THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1911. filornina Journal 1'ubiUhrd bj Ula JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. D. A. MAOrilltHSOI-l Frnal-leat J-U.- 8 Pl.At'K Wmtn K.lttor JL 1'ANA JOHNSON KM tor 1. H. HI iliiKTT fur KOllwr K. a KATKS Advrrtiilng Manaftr Weatara RftmniliHN . i. AMibKMOM, Marqaelt llulldins. 't-lcata nL Kaatea-i Hrpreaaatatlral HAI.IH K. Ml I I Hi AN, U tmrh Haw, Kaar lart.. Enured at afco-nt-daa ma'lar at tha peatofTk-a l A!bimurqua, V M, under act ( Cuniirn of Mkrcb I, 1171. THE lfiM0 JorRIAI. 1 THIt i Ainvci KH'i 111 if 'A vArrn or Mtw MtMIO, SI I'l'OKTIXO THK PKIN-(U-l.rH OF TDK Kl-flW RAX P4KTT All. Hit: TIViK, AMI 1IIK -METHOD Ot THK KKI IIIIILAX 1AHTI HUIK THEY ARK Hit. IIT. l-arser rlrrulallna than my olhtr paper Raw Mnlrii. in onir paper ia new daf ia ma crmlon to make a success of the great educational enterprise Inaugurated !y the Presbyterian at the Ijh Vegas Hot Fprlngs. A little general hustling will be needed to c (imply w ith the con tliti'.na under which 'resident Klpley of the Hanta Fe donates the magnifi cent Monteiinia hotel property to the Presbyterians for the establishment of a rollege which n be made one of blHgest educational Institutions In the southweat. It Is to he Interdenomina tional in ILk work and merits the sup port of every aect TO 11M NFW ISS11.S. Mailea kauwl etarr da ear. TERM OK HinHfRIITlON. na't-r, by mall, on month Ia allr. r earner, ona muata Ilia "The Meriting Jounlal baa a hlabar rlr- eniallua rating man arrornoa ra ear Ihee (-aper la Mulca." 1 ha A marl- aa Aawnpaoar mrariur. aMJIt Ut KKQIB HKVf MEXICO TO IK.HT U'HITK Pf-.U-TI The most lmportnnt movement Itarti-d I" this city for year la that Which will tako definite shape at B meeting to be held Thursday evening at the Central hi nil school for the purpose of nmnnlr.lng a local society to join Iti the world-wide (Ampnlgn against the Urent White Plague of tuberculosis. It In the plan to afflll- nte with the national society for the study and prevention of tuberculosis and It hm iilreA'lj been shown that the movement has the strong support of the rltlseiis of Alliuqucnmo. It la highly Important that auch a society lie formed lief. It will mean protec tion for tha people of Albuquerque and It will mean moreover the ei- tabllNhment of this city as a health resort on a safe, efllclent, and scientific scale. It U entirely practicable, for Albuquerque- to make use of her greatest asset, her climate, and be the rountry'a benefactor without Im periling tha health and Uvea of her own cltlaens. Healthacckers are com Ing to New Mexico In Increasing; num ber every year; tha problem of handlln-f them properly and giving them the benefit of the life-saving ell mute without Imposing a burden and a menace on our home people la one that must be. solved In a business-like nnd at the same time a humanitarian manner. The formation of uch a clety aa proposed will effectively or ganize those who are to take the leading part In solving this problem. There are many features of It. Strict er Bunltury precautions must be en forced on tha struct, and Indoors; the practice of scndlnjc hopeless consump tive to New Mexico as a lust resort, r suunung inmgtnit surierers on New Mexico miiHt be stopped; the public must have a more. Intelliifent knowledge of the disease nnd tho public must he better protected Against tself. This society has a Ma field for vital usefulness In Now Mexico and the movement will have the hearty aupport of all the people. AX IMPORTANT MFFTINti. The new that plana are under way lo hold a blir get-together meeting here In the Interest of the rarmlnif. ton railroad project, nt tended by dele Riitlon from both Farming-ton and lloswell In addition to the Albuquer que bualness men, shows that the railroad project Is progressing swim tnlngly. lloswell has given Induhlt nbln proof that she Is enthusiastically alive to the Importance of tho propo sition and with the people of the three great valleys of the Hun Juan, the nto (iMtido and tho Pecos, work ing shoulder to shoulder, there I no doubt of the fact that that railroad Is sure to be const rut-ted. Coalesced with the New Mexico Central enter prise for a mad