Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, AUGUST 23. 1903. a a . Si I IK fir, I & FINANCE AND COMMERCE Atchison IT its AViHI Snoot. Now York. Alls. 22. Today's li-i sl scs-dnn n tin' stock exchange was marked liy tin' most llagrant mnnipu 1 . 1 1 í . ii anil extraordinary excitement Trailing In the two hours aggregated nvi'f 1.(100,000 share;;, much more than fur any full .day of the week. A very larnc proportion of this liusincss was i.f such a hollow ami anil superficial character as to ileceive no one hut the merest tyro. In fact, expressions of ceil Ictnnat ion were unite general among the more conservative mcm liers after the markets closed and tip opinion that the day's work had caus ed incalculable harm was almost .....intimitis Two Ihoorlos were ;i-l- v.inoed in pxtdanntion of the day's ! lnterliorougli i Atiaordinury proceedings. One was j do pfd ... Hint it certain group of speculators International prominently idcntilled with the liockj do old .... Island system was heing "siiueezcd" International liy other large Interests, the oli.ieet he- Iowa Central tub that of gaining control of the Hock Kansas City Islaml system. The other theory was do old ... that certain well known shorts had I Louisville and h ptd . 94 ij I Atlantic Cuasi Une o liahiniore and Ohio, 93 lo ptd (2 Brooklyn lt,ij,,i Transit ñ Pacific 172ij Central Leather do pf, i. Central of . J 195 Chesapeake and Ohio 4 1 Chicago Croat Westers i i ChleaKo and Northwestern .. ..l.iS'4 C. .M, and St. 1' 1 4 1 C., C , c. and St. 1, 54 fu a 7 i Colorado Fuel anad Iron ,'13 Colorado and Southern :3 do 1st pld 6'J 1 do 2nd pfd r,:i Consolidated (as l.'Sü Corn I'll l. and II lienvcr and Kio ramle do pfd Histillers' Securities . . Kri,. do 1st pf, do mi pfil Coiieral Klectrie ... . 1 Jreat .Northern old . . Urent .Northern ore ctf: Illinois Central Met Paper . . Pump . . Southern HUM . . 1 0 fit 170 . . 2 r, K . . B . . 3.1 .. 22-4 . . 37 . . 2 8 . . 143 . . l.'IBN, .. (."i' . . 13.1 V .. 1 1 Vt ..31 . . lft - do pfd 21 Westing house Klectrie 71 Western t'nlon . 65 14 Wheeling anil l.nke Kile 7 Wisconsin Central 23 Total nales for tin' day 1.0X7,800 shares. Total sales of bonds was 1,. 136, 00(1 . 1 h . 2 u bill I. .en given to understand that they Mould be permitted to cover at tin market. Yet .mother story and one that found not a few believers was that today's di.scredihle business ;i' inspired by the New Knghind manipu lator whose activities earlier in tin week caused no little alarm. The mar ket opened with general advances and pave little hint of What followed, lie fore the expiration of the lirst hour, however, trading assumed a different aspect, large blocks of the activo is sues coming out with wild Muct nations. Tile great bulk of the Im-dness was in American smelting, rubber, l'nion racitic, the steel stocks and Northern J'acilic. The movement when it did not suggest the matching of orders liad al the earmarks of a general cov ering. The day closed Willi losses in n number of issues, including the llar rinians. Following, the market's close it was rumored that a big delivery ol slocks, estimated at .100 shared would he made