Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1908. hi inn i ran r i a mm 17 7 77ie Future Railroad Metropolis of New Mexico. Located on the Belen Cut-Off of the A. T. & S. F. Railway wun Luuuti g o to nrtGLDAI I ÍLjri hi . M M aníM nn niirii.TtT-n mil m mbiiíéiiiivi hriiMMiiiii intifrwintmi urn nun i if. n n lMinvw ihImi iT MTiuft warnm UHULUflLL 'tmmnmmmnmnwtm sTmii r Tin: ti:ms. BKiCaMiS N'ltl iotiiil l,rufue. Nviv Y.-ik . pnlsbmK rh i'inrlnmitt . Husion priiuli l)n st 1- ' ' . 79 . Ml . Ctf . K 1! . i",4 .44 . 4 I American I-eatiue ,',.ll ' ' fM.'nfi" Si l.uiiD ylan.l . . oli:;,,,.,,hi.i K,iM'-'' . . U l-Olillfil"!! y!- Y..rh . 7 I .71 . e:1 . u:i Wl'MITl! l,'lr,IC, iiili.tha siulix I'll. ! Ml fur . S4 . 7 I . 7n . i. I I. nst IT. 4 .RV r,n .(ir, r.i ;u ;, . r. 4 s (IS .477 7 r. .un H2 .;ici x.i .:u; Host I'C i.i .;.m r.i r.r.x f. . "i 4 u c 4 . 4 u- fill .C7 H II .414 m .:L'.T p c ír, ,n7 1 f, .(i ii -: 4;i7 7:i .4!K 7:. .4.'. H J 'i li I mxi:x is tiiiuty-onk mimos soitii oí-- Ai.nigiioityi k. kv.xv mkxico. o.n thk main link ok tiuo santa vk svstkm i.ioaimno iíast anu wiosr ínmr tii:.:o. kansam city an i oaIíVKSToj TO SAN I ltWdSCO Al) OM JIKXKV, THE BELEN TOWNSITE AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY OWNS THE BELEN TOWNSITE 1,000 BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE LOTS 25X140 FT. WIDE AVENUES AND STREETS Helen, NYvv Mexico, II. In (he valley nf I lie Klo (inutile. It lias fine simile trees unit a beautiful luUe, ScImmiI House, Churches, a CoinnicrvlHl ( lull, Mercantile Store of nil ehutsen. Patent Holler MUM, a Winery, the c,v lintel Helen, with nil modern niiirmt'i,io,,t; i.Mnuratiis. Itrlek Ytiril, two I.nnilier Vtird, etc. ete, ete. BELEN IS THE LARGEST SHIPPING POINT FOR WOOL, FLOUR, WHEAT, WINE, BEANS AND HAY IN CENTRAL NEW MEXICO ALL FAST LIMITED, EXPRESS, MAIL AND FREIGHT TRAINS OF THE SANTA FE ROUTE WILL GO OVER THE MAIN LINE THROUGH BELEN, EAST AND WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. i lie Simla t liaJluav Company luis liere Hie largcm lertiilnnl yards on lis system from Clilcatío lo California wlileli Willi nil t'lrgunt Harvey l uting llnte-e. n coiiuikhIIou depot, mnll uml CM'-" titee; rniiuillmiiw! for clrlii "en Mall,; trucks lo accommodate ,UH eurs. Tlio lota offered for Hide adjoin tin deot K'imds hii.I lluncy lullng House; ul reels, miIi uuIUh laid out; hIiiuIc trecis. lie. TUN "KULs ti-- LOTS A UN I.OW; TDK MS KASY. O.M :-1 II I Itl CSI1 ; UALAXt K OX XOT10 AND Moll TiiAul', llillll )NK i1) TWO YK.AHS AT H ri:i t KM' iM'ITtKST; TITI.K rKIU'irr, WAHIMNTY lHJtlS OIYKN WRITE FOR MAPS AND PRICES, OR OTHER INFORMATIONS) Tfr r wt w - t w m t rr-i wrr a t n w - r n n m m rrii jv M m irv a f i r . ..... ' ltJJb ttLLhW lUWiy A1J 1ml KU Vh,MjbNl CUM FAN Y I. Hi:Ht;r-:l(, Sei-retarf, NATION' l, I KAfiVi:. jil:if,l sanies Th.. .eeiiml was eallnli jilt till- ,-licl nt' III.' 1 Klltll illllillK. Semes: I' li st Kallle I!. II .;. j I Mllall.! I 'Ml 11(1 I IIII ..." X , I ! lies .!i. in.