THREE. THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST CO o o UJ UJ CO o o UJ UJ CO o o CO o CO o o CO o o CO o LU UJ CO o o CO o o UJ The New Dress Trim mings and Laces We have just opened advance arrivals of the 1912 Dress Trimmings-real won ders' in exquisite fabric art and delicacy -more wonderfully conceived and skill fully created, it seems to us, than, ever before. They represent our very careful selections from the best foreign and do mestic lines, WE, KNOW THEY WILL PLEASE YOU. WILL YOU COME AND SEE? 1 1 life- IX! Charming Exhibit of New Foulards First Important Showing of 1912 Patterns When ynii see these new fabrics you will wlUI njtly Brunt (hut foulard deserve nil of the decided popularity accorded them In recent seasons, hnd It Is predicted fur the approaching irprlnw tind Summer they will stand still hltihcr In East ern favor, ruuhirds nr 2:1 Inche wlilo ut K5V, $ it ml $1.25 ; jii ni. Bordered & All-Over Foulards AVe also auk your attention to our openliiK dls liltiy of bordered und ullover effects showing a Uirtre collection of French Faconne Foulards, dou ble width, ut $2.(10, $2.50 iiinl $3.00 per yard. TOMORROW - THE WEEK - OF - THE - E COM BTS L FEBRUARY - SALE of all new White Goods, new Wash Laces, new Embroideries, including all kinds of Household Goods, such as Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bed Spreads, Towels, Table Linens, Etc., Etc., and we anticipate that it will prove to be one of the greatest in Albuquerque's history. Our supremacy in this line is unquestioned, and women within a radius of many miles recognize this as the logical supply center for merchandise of this character. The vast assortments we offer and the great values we give have come to be a by-word and all femininity is intensely interested when the word goes around that THE ECONOMIST is going to have their Great White Sale. ' ' Embroideries (See Our Window Display.) This showing embraces the production of almost every embroidery-making country. We have itone direct to the makers and selected the finest and itiopt artistic effects produced, either by machine or handwork. The variety of patterns and designs is nlmoBt without limit fill lieautiful ly executed on fine cloths ready tomorrow morning for your inspection and choosing. Our advertisement and window display can, at best, serve only as a sug gestion of tho miiKnll'Icent run-tee In beautiful conceptions. Kvery piece is marked to represent considerably more than usual value for the price. INHKllTIOXM Duinllly embroidered: n wonderful assortment; yard, 10c, l.V, 30c, 2.V, 35c, .'(, (I.V. 75c, 91.00, $1.25, $l.r0 upwards. Il.XDIXJS From the dainty narrow little effects to the choicest and most elaborate designs. Yard 10c, I5 20c, 2."c, 35o, 50! upwards to $1.50. VKIXIXGS Delicate, yet strongly made little veinings, for finishing a variety of garments. Yard 5c. c. He, 10c, 15c, 21k- anil 25c. COHSKT CXIVKU KMHICOIDKItlKS Many novel eflecls, beautifull made; a great variety. Yard 25 35c, 50c, 75c. DKMI ILOIXCIXfiS Kxceplional values nt, yard, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Al.l.OVK.It.S Artistically made In combinations of Valenciennes or Haby Irish lace Insertions; beautiful patterns. Yard O.V, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and upwards to $10.00. SIATC'IIFl) JIAI1Y KKTS Dainty and artistic creations, perfectly In harmony with the tiny garment for the little mites of humanity. Patterns are In vines, scrolls, flowers, etc. Yard 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75o and up wards to $5.00. '45clnch Flounclngs for downs. This Is our most extensive showing of these goods. There is a great variety of designs in all wanted cloths; Voiles, Marquisettes. Crepes, Nainsook and Swiss, both embroidered In white or colors. Yards $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50, $1.00, $5.00 upwards to $15.00. MAT(.'ltKI SKI'S A hundsome line of novelties In matched sets; Swiss, Nain sook, liatiste and Cambric; beautifully made in best qualities of