before the beginning of Mon day's business. The percentage of re serve now held by the associated hanks is 2Ü.74 against 2Ü.3.1 lasl week. London observed a holiday today and look 110 part in our operations, ('los ing stocks: A ina Igama ted Copper Amor. Car and Foundry Kii'i, do pfd 1 02 7k Nashville Mexican Central .Minn, and St. 1 26iir Min.. St. I'. asd S. Ste. .M Missouri I'acilic .M. K. and T do pfd National Lead New York Central N., Y., unirlo and Western .... Norfolk an. I Western North American Xorihern I'acilic I'acilic Mail Pennsylvania People's das 0.1 '4 Pitts., C. C. and St. L 70 rw 73 Pressed Sled Car 33 1 'ill I ma 11 1 'alace Car 1 (13 Railway Steel Spring 4 1 Heading 12 1 liepiihlic Steel 22' do pid 774 lio. k Island Co 17 107 Vi 1 fi 2S 1 IS r.4 31 (13 "; S I Vi 1(14 4 I 74 3 1 I 3 '4 2 4 'i 123M, 2nd pfd Amor. Cotton oil Amor. Hide and Leather .V nier. Ice Securit ies . . A hut. Liseod . . . Amor. Locomotive do pfd Amor. Smelt, and llel'ng do T.ffl A nier. Sugar lief ng Anier. Tobacco pfd Amor. Woolen Anaconda Mining Co . . . j, Id . 3-t . 20 . 2 0 1 . UK .1.1 1 . I 0.1 . 13 , 107 .13 1' . 0 3 , 4H-'i do pfd St. L. ad San Fran St. L. Southwestern do "I'd oss Sheffield Steel and Iron Soul hern I'acilic do pfd Southern li.ii do pfd . . . Tellll. Cop.'"'!' Texas and Pa Toledo, SI. L. do pfd . . . l'nion I'acilic do pld . . . I'lliled Stiles do 1st pfd I'lliled States Steel do old j I '1. 1I1 ( 'oopcr i Virginia Carolina Chemical I do pfd Wulusli I v ay 1 Milan,! . 3(1 . 2 1 'i . I '4 . 3 S .j . CO'," . !ix . 1 is . 1 S r . 4 S V West 3 n Rubber 2 .1 .17 . ir.ti-; . s.i , 33 , !HI '4 4.1' 1 OS 4 3--v; . IO.'i . 12 BOSTON STOC KS AND IÍONDS, (losing Prices. Money Cull Loans . . . Time Loans . . Komis Atchison Adjustable 4s Nil Atchison 4s Railroads Mehis.. N do ofd Huston and Albany Huston and Maine Rosten Klovated Filchhurg pfd N. Y.. N. II. and II l'nion Pacillc Misecllaneous Araer. Arge. Chemical .. do pill Amor. Pilen. Tube A nier. Sugar do pld Anier. Tel. ;md Tel Anier. Woolen do pfd Dominion Iron and Steel Iv'.ison Klectrie ,lllum . . (lenoral Klectrie Mass. Klectrie do pfd Mass. Cas Tinted Fruit Piiited Shoe Macli .... do old I'nited States Steel do ofd Mining Adventure Alione. Amalgamated Atlantic Ringham Calumet and Ilecla Centennial Copper Range Daly West j Franklin (Iran by Isle Royale i Mass. Mising ! Michigan ... 1 Mohawk Montana Coal and Coke 1 Hd Dominion Osceola Parrot Quincy Shannon Tamarack Trinity I'lliled (Nipper I'niled Slates M ining ... I'lliled States Oil I'lah Victoria Winona Wolverine .North Rutte Untie Coalition Nevada Calumet and Arizona . . . Ari.ona Commercial .... Greene Cananea . Ill'i . 2 1 .1 .127 .13.1 .124 ' . 1 40 7 . 157' . 24 . 01 . .14 .134 .129 .124 . 24 . ÍU . 2 IB .143 . II 'a . 47 . M' . 132 'i, . ño1;. . 2S . 4.V .107 . 10 if, . 3fi . 7 7 I4 . 14', . 0 . S1 . 3 3 . n 0 ' . . 12" . 102 7 13 fir. '.'j 7 .1e 3S 112 21! '4 Ü3 14i 72 1X' ! it 2.1 "4 111 ,1 v. '.3 141 S2 2i; 1 1 lis 2 0 1 1 Va St. Iiiiis Woof. Si. Louis, Aug. 22. Wool Firm; medium grades, combing and clothing l!l'(i20c; light line 1 il'.r 1 '-jc; heavy line l4i 12c; tuli wa.