- . . nun non nun n :i Harterl.-s 1 1 . .1 l.n I,.-, k ami I. .In. .11 N'.ls.m and H.,kim;if. .S. ,1.11,1 tiame I! II 1 .11111 ha Inn mil 0' '' 4 I Pes Al,iitn-s ....nun mill HI--1 i I.'.att. -lies M,il all, L, hl'.-i ml ; I "l.n and II, , lv i 11 TOBIN SOX WILL : PLAY AT CONGRESS i York. ; Hrook lyn. .". 1 Hi-.M.klyn. S.-i'l. I. --New Yink ma.le un, r siniiiilu over liro.iklyn l-V uinliillK Imlay's K.UIH-. In fi 'fi ' " ' ' : in.- s, ,-,,m inai Uii,M ' sir. 1 in hi vi, -luí y of t h I'uelilo yahi Hits Tolioj-yan. Si.iux Ciiy. Sej.i. 111.- Sii.nx City l'h-, n, ' 1 1...1L 1 1 ... Mi.- .,1 ..... . 1 1... If. I. . ii... Ivv.i ilium's hnt thi- V s - 1 "' , .. , ,, Sll-.l IK III VI, 1,11V ill the Inillle team s jiileil live mns n the toi.rth . 1rs, t ' 'V' '. .7, tes., the 1,,,-al,- Innli.K l.y 1V,I llllisuini iii.-n un ...... 1 .1 ...,,h T..I!.,,,. l..,n..,.,l ' 1 -p. ., . , , ! t.os.l,:. II at all. hnt jm4 .11,-., Willi... a, e, .-.,.-,,... ,, ......... I hi.l-Sef ih, heme team in:iiuiK''Ci id tie un- ,,,iie ill ihe iniiint; In the meantime! M.ihn.s nail lenlare.l l-asl. wills tur Hfiieklyn hut only lasted one innlnti innl tin- harden ot endeavoring t" li.iil the leaders in the pennant r.iee i.ll mi Hacker's sh.nil.lers. He nave Hr.sinihiin a has.- on halls, Dunlin lnirt.-,l safely. Seymour sa.-rilie.-,). s. nd i UK Uivsnahan to third and Hum-! lu.-ll lamled Devlin's My in time to I linlil Hresnahan at Ihird hut the New! V.nk eateher .scored the winning tally; ,111 AlcCurniick's sini;le. s,,,,r,. ... 1 11 .' j At MilineaiMilis M i linea il is. ,- York ....IHin 131 (llll- C, In II o. i;r,,,,kl n . ... I 1 n nan 300 r. ' I --Ta.'luf. M.Mi illllltv and H,-,.,:,han fast. wins. Il.ilm.-s. Uii.k-! AI 'mli'inai s- 1 11, lian. 1 pol .1 ;ni,l H""; El Pasn Id Be Represented in B;iseball Tournament Hoi o by Alienation in Chaise cf JiMiiiny Sullivan, 1 i:i I'a ',. lias lln.ilh r, 1 ir. s.-i, 1 at inn Hl 1 1 1 ii'ian.Keil fur hiK hasehai: tnnrnaineiii at the National 1 1 r in:. 1 Ion here. The I'.l I'.la) Tillies I'll l'as.l! he represente, I in tile has.-hall tournament at A Ihn.j u.-i ,iie hy ihe T.diln Son. nccorilinn In plana now heinn considered, and "Johnny" Sullivan, the popular El I'aso pitch er who made Rood with Waco (his nsiLituiilon came :ts a surpns 1'. .1 . At ul, loop. I he new ly 1 h- ,'f lile iliocese oC Kocktont Mild that it Has too ei!ti to Who tt 1 11 1,1 SIM'C, ed t" the po The Sel,-, t i, .11 ul II Mlie.