Newspaper Page Text
THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19.1903. fina rj n f ah pflMMEPPi: UUIIIIIILIIUL Willi sii'i'i'i. New York. S'-l't. V!. Tin' rtm-l market toiliiy n lidi'cli'd oirif r. T i r" l.i ill.1 .p.-oiilnti w liiiulatiiin which h;;i licen alTi-iteil (liliiiiK th ne.-l;. Tin pronsmv wan l ifíh t i-n 1 by I ni'nt ol' the slmrt in I' ll uik'uv.ti'.I wiis siilTicicnt to i-hiisi sunif rally. Tin' tune wn iiiiH.-ttL'il, tint un.-i'Vtii in, un.l tlic miivi'iiifnt nf prk'.-s sti'iiü'ñliiiK i ' 1 jnixf-d to un uiuisiiíiI diKiof'. Ii.-vcl-npment outside tlie U'l-hniiitl .sp.-cu-liitive position of the mxrUet were nut important exeept lor an easier tune in the rute for eall money. Taken In einineetion with the heavy iiisli lig erease for the week indieateil hy the preliminary ustimntes, the aetion of the eall loan market wan Interpreted 1,1 mean that a substantial redintlon of the loan aeeonnr had li.'.n made in eonneetioti with the liquidation at the stoek exchange. Siyns of luiilici weakness were to he seen hei e and there in the market. The lack of ae tion toward a disbursement of the ;reat Northern ore eertllieates arouses the fear that the dividend is to he omitted. Arneriean smoltinii eont inneij to suffer from the exeess of the form of speenlatinn and to some .legre, from a further miiikinn ilnwn in the price of dipper. Reports of copper trade conditions were not encouraiiinn and the lapse of th" demand for that metal gives credit to reports of a sim ilar lull in the iron and steel trade. A revival of the subject of increased also of continued unsatisfactory i mi ditions of railruad earnings On the other hand industrious use was made al the stock exchange of rumors el' some cornil announcement that was to heiielit Hie market and the nature of which was not disclosed. This ru mor increased the indisposition of the shorts to cover their nni tracts and with the subsidence of pressure on the weak spuls the ti ward movement (Sain ( 'losing stocks: Amalgamated Copper . . Amor. Car and Koundrv do pfd Anier. C.ottnii (ill Amor. Hide and Leather A mer. Ice Secifrities . . Consolidad . tías ' i 'urn .I'nidui is ' Delaware ami Hudson , D nvei and l;lo (rumie d.i I.'., I Ibstlllers S,.,.m-ilies . . I Km. do 1st ,,f, 'I" -ml .ltd lietni'a Keeiic "irruí .Nnrlherii of, I j ' real X.i; thel II ul e ells Illinois Central I InlcrlioriiiiHh-Mci I do pfd j Ilileiiialional i'aj,,T . . . ! pld I Intel national i'umji . . .' I Iowa Central I Kansas i it Sou them . . I do 1,1,1 . . . l.'.ti .. 1 7 !' . . . 1 lili - i , . . . i; . .iu , Ci'.a . ;i., , 1 1 II . ." X I .. .110 . 1 1 . i el i , - i Lou sv i iod Nashville M . ti I t . 1 at , . I.. . U'i 'Í . 