi til, oiiainal th-irof nnw in lib-, and th . lair j I ... be a ron. I Ihalis.iapt llit-nt'iiili ami ..I Ih, wind, thereof, i.iien un. l.-i- ln hand and th, c.rrat Seal Ih, T-ll it.'ly of NrV MeXiro. al the City of Sanl.l I'., Ihr Caplltl. -n this s.xih dav ,,f Aimu-l. A. I him follow Mr. I'l ian at a-n r:ll im po'iant nu-etiiiKs ami r.ply to t In ' ,. tn, r.-' t ir ru ml ida t , 's di-, ii isii of na Itional is:-u,s. Mi-. Slieriuan has prom i- t il In Irak, hi . Pi-; t sp, i P. in lla pl'r srntativ M. Kinl. 's distii. t in III! mds. .M.'KiaP-i. who is thaiiman o -the r. imblitan eimp-ressiona I ,ommit t. e. will be in X",w York n,xt w.-. k ! Crnf. r with Mr. Mil. I k about tin i-dlit library w oi 1 that will br don f.,r th- two rommi'i-.-s. IP-pre-a-n-titiv-' Hepburn, of b.w.-i. visit.-tl mi- r. it te 1 1 Ltatnal h.-.-obiiartri s today Mr sah -r i-!i:s, ;ui, all otlui- ;.r.,i.i rlv. I it II ii-jile of N.Ml-liahilit v .f St.M-k- tbal lo. al Issues, stub as III.- Seine personal, of what. v.r kind In. lib l- of Ibr Itm-kl Mounl.illi torial situation in Iowa, woubl not at 'bar. liter: ami to eotiv.-y. s, . I ol. .1 il t loll mill lr.oiiiirlll feet thr r. pilPli.i.n Ilalluial li - k. t I """ t, at;.., leas,, ,,r oih, iwis, .lisp.,, ( ompani. Iln- stat, and that Hie u-iial r pub J'1 'I'" sun.. ,,r any interest therein: ' Tbis is to errt.ify that thr umP r- Mean tnajontv w.nil.1 be civ. n P.r Mr i.'inire. own. buy. s, II and ..p.rai- slum . I in. p.o n..i - in lh, tin im,' Taft. ",. It,rs, euislnrs and slam., mills: of I tn . a por. I'oli of Tin '(. .rush ad . . I h -1 i-,., h t.nllr '"' and sell ami .b-al in "oi, rai,. am' llaby M'-pblor limits. ia I, - nrr nriib- l. all soothing si,ip. and jt... k- babv m diian.-s that rontain otnuu .b r- who ma; he, ..?' nssoriatvil and rj in oti, s. Mi iJ.-r's I'. ihv Faixii imsibi... a not omi.ii- with m, m in ,ni-l , . .r i,,,r-. ; ...n. do ...ritiin no iniaiious or nil. . da I "''"" and ii.. ,-.,iii to b, ,!.,,. l.-'',y,-, thai th- t.- h ill b- no drui-s of any kind. A sine and saf. ' ' "till.-, t in,. v. p, l.,,!.,.. r l .... ......1 , .. . ...1.1 .. ..f for ,1 iu.,...l. rwt c i....,,.. I, I..... ..I. w "l l li-w to ih, work-in.' .iiiv ,1... L i,sn. ,1 bv the toil eoii.i.ra- ami f le I f 1 1 ! tns splendid f.,r leitbinlr 'bv, lop,,,, , ,,f tll j, ,,f ,,,, ,ln, ,,,,, .,i, vt.,, khoPbr-- of sill infants. Sob by J. II OHblly Co. '""i'...'.iii..n. it n, I to ,n,.. t di- ...ipoti.i. h, I b, . . m,.t from t '' imlue.tiy. i, ,ts ;,, ! i, i.i . x on ,r- n ..r a, si.., k is-- AI.IWI.IW Sl,i:r. '"' "fth. m. il i...ra- ii. to or In id bv tin in. .. pt m h T. n l..llis i,, r i.usli. l a.L.d l..r. I..,. I!.., k M mm a in Fx- ioralirll ail ru ,s. 1 i. . i.,.!ii. lit ( t.iiil,'!! , f.n and o 'Pl-1117.. ami mi'i. ial b. trito. h-tlf ,,f th. ii.v. lt-i - iit.l .til itlht'i- .uní sub, Ian,. : and in .