Newspaper Page Text
Sixteen Pages Pages 1 to 8 ALBXJQXJ ILj! THIRTIETH YEAR. AlBUgUEBQIiE, aVV MÍXIfÜ, FRiDW. OCTOBER 2. 190!!. .Mail .VI el, n Month. Ringle copio, K cents. Ily Carrier (( rcnn it month. BILLAS. MM B ERQ bam U IV A B Sixteenth Naiio 1 oday ítesomnons COM MITTEE Ai SECRETARIES PUTIN LONG HOURS LAST NIGHT MPLETIOTEJOCUBT Plenty of Resolutions Affecting the Administration of the Na tional Forests Come Up to the Committee for Action; Much Interest in the Result; Organization Committee Has Its List of Officers Ready to Report. INTERESTING EVENTS TRANSPIRE IN YESTERDAY'S CLOSING SESSION Will C. Barnes Replies in Spirited Vein to Attack by Judge! Beaman While President Goudy Undertakes Defense of the San Luis Valley Water Users: Long List of Interest ing Papers Complete the Program. If i.-, probable hit: til.' repnit of I UlllIlllllCl I'll i nation of tin- worn ot tin- síki. nth i National Irrigation collón ss, w 11 c.av ' lie. 'II completed i t ini i ' t'i I"' 1'ivf in- j orl to the '.im'l'CSs at tin- session till I :i t tcniooii. All esterduy alToi'tnon! and diilil i it early lionr tins i: i. u n í hk members of ihc committee and sun rr-rraptu rs w.r" at work completim; what If expected to In- tin- lina! drall of tlii re-port, ami unless some action of the committee tills tnorniiiK should ucee: -mate radical enancas, i n ropo' i v. Ill have been completed by this af- ! t'Tiiiinn. Tin' report was not com-1 pli'Uil without much work hy the committee, envi riiiK consideration i f , a lnnn lis' of resolutions dbciisslm; al- must -v ; tltittK l . ''i'i t'.: Trail.-- M is- : iss-ippi Commercial cor.ii n-.-s to the j tariff on sugar. Fo: a. si reserve ivi- Unions were numerous and a siion:; effort lias he ti made to embody In Un report some revolutions which critic!- the administration of tin naliniial , forests. It could nol he staled defi jnitely last night what the result of J these efforts hail been, but that some criticism of certain pha-as of the for eslry pulley will pet into the r. port finally presented to the Is not improbable. The eonimltt. c on pi rnia in m or i K.iliization completed its woi'l; yc.-l.T- ll. ' CO'lKfes.s n til.- prlSolial l' I'l l .Setlta- nlnil-ltive of rriMdcht Kooseveii. Air. Whei h-r received a cordial welcome from the d. -locate. Another feature of the afternoon -rssion was a spirited def. use ol' him self in partlriilB r and tin- forestry ser vice in Keiu ral. by Will C. Harms, In spector of urazhiK. and lor many years a resident i f New .Mexico. "dr. Latins replied in the attack made upen him by Judge lii .1111:111. of l.'nlo r.'idu in Ills address on Wednesday in connection with the writing of certain magazine articles elinn with the administration of Mr. IMnchot. taking occasion to vigorously ib-reiid the foiv..t'T and the sci'vice, .Mr Hal ins i- an cnlcrtainiiiK sneaker anil his address was well received. All Int. I estille; lecture of tile M sion nns the brief .address of fn si deiU Comix, ill which he referred to the foivstrv discussion, nrotuuiin inc himself flatly in favor of the i.oIua of forest, conservation. a )tlioi,c,li he paid a hiLih ti ilude to .Indue lhamuu in tin- .