Newspaper Page Text
Ai BIIOHERQUE MORNING' JOURNAL. SUNDAY. AUGUST 23. 1908. VIAJOR LEUGÜEfñrfc -to ripi tp.iWpw imíh? y p n I BASEBALL 77ie Future Railroad Metropolis of New Mexico, Located on the Belen Cut-Off of the A. T. & S. F. Railway srvM'i.Nt" or tiik .Vuliomil I ,rii cue. SOBUES rit",i,"r ' ' V-nli ('In. a;1' l'liil -Il')"" I'jlH-illll.ll i Hl'sl"" n-,...K'.n SI. U-u:f . Won. Lost. l'.l". ii .mi (,o ii . o 7 ti i 4 1; . r i 4 57 4n . r. :t s ,"." árt . 4 '.i r 4 s -j .1 :s ii 4'l S'i .:T7 ;;i till American I.cusiif. i ,.ni. . I'U-v i"1 Ch. K" id,oe laptop .... W.i."lu"-I" ,i Ymk Won. Lost. IT. . . . . tíü -la t;t . ... n: ii; r,7s . . . tu 1:1 . r. r, :t ,-. ; . t;i .mi- .&'' .",:! r. 1 .in.".' ... 5S :.N .477 ... 41 li I .107 .... 3.-, 7:i .su i IWXKX IS TII1HTY-OX14 MU.1-.S SUl ill OI' A Mil y l I.lttí l i. X1AV MI -.X ll O, ) I II K MAIN I 1 V I . OI Til I . SAM A l'KSYST.'.M l.DAPINti l-.AT AMI WIST l-TSOM I lUC.W.O. KANSAS t ITV ANI GAI.VKSTOX - TO SAN I i;NlMt AMI OI.I) JIKXIl'd, THE BELEN TOWNSITE AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY OWNS THE BELEN TOWNSITE 1,000 BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE LOTS 25X140 FT. WIDE AVENUES AND STREETS Helen, .New Mexico, lies in the vulicy if Hie Klo (raudo. I( Im) fine shade Inn il ml a lictiiilll'ul lake, School II.him's, t 'lunches, 11 (niiiinerchil (In!.. Mercantile Stole of till classes. l'alrnt Holler Mills, it Winery, I lip new II te lUteii, with nil inoilcru iniiro enn ui.,: rr-iuiiruiil.L Hrlck Yard, tnu l.iiinlier uriK ele, ele, ele. BELEN !S THE LARGEST SHIPPING POINT F0H WOOL, FLOUR, WHEAT, WINE, BEANS AND HAY IN CENTRAL NEW MEXICO ALL FAST LIMITED, EXPRESS, MAIL AND FREIGHT TRAINS OF THE SANTA FE ROUTE WILL GO OVER THE MAIN LINE THROUGH BELEN, EAST AND WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. Tlie Suiilu I'e Kalhvuv Coiopnny 1ms here Hie largest terminal nrds on lis system from C'lilc.10 to California ulilcli with an eletrxnt lltiriry I Inj; House, a eoiiiiuodluic-i ilcpol. mull and cxcicsm ofllce; roundhouse for civilicen sialls; Hacks to neeommodale J.MKU car.'. The 1MH oflered for wile ndjolu 1 tie depot cioiiuds ami llarey lilting House; streets iffadid, sidewalks laid out; shade Ireets, ele. m -1- Tin: "iii( i.s or i.ot.s ni: i.ow; i;asv, oxixiíiihi cash; iiai.aí i: ox :otis and moi:kai,i; i kom oxk to two yi:aks . h nit t l.vr iti;i:i:st; titi.k ri;i:i i:it, wakuantv ii::is .ivkx WRITE FOR MAPS AND FRICES, OR OTHER INFORMATIONS THE BELEN TOWN AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY .loiix r.i t Ki i;. 