-n..,al la -id tlon-s lai I a. " ,t' ""' "i th' 'iirrr. ; .ii.i'iiy tor t h. amount ,.r ..ipitat sii, e r. Sample on re- Hi li,,,.. ,,, ,,,. t i(.rv oi ,,.r(f,.,i ,,, j, ,.,1 otuiliv ptid in miesl. I II I II SI lit) A m. -s. nt .,,, ,. .... t . ... .... . . ....... .... i o ' ' . ta " ' i ," .. .. i : ,: ....... . .1 , .. .. . . ill. .ill, Id!., . out. I a bad ease of gi .inul.ite.l smr eyes, : u..i ani savs Ma I'I I II l'od ol il, nil, II. I, NY. . t,,,, . 1 oi a al H,...,.l .. J7ZT" ''"'"'""v' l'"':l' '' """'l""" ""K- ! .an a- ,' In , li. V.. ' "-"n ...n.o , , ,,, ,,. . chamP, tlalu's s.ilv. I. a I 1. A -a . . ill;. J I il" ( 'ill 1 1 1 o 1 I i I I . pe, me to try 1 11a ni nit ia in s miv... i. hm.l .., 1 h.uiiihl on, pox and lr-,l aholll hV'i- f. , i p,,. , 1 a 1 1- i 1 1 t j 1 h i 1 I s of Ii and 1111 ey.-i -hair n,.t ,ui,, .,,,,1, I o i a , , 1 t: l , ll In, a II V 1 1 nil hi, sill,,." This j( ,. , ,. . t , , salir is bu- sile by all driiKipsts oiher mm I '"v..-iiei r ,i in . .T n innn niPr ; " ' i- I n II V II ft lünr "I'V'M f th- Xai. mlian 1 I II U III U U II UnU (. v. ,,.... ami T. '! 1 1' 1 1 1. SiPlua n re Sunday in.'i miiK lor ran .liianj oiimy, w in. re (In , w ill mal,, a tin li. i -i hi ' t., : 1 1 r I -1 : , I-. , I, a, i ... i a- it i, IV , -. i, ., i a I i. Oi't we. a I oi 1 III" lh, -.11". p iinai'i ' i a n I poli. I, -. a ml I ol i . w 1 1 1 . a 1 ' ' ""I s. ,s .. I Hi, i . nnbla- . ll put, J i I, ' , IP, . o , , It - a i en ex.-. .i Ln, i.. -, I. . i- ., i, nl . Ilorl. ;.,!, I p. . I in w t , : . i 1 1 : -, a it . I ti : , i n : . r, . i . . v I Pro at-ho a I i n, , i,a ,i i ,a a in. n i I., .i I . . i ma I 1. '. a i . ti , il i , i t : l It a I n i , ' Iln.-, . , .' II, t ' aa a o III. I he laid I , iee a in- a, ( h in I ! i t I . I. I : J, I . , 1 1 ', 1 1 u la tnt it ,1 ,ni lo -til i 11, Ill lh : l .. lo i . ; i .a , 1 1 -a t p. to I'h. nt in : I, i, ... ,.,! n .1 Ion Com. nl. ra I.I, ounty ba.s h. ,n . ry for a p;-,,,,.,. o I br 1 ml ia lis a mi and in San Juan I lolraw li fl om . u allollm in of I ,t,' i. It- is hil, i , o,. 'I.'ili'l about a ti,, , ,,. I. oi 'an Juan roiint;. and imiiln t ' x' i '.t.xit.i. win, !,,: .,,,! Ih, S',,,,,1... al eady Inn, tli, o in ! har.- of In. ..i ie doma ill l i i i i"if ("ipi hi. n. . n sssiire I thai his a ! i -e In tin mar t l ill r ife el, . II. tilioll in V . I. liKl'ill. ' 11 I h, l: . ,i op.e . - ., . , ol oi bimsi If I hoi . a.:h!, o! tit, - a a i ion hi r th. : in nia.i -.-a in leople of the in, h . St ill, 1 , la I I 1 1 ' ' b .sir, a- -..on a- .o .ib!, I a, i-.a I'll s, v,,., , , , i I nit, i, a .1 ... . i- i 'ha n at ,i.i -a. of lor am P : . .ill!,' to II .1 -.a ' ss.ii-, f ,, i p, DISKED , .i 1. 