--lied 2()'ir27c. Jij THE ROMERO AD SIGN Co A NEW SYSTEM IN ADVERTISING A New Way of Get ting New Business ART BULLETIN ADVERTISERS 11 N K AN;OKA Cit,T8. I hive 7,000 regislereil and hlifh ttraiie Angora Hiicks, Doua ainl Kld for gale 1'rlcen reasonablfl. Will dl any number to milt tho buyer. Thos goatfl ari good heavy Hheamrii anil will bear critical InHnoctlon. Com anil see them or wrltj what you want M. H McCROUY. M. I).. Kan Marcial N M. PIPE-CLEANING. mm n OKHRSflS P nd repairing Is cm of our specialties Making elbows mnl JolntH Is another. We art expert l'laic.bcrs in all branches and arc noted for doing good work thoroughly, in a reasonable, tlmv for a reasonable price. We use only the best materials and employ only the most reliable help. We should bo pleaded If yon will favor us with you. next plumbing Jib. You won't recret It. Standard Plumbing and Heating Company 1 ' Cleainn and ressing is not an experiment witli us. It is not even a new hus iness. For several years we held and pleased the most particular trade of the city. We are now in business again, and would like to demonstrate to our old friends, and their friends, that w e have lost n on co f o u rs k jl I. Our equipment is better than ever, and we promise to please. New Mexico Cleaning and Pressing Works J. A. GARDNER. Prop. 319 West Gold. Phone 1 143 EXCELLENT ROOM AND BOARD. I ; $4.00 Per Week and Up. MRS. M. E. N0RRIS, 110 East Coal Avenue. ED. FOURNELLE Carpenter and Builder Jobbing Promptly Attended To Shop Cor. Fourth and Copper. Filones Mn. p. 100.1; Resilience 5.12. L. B. PUTNEY EUTAHI.IHHKIt 1(71 .lnla lli...i. dm. r mat dial I ( for MIUilioll Hniw intuir Hut SK W. L. Trimble & Co. Livery. IVmhI anil Kiilc Ktnhlea. nrxt claws Turnouts at reasonable rates. rcleJione 3- N. Htx-oiid 8t. j CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR CO. RuertWHirfl tn Mllll B, KsklB l and Biiolm hl a (lluml I t HOI F.HA1 K DKAI.KB IN ! WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS I W hanitla svarylhliK ID nur lln. Writ i tor lliiiiriii..l CaiRloKus and Prlaa UUA. iiauad tu dilatara only. Talihina HI (H1RNBR rilliT 8T. AND OOPPM ATI DRS. COPP & PETTIT DENTISTS, Room 12 N. T. Armijo Bldg. Phone 547. .(íÍVÍ.Íi -I So bread ther many that excellent sij i: people spoil; they (ill il jii o.l ii iti r,s. of our perl'. I FRANK TOrVSEI & BROS. MERCHANT TAILORS tsiKKSEK í':i:í;,!í:!í:!:!:;:!::;i;:v;!!:::ís An old saying has it: "It takes nine tail ors to make a man." Now if you want to to be an up-to-date man, don't fail to stop in and see our line of fine imported and domestic woolens. They are really the newest and most stylish patterns to be seen in all New Mexico. You all know our reputation for fit and workmanship as well as moderate price. Should you want a real cheap suit or overcoat remember that we are agents for the best house in the country, and with our experience in taking measurements, we can guarantee satisfaction at prices to suit your purse. ' Chicago lloanl of Trade. I ChioaKo, Auk. Z. The hcKinnini,' of ' the movement of the new crop ol j wheat i m a law scale in the norlli j west had a weakening elicit today on j the local market, prices at tin- clo a being oft' '4 'ii ie, compared with yi s j tcrday's ;linal limitations. Corn and I oats closed steady but provisions were ! weak. j September wheat's low point lor the 'day was reached at !'