0 4 . ;')' . n:i Tti'. . HlO . -taw. (I ill llelinitclless .in:1 , :i;"i , is ill A mer. Linseed , . . AllliT. Locoluot i'(' do pfd A mer. Smelt. and CefiiH , 1 (I i , 4 0 . 1H4 Ml'in do pi'd 1 112 Amer. Sumir ltcfnn K'H; Amer. Tohneco pfd V2- A mer. Woolen I'll ' .Anaconda Mining Co Atchison do pfd Atlantic Const Line Jfaltimore and Ohio lln Jlfil KC'i, Rapid Transit Canadian I'aeiltc Central Leather do pfd Cent, of New Jersey L'aJ'ii Chesapeake and Ohio Chicane ('.real Western I'liii-iS'ii and North west Mexican iViural Minn, and si. L Minn., si ... ,1(j sic -Missouri I'aciilc M. K. and T . . do jdd National Lead New York Central .... N. V., ilutarlo and Wcstei Norfolk and Western .. i North American I Northern I'acillu 1 I'acitlc .Mail i J'.-nnsj Ivaiiia I'eople's (las ! I'itts., c. c. ami St. L . . l'resseil Steel Car 1 I'ullman Car j Railway Steel Spring- ; Reading liepulllie Steel ! do pll ' Rock Island Co do pfd St. I., and Sap Kran :'nd pfd 'St. L Southwestern 1 -b. pfil Sloss Sheffield Southern I'acilic , do i.l.l Southern Railway do pfd Teiin. Copper Texas ami I'acile .... 'I'oledo, si. I., and West . . do pfd 1'nion Pacific do pfd I'niteil stales Rubhor ... . 'b. pfd 1'hited Sillies Sleel do pfd 1 'ta h ( 'upper Virginia Carolina Chemical . , do Pfd Wabash do pfd Westing house Klcclric .. Western 1'nion Wheeling and Lake L'rle ?. Wisconsin Central 21 U Total sales for the day 7Ü1.4UH sh i res. Ronds wei-e heavy. Total sales. $1. ít (i 7 (Kin par value. I'liited states honds inichangeil on call. ... li U . . . I. )!) ... 2 . . . I 2 2 ... !)5' jdr 7x ... It 1 ' . . . Hi: ... :m . . . lH2r'H ... V x . . . IS ... :i 4 . . i'i'. . . Hi ' . . . 4 ;', . . 1 . .10;, ..lis . . 2 . . r, 1 . . .'I.' . . :':i'a . . f.i;; . . 1 (i 1 . . sue, . ::ft U . !'S . 4 .". ' . .1'IS', . 4 I ', . :'!i, . I a ,' 'r . ". 1 . . r.'.. Amer. Sugar do pfd . . . Amer. Tel. and Ti A liter. Woolen do i. I'd 1 loin in Ion I ron and Steel Kdison Klcclric Ilium . . (ieiieial Kloctric Mass. Klectric do pfd Mass, (as I'nitcd Fruit Lulled Shoe Mach do pfd I 'nit ed States steel . . . do i'f'l .Milling- Adventure A I lone. . , . . Amalgamated Atlantic I'.iuham 1 1 'a linnet and ) Icela .... Centennial Copper Range Daly West Franklin (iranbv Isle Royale Mass. Mining .Michigan Mohawk I Montana ( 'nal and Coke I I Mil I lominion linceóla 'l'arrot '.uincy Shannon ! Tamarack ! Trinity Copper State Stan . 1 : 1 . U'7 . 1 i'S . 14 . '.'oil . 1 4(1 ' . !l 'a . 4 'I . 'ill . .'! 4 . 0 4 . 4 0 's 11. II M hiing Oil . . . 1'niled I'nitcd 1'nited Ctah Victoria Winona North Untie Unite Coalition Nevada Calumet and Arizona Arizona Commercial . (nene Caminen . Mes . SU (i 4 11 o .' TS- i . 12 . DIO . Ü2 . . 1 i 'i: . 2 . 4 ". . 4 0 "i . 10 7 i2 .27 '. ÜÜ . I4'k . 70 '2 . 1T . I t u. . 