cloths. Yard 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and upwards to $5.00. COMTLETE EMHOITEHET HOVE TA.TTEHJVS Examine this beautiful, entirely new line. All ready to put together, in cluding the r.klrt, material ofr the waist and sleeves to match the skirt. All . beautifully embroidered. A large variety of patterns In white and various colors. These robes are from the best makers of St. Gall and will lie shown Monday. Each $10.00, $12.50. $15.00, 1H. .,!, $20.00, $25.00. WA.SHLA.CEJT J-'IM'M'H VAI.KXOKXNKS LACKS Dninty and beautiful little edges and In sertions in matched sets at, per dojsen yards, 25c, 35c, 5tc, (l.V, "5c, $1.00 and upwards to $1.00. CLVXY AXI 1IKAVY TOUCIIOX LACKS These laces will be very largely used In the coming season for trimming Waists and Gowns. We have provided them in liberal quantities and varieties of Insertions in all widths. They are offered in the sale at very special pries, ranging at, pr yard, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c and upwards to $1.00, SPECIAL EMUHOIDEHIES Arrangd In lots for your convenience, consisting of Rroken and Matched Sets, Flouncings, Etc. , Lot No. 1 Lot No. 2 Ixt No. 3 Lot No. 4 5ojd. 10cd. 12 1-2c yd. 15c yd. L"t No. 6 Lot No. 7 Lot No. g Lot No. 1 25c yd. 2c yd. 35c yd. 50c yd. TABLE LINENS .18 .59 15 .25 .115 .15 . .75 .75 Lot No. 6 lc yd. Lot No. 10 75c d. See them on our Many of these are worth more than double the lot price. center tables. WASH LACES We ore prepared for this sale with a remarkable gathering of dainty, yet serviceable laces of all kinds. Such as English Torchon. Uarmen Torchons. Keal Linen Torchon, Piatt and Normandy Valenciennes. Also a big assortment of French and German Vals, In broken sets. All are arranged In lots for four conveniences as follows: Lot No. 1 Lot No. I Lot No. 3 Lot No. 4 Lot No. 5 Ittc (loz. 3.V do. ftllc (fox. 75c dux. H do. Lot No. 6 Lot No. 7 Lot No. 8 Lot Xi. Iit No. 10 $1.25 dos. $1.60 do. $1.05 doz. $2.25 doz. $2.50 doz. (l.V r.lcai-ucd Damask, 02 Inches w idc 7.V Mcrcerisied Damuhk, 73 in. wide $ l.r.O Iiliacbed Duinusk. (IS to 70 Inches v. id.' 1 $l.r0 German llleach Damask, inches wide t $ T. tUriuhed Damask, 72 im lies He 1 Napkins f l.r.O Kliachcd Napkins, sale price $ $-'.(Mi ltleachcd Napkins, sale pci- 1. $:i.r0 Slbu ltleachcd, all linen, sale mice 2. J 4. .Ill Sibil lilcachcd, all linen, sale 'price '3. Linen Crashes Hleached or unbleached. All lines reduced. Itegular price 1 2 'i-. ; sale price Oct -llcgulur price 11c and l.V; sale juice 11c Itegular price 10c; sale price 12 l-2c Cotton Crashes 7c bleached or imicleached Twill Crash , , . . 5C 10c blein lied Toweling, for, yard 7c Glass Toweling , , i:.ular 1 0f : wile price 7 l-2! J ; . j-; 1 1 1 1 1 r 12;nc a I ii : sale price 10c Scalloped Cloths ?i'...' il N-4 Hound Scalloped Cloth; Sale Price . . . . ; . $5.35 7..".(l U-4 Itiiiiiitl Scallopel Cloth; Sale Price 1 KO.OtT' ' Hemstitched Cloths $l.r. i, 72 by '.in inches. Hem stitched Cloth; Sale Price .. $3.50 Hemstitched Table Cloths 2 yards, 2'j yards and 3 yards long with one ibi'.eu napkins to match at Hii. 00. i-7 I , SO.Od and SI 2. .SO. Pattern Table Cloth 2 anls, 2 -j yards ami 3 yards lung, with one dozen napkins to match Ht $.'1.50 cadi and up. Lunch Napkins llHiustitchcd and Scalloped Styles nt following reduced prices: t.'I.r.ll value 4.Dil alile $8.00 valua Xow $2.70 Now $:l.:0 Now $1.50 Lunch Sets Containing 1 cloth, 45 by 43 Inches, and bait dozen napkins to match; Special S:t.H.-. . .cloth oti by uf. iiu hi s, with half doz en napkins, value $3.T,0; Special $2.9H Special on Towels Consisting a big lino of Hemstitched Jluek TowcN in various designs. Size by Jii. itwiicH. Selling regularly ut 75c, file anil SI. Oil each; choice of any in tin' lot: Special, each .... 50c Bath Mats $ 1 . 7 ." value, size 47 by 72; Palo Price $1.25 $2.r,) value, size f0 by 72; Pale Price $2.00 Other itl.i k at K.V, 75c mill 65c each. WHITE LINENS JSC-inch Shirt Waist Linens In n fine quality. Even Hound Thread, ns ful fill!' value, 3(1 Inches . (l.V value, 36 inches . 