-fHiC and the close easy at l)'c. i September corn was steady with I prices iiifii c higher to Uc Ibwei, closing at 77c. i September oats were a shade lowot j to higher and closed at 4'JVtc. I Provisions were weak all day b( -I cause of prolil taking sales In the Sep tember and October deliveries. l'ork j showed the greatest loss and the de ' clines in that being from 2"t to 45 cents i from the high point of the day. The close was weak at almost bottom, j September pork closed at $14 HI, I lard was at 'J.123 and ribs $8.1.3. bop. icighl I ply ni guests dor if loot In addili loaves of fino est dainties t and satisfy o to ii overlook tin Is of our bake- slatidard, lull broad, we sup please your I'akos to or- you want th good ones from or you ran so our slock. Pioneer Bakery ::o7 soi ni i ikst si iti:i:r. f ILIIUIIIIIIIiaWIHIII'fl li I The Metal-i. New York, Aug. Z2. There was no change in the metal markets in the absence of cables and business was dull; tin is minted at t JD.'IO 'n ill. fill. I Copper was dull witli lake minted lit i:i.a(lfi,. n.HÜ V-; electrolytic 113.117 i ('113.50 and casting lit 1.1. 1 2 '. 'r 1 :t . .'1 7 '.ii . Lead w as iinoiiangeil at J4 57 Vj di 4 ti-'i and spelter $"ii. 4.70. liar silver Mexican dol lars 4."c. 'ilIMKlKS!aíJ'I)Íl''I'I'lM''I"í''MMl'tK Birds of a Feather Flock Together in vr is why i-ko.i;i:ssi i: ami i i- to i vi i : ii:i: ii w i s u-e our j,msi; i.i:f in in.s M'lillll, Mli; 151, K ItOOKS ami III I'.l'.l K SI Mil' .IOIIS. me I I lo He lVIT I'logreH- -iC. lHllllfllf tillers.. t.oi in line for I he hot liy M-mliiig iih our onlcr or I'lioiie H-'l anil tie ill mil. Weekly Hank Slalemeiit. New York, Aug The statemeul f clearing house banks lor the week i.s as follows: loaiis, 1, JSIi,.rill I. Hull; doereasc ii, 1L'6,;0(I. ioiosils, 1,;NS,I ;i4,illlti; increase, $2,L'OB,lii'0. Circulation. $."01. 1 "."i.iino ; decrease. $5 21.000. Legal tenders, $78.1115,0011; declensi , Í5 111,500. Specie, $5,'H,2iili, 700; Increase, tfl.- i;i o.soo. Hesorve. $410, INI, 7011; increase. $1, sol. 1100. JfesiTVe II crease, $550.7115 Surplus, $oI. I 4 7.ÍI75 ; Increase, $5,- 5L'n,;i50. Kx-rniled States deposits, $B:i, 411.525; ineriHso. $5.5;!7.i'0(l. The poreolltage of aetual lese--. o the clearing house hanks at the close of business was 211. SO. The statement of hanks and tried ooliinanieH of irreülcr New York s 1 members of the eli-aring house hnws these institutions have agKieKate d.--Si' posits of $ 1 .0:m.72!"i. Total cash 1 on hand J 1 o :t. 0 H n . p 01 nnd loans DAVIS & ZEARING M Vat Uol4 linn aVLai'Ql'EHUrB. l a MCIIIW IMvo the finest IIiIiik la the. oven line for gas or raaollne stove. Cull ami lot iu itliow Ihem U) you. Price $2.25 The Duke City Hatters and Cleaners 220 W. Gold Ave. PHONE 446 Cleaning, blocking and rcbind ing hats. Cleaning and Press ing of every character gloves, laces, feathers, etc. Ladies' Garments a Specialty. Modern, up to date shop the largest, most thoroughly equipped, most sanitary in the city. All work kept under glass. If you have never called upon us in our car, AT THE CORNER OF GOLD and THIRD, GIVE US A TRIAL NOW. All work UNCON DITIONALLY GUARANTEED. I B. II. BRIGGS & CO DRUGGISTS rnprtfl,tra at Mavaraiti, I'hsrni.ii y. Cor (.14 Vlr Illatila4 rimrni i. t. r. Kiut I .atrml aaal Hruaitwaj. 1MIKI Slltl , MEAT MARKET Meat All Kinds of Irish mill Milt Sleani Sansam" l uelory. i iii, hi i iNuoitr. Masonic Hulldmg, Ninth Third Hlrent ARTHUR E.WALKER . I' Ire InsiirmK . Sicreiary Hlnl Itiillillnir Akmoi laden VI, one 217 11 Hem l' nlrnl Av'iiui. .lulroil, $.147. 0.1.1. 72S 1 amount ing .o t.ici: o $:i;i(i.;i.s:).ooo. 4 ASK Olt l.4i HIM US. uois I "llerpli l.lo. Slll1-lsflll H ive you d. contagious " lile Ni-M Sflelltilli- ami llandriilT 'I ii'HIineiit ifdiufT? Then you havi parasite disease, un- ST. VINCENT'S ACADEMY Boarding and Day School For Young Ladies and Misses. In charge of Sisters of Charity. For particulars, address Sister Superior, Sixth and New York Ave., Albuquerque, New Mcx- ITALIAN DAR0N BEATEN BY PARIS ARE DEALER PHONE 924. -g)00KJIfiDER pli-asaiit. unhealthy and one that ;vill eventually lead to baldness. To cure it you nmsi destroy the parasite that its at th'- root of the hair. The only preparation for destro lug the germs is N'owbro's Iferpieido. Charles Klein of .aramio, w yo., says: Herplelde al ii the itching, cured the dandruff I stopper) my hair's failing out; aim u is iiiiiiKüiK a 11, -w crop in nalr. S Her.i. ide is free flom grease or dan- .gerous drugs, and makes hair glossy ;aiid soft as silk. One bottle uill eon Jnucc you of Its merits Sold by h ad ing druggi'-ts. S. n.l 10c In stamps for pimple to The H.-rplolde Co. Ii. troii. ;Miih. To siws. 50o and $1.00. i!, jll. Hi iggs and Co., special agents. I p 1..11 I lay. I I 'il h-mI waier i;,r. I 'la 1 11 made of -lonounr.'. holding alsml I iiiaris lor t-iilHT fi-til or vialer. i rv ra- l kerp H ail. 1'rt.i- Ilk' eacli. i lf. to;-ll 1st. Ilione Id. Paris. Am: dent oeourre (lose In III,' bnsiist time llalla n na no . threshed Pan the Italian quickly illl'lp fllSeil to pi o: ' ft la III liov. allaek was , menl lor a pi n hi. h AIM. at 1 ei tor on b li., able to brine on aceouiit ol lomalic tiosit; the liaron t ul and threshed I that the ilni 1 baron and t-" amicable iin I 1 i-I I A si n lay in II i.'-ulovaid. o! Hie ,, I Ha 1 o s II Alliottl. I ' ' I -SV lll'li' .. "d but th" I . ale his a' -ail I I hat tb, net , '. . ' Hi.' r. to il ' ol anl olio Id to an A no 1 ,1 ,.f Sao,',, v. I,.. .111 again"! II 'lie illllliill'il It glV'S II 1 1 1 1 ', H.l' l o 'i. I III i, 01. It I ' el. . ol is novv 1 I-. " iia lug eon 111. tit of til. Il ; A il iooi S. i ilc I til" eniiii: 1 , audi i:..r ..I iv .1 tie OOOOOOOCX300000TXXXXXX)00(XXX Lumber and Building Material Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Windows Doors, Paints, Oils, Brushes Cement and Building Paper J. B. Baldi Idge, 405 South first ÓOOOOOCXXXX XXX'XXXXJOOOOOCXXXXX XXXJXOCX XXXX XX X XX XXXXXX X") Willi Ample Mca Bull I'nsiirpasseil 1 aclllllett. The Bank of Commerce of Albuquerque f l-'leinls to icNisll.irH I'.vi'rjr l'roH'r .ccoiiimoilfiiloii nml NoNoio, New Ar- lolilils. I'nplllil. $ I. VI, 0011 HO. I (fill er H mill Mlreotols' i 1 .11 iih. I'ren. Iileiil; W. S. MrloMor, Vice lrlih'tit nml dixltler; '.V. .1 .lotnis.111. Assist, i mil H-liler: Hilllani Mclulosli, .inr(te Ai ih'I, J. :. Italili Idge, A. l I'.lm k I well, . I :. 'roiimi II. I , PRESCRIPTIONS? WILLIAMS DRUG COMPANY ! Thos. F.Kclchcr i I'll l it AMI I IMUNfiS Miti:ss, s iiiii,i: paints, hrro. 408 West Central Ave. VENICE OF AMERICA Finest Heach Ilesort In the World. Ilaihlng, hoHli.ig, Fishing, tranc ing dally, free 1 .mcertH, etc. VII1.1." and KuugalowK elenn, cool and complete, JITfiU to $.15 00 pnr month. Apply Villa Office, Venice, California. THE WM. FARR COMPANY .Wholesdln and Retail iBi.a,it an 'Kr.HH ami malt mtfl toauanB. a Hiieliilt7 Fot Cattle and Hoga tha Plg(at Mr .t t'rteea la Paid. GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY Wholesale Merchants I'rJu W ool, 1 1 Idea nml a HKslallj, liMrtH'KKQITij fJLS VIH JA SANTA FLC TIME TABLL r (I Unlive dime 17, I1MIH.) 1 1 ArrlT.. Papart I lip I III j II up 1 II II 10 64 p II 41 a 11.41 p Ilia a Frnlti lha F.Hal 1. 1 . H'.iii hi'i ii t'al. Ripraaa. i. I I a 1 1 f . . r n I 1. 1, .ill. , I . . . 1. 7 N'-rlli .'al K.l Mull. N.i. I. Kl 1'. M.'l. 1 Or bm. I1 rein Ilia W w.1 S',. 2. i lil. sa i K111.1 Mull .... No 4. fhleaan l.lmlliil Nh. . I'.a Kill. " Or Eip. I'fCtm V11IIP.V Trmoa Ñu. 11, Aiiinrtll... K..arall anél I'Mtliihnit Ñu. II. Fr .111 I'arlal'nd.riu.aall an, I Amarlll 1 II p Fraa I ha rl...nh N.i. I. 1 hi , n.-n a K r. Ki. I III i ih ill (14'iitini'i 41 Ijimr wllh branrh Irani f'.r Hniila l-'a and aiepa at an loeal psilnlala N.w M..ilr. r. It fUKiit. nt IMa Ilia f p a 41 p flip I If a tl7 WKST I'KM'IKAIi AViKI!C t'li'.I.IJ'lliiMK 7P XXXXXXXXXlOtXIfXXXXXXXCIflOOfX txXXXXXTfXXXXXXIfXifXXii Í ALBUQUERQUE FOUNDRY ANO MACHINE WORKS .1. no School In M l .Mhii,pii rue. and on the M i will open Auuust S inns. Inst, ad of Sept. inlier 7. All oitnoil i ,. ,-. take notice. Ji:srs p.ii.mi:i:'i. Tiinn v H v K':. I I Ii iS. HUMAN, I tMialihslieil Iron and lira 'nal ih;t . Ham. liHl.iiltt Y'f'l. itepRlr on M !nl'i: IHH1 IL '. Ilnll, Proprietor (in-, ''i.fcl nml l.uiiihar Curs, I'lil ev. .iai ( ..Pul í." and Ir.i'i fr'roriia for It-iPdlnpa and Vti ioiu afacliln.-ry n'jr Speoliiy y I oiiadry I jisi side I liallroii'l AlliiMiieriiie Now Meiliai OXXXaXXXXXXXXaXXaX J-XXXXXXXXXXXX XXJÍXX X XXX XXX a . A line "chill iriilie- anil a ili-ik i-om-IiIikiI Monh l". will wlil re- iliiclnif the price SI 'r (lay iinnl Milil. Itegili Allglisl H.. See III the nimlous .at. Ill Wi-I oal or "Hill , S1111I1 Siiond.. rulri lle I uriilinre O. MONTEZUMA TRUST COMlANY ALBUQUKkQfE. NEW MEXIUO Capital ami SurpluJ, $UX).(X INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAYINGS DEPOSI TS 1 H I .".Cu t., II-. r VSirr .. Maiaarran r H M ff V' f "o to r au. -1 Tn t i rmtt H t J f- t-vt t it- l').Uit-u4l.liivMM 0 C ! B MNiTf nmrnirii to ,anT Immr r B a t itrmtnomntt mm rwmmMwammmmim C Si. Id In Alhniiic rqiie liy J. II. O'lllelly. l. I V H 1 l H 0 H U I ü IT1BLEI III til K'nt HIIt Airijt inapt kl. AI!ui(rirraju, Sew Meaar nnnr.7iT.Ti aZiiáiihiaimiiK