4 0 'i THE ROMERO AD SIGN Co A NEW SYSTEM IN ADVERTISING A New Way of Get ting New Business ART BULLETIN ADVERTISERS . 44 H 4 H . f . M'h . 2 3 14 .117 . 2S'.3 !0 C. M. and St. I '., C.. C. and St. L ('olotado h'uel and I r Colorado and Smilhei do 1st pfd do 2nd pfd 44 'j ss 110 ST '2 1 7 1 r. !KI . 00 .17 1 . 20-4 . 4 'a 20S ,41 . 'h . K.s', . 1 :( i.a 0 r. 1 '. . :i4 " I :is 1 I'.OM'ON Sl(M KS AMI HOMtS. ! 4'hislng li'ci's. I Money ! Call Loans i If 2 Tune Loans 5 r,f 414 ! Honds Atchison Ad ius-talde 4s ftl '0 Atchison 4s . . . .f !!!( .Mexican ( 'cut ral 4s SO I hilii'inids Atchison S7 "s do pfd 114 v., Roston and Albany 2 1 S I lost md Maine' 1 24 - Huston Klevaltil i:!4-''4 Kitchl.uig j.fil 1211 Mexica n ('cut ral 10 N. V., N. H and II 141 I '11 ion I'acilic 1 1; 1 Misi .('Malleoli. Amer. Aige. Chemical 27 do ;,f,l 02 , Chicago Hoard ol' Trade. I Chicago. Sept. is After the recent ; activity in wheat and yesterday'" j evening up maneuvers ihe trade wa1 i(uiet today, d.-alers apaprcntlv resting Ion their cars pending further dcvlon , nii'iits. Considering the advance ol' I the past w eek today's n-ai Hon 'n I '11 was not unnatural. Corn and ; cats, which have hecn exceedingly i heavy, apparently found botlom and closed with slight net gains l'roviM- ions ros,. 1 11 (a 22 's. The halt in wheat speculation al lowed speculators time to go over the debatable ground whether there should be further reaction or a con tinuance of the advance. In practical effort, however, the hears with unde cisive cables, poor export trade and heavy northwest receipts at their backs, had the better of Hie argument for prices .sagged steadily after the op.-nliiK. The bear element In corn raided that market at tin outset and Septem ber at one time showed a loss of 2 'i cent from sto-ila y's close, w hile the new crop months were depress.-,! i.j. 'Clo. I.1II..1- Hl. ,1 'liol ,.i,...,t u li a slight advance, hut September elos 1 -4 iiuoer yesiei oa . dats were iuiet and featureless. Closing: prices wire slightly higher. December !h higher (han yesterday. The pr 'v'sions market was faii lv active ani lirm on covering by shorts. January pork ( losing 22 L. cents up and lard and ribs each with net gains of 1 11 cents. at sed I ELKS' 1 l THEATER THURSDAY EVENING, ! SEPT. 24, 1908. The Thrilling Drama 3. "DAMON 1 and I I PYTHIAS" f A will he prescind by a strong 1, cast of local artists, under the j f direction of the eminent actor, Mr. Lawrence M.Caity. i EXCELLENT ROOM AND BOARD. $4.00 Per Week and Up. MRS. M. E. N0RRIS, 110 East Coal Avenue. ED. F0URNELLE Carpenter and Builder Jobbing Promptly Attended To Shop Cor. Fourth and Copper. riiones shop, oil.l; Residence 6511. Tickets, 50c and 75c at MATSON'S I. FOR SALE FIFTEEN CENTS PER SHARE 1 en 1 housancl Shares Tres Amigos Gold Mining Stock. For Particulars Address P. O. BOX 41 THOREAU N. M. IL. B. PUTNEY MTiRlmNID 1171 WlMlml (Imw, riaiar. r4l mm Vntfct for Ml(hil V t.m i hcui kmui m MKXirc W. L. Trimble & Co. I.Hwv. htii and Kal Slalih. F1rt. iIhsu Turiioiiu at rmnonablr ratr. lclcJ.on a. N. HiH-ond St SI. Louis Wool. t-'t. L'.nis, Sept, Ls ---Wol lirm; m doiuin grades eonibitiK and clothiinr 1 1! 