Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 190d. 35,000,000 FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF GOTHAM i ilruw n against Hi.- prison, r asset t ' that there Is cheating s.mi.-vv h. rc and j ly fraud," ,.l , oiintcricitiiiis in m.ulr ami tin- .b-iVtis.. i ics.-rts tluit tin- in. mi- In. l i mu! Is purchased luí loss Hi. in its t:-,. I vu) Hi' imt inurr Hum its iii'liüil .ulp.ui 'value does nut make Hs i 1 1 u In i i . n a: ! crime. Oil this basis it ;s ni!Hni,,.,l I (tin- passing ni' tin- pi.srhi silver 1 1 i i lar would be ninni; Allow th' -i' tin i case win ii It comes In trial ptolnisf-, I some illterostlllK r ;i t lltlK. AGÍ CAUGHT WITH 11, .ni. l. In il Kill' lioill .i-i niulit. Imt I 11). pop, e h.u.' all iin i - o nt i I . a 1 1. 1 j it ,s llkelv Ihilt an ff M ;t! I.. l.aeh toda i ni i tui'i.-i I li'll i III Mu i ' l.i if . "I'll.- Washluirii st" i'' si;'.. - ,1 ., fiiiiiilar il. .l i!;il inn a I..' ill a a ' - I IE SUPREME COURT HAS THE GOODS DANA GOVERNOR (jOO.000 SCHOLARS FOR City Called Upon to Decide Whether Goat Is a Crime or I, MALOY RECOVERS i STOLEN SILVERWARE j SUMMONS EXTRA RULED AGAINST SLOT ACHINES I cccq n JLUUIU It j Pnleps an uiiialKainated association ' i of rice throw. -is is formed the timc-jA ! honored custom ..I' hnrlinc show, i s of COMING SCHOOL YEAR!"- " mam,.,, ,-,u.i,, is uMy ut no.-otiic u Hung nf tin1 past. Kvn oiticiai net,,,n tor coiui.K-tots an.i i,o,'-j VVanderinc; Negro Crook Falls; till city have started 'a crusad-I IlltO Hands OÍ Police ShOftlV Hinlpv AnvífíllS f.'.l' PnuPI til Ml ... I O. il- Tl '. J . . ... . .,. , .uei Looimy down iMiicii Deal Sternly Willi Niulit Huloi j Street Residence, hvadeis From Kentucky, 1 n against the cnslorn and are taking it llieir unions, it is report- a Disease; Circulation of; UP Hll'ilUKll ta niu,-o n,,..i Tl"- '"'"'i'1" xvnu iii'ioiK- in i llcUIS LAUhna Heliocc. VUCCM throvvinic have no union. ultlmunh it Problem, ; has lic.-n rumored that th. if 1 linunni-i- of this wmlo pastini.- will ' " " ill.- tVlUKllt by lire importéis who fear lrluJ C'arrfMiiiuudenre Morning Journal. j a fall in the market should the cus New Vork. Sept. 1. Preliminarv ', torn he a hnlished . The reason for Hi' tímales place the amount of money needed fur the maintenance of the crusade nf the conductors and p.u -tTs is not sentimental. It does not even to advance civilization. city's public .schools during the -rim- it s ,,r v miniarían and selfish. A iiiK year. now at hand, at the Pullman car ihroiiyh which about enormous total uf $ G á .non, UO 0. This I forty pounds of rice have lie.-n sprm- n the aggregate s a greater fum by, ki.d is about as o'ifiiculi a job in the Thomas' prison when h. was arrest, , lb- burglnrlv was i -, in 1 1 1 i 1 1 . .1 in broad .!..hii Thomas, a- bin ly i a: " a I out Hy MrI,i,,t ,i,,rnul fci-wt .1 nirvl twenty -fiv,. wars of ago. w n - !- I n. I i . i n a i ...1 is. Ind. s-ci I -te'V.r- lli the county jail last lliüht chni'getl with robiihm the r. sid.-m o ,.f A. .1 Mjloy South Third sir. .1. of .. largo and , ihe aiiioiii-n of -aluable si ly.-rw a i h.