Newspaper Page Text
-J L 8 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1908. GEO. W. H.ICKOX COMPANY THl OI.DKH1 AM LaiJMJRKT JCWKF BV HOI MS IN HIW MEXICO TIH K ALWAVII COM1I.E1B AN7 MCW PKMI I.N VOt WATl'IIKM. Ht l.L KKI'AIK TIIEM "Arvk rnml." IIS H Html Mr I. ALBUM Hit IK. N. M. wtm F. H. STRONG Funeral Director and Embalmcr Lady Assistant Prívale AiiiIiiiIuihv. Office Sirona, booond nml upper, lelcjihoiicx: Office 75, Itnri ili iKt' r.Dfl. hupt. lairvhw mid Santa llarbiira (Vir.t-ti-.iic6. wiiK'in tlirouKh tlm window. The ioss is. estimated at a hunt ir.. lirv. Fletcher foul,, rector id St John's :plsropn church, returned jos ; ti rday from ("lallup, whole In- con i ducted services. Sunday. ! .J. 10. Mi-Miihnn, trainmaster fur tin ! N','W Mexico division of 1 la r- Sania w.. arrived last ninht from Mm headiiiai' ters in Venas. Superintendent Jamm Kuril, or the Ha ii In I'Y's New Mexico illvis.oii, ar rived in Albumn n:iic lam nlnht, ue ( ompniiioit by Mrs. Kuril. I'rnt. J I'.. Mill, r, of h.. lKh """""I. returned last n Ik ht from Hrr- nallllo. where he han Ixi'li oonduetlnK mo .-.anunval county loai hers' IiimII- lute. Skating Rink THE MOST POPULAR AMUSEMENT PLACE IN THE CITY. The Best MovitiQ Pictures The Best illustrated Songs The Best Singing The Best Place to Spend a Pleasant Evening. LOCAL HEMS OF INTEREST Mr. I! H Iliiiii-K, Alvaraih, iliarniarv j hay.- hit lor a t i pi-opt hlor of the and sun Leslie, days' horseback S Ha and Manzano lrii Ihrounli til ra nj-'S ; .1. Lorenzo llubbell, of fl.mado, : In th. n (hit 7011 haulil ntrt I riz , arrived in A llniiier.iie vestcr- rx-xlvr ynur iii'irmnii rPr' tim day lora short titay. Mi' Huhboll his - ih. i-ohtai. tki.boi.apm i.O.i- - hi ,.,. fro,,, tli,. Al izo,,,, republic In your nnmo mni iKHrpaa nd tb 1 1,1 1 1 l,,IMM - Dior wilt h rtt?vrf-d bv a Hn.l rnn run vi-nl mu ,tt Prim i, t . ti)t!JKr, Tht ialihon la N't. i$. Morning, Afternoon and Evening Sessions. Only One Moving Picture Performance Beginning at 8:30. ooooooooexxxxxxxxxxxxoax COLOMBO Theater Phone 471, Change TONIGHT New Singer New Songs J. G. GOULD, Tenor. i'iciiii. Wa-diiiiulon, 1 1. C, Ann. L'l -New Mexico alo I A i Í21.11.1 ! in tally I'nir 'I'll" .-da y and Will lies, la y. Insure In the Ocinciitm Ufo. Frank A llulihi II I. It last nlnht for his sheep iamb m si id' Mandalciin. T(. .1. Hat. wood, of I loin Intio. X. M.. wiih a vi' ilor in tin' city yesterday. ". .. ,li 11 ( r lias r t iii ii- il Iroii, an " 1 1 1 1 1 1 k ol two o'k at ,li mi-. SprliiKi. Si-n.ilor llaivcy lilrhards. of San .Man Int. ;h a visllor in A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i iiii' yi"ti l day 'I. '' I lai lliudon. Kant. i I"i- siikhi it inil. airiwd last nij-ht frmn I. IIS Vl'CHH. I' Xi.rth Hcntnn. fill file of Wei lil, . Waul, the well Mr. Miller is n Jll: t I II Jl II K H I'll I ' .e llllll 111 ,i i lela ney's ( 'ale ha: an all iiíkIiI m rvlei i;.i -cialty. I The ulular dance of the 'n ni ti 1 1 i -j rial i Inli will lake place in the i Inh j tonioi row c y i ' 1 1 i, i r, . j Xl'W Silipilieill of till 1 1 lit cM FwiSX 'and ltoiiieort rli"e;ic at the San Joac Mai ki t. t in i p and wool I InisinesH I I 1 1 1 to CRYSTAL AUG. 20 to 6. PROF. DUPONT NntcllY lii.Vi' . ruins. THE CHAMBERLAINS I'l i -cnl Iiijv Tin ir sil eaiolu Irish ni I. Tin-: si:t'(ii .11111:11 ," New Pictures and Songs Monday and Thursday. I .mi in Trailer, Mu lindii r. has i ,,r I he r;.-lali i.l ,ille . In- S I,. Huillín, of i; I n Smith Wnl- lel Ntl'eit, eaes oil.l. lilt" j i;li i t 1 1 I I lal i m s 111 Salisbury, Mo. V. i:. (laiiisiin, of tin A ia 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 I l elli ne ni .Mesilla I'. 11U. I:-, here on a slli'l t hl lili ,ss t 1 i 1 1 . t Tic l"e Will he h I t filial ineetini- ol Ihe .iiidlien',-: l'llile lilis ate'IIHOtl al 2. Ml at Mil Fi dlmv.-' Ilall. ,M I: 1 Anna M T ni in r. teacher ol tin- uov i nn o n liidian .'1 hoot al Mc 1 'a 1 1 s. X M., is In re on a sinn I y;dl W. II. .laeii. of i'llver I'ii.v, va- III the citv la. a nii'.ht on liis vn' home lioin a iiir-iin ss trip lo I nion county. j .Mis W I!. Childels lit III ll il yes I i t'ita tl'i.lll a Uslt oí villi Weeks ni 1,1 in AiiKeb s and .'lout hi 1 11 I 'a lilul - fleort-c p. MUf ('hlo. is here f,,r , the mil st of lion,, r II known frniM.v man brother of Mr-. Ward. lieori;. K Xeher lias reHiriuii from a trip to Ills ranch in the valley ol the Ido Fileno, lie reports plenty ol rain and abundan! Kriiss mi ihe rniif-e over In that country. Itev. W. S llucirelt. pastor of 1 In Soiillier,, .Mcthodi.vt church at foiilup Btid well known here, was in the illy yesterday on his way to liele,, in the Interest of II, e church wmk. Mih. Harry T Johnson loft Satur day inoinliiK for Tiieumearl. X. M.. to n, 11 I her luetlnr. ('lav Junes, of SI, I. Ollls. and Kettle . (pe estille (if their rather, tlif late i 'hurlen I'. Jono Samuel Itlai'' left last niuht for n short business trip to KI I'aso. M issi-H iasa I deck ma 1111. ('atnerme Miles ami Margaret Keb bei returned yesterday from a two weeks' visit lo San Ijiiren.o Springs, W. It. Motley, owner of a larire ranch In Hie li.ilil miiiinlains of So roiTo riiiinlv and also interested In mines In Mexico, was In the city last, ninht 011 Ids way lo Hatll after a short 1 bu-liles trip to New York. The work of raising I In- urade of the ..Heel car tiack on Wcsl t'eii- I ra 1 avenue will be completed today! and ears between new town an, Hum old town terminal will be inn HirmiKh without transfer nf passenner.s Special ciuielave of I'iluriii, i'om niandiT' Xo. ;l, K. T. Tuesday evenini; at K o'cloek, Ainiiist Jiitli, 1 it rt s , for work In Hie Malta ibriee. All visit lllü Sir Knlthls wi Iconic, It v order of Hie K IV, llarry Tliaun. iccorder. Our Ambition Our 4i Hi -hit ion Is not to do Ki'i'at things In fiiiani , but to serve our patrons well. If We have been of service to you, keep your money with us, and recommend us to your friends and in iKlibors. We w ill take this ub an esteemed favor. Jf you have not bad an account with us, start one now, add to It regularly und grow w itb the Kl-ow-1 1 1 K Hank. State The National Bank Albuquerque Li a i.i i n 1 1 inn lor i lies John W 1-1.1. n I in is' lodav I. os A nr.' I' '-. while in. 1,,,.., iiciu leu daM mi plot i ssiona 1 Ilusi one ol tin- la,,'; lli.W.H III Hie stole "i as smasli. il Jtaclins' lianster ti plate r.lass w lll .1.11 ( i t i i 1 1 y it sena br a le lilí which hacked Mubbs Laundry Co. "Our Work is Best" WHITE WAGONS EVER I 1 T LEADING JEWELER. THE DIAMOND PALACE ( Mil ml A v t HI. h "rl'- S.uil.i IV 11. It. WHITNEY COMPANY iw .IK1, WHOLESALE HARDWARE. nnmrled li tmwai c; lion Bi'llin.i'., Mino and Mill Sin WAGONS, IMPLEMLNTS AND FARM MACHINERY. Mail oulns snlirih'd, A II ui ii' t fH ; fí, N. M. Stoves, IH', I ppnCS, umps, etc. Loudon's Jersey Farm For PURE iCE CREAM PHONE - - - - - 14 02 ( lW'A.f C V ' ) CHAR Albuquerque Carriage Company 1 iimi.-;m w At.oSS tUltMJI Fir3t and Tijeras II UNKS SAIll.s Caplalii II. 1. I.eaiiiard. who has been Visltimi for several Weeks uitll bis brother, (coreo IV l.ea 1 ua id. bit yesletday morning for Washinntou, I). ('., where he will resume his dutiea on the Hem rnl stuff of the I'liilcd States Hi'iny. James v.. Clark, lenltorial super- 1 1 1 1 IK I II t Ol schools, lift 111 II' yes- lei'day moi nlni; for Mounla ina it-, where he will deliver an address at the cltaiilauiiia piel Ions to makin,; an extended llllll' III Hie .sol Is of till' southern couiiHcn. Three yoiini- hos, lanulim in mr fiólo cliilit to ten years, observed Sun day last by rohhliiK the eonlrllnil ion box of Ihe llapH I cburcli. Lead and llroadway, of cbihleen dollars. The boys will appear In police court at !) o'clock (his mornitift to rxjilaln the matter. Mr ni"! Mrs. Orrln Taylor and son, (O ville Tax lor. and II. A. Si hoclieeker, of llolion. Kan. returned yesterday afternoon linin a pleasant trip to the Valley ranch mi the I'ceos Tiny will remain In re a few days before rcturn- j I11K home alter maily a month's visit : Willi Mr Si Inn ic ker's brother, I,ou j Si hoelieckel'. of lilis cit . i li. K I'uliifv and faniil.v and H. 1.. Iioilson of Hiis .ily who are lioiue ;awii obmid ,ln Mr. I'litnev's Thom is i K I i r from a tiio overland to liuftalo. X. Y., reached C llivolli ilo. Ill Apache canyon, live miles ahuvc I. amy. last mikIiI at dark and will arrive Imnie some time I ml. iv . MisM I. Hi V ll.O'.eldine letulneil oil Ihe limited yesteiilay alter beinv; ab sent tor over a v i i- dui'liic which time she made an ext. nded tour ol Kuiopi- and also visited relatives in the east. Miss lla.elililie will resume lor position as teacher In the city .schools in xt Monday The pi'oiiiam at Hie Colombo last lioihl was i i v il'ii-r "The Mishaii of a Fa I Man." a fil.ii that has a bar rel ol lnimht'T in It. was one of thi feature pictules. There Will be one low .son and a m w le. I of filing a' tonight's pel t nana in e- Mr. (íoobt. tin new singer, h is made a i;oii, impres sion of lile IllUSle lovillK people ill 111." 1 1 1 1 i-l in t I snim work. I'oliee Juhje (bolKc 'rain laced a (tow deil vestelilay tuollllliK. til'1 ,-sult et a round up of drunks and i. Ho i off. ndits on the previous nlulii I'.'lr.i Martin. si was lined $ I . !'o, lie ini; drunk and disorderly. I'M Iaiiii itn w sixty .Isv. in Jail for alten, ptinf '! k ' s a I 1 1 1 's hand at t. r she bad luivell llllll I i lip ol coffee, the Xel'lV , Nat -i,inl I. Dime to make a hit with the keep, t Santiago Carda il,ivv till !..,' ilwild.rlv isinduel. I rom now on. ui hlwill iiirry ii I 1 I I, 1.1 M of ERESH MEATS In connretlmi Willi our (irniyry Deimrtiiiciit. E. F. SCHEELE W'K SOLICIT VOl K PATHIIX Atdl. 1024 North Fourth Street. e 9 t m Our fall goods are rapidly com ing in and being placed on sale. Our new suits, for fall made by Hart Schaff ner & Marx are marvels of style and, work manship and our prces