1 in. pi, A w , , ll , , - , a . . I t P. n- l li i, n, n- t '. I a a. i -. no ,. . a a l j ,-l . ' i a l.. I' , on- n- po I I" i I!, -. ill h. . ( . I -air It. il m n " I ,i Pi- i . Pel rm.r w i ii I h, a n I Im el l,.,- Cm I end th. Mount. ti latin. lay. but pi ind lb, m f, ounty mad, it i alie. I th, , ni-,-Ib puhli, an I, Mrxiro W III be a one-, ni. i f loom oonis in th, pal, ire b.-in:- n,i. i,p V be .,l,,t. ut ,o Hill :. !- I ll. te i II a be s, ,-n: I I Pn ; : a a loi Mip ,i . .1 ' f í : t f vv r i Cut (il (.unit Rf'Ciusr of I ai k ol í i(it:iH (! t(i Si im! i C 1 1 ; 1 1 " t nl Laicony. In I P.- ,1 I I i i, l eon, i ' .' I i 111 I I ea .. ..i I . I: Thoiun- .on .hair. ,1 ia t , n . ','. a ti i' l'i I -.-.I lo t 1, ' or P.r la. k "I ,1 1. 1, nee 'I'hi.s , . li,. ! AP i a r , : n I T ti . a 1 1 on. v P ha j ,. n in l Ir i -.. u is I oi so nt. tat 1. 1, :,l. rata ti I. II. i; th .1 I i-n. 'Ion -,..: a a Mal, I I' of o,,, I . , ! . 'it. a , I i a I, I pi o . i 1 ; 1 la- d- , I an! i I , . 1 1 . . i ) - whi.ii a t . , bi.l- d in tlo TI... to i on v . I , I r . .1 i Ill I b, 1,1 I I I i I. I Ie ..,1 It . I i ii i- ,t.a in . .1, o, ,1 (' lo l.riaii l'ii.ii!. I h l" .' I l -..loa. I l.'o r W'."i .,-.' ".-'. -.'T" rrv:-.-.' --'' v ..... f .V-íí .,.. . v VViV . I ... . s ... v .,iti C .Jl " S 1 11 . . list -V e- k' S' S (lolla!., .llUlll. 'i.V I 11' I .M.llllllll ni I- Ti i. . i... i i I,. .... f.. i.i, ;. W 2 S.f IP. i A lallbltd I lien. I. ' I h,lr Use, I I ! ml,. I 1.1 ill's Coli, . hol.-ia .ami Iiiatti a Ib-mrdv sin,, t was first iniioi .,,,1 to the puhii, n 1 i '. ami ha . :...-r I. .un. I on, in - tin. a where a , was m.t sp.. -dd n. , t. , by Its i, . I h IV,' been a ',1 a, i- . .1 t a .a , ,,. , '. Mil,-, '. I il" I I he cat,. '. -' ' pan-i' , ....-! Tli. I, it ol - -'I' . I' 'I Ihl.-IU'i' In pa p. I o Ih 'II I- I 'ol.O i a-Id . . vl( - iá . Vd til ii .. ..f ion R.t.ü;.. 'V VIltV...,.,, . ''' .VI,",' ,! 1 " I ... . I I 1 S I Clona, . iiuiii. u.y i.iii v ... i.iiiii'ti - i . t i i i í i . i. :. X . J k A li -r l'illiiy .tun II' 'S lli' il nuil ll l, -x. -4 F .' -H !n. '.m-,1, ni x. iia.u-pari-,. An..-i..i. grand v'-V lioiir. lui ;:' n!i la s out It.Mictn. fh 'V í á . mrrnm iiwiiiiii v't b . " 1J , V v lll.AM ll, 111 V ll I. Vvt'4" Iwvtr-T.ji.e wl'iili i 2 .-V -J m. C MILWAUKEE L"m3 ? - - Coiné, have a taste of true quality. sil : ; x - -. i . i . ( iimi'wv l.ol,-.ll, I ' ..I.-I-. '- a,1 k J 1IUW4UKtC :r ' ;Vi - .' ' '.- V - .-'. l;4 li :'- :i t !-v''A i"'' , : S.J.Ú t!Mluix mm m- - . n- r- "i mi ' ' ' - " - - - ti i j n j ,j m1k't omin. -r. Ill tra'! r f..r elvhlr.-n .ais, jin-l n.v. r --art out on trip' ilhout this. tin faithful fri. ml ' ais II. S Ni, le.N of ('aklaml. nkb !l. I. in A lo n rt nt. in has us. - I a r.-m. .lv l-.i i ..f Am. r hilty-fil.' :ll- he knows its .iin'a pii.i ml is l omp. tet t to p. ,k .r It l a -1 . . . , Ie by uil ttiur'. t" , i. oar a ., III.. II (lib. ii. I (.ill- lift M l, I... 'is. V lll 'I.I'. '. ,,1 Ih. I ,,i. . ., -A o a. II, di' ' ,1 : oil! , I, : al! II i '.. 'ill C ; -