-ame coinieetioii. ii f. rriiu; to his firm belief I" his honesty of pnrpo-a Presiden! (rouily also vigorously de- 1S fended the S'a.n Luis valley of t'.do- rado aiialnsl tin- remarks mane by . I V. roll' ii. consulting' cnyiniir of the I i nt - ría. I iona 1 boned. -. 1 y com m i-an-ii. ai Wed 111 -d. i.v s .-.-ion. in which tin eiiKitK it said that tin- Coloiado pi o- Í 1 S'S!''V, ' t &r t - ' V ,"') - t ' ' T' , u X " ' . Í r s , k ' t!f'i-- 1 b-:K .t, '.. . .." 7," ;-'., il fa H ' J ; ' 1 f - i n ' ; I ,n ' ; . , i , ' - iv" . ,vv .mw - i 4 - í ' . ü Fií f 4 L ' ,i ti - 1 S V-v ';- v , ' ! . J. í . V 1 - : JiiMaiijmoii -5 TAFT INSULTS INTELLIGENT 1 .- I . r.l . I ' : .1 : 1 lie 1 : , p.i . e.l I 1 r. .le. h I he o e .0 in X. w M' vii ... T...I.1 - 1 1 . t 1 I ra .11 i-; a dd 01 -. I - l : .e 2 The i. .Here Me- ,.:ee t era. 11 , 1 1 1 : 1 . 1 . 1 1 i . . 1 1 : . - 1 !i . u, ; Indian-- ili.l Ib. 11-: ,1 !. al. , ; 1 1 o- I a n. i-' 11. ir Ib ... 1 . r. , o el l ore and a I . h 1 I 1 . bee of ll ni. -I lio- l'.ii: l'le.l K. l-:ilis of AH '. r.n. 11 i : 111 li- r b I he Lie : .,1 ad w I : I I'-' A mei i. .i " e .el 10 ! i .1 I " join . The i'. .1 . ti 1 . .11-11:10 . Tbe hand , . . 1 1 1 . - -1 .n el Si. a h. ' t í 0 s I. BRYA Nolnaí-kan Fakes Opponent to riKsk loi Adnptior, of Roose v t-lt View Ooiieeiniiuj, Cani pai.'ii ('Oiitiihutions. c 1111; s tuiv T le -el p i ,1 III ol lio .1 I e ai.- I i -I .i-n:r,;r.-,l and umio .hile. 111.00 ' a 1 1 I I . . a i I. . w of lile í 1 . i po rl , i t , i l . , ., : ' ' 1 alai ell perm,' lo n 1 " il,. i . . i-.. : 1 -'11 Til'' , a 1 Ule of the da V. i I i fe 1 lie ! illi.iiu lía ii.bdph i I. ar i. w lm u .1 The i o 1 1 1 ' I ' l ' I e e l-epol i l i 1 1 he i re- i 1. 1 . ,1 ai líltK. V I í t N ( ( i LACK OF JUDGMENT SHOWN I INSISTS PEERLESS ONE j . 3 a I Ml All ormiv rom, cij.omjn or -mwoml cawfJ7'7ZP or fAmpiy&rA'cr nwrx Tin. I'Ucm.i; m in ni n . II a in, D t ' ' -1 1 i ' ' 1 1 e r . . 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 : i : ; . ' 1 1 : . ! i it a. m -Morning -ion .--iM.'iiih :..':. nil Init io a. Ill .-I '.I - '.all ll I : p'.NI I no. : I. .el;, I I nr. I toral I 'oil, !,.. 1 II a . in - - M 1 1 i f 1 1 ' : p. lo i :. i t'iirry. I 'ri-. ula 1 i ui ! ir.-plo. .- an ! lo-n. I'unia ,il a 1 1 ra. I i u ' j , 'a in i lb a I 1 laud i olieerl - "ll l '. 1. 1 1 a I :.',, in:. 1 : a" p ni. A ft ei ii ' . . i es- i . ui I 1 . 