'a 2" cents: litrht line 1 1; n 1 1; ' . c; h. avy line 1 1 rt I 2 c : tub washed 2n'ii Circus Day at Albuquerque Saturday, Sept. 1 9 Performances 2 and 8 p. m. i umtmmi ÍI JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR GALLUP omestic A WINNER gg $5.00 PER TON Coal CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR CO. urrHiHim to Mftlln! Rkla ud Harharh! (lloKI WHUI.K8AI.K IIRAIKKM IIS WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS W nndi Trrthlng In nur Una. Wnu fr Illumrl.1 ('iaiu tná PriM Llat, i nuil lu drkl.ri unlr. Tl.i)b,.n 111 CORN BR riRiT BT. AND COPP ATM. DRS. COPP & PETTIT DENTISTS, j Room 12 N. T. Armijo Bldg. ! Phone 547. B. H. BRIGGS & CO DRUGGISTS frttpriaton BT I lro PhKrnuicT, Cor. (hill ui IlrM Higliliui4 l'luiriiiiiey. Tur. Kwat VtmlnJ aaét I llrimdwvy. i iniiti) siiti irr. MEAT MARKET Ml Kinds of 5Ycsi ami Salt Muala hli'iim hniisiifro I iielory, MM 1 1, M I IWVOItT. Musonlo Huildln, North Third HtrMt ARTHUR E. WALKER tr Insiirnai', . SNTelry Mttaal llnlldloir HM.clatloii IMionr aK 17 H Wi-hi (Vatrn) An-non. Thos. F.Kclcher I i i:tiii k ami niiNs ! hai:m:ss, smidlli, i'.mnth. irrn ! 408 West Central Ave. The Mi Utis 'eV Yorl;. Sept. IS.- Copp, r de clined to i",i, i;,s lor spot and to I'till. 12s 11,1 tor futures in the London market. The local niaiUet was w'eaU with lalv .,, i ; 7 i;, (,, i : n; i,c ; elec trolytic at $ 1 :l.2"t 'ii 1 ; ' : and cas( inir at I :i (Ml u 1 . J - i . Lead was 1s lid higher in London at i I l.i. .'is lid. Locally. however, the market w as easy at $ 4. 1 L. 'a L.".D. Spelter closeii a I tin. í.'.s in Lon don. The local mket was dull and uneliaiiK'ed at 14.7.". u J.MI. Car sllvev "i2c; Mesican dollars. 4 To tlmt'h what fin- people say of our f'ltlCAM lUth'Ali It's unsur passed for lis nutritious finalities. Its exiitiisile flavor, its purity and whiteness, while its superior un iform quality makes it a food that Is always thorouithly reliable. c Milk Dillon. X '.' Yi rk. Sept. is. Cotton futures opened ,-t. ady al a decline of f, r 7 points 1 n I closed harely .steady at a lie; iicc'nc of 1 !l i 2'í points. Xe refluí ten 1 Sumir I'lice (iocs l'p. v York. S.