from here to lloswell, the Kurmlnuton line will lmva the benefit of all the preliminary work done by tho Central project. The lat ter Is gradually freeing Itself from the legal entanglements which have hin dered Its progress for several year past; and taking everything together the prospects are bright for the be tinning before many moons of a great railroad enterprise which will connect the rlnh northwest country with the southwest nnd the gulf. It Is a tremendous project; such a railroad Is not built In a, day; and progress must necessarily appear slow to those who want trains to run next week. Not it day Is being- wasted, however, nt either end of the linn, and the big meeting- of boosters from three cit ies to be held here soon Is expected to result In a definite plan of action which w ill make proKress much faster in the future. Till: MCW SANTA IT. It Is becoming- evident that the Civic awakening in Santa Ke Is nothing evanescent, but a pcimMlielit develop ment 111 the progreiia of the bulldlnij rif the new Banta l'e. The president of the Commercial club of this illy on bis return from a trip to the capi tal fully corroborates previous reports of the landing of the ginger germ In the midst of the Ancient City, which after standing still for a century or so bus started to move and will keep on moving. The boiiKllng spirit has hit Hanta Ko and has come to stay. Al buquerque Is pIhiI of It. The Interests ff the two cities, now becoming next door neliihliiirs by reason or the good mi da movement, are to a large extent Identical; closer acquaintance Is bound to be of mutual benefit anil it will be good for Albuquerque to hnve a friendly rival at her door; each jnay stlmulute the other and set the puce fur New Mexico. One thing Is certain; Panta l'e has waked up nnd shows no signs of going back to sleep again. It will pay to watch hir. In the opinion of a Kansas pollt!. clan who has been prominently Iden tified with the reform movement, says the Topeka Htate Journal, the rail road question will not be so strong on Issue In the future as In the past. "The rullroads have been pretty thor oughly ivguUtcd," he aald, "and It probably would be wise to give them an opportunity to do some business. We don't want to carry regulation to the extent of disturbing commerclal conditions. The people, In assuming the duty of regulating the railroad, also must assume the responsibility of regulating them properly. The people realize this responsibility, and are going slowly. "In the last sea-don of the Kansas legislature," the politician continued, ."there were 146 bills Introduced which had to do with railroads dl-l rectly or Indirectly, About a dozen were enacted Into law. The others were radical, and not needed and conservative legislature turned them down. It shows a change In public sentiment on the rallrond question The rhange Is noticed all over the country. In the Oklahoma legislature more than 100 anti-railroad bills were Introduced. Only three were enacted Into law, and the governor vetoed all of them. In Texas the governor hn come out boldly against further rail road legislation. 'No railroad building ha been done lately. The railroad people say It Is berauso conditions are unsettled owing to adverse legislation. In many sections of the West there la ft demand for more rallronds, and the people say, dive the railroads i chance to build Into -undeveloped ter rltory. That's why the railroads will be dropped as an Issue, and some thing else taken up to fight about reciprocity, or the war with Mexico, or the consolidation of state boards, or something of that aort. Future regulation of railroads will be left to the state and national commissions." according to Information from tb most authentic sources there Is real ly an excellent prospect that the tw territories will become states In very few weeks. In the second place President Tatt's reciprocity measure Is likely to meet with much disfavor in his own party and a democratic revls Ion of the wool schedule Is next to Impossibility for the reason that th democrats themselves can never agree upon the terms of such a revision and even If they could their revilson would never meet the approval of a repub llean