1 ' I N.'li :i - ll i I . i -1 I . 1 1 1 . ,,,,. ilion le''l Ml II : id' p ni I land i "ii'" l i : i h I I . . -I .'Ol p hi - Indian ,-.-. I- and I ... . S : r in.- I i". Hal ai t'.im i i ha 1 1 ..: i: i e-s i In. in -. a i-l- .1 I. I a 1 1 1 ... r i . i .i ,. - i : a I ' .Mi '.ic.n ..ii,..l.l ! ,i I. Ta rin a 1 a M r.o l n.n . oa t '" f ' : r : i . I : .1 Indian i i.-i u i . - . .:: ( '. ii ra I a . i n. Aei i. ol I :. if I ' I Ilia:- , , I ' ' I 1 .. ol. -1 in Claims People Have Riht to Know Names of Contributors as (.heck on Corruption at Polls, i Lincoln, (Vi. l.- Itci'lititnif that ' ".A.-iw . II ini. r. -t. d Voter knows thai ',; I 1 1 CO 11 l lblll ions have been used to ' , in-,, no.rtcane.. up. .n o! I'.cia Is" . T' .1 Ihyan toiiinht is iud at fairview a j -tait un nt crllicisliii; the iidopil-ui by 'í W H. Tatt. hl lepiibliean opponent 2 l"- plesldeiil. of l'l'.-sldelil ItnoHevelt's- alllloll i'-W I'll le Mlb. (eel I'f ' pul. II. ii of c.uiipaitiii com i Ibin ion. i AH. Tait,- siys .Mr I'.iA.iu, "make tin -anie charm- the president does, ' 4 i tu. pi-' ware Making to "lab all the wa ters ol the liio ( ;r.i ini.-. Mr. ibnuly stood firmly for wiiai he believed to be the riuht-s o.' Hie people on ;he up- pi r reai ln s ol tin rivi r III I Mil HEARST ILL SP HT IlfiSI Leader of the Independence Party and Its Can-1 didate tor President or the United States, in Albuquerque for Brief Stay. (lav moruimi without proloaca d dis cussion, 'file report will i. coinmen.! to t!ie conyn ss the following a.- tfn officers of the Seventeenth concia -s: Presidí nt. (?' ore II. 1'ailow. of Texas. Fiist i. e nr.-i-ldei.t. Colon. Ill 1 Lovelaiui. of Callt'oriiia. I TI .1 ! V X SKSSIDV III' Second vice prisident. líalph I'. Till; t'ONCIII'ss IN Tullch. ll. of New Mexico. The lirst paper in tin , Third mo I, resident I ll llHoll-,1,1 liroraill was one scheduled of Moeiana. i ben 'b I'd r. d on tie previous day Secretary (for re-el, vt ion i , r. A ' b- In-. William Saimlers. ( '. .M (!.. L. l-'iiuler. of' Arizona. L. I!. f. '-. dii"t..r of .xpi-ri- The cnmmitt.-e w ill i mitieiul lb. mental farms In the I loininioii of Cm- cr.-aiion of Hie office of foreign seen - ada. Ir. S.iiind. rs is om- ,.f the most tary. and In tic event or tin- i-n.uii pi'oniineiit tin n in lie- arrien llura I ib--of the office hy the conitrcss- w ill r. c- v lopmenl of the rival n .rthi rn pr..-.-- omm. nd lr. 1" Mi-Uunn 'irav. of in a s aiid territories. p. . .x .uit.ii rs I liornas 1.. lle s-a ii. it.-- Carlsbad. X. M.. for the po-ition The .:ih r. while not a l.nui one. was a i pre-id -n: of lin l'niie.1 Si i-s. commlitee. in lis se.-sions and in tin most interest i tin effort and bnoicbt r: , , in A llmn.n roiie Ian- la-i ui report, pavs a liiuh cotnidiiiieiit to the out tin- fad Unit lor twi-niv y.ars air- and -,i:l stav ion until loniuht a' rplindld li.rk done b.v I r. (ir.ty in rieiilliiral c,.ri no ai wmU under i lie ' 1 J : J :,. a lo i. tie;, will l.av. Id brliiKins about the lara foreign np- supervision of the (iiufiiiin nt íind l'.i.-'o. w in re Ix.ili ll.-ar.d and ll: fc. i rescntation t this concia ss. priv;ite entirprisi has b-. n In pro- :wi!l p. al. tomorrow .inine,. .Mr. ( it Ik r reconinicrid.i I ii lis bv tin- com- tress in ail parts of the . hoi: iuá.ii, ; 1 1 ar.-i hid x.e t. l t i . :ub Ade..- v initter v. ill be that liei-.-a I'ter the day This i xperinn-ntal work l,.w In .-n ( dm i 'in- in time t., addn-is a iddn.-'l ib-fore tin- cIiimiik ii. of (he i-oiiKi'.- i,ra,-ly iiisiruineiital in the ..-! auri- ''. 'íok -,rl in Ho- i-v.hii-:. but f he lived as the dav for chcilon of of- cultural evdo.m.-nt of the north, the'" " I'"1 train n.i lioi. :' l.-i illeiis and fu- deterinhiiiiK Hi-' plao boiindle-s wlnat held- of .Manitoba I J"tita "as ,,i. i :,m; a l.t.r bain till- .l'-: i. ll !t 'll : I mat EAK TODAY ! mm wrwmtwwwn "xrKwmmtwwt runiiMsrw iuiwwwttnwi Wil'iam lían i.i r of the i a' Thomas 1.. Ili- dph Ibal.-I l a n -' party. and nlidal. '...' :ii - t ' "i t I til . all I I We had I.e. II huí t é l, lei! -, tram, and 'lad I l , . -. ' Jk.le mccliüK. A reconinmmlatieii 'i!l .lherta and .-I- in ( 'a nada . 1 r. Sa utldefs w a- f"l o w 'i iii'.n 1.. Su'ivau. X'-w .M. nt. nial irrigation nitiner, wl dt'i -s was on the v. ry interest:!. . ut j. el of " I lovelopmrnt "I' "ti in the Valh y of Ho- líi i rn iu!o," an ol-dre.-s which is "'l.!;sb -.1 in lad ;--where. also be made for the civniion of ; hoard of directors, to be formed fron w ithin the nii mln r.-hip of tin- i-so-u tjve lomniiltee, tin- action b.-iim -im j;ested upon the croiind that the pr, s nt lare i i cutiv- commjtti f . "ii-l-; Inn of nieinbi rs from every state. I: too lar-v and too scattered ever to b. called together m,vc durim,' th" s, s- M.-lls or III' collKl-e.-s, aim lllat til' work "f tin- eonnnss b.-tw.-in s. ssioii.-. could be more men s-1 idly dii ecre.! INTI IM s'I IN(i l)l)i:i s IN with a small rommitte - impowred t act for the i ecutive hoard. Thi- report win i- pr. s. i 'ha. t i... . a I-'iank c. Kly, of at this a :'t' rnoon's se.-.-it.n. Il is s. i for action for tomorrow's pro-ram but tin r i-i.iiiiiii ndation of the com an, I i' 1 l.v . It ,.-l-' 1. I' ll. I- -S.11V 1 !! lb a rst s a ri le I ie A'l.'i. i Mil! not a .p, need sh. .;!! 'I'ler .dr. thai r... li,. oi::: w on i I i.i. 1'jio . Muí ill Hi - r h. !-. . Mr i i.-i. now e. r. Il.l'- la ell i -, il , ,1 to a .. 1 1"-- tin- Xaiioi-al lrri".iii"i. ion. r.-s .lin in,: .1:, , . ami ! : a i In.. . at t h- no' inn j: -i'.n . from . ie - jeit of I. i - 'O', " i I,.,,,- ;l-. A , ,j. h I s t i .-. 1 1 a ! , - i n , i . - . t o l i I e . - . ! - cr,.--. ha - i . 1 1 1 1 ii 1 ,i it . 1 s..iii. , 1 tin- r..i: i:i;i:t i,toiMri n m.hi.! ..m. i Tophi. ..r. ,-... ,- Ini. al !,,. . tit.j SI O! I ' lili!' I i i and Mr. Ilisa dre-s. .- to l,a nlKhl. Mr. II. d:,; had !,. . n ra. turn, ,, an A 'luí i in r, in- a ' O ! ! ' i e I I l ' ' ! I I V i I I ha I I ft nil f.-r ii -j Hon , ,,n;: in.; a.. Hot aval d I o lila 1.. aid ü th, h . pot i ,r -I ill . nd. -n .. . !d hoi., lo,-,; i !d l ot limn tie ill until i- .- c - -t la i ban. it. I d, 1: d lliii, f I I- lie- ml , . I , ' 1 1 la I lie ItO 1 - :! taal li" o. h. ld n: I I- a I ( , , i r , r .tn a-,,, I,-: 1 1 1 ,. tin- prole.- I irían- .Mr If. m i 1 I I 11 "Cid Le . V- ir. I" ' -a- ',.,;. I i,,. . and , n. ; i . ,v. . . '. ! ; ' i- ,,ii a i i 1 1 .- - .. . (:, Sed b.V t lie llltt !!' ;.!.:. .1 1" I. ..Id b t'le I' - Ma.i ir Aaron i'.ove of 'oh .1 ado .' n'.e.l hy !iv. r,-,l a m-..-; ir.ti-r.-st iny add" s:- -in mini:, th. sutiji.t "What th" Siu-ar 1 : . t 1 1. Hollo f.,r Colorad .." It i- un : ... t ana t tiiat lack of spin .- pr.Aeiits piia'ia his addr. ss In mil. tie- i'ii:'. an i v, II 1,. f"c 1 ben . o. a Ir a: T'i" H. ai.-i par'v -:.::: ; : I, : e " 1 1 1 n i I ' dub. 111 I; A , II a I , , I - a a s (o i i at .- i-, ii -i th. I ' a- ( '.on: o I m . un. . n ; i '11 !11 V. h inittee that the ilotlmi of offic. r- o' the S.-v. ntoemli conm'i ss take pl o t on Friday may le ndopt.-d. Tin- r- ilion of tin committee is .-x- pcetcd to (lose (lie discll.-i"ll ..." a-i.'. oih.-r rnndidatc for tne presidene . It is understood that .Mr. (;.. II. Maxwell will i.t'siiit a riMilutiou .isk ini; the appointnu'iit of an assi.-tant to the ci-.-tiry. v ho shall act as a pub licity ecr'tary. and th.- .-uvKestioii of the vi-t'-r.'ir irrigation riW' -.- w 01 k - r is in lim; with mu.ii . ca.r anu-m; the ib !ei:ate. ' While yit'r.1ay's session of tin con--!'! ss ir devoti J i lu. I'lv to lie r. .ulinc of pap. rs of a sed ntific an., technical nature, the si sjeons uiiv not w ithout theh' fi-atur.-i of i m cal in-bre.-. fine of those wns tin brief addr. s of A.ssistaiu f'tietary William IL Tie li r. of thr depart. m nt of coin- t nicrce and Labor, who i.ime to th. .lr. Cove -aid in part: ;....i'ti..i For the lie.-t crop the mark, I pin- ' -I 1 i- lived, w lien tin se, d s pul - th- 'i n lie L't-iiii'id th ntraet prii e p. ,- t.,n - aei, ., a.-siir.-d. for v.'-y fn of be. ts d, l,v- ! ered, the s.dlinc i in- is c ua r lit . ed ' Tin- f.u t .ry takes tin- risk of fallin.- " markits. The crop n,..v turn out lii '' tie or bilí, the selling pfiee ii livid. ''" the farm' i knows u Ir t nr.- to be b: r. ceipts. I:.- knows this about'ia d.-" w hii h he l a l-a s. 'I'lie In et ia'"i'i' lak.s no ri-I- . -- ',',' ce. those In. Hired by Hi" ueatln i : " in our irrigated coiititry lin- risk ini-';" pos. d b.v sin h citiditions is ies- tiiail lP I .- - v.-1 1 re. I; from droui:ht ai" "' i bminated. the water in tie- ditch is ' u' th.-ie on .all. I:i-ks 11 n.,is I1" siarcdy ( onsid. r d ill Ho- arid tind-l ... 1 I-"."'' west 1 1 1 1. li t ;1T' OT'll' ,- and wl Ur. I a a . . . ' 1,1- V - :.--"lo tor I o ...111. ell. lv : I, . (:i. Hdi a M -. Tin ,, r. I v I . . Ir. H- i r It oiiliiiucil on Fa"."' ( oltiinii II ! lo I'-. I, d f, .- ,- II. al. I i rilo'- 1 'ii I" 1 'I. ', V '. - I.!',,. I : ' i , ai;... i, -: t" ,: t '!!,.' ! . I-, ., . ,1,. ail ii, - : i ;t 'ed W b- 11 ,1 I l..t I.. all t II We . on . A 1 1 - i I'd. ta :(;. M.vl l.v a h,, lilla r 1. 1 : I 1 '111, I 11. a k. I . Hi Mr II-- en .. Mill, il " , I - , .' O al let V . 1 '!' !.. . - ..:.r ap- - '" 1 i .,-,!.! le 1 b, ' i - at I... .1 ,n- . íáV..-é .ó.. J :- ..!"..i.-.' . ' a'1" "''-a..aV ' . i1: . ',, I x - 1 -, i í i "' , , . i . i - , , f -' 1 v ' if ' " 1 ''" " i i . . ' !o ;-' "''" ' " ' '! ' 'Í I t; t : v- ':-. - i v-"wv.. n "I ' ' " HV.,(, 5 -.' f ..:aM - '. -LVi. ' . - -'. ' y i k ' , j . ,( w , ((5 ,,i r'V ' ) ' ' ' ' r 4 - : -.W v: f , ; V . a..'." , ' - - ''':;- ': ' t ' ii i ' ' - pi- . r , i i j t i 4 -; I i j- ; .1 .'"ii5ll. .,'".. h ; A ? -': . . t vi ; ' ,' ir ':;'.-:- I r . ' :, x ' -. s . - r V ' ' ' ' i mmm mmmmrn a wwi iiuci'iw W,-tiMiiMaMaWBaaHHMaBM ( onliiiucil on l';i-r ' : 4 oluinii - riOMJ -cj'6'7 MA$SGU'TT 'i -r.'D:i:Nicjcc pa pry candidate- lociiiliin; iliarue thai tic vd- . is are so bable to be misled that th" kn iwledip. (as lo the amounts and -'in i - "f tatiipaiun contribuí Ions I mu-! he k i pt I rom t In in." .ill' Hicnn then add-: "I in-ist thai nils is an insult to lln nd. Ilia' u. I Hi" voter and it does Utile cridii of .Mr. Tuft's .indiiinent of Ho no n lo whom he is tuiiklm; Ills :.. eat " Follow illli is the Complete text or - M f. I leva lis .statement : "I ant surprise, I to hml Hint .Mr Tall e ii i h i r si m ilu- president's views on tile Subject of publicity H to I'll III- paiKii i on i ribiii Ions, but Mince he holds lln.'-e views I am Kin! thai In- ma ken 'lb- in known now. We now have pnh luü v before the i hi 1 1 m as t . i Ii in . oh Ilion, i all 1' he does uoi believo n I'lildu -it of coal ri hut Ions until af t . r tin- i bet ion, lb- fa lis lo see Ilu. dm.:, o.. I,,l.,,n lin- publication ot . oidriliiiliiins hilóle the i lection and lb., publi, aia oi ol i peiol il arcs In for lin , p . Hon Tin publication of ev -1 1. in I i I u i . - is i''i(iar,-il to show whetn ,r i .a r o .t III. ha e been elll . i . I . . . , i I a 1 he ee, I i, oi and as the e - pi 11, I, tllli S llllhllllle up (-I Hie ll.lll- of ; lie- poll: i Would he made impossible ' lo maue a eomphle pli Id lea I joti until a f, r ha lion The .l: Id leal l"ll of , old I il.ul h'lis ouah I lo he before elec- 1 1- ai Tin ma i u .an.'.- is pi - how I he iiiain ,-s by uhli h the contribu- .ii.ll- . "II!" II mil' I thai the public in. i kiiiov which party, predatory'-- ar. su ppi'tl in:;. Lv'-ti one I .-ho l iiow" human llatill" know.-, that lii-- , , n, ut ol ui ititil'b- loo.-l ah':l--l I ., . olead, i .-. I u b u ui i ii a lia ir.-. I n el 1 1 : 1 1 1 , 1 , has i. .-n de-i I dud as a viol-, -mi than r . i ui'. , fa in c, ra 1 1 I Mi !. I I i.i - l: ii id with I I while I'e - 1 1 - o 1 1 i s l , p : i - . i I wuli i i I Id I a, ll ! Illt'l e-li , ,, , I, ICW - t 1. a i i:. c . 1 1 1 r i i ni t i "ii- hi-,.- I ,, i ii ii -ei I I " . Ill'' ill"! I l;:i I - 1 1 p. . 1 1 oi In i.l f . Til-' ,.i '-la a t ,f c. -Ill I 1 lull i Me tin . .V -i a o . , i p . i, i up,,,. He tilla O, , at ll O I. it! p. - 1 It I . - t . I.. II ill" p, ; ! , I i " - I I I ' 1 1 "I e , .'ll'l 1 I II I'' S. fol tile . 1 1 - i 1 1 . -. 1 1 1 . i , ,. , , i t : i bul ion- sh.iu - lo wliii.. ( i o i ... i t ii ind. nt. d and t W holl, I . ..H UI. , S MkeJV to be , . a 1. 1 1, lin- j 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 .-: 1 1 1 1 1 1 ot i v i, ad it life ' - - - ii ha I I.. i - h. , ii pa d i ut , a lid . ' i - I al I - I: e II I- don't . I , , i I o i . h ! e 1 1 1 " 1 1 -thai ,. .1 Hi. , ,er , of I he a -1 1 u 1 1 1 i .- - t I a ! 1- d '"it -a - that 'Hie proper ,dl- 1' ' "l a l'llldl. II'.' law Is lo previ lit 'h ir ..I iii.iii. I'.r b: lb. l- and oth- i i i "i" i pni i..s, in elections and to 'laid. I In la l. "I 'e. is of H. -' 1 toll. Ill a Il.l the I 11 ell to know ''o le He i o 1 1 1 i : 'o 1 1 ( . . 1 1 s made were piop. il. ivpende.l I'm I. ultimate put - ' And be adds: 'The le.llllr- - on id thai tie nam .- and amounts of 'le I" rs ai, "iiti i,ii::hk jdioiilil al--. I" iio, o . lor Ho .ul po-e i f in- 'bile- H" I lie all I Hi, . . 11 1 ! 11 "il.l- -1 tie l'..i' limn til lo i ud : a le Hi. r . ill..., ,,-.!. i,t . t..,, 1,,, I b, en ini,, I op. ill, ., it,-, -ted II favor "T th - (olitiihut us In the succes.-t ill can did. It' -.' Tin h sa - i.i u all b. a. -- .mpl.-ii. d I . i o, . lb ,.( on a ft. r ti.. ' I' eli'-ll lb lie II pi "d- t lol ... t :e " -lt "! t i.' i, lo the ..-,.. ,.t I ' In no; Hi l t a. , hi.-r objection ,., He piibh. a', a a , cntribel i eis ,,-. I "' b i I huí a t II llla, s eel t lin that in tin In at ..f i'i.i, ,, in.'tivs ol hi"-.- who eolitrtliute. to p.l the b fit 1111,11,. expenses of the i iiupamn. will In- mi-i onstru. d. p. r i. it il anl mi-i. pit sentcl ' ''The .null. Lues,' he .I-,, insists, oi wn .-. b. ha if the (v-ntr'!uit;iins are tn it' "ill b. . Ii.. i . .( ni ti,,. i,,,st un-