Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY. AUGUST 31, 1908. 1 Í J. A. Skinner J THIS IS THE WEEK to order 4 Í j. tor c í ano log ti OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST AND THE FRUIT THE BEST. 4. í e:s::;::3 J!í:,;!;;:::;;í::;,::;::.,: t, '.'Ti if J. A. Skinner X X -- - I I GROCERIES I If you have not tried Our Delicious Ice Cream you should order a sample at once. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. The Matthew Dairy MO North Aril Street. Oirirr riionr ':. Farm num.) iou7. RACKER Just Received FULL LINE National Cracker Company's Products i i t i i 2 : : : o 0 O IT.N.Linville! i S , 2 Mis V. eiilral. I 'lion.. t.iH J W.a iis, .? .f . fijii.1 1. Hk 9 I , I I Í I i 1 , ' EMOMIMBSI NOW IS THE TIME Y 4, 1 t ml s I I City Scavenger 1 Company 1 II W I IS IIIMOl l: hi 11 I I ,-. 111 5 , uir l"t. 1 , ... 1 1 a i,, I B el ii t. 1 Mie 1 all pi r - k. H per month, two e.,11, p, r w , , k, - PlIONi: 540 I Room 4 Grant Bld. I RJi ViolOV 5 HI li I' I r MU R I'lll M R l.-s ! i i i - . i I" l -AMI .11 I I II . ' R,,s '" 1 ' ' ' - a NmIIk fl'lltls .e h anil i q t'iii it c ami lli.ln i it i le I fine fliiMtr an tin ii r I. lie II- I. nil .l-lt i f.,r TIM Hi I I ti:-. i-i i ilM l il I.L M l I ll . mill Mr iill s. - ill il ion ;i t ilii- I C III -I AT 1 ft 1 I 'I 1 I '.' I I V I 1 At ' I XT AClILly ' J I 514 West Central Ave. i Phone 72. I i j STILL PREAGHIH6: THE GOSPEL OF i I HA Í CHER AND HIS MULES ! loi'RiNG whole coiin try; .Tú Uii(S!iio Wcstcinrr For i noi -! ly Nt'ws Ai'rut on Cut Off : ; M.i'i .iir;:it inn finin ()ri';ni tfl ()( ",lll, i, i '' 'I u ib a I ' ! ' 1 - " 1 ' i I a- GOOD ROAOS v , 1 1 , ;: nt nf iv , I l.a in a u lor the í- ll li- "in in 1 1 1 , of 111-i.iiiion- ppii. 1. ,1111 ,1 l-iiy ' ""i'.' I , on, 11, it ti- in run Hi'' il' inu- t 1 .(tTT , atn',ai-.n i I III- I i t 'and 1 1 I 1 1 1 will III- Pelt' and III., I. '' loll,' l.llilo.,,1 ;l;,p -IV. has . ov-i' ,1 tin ivi-al' i' ,.nl of Hi" l'ml',1 Slain- unli liiH oiHIit .',11,1 I-i till tun, 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 n , in I . , , i 1 v Hiirin in, s. hlnmnt I'.l j.:-", I 10. to- anions io'' I""!'1' h.n ..'Vl....-.l ! W, 1 mu naor has I,-, -11 in',, it niilihl- apostle 1,1 -, I r,,ii,i j iln , , v.-r 1 r, ,in nl ly in Hi- parly ., ii'l ha- su, 1 1 .1, .1 in tmnc I In- inon - , ,,,in, ais ,M Hi- w-si ami Mr. in, nt a i:i. at m, , -ins all v r I Ii- ; w - , 1 1-, upon lor a sutit-.-t ion. Af- MM. II... ,n 1 111 - nil- a,,i alan, , . ; i-,- M,i, , , ,n sido ra I Pm il was 1I--111- -,m:-. .11 1.. i.nliad.:- I-It ami siv -, I,-, 1 Hi. it nn -islet 11 man. pre di,,,,!. I, a', v. . 1 1 hi." mill's ami II Is j , , ,, , y fr, .,,.v Vork, I'l- ellesi II. Ionios and Ins d-v.- ham t r-at-d m , 1,-na committeemen, roiirt.-rrliiK ii ata ai i.ihIi,i- ami his la-tur-' h Chairman Mark, am'.-, I lhal Hu llas ail" ai-, 1 ni liim,i-,s of mus j ,..,. ,;,;,, ,- must 1,.- a imm who ,-ls I I -.ill N. V M.xl, o to til,- r-'iM I hail n.-vi-r h ll I ,l'lli i ll-li I Iv l.l.-iil ifh-il ll,. I Horn Milw.iiiki-i- o Siw nl, .111:-;. j Th- I'hiiaivn 1 nl-i o, -a ii. iii-rí,an I'miiiiIiii i ami N-h haw all l atur-'i nun , Th-' I'm - f'r, s .. whnh is not mi , iioiikIi u, sl to Know how to s., II "Ian hi," has th, follow ln in f"i,stnii Hfl,, !- on Thahli-r "l'"i v - a i s without ha itni i't una r a roof - Cu clavs al li limi. m, s-, ink; a 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 I in:,', hav- ,h -lo,-,l j . - 1 1,. I,,,,-, Iv l,,-l,l:i!U' : I ml l,hsi.l , ,,, ' i,.,,, j Into Hi- nal things of hi I han ,nl,i -an s.i nl in i is ihal ion. I' iv v..,,-, a-.o I was a ,lv-,,. ..h.t rl.-n - Í ,,,:,! T,la I ,1 t know wl, a t j illli- . i ac ti I , r, -i,.-.!. ,1.,, in m, -i, tain km I.' Willi 1-alli, r ! i., , ,.. I l; his .., I l. .. I. ,. ........ I ....... sn , , I" ,,-n ... j ,(,.,,, -, ,:,n- th- :insw,r ,pi,,l tui ,, II I I I , I I " j , , 1 i , .