senate and president. Hut it now believed by those most closely In touch with the situation in Washing. ton that the sentiment In congress strongly In favor of the Immediate ad mission of the remaining two terrl toriea Into the union of states. So corro Chieftain. Otoro County's Big Asset. Luckily the weather mnn had no flareback -yesterday. Dins, at lenat, will have no trouble over the third term proposition. Carrie Nation la at least dead as a news feature. At any rate, President Taft probably feels thnt the present congress cannot annoy him much mora than the lust one did, It Is Just possible:, of course, that President Llai may not think that Wto kind of peace which makes Ills re tlrement a condition la worth having. ."A hushnnd Is not necessary for an artiste," suys Mine. Cavallerl. Opln Inns on the point differ. Mmo. Calve told the reporter a fow week ago that ona Is very necessary. A New York woman, when told by a bandit to hold her hands up, puiieu a hatpin from her peach bonnet and stabbed him. Hereafter bandits when dealing with women will probably cry "Hands down!" Massaging naughty children In or der to make them good Is a custom being Introduced into ISngland from Japan. Ita cffoctlvenens, however, depend upon which portion of the Infantile, anatomy Is massaged. When W. J. Bryan asserts thnt some patriots were worth five millions to their country he for his own modest fortune by adding that they failed to get (tlie money. Some of the wnr scare experts are now willing to compromise on a state ment that some of the Japanese ure considering the possibility of a Unit ed State peril. All the signs and Indications point to a renewed and Increased prominence of Otero county as the location o manv and varied Ideal resorts. With so sreat a range In altitude, all com paratlvely within stone's throw of an hour's ride, one of another, it is pos slble for one to be comfortable both in aii-Timer and winter, with the mm Imum of effort, expense and travel. These are facts which are well un derstood but hardlv appreciated at their full value and worth, hence It may be well to comment upon them now. We who live In Otero county and are mindful of the county's welfare ana material development, are In precise ly the same position as the business concern which has something for sale, Advertising copy which produces re suits deals principally with most strlk tnir nr attractive features of the srtt cle advertised. In setting forth Otero rountv's claims for recognition, It would he advisable for US to follow closely that well established principle. llavlnii the climate thnt Is unexceii ed. and having also the Information that thousands of people are seeking an lonirlnn- for such climatic conai tlons, It remnln for us to lav our claims before the people. Pig colonies of fine residences have been establish ed In localities which do not have so manv advantages of climate. In some instances the foundlne of those col onles was accidental. There may be long while to wait for such an accident to make a beginning here. Concerted and systematic endeavor might ellml nate tho uncertainty and manifestly would Insure quicker results. Al.imO' gordo News, , Tho Sure Thing. House Joint resolution No. 4, Intro duced bv Delegate Andrews, provid ing for tho admission of New Mexico, has had an amendment tacked on to It providing for the admission of Arl- xona. A similar resolution has neen Introduced In the senate. The wise ones say that tho resolution will pass at this session. During the years the Liberal ho been published It has recorded many prophecies of the wise one as to what congress was going to do at the next session toward admit ting New Mexico, and has never seen one of these prophecies come true, it hopes this one will, but It Is betting no good money on It, The turn of a card, the result of a horse raco, the chance for little ,Toe to come up are all betting posHibllltles, where a man has a sporting chance, but the loca tion of the little pea under the shell, the chance of owning a lock you see a man pick up In the street, and the action of congress on tho statehood question are nil In the sure thing class, and onlv n cmimn will bet on them. Liordsburg Liberal. Ho Tivcs Va. Senator Owen professes friendship for New Mexico, but he stands ready to turn us down in case Arizona Is not admitted also, Oreat friendship thut Pecos Valley New. y NEW MEXICO APPRECIATED Wife of Local Minister Sends Glowing Account of . New Home to Old Home. An Endless Chain of Sickness. There are npwurd of one in ill ion deaths each year in the L uit-d Mate. In V.i'i of rases the people who die are le- than sixty-live years old. Tho tv ils that are due to diase can Im ex-aped Just in pro portion as tlie condition- and habits that bring on di-teaso become more widely understood. Then too a chronic d itwai' which may bailie the skill of the general practitioner may yet bo permanently cured by the Physician who has made oke line ol dis ease a specialty. It would bo Just as ab.n.-rd for tho Pro fessor In a medical coll -ge presuming to lecture on all sublecLs as for the one Phv- sician to presume, to understand the nat ure ana cure of every disease. That iswhv Dr. R.V. Pierce established the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute many yeum ago with a full stall of Phy sicians and Nurgeons who though edu cated to tirn.rt.icH in fill denartiiieiitji of medicine urn here assigned to a soeclai i department only to which each fpeclal-1 1st devotes his entire time, study and' aueniion. The sick who have teen treated at Tr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y., have much to suv In recuid to this won derfully euulnix-d (sanitarium, where all electrical apparatus, as well as electric water Dams, Turki.-n nains, static elec tric machines, hiirli-freuuencv current. and other most modem and up-to-date apparatus arc used for the cure of chronic diseases. The treatment of chronic dis eases that are peculiar to women have for many years been a factor in the cures alfucu-d at the Invalids' Hotel and bur glcal Institute. The physicians and surgeons employed are among the most experienced and skill ful In the country, men who have niado those diseases their life study, and whose highest ambition Is to excel In their treatment. How well they have succeeded may be uugou irom tho tact that their oriu-t co embraces cases from every State and Ter ritory of the Union as well as from foreign lands. Many thousands aro annually treated, cither through cotrespondeni'o or at Dr. Pierce's Institution. It Is an old adugo that, "Experience makes per iod, uuu inu tiKiiieu i-pcciiwiMS in tins Held of practice euro thousands of cases which have been almndouod as incurable by general practitioners. One of the most wonderful electrical appliances, is tho X-ray used at tho Insti tute which may be used both in tho treat ment of various diseases and In the diag nosis of many obscure conditions. With its aid the Interior of the human body Is no longer tho scaled book It has been here tofore. Abnormal states of the bones, gall stones, stone in the bladder or in the kldnoys, aro uhuwn plainly by what are known as X-ray photographs. Internal tumors, and tho enlargement of the deep- seated organs, aro also discovered by this means and In tho diagnosis of tuberculosis of the lungs this n-ent has proven a most valuublu aid. When upjillcd to Homu of tho loss fatal chronic uilmenta of cerm origin It lias proven very effective as a curative agent. Anothor interesting proceeding Is the loiet-ray treatment produced bv concen trating tho violet or chemical rnvs from an arc light with a -specially prepared carbon unon any portion of the body that may ne mo seat 01 pain, tsutrcrers from neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism, strains. prams, uiso irom those obscure exhaust ng pains (tha origin of which cannot at times bo accurately determined) frequent ly llnd linincdlato relief from a single treatment and usually with a llttlo per- lstence lu tlm use of this aid.comfort.nhle health or perfect recovery is obtained. Tho liH-aiidwii-ont light bath, consisting of a cabinet in which the patient Is uatnnu in mo coinimiea rays ot many oleetrlc llL'ht iflolios! hns nnuhiced i-enllw wonderful results In -dlaVetss, sciatica. ueuimiMsm, oiKsiiy,.JLun-uia, and some orms of kidney and heart troublo. It lias also proven viilituhlivm chronic bron- landscape I had ever seen. But I have seen the same picture many times since coming to New- Mexico. If the dear Granville friends could only mount these sand hills with me and watch the setting sun as it goes down behind the extinct volcanoes ly ing far beyond the mesa west of Al buquerque, they would get a vision of color that no Ohio landscape can of fer. More beautiful did I say than the view from Sugar Loaf looking across Thome's woods? Well, I would as soon think of comparing Longfellow's Psalm of Life or Whittier's Eternal Goodness with Browning's Paracelsus! With t?8t wishes for the Bulletin. Verv sincerely. 