'resident. M. M. Ill Kt.l K, Seirelary. Western I.eiiiriif. . Won. Lost. I'.C lllliall.i siniu i'il I, ill. ..In I M 11 i l' - I'll. M In s ..lleü ti 'J 47 .Ml", ill .".". .i'.'! 4 li: r,fi ..".li lij r,s . r. 1 T 01 ii I . 1 4 ;i u 77 .;sm: natioxa: I'iIIi.iiik. Auk- I.I'.AtilT Mi'l'ii 1.1 11 li.l .Mil Second jame Score- - I. inc. in I'u. l.l.. II. HI. l ies -II. iwen.s. llimsliii limwi til. ill'.;' .y 1.1 .1. U siri l. li , 111.I w ;is l. ail I' liulh nt the I'ar turn Inn 11. II. K. . Il.-I'e I'ini. '.i I. .muí t ve up llll.l . . mi.) nil" 4 7 ni Hi,, turn Int.. the stretch I'inkola . .. ihhi tlj - - ;! n , s!i. . . ,1 in h i ii.n.i. It ..i 1 1 is iin.l WciKiii'l: ' no" 1. 11 in.' ,11'iv. ami I'tnUola KtaiPl ml Smith. Mini ii K.'tn. .111 hy mi.' and a lull' I K-ntcili... KninK 'II heat Kiiik James K111MT., a; (Inedia. 2. ja ';""' f"r "' l''iu''' h.-nver. Ana. ". Iicnv.r mm the ! X-imimtiy : lirst ,,f a donhle-header uiili time ha I ''"" ,'"'' '" "".' -sNt IIÜ ' Hi.' sec I .,1 eleven hlllilllis nil s : S " 1 1 "' ; 1!. II. !: i inia ha Mini nun mi - Ml'llVer nnj mi' II l ;, i II j I ntt.Ties Ail.i ins ami I .in . inri'. : Su mi. i s a ii.i l.eitra n,l. Sec., in i.-auie hy... 'V " '' ' I 1 111 I I .1 ... .I'M I M II I III I II II II I A I I lei IV'U ! s . i;;liti en nininí I a I lei i lía I nil llllil .lac k-..u I envla:. .ml I'itt.sliins won greatest liase i mu nano . i, v,u rit liom I'.i'ooUlyn unlay hy ,r i 1 m n. The contest lasted " u lit, , ii inniiiKS, which nivalis all i,,ni,i: lor extra inniiiK ttanu in this , ty. .Illll e.UUIM ioe .sun....... e ..f,-.- , i i,,r "I to " unos inane I Ii " 1 1 and lloslnn in. 11101. The record lor a siimiai i"..,. mane ny t-rovi- d Deiroii in ISS'. i..,i., ..i,, lined lodav's name in tlie , i....;..., !.,, ,,i;.v resnined lies Moines. 7: Slonv ll. ' in ln,iii-l'.ce minutes on an exlrciiie-j I .-. M.diies. Auir. --. lies Meill.-'j I, ,., lirld. and a eouple of inn i iiks í m-u nlrer, I ie rsdm U v had xh.ux ríe ,li el in rather a heavy rain. M'i'.v at his mercy today ami mm I es ; v.. una' and 1'astoriiis each pitched Moim s a victory. I .. ...f, ndi.l ijame. Ih.tir were stroim Se..r. It. II. K v iiii men on liases. .am. tin the liom a, nth h a lors ihrmv to the pinte II "in HI tlie iilate. llllilll tun was inane in ii,' , j nth I lii I K Xinht. see I; Isai'h i '.mi t. t iiir. I. 'l ime 1 : :: 1 SeC.llid l.lee. Si tlU"lollS ! i i! H 1 I 1 I II Won' A 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I . K see. illll; I la 11 del' t ll . I'd 1 Time I i:, 'riihil. mi!. M.inazine Tone Holier... second. I''rest,.i;e. third. Tune l : Ki.iin Ii . mile a nd eiu In h I ' i 1 1 U . I a won; Frank ildl. second; KiiiK James. ,i inn. i. i in.