-pt IS. All railes of d simar were advanced today .ills per hundred pounds. Pioneer Bakery 2.)7 sot th riitsT srit i :irr. PIPE-CLEANING. TERRJTORY WOOL IN 2 Famous Equestrians IS Dnrlnif Acrlnllsta tO Racklats Rough Ritiera 7 Russian Cossacks "r 100-Circus Champions and Celebrities -100 II Ambinn TniTiLlers 23 Merry Mirthful Clown 9 Sensational Equilibrists , 20 Astonishing Acrobat? A Completo Japaneee Circue Superb Carland Entree Scores of Trained Wild Beasts Herds of Performing Elephant Cornels, Llamas nnd Bos Indicus Educated Seals and Sea Lions Highest Jurtipínj Horses Thundering Romnn Charioi Races Trained Importad Arabian SlaMium ly Lady Japanese Artiiis in America 100 Shetland Pony Ballet Cake Wn 1 1 inij; Horses Marvelous Picareis adStirk(10)Family OEMAND General Tone of Chicago Is Quiet But a Finn Ranse of Prices Has Been Noted, AW IDEAL KITCHEN FUEL. CLEAN. FREE BURNING. RIGHT SIZE. CALL AND SEE IT W. H. Hahn Co PHONE 91. m I ; VENICE OF AMERICA j Flm; Heiich Itoaort In til World. I liiithlnjf, huutlntf, FlHhlng. Dane liiit dully, fri.p t oriciTlH, eto. I Vlll.-u" nnd Itunifiilows rlan, col and C(iinplj.t(, J ir,r,o to J3H.U0 per month. Apply Villa Office, Venlca, ICullfurnla. , THE WM. FARR COMPANY Wholenaln nj Retail in VHhHII AM é&l.T HUTI Miium Buoclultj fot Cttl n,I Hiiri th TilRfMl t Prloe I Paid. GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY Wholesale Merchant! Won I, 11 Uli anil I'd ta Specialty. MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY AL15UQUHKQUS, NiiVV MEXICO Capital and Surplus. $100.000.00 INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS mm rama Ú " á ,oi Le FlGUr Troupe Pretty Edna Maretta lM O-t, I 4 o Grand Street Parade IODO Batir Grand Spectacular Street Parade at 10:30 a. m. 500 PEOPLE. 400 HORSES AND PONIES. 50 CAGES OF RARE AND COSTLY WILD ANIMALS.. 42 DOUBLE LENGTH RAILROAD CARS. 20 SCREAM INGLY FUNN Y CLOWNS. 20. lOO New and Novel Features lOO i Tí;' Mi inipíi I irivrs' Juirn;i 1 of St'I.t'inhi' 1 4 thus ri-ris tlx siliiii liini in tin- h. iHiitU-'l nt Iiml liain: j Tllr II' 1,1 I ! J the lo. ;il wold jr.iiiK o!' prices. Kmi- thi wef'k iimli'i' j 1 ' t llf U eiii1 nf w mil in V 1) it'll i ii'-r.inji him lit en t riinsl i-i i 'd i K ri-ii t-r I ri mi tin previo us -tk. I a n( tile lakirins i t pr. 'iit alj"ut till j Inu'S of wools in tin- niaiUet in Rieit- fr (r less ipiantitiex. alt of which 1 seems to signify a InaJihy market, al though not Mitie In til" extent ,f hi - 'inn especinlly iHiliceithle, Sales for the Week Were HJ.'i'i.OOll plMtlirN, saS tllr . ni rica n W'oi il a tot ' '"t ! t Report i , So far as inl ii a t inns point at the present time prices IimV I'lltlll'-il hot- 1 tmii, ft'nl few if aii important on- mi mt'i s ait a nx ton to set a ii y lo vv er ranges prevail, as a itrop in pri. es for 'th'- raw mat. rial- wooi-l have its -f-. feet in creating a lovv r scale toi the foii-lr l tí If, ami p( (! are h- , lieveil to t)- itpttii a ha Ms fair to all , ruin i tn'il iiii'1 IííkIi -ii' uk h to afYor.f I a f.'.ir ma mifa't ui iiik ami sel lint; prof i ' lír-"llll- tt ISH-tlH"- mlii ion.. W ool respoiiiis ver 1 1 unk ( to i;.'ii er.ti liad-- eon.iitions. It ip-. lines a rut a-lvaii'Ms fret-lv. as npoly atol tte m.iiiil reuníate ii- liiMiihiition. hut v til wooh n ami wort. l e o.t the itei-hne i-i iii:n li miiek i an 1 mor. i a m I y ;"' ornpi.Mifil Mian the a'txioe, I to kep pa.'e UHll the pr;i'e .t HIW 1 mai-rt:il. atol ta r - i ii oteimo r 'have aiout I'f.p lo . to- i n lui-ni hat prie s all atoml ;ir,. ,,v nouirh Al! that U ii it-ci-.-s,! i to v.t the ( ma iiinr in tu!t ote-ration i orit-r -j Tor Komis, arid wfole ttie v. di me f-; order is not a t-atun- of h- o-hí -1 ma t k t a fair hnsine- t nv hook d and n i-' 'trtn nt; alona; mi .i r,.l' ;.. wfn.h ie re"- ! 'i. le-!. f 1 h..t t- i i i iit.i mn-.- n , Which iS far ll 'lll 'i- ttt CoTldittoo- and repairing Ih one of our ppeclaltlea Making elho.s and Joints I another. We are expert Plumbers In all branches ami are noted for doing good work thoroughly. In a reasonable tlmv. for a reasonable price. We u only the best materials, arid employ! only the mo.-: reliable help. We bould be pieced if you will favor u wíf h you. next plum Mi g Job. You won't resrret It. Standard Plumbing and Heating Company Willi Ampio Mi'iM anil l'iiHiiiutM'tl I uclllilf. The Bank of Commerce of Albuquerque I. l!-mlx l UriMisllim .;Tjr rnM-r AitoiihiiihIiii Inn ami Sili ll Nw Ar rouiilM. t'Killiil. l."n.(oii.O(. innifrn and IMnvturt: .s..iiiimiii l,m, I'rcx. Klfiil; V. S. Slnrl.lcr. ici' I'ro-ldrnt ami 'H-hl" r: V. .. .lolnimin, AM liiil Ca-lili-r; WIMIhiii M. IiiIokJi. ..-'.ru" Arnot, J. t'. lul.IrlilKC, A. M. Illa-k-wi'll. . I-:. Tiiiimi-II. x FyvrrTEKfi;oru I, I V I) It V A N ft It O A IC I I X ii S T A II I. i: K :ii:l Wi'l SIIt AvrniH'. I cIiIh)II. .7. Alliiiiiriii-, New Slrilr" líí ',nilH"t ill 'Irl-lilori' . The hull, ..I ''! 1 1 1 - J 1 1 III ...! iluiii-S Di. I.. I -!; Iim- I... ii in Li liti.ry uni.l. . ..ii. I In I.'il:- OwiMK I" ' I ''ll',Il' ' ' I Of j.l.i. llili (if iii..-rs I . i . i mi ri . i 1 '-Ii ill .I whill was , n-hl.-r'.! th- i '.muy Mlp!y l'.l i'.iN- In!'.- h.i1. .Ii 'II' I'.lM Mini-. I I I f 1 1 1 is .III.' I - , I t.. Ihl-i original li.i.- . -imss IIi.ih m ,.i-".ii yt-firs. .1-.-i iil..-r 11 r i .t. .-inif .. fw hiiv.- i i tt n. .--.n i . '.I.' i. If.-t hi. 1. 1 ' villi hln.l- !! ! Kiri'll ill 11 lililM 'I'll. IM. !-.! II...I..I- tuft :ll'.m III I 1 1 lilKUi -I I'll' ' - I" II Hll.l II" V il' t.ll- il.L-. 