-es--, w op Spa ul I i un 1 1 he lii'M a - 1 " lo occur sin,-,, th's count! . moieil In. m 111 issi, 111a r y .eui said Hisll.ip Alulilootl I" le i . datloiiH 01 1 audi. laics will he Hie I'lllted States as ll-llal. 1 Hish.ii.; wt-iiten to .Jn.le C.l.y inioi uiinu him . would h. ... ctcl in the stale c.iiv, ti , PROFFSS fiPJiU CARUS. 11 head Unit his assessment had he.-n ,-, id 'Hon at Itoeliestci next eel. were, ile- IPmois S'.'Oti and r, ,,m miiik him to m.,k, the ! eul.-dly IiileremniK points, in 1111 I it tor - ..,.,...., . oumle, remittance promptly. mal talk hv i halrman WiHIam .1 .'on-: I'ltS. bllADHA H ll'fj- of the democratic stat, eunimil- r,,, v..' K.u.a .. 1 nel-M to I ilsll .i - Km. ii'.is 1, DIPLOMATIC ACTION TO ccr boys 01 T of jail ü;:;:;1:; , p i fe 'lililí .' II -...ot, in ,., '"" 1 ' , lülle hilo .Inure. Make "il actual el,-, lion hitherto in t;i,- hands ,-,. ,,,,,, ,,rn,-ltiK will he-, .11 si. 1. ! ed l.y the 0 , . 11 s I , l o I la 1 ! I ihe . ..nun nation id' the pr, .poca ml . .niii .-nal ion. which Incl.t.h-- th, .-n Mr, eoli. Ke of cardinals. MU LA I HAFIG AWAITS SUPPORT OF GERMANY ,;' i Pari-. S. pi. M. The T.-mps hi an, "tilspok.-n editorial declared that the only rSll:lllllli,lll of Alulal II. flip's ill lay in respnmlinn f liln pr.., ia ma 1 inn i Tip. mus IV F-.lw ards. h '""'i'-'11 j Oeulltit and Aurlst for 8ntn K Cimn e .h.iiincin also declared ih:f i.n,.,. offlc Htnlp NnthiTinl Hidili l-'iMduiK Justice iioiuan .1 ; H-jIMInir. Hours: 8 to 12 a. tu.; l:0 I the appellate division ofi to 0 p. m. . . hhe courl. first department. rrrrr..1 , -r";-T,:r V.niili. Wlie tarried Tn.-et j " ";,M '"' ''''"'' the temporary or Pet- IIOMKOI-ATH8. iiiiiii.iu c ji,i i inn n ni i ne ; , , 111?., IIKIIAM'C. IlllOe.?!!.1. Humen purple I'hynlclaim Biul Miirieotii. Washington. S"pt in -In the ah- , , ,.. , ,. . , , ! v r Vnrin's Driiij Store, rhon.-a: n - lie- ..I Amha'-sa.h.r Thompson, the ., ., .' , ,, , ' , , ..' .... ,. , flee fi:'H; resldetu'e, lui.K Alliniiier- .AtiHi'lean cliari;.- d'arialres at I he , ,. , .,, .', , ' , in. N. M. I'lty of Mexico has I, ecu directed l -. cure as early a heai inu as posihle I' the font VOUIIK Mexl- 1 . 1 1 ell ni l It , ni I liess Toiiriiuiiienl. Munich. Sept. in.-- The ,.ume hi ih hamplonshlp of j rhes.i match for the Ihe world helvveetl lr. Taii'iisch and; a rally in the eighth, while the .second was not w 11 lot lav. Soil. ..: ( 000 Fust elm. - i: ii .; Sioux 'iiy .... i ml n4 4 ; l' i I'uelilo mi 1 mm ui 1 J s f, i liatt. rics - McKay and Sln-a ; lia Bum .Mild Smith. Second name . H. ! Sioux City .liiL' i.:m 33 - 14 i'ii I ; .' '" ' '"MI . "'" ",i..imiiiy. rhe Temps rejniliaies the. anl in II v as Riven In the press, MOW KAl.l. Mil I. INI UV, . " U" - f' 11 -: ñ iv, t ., n X-Tn lei'rMlr iv 1 ,;t"'"',,n r,"i;,,r"'i"v.M!,tr,",,lS ,"1't,-"--imteheH and that .he youths had, Thl, tlrHt showing this week of pew , "'' ' " '"' Shea: Vance.: 1 ''; ' " ;',,nn'." 