Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1908. PECOS VALLEY CITY 0 MAKING RAPID STRIDES ROS WELL RAISES $100,000 . FOR NEW RAILROAD Secictaiy of Commercial Club Hcic to Complete Arrange ments for Big Display at the Exposition, j v, i ; i jt h ;i in, .secretary nf the Uos ,,l cuiiMirii ial club, arrived in Al luMiii'iMin yesterday to complete ai r.üini'iii''" I'"1' ""' "xli iltt to be made al , h'g exposition by Iluswcll its a.l.iaccni ii'ii him j. a in- i ib- illotted lo lioswcll as This, hnwevcr, was not Koswell lias subscribed anil innl spa' l.'xj" f" Hlltiril nt Jl.itw 1'iay " ham fur spaci fill' till' II1HKII1K up in us UIS- 1 1 1 - rxiiisitun ami Mr. C.ra sti'iilay niailr arrangements ;,0 feel. Tbis space will !)! lie vi I'uniinc l.lay iri ham iti',1 exclusively In Ule liosivt'N nial club's showing, anil a dis ,in Dexter, of which Mr. lira ill have charge. In addition. lsbad. Ai pnints in rcprescii- William II. Ilurr. M. I, liallup, N. M. ! I'lcsiilenl's address, "The New Mix- , leu Medical Society; Some Duties and 1 1 1 1 H i r I u ti i 1 1 es, " K. I-:, Mcltilile. M. 1), j Cruces, .V. M. (ieneral (líder r business. ' Meeting nf council. , 1 1 :30 a. ill. Ueeess. ; 'Wl'lllK'Mluy AitCIIKHIII. I O'CllH'U i SlllM'll. I'KKSKN TATH . n' I'A 1 1 : US "I laimiat .c Deions nf Ihe Spinal Cord". . Jilllll V. Colbert. A 1 1 1 III i ii I I IKV Discussion opened by lieu, i'. I'ryan. Alamogoi do ; 1- II. Cains. AllniiUir ipie. "The Kosinnphii hihI opsonic Index" Samuel 1). Swope, 1 Mini Mir. niseussiAn opened hy ,. A. Massie, Sania I'V; T. C. Sextmi, I. as Cruces. "After Treatment nt' Abilinnlnal Scc- tiun" James Vance. Kl Pnsn. Illseussiiin i i iici 1 1 1 y J. 1'. Kaster. Tepeka, Kan.; J. II, Wroth, Albutpicr iUe. "Wrights Thesis. Ilaeterial lnneula- tion" J. 1". McConnell, Colmado Springs. Illseussiiin opened by C T. li, Kest. l-kist Vegas; W. W. Spargn, Alhu- pierille. "The Sequi le of Appendieal und ruerpural Infectious, wilh Notes on Appendicitis in Children" ... . William II. Hurr. liallup. Discussion opened by II. M. Smith, Kiist Das Venas; W. T. Joy nor, lios- well. Wednesday llyollillg. 1) I retook. DANQL'KT AT AkVA I! A I i llnTKl.. THIEF'S BOOT! IS DISCOVERED III crowded so that those who si tend should lose no time In -seats ilils morning. Ten cut proem e.s a I escrved sent. to at eiiiing extra DEMOCRATIC MASCOT HAS NARROW ESCAPE POSTO CE Lightning Mr, Strikes Itry an' U Illilu . Irlil. I Vil Mid I ee ol $1200 STOLEN BY MEHAN FOUND ACCIDENTALLY1 wh . Ail ". v. Ihe Di n .i i displays "id come trniii lar tisiu. Ilagonnnn und other tin' reins Milley, so that Us (atiiiu "ill be. very large. Mr, ilraham, whose position puts him in close much with public busi ness in i li- valley, Is enthusiastic over the rapid growth uf Koswell and the rosy outlook ahead of the l'ecos, val lej.' "Hosuell,"! said Mr. (iraliam yester iIh.v. "is growing ve'')' ra pill ly just mm-. liiisiness ciilidilhins arc excel lent anil our outlook Is more bright than at any time since the l'ccns val y began to develop. The citizens of Kttswell have Just coniiileted raising a I on. mill cash