mod erate KNOX HATS STETSON HATS In all .colors and shapes, both stiff and soft. Prices $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 HANAN SHOES DOUGLAS SHOES New toes are being added to our regular stock and fully guaranteed FOR THE BOYS We wish to announce the ar rival of some Very Handsome School Suits, Extra Pants as well as shirts, shoes and waists. Call and See Us. SIMON STERN ihe ci:ti; ii .vi:m i; 1 1.011111:11 esoe0iie ninniifiiciuiet.s of illustrated sunt; mules, Ihe ma iianemonl of Hie skating rink will hereafter be able to offer the public an unusual (real in illus traleil sunns. C,iieal anil oliier mi'ii class .sunns, adapted to Mrs. Frank's voice nre now bein r Iveil ami il will he Ihe policy of Ihe l ink muliane meiit hereafter lo present an Illustrat ed souk; pi'i'irram uneiiialeil by any other inovini; picture house in the country. This announcement will be received with meat pleasure by the music loyiim' people of Alhuiuoriiie and it uní' without sayitiK that packed houses will ''.icet every rink perform ance. "As ,niii; As the World liolls On," one of the most beautiful nmss Imaginable, was sumí by Mrs. Frank Inst riiKbl. "The dirl Vou l.ovc." a selection from "Silver Slipper," the llht opera, was also sunn with line effect. The slides accoin pn n.vinn th" sunns ale very artistic and linished in bandsoine colors. The musical prn niani w ill be repealed tonlnht. An en- tire ch.inne of moving piiturcs is also I on the bill for loninhl. Simethiuii very line In this line is promised. 14 F00TC0 BN RAISED IT IN VALLEY Well Known Fanner North of City Also Raises Apples Each One of Which Would Make a Pic. I FC U f-F III, Mot,. ex''' i 111 Ho I'll-! V. lid s. h ' oc i mu Antiist "1. . , alian, e w iil be held . ..lid. Thild and Fourth miliums for all pupils Wholesalers of Everything LAS VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA b. low Ho . iblb made K'v'hth (trade .uel I lit 1, I I , x imm.'l'oiis wi'l tal..' l.e" at tli.' Central school on it, 1 muí. .lit. All . xanilnaiious will I., ma at ' ..'i lock It is d. siriible that all i 111. lis who aic uncertain ibo lit th-'i, . It I M ) I II II .el., , 'I'll. 1 f ' I t op . I'l : I IT I . col 1; I M Y t t ;N 1 . mi mi i t Id- .(,.., - I. : u .. pom r.ic.v en : :..': c.pp. r a e xt,-. , ,., A s , ' - II.' C t ifs I, lv W. ,i b ! 'I t (; Is b .. v . I 1 UK lx' i X W . IKI.I . II, cn. I l..w. M.rrnm. 1;. 'aie' I.. t'. i- tie of la:. . IH UM2. I lour : I M O V I S f i. ,.s i,, I k i . w ii r - II pi oV . t lo Iv i. . upon ' .! a., I. In f a. t I J: : tu T p in. Ford d by Ki .1 - . ',is-it. ati.oi ) prcsi-ni al . m Tu. s.l.iy mot nmn f'd ..1 ..p. ns r. soils it b Itocli v ha v . lea i, obtain ir 'I'U'tUi I 'III'" til" !' ck. vv ho ow ns a 1 an. I: -..nth ol the itx . bus the Comm. r. ial club s. . mi. as i.f the It.M'kx K'.r.l I, lire I llllll I" th' t.e-t pro.ln. t of Hie tain-ois di-trl. t while J X J.'linsoii has pro. In.. ! e.,iidv loe- Koikv Funis and sonic ne F.tiI ll'. 'k in. lo',, which while ..malar than the l!k F'.rd nr found of hn. r lia v '.i Ily np.-i.ii! ftrrnngi no lit w ith th tills t I,,' low inn b Splcn.lel i a nt.i I.e. p. t.ll'Oli'I. r. ..., C f oir ni!, y toomdit P. lllie SO. 1,1-1. .11 wbe Corn mrasurlim' exactly fniirteeit feel it, In mht Is bemn raise,! by J. K Mallow, the well known da irv man and fanner. Ju.