1 ;,M ,;,lr:"1. "" "iisslon ,.f Dr. Vassell, ,1. a,.,. ,.r,.,, tn(. rlv,.r appan-ntlv w II hunt ,,-,,11 Hats for street w.-af. The Ken,,. .-.uauii ami .oil.. iiiiin ciiusui. wno is on nis w ly io , e .-.,.. tni ini.-.o " The claimed as sultan in Tangier. Aunu'-t L'.'i, is n,, f Hie case ins who crossed the l:n ilrainle into Mexico some ,l,i s ,m,. wilh a target Kiin. and who d.tniiu.1 hy the Mexican niuhoiilhi i. tidin.e an -x am i n -i ; ion ..I i..nis. The in-I'vi.-iin .'onsut ni I'ni.l.'.d .liiiitcz. r. ported to lion, an, I that Judiíe viten II Parker j would he the othei cluiiiman. ! Mr. Connors was m .ti-couim il I a I ,nj the Kill,. I ll.itiilial siluation, lelllsiut: lo discuis it li.iotid the declaration that I .iiui ena ni (overn.if Chahl.-r was v ri'v slrmiK up stale lllal he is awaitilití t.'le . nutlsel slap department rc,;arilln; th. KKNT1SIS. Oil. J K lx It A FT- Dctitul Kurtfon- I línoitm f 3. lnirnett hulldlntf. I'tioii it A pixdntnierits hy mull. . X. Dr. which .va.; iiiIJoiii led last, ,',..VI HHIHdN', O. inmu auet toriv-Mve iiiovcm, w,v le-: sullied toda.. II w a.s decía red a ilraW I ,, . ,, . , .,,.,,., ,. ,. ,. , ., Dldent -nmMIh!il nl'fle.1 In tha city. nrrest, showing that the facts him ii:i:u ssot i i ion. ! li ; (,'"...! has.l.i h " "" - Is hot inimical, nuil insists (pat the ,..,. ,,,iv on n Ilshlne " "'" 1" in to Alhu.pier.iue, and if 'evidence Is now conclusive that DrJ 1 i.-ks he .-.Is in isetting the support he j Viissell tunde a political d.-elaration promises to take to A Ihuqiier- ; , Kazar. 'any unlawful Intent hat trip. omiHt. Ml'' a team that will win rood placel The Tcnius says thai when Dr. 'JEROME DECLINES PART PROFESSIONAL CARDS i I in the meet I Vassell departed for Fe- il had au- Th- So- have already l.een enter- thorltattve Information of the p'itu i- d in the tournament hy ManuKer j pul ohje.t of his journey, which was- HAINS PROSECUTION vt-lll- Al SI. Paul SI. Paul. K ; Mllw.lll kee. :i. ( r i u I , . .-. I u In, li:,u turn.-,! th.. I.emiu..ia ... 1... ... ......r. l.,l.l II...., 1 I . .. . ,; . . . , I ,-w v,.rk. S.-pi 1". -Pistil . ... ... .-iniioiii i., i oi wan ix.a i ion, a 1 1 . i i a kh in si r.i .vicncf.iii, itio ii. rm r nun ' Slllhtlin IP enthnsiastie nhlllli what 'islet- of .car heeims.. Ihe lillel- hint I toflley Darrill 'f l)lli-ll.i eotltlty Chienx-o. T: SI. I.uíh. 2. M,ni""s "r '"dtles of oley s Honey h(, ., accomplish at the I irlsation i visited the Frenen mil Spanish ieiia- ! vile, I District t..rr,ev J. r.mie to a 'I St. Louis. Sept. 10, Chicago defeat- : und Tar