suhseripiinu which will he applied as a bonus for the new Altus. Ittiswoll and Kl I'aso railroad, now under construction and which ! will extend from Alius. Okla., where i iHiinci tinn is had with three bin rul- mad system, to Kl Paso. Thirty miles of the road have been practical- ly completed and construction of the. entire line is guaranteed without de lay in addition lo the cash bonus, linsiiell has contributed twenty acres nf land for terminals, and right of w ay through the city. We are now consid ering a proposal from another rail road company which apparent ly means business, and when the New Mexico I'i'iitral extends to Roswell, as we be lieve it will eventually, the city will he supplied with the only thing it has lacked In tile past, adequate trans I'lirtation. When the new railroad iiiiiies In llnswefl will go on a boom. "I.'v. r. under pitaoiit conditions the i alley is doing very well. In Koswell f have close to half a million dol íais' worth of building under way or under contract. The Commercial club will move into a new building at once. Imi i 1 1 especially for if. The Klks are cumplí ling their building and we have an armory and a government build ing coming up. Taking it all the was' through, we have no reason to kick." "The farming situation is excellent. We have the biggest apple crop of re ci lit years. I call to mind the case of a single orchard which has sold its i i'iip on i Ik. trees for $C;,IMI0. Thisj le was made six weeks ago. The Inner stands to make $ I r. . n i profit on lids orchard alone. (P neral farming ('.unlit ions are good. 'W propose (o make i représenla- j exhibit of fruits and truck al tliej Deposition here. In addition to the exhibit which will come from Koswell. mnl Dexter, of which I will have charge. Ilagci rnan. Arlesia and Carls- had will send lirst-cbiss exhibits, sol mat Hie Tecos valley wiil have no roa M'ii lo feel ashamed of the showing I will make. 'Tlie attendance from our section 'f .New Mexico will lie very large, as Here j 1 1,.. ,,.,.pest interest In the congress and a general feeling that i "HI ae, a great deal lor tho j b ri it., ly." Mr Ciaham will return here on j ' I't' nib.-r I'll with Die lioswcll ex- I mint and will stay here during the I I "III!! ess. j 'lion- is one thing which your of-, A''!- should make plain to exhibit-! "'V he said. "That is the tact that "iir xhihiilon buildings will be i'H'l on time. I have heard a num '"t id prospective exhibitors say thai "'- would nut come lure on Hi" -'"Hi or before because the building 'Mlld not be ready. I visited the ex-; '"Dillon grounds today and saw Ho l'r"Kie, which has been made. Then' 's. of course, no question that '""I'lings will be ready on time, and II 'Mllhilors should lie ilupic-s-d "li Ihe iniportance of gelling lore 'Hlh " legates conl In- Kou-Cliil- 'I liursdii) . Sepl. ;t. S a. m. Meeiing house of a. ill. Scienlilic program lied. "Kye Kar Nose and Til rout, tine Kxnmiuatioti in School dren" ooooooooooi urn oooo Hooo g.. aillhrd Clifford S. I.nscy. I,as 'egas. Discussion opened by W. C Shad rach. Albuquei'ipie; I". K. Tull. Albu querque. "Routine Kxaini'iatioii of School lefeets" . Albuquerque, by Win. Mm .1. I'alehln, Al- , Trinidad, by 1". I!. Cornish, Hope', Albuquer- Chiidren for Oiil K. .1. Alger, 1 1. D. . Discussion opened Lake, silver l.'ily; I-:, buillerque. "Head injuries" . . . John I!. Kspe; Discussion opened Albuquerque; W. . que. "Vaccine Therapy. Its Value to the (ieneral riaetltloiii r" Robert Smart. Albuquerque. Discussion opened by K. S. Mullock, Silver City; J. F. McCunnell, Colorado Springs. "ICi siiielas" C. M. Valer. Roswell. Discussion opened by C. (i. Duncan, Socorro; 1'. M. Steed. Iicming. "Typhoid Fever" W. T. Joyin r, Rosw ell. riiscussion opened by ,1. (1. Michaels. Deniing; W. I". Wittwer. Dos Dunas. "A Further Report of the Treatment nf Septic l'eiltonitis by Continu ous Irrigation" Discussion opened bv S. D. Swope. Deniing; 10. I!. Shaw, K. Vegas. "Spinal Anesthesia" Andrew Wade Morton. San l-'ra neiseo. Discussion opened by M . K. Wyl- der, Albuquerque; J. F. MeConiioll, Colorado Springs. "Diabetes .Mellitns" 10. I!. Shaw, K. Discussion opened Albuquerque; F. A los, "The So-Called Hacillns Tubereti! A Critical View" F. T. II. Fist. Discussion opened hert, Albuquerque; ( Cruces. ".Report Five Cases C,eo. Is'. Angle. DiseUisiou opened Roswell; R. .1. T "Diagnosis and llloll Disease. R I.. Crooked Employe Now Serving Time at Santa Fe Cached Bulk of His Swag With In tention of Recoveiing It. T it ; - During 1 1 hidmilt at II located eh-. re the democrat!, tabled, was siriu k I" damaged slightly of hay reai heel I. bu lbo Rryan-Uailex . .hlrcsseil I., ' i'Ii 1 vulnera! it .M til lb The mystery conn whereabouts of twep lars In longing to the legetl lo have been stolen fr. lel-ed letters in the local posl Charles W. Mohan, lormei ly cted witli e hundred i gov erutlll lit. Ihe ol- al- u regis l lice. by , 1 1 1 1 1 '! i i ' II : tlal ch i li (o l'osl master Hopkins, lias be, -ti cleared up by Ihe hinting' sev ei a t i days ago by .Mis. I,. '.. Werner, as sistant postnlis! l ess, of several paeU ag.s in an unusued mad pouch, con tabling coin and paper money amount of marlv one til Lincoln ea-ly (oil. of barn. null.' is uing and A hair day fi'i'i Foriii'V, Who K coin. X Willi follows: "The lli'vau I'ailey club . Texas. Is sending bv expre. of the lanioo- Forney Jinn .is ihe club's i tribulion 1. port of the democrat mused also solids greetings lo Ihe i it the rilhecl States .' 1 1 . 1 1 1 . to tie in, i--.-. 'I lutlii ,l!!l. It. W ll I r. i lo rio l I' lull delll TEACHER BUMED t. .and the dol- FOR RANK RUN the money i lea i s i pu..ling cases in poslul lieu inspec- I lisirict. The in positive that Me. coin some place, mate it. and loin s o' ever heai'ing Werner aeeldcn- Vegas, by .1. F. !'. . Yoakum, i ' rril- l.a 'egas. .1. W. Cel her. of Milk Sickness" Silv ei- I 'ity. bv C. M;-. 1 1 II I 'SO 1 1 , TUCO HUM 1 i. Treat liielit ol l 'oin- s, s of I lull Dladib r" . . I!rad.. Roswell I llsciisslnn op, nr.! by U Willard; I-:. II. Van Ars.l.l. do. "Management and Ticitni hercular i'ali.nls" J W. Kiiisiiig. r, DiSCIIS.'- ioll opened h day. Albuquerque; W. 1 Vegas. "Diet and R ('Ulosis. ". 'il imog lit .1' Tit- oswell .1. S. Kasl.-r-Mllls, I-;. st in Pulmonary Tul" r- ( ; I Us ion ,Ve. A qi. IO' I Ral. "Kx. I Usell: I T. Lane e in I'lilm A .Millike sion open. Hlqiielqiie. bv T II lb Las Cruces uai.v 'I'll bei enlo . Silv. i Ciiv. il bv W I II' W. Albllquelqll lll' l que. "Report Cu (ipeiati..n. Re.ovi' M K Welder, Discussion o pen.. I Topi ka. Kan.; F I'' 'Report Case J A R I lis.-ussion A IbllqUerq lie . gol d". Ilairi-on. .Mini- f Tr.iiiinalie lOpilepsv eovi'r.v" Ibuquel'qlle. b .1 I'. KaMer, I lo. pp. ! ;,il Isbad. of Malignanl lied. ma ' illy, A Unique! qu. . pen, ,1 lo I.. I Rice, .1 It. Clll.elt. Al - lars. 'I'he finding of up one of the most the experii in f the tors in the I i.-nv er spel tors w ere a llllosl ban had "cached" tin hu; were unable lo I almost given up hop. It, when Mrs. tally stumhl' il upon it. .M.'han is now .serving u year In Hi' Santa Fe penitentiary. He was arrest ed lasl January by I'ostol'lice hispectot Smith, charged with op. -nin; r. gisii-r-ed mail end xtra. ting therefrom Tin ted Slabs property. Mellan protested his innocence until within a day or two of the trial. II' then admitted one of the charge against him but de nied several others. (Hi account ol his youth an,) former good characler Judge Ira A Abbott gave him the lightest sentence passible under tin law, which was one year in the peni tentiary. Knolls on the, part oi the postoflicc inspectors to' obtain infor mation from .Mohan as to the where abouts of the missing twelve hundred ' dollars were without results. I As lar as could be learned Mohan bad lvt been living beyond his means ! and had not le en spending inonev j freely and the posto.'llee detectives j were at a loss to account lor his dis , position of Hie missing money. It is said tliat .Mohan made several unsnc- eessful attempts to gain admission to j tile postotlioe before his trial, giving various excuses to the clerks, as lo ins reas.q, lor doing so. It is believed now thai he wanted to secure the hid den money and place it in a mole se cure hiding place. As lie was a ills charged clerk, however, lie was unable I to n-.-t inside the ol lice and w ent to j the territorial prison without the sat j islnetioll of obtaining the swag. j Mohan was for over ten yours n trusted employ of Ho- local postor- j lice and his aires! and victionj caused much surprise. It is said lliatj he had worked up a systematic plan lo detrain! Die government which al most d.'li.'il detection. The discovery be inslieetors Hint ll" was stealing ! money out of registered letters was 1 purely accidental. Whether or not the funding of the stolen money will make I any change in .Mohan's prison sni ' teiice is not know n. The lienv. r Rust of Tuesday has the following story regarding the affair: "Tile postotlioe authorities have at last discovered the reason why C. V. .Mohan, a convicted clerk in Ho Albu queiqlle poslollice. llia.l" ill' I'feclUal all.'lnpls to seen!'" permission lo get into t he postol li' even a I t. r a peni -; teiiti.irv sentence v as hanging over lilm. He had abolll I Midi hidden away 1 in a mail box and was anxious to get I it befól e it was .lis, ov i l ed. lie said lie wanted lo go l.a.'li in j Hie posiolliee lo i ! ar up solio private i business. I "All of the niatt.-r found Saturday I bv the assistant postmaster contained i money and some in large amounts. Itj ', was til in r. gi-deied h iters and was , iire.l bv Molían b.-iaii . he bandit ti I all oí the business of the many . 1 V postol lie. s. Albuquerque lll'l , depos'lorv for a large t. i i il "i y. "On one charge M.hau plead-. f .guilty and senli nee w as sie-peti.b d bnf i In Ihe meantime Inspector Smith of ,e I leaver I. llice. .lis, ovel e.l llew' thetls ami Mehmi was tried again alio i sentenced loa v ear in Die pea il .id la rv . which sentence In- i now sen illg. "Four l. gi.-t. red pa. kilg' S Were opened by Melian and only part contents taken from . .o h I nit 1 containing 111" :!'. he had J .'"pi mi and bit Ihe remain. I. Fool rvd.mogi Pupil Staits Depositéis in id's Advice Wild Rui'h Beilin, in. ad. lly M.irnlliR .I.mrnnl Sprrial llerlill. Aug. ill. Tln'1 startling se nes around ei-schberger ha nk in Hie . trie! ol llerlln late this alb evening as a consequence that the institution was in Thousands of .persons gallo Ihe building de mantling Ho I lo ir deposits. Tlie crow d tit use that the street cars w to slop and a large foro which was ca lied out was control the excll.'d throngs. The directors of the hunk permission to keep the i open until s o'i IHMI w as dí a w n bank' was abh mantis for mo I iMlfcrtl N lrp I.e. nut iiii-i led ills ooit and I IIIOOI : iflh'Ully . .1 befo,.' I I III II Ol .Hile so lorien police Ible to M. lined til III loll ick More Until $,.11, 'lit In small sums. Tie to satisfy all Ihe de y with the assistance of the Imperial and Drcsdouor banks but some customers received only $J."t0 owing to the lack ol I i at li on account. ready easlt. The directorate ! that the i list il ill it o ! It is said that tlie I ti i l licull Íes w as set ' teacher w ho dm In pupils to inform their ' bank w as insolvent. I his arrest has been ini menso ct'o w .1 of I limit lug for then of Hie bank declares i is per I', et ly son ml rumor in I he ha nk's on fool hv a school ssons atlv ise.l hi It FLEET SAILS F ROM SYDNEY Jew Bonds of Fiiendship Aie Fonned by the Memoiable Week's Stay in New South Wales Capital, in VI. tilling .limrnii! Special I eiixi-il U lrt s due) . x s. w , Aug :;. Tin Meet of American ball It -hips s:nlcit tit in litis port this morning hound lot Melbourne. The skv was clou. II. Ihe sou was warm and only a itiod- . i 1 1 sea was ru 1 1 n i o k. A t S Hag-hip Connecticut weighed anc and led lite waribips in single line ..s Hie sloping shores "I the which w efe ero w did w it li I lo who had galher.,1 i c i II. The ( '"inn , I lent heads at x : in and lb, l,o. i I ea r . d t v i nt v in linn s Hi i In I" of Un clear tm 1 1 1 later bid lee! f il Hie ship I'll. II followed the II.O III t le Hi tappt r I.. I'. ni! lo r and I lo Aja llov t ll l 1 1. 1 1 lo the south and .it speed of ten Knots Soon di Sv.ln.v has given "I li make ihe siav of the Am. ricans this port a memorable one. For days the olTict rs and no n wete f. ami entertained in every c'.nceiv. manner, and not one untoward i .but occurred to mar this noi: led 1. i I.I. eveul i" Sydney's hislory, Sp,, iking of Hie visit, lile Sydney Herald says: "Tile American Heel's visit has en aided us lo realize Uto meaning of a ,,1 ,,.,,...- v,. It,. I .1,., I,.,. been formed and a w id.-r outlook oh tallied, with Ho same blood in mil Veins, the I'eMlll is bound to lie help tul I! has been good lo g, i lo ,el lo America and o know lb, it An tra lia has been rclis. ov erc.l " Tim Te I. g i a pit say - : "'I'll.' v Isll is of historical slgnill illations between Hie two lOlllltliei, based on common political aspirations and ties, admirable Week; lb, was sllsla feels a fri of the gl, sy in i A me: ni":! TI no li s Sydney i high noti ed. The rtial prhl I repnblh ill, Interests oiidtii t h ver hat! of cntl Rl'itlsli ill Ule p ami a a t na I ion c sell been eh a l.t.-ni colony irogross slrong w In r. I.v cm- GOOD ATTENDANCE AT DANCE pan Ills thai the A wartanl lor ll'Plled for An depositoi s w a money at midnight. , Regular Scmi-Monthly i tion of Conimereial Club RIDING STUNT EAS! FOR STEWART ; Exiled Aitillcry Colonel Says' He Can Stay in Saddle asj Long as Horse Can Stand lt, Proves siied, The regnh That Could Bo De nte c In He able í W ell uninei ' club oeiety lltelld r semi-uo ial chili It mlhi Id ;. .hue a ii i y d. fiirnishe eh. si ra a lía Ir w. low illg 1 M isse, II. .H it k nl and Kvcel I by Mrs. ( in,! the ,-1 I'll re most sal is ,-ero present Keleher. Di Ree.l. Mil, II.IO.V - iiy Iso iiniisu lent music wa 'ayartaugh's or jnlinenls of He ictorj. Tin fol Irw n:. I! I Ity M.irnins .l.mrniil Spccl, Wll.o.x. Ariz.. Aug 1'". Slewarl. Ihe nrtillcr is pi act ica lly n n exile at I Ifioril (Mr-1 Coion. i v otticer w lot the a ha inlon Hiil'lt Miss, I IllK'l or :.iaun, K tin.. M,. Milla' l Mrs atll.r, Mis Mrs Dlnwltiy, Mrs, Denis, m . (loss, Crunsf. Id. Cauipln ld, Uiibbs. Mcl.aiiglilln. Hulling ed Ihe lor "f i Fort rant. i.s ly pleased Iroin tlie war deparino Iiim to take tlie llors. tnaiislilp t a ninety mile ride. 'I want to take the hot inansl I lest." sa it! I 'olonol stew art. "I can ride ninety mil'- In tw i one hours or any otlo i distance horses can cai rv me." Colonel Stewart says Hie fad he was not given a saddle hoi Foil (Irani has been a ha rdsli Ip nly I hai Hi i Messrs. A Kaher. !.'' I toiiahy. V' i ' Irw In. .1 T, S. Hudson. A i Fit kard X. i i. M, ( 'rod. 'g. T dalle man. C K miz. I Ible Roller! .h. litis Clerk i 'aplnin Weiisl. r. Himh Hrvan. I "II X'eWell. Si. Ill .-. Jay A llubl s F l.itn SI a n: m m II.' olin Ho I'.nsoiis, S II. II I.e. . ,11 .1. I'.loom, 1 'has .tw reno- lll. ld V llaifh. A. W ill .1 ltd. lolli. Ilowat.l un -th" Colonel Slewarl d. ni. a in inteiil ion ot' surrend milting li ioiself to he I . a army. He still has ov . i serve at Fori (Irani l-'oi t i Ira nt is in ruin -rattlesnakes. The colon p.inious are Willhim F caretaker of Ihe post Mni'tiii. the i .dm. d i all work. - h. l illg a ml out o Iwo y.-a Mlovy Xug Siiiiiiimt I :.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . i . , llubl tall .'I slo I tills . II V . Ollg It I , : p.o . . from -.1 lo al l.aliiiii'irc. ..'I', Tie I . v a in lit-' - ti bu i I . nil Mill l .' -ti points in .M il V ft ml Hliv I's only .-. Vail, w ho and William nl, and man with I of the j ill' otie i taken , r bid-! den away It. the mall box. expecting) to come back utter it. I nit of another j he took $1.11: a third was untouched , and $...".(! was tfk n from a toiirth ". NOTED ENGINEER SCOUTS TAKE TRAIL OF YELLOWSTONE ROBBER YE OLD FOLKS WILL NEW MEXICO MEDICAL SOCIETY CONVENTION "I Mi-lliig in 'pteinlsT 2 nod ''rog in in. ( oiooicrcial i lull ;:. it li I la Is, nil i M tin I'O t U et -M'VeUt ) SUIIU.ll 111 "f th. X. n M.-xic.i Medical s.h i. "'s' i.....ti..ii which ranks wilii '"ton. t organizations of ih. kind in I luted stMt.-s, will be b. Id in the 1 ai. oo ri ml i lub roonis in A bo. pi-r-'i" pt, nib. r and .1. clo-mg with ti'itot hv rfi-- R.-nahi;., County al ... j. ij h, ni.mlt. .' of the ' from iiIh.m.i at the A!.rado vx it,-., t.i v . v , n-n tug i ih,- piog'-.tni for lb IHltto. Moll! from l.iving-toi "A number (lie employ of i.-idtng in tit.- ha e join. .1 in tl low stone pai k bandit int.. h. Jackson II I w li i. ll point í? s t In ting loa. o.. The i r, i w ha h tlie matt hunt ot the roi.jhes: , liar., li of ii is almost iiM- . , Aug. .'il A r i ;o the M.iier .-ay: I I f old scout-, foi no rly in t tlie gov ernir. i t and i. i li 1 1 x . f i iard. lo i Tl, I. ... . . , I 1 1 1 1 p II I -o 1 1 "i lie i I - I In v a going ... ,.,'intiv, to tight I he i-.l.b. r .ini 1 1 ihroiiKh i boll g Illa le Is .t'f and PERFORM TONIGHT ty-EF'.ht Voices a;ul Solo ists to Assist in Big Musical Eent for Chai ity at Elks' Theater. mitt I., Nv KD.VRsda v. sKRT í l!"'x v a. m. R. gitra-,.oi at 1 '-k ant payment of duos. m M. . t:ng house ,.f ,! bg. 1 ' a ni i nl! t,, ,-., i- t.v ,r-M,l "li"n. R.-v li,tli. r M inda ' . 1 M.o.r I' lit ar! I; v 1 i,. . lirrlHX- nrrI. I "My fat'nT hail for ycirs k.n trou bled with dinrrhoei. und trie I pit rj mans -,oiblf to ef?" t t urr with out avail." wrltea John H 7lrk of ThiMppl. W V. "Uf s Chamber lain Colic. Chulym and Iilarrho! Hemedy a.lvertld In Ih rhiltpt I R--pu!.:iorin ani 1- ld-d tn try It. Th reu!t in en tot!!e cured him arid h n t urTfr-1 l'h the dlwa for riilii'fn month". Pef .r tnkln thi rimrdy l.e a uit ijTerr. lie u. now aound and e.. aril althotifh Jir o .I. .n d S ton-h wok i v..! !.:- man." d.l by i.c -li gl-i. . i He sp I . t i h irin 's t i:,M. .1 so tv - .g it tr .a'.-. Tl "' ii. ,. l tie- r k w . i ,- pr..! !. ;l , t ",'' P' .-le .".I, I sk. ..i-l- I Ho a, 'glit. . . n l..i '. !i ill, . and .,e - Missoula. Mont . Am I llre. kler. oto' of the p. I and . onsiru. tion t nit a 1 I 'nilod states, dropp. .1 "I llU'tll at t lie w esl t u a a I .-'I I'aul pass. ii. a i Ta I i l líder Hie direct i ; ' he I'ucitic extension : Xotth.rii ra i Ii oa.l was . A IK at Olio tillo I'll ef , : Montana Cnllal i I Mi Hi. , kh r w,im I... mor. c. nt.