'HARRIET P.. RUNYAX. Albuquerque, K. M., Dec. 1, 1910. The Western Union FIFTEEN ARE SENT IP BY COURT ATGAIEClIf : Sentencing of Prisoners With Varied Listjof Excuses Closes Term of District Court for Colfax County, ... hltis. bronchial usthma ami various sklti diseases. As a general hygienic measure lu t-Hiclnncy can scarcely bo over-estimated, nri i Hundreds aro brought to tlil Instltu- on from far distant states and thev so omo In a few weeks well and strong. Quito as marvalous are tho thousands of cures annually accomplished through cor cspondence, tvhllo tho patient remains quietly at homo. Others consult In per son, and after being examined are tiro- ..I.I..J ...U 1. ,U.UU.I II.. 1 . II. .1-. . VUleu 1 ibil ejmviuiij J'lefiujeu llll'O ICIIICH and ruturn homo to carry out the treatment. Everyone who consults the specialists, bother by letter or In person receives the most careful and conslderlito attention. Oreat caro Is exorcised not to over en courage those who consult tho specialists of this Institution that no falso hopes may ue raisou, ' Consultation by etter or In nerson Is bsoliitely free no charge whatever so that the public when arillctod aro invited to write Dr. Plorco at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. The manner In which the southwest I .dc Bt what the next sensation may- land of enchantment casts Its Bpcll We can at least agree with tho es teemed Baton Range In the following: It' mighty strange to a man out of congress why It is necessary for the spotless garment of New Mexico to go through tho laundering and "mending' process, Just because Arizona's KiiBtcr gown had a dirt spot or two and n hole In It. It I expected that other denomlnn- Hons-wlll follow the example of the What the Editors Are Saying A ProNnrmn Year. Tho recent spring showers which have brought out the grass, the blooms and the leaves hcruuhoots have been quite general In New Mexico. Fol lowing as they did upon the heels of a hountirnl snowfall, the agricultural and livestock outlook In this territory Is tho best In many years, A great change l coming over New Mexico this season. Optimistic state ment are reaching tho Outlook of fice from fill Its correspondents Indi cating that unless some unforeseen cnlamllty occurs wq are In for the best year we have ever had In all lines. It hna been the history of business In New Mexico that when fruit and other crops were good, and when grasa and water were plentiful, pros perity ha been general In nil lines. Even the dry farmer, who hit been lucky enough to get a crop planted, will be smiled upon by nature this year. The outlcok has already Im pressed Itself upon the business man. Not Inco the panic of 1907 ha New Mexico really enjoyed prosperity to the full extent of prior years, but this year of 1111 bids fair to outdo nil that have gone before. Prosperity ami statehood are In the nlr. Currliogo Outlook, Would Bo llcmnrkiiblc. Wouldn't It be remarkable If the ad mission of New Mexico and Arisona as state should prove to be the only lmportnnt act of the special session of congress? Stilt, when you think of it, more remarkable things are Imp Conk-regal lunallat In phidglng co-op- J polling everyday. In thu first place, over the easterner Is woll described by Mrs. Harriet B. Runyan, wife of Rev. J. J. Runyan, pastor of the Alhuquor que Bnptlst church In a contribution of Mrs. Runyan' to the Alumni Bul letin of Denlson University,, Granville, O. The Morning Journal has been re quested by several persons who have read the letter to publish It and it Is well worth publishing. It Is as follows: My Dear Mr, Brlerly: Your re quest that I write something for the next Issue of the Bulletin Is at hand with your suggestion thut I have theme In the country that surround us. Three or even two months ago such a theme would have been out of the question, for though we have been In Albuquerque six month, the radical changi) n environment over that of the cast has been too groat to per mit me for a time to do any coher ent thinking along thut line. The effort nt adjustment of Impressions seemed out of the question while the process of acclimatization was going on, The extravagunt expressions of New Mexicans over the "radiant beauty of these arid sand hills" and "dreamy wastes of Mexican mesa seemed more like the ravings of a real cstnto enthusiast. However, we were not In a position to Judge. I remember somewhere In one of Hamilton W. Mnble's exquisite par ables of life, he tells of a woman In tho midst of a totally new experience, who, realizing that something was "being wrought Into her nature,' 'pati ently waited the outcome. This seem ed to be our case, so we held our Judg ment In abeyance. WJicn I tell you thnt a few weeks since I packed a lunch basket and with others t rnmped to a nearby sand hill, nte a picnic supper thereon and greatly enjoyed not only tho good company nnd the supper but even more the sight of the country that stretch ed about me, you will see that the process of acclimatization Is about completed, and that I am rapidly emerging from the embryonic stage of a "tenderfoot." In other words, thl vast limitless expanse of Mexican mesa no longer "gets on my nerves," but hns gone down Into my soul deep deeper till I hold my breath In woii- be! I remember a few years ago when Harry llerrlck went back to Denison after eight years of New Mexican life, he resented tho fences which he found on his country walks out from Granville. I understand now how he felt. Two weeks since n I looked from the window of a rapidly moving car on miles and miles of sand swept plain, no trees, no house, except here and there at long Intervals an adobe hut, the vastness of our great coun try and Its Illimitable reaches amaz ed me. I recalled the remark of the old woman who, seeing tho ocean for the first time, drew a long, deep sigh and thanked the Lord that there was "one thing there was enough of." How I wished the thousands of peo. plo cooped up In the crowded tene ment quarter of our great cities might come out to New Mexico long enough to breathe one deep, long breath! Does all this sound as If I had forgot ten our dear Ohio landscape with Its beautiful apple orchards, its well kept farm lands and acres of undulat ing woodland? My love of trees, of set tled home and of nature humanized Is all too Intense for that. And right there Is the great difference, a differ ence that some of our eastern tour ists never realize. So long as one looks at New Mexi co through Ohio or other eyes it will never appeal to him, so far this coun try seem void of the human aspect. Tho groat mesa lying nil about-Albu-querquo, barring the Rio Grando val ley, 1 practically untouched by the hand of man, and the lonesomoness Is almost sure to seise the newcomer ns ho looks out upon tho mesa with th6 memory of the grassy hillsides and the deep woodsiness of hi homeland but wait a bit! Watch the ahadows sweep like a great painter's brush over these plains, stretching away to the moun nlns Just now putting on their wan tor cap of snow, never twice alike In the changing atmosphere which surrounds them. How I have wished for our eastern artists with their developed color sense as I have looked out over this ever changing and truly fnm-lnnt'ng country! I saw a wonderful picture, last year filled with the atmosphere' of the desert. It had a beauty all Its i Special Corraapoadenr to Morning Journal Raton. N. M, April 15. The dis trict court for Colfax county adjourn ed sine die this afternoon. Judge Roberts announced that, he would at a later date some jm. during t,he month of May call a term of court to hear civil cases, without a Jury, a large number ot civil case being con tinued on account of the excess of criminal business The Jury yesterday returned a ver dict of guilty in the case of the Terri tory vs. Henry GarzJna, charged with violation of the Sunday law, by keep ing his saloon open on the Sabbath 'This morning Judge Roberts sent enced Garzlna to 15 days In the coun ty Jail and fifteen dollars fine. In the case of the Territory vs. LeaBOn, charged with keeping open a pool and billiard hall In violation of the Sunday law, the Jury returned n verdict or not guilty. The time of the court was occupied this forenoon In imposing sentence. on the prisoners who were found guilty by a Jury, or who pleaded guilty to the charges against them. Sentences to the territorial penitenti ary were imposed upon fifteen prison ers; twenty-one were sentenced in all, but the other six received Jail sent ences. The following Is the list of those sentenced: Conrado Montoya, found guilty by a Jury of lnrceny of one head of neat cattle from the Roth estate, not less than three years nor more than five years. His sentence was suspended by the court during good behavior. Gavino Pacheco, larceny of eight horses from Capt. W. 8. French, plead guilty, sentenced to not less than 2 for more than 3 years In the peniten tiary, i Abram Montoya, found guilty bjr the Jury of murder In the second de gree in the killing of his sweetheart, iilene Galvan, was sentenced -to not less than 20 nor more than 46 years. Julius Martin, pleaded guilty to burglary from a box car, was sentenc ed to not less than three years nor more than three years six months. The defendant is a young man about 20 years of age, and stated that hi home was In Philadelphia, Pa, Valentine Meslch, the Austrian coal miner from Van Houten coal camp, who was tried and found guilty of an assault with a knife upon Luis Chip! am, a fellow workman, was sentenc ed to 100 days in Jail and fined 15 and costs. The defendant had been confined In the county Jail two months and 11 days, and the court took that Into consideration, as well as the fact that Chlpianl did not appear and testify against the accused, In Impos ing sentence. Santiago Garcia, a young man, about 22 years of age, and who plead ed guilty to forging a check, was given net less than two nor more than threa years. Antonio Quljos, pleaded guilty to discharging a pistol in a settlement and was sentenced to not less than one year nor more than two years. The defendant la not more than 20 years of age, and told the court thai he wus drunk at the time he commit ted the offense, and did nut know what he was doing, Roy Knight, pleaded guilty to forg. ery. He attributed his downfall to the ue of intoxicating liquor. He told the court that he had never been in any trouble before; that he had been a soldier In the United States army for six years, and was honorably dis charged In the Yellowstone Park some six months ago. He produced his honorable discharge from the army. The monev ho saved he soon soetit, and then forged a check for $75. Judge Roberts sentenced Knight to not less than one nor more than two years. Jose Flores pleaded guilty to larceny of seven horses from Capt. W. S. French. He was given not less than one nor more than two years. Gustave Holmar Wllhelm Wllmar Rosen, alias "Tow-Head," a youth 19 years of age, with very light hair and a boyish look, pleaded guilty to burg lary from a box car. Ho stated that he left his home In Minneapolis, to see the world, and he asked for the clemency of the court. Judge Rob erts stated that he had received a let ter from the mother of the young man, nnd he regretted that the minimum sentence in his case was three years in the nenltentionary. He was given that period. Charles Mauth, burglary from a freight car, pleaded eulltv; riven three years In the territorial peniten tiary. Martin Bundage, aged 18 years, told the court that the stolen property he had In his possession, he was merely keeping for another fellow, and did not know It was stolen, and that he was intoxicated at the time the prop erty was left with him, otherwise he would not have been In such a predic ament. Tie court Imposed a sentence of one year in the penitentiary. Frank West, u. miner, from Van Houten camp, found guilty by the Jur- of assault with a pistol, waa given one year In the penitentiary. West told the court that he was In toxlented at the time he committed the offense, nnd Imagined that the pnrtles he was with were trying to as sault him. West said that his home was In Virginia, but he had been In Colorado and New Mexico, worktna 'Jn tha coal mines for tho past twenty years. Horace rickard, a young mnn, plea of guilty to burglary from the Mend, elson store. Upon recommendation Is a 50-word telegram sent during the daytime to any Western Union office in the United States at one and ona half (IVi) times the Night Letter rate. For example, a Fifty-Word Say Leiior Gosh Albuquerque to Santa Fe 38 cents " Las Vega3 .;. 