have heen sold without any , nSr'esH. He says he en n K'-t I oet.'ne' i I ions ,11 Tani;lcr. j as senior counsel in I h. pi oseeui ion ,,!' ul St. Louis this afternoon in the lirsl J person ever hnvinn exiierieneed i,y j hunch of hall plu.vers lliat will play, . . the llalns liiolheis Mr. Jetotne .le ía Die of Ihe serien hv the score of 7j"lll'r than henellcial resnlls from ilsriMMS aroum. anything thai has up- i i:c.'.r DCrilQCO Tn DA V dined hecnuse of the .,f duti-'S n,2. Id, iwn. the pitcher for Chican... f'r emmhs. colds and luK Iron- p,.,fr,.,l in the FouUiw.-st this s,a-i,i, IJUI.MIL nCM.JOLO IU iMl ! f his own of !!.. mus ..fleclive all the way through. I ''I''- '''his Is heetuise tpe genuine Fo- .ina p, is, s lo -I to work ,,n Ins ' fAMPAinM A'sT nQMFMT I : ,,,,,,, was batted ou, of the box In '"V "oney and Tar In the yellow ,,,, , ' MJAP'MnMV PPFVAII C M Hir second iniilnsi and was ,,, j paekaife , a. mains ho opiates or other, ! HAhlVlUNY I LLVAILO I IN ,, ,,. ..JrmusinKany ..i,, ,'he enulne S,,, l.y! BISHOP SPAULDING'S U 'T ' ""li-: ! RETIREMENT A SURPRISE: ,,, t purposes ,.y the ta implican state coin , w York. Sept. in - , dei la i a i ion milt, e. ami a I, tier that lie wiote M thai . v. rvihiiit; was harmi.nioiis wilh Wive nrinvn and KliiiK Th" first showing tills week of new I Chicano. Sept. 10 While Hishop Ce,, rue C. Dlnwlddi.-. .; cha ii nía n ! t h,. ,l,-mocratlc party In New York rail Hals lor street wear. I'll,- Kcon-i spaul.litm's conditio,, was w.ll know 11 i ..I the eonniiitl. e. e.niia ninK his r 1 ,1-- ; stale and an intimation thai the Mc- ( ineiunail, il: I'illslMirs. I. nmisi. . to r'a-hoU-- n.-h-.v here, new s of hi- al. has h-en made puhl'c A letter :,s n',f,-. n d.-l. ate fi'mii KIiiks eonnly I'it.stiuiK. Sept. 1 0.--Snail. allow ed I'lttsl.tirg hut three hits today and ritn innati won hy a score of : lo I. Willis pitched a Rood Kame. Score - It. H. 1" iPtishurs . . . -oo (ml linn 1 :i I rin, innati . . . . 1UU 000 UL'u 3 li I Hatteri.-M Willis. Vail and (iihsoii, Simile an, I Mcl.ean. ATTOItMAS. JOHN W. Attorney nt Law Collections Made. New Slain National Ilntik Hl ltr, AIliiPiiier.iu, N. M. II. W. D. niiYAN Attorney ut I.Hw Offlre In Fl'st Nnttoniii Hank hulMIng A I lip, pier, iue. N. M. f if Ileo In Crnmwoll Hloek, CmniT Second un.l Oold avenue AlhuiiileriiiK.., N M. CHAS. A. KLI.BH Dentist. nootn 14 N. T. Arniljo Hlrt. Vhnne 8H9 unit 1025. Albimileríju, New Mexico. KnKUKeniehU Mtuje by Mall. 0. E KKI.BKY DrntlNt Ofnee: Whltltm over Vnnn'i Iruc Htor. Albunuorour, N. M K-r--,"-"T ; r.'jui-J i ' , "i.tss ri ' m ASSAYIUlfi. W. JICNKM Ansayur. Mlr.lnn and MtUtlliirgleal KnKlneer (Hid Wist Fruit avenue. í'ontoffleti Itot ITS. or nt, office uf F. H. Kent. 113 Soulh Third utri-et. li. -.