- i ... i -.!. Zuluskv:! ''inl1- '''- "i''1"" ' I w mi ; Pi i-- . 1 1 1 a 1 . s. e.nid i i li i-.l . Time i .ns (-:,. I Sixth, mile aiiil sixteenth--!... r. I Si a n.'ii ..e w'i.n; l.ail ol' l.a n Ltd . it i. se.- ud ; I .a 1 1 , third. Time I ; á .' s- Wise Mason Tom I ia w ai .1. i in: i;i ( inn ii. Thninas saved the team in the tliir- I I ). s .Mi. In".-. S i 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 . I'alterns- , enter liclil. catching I'a.stot'itis vv. Starr. ' Henry, ru n w as made in tlie ! I'Y. IIII U.ol- - , ;u muí - 'i ,d.,rl'er and II. man. M.Knv as II is ; ' s Much a I'axoiiie in tlhio 1 i In N-M .Mevlco. a ml : Net nut d Tiiet .inv a t't. vn i did an ; a i i : . 1 1 1 . . I i ! . i vr , I'.mh the .1, st, r h. In lie- s,,,!' h ,,r Minlu'i.lKe. ami to LIGHTNING CLAIMS I vv 0 LIVES IN PENNSYLVANIA r.ittsville. I'a., Ann. '.'-' Ill an eX d, caused hy a ln:litmiiu Imlt, whicli set . . 1 1 a chai-pe ..! d, naiuiie. two exeelt tllllllel dlicl- e. , I , killed and alloth.r was pr. .lia 1 , ! ' lately in jured whil. they winked !.l- lllld.l the surface of I he cart ll in a l.miiei w Inch had heen driven a dist I l.:;nu teel into tile mountain .-id. at Vn He. view iia-the western pari of s, i n i x i k 1 1 1 c.nint v. The Dead. I'HH.i.ii' !: l i . i x ; i: i : . .isni ( ; iii ; i-: in i!.i,KNs ri:i.. aae.i 'j;: Morris Woll'uiiK had his e shatt. i -ed and may die. F 0 GOVERNOR MURPHY DIES l.oliuhont Makes l ast I he Miles. Ha mill. m. I hit . Allí. J .' 1 o a h . in lie i a,-.- tuda at an a I ll I. lie meet J lor li.ilit. Ton, i.aliKhoat IVicn I Sic Id, ai. I ...iiKhoat c.. .1 llm l h. ,1 is i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. riivsit iaxs ant m itt.roxs. " I Mali . H ltl,ie team , .,r ad soili ! ly i r i an a n I h llilt i, II in ;' 1 I old Is sa Id I,, lrs ,,l th, i'a I , oil) , e, 111 t ll, i, llau 1 I .. Intel national (hiss liaii, i..ii-lni 1 tussell'i.t'd. Auk. In. Ule XuremhelK minder. se... d his Mis; w in in the chess match l.n ;iie .ham-j piolish ip I.Í III,' Uiil'1,1 UK I'le I II I.,- j her. ,,f X.-w York, hv a ;.: I': ml i. I i . Lu í ill the third nam. toi,e:ht a'ter I hotel today, fortv live ino,s. ria va- i . :t mi; , i,,, had keen in throiiKhuiil I ir. I-i.'-Imi' "p I th time. .am. I V ll tint loll 1 i"' a Ids In He did a " Jli iiii.l . x- l.ll 'I'lle W. Old's leC- liiil Is llesf for lnoicsiain ; Mr A. Koliinsoii of 1 1 r u in , u in , On tario has lieen trouhleil for years 11 w ith In .1 KMt I. ni . ti ml recommends t 'ha ni hería i n's Stomaeh nm! t.lver De,i',0 RopreSCIltPtl TtM li-iTalilets as th,. "best medicine I ev.T . ,s i used." If 1 1 on I .led wllli I ti . I Iros t in n lOry 111 (.OIIP.ICSS, .r constipation (jive them a They . .are certain (o prove beneficial. They (Hi M.irnoiK .I..IIIU..I Nuclid I cn.f a wir. '"'' l ilsv lo l;l'' "ihI pl.'itaant in ef S.iu Hi. ::.,. i al . Am,. -i I'linm i f"'l. Price, "fi (cuts. Sampled free at all (lritKKistH. ". is. hi st - 1 Physician nuil f 'trS"oli ! Ilontns ti and X. . T. Autillo bullil- Init, Alluinuei'nuo. M. IMI8. SIIAimAfll A TVlAs I'rnetlee I. imiten Kye. liar, Nose iu,, Throat Oculist untl Aurist lor Saiitii Cuaftt Lines. ornee Stair National Hunk H illdlnir. Hours: Id 12 a. m.; i:30 to 5 p. m. Well Known Aiiona States man Passes Away iiomi:oi'Aitis. I 'US. 11 RON SON ,xV HHONSON llouien.HlhiP Physicians anil .Suifcrnns. Over N'aiin ." Iniix Stor... PI, unes; Oí fice BJS. resldeiiei', It'SD. Alhuiter nm', M. Heitlnnliis' today btiel. w.l he fur- AMI IIK AX ss(í I M ION. I h l: Imili At Kan-, día na ,i dis. A! St. 1' s i i! y - ix a usa - t 'ity . i Walter lian , II. ,,f i ' l- , t!t .!! ti net imi ,,l' ma k oik I iie a- ' :,'r Parr. -11, with Hai.l 11 It t. Paul, n: Ciilitmhiis. i j, ;n,, Ward i 'arson, a in utm .bile eti t h 1 1 s i ; , .s i s ( came lo 1 'a in hridire 'I'ues ill ' -Milwaukee : I. o u is- ;....,, hlm i..r experience new' to them map. M i tinea poli seventh iniiiiift alter two nun were ,,ut Yoiiuk. l.i'' thii'.l nian up. -sin-;., 'and went to third on a' In Tlin mas. I'astorius passed l.eaoh, liilinn tlie hasi'.s. Mueller at hat lor ill., lost time, knocked a T.'xas lean'iicr . , 1 l.i-Oiei li 111 Voilllii Plltsl.ul'S nun null null (Mill IHHI III 1 11 1 Pliinklvn ! ' ' . . .'. . un ii nun ano ip.ll (Hill un n ' -V....MK ' -, ,.:';::"!";" ""'"V.,,, ' ,!""'r- i added .starlet', ridden o ,1 f :,, ( I . .-. i tile $ 1 .-,.111111 l-huiiii'o ( ':t v ha nd ca I IK-HMi. : tinento, i. , miles at Km pire CI'." to lav, d.l. ; i'lili'ii"'AllK. 2 ti. KH.UM I'w-t a ti. Id of hau li, a ,. pels Phil,, da r:il . !. Iril. wh.r, a - si a I , d ll , i a 1 1 1 . . , l'estoii Palay in the liltcciith I tlnim, , ., , v,...,,.neM .,,, ,i ., ,,, w : had ii r lindería ken to 14,,. Ill ulna fates led off with ins tilth hil- tr,.-k record for tin di-inime and Id-! bine .h tin- hill with a.par.-ni Tile locals could do hut very llltle with r-peatlim to d ay . I dol's dim as ., ,j ;, ; 1; to the summit without eha Tuekey with men on liases, his bii.iI ...h Kritik "'.ill was ... i,,, 1 I'mm th, 1 1 i 1 1 mar. The rul. I i.aiisitni , . i.cloiis.' a lii l.op.'. and s 1 1. rill. ,) a'r.ul.. Sprim; klllK's pawn. which a' lit iv he wit, Tip' imliied could easily have nvrtiti. .1. Imi ln'!d.atii w as h. morilla Tairaseh sin e.e.leil in .i- . ntriirf 1 1 1 Is. i;,,v,in..r Murphx 11101 . 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 a I, s .l 11 f 1 , 1 1 x . of ilia. ,lod SUddellh ll the 1 ..'..- .. . W , , r,.l, c health lor some ! n In tied by Oukey'a hack line at bII ntp 11 1 'ol... I hours of the day and night. Prompt I h I. lllp allied h his late 1 a us,. 01 Ins RM of the slnniili ll w as tit I -c ulit is , ker made nt. 1 kind's sii h. i 1. 01 d t, ears ..f ;i;.'. IP- K.lte in ci.mtless ft', iiii.l was K'O . riior o : I MIS I" 11'"'.' elected del. - 10 A ri.. na i 11 1 xtc! the I . ti it ot 1 rom 'and satisfactory service. 195 or 1911 Telephone t.f Disagreeable at Home. I.ots of llletl all 1 wome"! win np r un mi la nn -roils a ide which tllt'ea Close his o..01ellt. Wll'i. hoi carefully ta v. .1 off all on la io;hi Tarrasch r, t.lie I wit H a h,ir: 'I asl Ie. attack a lid stieee. o...l m l't.rri ll i- impressed v.ltli the i.i-.i tin intr pawn in passim: 111I.1..1 it- , Lots ot ni.-ii ant womci wno lire 1 a 1 III,' ix to 1:- 1 1 1 1 1 'is 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .,' ,,-,,, o , , , , , ..o - , , . ,1 1: i ee, 1 1 tic w 1 1 i , 1 1 1 1 ' i s, m - i . i , i 11 1 vi' ludí!, and. Inn inii c.iiiiiieie, tin hoi the I or t , - ti 1 1 Ii m..e. .,, , , (H 1H1 disposition. Its the !;... Ky K01 k eave dist, i,-t a few weeks í I if. I.asker lias won l,oi;,m.s Into..... It' ou foul in 11111seir lliat inn led cross around tin- house, little IhliiRS worrv ..u, inst buv a liottle of U.mieii Sw im..a 1 - Make t.ood. ; 1 :., ih, 1 d s Herldm. ami out voin- 1 1 x . 1- har Ids ."ncivis, an.l he tackle ! .1 Journal Want Ads Get Results as Well as haviim pellet rated th. I til" mat. li. of Adams county last Siitida.l - - - .,ls cull. hut I, e'-iipti. i: Umncti Swim. .a r. Make . I. s ii,',iciv ',,,'1 h,-' tackle 1 ,j . 'I',;i'r, low 11, N .. A 114 ... Mi - p, shape. You and everybody 11 round All ailverllseiiient In tl.p ('Inn- Klfieil Columns of the Mornlnj o Journal will nrobablv rent tlioHc vacant room wlth.u the next twenty-four bourn. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ItKXTI.STS. I'll. J. K KRAFT Oeutal Surgeon. K01 ins i'-:i. HattHlt Imllillnu. rl.011 74 4 A pp. .Iiitmcnts made hy mall. CHAS. A. KLLKI! Dentist, Him 111 14 N. T. Aimljn HMu. I'linri(s ISIiil and I0J.".. AHuHiilel .lii , New Mexico. KniraK.'nicnts I. y Mail. C. E KKUsKV llentlst ofllce: N lilt iiiK Hhl4.. over Vtinn'i lu utr Store. Al)iu.iiu'l'"iu', X. M. .itiiiiii witli brilliant siippoii .snui tiiiK tin 1 ateuini; runs oil' In several in times. .sema - Chicago l,jv , r . f .lam' I.OHI1II4. cnamt.icn n.iinn . n , swiliniler ol' Nliplaeil, d three cü..,. other fast women swimnpts 1 . . I i x.- iti ,.1,!., a llllee mile 1'aee' across the Hudson e, rii.T from I rv i 1 nt . . 1 1 tu far 111. 11 will feel In Iter for il. J'rlce fiO ! - cents per hot I Ie. Sold by J. II. j 1 1' Kielly Co. 1 A ITOKNI VS. it. 11 IHHI 11 IHI lnu hum ouu 1 11 pellol. null IHHI 111(1 IHHI ntrj ;'. 1.. - Patients -llrowu and JxIíhk; Tuek ey and Smith. si. I.ouis. .": I'liiladclpliia. I. St. I.ouis, Auk. -ll. Alter errors allowed tile isitors to pile up Pon seres. St. Louis rallied in Hie ninth ami won its third straight Kaon- fi f hilailelphia t..da. lichee was efli ipve in the pinches w hile Sparks 11,1s hit hard. ! sere - H. II. St I.ouis (nm iinl JnJ a 1 -' á Plnladel,hia . a n (1 urn I -il 4 ii 1 Halt, ra s -lichee and 1. minis': Spai ks an.l Dnoin. New York. ": iiiciiuiall. I. In a:i. Auk. ll- New York ina V ii til ret- straight by hltliii 'iwni at opportune tunes today. Tin l .e.ds had several excellent opportiiii itl. - lo nuike the Runic close. hut 1. ailil not ipt P. Mclliniiity at tlnse la.s Catcher S iKiass of the New i.'ik t. am. liad his thumb so badly; . d h.-fere tile ua that lio w 111 not b. aide to play again this season. S, ,,i. " I!. II. I-i 1 'hi, i .... nun nin nuil I ii - A" '. Yol k ... 'IHI Hill 'OIL' - T, II II ! 1 Pali. 1 a. s Kw iiiK and M, -L. ail -Mie- Met iiiiniiy and IPiMiahiin. if Willi Kin:; James third 'I'll, rae, w 1 run o,-r a nimldv Hack an I the tinp l:', I-.', was v, ry 1Í111..1. Jack Atkin and K'iu James w.-nt .-ut to make the liace. a ml op. lu-,1 up a lea l of four i llallis 11 the lies; .iiiartei- with the rest 01 111'- lli Ja, k At kill w run 1 p 1 1 s e, , I 1 Pit 1 ,11 ix Mi a. Jame... m t h Tills .Murk Slnnds for i 1 Mrlse. of Inlcirrllv. 1 m up was an intcicstiuu -m, d, -scent was t h ril 1 im:' Sharp , w el',- made w it ll ill rut case, a ,1" iiioic.t 1 a ! ,- lo his j.asseirci'. ther, was absolutely no damcr ac idctit Mr. Parreli stopped tl it ib.- sw i m mini; I In- d 1st curves I'm ty-live inimiii s. nd I ' - ' pel ilor w as ,M iss that 'recently s w a 111 I'm .- 11 o IP- hour a 11 1 IPr rica rest ...IIP 'lira 1 1 11 r t. w Ip P.. klyn lirldue ll II t. Chi'v Island. Mis- Hurst liiii.-li.-. ' 111 I II lite hell mi A I s -l I '.old lllf . I'll I Ollllcll.-'l ... Illll. t. , OH t III' Steep. St 1 11 C I I 1 . S W 1 1 1 1 1 1 s pa 1 O I 1 1 C - tWO SWltlllllef- ..I.SS -,l-,' Joi, v -pdei-i'ul dii'iil of I that miKht hi' p.iiToi with a t ,-n . n t 1 a ml Miss N.llle Muer linislied in tie I' in', ride,, licl nl . i rder named. .bos m sure P.alhiipj. I la i i y iT. iiiii a li I his wit,, and wife's bud her, Th, y all wa nt into Up- water ton, i Ip i . And llarl's we- mi I rv and cjad when he 'saw- Tin 1 ule 1 1 , , 1 1 : away with his mother in law. I la it i more A III, I ica n. i JOHN V. WILSON- j Attorney nt Law tViUc-l Inns Made. New State fank I II'Ik , A lliiiiiiei'nuc, j ss M ilts. W. J KN'lxS Ausayer. I Minim? and McIipIuikIchI KiiKlneer IiPiM West l.'ritlt .iiinur. I'nslol'lice rm I 17.1. or at ol ripe of l 11 Kel t. I 1 I I South Third st-. i t. I lA.ilYI I KS. It. W. 1). P. L Y A N Attorney at Law O I Ice In l.'ltst National Hank bulldlni Alljuiiucriiue, N. M. National N. M. i i I i i" ( iss - '-' 1 I 'utility Surveyor. .Attorney before I-, s. Lnii.l Depiu' luetit. Land Scrip for sale. Ci d I eiicineeriiiir. tlnbl iixenue. oiiiiosi h Morniiiii Journal office. 2 T- r.o,-..T CnSZSSID "!fi o i, ,) am i:i:i an :.i: .ri:. t'blcu!o. 7: llosloll. l. oi A iid "! Hard lilt mu b 1 1 ''os and poor base lunnin b al- ipnc Clilcimo today's nano I Smith and llurcloll w-n- bal-, : "I tin- box. Maneo,, r Join 'I I 'a is were put ..IT tin- li.-til l"i --Ini'iiiy n decision. Suae I'.. 11 L. o- -i;-' mm .1.. JnJ 7 I". - "t. i, nil Ijn H s .1 l ab i ,. -- -Smith. Walsh. and W. ;o' .n. Youiis Hureli. II. Cicotti' and New Veils ana Veiling AN ENTIRE NEW LINE OF VEILS AND VEILING JUST ARRIVED. THE Jtr h a 1 ii V 11 li J ALBlJQLiURQUlVS EXCLUSIVE DRV O.OODS HOUSE 0KY OOOOS, MII.f.l.Ni:Y AMI WOMAN'S tt'CADT-TO-WKU GAUM I'iA'TX EXIH.l'HlV Ki.X, PHONE OHDI IUs l-TI.I,.:i 1'IIOMIMl.T, MAIL DltDKIfS nt()KPTLT. Neckwear Scores of new effi-els In iMiiiicns neckwear lime iH'i'o aihVed lo our stock uilliln the past Hii'k. II I- well worili a Lii lo Ibis -ri lion, lucre lo sec Hie displai. This Mark Slaiidi for M.le of lir,H GREAT - MEDLEY - SALE The scries of daily sales during the present month have proven to be a great success, and for the coming week THE ECON OMIST affords a double attraction. Clearance of Summer Goods and opening of new arrivals. The last week of our daily sales will see still greater cuts in all lines of summer goods, and all merchandise offered on snccial sale for any day during the month of August shall go at the sale price or less during the coming week. There still remains a good assortment to choose from, and affords the shrewd buyer an opportunity for PR0VITABLE INVESTMENT. Ii.iroit. t: lloon. I. v- " nitstoil. Ami. -J. ll. tl.'it bal 1 Hashes out ol tile box ill "''a.- today ami'.t Wiishmii '" Summers was .-tleetne hut wild !"t .... bep, bed f. r d-sputips a ih -' 1 I .' t he inn ,:re. " s ..... it 1 1 i: ,v 'laV.on .. a, pi tno. l.n. 4 li ' " ' .Od IHHI 1 1 I I 1 ! 