-t north of the idly, corn thai will ni'ow all around the lu st Kansas can produce and coi n that should silisl'y Ho ni"St captious cl itic Mr. Mat hew hroiiiHit in a few stalks which .lust touch Ihe ci ilinn of the M'uiunn Journal oltiie. The corn bears bu; ears and is well developed and healthy in everv particular. II is a nio-l impressive example of what can be done WÜI) lhi- Staple ill tin' l;lo (Ii inde valley. Mr. Matbew ais.. incidí nlallv blonnht a few apples, which an- cal filiated to ill i lie the eves of Ihe av.r ii Re e.,si. i n larmi'i hume. Tin y av er age al., ait twelve inches ill ell. Hill J tiTcnii. ami are peí te- i ami pe-i eui NEW PUPILS FOR SCHOOL FOR TfOLl Member of Faculty of Alamo ííordo Institution Leaves for School After Spending Sum mer Here, Miss Mary K. Keel, lor. director ol music. In the New .Mexico Institute for the l'.liud at .Mamoyordo, who has been spemliiiK tin- past two moiiihs in this city lor pleasure ntiil recreation, haves for the school Monday. Almost III. While in this city Miss Keehler has located several children who are afilíete,! Willi blindness or defective cyesinbt and will accompany them In school. Those v.ilh partial sinhl I MEANS DECREASED EXPENSES. Less Expense for Us Means Better Prices for You. the Will have their eves Healed While iu the .school ami those who arc entirely blind will receive all education litiln;; them to cope in the world's work with their more fortunate comrades. Thv work done by this school which has been in cxt-li tin- only two terms, ba--ilemonsH a ted its nreat usefulness and many oimn men w ho have b it the si'Voul on account of havnin pas-.. .1 the one limit are makin;; nood mo;'e' til Hie varioii- practical oecu pa I i-ms, such as weavhin and broom making that are taunht in the school. Miss Ixeebb r is stayinn at IJrt Lean avenue, where she will be n'ad p. si e anvone i 1 1 1 ii csteil in the school or knowing Ii") s or K'rls who minlit le si nt there. 1 t WW VI B t lbs. Ih t i-HUr MmM!-. . S I .00 R Ir N.'W 'till pi.-klrs. i tor... .0.i g ! l'.ii t iiiii in .iitil Merrill r! mi g i:. M l-'tlll Ctv.un i-hr-sr. i! HI I " 1 it win pay you to visit our store this week to see our stock of Peaches Plums rears PRICES ARE NOW AT THEIR LOWEST iiissiiiicisiiiiiiiat ALBUQUERQUE CASH GROCERY CO. IJOMi:it II. W AKI). Mgr. S15 ala ride Ave. I'.ak.i' ral. FREE! F.acb . 1 1 I 1 1 Si.eil pp- It ! ane'stlv !i"p Will II. : v . s. .111 f Ol I !lo mi lls i.f fl lilt pi'."-' IV. Hon -o that th' mil' the liioeitlon com;.... iild make a I I V fair I d Mr Malh.v lliote t--r sp. el d in some solo be . x diluted In Hiis cm tieeti.'ii a niinibi r of fumes iii.i.l-' :oiii,iI.-h as .. w !? ,t soliui the pi. -p.f one in ivbi.h to p, t have m - i v such iiirts and auv . p. rt iiif..rma tun I hat seo, i will t.e w . lei. me Tin- M 'i ninit J", ir, i il still h i. th,. six If. I. in. h atilde Ir-. in ll.i i, ,!,'., vvhbh should bv all in. ..ii' b. pi.S'ivid in sum. manner to .xaibn at the ion I'.aby M'trpblne llciids. id., by all soothinn Kvrups and In .lililíes It'll contain opium ir. otic. M. il' . 