7:V value, 36 Inches . $1.00 value, 3G Inches 3Hc IHc 412c 72c 54-inch Linen For Suits 1.00 value, 54 Inches 0c value, 64 inches . 80c 75c 27-inch Suiting Linen This grade Is very much used for Suits. $1.75 grade, 72 inches wide ....$1.30 $1.50 grade, 72 Inches wide $I.1H Plain Linen Damask 72 inches wide, $2.0(1 value; Sale v price $1,415 26 inches wide, "5c value; Pale price 3 SHEETS, SHEETINGS AND PILLOW CASES (OC Maiuliml Urn ml Only.) Ready-Made Sheets We carrv the celebrated Wnni- utte, liuliiht Anchor, Atlantii) and I'eppcrcll Sheets. In Pillow Cases we carry Invlviht Anchor. Peppercll jind Fruit ol the loom brands. AH i .'me specially priced for this sale and we quote Peppercll sheets and pillow cases as follows, so you can Jililpo ii' our values: !(lx!ll Inches, sale price Xlxiti) inches, sale price 72x!IO inches, sab) price, BSx'tO inches, sale price 54x1(0 Inches, sale price, 42 by 36 Inches, pillow 45 by 36 Inches pillow i f.O bv 3fi inches pillow 50 by SS'i Inches pillow Scalloped lUlgc llllow . .45 by 36 Inches, 50c each 72 l-2c each 417 l-2e each 2 l-2c each 57 l-2c each IHc aaes, each 1 lt uses, each l(lc uses, each 1M! cases, e i. 20c ii scs Sizes value at 3!c II. niMIK bill Tucked Pillov CascM, Anchor Itrand -Size. 4 5 by 36, regu lar 37 Vie value, 30c: size, 00 by 36, regular 40c value, 33c. Embroidered Bed Sets Containing 1 large sheet, embroid ered and 2 large size embroidered pil low cases, hemstitched and of a fine grade, of sheeting, I Inches. Kegular values $5.50; Sale Price $1.15 Crib size, embroidered sheet and pil low case set. size 45 by 72; pillow 32x 27, $3.50 value ' $2,415 Hand Embroidered Huck Towels A large line of Humidor Huck lin en towels, hand embroidered on one end and heinsl Itched or scalloped on other end. Kegular $1.25 value l 85c White Goods All fashion nulhoritles agree that this will be an exception White Good? season and with this fuel In view we have made thorough preparation to meet tlm demands. We show all the new fabrics. Heavy and semi-heavy fabrics will be Used pi iiiciiailly for skh ts or com suits, j 1 i u t w and wide cord effects being much in evidence. Voiles will bit very popular fur entire d reuses and waists on account of the soft ntul clinging effect. Uur collection chows tho wid est possible ruirge of both foreign and domestic fabrics for street and evening gowns, both In plain materials and embroidered effects. Also materials for undermusllns, gowns and waists in many fabrics. Il A I.IOY-For hard service. Made of long selected eotlon. Per yard . 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, 20c, 25c. Pl'.ltSI AV LAW S Fine soft grade of a superior grades, tier yard , l.V, 25c, 35c and 50c, 14TTK1 NWISKKS These will he one of the leading fabiicvs of the season. iur showing Is most comprehensive. Per yard Ittc, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. I'AISIS LAW XS An Ideal fabric for evening gowns and graduation dresses, ll Is soft and clinging and r.heer and beautiful In effect, 45 Inches wide. Per jard 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 KLAXON Queen of Fabrics. Suit und wiry effects, in plain white, stripes ii ml checks. A large variety? Per yard l.V, llc, 25c and 35c t'llKCKKI IH.MITIKS A beautiful fabric for waists and for Infants' and children's dresses In checks and stripes. Per yard l.V, 20c ami 25c 4 111.4 K X.MSlOK For waists, apons and children's dresses. Excellent val ues at, per yard l'c, 12 l-2c and 15c One of the fabrics that Is bound to be a leader this season. Soft and clinging, with a beautiful draping effect for evening or reception gowns and dresses. We show a remarkable variety of qualities, 40 laches wide; exceptional values at, yard 25c, 35c, 50c, 75e, and $1.00 I'ltJI'KK one of the prime favorites for tho coming season for skirts snd two. piece milts. ' Tills 'pretty fabric has again come Into lis own. Cords or welts In all sizes. Fashion favors the heavier weaves this season; we have, them priced by the yard at 