-. , - ' , I . , , , ,1.1. .. ..... I I, . .1. '1 of IH'- -ais In th- w il, I, rn, s; nf I Ih- ;,,, khs ami Hie plains of Mexico. S.ueil ty ii l'.u''roii'ih. Mr, ''hi, 1 1 h, i is 'IS I 1 I 1 1 1" , 1 1 , I , en. I,u 1,1 tor i ... ,, hi, at-, I man 1 I :p,o, I lie ill' I ii-.-,t ui . -.lei d.i iiioi ii i in.: :,lt,r ti a -Huí.: x.nini miles in ; -h:hli - ll monlhs Twu Spanish M.-xt. , -a,, l,.lll-s were Hi- lllol , poult' t'lilt pi"p, M, , I In-, mlin. mué praii i, ; -lio-mi. and lil - paiii-ns ,,':, a lioi I ' llliüli.t.iii. r..ii,;l. and a . i low ,.,i; The , !! do; was Hp ! most . -I, . mi in her Ill- pa i t . a lid j wh l, Ins luasl, l t.llk-, I Ft, In eu-.-j In ,, , I th- uppui linn tor a nap. Tin lo'iitl- map nose, I I, ii iii'h I ma t.a sal. . II, s.iv-.l ThM. ' r's Hi, I I 1,1,1 I-. I ' i , I ' I ' I l, I I 1 il I , II ' ! S -""i, i 1 ,,.,i, mush Ip and a 11-, t Imi. A 1 1 1 1 , un: h a t i n v hit ol a n i ma I me, ha n i -in. the, Purl oiii-h has , a l i i, ,1 Tlialdo-r and j nil polín,!., h-'-ad, up ln",:nt.iii' id-; w I,, a - a hot , ' "ul i 11"! l-.o ll w a- i in one ,o .le ... j U I I" IP" I, I. s lhal I II. it, !, -i In- '. Ins w a in I i how Imi- now -t"l in H- en - In- , l.;n to Hie I, III mu I, a "d a ' I. I I- II I - , , po nr. . v h, ii I "Id to know ..i- , . 1 1 what I,.' pp, in d. "I" I- "in: lit lo :, i, imp ami i-ilets 1, 1 1 lallh- I lul , i , al ill Mr Thai. In i I" I- a-si; ,1 tint In , , i mm , ai, hois, el .ml In- l ie nn ii'l Id ll,,!--. m i ll Itlnnl I: I I, .111,1 I Id' I He Ilbl l" I I'lalls Siiu of llluliw !... I nn mi: In . I in nn,-- Hi, 1 1 ., , I, i a- lot nuil. ib -1 plans I "l a o i ' mua I I I , III i.l hli; I, w n ' HI I" i I .,, o il ami Ik. Ill i 'aliad a I" t I - 41,11 I I, i -' w i 1 1 1 Hi, I.'-, - i, and : I t, lte , s su, h a l,','l.ll i mid b- i I l,n, It lhi,un;h Iln in thai wmld pa "jbad ,,n:lil a li, win Ihtnlicb -r-iieiv .-an p.i- .mi: lhal ol i ' I i, s Moim ... low,,,'' it nal "Chi, I :-' A II .', I lall I lie I In - s I lib wnlll'l ! nf P.. I Ml, I'.l. .1 tor i ni I ,- p million. -I do II. ii ai'M'i.iliN iii ! h, ,'.,l, ne ni ' let, i-1 v i , i; 1 1 1. name ol iiii i b i Ih. il lew an lal.. n In Eli no ,,n. , ... !,,,i ii,, . . i.iph opeia- , , p. 1. ml, im I I . mi i-.l - III. Ill, ' tor ,n v I - lhal nw in I - -I , nt I.!. - w I-, I II, ha I In , ti ' , 1 1 , i , - . a mniii-nl l,.- -p. ml lb- -umm.i- In I an op- 'I'll, ll In I . . . . 1 1. , t . , II,,, t I- had a w ,,l 1,1 pi, 1 1 I I o 1 1 ' in ill III' It " w , i t ii cm I in I 'li n l , who h,o ;i . t.inili ll pl"l"l' i-a.l-. -vi l-t lb- lili.e ll- Ion, he- t,o ., pi,,,s ,1 ,,,. a.- Ih'tt "tii ., i - I, i. ,.! 1 , t and all 111 - , ' ii;.i I mhi 1 1 . , . , I h, win- . !,- a li. pi li. , vii,'-, l , in ,tu- "t - 1:11 ; t 1 1, e l:.-"lv... !,n, -"in. Ii I let II. l-l I ll-1 "tint -II1- .ll Kill ll "I ll at,h"W III- ..p. 'atol I 1 1 1 M . I II I , ,!,. - an IN",' ml ' ' - ' a ,,d a I ', j ov. t to ;i p. il ! , ma ti w i , I, ., - ' , .. I, t w 1 1, U ,1.1. o .lu.l'lt III in lhal a- ol ), ,i, Th, p"'l. Hill, I,,,-, j a ,i In .1 n lie Le lilí i I In anhnlM, t ,'.. I V It, . I - , I m o- I, I ' It I -o i a' . I 111 : I III "1 " lllilliiws Ven I Hallo iiotn. II. I" ,1- l.'. n , "I Cu , I," ah i I he W --t I'l U I ',. out I , ll - w , i 1 ,, a I . . I a w -i-. :a v. ... Mr Hi il le - ,n lit i I i.l, ii, ' I. . I , ii ' -' oil' 1 m Ih, pi " i . .1 all ii ', f- , , in . a- ' I I t ,"l, ft "til il Ml toil, - li'- ma -. unit 'I h,,:, In f I-, to ikllii b,-' tt ip in al al ! In pt t li ll- t I", l-'c 1:1 im lit n '. - e I , id- -i I, lb P 'l m p. ,.w t, . p. ii-' - an I : : !- ii. i, I., i -, a ,i i - . ,: win, e ' ' a ,1 , I u l, . 1,1 1 , i 1 1 a I. i ,', 1 nt -. i ,, I '- . - t, I , I, .1 I. I l et i." I"" 1 I. . i, , , , , - ... ii pti , i i ' 'ii l - 1 1 . ,, i -i ' - ' - 1 1 1 1 ' - - t ll, nil ( ' mo- ll nil I al I 1 - I 1 kWMs I.KW Mi SIIMIMS. Rt'. all. I i lte,lH -I Itlilli lo It.- Il,l. I in h r liuotli i il No mill -i'p!r. i: noil i-i-Iii.- o.ii-. niitl wliem-. i-titiiitl lit Iln- siu knl niiib r port ,iil l.iu Ibe -..-nil.- lhal hiittrti- Iln- b.tto of flour, t; I -. .I In Hi,- I n i -I il ilrn in iln- -iiiin. i.ii nl ft .-! lor Ihe littis.e ur i. mill iH.nhrv i iriiitranlee illi it r onltr. Ml ! inil -r- il. - ..i ill I.i ear ..s. I.W.I i-v. H2- l-t Hh'W ! Ht-elrnti, i..1t h.i,,w:li Iv fur- "- -' linun 0 ine on mna ti;ii nnin ni ilf,-Sorir er lo. Tlphon 15I& or HI tf MAN WAN TED TO RUN DEMOCRATIC ci uiiiian Mac k Finds Difficu! ty in Obtaining Satisfactory! Woiki to Take Charge in Last, I 111- Mnmlng .luiirnitl Sirrf,il I pHttrtt Airr I New V,,ik. Auk. ;i.- While .semes j I,-. i-ip' l,e ,hU.i I tol s ,1-iity and prrs:. Hear 1 -1 1 1 1 1 -4 t,i po-ilmns in ;iil the ' part, i 'I1.1 1 1 1111, 11 Norman E. M n k lin.N him I.' m-iiitIiIiik for a !:. ir- h as I, --11 f 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 il: lor h-.iily 1 month 1 . . ,,,,..,1, 1 I, ,il in, 11- chosen iiinl Mr. M.i-k I.-. 1 : 1 1 i today lliat while In- hojiiil to make. .1 lion lliis wt -k Ii- iln I not Mimv who won, I h- chosen. 'I'll- s 'I- f lull of ,111 eastern ,, mo- with anv j.ri-viiiiiM fa, lion In tin- ,;i r Iv ami ,,n,. who i mil, I wcl, toL'-lh-r inpo-liiu fa-tlons now -xistitit: in lhl asl 'Tli- s-hrilni; of an tast-iu cani ,attril ma natf-r h.js 1,,-ru no i asy task," sal, I Mr. Mark to, lay, ":,ml, w hil- I ho,- to nam- iln man sonn I inn- this w i k. in, on- lias I,-, n s, - 1, ir, I for I III- ,larr. ( ', , II, 1 1 1 i , II IS III the rast il-maml nr-at , ar- in I h- a ,,oint ni, tit of ihi- h, a,l of tin- N.-w , I Vnrl " 1 , ,, , ,, h, .' must I,- a man nl ral- i r, ulivi alul- " -v """ '"" k""" fori -ri ''' '"" " ' 1 V "" ,h" ' I i m f a, linn. New York Is Koinir I ,nir liveliest i , r , s i , I , n I ia I ni ni na i rr li 1 h' '' ver wil ;s,-. In ma ny ' Veins and th- east. Ill ln:,.-,T will' ia e mil, , lo li, ll en II sen !l-llr- I am ,1, n-i,,l,,it; mu, h In this rampahrn I - l.ll.e.' - I, ,,,,,, f ,1... ,.,1,-1 V -nnimitl--. win, will prohalily sp-ml I he major portion of t h,. next two moiillis In Ihis riiy. I am not rnntln- -d in my srl-,ii,,n ufan -ast-rn man- llllltee. IhollKll Hi- S II h --o III 11 1 1 1 1 prim upally M. mad- up nf national , urn in ll i -, lii-n." I'liiiiiiiian Mark is strongly of the i,.H.f that th- liilf-rcllr. s -xislliuf he. i , , n Leader Miiraliv ,,r T.iiiiiiiiinv ,, ,., s:, ;1 , , ,, M,i-,nren of IHfS Ulll. an ,,t I . ii st sus, -ptihle In a , ,,aiipuiai. au.nisi iii-iu ami in lilis -mi h- is hi mllnu every elf,, it t h i'nui;li iiiimi-i -ais eon r, t'-m-s whirl! ate In-- Un,' h-ld daily. INTERESTING TALE OF 11 TELEGRAM iBcilK", till' N.ll ,lti(l Of tilt! All - vendues ol a Much Ai leslod -j 1 1 r a 11 I el(!',iaplH'i ol Aii)iiiiier(iie, Th-r, Is a well lele-raph "I" ratoi ,, 1 1, is ,11 win, I-si r, th, dt- 1 111, 1 mu o I li.- m:: I- , n a i t , st , ,1 I,,' -I , In,,, - in ",, , .a, i in: than a n man m imm V- -I'l ,a he I',.., a u ' He -1 .11 t, d I' ' ' im- slow bill ,i -al UP ami 'k I, nil,- Th ai In I p, , a.. , he n ,; , . .an I, --Iv h l. ..- th, t'l'i'lam aliol her l . a- eini. hut, ll he I, I , i W til- III III ot i,. . i N - .' - . . ,i' an: a - I" !.! I"i Ho ! - i i a pli "i- l at. i and I , . lie; a lo ai I, alio' on hi - -leoild. 1 , m i ot in. , him I,. w i uii'li l .ten - I . 1 1 w In ti tin. i a i. . ma, n Kit in- ' I- c, ti.i.-i i !,. . .a.,!,, p, .mot b. r I i ,, i ,, , . , . ... i... i i ... , , , ,,,,, , ... ,, . . ,, n Co i" in, nii, . , ,.., op. I 1 1 . . t .1 ll o ! ',. . I.'a.' " I I. let lli ,t It e,:tiiph 1 , a . '. ' ',1 bit il lhal le w ,- ,,, II,, ',,. . el.. I t th- point e: I f-r I' V I! I- ih, an. I,. I I 'I t I.--II Pil-lol- 111 lltllill Plllpil--. ' e .L- ,e E. . La :! , I pu' i P - a ! ...t... b ' 'i.,,-', . M,,,v ll aims w . 1 .' !! " ' ! If !.--! .bout 1 'I'" I '.' ' I :; , I : tli. : II tile i en- - - ..! I n at- I: ' ' -'.-'. Im i !.,.. I 1 1 . o t . 1 ; it i-h i 1, 1 1 n - I Mi. t i , i- i. - nt a nn s- i i : I - i . . -, I . t ,.t Ho uní: n ' I - v I '"..'- '- t i lb' ir i -il I le i i -ii .: i li o p I, - and it 1 1 th" ,::.:.- t ,. 1 , i.l ... .tl-d I Ii' It' I on l-len:vis l In i a ll I'.un land til, 1 11 . I 'tintín I UN I'nli'il. lie M ml . A ii.- :n Fub. n W -'..itni. pi --b ii-u-.u, -I .indil'te Im pi. -id. t.t. ib im i-I 1 1 .' ad l-.-s-. s i" Missoula i. ..!.. Tin- m.. rums h.- i-il-.i -h, i, ip. . ii .-f th. Fo-t M.thn- ,i,M lq..s ..I .'-,', m.l t Ms e . n- ' -"-- CAMPAIGN i - it - lb. 1 I n ion o- . r .1 li'iiei nm-r t P"!'!( -,! í ' ,b!l. . leu- h. d ASSOCIATED PRESS IEI T FOR THE WEEK I'olllii-S H part in th haially a , i. llliral sp-rrl 1 I : i - a rnminuiitlnm w of tin- week, fur ill puss without a po I i." u i re ii i- (if wi'li inti i -s't . Oil .Mon, lay ll-Kht !h- last ,,f tli formal -i -m-iii-s of not ili, ati,,iis to pi -siil-ntial am I i i, r pi -si, I, ntial i in ilntalrs of- th-ir iioininaiion f,,r tin hi'Ah ,flii-rs will l- lii-l,;. Tlioinas I. HisK-n ami John T-niplr tiiavs r--.-p, i tiM'ly pr, -1,1-iiliiil ami vi, r t -si-il-iilial nomlii, , of th- in, Irp-n, l-nr, patty will tli-i, hi- inform-, I in .' w York of Hi, a, Hon of th- i ' u u v 1 1 1 i 1 1 nf t!i i - jmn in s, I-, tin:; th-in In ! ma k - Hi- ra- Anmhrr ,..,!, it-jij f,alur- nf th wrrk is III- tnoialia stat- rnliV' nlinn nf iln- iml-p, ii,l-n, - 1-aKii Thuis- ,lay in I ml ,,, n, p,, ,s. It. Il-.ul ami Mr. 11,-1', a w ill h- th-l-. ', run ii I wll t;: la- t In- , , n t -r ni tin st. ii:- on Tu- 'lay, tli- tirst on th- li-t to hoi, i , stair -I, -rtion. This 1,-ini-a pi', -i, h a,i i.i I , a r a mi th- rllnii of Hi- rampa. m i manatí is to maU- an itnpr-ssivr --Ii, w i ii ' haviriir h, -n , ,-rti il ill lissii'nnin spraKi'l'S of nation al plomill-ll-. I,, 1-11,1 fíl-l'.'li,l in tli- lir.'i-n Moiinl ioi slat-. Hi- r-luiris will l,r srannr,! s il Ii inl-r-st. Mr. I'.ryaii. ,1, iim-raii,' ratnlhlat, I'm- th,- pr- a, m v. is s, hr,hil-'l I,, sprak on Mni'lay at SI. I'aul; on Tin -si In y in Hi. iml Forks ami K.ii'ku, N. H ; on . ,1 n, s,la y in Sinux Cily luw a, ami mi Tliur.s,h in I , Inn, In, N'rh on V,lu-s,lav Mr. Til ft. linn! of ih. r-pul.lii an Ii k-t, w ill titli-ml II: ili'iiinl Ainn ,, union In Tol-do, Ohio. This is i xp,-, ti '1 l h- Mr. Tuft's only ixrui'siuii li.iin Mid, 11- I'.ass islaml. wh-r- hr will sp, ml th- rtitir,- w--k as tin- i'i,:l nl a lisliini; rluli. Mr. SlM-r inn n. Ha Un- pr-sia-iit ia 1 lanli ,la t- nf Hi- i ( : 1 1 1 l i, .1 Ii party, will -p-nk on Tin -.lay in N, w York al th- ! 1 "I ,', m I -a Us ll fnrinal op-n ii- of In- I - pu hi h -a u I,- I.OlolR'h ,,f t li i i I r , , 1 1 x . Tli, following ,l"iy in l;i-h- 1,-1,1 Sprlm::. N. V., In- will s hlr-s W-lsli-Amei i-,, ns . 1 1 V-I'll, if lllll'.l f N-w York, nn I- ..'.'...... - - - , Iress al th- -p, iiinn "I th, n puliliea n ainpaiirti i:i S',uim-st-,n. uliio. ih,ei- . I " H-I'll- ,,i i ihio. and S-tia'.or I llevel-idKi-. of llldi'lli.l. Will also Speilk I on 111 is o, ea--io,i. The national cm a m piueiit -f lit, : Grand Armv of the li, pul, lie and Hi" i national i-'av, nt ion of lit,- Wmii n's ! IP li, f Cmp" will I,, in ses -ion in To I, do I lll'olilihiint th- week and III- I'lli-ll-d Spanisli war v-l-lans on Tu-sday I w ill I, -Kin a tin, e days' encampment . in lloslon j Th- I'liipd Slal-s navy will hav, i further pi'oiunieiit represent a I i,,n in lite news h leas,, n o til- f,sli'lti-s Mi 11-nn an :tl'.'lli.a. ill honor of I These feSfivili-S Monday and la-t , , k. He- 11 I 1,-illL-on Satiirda f-r Al ' jjj,, ) .,M ( j-sh i p I v j ii ! ihrom-hnut th s, hedul, ,1 to s W I, anv. W , t AiistiaM i. for a we, k's vbat before depii! imu: lor the Philip pines, Si ptrmher 1 7. COUSIN OF SENATOR PLATI VICTIM OF APOPLEXY New York. An-. ;io.-.. Fi.-.lei iek '' ll" w in, a r, tin , I broker ami a Val- ; inaduai, ,,l the cla--.- of I v . s died ,,! h I''"V' at t -w t-Ko. N. V., to..:, iie.l I si.t -emht .veins, mi-. iicwiu, a ' u bei,,r. i-ams an . -1..1.. vaiu,,i t 'iw - litv million dollars II, bad bom : in ii,u:,i h-aini m t,. a r.-w k- ai;o. wlu ii he suii'ici 1 mm 11,111 pi,,s tlatioll at New llav-li while atPml- illK tin half i rllli Mil IV I i 1 1 ll I ' 1 1 1 of ll is class, .Mr. Mew nt was r. lal 1 b, th, I 'i -Im .: lui is, ii famlh and was a cou sin of S, nil lor T 1 ' 1 'In 1 1 lb- was a,, ,i'b nt art cull, , t,u and sp. u nman ,iml sp, nt man "Í Ins wmpisnn lu pia, - near M' Ibniiru-. I' la . It. -Inn;; and saihliK Wlnilmv fi'.'lliK's, 91.73. Airmquei-guc IManliui Mill. LEGAL NOTICES. MH'lt K Itoiid Tin N"v Unci. The Inv n quirt s very Hide bodied man. L.twtcn the anes of twenly-ono land mxiv year. annually pay a toad t, of three dollar or. In lieu j nf sin Ii sum, t" labor on Ilin public 'rn nl three days. S-c. S. ("ahpter 53, I A-ts of the 3 I li lt-KisliiiiVf Assembly, j I The i upervisor ol Road IH.stlli t No. 3. c"i,,pi islnn Pin in Is Nos. 12 ami; I 2. w In, h precinct Include the Cily ; jof Albuquerque, accepts the offitr without niiimt-nsatioii and Is devotlniii in i .,...v to II... .tlK.h-ri.-- l ithe I ins of the office li I Tie end libit proper use be mile of the road; futid ant that w hive -piotl roads.; iThe 'hiractcr of ronN to he built, 'and the line of work lire dctotmlned' by the ip.od lin lds Ass,,, i.ition j .Mr. S M. P.'t t' i f it 11 is autliririr.ed : In mt lie payniet-t if I he Miad tax j md f .r the eoiiv -nleti. e of the p-.ibll-' ; will leak" cali lit ll b. call ito so or j put na i, t can I"- made at Porterf! -hi , ind -e. 21"- le- io avtn-ie. in l i v wilt l-e utrle-'v fnf. tried. w. a c.ii.LENWAi Supervisor. NiMUi: I'tlli I't T.I. H VI ION. NEWS ORECS D-Par,.nent of " I h e" Interior. V. S " ' " 1 ,' ' ' c I 7 ' V ' Cr, , . " 'f ' H ' Luid ónice at Sa-H Fe. N M. on-. .. the ..boll.ti f.l A'iU-lM 4th. 1'U'S. j lllll' s , - t "f A lbll,;Ut I que. AI'l ll- N'oH e ! hen by ,-ven thit F- l- r- ...In-. - tf- t t-"- at nnl-r.i-I. o i o. r.-i. of P -t. i ,;io emu ty, who. t i. e and t.n a-y t rnis shei ji d'.p n I 171b. !' mad- H mc. sb-a.1 ITih. 1 '. mad- H "im "it-id an 1 Appltt Citill. No 1-M'iR Oli'O'l l r lot. ,12. s. . I'.m 2'. Towt-hu 11 N . Uanc E. N. M. P. M-' tlan. lia filed im-t-i-e of ,r.Tenl!-iii I" n.ike Final Cnm- tnuiiti .n I'rool t. ,---it ,Uh cli:m to lí e la- I heve .b . I lb. ,1. before I s c.-rt limmi-l,.n.'r, at Albuquer- ,,,... N. M . on the 17th day of SV-p- t. her. I'. Ciilmant rami as w'.'nes.r: Jinn ' '. of A'bnqu.-r-nie. N M.: C'-so 0";" Zmn jm Manufi p-inl. of Mfnu.irq.i. X M MANTEL R. OT. HO. 1.' iister. I JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ii-i r ii, ii-rrn i n7NrjTLifi?C ""nr-n,-r -. HELP WANTED Male VVANlrEÍj íílVh graQe men To flíí of floe, mt-rcanlile and tc-hnical posl tlonM In th southwest. South western l!u.,m,-K AdHoriHtion, 201 K. Central avenue, Albuquerque, N. M. Phone 2 57 f U'ANTKD Two laill-s- or one m-ntle-inaii's or lady's tii ki t to I.os An Ki i-s on or before twenty-ninth. J. A. li.. e.irf Jiiiirriiil. a24 V A NT F I Tw o e.i rpenters for house work. C.oil men. íá.nii j,er day. pply John Han, Mili I! Hai l, V M WANT in ' - I 'ish w ailirr anjl look's assistant at Hie Wayside Inn, Ü1 !) West Silver. Niee uliitf- gitl pre ferí ed. tf HELP WANTED Female. WA NTFI )-- irl for ;-nrraI - w-,,rk. AiT'ly Mrs. J. F. Fleischer, .'.19 West Tij-ras. tf WANTFI'- A Kill for general house work. Apply to Mrs. llodey, 802 k'rnt Ave. WANTFIi -Wiimaii fur housework. J'-", ü'l a month, i.", N. Hill. sá WANTED Positions WANTKH- lC.vpci it ucea stenoniaphcr and honkkeeper desires position; ten years ip-neral olTice work; fn mil- iar with all Iirnneliea inclinllriir cred- its; best oí references. Write or wire. Want position by September 1st or sootier. .1. 11. Corley, care Western N'ewspn per Union, Oklahoma City. Oklahoma. "1 LA 1 iY WISHES TO TKACIl In a pri vate family. English, music, draw inn, painlinK. elocution, etc. Salary i ,-asi, liable. No objection to a ranch. Excellent refer-nees on request Ad dress Miss Grace LcMin, Tullarosii, N. M. tf VANTI-:i I'! y voting married lady, position as housemaid in small Cath olic family. llave no objection to one or two children. S. E. G., tare of Journal. tf WANTED Fy refir.ed young lady. position as housekeeper to a wid ower Willi ur without children. Rest ,,f references. Address W. J., care .lournal. 3 WANTEM - liriHht boy fourteen years old, wants to work for boatd and room Willi privileite of attendiiiK school. Reference, l.earnard & J .in -a, maim. si WA NTED--oarderj WANTKlTTfi AÍI)1::ÍS Rates rea sonalde, nice rooms, excellent in ca Hon, no sick people. (1 1 fi West Coal. SANITORIEM, Rosedale Place, locat ed on I.ocXhart ranch, near Indian school. Vndcr mnni'Rcment of prad uate nurses. RHtes reasonable. Misfi ts Moorman and Hartlett. phone 1175. WANTED 1'onrders. Uood board mid rotun. Very reiihonable. 113 North Sixth strict. s3 WA NTi:i i-- Private hoarders with or willm lit rooms, il-ctric Ur.lH. bath, etc. Rates reasonable. át.i.'i Smith Walter. si WANTED. WANTED To buy men's second hand clothes of nil kinds In Rood shape. IliKliest prices paid 111 rasli. Vn.l pn-'al. 'e will caMI. H. Frar.k, 121 Norlh Third street, phone 8P2. U'ANTKIi-A nenii.'.! or do, lor to share a suite of three offices cen trally luíate, I Elegantly furnished. Rent. reasonable. Apply (moral 1 'i a it il ion-r Mornim.: .lournal tf WANTED - New Moxl-o land in tracts of inn In ri","nli acre-. S'ate county and price per ,-irre. Address N. II., car.- Mornin-, .bun nal, Albuquerque, N M I i Mail in cull luwn for He best Health md Act Id, nt ItiMirance ,-nmiiaiiy operalini; In thia territory. ;,.! comnii-sion. r-f-r-m es requir-d. I'. O. Rox 27 1. Roswell, N. .M. s20 WANTED Miscellaneous. WAN TED Piper to repair. Joe Rich ards' Ciliar Store t( WW'I'ED I'"!' .muni; ehi, k' Us, two to four months o,'. al ,o bens, one .:ii old A, Hi e kind. :,he md price. Will Sli , 1 1 1 n i; Ii i in, i:.i-l Las Vi as, .. w M Xieo. U l'l'l'li - l i-til I. t ' - or o I h-l I, on, lev Ires- 1 '. Iv'.. linx II.". Albuquerque. a - I X ANTED-Phaebm and -lolc ÍiT.rsé will pa lor k-t p at i: I In i y lo,- us- din k St pit mi ce ami i ', tl,er J. L. '.. ' ire .bull nal. ..... WANTED Money. WANTED To borrow J I :. , h it-'.lor::- I.l nun i u-a c. . A'l'i i E. Y -M. . I : Y i'i i I ." N on real -I it I'm t-i ti. Id 2 1 0 W. b'l'l LEGAL NOTICES. j-x, rv ,,,,M, M. a, ln,s ,,,, Ill Mil l l-MI V. kn -v. that T-et iv. , n l-l i . r -s of a r amis -i: i a ec- has ,1, p. n l. d : she-, own-r, t-1 b- ,nd I a .1 i "'cs-:n!. mu-t o' u bis own liml ii-i s of 1 itld Willi perf-'ft title I ne i.ii .-, rc. and r'.-re never can ! P.- ;,- y mor. . I t an't.-r a so;i,l tr i, t "t t.r-l .la-- cra.n-L- land, niost.y ,,;.,., h ilf mi!-. S.a h tra, ts are so f, w, that pri, t s in , . rtain M lli-.-r-a-e This tri' t ml saiilir otn s. if 1 1 -re are ai.y. ni'l b- s ir - t-. s. :t at Ihe IrriB iti ! i.ti'-.-s if led sdd Iff. ire t"ap!t lí up,-: Lit- I h- soil lity of ll. h In- -t n.. i.:-. with the i tia.n'y of i::- I '.-. If -mx ne- ;nN,.vM-x- j. ,, to b - ratii-e. it mii , 4, u.f..r.. th- .-Msn-s Tins - - "'n ' I.. IHi.M'FtiRD PRINCE. S ,a'.. Ft. N M. Personal Property Loans Money to Loan ON FURNITl'KK, PIANOS, ORGANS. Horses, Wagons arid other Chattels; also on Salaries and Warehouse Iis oelpts, as low as $10.00 and as lush as JlDli.OO. I.oatm are quickly made ana í8trlcly 'private. Tlm;t: One no year ven- Goods to month to remain In your possession. Our rates are rea sonable. Call and se us hefor bor rowing. Steamship tickets to nd fr.nn all parts of the world. THE HOUSF.HOr.D LOAN COMPANY Kooms S and 4, Grant Biag. PHIVATB OFFICES OPEN KVKNINGS 301 H West Central Ainoe STORAGE. WANTFD Pianos, household Roods, etc., s'ore and pekd safely at ronsona'ale rates. Phone B40. The Security Warehouse Improvement . o. Ulittt't,, 4VOM1II3 a '. . Filoik, Third ttreet and Cnlral Ave. 1 T T TRY TO MAKE IT CASH ON THESE SMALL ADS. i r4.4.4.4.-f--4"l-l"i-4 FOR SALE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE--All kinds of House hold furniture. Futrelle Furniture Co., west end of viaduct. tf FOR SALE A brand new protecto praph of the kind recently repre sented hero in the cily. Taken from the alien t in exchange, for services. Willi Hie intention of selling It. Will j Pox Nn. 21S. be snld much under w'ice. Call at j ;V( ,r, n ynI; -jj-y $lon -i nl .the Journaljimce. j n)R J( nfíQ A TKAR FROM X()W; FOR SALE A h.-avy Gould force ; f we j rmitted you to pay a little pump, with cylinder , handle and!,i,,wn mid a liltle monthly, would you pulleys for power. Used Very little, j it. n,le of the host Ruarnnteed A Visalia, California, Steel fork j real 0state S per cent dividend Invent, slock saddle and bridle. Good as new. , ,eni.s? Only a few hundred dnllarj P. o. Rox 173, or 09 West Fruit . n,.o,icd to plve you a comfortable In- avenue, cily. I come. Rest of bank reference. WHITE FoR ' SAT. K-re"n head nf first class ! TODA Y : r.VTFIC NORTHWEST Missouri and Kentucky mules. Can be seen fur the next ten days at Hun ters W.iroii Yard, 200 N. 1 1 mad way. FOR SA I.E --Span or larue mules. F. II Kent. 11: South Third street, í-i iR SÁ I.E - Furniture of a live f,i,,:i hnue. 30'J I'ast Ooiil. I'liii SALE K.ntUtt Pears. Oennan Prune and llradsliaw plums, ap ples and Crab appics. The -Mutllew Farm, Phone .'1st. FOR SAT.T'f- T I i n r o u e, 1 1 h ñ a 1 p e , 1 i k I' l ll sen w tail lit islnii terrier pup. Fin est cv-r .--' II 111 New Mexico. Appiy liil South Edith. For SALE- S'cond hand Ihikv and hurn-ss. W. il. .M, .Million, 211 W. Cold. LOST Lost Pair of H'dd rimmed s I,i- i Irs; these l;la--e- .lis ippi an d dur itur ex, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 a 1 1 e ml i ii a it i ,, in ol a le a, , eb nt at Third and ( ', ill ra 1 la-t .--!iii,l.'i- i N-iiii'ii and w-r- th- proper ly of tin- lady injured. Liberal re ward ami no quesiioiis ask-d for re turn to T. ii. Insley Hi, . , le Shop, W,'l-t C.old Hl'l'lllli', Li l: R, twei n 1 Jim" "Snnlh I-:. HI Ii ,-ti,,l and linn Es.-i Ciniral avenue a blue and pink b.ih millil. Finder i- liirn lo I Jim South Edith -I i I. An iitliertlst incut In the Clao- ifleil Ooliiiiins of the Morning Journal will probably rent 'lioe vai'inl riHiiiiH wPb.n the next tweiii) -four lioiirs. THE MINNEAPOLIS I .-.22 sol ill si rovit mi;i..;t. j W ill he reopen,-,! for Im-lne-- on the fii-i of Sepleoitit r by Mr. I,. '. Mt-u-iirl. i lie place lias Ih-co newl riqiiiii--eil noil nel liii-tii-hetl. a few riHinis for li-bi lion-el, celling. i.iie us a call. ates reii-oiia ble. j Roll L. E. FOLDS Estate, Renting. Insur ance and Loans. 209 W. Gold Ave. Phone 600 Bargains in Real Estate Í2ri"'n - room inc. ib rn. fraiue cot tic, -. stationary w a blubs, sleep itm porcli. North Walter street. 1 2 "an - á mom. nit"t-ru brick, l.ttije moms. F011 1 th ,r, Jl Dm r 1 Irani.-. i,n street t a r line; e i-' terms. IJKuO 4 room frame cortxire, nicely finished, and two room jdobe, cement finish, 60 ft lot, S. liroadwiy. 3im0 s roorn brick rntfue, mod ern, extra rib t; clone In. jr.lnO "-r.'om frm with bath; iroo.I outbuildm: ,,t 75 ,,T 14S; lawn, 15; hade tren; tth ward. 12'Pii Now 4 mom frime rot t ii--.. mod rn. be i ut-fi: 1 y f:n Ish.d. tmer-te foundailon, cel lir (.-. ol mnhii'l ilnirs. H'chlind.i f.'Dui Nt w 4 room In 1 k cttaire. rn; fourth ward, on cur loie. S room frame cutae, hath i" inn:!, m ir Fh.q s and car A. FLEISCHER BAL EST4TK. i-cmi'm, mm WMH, XI A . tlIH W. fcoond. Phone f7. FOR RENT Rooms. FOR RENT A nice room wlth'iw T ern convenienees. Inquire 608 w i Silver, or iihonn 113H. : I FOR RENT Room at 422 NurtiTiioT No sick. FO R R F NT F u I li is h ed roums at 115 Wt-kt Iluning avenue tf in ri.r. iiue.u.1 lor I'l-iif ,..,T ern. (Í08 W. Silver, Phuiiu ii3( FOR RENT Two nlee li,,KP ro fur hk'lit housekei'iiing. So h Kdith Ftreet. Flu, no ,J I-'OR HFNT .foclern ftirnislii-d roomt at 12 1 South Second street. s PT'K K FN T Nl-ely fTiTii 1 Mm u" for one or two Rcntleinen in private family. 415 Norlh Sixth. FMIÍ HUNT- Four furnish, ,1 v03 for lit;lit housekeeping, wiili (.,,ar IS jn-r month. r o 4 W. Cranwell. Foil KI-;NT The most anltry and up to-dale renins at the Ki itiranii 519 West Cenlrjil. s. .( , u R FNT Four well frJh', in, mis lor holis-ke.ei, nir I and all modern convenirm p Kdith. It J Foil KENT Two furnished rnnmn, all modern convi nienco. 4ln snnik Edilh. si Í Foi: i; ENT Three rooms for nK,( 1,,,,,L.-L e..,,ii,CT AlA V.,o,, e- FUR RENT Modern furnish,. i rr)1,m for gentleman. 611 West Silver. ÍIFHU Rl-.NI' Front room furnislmj I outside entrance, hath and rlertrl, ! liKlils. Call 410 S. 7th St., or phonp Ji 14-10. No health seekers. ,f J: FOR SALE Reai Estate. FOR SALE Two cottages, corner of Third and Mountain Road. J2.000. "for SAI.É "S acres of (,'ood lan', near main ditch, 4 miles north of city; must be sold quickly. A. Fleischer, L'lli1-, South Second street. il-'uR SALE 720 acres of land 1- joiniiiR Pecos River forest reserve; calilo ranch; trout stream; part under cultivation; cheap If taken before October 1st. Address P. 0. REALTY ASSOCIATES, Wells i'arg, LldK., Porlland, Orecon. FOR SAI.1-: Fine lot on the lini-ih-west corner Arno and Silver; als'. other lots in MiKhlands. Jlrs. R S. Ro.ley, S02 Kent Ave. FoH HAiK liariralns anil iiiips ir. ííround witti buihiitiíT on tle-iii. V II. Me.Million, real estate jumper, 211 W. c,,,ld. fail SALIO 4 room frame closets, pantrv and hall. 2 lots. Pric $ 1 ,'no im, if sold by Est. 4 rnni lioiise iii Hi;liiaii,ls, lot ,'nxtofi fee; price JiCiO. cottage, nioderii brick and tine residence, price $l!;fi Wise Real Estate and Rental AKenl '-'IH lvCentral. tt FOR SALE New 4 room in,ern brick, less than cost. Eisv term' PorlerlieM Co., 21l W. Cold. FOR SALE -(1 1 land near tiu on ditch. $00 pe,- acre. Now is U lime to buy. porterf it-Id Cu., il W. Hold s: FOR RENT Dwellings. i'CHt RENT New 'three room cot Litre, furnished for housekeplnf. 1022 South AValter street. tf For RKN'T 2. 4 and -room houses, furnished or unfiiinlshft W V. Futrelle. !, no p. Seeeond tf I'OR RENT Five and seven r modern cottaKes. rlose In. T1'1 Ti iitseh, ?, and 4. r.rand Pnll luikt. ti l-'oRi; E NT""'4 ' ro' i7ii""f lir n islietl tot Ins". Lookharf ranch ami 2 rnim' ftirni-lud for lipht hoint-keepini;. Wist Lead avenue. Telephone 71' ,,r call nt- ad, tress Le,iharl raieaY For RENT "ii 4 a iuul tS runni li""-- 011,. lurnishod. W. II, M.'Mllli'"' reíd óslale broker, 211 W. iSold. i't iR IIKM'-'j 1 o..ii7 urnisle il Ii""" ?l.'..'m. Lloyd 1 1 iiiis.i k-T. 2"" 'V''.!Ü I'lll! l; ENT 1 ioo, I í "room friltti house, $ I .Vim. Lloyd Huiis.iker. :iS W. Cold. ' . I-i"' l: KENT-T'irsl class ñi-lerli mom apartment, furnish,, I. Ll",! llunsaker. 20T, "W. Cdd For RENT--5"r,,ir nmd- in b';11'!' fii'-t class in every wn. J-.'-1'" Lloyd llunsaker. Jnft W. ib'ej -liern v' FDR SM.E "r RENT.", mo il in oollaKi- in Highlands. at ': South Aim If Dr. E. N. Wil-""- FOR RENT Sttsrei ooms 'It RE NT Store room. 2 1 -Si eoiid. Apply on'ies. FOR RENT MiscenancjiiJt FOR L'E.xT -For hall ,urp"St. in !' new I'uirelie hilildine. West En' Yiaduct. rooms ,r,0 and 68. SODA FOUNTAINS jVK llAVi: srvT;i! barpti"-" t ! in both Tit-w and üorond-hanj K.tsy monthly payint-nts. A'rite j 1 I'lmn,- for mir attractive rr,rH'-,i,i1 I , The ros'inn company, nu..i- r : POOL & BILLIARD TABLES i'lili SALi; Anti-trunt P""l ALi; Anti-trui't pool and w' tables, supplies and t"1,. Sold on ens y payments. 1 j hard ! tun s. l"cuts frif. Tiarles Pasfow . 1 P. o. linx 10x4. Halbv, Texaí- PERSONAL K .N.U'AMILI will l 0c 7 t I office from Europe bej,tern"' I -Tí ' Y Alb "l" f T' I' P.liANlK CLASS in il-i-ftl'v. .ieei" "i- . llit'diu.'l,;-,!,- atf'llujtes HI.'! ?',; power d--i- to ro iv apl for ,.",-' ibi tliss. A if 1 f e r "V-, 0-1 all kindred mN Viiti- 1 .Vidro this Ofíi'.t. .'t-UltiMTI