-Iv. st. Louis uno no i on i 2 o - nuil.)-.. nil o i ii loo 7 1 1 l K.tteries-- Haldwln. H.-l aid M AX !'.!. i , Mll.l.l VI IM'. IIVSU IAXS AM Ut Ill.lill.VS, I In L W YU.hK ütiviui...nui ., , . . civil kníjinkkhm. I niru.'i' iinineii in oiseases iw me eye. i Hours: I -I'.' a. ni.. "-fi p. in. PITT KliSM-- U. ... in Ii. Harnelt Hide. Coiintr .Surveyor. Attorney h. fore 1.1. S. land uonnn nient. I-IHI'I f-etlp for ale. C II Philadelphia. K: Itoslon. 2. Huston, Stpt. in. Philadelphia eas-' iiy WOI1 tile decldlllK Kame of tile se ries from Host, .a today, ,S to 2. t Score- It. II K. j I'lilluilelpliia . .400 100 01 S l." Knstoti 1102 tullí 00112 11 il' Latleries --.MeQiiillin. Corrido,, and huoin; I.indaman. Doriter and How-! irinaii. ami:hica i.i:.(;i k. Detroit. : ( Ideado. . ri.-lroit, Sept. to. Craw ford's triple '"How in); a double by Sehaefer tied ilie 'oih in lle ninth. Hits hy D. Jones, huuiis and Schmidt Rave Detroit the un.- in the tenth. White was hit 1-H'l all during the enni.'. Donovan '! lery wihl Score- U II. K h. unit . ... ::ni (inn not t h l :t I'lika.. . ...o:io too ion o r. ll 1 Katt.-nei Donovan and Schmidt. ttlut... Walsh and Sullivan. I I La 2 lids Mark Stands for Milse. of liitecrrlty. i x r s . 2 s ñ n l. HnsT Physli'liiii and Pot-,.,, liiiimii 6 and H, N T. Artiiijn biillá Iiik. A lhn.iiieri ue. N. M. eiiKlneerlnK. Cold avenii.!. oppn.e MornliiK .l.mrnnl c.lfl.'a. JVcbv Bcltin W'e are showing a very larK' and choice assort ment of styles, colors and widths. Prices ranis.- 25e to !. .Ml yd. Prr TT 17 TT 77-V ,7 k Y K At Tí fT7 )T ii nit: ib !u un um iisu AUWQUEHQUirS EXCLUSIVE lift Y MOODS HOUSE KY WMinS, M1MJN1CV AMI WOM.SN'H UKAT-T-W KAH OAIIÍIKNI Elt'MSl.iULt PHOhH OltDKIW FI U.KI I'HDMITI.Y. MAIL. OHUKItS HUXD PIMJMFTTiT. THI BIHINUMMT f-i.'.í-. 1?" Have you seen thn New Directoire Girdle? Craceful In line It in n decidedly pretty adjunct to a c.slunie ill' line satin ii ml lafr.-i , silk, ilail. d. stitched and bom .1, with ninart how and riu-li SI 00 and up. Cleveland. "; St. Ix.nis, 2. ''I. . land, Sept. 10. Ch-velanil 'mte.i St. Louis i". to 1' to day HerK' r "'lied a st route K"iio- for Clei.-land s" a-- P.. 1!. K I'l.-vcland . olio ii4-i. H 0 ' Louis Hit, o.)l nun -J ; '.' iies H. iK.-r and HeniN: l',.w- Hil l Stephens. Itoston. 7: Washintioii. 1. u'.i-hiliiton. Sept. 10. Host, ,11 "'in,l up tu season here today with vi. lory heating WashiiiKtou 7 to 1 So... . ii i: l,1'i'iW"ii . imu nun .ml I 4 " H"'..u li.o niiL' mu Til n hilt l.-ries-- Kelv Slree, un.l Kahue: I fc.,1 Don, .hue KSTKIIN l l AlilK. H.iner. 2: l.ltH'oln. I. ''"".in. S.-pt. pi Denver mile it "'ii split of the series todjy b r''a"i.K Lincoln j to I in another l..sey , ..ruested Kame. Olmstead and ;'""lr,x were both batted freely, but visitors bad th.