'll.i' l.i: I.I .. rl.iss. .1 . -I. HI. I. II .1 '. ....I- l.i .l' !r ii l.v - .i ;.ii i ii i.i "i i "i ;i" "' i . ptiliit ii.n I..t:li-itr:i.. . i i ..i,-: fftt uhoM- " ""I Hint " i.r. s.i .mil si. ;,: -' ..'"l t' i ' . I ll'K Ml, i ,. : ' i ! Up I-1 I I IP 1 1 I filHttl ''' l&ilM'IIIM.!. "I tiM.k I f 'h;iin!i-rl;iitr'i ii. Ii nip I I. v i 'In . .1.-1 -. lu-t ii .Khi. ii.l I fi-rl lif; y p. i i.l 1.. U. I- Ili in I Iihv- fi.r " s.i.v .1. .1. I"ir. .i . f .A1I-e iii l .li "Th. y ..ri- fr- t iinlv -i tr- itii.'!.' f-.r l.illi'iii"-"- Kor Li ;ll ill umcivti. i n. fr-i. PRESCRIPTIONS? WILLIAMS DRUG COMPANY! Hi WEST CKXTKAIi AVKNI K. rt.I-KIMIO.NK IM ALBUQUERQUE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS M hviMialihsli. d IfKI. lí. V. Hall. I'roprlHiu'. ! Iron and Hrasn Ciwiinjr.:, Orr, Ctm an.I :.uinbr Ctrn. l'ul.i-ji, (Jrataa. Bar, Kalihltt M'tal. l'u..niti a'ul Iron f.-r .iulldlnr Krimln nn Müiinr: ami M.nnn jr nini-ry uur Mi.-nmii Foundry I mi Slilo l I'rai-r-. Alhuiiirriii' SANTA FH TIME TABLE- - wm (I ffcclir Juno 17, 1V08.) 1'rotii Iht ImihI Airive Oi-pnil - 1 s-uflitrn i'ii! KH-n . 7 I t ,:il Vm : i -i !u. n:;t,tt.-l ! ' L'il p 1 llil p V" . N.'Mh ''id I- .i-i In . 1' A., j - :i r a i. iti i:i. 1 1 i i jo j I rmi I In cs " ' 'IM. .!! I .! M Ml .V HO , N v i i 'h i.'.i i .i mi I , .. ..ii i i :u )i v" 'In A Knit i'ilv . p i. (tip 7 'i (, IVmt lll'V Triiili II. A mi .i i ill... K.-m.s. II uti.l I'-"' 7't!-..i Mi. I .A nil.. I O : r, p I nmi the miiiIIi ... I " thl In n , K i " li :!0 u T 0" I ,-..,,M'.w ti i.itnu trh It lunch train ' -"Ml. I I . ..Mil 1 pi .11 Jilt to. -Hi iHiirtlS ill x . .. i ; it l;iy. .-m. 17 A U'fl FREMCH FEMALE V r ir t m Hlffr inDWH TO FA L. !-ur .!, I fa t. n l.u. a.. , i , i W .int H ti. .(, 4. il rr,.a,4 n. i. t. ii!.,.- t n ,i ft .a iirwtftiot úm met unit r d cnici fo.. f. tcaTri P. SoM In Alhimnrrgtio by J. II. O'lUrlly. I 0 Vii.t4.f e, a ( U Irt. I y 'i P.HM. tMMtlM. W'm W(VKSCII' II ' 0,11 MEN ÁSD WCMES. lip Aá t T UlliiAl'i.'kt 11 'a.II.nftUi illuBl, tf tll. l-l U ! ' 1' I ttt iii uQi rn(i.lir mume.. Vfeiiiifa, i.d (.'i ariu III l,t p. i on r i ; Mi. a. a. . t "t o r''" ' FT'irs MT Hr.TIV Til T 111 1:11 OT" Ol Al l IV. HAUHM'H Ultl U STOItK. Ill R ASOHTMi:XT f'K rAMSKii Mel ns ! vi i.iriAiu.i n aim: a t-l-.M n i STIK'K. MIMI. IX AXI liXAMINK Till M. F. ti- I'KATr 4t O. 214 MU TI' SH OMI. Puri-b m1iis, H.r.W. I W1XIMIW StiAIF1 'in utm-a mi. I ma-l." I. nr. I.r. !iirt A ttil'iirru,n , , , s l-f :., l ..... (.is. n.i...-.l K11- li'.-llr Kui l.llill I'. URINARY; discharge:; HKI.IKVM) IN j 24 KCURS MlIC l.,'JI. (MIDYJ j i.r mi.B Jl I. PIM l.t,lT i w wti r. l.'irnnr-l l.ituffin n Mrnl win!', tmi yni 11 h mitr ctrn-t l:iy.-rs. Mil"! furnish ndrMinn as t got.l i'hrr.ic(.r. Si:it x prn-ni. i.i-:i:m:i i,imkmaN. (.O TO MERCHANTS CAM ItH; (Jl'ICk M'lU K'K III MX ll K I'KK (s lri N lY ami M;T: MHIV ami I IMM; IHWt lts Ol'lllvllr: l1tl1tKI'U'K