's li iby Kdxir i no inbitious or n ir. oti. A sure and safe t. .tn.ii lis. tiovv.'ls are baby ami ti eort ,': drains of liny Kind cure for disordere.i Willi S IliK.I Itttiiks llllll School Sup lilies. Mvery school i luid I his year w ho buys School Hooks and School Sup plies from us. will pet a handsome Pocket Web ster's I bel lotiai y ; or Scholars 'mn paniou I'lili:. More Iban that, we sell you. the cele brated Indian Chief Tab let for r.c The largest Pen. il Tablet : "Id ror a lib kcl. '. S Hulled Win at. p.-r I'li'T C We want you to try our Monarch Cereal Coffee Special Trial price Tmlaj ..n i (l.' WOLKING & SON IKKMOiOU V!MMII.1S, 1 A N KS M) M H-SI Kl ÍT1 ItiCS Wi ll illCII I INti, DltlVIXtJ AND UE- ii,,A.".;IM" AiDiinucrque, New Mexico. ft(li:i,. IIM.i 707 N. i;!.iH I MAUI I, M. I'KAVh Uisiuscs ol' the hair ami Scalp, Scalp Massage. Sliaillpllliille;, Lathes ami f7eiuleiiien K-i; itariiiit nidi: Piioiiu .'."i- I VI IIV (IMÍ IS T.1IKIMI MiOl T ni if i i. Ai- i;k. ik you nu: Mir .ii-:n i s vorits. im m .NOW. IMI'I ÜIM, '.AUMKV. HA"k Ol-" POSPOl I KK. I'bon. : I'Ki tXd 1 lot. iioi'K htoi:k. Next lioo. o. Sniclile .lumps IVoiii I nils Urnlne. St. I.onis, Ann - Fi nn out "f Ih. busy throlin i.f trafile n Fads lindn't I'nis aft. ni'". n an unidentiiied. xvc'l dressed man sud li rly vaulted the tails and plum--, d int" Hie Missis lp, l I tvef . ii'ti'-tv f. it b. low Horror strick en spectators saw him i"ri'' lo the surta,.', trunnle a f"W ínonotits in the current and th' n sink. His was not seen nnain The MONARCH GROCERY CO. om till P,. nu, on t" JVI t. vt,m, tU i huiiu qo '"fffaiTM"im-lITTWl I on: woitK of lai nm hi" .ON I.AKU.S' C'OLl.AI.S, Mtlltf WAISTS. SIxlll lS AM I SI I IS IS I NM ül'ASSI ií. Hilf 'Ml Mi l.ADNIMtV. HACK til' POSl Oi l IC Ii OI I! I'tlMtV IS tIT(K SI.M M SMVII, PKOIII-S. Ill It SHOW TIIVC Wi: CAN sN MIC MIINI Y ON vol i: ;m ik li s. r. l-KAIT & tO, II f iI H ASSOHTMI.NT or A,, Fui ns ami vi-:;irrARM:K ai:f su i "i i :i stock. fo.Mi: in sn KX AM I N K TIIKM. K. 4i. i H 1 CO. Ztt SOI TH ei; ()M. FIT'S ;imii hi mi 1H O"' Flan I ,111.. NNImt It tui for IniHeei:'n' r A Itotdnson of Irumuuin. On- iiltic- Fidoiidi.l toethlt-s'tario has h. en troubli-1 for years Sold l J. 11 O KI.dly Co. 'with in. I cest ion. m l recommends " " Chnmherlain' Stimuli an,l I.iver IF Yor AMI: IN rm OK NY Tablets a the "b.-t me.ü I fv.r THINO It INTY IN Till; liltiH'l l!Y ' used." If trouble.! ;;h indigestion :1' 1INK Mil" ' AI.W AS I INI) If or c.n.tirition rivv Ihm. tnil. Tlnv ' ri;A-rr tx.. m mutii are c,rt,ln t rr ,vo h, t;ll. Th. ',, are easy to take on.l idraMitt In cf- , ,.4, feet. t'rle. 25 rent P.imi 'en free ...t Marcus P. Savvlclic Contractor and Builder. in i h 1. i;imii :; I ii: I NNIIONM, P.VNIv P.I.IK.. I! I I I'll ii: pi. "l: CMINM KtlllV j lU Ci MtllSaV". I WAL'M' A7.IT'C in irt.f. 1 A''- Tol:V ANI MI NTMN Wo-iH pinkv ii:(i: iost; .i-i J I. IMP I 'OA I,. f.n..V l'Ht 1VIN Hi AN V OLD TIMIi I'HON K 2.11. and fi. Infants at 1: i. SIT 'ON I. riflan I! ink 11- Sulci. t Try a Morning Journal W?rtJ t a drU : o t. -1.1, n l..,.l !! 11 1 : ! .11 ! i ' y f'. ' orrt noMi'.sntT tTv?. is J' Tills TIIIMi A NT SXMslllS ol I'M HONS. I" MC H'VNT TO í I P TO H NTH inVP MUM I.M'V 1 1 1 MY IMIN'K BV Tlir Mll'l-'ifl"' 1-il .MiliV. RCK OK rtSTOl"H - VHNIKIW ST:AIKS tn itrtck m.l made to order, Inwf urbes. S..'isfactirn curantu.d. relie FurniTure Co. fTT-! HMT IHTK Tli ft Pf? OF oruiTA'. B AiTOX S I6 ' STOKl, If V 1