38 cents " " Trinidad CO cents " El Paso.. 75 cents " " Denver 75 cents There are 25,000 other cities and towns reached by Day Lett Call a messenger or Telephono your Day Letters to THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COJVIPANT 71 j at jt? Established 1890 g ommeri CAPITAL AND SCR PLUS, $200,000.00 Officers: nnd Directors: SOLOMON LUNA, W. S. STKICKLER K. M. MERRITT President V.-Pres. and Cashier Asat' CasM J. C. BALDRIDGE H. M. DOUGHERTY FRANK A. HUBBEI1 H. W. KELLY A. M. BLACKWELL WM. McINTOSH - ai Ccrrillos Lump H CI lilt Cfl Cl "ulo-s E Gallup Lump I lUlllI LU(li LU. Gam.p jU rilONE 91 AN'THTtACITE, ALL SIZES, STKAM COAL. toko, aim oou, l"actory wood, Cord Wood, atlve Klndllur lta... ltwl..l. -L-4 "!,., ......... I ... 11..!..,. ,, . - . " . v m iic Kwjf nuimi a-u jrii'n, vuiiuiiuii linca, Uinc. MORNING JOURNAL ADVERTISEMENTS GET THE BUSINE? tlimillii5 CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR C0MPM COR FIRST AND COPPER EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOG PHONE 138 P. O. BOX 318 ALBUOUEROUE. N. M own, an all or mystery, 01 v asiness, ' of the district attorney the court fix of solitude unlike any other bit of ed the sentence at not less than 12 I GROSS, KELLY & CO. (Incorporated) Wholesale Merchants, and Deal ers in Hides, Wool and Pelts Navajo Blankets, Pinon Nuts, Beans, Chili, Potatoes d Other Native Products Homes at jCsic Las Vegaa. N. M.; Albuquerque, N. M.; Tucumcirt N. M i Pscoi, N. M.; Logan, N. M., and Trinidad, Cols. I We Are Busy BUT STILL HAVE TIME TO GET OUT YOUR JOB. HOW ABOUT THAT LOOSE LEAP R Order It Now Lithgow Manufacturing Stationery Co. THE NEW MEXICO HOUSE' ALBUQUERQUE, N. LEDGE Phone 924 year nor more than 14 years in the territorial penitentiary, and suspended sentence during good behavior, re quiring tho young man to report every three months to the district attorney. Joso CaBimlro Montoya. the con. stable who shot and killed Jucobo Casados, In East Katon on the nlsht of MarVh 18th last, and whom the Jury found eullty of voluntary man slaughter, the penalty for which of fense is not loss than one or more than ten years was sentenced by the i-uui i n nui jeas man one nor mora than five years. Mr. J. Leahy counsel for Montoya gave notice kif an appeal to tha supreme court, sftid the court fixed the appeal bond at $4,000. J. F. Eppler, another check artist, who forged a check for 155. was if (v. en not less than two nor more than three years. Frank Nicola colored! found truiltv of assault with a rifle, received not less than two nor more than three years. O. C. Watson. Who la ilmnl KK of age, and who resided In Ilaton for me past six months, engaged In the occupation of a painter, and who pleaded guilty to ntiorlmr a fni check on a bank In which he hud no funds, upon recommendation illotrl,.! ,,,,,..,,. ,a ai-lltel" the county Jail for three rno" fined $100 and costs. Just ni-ior to iho adlournm the court, Frits Espig, churpf larcenv of ritttl. was broulP court by Sheriff Hixenliau nlenriert lint irilliti tn thO chafS "... ICIItdlHHU lu . . urlthni, Lull tha r-Aiirt all1" Espig had forfeited one ball and that he w-iuld not grant to on tho presert charge. One Conductor Helped IH" , Me Wllf,.rrf A, lams IS mil tio wiin' "r was con'1' mv hu.i tv ih riironln rheufia'"1 iiai.,1 turn VmMlt.ti of Foley'" Itemedy with good effect Jh' w..i m feet J l.,tnF Oil UIIlf-(l HOril RS IIMHIl" " ., i ...., i.-.. -.illwiiy. 1' , all you tlaim In cases of rn " , It clean the blood of urm - by O'Rslily & Co. 12.00J pound shipment of furnltul-e, special low- prices week. tCrown Furniture vv. Gold. t I t r