-r. Me. p. f ' .. ml w a fi gi a.luale ol ' "f Malm . II" Is sui v i . ; .tlld two . ll I I'll en. i , XiiiIih -ador Ibomp- '-n. D. C . stale d parlnioiit tod. TliP JH(Mlty of Women I .ftturnlly makes them 'ttrink (n.m lha i Indelifnto qiies'lloni, tlm obnovious n- hmlnatlons, and unpleii'.iint local treat, i tnents, wlticli son, o physician coieitl-f essential In tlin treatment of di-o.,i ol ! women. Vet, If help can he had. It. I .n!l..r In sul, mil, to tills ordeal tli.lll let DIES I'i HARNESS! thndiscasogmw and spread, 'lite trouble i Is that so often the woman iin l'Tgoei nil ihe annosnnrn and tdiamn for notliln. Tliottsnd-Cxed women who liavn Ik-cii cured b Dr. tieri e' Favorite I'rescrln tinn wra In lotvreciation of the eurn which diSe,lJ11'i'Nxl "" examlnatioui and local reainiei.iTlirrr. Is un o'lu r nú dlrinc 0 iff ifial Mil: lor III, II. Ilc'ckler Drops Wliili re. Hog Work le M. I'liul Rotiil 'I'uiiii. I. :n i:. know n . In d Ibis imp ol rs III H I iv ll til. It - lie yv ellien Mr. Hi . kl Hie (;: i-iriiele.l I iti'i r for I al l.iv. i' '. .'Ills I 'in v . i . : by a wet' T.ivonre I'res.-ricl nut " il ho'l.tliiig drains, irregiTTiril y and WeHHItess. ll always liep. alwav' cures. It Is t r I 1 1 v nn ic, rem - set ret, all lt Imriedienta I on il" Indite wrp r; con jet. rioufl or habit, formina very iint!v nuslieitial root romps!tl..ii has Hie fad tie.:- Ilto-t cni!ll'!lt III the ,( nmlical J.ra. ti.-e. S..m ngi"t of pro 1lM, Tie ::t': 11. P ,1 H 111 I'M"-! d .1.11. t bv Pi. y.l. in day. that .r o. M. x b'il.g ktc Ho- City It. vs ., ,. rtltii . lis)... St. leV .1 :i from a I- ory I. a-., u ItllllT M'Tpliloc i I..- a ii-r- mid." by lili M'i!!r an -lo Tie b .!. tli- li inen t;.,t li h..v b .ii i'i'I nun ..P. s. M ! .11,1 iaaetl- . nt.i;n tio llljtlli.oi" .f.- it, ,t.1(i i!-t of iinv kind A 'te Tl - efe f.,r i!i-..,r,iered ' - . X ,,,! ' ,1.4 f.t!i.o,"H .!el.. ' li. .il..' !tt. ' .;j by J. II ( i Injured ' ' iv. .1 a- Thonipsoit. ho w as lu dowii by a Kle.i y .-St. I - ll and n, -broken reí Henil. vvrups nnd .tain opium s r.iby F.llxir or mrrtitlc ire iV d ü f m . hs, ,w el I f o Í .--1 - it i-: i j- Co. elites .1 female almost. aa-oln.lic, te bcinc printe tains mi .1 drags, and ''O ptit.-r i.ii Into it eolor- nient oí kcvoral ss-lnsiN of tl.ea niim. rotts ami ,lr f Hiomil iiietitp of its ingred will U found in a pamphlet wr:.e.1 ar.a.n.l the Iw.ttie. also in a booklet maiasi .. on r. 'i'ie-t, Dr. K. '. I'leree, .,! It iTilo, N. Y. '1 l.esn professi.miil en d'irsenient honld liav far more e. get than any amount oí liii ordinary la), or ft. .11 ,r"ie.s,.,n:il te.tln.oicals. 'I he most iiii. olg' nt women trnw-i dy intl on kin. ing liat they take a m.-d-Icuin Instead of ids-nitiiT their wouth like a lot nf yo'ii z li.rd and gulplni down wha'eyer isotier.-d Ihein. 'Favorite 'r aeription " D of kmis ii.ii.iiios. It make .--ik nuuien ftroi.g and h k wulnen well. I ir. rier.-e'a M"licl Adier is (tent 're on receipt of damp to pav exjn ..( mallín oti'i. Semi to Dr. il. . I' r-e. li . fíalo. N. V., ?1 one- ent tan.p for p i jr-enverel. or .'it stamj fnTclolh-Nn.ini. 1C irle rori'tilt th l-nr. frol fli'i tf letter. All inch rnmmiinii lions ar belli saeiedlr ronlidmiti a I Dr l'ier.-e's i'i.-natit l' !-ts lnv:k' .r ita kost tdulaia klouaa, u. Lot and Uo .-..