-r an icles of , vv . -In M osl oi "i.-ii property was loiiml 01, urn- Maul. Ihi - :t. i all for all extra s. s-i ! Inline t -et S' pl- .-i.uiilv local option la K iv I la- .. i-rnor -. . far than Is spent in free education in i house cleaning line as can be lound any other city in the country, though I Fur thai reason the porters an il, its prrcapita distribution it ts ex-i Against rice throw ing since it ni.-an-. ... -d.-il III sev.-tul in 11 n h'i pa I it Íes. PlHC-itnuch work at tin- end ,,f 111,- run ing the school attendance ai tino, (mil; I'Tirthei more before the rice is . bailed children, the cost for inch one during up It dins not add to the a 1 1 1 net iv."-lb.- year will amount to about J.'.S ii urss of th cal, for which the con tic.ui'e which Is surpassed by u consul- ductor is responsible. Heine ibis an . i a ble n ii inber of cil Ii s tliroUKhout t he i taifonism to this tlnie-hoiion-d ciis- i i try. In Xmv York, howev.-r. be-, torn. While the mutter niav seem a , ause of the concentration of the pop-inniall one its true Importance is better illation, the cosl of education is com-, understood' when II is known (hat on pal ativ.-ly low. Kv.-n w ith the tre- ' an average live newly mai'i i. .1 , oupl-s inendous sum of J.'!'. hum, una .It its dis-j are boinliarded w ith rice every d.i on p,-al it is doubtful wh.-lh.-r the liiy I trains leaving New York. Il is esli will be able to afford educational fa- mated that mole than Timi.iiiiu pound . ili'i.s lo all who want them. This! of this food prnd-.ici is wasi.-d In this ciinouiit rcpres.-nts an increase of $7.- M,y .-v.-r .-ar in the cit l-'urlh.-i (inn nun over last year wlnn thousands' nior- i i. e il,r..wiiiK is flow m .1 on b of children had tn get alum; with ,m!j ; doctors who hold il to be dangerous partial facilities Probably if the. and point out the case of a bride whole of this Í T.Ofiil.diiii increase could ; p.-, ami who only last week almost die. be u.s.d for lakinii car.- of pupil.s Wv from the elf. -el of s.-veial itijins ol Vork milit for the f.i'st time find t-. ike which Indeed in liin ear. Altu- .-.-If abb- hi care for all of iheiii. M ore ; ,,.,- u,, Iictiie-nl anainst ibis ill. hi $;,.oiiu,iiiMi of this sum will K.i id , custom is a heavy on.-. I. a.-Jn-rs, however: $ : . op 0 ,d o (o pul into effect the proposed increase in i While the ,,uiiiti has liiiinaKed to their alari.-s and $ J.imiii.immi for Ihe : s,.viv,. Wiib,.ul a poet lanr.-ai.- up n ,-alai'ies of new principals and t.-achers , nnlv thjs deiiciem-v will soon In- snp in ihe day schools. Next year. ' if the . uinois hill w hich a New J -I :).",. (inn will be spent oil play Kt'oiinds y,irli,.,. n , . rod nee at the w ses as compared to $ I s5.("nl this year, j s.ull ,lf ,.,,MKre. is passed. This bill KvetiiiiK schools where a purt of the . u in,,.n,i,.,j sob-lv to ci'.-ate bv leis ovei flow is cared fur will need ! lHtVt, niolh(Hls ,',. fUe of pod to (mil and truant scliuols :'i'.nini. At- ; - h f,.,,,-,il e,in-i nrni-nl. The fram.-i dread oi pnpii.- dayllfflu between I I .111.1 1 1' o'clock est. r,la muinim: and ,,n,- ..f lb- musí bul, I and dal'inn robberies Ilia' lias I,, .-n i t-cui-.l.-il loie lor --.iiiu- lime. '1 humas was arrested in tin- lowci Santa Ke yards b Sp.-.-ial iifficei Pah bilt almm 7 o'clock lasl llie.lil. Tlo rul.bei-y was r i -1 .i 1 1' i el lo ('hicl of Po lice McMlllill a I I ..'clock vcslel.lav 1 1 ' i l 1 1 1 ii in Tlo- chief i 111 l u . -. I ia 1 1 1 y lí'd bus on Ihe case an, I is-,.-d or, I, is thai ad su-pict.nis i.i.iklliK c 1 1 : 1 1 a. -1 e rs be ink. 11 up i't.. ill.--ti,' i.iull. Ilf'liccl Ha b I. il l l a it a. ru - tne ic e, l o in a I hi..- miles Sulllh of li.wll Tin colored ni., o iuokcl suspi i.,n lo Pal. bill ami he proceeded lo lives! kale bu..-i. ;i,lu I - . 1,1 be mi; . in iIiiuiikIi a .,,u..,- ,.l iii.-sii..u liuv and a 1 1 . -1 1 1 pl i-, I I., 1,,-cp ,ni his -.a habbilt ili-i.-l.d un Ibc mini ;-,lil!C, an acoiiht uf himst-li an. I ais., sa wlc-r. he laid made Ihe r.,i-e of a I'.W suspicion- luokiut. pa.-kii.s catiieil l tlim The tli-ni-o finall) tuld Ihe of- I o-, i Ib.ii he bad lound a little junk acb. .1 near the railroad Hack ai N lel.i and was un (lis way u A lbll.l.'l - ile to dispose of ll Kabbilt lick 1 i .el at lb"- "imik ' and was -ill pl is.-,, I-, lind liial it was lb,- Malu siler w ,. re which bad be. ii -toien a lew ten, lance oülicis. tile dl-.-a.l oi pup. is . . ,,. asure alirnes that there Is.l.oiiis I whieeiuily ainliition is playinn hook-, -1 t . ' : . I y a n u'llicia 1 historia n to t lo- I d-i ''he mulo was talón into ciisio.h e. will cost muí. this boiiiK j Kv,.,.m..nt ami that the lui-y. ,,,, i,h,iii;ii t iiic , ii j.ul In sum which me i ") ...... ... e .,ii.l tr.-alii. ss ol ihe coiinu v niiikr ai. i was pat a still examination Alt,,;. 'th. i' this ! official poet an absolute tie. es-sity. j b ('hi.-! M , - M 1 1 1. n . The prisoner kept . Fui th runo .'. h.- nio.l.-stly n a siif: tipper lip un, I declared up and : his bill that he shall be the tirst oc. cu-j, low n that In I,.,, I f id lb.- swas cachi -.1 mar Isl.-ia llow...-r. afiei the . hi. f had pointed out s. lis .repa licit s ill III.- stoty. Thomas! to conipel cdui ation tr. .tneii. ions appropi latiuii. while It Is hardly expected to care for all educa- li, .nal needs is likely to stain I toi soni. i m)t 1f nH ,,ili, c. "not for ativ lime as a municipal record. " , in.1)(.H t ,-,-asoiis but purely fur tlo - ,. i honor of i'." as he puts it. So if ihe Is a soat a crims or a ""'' ' lfn,.,. v- created it will not only be j k e d, ,w n and .-out .sr.-.l t ha t h. ha, This is the astonishlm; question which, hruUl,lt .,,,, hv ,, Xew- Vurk.-r but , ,, ;,,, Ti, ,.,,,,, .,.,,1 h, in a perfectly serious way has "", ,,y ,,,. .s -,.'.!. The I'.i.ihod "f j,i t..,e t ti. i vsi.l. -n.,- a bout put up to th- eiiy'B legal tal.-nt ' ! I , . 1 1 ii tr the pi ..per man r..r -mh a I h.m.ií ve-t.-rdav P. H. k ,ur s thin), heated controversy. The j.olic- ; w,,, naturally prove a ditfh ult I ,,, , ;1 l-nid i m; in, une a t bum.- he de partment holds the animal to he a ilis- , ,,, , t it i .- trials it i- tea red , ,;., , ni , ak mm the boii-e ,ui si .-a' case, and refers it to Dm health ib - Wi(1(, ,.,.sl!,t , ,,i;lcmr tin- tmli." lr .,.. ,.n hb-s. partment. There the eater of tin , usylum! As,, if the ..ftt. la 1 t tm-l Ihn m, n, il.. house was mad,, by and theatrical poMers has been vv ,.;tt. campaign vers, the matter . h ,. induw with a iipiieate.i iinimv health b ...,.-t.,w,n,'s IliriSl illllll. I.-.-.'-' , milis as such within the it's hirisdi. lion, i as the ipte: iv had order that tl'. would lie still further tin, There is certain to in- a iinaiij o....-j , :UIVA estlne debate when this bill comes ,i,,itv ,,, the police. Judicious as in. ..,. j ,,,,.,. ,,,,, lion tnav s.elll. It ni no" il! the ., .:.,...! ofl lel.t I IV 111 proper department nf the city's Buard- ins m;iy n- msii u i- at niiiii the plaueue of Soa. s now tmublmi; the low,-,- east sub'. These animals seem snddeiilv to have siiperseuen no ... ,he ,, nnular pet amone Ihe m ,his crowded ilistrlct sud cons have thev become and o,,s their .lepreililllolis that soul iee.i iiction must be tah.n : ,I,, clos.-lv supposed to he peculiar to Harlem bo ,',! that ilis.ric was f.ll.-.l .... , ,,. .,tmeiit houses A nhni i as II ion.. "' i , , T 1 MURDERS ONE NIGHT'S RECORD ,f- : Indeed resembles that, LINCOLN bous, ., found thai In h.,,1 the uppur. a lire tint,, tu make a haul ami prompt y pr .led to do so. 1 1, went lo lie- china elos.-l and h.-lp.-.l h :ms. if to all lb,- ,n ail.ible silu-ni ar, uf lo: ml v ,. that Ii- could find An it the arth 1,-s la ken w . re a sib Ver head puis,, i,,!,,,-,) ,,t a l.ur nun i, ok. -i- kliH.-s. folks and tea- J '"""I1-- a n.l a iiuiib. r id ,,, hi r alu 'ble iIiIi.k:. Thomas ihen found hi- "ay to th.- i nt i . and after parlak i l" uf a hasty lunch, made his cl .i w av. ; Il is ihoiieh, ,,i,, Thomas w.nt t., jjsi.-ta aft.,- ,-, on in il i i iik tlm burn lary I ni, I then doiibi, , ,is tr.i. ks back, rid join ,m a freiKht train a- lar as Abajo. :lc evidently did this to throw lb.- of- Shot Doad Drunk-!' mus miniáis wtiuli i... . t,...a.. í.miiií or '.anuiH,! bv no mo..- improper ,,s.i,e than to consume . , .,... ..,' their victims .' i,i,.c ai. pcubd to for depar.meuv - r. .,,,o,,l,c. d O I til' o..., ,d for the le as food th. The polio en rassenei ; i nuui ivuuubi -ed and Rolled by Cnmpan-ions. the suppression .i,.,.-.. una no poun . . .his animal and that i -., the dlltV s.i,,,,.,s,..o "" ,. ,11s. -ase. I .. ,,, ... ilniu ni K Hi I' " " . ; T I il P-i'. .1 -v'.nii- M;ltj- Murnln .liiiirniil K:e, i.t I fli.rd lrl v of the health i bin, :n. N.-h . S.-.m. 4 - I i.eo.ioi. llllets ill main luokci.iue ft i, - parimein. ' ., ,,i i he health department, after cu, . I .esikutioti, announ. ns-n , , ,,,un ,,f A, mar Lincoln. . .Hscover any i isensc km . - - .. t,,.- referrillt! the lllillHi "" . ' ,. thus makiiiK the Savo hold late t.miitht shm rt that tne ' i;hl, .i,, th,. dr.-ssci .- and a crime aim I' a. boMi a disea . ral other things an I are uaitmu they cin ! I , ss.i i, a i ion h.-fo ,..i,,l from tin- R..:,t plague. k t..r l.lVe I.- II t. ilu-rallv I' . ...i.. dollar, now pel i " i.i , . . famous in ii"- .iinirv. i.e .mpinb.l bv tw,. oi Vwr- in lb" hotel room The jirtv ,:,ls of the MUe: , and probably , a red lip for .ii. ii but . ., i , .- of th i in.- .... , ... , to Ikht air.iiti it, V-v- : a most siirpiislUK "ay. " i ,,,,, , ,, diirikim; l-.-r Pi e.v n say lion an s, , , w.,,m. n b it ti.iiniious w-ll m.. be in.- tim. . ' , ,t, ii stands now ha a 1,.,-h mak.-s it iiniuue. that It "lav no, b-i-al l.ti'.e' ui.-t he n . swan al PI. la. in the event thai lie was . aptiii .-.l with tlo- u,,,1s "ii. N'.-ar-l.v all ,. th, stub i. art', l.-s wer. re turned to Mrs. Maluy by Chi. f McMil lan last nei arrived here from Un- north at !. o'clock v estol day morniiie AIiIiouk'i a vouiih man h. so ms to he wa ll up ou criminal vvavs and has evidelllU been ill tile toils be fore. II is brürVeil tll- IIUI1IC he (i-IVe the poii.-t- ai tile time In- was arr.strd .vas assiino-.l for th -rasión. When arrested Thomas had inns! of Ho- stolen property .oncéale. I m. his pels. ,n. Chi.f McMillan, however, had a lbs, ription ot all 1 1 I icles stub I, In- was jug. lay and mis..,., , -v ol tb.-m from the Tile ..Oil' C S IV It WOllld lot l.lllle.l OV.r In I I 1 til ll III"' n. RIO nipossible loi e house j Thoma - admití, ,1 that In- had ench.-.l bol I ! i II I se 1 I . IP- I V I I : L, i : I V . I I ! O 1 1 I K V .1.111 I ' ' S II' ill III' P-.l III i. p. ti.ok of Ihe . ilv lile prs- oiit r was hand. ml. -I and a,-, .1 ' I.V lltfir.r Mll.lletle, led til" VV i, V l" lb.- phi.-, vvl" i I,.- had bid ib.- Mi,,, j . .. i ,. I III Hi.' ,1.1V Ml the a. l icles j -,V . re I . I o 1" .lit. let I III Oil!' Il I 1 I Ule lllS- j I I o III vv I if in r. pos. on l he bi o I-. ii Hot in ihe n.eli! Patnliuil ami a roln- i,.n. Cuben Piow i. ol l- irih, ar oma: VVOIIO-H. !:il..'t issm , a in of the I.-kIs-mb. i P The v and a plan to . , ..w. r lo d.-al i ' l í i ill I n d ia na i i i . r-s . )nmion Maiuioa uovvn ai Santa Fe Which Holds Midlines Constitute Games of Chance and Are Under Hie Ban, SM( lli.mtt-h t MornltiK .l.,iiri,nl. Saifta l'i . N. M . S. pl. I. The s,i-, pirite- . nun lu.iav ha:i,iii down a di vision liuldni,: that slot murium cm- SI itUte ey nit'S of C III! Ill C .1 lid ale til, e I'ore Ulldrl lile ban accoldllie to the wiiti-eambllnv; lavv pas-.-d nv !h-- la.sf 1. cislal in . . The case cam.- up as a test case irom the sixth disln. i and the llihliK o I tlo- tell it.. i ia I tribunal 1. Verses 111'' lleclSIUll of III. b.Wel . .. 1 1 i t vv Inch held i In- s I. a ma. bine w .-.s not .1 VtUOlhllllU d. v lo- in the in. , mine, of Ihe lavv, and .nsllius the cotil.ii vi nb iimht rulers ,v .11 I,,- consider.-,!. Ill a statement issin.l bv ihe novel - 1... .. I, , s tlo. I I. 1 1 O V. .111.' I , COOS fot' ,'.'" - i , ., , , i .:,., i lii'ii ol tin- i, rriiurv which prosecuted b-sirau' si.e.-ail pow-is o, ,ba, wun ,he iuu Ii t rid.-rs: "In I lie . a rl spi iie: p oils ribl- iv.-re made ill the p,,!l ..t the -til.' Ill.l'llrl lllll UpOll tllf I ' 1 1 I . t live, llV sil- callnl 't.inlit ri.brs' reiiiim: in iln desl i a. I ion ol a ucm r ui I oleic, u il beds wh.-re youm; pl I '.luvvu pr. pa t at ot'v I" ! IS VV e' e I.ellO; I ... I -1 l I - . I I 1 1 1 1 ', (I .,. il. nine crov ,-rs i,, I Inn -nin- ..I, I I could. ,!li Willi els ,o a,. I he in . i ii. st i. m that Hi. sioi in. I ell Ilirs ale vv ll hi II IV!!. Il ol Ihe Ui i ilo! law. The colli ( ad j. nil lie. I this all, f 1 1 1 " ' tl Willi. ml havllii; hall led down deer, lolls iii any g'lt.-l en.-,, s ot any iei, i,.l public ml, -r.-sl I un , in; ib. w el. a n urn bri ol a 1' ph. .mis vv . i a. hu ll, d 1.1 I In- bar Tin t , I lo w u re w . i . , 1 1 m 1 1 ! . i f oil h reuses I i mil nllii-1' I a t . -i ' 11 C Mor H, ii. I .a I,, rl luir, Vv 1 1 1 i.i in I ' llalli i .'r. in h . A i 1 k, Santa p. , --.I III'.!,, I I '. U Iblon. A 1. 1 III o; o r, i o , I'll up lie l'OI le S. V ill, II d . I C I ,.l ', i-l. I Ie....l P II. Ihoiiipsuii. Hilda. Plaliris 11 Wood. V ! bin pi. i u ll" III. I o o ,v I IC .1 I .plica ni S ,V i le . .un, lu, I. ,:,. I tin 1x11111111.111011 ami were admití, d. .1 ( '. Psplllusa. Albu ,ii.i.ur. 1 1 1 1 .i i . i M . I.uvv. It. .-.well. P Sherv, Alamoi4uidu; I'r.ilnisC. Wilson, Sal. la !'. , Com.- K ''une. Ainu. pe l I A l I 1 let . A Ibililllel qlle. Mel ,'K.i.h A lb n h i auk W Ihe li. an. niaay i .-i -i vv ni i . ii vv a rit'iir: i f i . rsonal v iulclU r propel ly. I hav e don. nu.l.'i ib.- limit. 'd aiithoi III. oil I he C.ov . I'll., I bv 1 .1,.. nieacer funds in mi pr. In. nd 1 Ik so p.-r.-oii-, 1 1 net-suns and plop.nv . hat ecli, .11 of the St., le ' I ll a vv . i k's time I h. w ill be i ol and hole a ... .... .. ,::.! barns. Manv 1 hi eai -n i ik l.-n. i ai ' IK.lill belHK 1 cv'elv ed v. .il Inn" lob:,.-. " grow'.-rs not to cut linn crops al p.. id of d.-.lrucliotl of clou and- banc. In lire. The- ci.ndii ions in Kent n.-Uv .hir ins i In- lasl yea r. on. -thud ui i In state has been compelled lo maintain a military pal ml al . n-l ol ? 1 " and liie threats now b. -am ma le i.. repeat those el i m. s in Indian i Impel me o lake Ihe ai lion I ha: . ill Ihe hop,. Unit Hie Keller-ii .i. ini'iv w ill i;iv e such a lit horily and pia.'e sin h . I tin. Is a I vi-i-nl '. v e .1 1. po-a I as - h i !l . be necessary tu no-.! what may h- - ! come a! any moment, a t .iv' siliia j ib.n. "The protection ot property and '4 i".,.d these persons and protect 1 1. - . v j SpillllsJ, (Ml I'lOSCCIh v a i i 'i i "i 1 1 1 1 1 it ' 1 1 1 i 'tis :ii' ' 1 - "" ' i lion in Hace Wai liiais ai I 11 lio'llt I ' Spi in.'-Uield. .IC- b. i t W Clal k. K..s l..c (1. l-'b I, lo r. Santa !' S I.. I-'.'. MOTION TO QUASH RIOTINDIGTMENTS aiuom; tin- prime r ua int eiia un- ol any an nut , un-. nl thai llu- IP o r r u ..I i br romnini, vv ra l! h : ha 1 1 tail in t hi behalf " , ll Mullían; .Iniirn.d Sif. lnl I ratwl Mir j s.ii'ini' h'-l'l III--. S.iii . I. The til I BRITISH TO TAKE UP . !, .,.,:. v fl AIM AGAINST (.ASTRO'iceut r.. 1.. a, .., t..,- t.iai OLI ll mu no - n . ' v . , .... , Put I uf Spain. Trinóla'!. S. pl 4 Sir Vino nl . 'ui b.-'i, the p. itisb min 1st. r I.i Veil, .. ni l . a I r V . ,1 ll. : v es i.-idav. un th. 'i.-aincr c.inniu.lui'e Piiinurs in , ii eolation 1 "t.l . ilil? I In- visit of in. Hi i; i h in air ! : i I lb Ke that I In- V, noen In II i ons'il a e plieil UllMie. i ' S 1 1 ! I I i V o I lie till.' j P.. y Voilii". w ho today elllei ed a l-le.i uf KUIÓ.V I" I ll" . ha I up uf bill ,- buy. I. no ny. nisi. n ninl riut. lie . unless.-, i I., bav Uk set ni ' I-. many Ki n hum. s. swore iba t Id" j ,,e, w .is I ;,. vv In i , upon Jh.Ikc i 'i bill ion s ,, , d I to lb, pontine re 1 1 .1 III a I i ill . -ui i,i is,- w is sniinii' vv lu ll Ihe al- oi A be Pa v Ho I . a ii a Hi-Be. I r Trinidad, to pe vent the laipl nt ai i , i, oh bad. r indi, l.d tor iniiiiii r in Pol t of Spain ol ó in r,i I Nn Ir das II' i . on ne. I ion iv il h I In ly in him; o I Sell lando. Ihe V.-ii. tila i .- ..niisl i Hurt. m and William I K ''ii- ill. I thai Sii Vim. n! has lone Inn pi.d a moliun In , all the lu lo induce the "i . rlilio ill p. a. . '-pi : ,,, , meats on l In- ui .mini I hut I he.v ai . the consul laia-d In a . i i . Ill I . i i s h jl.inlly Another -avs !h. minis i..,.re 1 1 ó ha i d , m who was In Pr will make r,-pi.-s..n.,; : ,, v .. r.c- ,n i , , lor ass, mil til.oll Mrs llilhnu. 111.- r. imposition ..I leslriiliw- I'snla land who was lil.d .V lal.d, was lil'lls Ollll-l I'llillL H e ' I , I '. II ...' I,,, IV 0ll r,-, I'Lil-'ll H'Olll lb" arms. : ploomiiuiioii jiil ll was his .hi.h. It is also rn:iiui.. t lb. I bit ,-b j lulluwmi; a Mise id ' -n l i Ii. a I in n ..I bmi . .Ml nilii-iit Int. ml- P. lab. up III" 'by Mis. I I . . I ! . . . I thai .l ipil a I . .1 lb" rlaims of the lPili-h sy lull, al.- whose ia.. war. Sbel 111 W.-linr vv lit lo sail and match ..ncssioiis in V. in , liloominuton to . . rlily lo Hi" or.b-i '..-ula vv. iv annul-d bv Pi -1 -P n t Ca --i i -.-l.-a.s 1 1, 1 : n 1 1 a i . I -. . in who mil the i r.i. i ia 1 1 t unii ht . :ooooooooooo SUPERIOR LUMBER & MILL CO. .Manufilctiircrs of Sash, liooi-s. Mouldlnus. -1o. DKAI.I.HS IN I PMPI P. I, M il AMI SHIM. I, I S. III H.l oS l :; .I..S. I'l.iliT tin- lailiict. Albiiiii iu.', N. M. XXXXX)OOC)00(X)CXXXXXXXXXXXX '.V.i II 111 SC. Ill . .1 I" I - i. .le a man h tn.s , liv for I ...... time a r. -zular i i,, y issued i" . tl,. i--''"' l, t il :e" In a ' i' ... .y- b- , M at.v 1 . I i" 1 ., i'. y ó w p ,,l tb.'ii suppu-e , p th.-ii. "lit ' . thr'll -le'l. ,1,. ,t.r- , .1.. dolbtl-. I'l I I SV 1TIK , ' ' art of tl : th" I ..' ' i.. .... i . ,l,ir:,l!v this .'"in has ii. v. i . . .I....-..1 o. ,1 from lb !.' C.r...ll Sholl'd st'.'l I ''" S ' .. e vahi" Most of tl ,, v .unable In ca - .-1 , !t as l'i k . Id ..f trad" and ! in" ..; a pi.-ini.iiu P ( a . Tv culisid' l Itblr I ,l,v ....... .11"' I , t bis .ilv- ll.iv " ..,i-si..i as P. w 1" tb.T " ' '' i. ,1U I." passed. An art "-I 1'-,' " .any n mad" l". s, ,lo.:.4 a'- " ... , -oil arr. s-'e.l. vvh.'.. '';'" Hankiv Hint his .-.tlht lio .L.'-..r-' ,,- y. -tiv" r- r.IS aiu ' '-'".t v ..:i mi. t prt.i and tlo n P I "'""' . t f ,. .. v., 'un . .tit.-n-i-' that I " ) . . muí -t. .1 m. mu., sin..- th"" m , .. s: .,, i, . r.- issm d b tie (-'"V rn- c . ,, I O, th. "I! r l:.lli I P." vac. - II ole IV . : a- I " 1 oil.p ..-' bod .C III 1,1- , I.V b" An .it When a bel boy lai i vw-ni .silla i: .n.i.i ..i- , ,., ,,, t. mud P..,reh,.ll-e VIsl H ll 111 III IK. I. MtS I ,,, s, ni'll-lv bid he.ll rob- j Tin p. .-ice ,1 1 I . . , 1 I 1 1 , I : I li-o bol th. i ,,,, or ...iluab'.s iv .1 " j di ai; n.-l out y.v.l.ic.v for Ihe lore i(t;i(T.k in,,, w i -- .1. ta iii"-1 i I , r or Iook',,,-, who oCt-l.-.! e I-:. I. ' W'a -1. i.iii ii cl-.lhim: st-u. s.,,,1" t.lio I i"lc:;l.i. ii.r .ii"! mi'lnicbt v.-I.i.l.i.- ttu. rno'ii ,.i..l nun I tl. ill"!" I I Id "f J' . I . who v I, o k bv I W i i.i. . v. I .., .ws.. i a pe, but w a vv a !.-h in. i II. v. W illie. V lib t h.'i. km.i a. iv i Ihe dlsol .Ó IV P .i tv tot .: '" di Hikim; h. av ni'ttir.q t ',- " !e, Jed s,,,. V 1, Walk. lis a 1 1 i k diiv-l ' ! a 'pi in: o v ot I.i..-.ii-. .i :m,l .:,,.! i ,v n win,, in lie. "i::. : .. i i - ,,i u . a . i;c a ppa . "i. i ,o o,l,t ui .ii 1,1.11!. .1 W' A il.du.iv V, as .lis. ov .. . .1 bv M. -ribald . poiue ,s in 'ttb'l' Almil ' Pule . -man H i v h lei rea i n a'i'":t 1 . I , W , i "- I t led t'. "S - o . i... k V . - I t ' i I V UK O IC 11 C 111 p.lSs- ,s , :,,.i, i' . ,1 bv a p.ib'n ; i ,s' Vi, b'.oM s -tor. i.Ilr. ,- Ha-bbar. i.,. s,,a ib.- shooilnar 'cm tie. .1 tl at tin- bstiis. whnb u-- . . .Hi, p:, n ,'.11' a!!,l III'- - !..::l to.rn 1.1 in-- s- 1 t. ,. n.eiii 11:1.1 n kitm iln i. .nr., Is of b.-.-n lulled ..e' lb- pi .!.! ! in t... dl-lint .11 'I t !: I . st" ; nl 1 1 . - v . r. 'I lb. f t .,,,.,11. I A'l I, ..-I I ! .Í....I 11'. b" I.' 'I ha-tv . v.iti- icli.-n :.l W'l'.Pe. , r fed .I : he 1,,...! -i.r -1 tl! . 1 -. i ,t :b j P 1 . .1 bv IV .l'i" s I , V -l-.t. ,1: had I" II .V i 1 1 , b and tlo- sp Hacker II 11 Mm l.ieM- Irs in (..oral N"W y.iik. S-pV 4 - A, . ! .Pili- t . lb. st .1" V It . ..S" fraud of K. P T'o.-i ." a , 1 ...... ' ,v ... - has tak. ii la .irrai.i;. I l',i 11. t.-:. .! hv 1. ! 1 h n. r-.i.b. 1 v a" I t-v .. . 1. ( s ,,r. . n a .i noun ta- . s f ,,r MILLJNERY Our new location demands an early display of fall hats and wc have a chioce line of tip-to-date patterns. DRESSMAKING Its also one of our specialties and we have a fine line of suitings tu choose from. Suits made and fitted in our own work room In th. , ..nd t, vv a- in '- -I i d.-nt . v.-1 .1, ...a :h. t:..n .f i.l-vse M Tie",. I- 1 th, :.u.; i'.'." .n "f M ' Tbori i-. vv ,10 I ... .HI'" TV'blb- .0 - I- . s '! I...PB P' ach. ... vv : i b. .1 , ollsiilt 1 - . all -., ,1. , 11. v I . t ' ...,,l ii.", i'l p. i net of : of lo- b : " ..'ll-l I." b a' lo d fothoii; ..'IP had I. t tak. n Pe. on. w p., h I. ..a b. . Tl f rr. ti. h b. i.,1 s :i, '1 II! 1 U' ni.-tiev -'. . k- .1. p. - - in "b a , in ti'. it. -1. bad lo- 1: Miss Crane Millinerv and Dressmaking Parlors Corner O-nlral and Fifth ÍM IONi:)44 f T'fTiiTtfr. ttrn '-Lj- -- NEW TYPE NEW Machinery NEW Presses The Job Department of the Morning Jour nal, long the acknowledged leader among the printing houses of the Southwest, is now bet ter than ever prepared to handle all classes of booh and commercial work, We make anything from a thousand-page booh to a vis iting card and make it right. Prices, the lowest consistent with first class work. THE MORNING JOURNAL JOB ROOMS 1 ' I, let, f , . s.., . . MHMMtMMMHMMDMMMHi 1 rr 1 t - if- r 'ii 1 r 1 ii