1 a P i i. HllKlleS. CateS. .ohio!. 1,1 'i'et; Kolp..'. Summ.ti' and aa Ii I leu land. : I'liiladclpliia. I. '' obiidna Auk i'h . land !" '-P. lv l.uip bins hits on a k - a i 1 l ui-rt. " ' 1 .nd .... ...o ii t j I : ll ' a !,h ia ii 1 1. nun nun I ' 1 I - '' i .-s - CI,,., k ,,.! ri.irkc. 'p k I ' u. 1 1 s, lit- . k. i.mi:i: i.rAi.t'K. i 'tu freak nl I'm bb. '. - - pe, b .';'d , ,!: .1. b -.i ''!-. A lll; i,j I h,- ' , "' t" ' .!!-! I iae dn : ' He .no- s,-,- Ta " " ' ' - .i! "d at til. , a .,, , o.,,; f ,i, in..... I i 1 1 ta I 0ÍT I I .-w.t5v i iiiS i I. liUtee?n -i ' Everywhere throughout the store new things for autumn are crowding to the front, and we safely promise that from this time forward there will he pleasant daily surprises to greet visi tors, and all are welcome to enjoy the fascinating unfolding. FEEL AT HOME at any and at all times at THE ECONOMIST. Vi' i t ' Extra special I im ii Hiíd I.íiuii !ÍI iiml I rr luniil-cdi'-f in;nlr a ml 1 1 i iitUiMil (uii-lti it. in fill i 'l'T. iifi'l lit (hr Mth-. t-r;iifiiij ío- lili- .fa-uii rur. I hrv U)ir!iH " lil f'ir ?l-V"o :unl Kt-U.-Vo. I hU alTunl- :ti i II mí "' i ' ii.i-i i Imi ii llrltt u-liiiiH at I' - tliiin hi.niüfu l,iri- com. Final Clearance $3.19 St $3.98 SUITS and DRESSES. 'I Ih i mu iimi nti hi l.ii'r M;iif iiil-. uinl Im----i .in- jitrniii-; iliiiU ! :t 1 1 m w ;iii'itiil i : ii HtM'-il 4;inphiiH iti ll;i lii-H f-y r' , ''' " ' n... ..... i..... W-i' ,V(?1U', tll llltí- III lll JIIMI I M rM . 1 1 M . I III' ll-lllll I IMri flMIC I1HXU I- tu (III il l HtiMlf li'll -M I H I t l'i loliii'l ;tl 'Mu- I i,nni.-t. I -mI. i t tlr lri-l rtiifl Mi-'. Pi;v .'. -...- ... EXTRA SPECIAL l' i r -4 ni i in a lii-M lliliiiiiu iiMV ol niii ;ut( -tlt-. In; iiuilii u' l.ltl' (t llk. MtHIIH r lli i'iinli'IIM I 'i ;ti'i tl.i lii hnl' il in (l'i i IjiI I tu 1 il.ii f . liltH-. iriN. i Iii-iU-, ilaiil-. -l'ip' tul l'ii-iiin ilr-in. ,t nl (In ni hrhi w "ti M-.."0 SPECIAL $6.58 Autumn MILLINERY Showing. p .tiiauiiioe our dl-ila of lien moil-el- :o alin. I I'll . MlU mill elxel eolll lao.ile o- -i,,l il.le lor inumsliale Hint e t 1 , ... ... .. 1,.... , u. i.illi III, rtYTm nit". ... ... ...... .. ..- - - - - v. r-i ti-. ao'l ol -null anil i-nre. I n.liiiei on le llilll lllf nuil lililí rolbil ditc V(C- ( if oiio i tiina in .'ii ri da Jj ' hi I l.i- . .ai loe in ilie xtw.ii ad- , J ,'ft ,. í V , ei -l ol -null ai . , V JfrJ.'T 1 lii.e . f MU I.'lll t I Mill i-íí'' ' i ' lii-oban I'mwii Mm "-x i' . ."ixi'i '"' I i-coi u.-ir. mu 'A J i i i (I I yd V m: in-' Tin-: maw i. m:i;ii s f"f 1 ,i iun-l I'.MIH ) ' - - l.i.nioj and Z.i.i TUB tl OMIMlMf " '"Vi an, t-.x,. ' t , ni imi .in. "in r -r