- lack ait on M,ter li-iR. lunnina would Lave nt-r-i- 1 ih.-ir total. . H K -.ii. 0(l0 1M1 fl(lft i -, i 11 .... ion i o noli 21" battrie. H, ndrtx and H-iry: '"""--o' and M. Donouan, i, m,i,,. n.M.l. r ta 'n,,h, . -,- l. 9 , ..... ii."..- -1 eninua,,),. fall S)W th.. .!..' C-J , ' W. st. in U-a.;.j.- season o-, i'i" y l ',"tl ,a- 4,J tile !,., e I '-,-t.rauj it by tük.r.k t-v.tu hat ornan XOill Wear on Her Head It is useless to pretend that any one sfyle Is ipiinir to prevail this winter, for so varied are the new shapes thai Ihe most on i radictot y models are equally i..d The brims are all of Ihe rollim; variety, and the soft lin- s thus obtained -ne most becnninir. 'Perrac.Pa is 'a Rain with us: dull Rohcpn nr. . ns. smoke cr.iv. toup.- and wistaria; the n. w lav.-nd.-r tone or blue This week we will show a handsoine assortment of fashion., Ido Street and Dr.-ss If its for f.tll wear at Ihe popular prices all can afford to pay l-.xcellelll s'vle .nal values are presented ill the new creations priced at S.VIHI. SH.IIO. s: .Ml. SH.50. III. 00. $lí.0O luid I.V0O. Hut we ii' nst. oners to .xanon,- for themselves the as sortmellt ,,f autumn niehls. which will be exhibited this Week. More JVcto Veilj and eilin Kii Mail, I loor. iio..:ti.s in ',-ils and Veiling no-.., is know- itiK (his V. lima Kept . ..nd !ts ks freshened w-.-klv h. ... !.!. ship ments fi-..,,, ou: V w York (if tin- lo w ollo ls just III there are Tuxedo Veilings In b! .. k .111,1 all desirable cl o- . pi.,,,,, ellrl-ltle 411.1 VelV-l -dotted. i.-l.1.nK lloVel. ',.s not slvox n Ictofor-. i.f like !m.r.-t I. a i., ,.f Tin-d,. l:., N-: V-n- ju-t I" The ct Dress JVcts I ir-t lei lit--ill ! in- v i ' ,f Di . sy , is in ee,,rn, t.l i. k ,. f. . tu l in to : iiii. M-r il. fleto Fall Trimmings V in, r.. , 'irt I lHr. . x . t'iw- t .ttli ( t"t! '( li'"s Trinimitii- ...(.. i.. ..ur f:!-t :i!t-J 1'' f ii' , fu i 'iiltr.H'l' f Tt (Mi M-r 5 1 "Display of JVebu Fall Dress Fabrics .Main f loor. Represen' iiut 'h- lorcmost I'.itr'.pvaM arid manulactur. its- iiriv niiil.-rl.ih ho autumn. inchnl,ri l-'au, y Stripe W,osie,!s and ChevoitM also co. ni. ose Se;(;es. distimHv IleW efte. Is all ill th" n.w'.-st color . (.n, leu t ions. Of th.- staple w ea v. s thai i mis,- '. be much in demand llio nlcloth:. in a a'.-ai variety ,,f't l .-hades. Neari' cm iy ..' now v; hi 'ni; fr.-sn n-.v f i bt i. s - Suit. ItlgS, .Series, llr.J.oh "Ills, et, .. pk.,11 ol lie.eltv and toil.Vs advuUce not,- is struck in To nteiosts ,,i ih-. , to hom .,r on. i.a-ou or an other, eiirlv i.llVItu- I. .V be lo c.s-.M Tber.- are. h ' Novelty Pan Suliinif'. Ito.irbl epr. sl f-u this early exhibit and identical wilh "c fabrics tnat arc at ih." u o-ni bein; made up b ihe foremost dr. "makers r 1 1 ,- !' , .c h caplia! 'I hoe Palis Mult. i'lKs arc- all ex. lu-i J'rom Tic ! ami i lay Worst. .!- N'-w I'lfiid-. Dick's exhibit. and ehildren' v Taff.-ta.s. If . olor i.V'.ntmi nts f, Inch Aus't tan ' ari.1 ts show n In a . it h t his st ;.'-. A r - ni, c. w fal- .-. . '., fc .'.T; I Mil be Co 1 'as a It-', f " ti 1 a - of a li" - I .oh . h,o,., ,.-w sli i.b s tl .l.d ni. one ,,f a kind. ai'.r.L,', IiitiK-milH ft In in 1-1 n thl I i ! a h ,. f.W 111' ;., n . h IW disli, icily tl -,1.1-r w. ... 'ban Ndv . .n t 1 h. I .i a hiiih llnlsh .. .i-l fi oo uTpecial Our Annual Snie of Household Linens will be continued for one more week at the same low prices as advertised to enable those who could not come before to take ad vantage of the sale and LOW RPICES. j TUIfi Mark KuiimI 10 T he Women 's Suit Section Directs Attention to An Extensive, Showing of New Fall Models in Tailored Suits Suitable for Immediate and Early Fall Wear. fleto Model Dresses IS ell the Faí! Fashion Secrets We have ready a i.iy Inter. silnn collection of Women's Tullnr . d Suits It is a KitheriiiK "f the most aitlMU- ideas that have been ip v. lope. I by Ho- b. il American tailors for women uf course, all hive lu. la . I the best Dir. , Pure model from foremost Parisian dr.-üBmnker. Th s will be the predominant note In fashions for women this fall. Thi; season will produce such radical rhaiiKe In tho rut oí th c. it-i .ii. h .s r.ireiv developed during any single e,ion In recent year. Tin- most r..o i. -cable rhutii. leristlc Is th.i jieif.-ctly stralitht Une of ih. co;,t. ii,., narrow shoulders, ion flttril niervos aiij KtralRht lln under the i.rniH. tdvlnit tho IlKurn the hl.eim nppearunco which Id now neces:. ,,ry to Ihe correct flfture. Some of the liirectntro coats are mailt) with larga revers, Robe spierre collars, knmrt waist enntt of chlnti and fail' (ilk, smartly dec. oral, d w ith natln buttons, or butten of name material as the trlmmlni. SkirtH ixpresn a marked departure from th ltylea recently worn. Cut In Ihe ime lines as the sheath flttcfl klrt, though of course, with. ..nt slashed fide, artistically draped from a girdle, which fit the fig ure like a corset, allowing the outshlo drapery Juat the outline of the hips, thawing the figura to brat advantage, and tailing In long, grace ful train. This, of course, appliee t all th dreaay tailor-made gar menu Priced from $25.00 to v00 Special Special We have accumulated n"e a quantity of odd dozen of NapVltis. Towels, also odd palm of Sheet end Pillow Catea, and Remnant off table during our al of household linens. Th. til he placel n Center Aisle Table at Special Iaw meet to rlns.- out. fi 4 t s"WisJl4(jK