25c. 35c. 50c, (15c, 75c and $1.00. HIPPLI vn l Suit, clingy w hite fabric for underwear. An Ideal fabric, 2H Inches wide ut only, yard 15c WHITE QUILTS A FEATVRE AT THiS SALE SCAI.I.4PI.I spiti:is. 84x04. regular price $2.75, for each $1.0$ lllvXMI D M KSI II I I S ROxOO, regular price $3.5t, for each $2.08 i i:i(.i i m i;si ii.i i s K Kxitfi, cut corners $4.50 value. for : $.1.50 IIKMMCD NAT IX SPKKADS NSxftS, regular price $4.50, for, each $3.50 li(l(.l.l WD M AI.MIPI l SOx'Mi, regular price $.1.75, for $2.75 lie. x Hi 4, regular price $5.00, for $3.75 11)0x100, regular price $6.00, for $1.00 i: IIHK STM K 4F IlKDSPIl KAIS, AI.SO C lllll SPIU'.ADS IXCLl li;i A T KALI'S I'll 14 JX. BATH TOWELS Pleached and I'nbleachcd, nt Special reductions 12V4o values; sale price 8 l-2c 35c values; J5ci values; sales price Ill Tide values; 20c values; sale price Kit 65c values; 25c values: sale price 22 l-2c 75c values; Our entire stock of linen towels. Damask and Hacks Included In this sale at Special Sale Prices. hi:mmi:i emit iii:ti:i 4 lilts 7Sxn6, regular price $1.25, for each -UH 72XNO. regular price $1.40, for each l-l SOxNfi, regular juice $1.75, for, each 1 . -18 I KIV(.I.I, (IT lOltNKUS 72nS, regular price $1.1(0, for, each ! S4x'.6, regular price $2.00, for, each A" itoxftx, regulur price $2.50, for, euch 9.00 sale price sale price sale price, sale price . . .27c . . .380 . . .48c . . .60c LONG CLOTHS 10-yard pieces, 10-ynrd pieces, 12-yurd pieces, 12-yard pieces, 12-yard pieces, 12-).ird pieces, $1.35 value at $1.75 value at . $2.00 value, at $2.50 values at $2.75 values at $3.00 values at . .$1.05 . . . 1.35 $1.50 $ 1 .145 $2.25 $2.70 SEA ISLAND NAINSOOK All 12-Yard Pieces $.1.50 values, sale pile .... S3. 25 values, sale price ,, $.1.00 values, sale price .... $2.75 values, sale price .... $2.50 values, sate price .... IMPORTED ENGLISH NAINSOOKS 45lnches wide, made of an Kxtra Quality Cotton 12-yard pieces, regular value $3.75: sale price 12-rd pieces, regular value $3.50 stile price , . .$2.85 . . .SJ.7.1 , . .82.50 , . . 2.35 , . .$2.20 , .$.1.00 . .2.75 THE PRETTY EXPENSIVE NEW WAISTS FOR SPRI Our purchases were made from the best Waist Manufacturers employing the best designers in the cast, and we can assure every purchaser that these are the latest word in waist styles. All are as pretty and fine as nice materials, dainty laces and embroideries and good designs can make them. All sizes, and every one new and fresh. Women of refined taste are sure to be delighted with this early showing of inexpensive waists for Spring. , Women'. I Inherit- Wal.l ut $1 00, $1.25. 82..M1. .t .Ml, .YM! and $7.50. Woiuen'i. Mitbli llloiitM-s at $1.25. $1.50 nml 12. .Ml."- tailored will -It s( $1.25,, s.'.Mi a ii.l $:t..'.o. Women'- al-l cliirt at $1.25, 2.5 ami :t. .Ml. Spring Dress Goods for Gowns and Suits JllbAHD PHOHE ORDFR T Cream wool materials for street suits are far and away in the j "yr-- M I J lead this scas-m. our counters are piled a 1th whipcords ana oi- Bgonal weaves, fine and heavy verges, from 44 to 54 Inches wide. BSC TO S2.00 THE yAH7 For tailored suits the new weave Include hard finished ma terials and shepherd checks In all sisea. Also black and white. Invisible checks and hairline trlKs; flat cord weave and fany check. 4 4 to 54 Inche wide. 6SC TO S2.00 Tailored S4 Inche aide. SI.2S TO S.OOtTHE yAD VAm mm 4a V sii CRY CCOOS. K "V - "'.J - FILLED kill 1 1 II X. HILUNCftV f4.4.4.44'f4Mf4l4-4''f4-'l-ftf1'ff'f- New Spring Suits W ht n ttu ttiiif t take ail . ant.n:e of the Sjt ial White File Do Not Neglect to Visit' the Suit Section Kxpres shipments of new .-'priiia Suits and Irt-t s are rvT arrivinit almost daily and en, h shipment in mo in rut of coat or rkirt r the )' the ti union- Is hanill. d. W cordially in lie you to ctoio st the first itutvcnitiu i.ppttrt unity and inttpt ct the NEW SUIT STYLES m m m o o o CO CO AMD READY TO WEAR GARMENTS EXCLUSIVELY. THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST, THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST