THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1912. FIVE WANTED- Experienced Saleswomen CAUGHT AT L05 AT MURDER SUSPECT THE ECONOMIST COUNCIL REPEALS ORDINANCES ON REDLIGRT Indigrant at Interference with Their Handling of Social Evil, City. Fathers Annul Ex isting City Regulations'. Indignant nt Hip inli'i fi'i i iH O uf a number of members of (lie reform ele ment In their handling of the soda! evil itieston by means of a restricted jcdlight district, the city council last night repealed every ordinance and section of nil ordinance In any way Kffnilng the question and will pro ' ceed io enact new regulation as they limy be needed. Probably the first new ordinance will ho presented wh.'ti tlie council meets again, which will he tomorrow night. Several other matters were dis cussed, lint the meeting wns hricf ami accomplished comparatively little. The meeting was presided over by folonel D. K. B. Sellers, mayor, with Councllmen Clarke, lieidy, Thomas, jvhrrwood, Coen and Crunsfeld prey-, put. ' The first business was the authnl jntlon of the signature of a new note for $:i,000 for the balance due op thij new auto fire engine, and the piiy.ient of the Interest on the old note. LUNAS YESTERDAY !lhe city had title to nil the width of I street shown on the first plat of the place. Mr. Curke urged that the mat ter be fixed definitely at once, either In court or out of court. The council authorized a commit tee to take entire charge of the af fair, and the mayor named Counoll nien Isherwood and Clarke, himself being cx-offlelo chairman. Tills coin- mlttee was given power to take all necessary steps toward the definite :i till permanent settlement of the dis pute. Probably lit will arrange a friendly suit to quiet the claims. The treasurer reported the general fund overdrawn $14ti.:! at the close of yesterday's business. The city clerk reported that he had ready for deposit, which would relieve the pressure somewhat, anil would navei $700 more for deposit by tonight. Me said that he would have about $s,nno to turn in within the nest few weeks from Ibiuor licenses. A communication from the Ceme tery Realty Company. In relation to the establishment of a cemetery here by that concern was read and recom mended to the attention of the council by tlie mayor. Demecio Delgadillo, Accused of Killing Paramour in Old Albuquerque Saturday, is Brought Back to City, WO.MAX SKI" KS POSITION or cm' poi.k i: m atkox A letter was received from a Mrs. Irene Wiggin, asking that she be ap pointed police matron of the city dur ing fair week. It was referred to the police committee, but the sentiment was that' Albuquerque did not need a police matron Just yet. The.mayor brought up the qne.'ition of the need of a change In several of the ordinances passed by the councils of former years, anil suggested that they he repealed anil newer ones emietod In their place. The city attorney prepnred an ordi nance repealing sections 542, 547. ")S, 5"in,'n.ri2, t.53, n.ri4, of the revised or dinances of 1911. This was read (be first time, then under suspension f the rules, read the second and third times, passed and ordered published. .Mi the members of the council pres ent voted for these steps, consent of two-thirds of the entire council being necessary for suspension of the rules. Mavor Sellers asked that the chair man of OrtDIXANCK TO MCKXsK FAMILY J.lQl'on DKAII KS An ordinance providing for the cre ation of famlv- liquor dealers and their licensing at a rate of $300 a year. payable quarterly, was read the first time. This ordinance expressly pro hibits dealers licensed under It from selling goods In (Uantilies or less than one pint or more than five gallons, and from allowing poods to be opened or drunk on their premises. It also repeals section 732 the city ordi nances, which excepted drug stores from Its provisions. Drug stores must now pay the same license as a family liquor dealer or ns a retail llqiiorxb-.-il'-er, according to the class of busi ness they do. The council adjourned to meet Wednesday evening, when this ordi nance will again come before It. "T have n world of confidence In Chamberlain".! Cough Remedy for 1 have used It with perfect success," writes Mrs. M. I, Basford. rooles vllle. Md. For sale by all druggists. YOUTHFUL CHAUFFEUR DRAWS SALTY SENTENCE Edgar CariwriRhl. the young son of Or. .Margaret Curtwrlght, yesterday received a sentence of $10 or ten days for driving an automobile without a license. The boy is under the mini mum age for the granting of a dri ver's license, hut Saturday afternoon Policeman J. II. Oalushu caught him driving a car downtown, lie arrested the lad, and yesterday morning's sen tence was the result. Special permission for a driver's license to be issued to the boy had the various committees call j been refused by the city council sonie- upon members of their organizations for advice and assistance In city af fairs with greater frequency. m-:w AimxFMi:T roii ITHI- WAUXIXCi PHOPOSKO He then urged that some arrange ment be made by which the fire whistle should blow the number of the box nearest the place from which nn alarm is telephoned. Fire Chief Klein differed with Manager Graham of the clephone company, ns quoted bv the mayor, about the practicability ji'f the scheme proposed, but consented in attend a conference or the mayor, fire committee, Mr. C.raham and him self to the end that some scheme be ... nii.i Mr. f'irit hum's Plan was to have the man who blows whistle provided with a chart of city and after blowlm screech upon the siren, the the the usual to blow the number of the box shown ' chart to be nearest the alarm y this I'.IGIITll STP.KFT TAXfJl.K HKMAIXS I XSKTTI.Kn The mayor reported that a confer ence of the people Interested In the eitvs rights on Eighth street hud been held and that he believed that the coune1! and mayor would be un- hi to settle the matter satisfactorily lie reported the opinion expressed Vormer Cltv Attorney Hugh n.,o thni Hie cltv had no rights any greater width' of street than was now open. Councilman Clarke de ..i...i .h:,t C.eoriie S. Klock, another attorney, had held the opposite, by Col- to that time iign, when application was maoe to that body. New pictures. Pastime and Crystal. nissoi.vr.D rAiiTxratsiiip. Jleineclo Ilelgadlllo, actus, d of kill ing Solidad Zarrizlno, with whom he was In love, and whose Hctions are supposed to have awakened in him a jealous frenzy, was brought back to the city late yesterday afternoon from I.os I. nnas, where he had been cap tured by Vcneesludo Jaraniillo, a dep uty sheriff, ami brother of Sheriff Itu perlo Jaraniillo. Delgadillo was re cognized by means of descriptions of him sent out by I'nder Sheriff Dick Lewis, of this city. - Ilelgadlllo was captured at l.os l.uuas Sunday night, lie was held over night and yesterday morning the local officers wire noti fied of his capture. Deputy Sheriff A. C. llurtl.SN and Jose l.ucero were started for the Va lencia county seal at once, and got back with the man, whom they Iden tified positively as the one wanted here for the murder, at 6:110 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Delgadillo hail slept the nighl be fore his capture at Isleta, seemingly blind to the danger of capture, lie Is said to have been drinking Saturday nighl, when, lie is alleged to have com mitted he crime, and was probably hardly able to continue to walk. Dclcadlllo had borne, a good repu U'.tion here and seemed to lie n quiet and well behaved boy. Since his ar rest It has developed that he Is very probably Agaplto Delgadillo. who Is wanted at Flagstaff, Ariz., for murder, (le answers the description of this per son and follows the same sort of work, that is, lumber mill work, Also, at the lime the crime was committed at Flagstaff, in which he Is supposed to have been a principal, he was absent from this city. Placed In the county Jail yesterday, Delgadillo refused to talk at first but later became quite loquacious, lie told a number of stories, none of them agreeing with tlie others, but did not admit that he had killed Mrs. Zarrn zino. In all probability Delgadillo will be brought before the grand Jury today to testify regarding her death. There is a strong net of circum stantial evidence about him, and it Is likely he will have considerable diffi culty In clearing himself. Delgadillo was the last person to bo seen with the woman. He was known to be jealous of another man, Frank l.ucero, and it Is alleged had told the woman he would kill her If she per sisted in going with l.ucero. Mrs. Zarrazlno had told her undo, a man named Chavez, of this, but he thought the story was not worth regarding and paid little attention to It. although the woman took it with some seriousness. l.ucero had an engagement with the woman on the evening when she met her death. She was to have married him yesterday, according to a story which became current last night. IE Come and see what's what In Mill fiery and Kradv -to-Wear opening dis play at the Fconoiiiisf. . Gallup, X. M August 1, 1912 S. E. Aldrlch and Henry Dodge, of the -firm of Aldrlch & Dodge, doing business at Round Rock, Navajo In dian reservation, have this day dis solved partnership. S. E. Aldrich will assume all outstanding1 accounts and collect all bills due the firm of Aldrlch & Dodge. (Signed) S. E. ALDRICH. HENRY DODGE. New pictures. Pastime and Crystal. MAN CARRYING JAG INADVERTENTLY WALKS INTO POLICE STATION To get on a jag Is bad enough, but to walk Into the police station with it Is worse. This is exactly what a man, named Tori'. Preston, did about 11 o'clock last night. Ilatless and minus a coat. Preston presented a dilapidat ed appearance, and as he turned to walk out, Night Captain o'Crady nabbed him and he was lucked up that he might explain In police court this morning the reason for his conduct. According to letters tound on Pres ton's person, he has been in jail fore. HEAD CLEAR, STOMACH FEEL BULLY! SWEET. BOWELS RIGHT CASCARETS 1 1 You men and women who can't set feeling right who have headache, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dizziness, can t sleep, are ner vous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, and are all worn out. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarcts or merely dosing yourself every few days with salts, cathartic pills, castor oil and other harsh Irritants? Cascarcts Immediately cleanse and sw eeten the stomach, remove the sour, unligested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter Hnd poison from the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will straighten v. u out by moriing a 10-ccnt box will keep your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels regular and make you feel cheerful and bully for months. Don't forget the children their little insides need a good, gentle I cleansing, too. CANDY CATHARTIC w 7W YT) Tti IO CENT POXCS -ANT ORUS STORE ALSO U 90CMTV0IIC3 ?0 iVi:.ia ' Digestion anil Assimilation. It is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimi lated that gives strength and vitality to the system. Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets Invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions naturally. For sale by all druggists. , AITEREST KEEN IN TARVER-WILLE land Without Population is a Wilderness Population Without Land is a Mob The climate and health conditions in this valley cannot be surpassed, known as the health resort of the country and this section has all delicious breezes and dry, pure air that has made the state famous, center and New Mexico is the bright sunshine, Albuquerque is the BOULEVARDE PLACE its most attractive suburb, where you can take life easy and make money in small farm ing if you wish while you are renewing your health and vigor. Beautiful Building and Garden at from $50 to $100 each, or two and one half acre farming tracts on easy terms. Lots Telephone us and our auto will call for you, or see any real estate dealer in town for plats and prices. Suburban Realty Company, Owners TELEPHONE 899 OFFICE ROOM 3, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. PREPARATIONS NOW BEING MAD E ho a guild one and illl take surclv. The boys will decorate I heir uiachiiif s, too, for there will be prizes for thepi." .Mi. i , oi ill tit 'b had many "I'irr si i'e h'llits ..bout the parade on 1 1 : .i M il.l 1:1 ions, but said be Wanted to sa son, i i f bis thunder for m xt time. ILLUMINATION Force of Electricians at Work - Placiir Sockets All ' Over Alvaracio Hotel' as Prelimin ary to - Beautiful Display, PROPOSE TO STUDY BOX NG BOUT Meeting Clovis of Heavyweights at on September 28th May Develop Genuine White Hope, (Sperlnl Corrrannmlrnre tu Mnrnlng JouronU Clovis, X. M., Sept. 2',i. Interest is keen in the ten round boxing match to be staged here before the Coyote club on Saturday nlsht, September iSth, between Cass Tnrver, the Anson, TexaB, heavyweight, and John Wllle, of Chicago, who calls himself the "de stroyer of white holies." Willie is doing his training for thu l.oi.t at Porta les. fifteen miles from here. Only recently lie completed a siege of hard training for a eont"t with Jim Nelson at Sparta, Wis., but called off that bout in order t" come to Clovis and meet Tarver, who as pires to the white heavyweight cham pionship of the win Id, and who thus far In his brief career has been unde feated. W'ille is a big man physically, and has fought some of the best heavy weights in the country, lie expresses confidence in his ability to put Tarver away inside the ten round limit. On the other hand. Tarver. who is train ing as he never has for a previous bout, d-clares that Wllle will meet hiu Waterloo on the HSIh, and be forced to take the count before the end of the contest. Wllle expects to weigh 21" pounds the night he enters the ring, while Tarver will probably tip the scales at The big new arena, which partially collapsed under the Immense crowd last month, and slightly Injured two or three people, is being rebuilt anil enlarged, and will be fully insured i-v the owners againtt accidents of any character. Klght fans from vario-is parts of the state are already com'-ig in. and Judging from the lame nuinb-r of seat reservations being received by the Coyote club, the unusual enthusi asm leltiir displayed by local busjness men In the Snio-it-Tow ns fight on the 2ith, and the "pumpkin fair, rop ing, trotting, races on the Preparation tor one of the most sulking and beautiful sights of the state1 fair were begun yesterday by a big force of electricians, who com menced work preparliiK for the elec tric Illumination of the Alvarado ho tel. Kor several 'years past the Santa l-'e has outlined this building with electric lamps all along Its northern and eastern facades. The result Is brilliant and pleasing. The display Is one of the best shown at the fair, and the arrangement's repetition tills year is a distinct triumph for the fair of ficers, for it has been found that the Illumination causes a great deal of trouble through the workmen crack ing the roof tile and en using leaks. Ii costs fevcral thousand dollars lo put up the display, as much more to main-1 tain it during the fair, and about tlu same amount to take it down and re pair the roof, so that II can be easily seen that the Santa l-'e does a gener ous thing In making II. ILLUMINATED AUTO PARADE TO BE A REAL SUCCESS Committee Spends Busy Af ternoon Yesterday Soliciting Prizes and Entries and Meets with Hearty Co-Operation. FIVE FIREMEN ARE EXAMINED FOR BETTER JOBS Engineers Being Made at Rapid Rate by Board of Examiners Who Are Here for Three Day Session, MiiBlneers, or what is pracllcnlly the same thing, fiieioeii who are com petent to become engineers, ale being tunic. I out at a rapid rale by the ex amining board which is In session here. The board met yesterday for the first session, and will examine two other classes before Its member re turn to their homes. It Is composed of l-'rank Union, of San llernardlno; Ccoruc A n.b-r.soii, of l.a Junta, and Charles Jlrd, of this city. Mr. llyr.l Is mad foreman of engines for the Santa l-'e here, and tin- others an- con nected with the me. hani' il deparl icent. Mr. (Iiilnn Ik accompanied li his wife. , ' ' The i-xh ill Ilia I Inn consists of a num ber of oral and written ipiestlons re lating to train liandliiiK, orders, me chanical matlers, the car- of a loeo mollvn and other lllln-; necesHury. Thou- who were examined yester day were Frank Hoatright, l-'red Male. .1. II. ilaviile, )-'. l:pps and U. J. Kllin W'ood. Today the board will examine I:, C. Zimmerman, Fred Ciimmlngs, .lean .1. Itobells, lieolge Patterson and A. Ii Stewiirt. Tomorrow 's class has not he settled upon, 1 ut likely w ill include I.. A King, Arthur Caddis, "Hed" Me.uil leii, and poslby two others. A S OF NEW MEXICO Work lo be Undci taken Jointly by United States Geological Survey and the State Engineer. (Sl.erlHt rurrin.1ni-e I" Mnmlu .Idarnnl! Santa 1-V. X. .M., Sept. '.','.- As a re sult of I be action of the recent session of the lei-isla I in e III appropriating I ' inn i a nn nn Uy for studying the sti'eani flow of New Mexico (one of the niosl valuable of the stale's resources), co op, ration has been effected between the stale engineer, James A. French, aetin;? on behalf of the state of New .Mexico, and tin- I'lillcd States geologi cal survey. Ily this co-operation the work Is to bo carried op under the general nupei'vlslon of the State engi neer and the Inniieillal.i supervision of I he 1 tilted Stales geological survey, using the standard methods of the laller oi'ganlv.allon, A new office has been established by the I'niled .Stales geological survey in the capltol build ing at Santa l-'e, In charge of (!, A. (iray, assistant engineer. KncordM wi the following si renins are being compiled: Animas, at Aztec; Arroyo Hondo, near Arroyo .Hondo; liluovvater, near Hluewaler; Cameron, at Ft. liayald; Cameron, near Hurley; Canadian, near Logan; Canadian, at Hell ranch; Chico Kieo, near Kuton; Cimarron, ut t'le Park; lielaware, near Keel llluff; Cal linas (S. Flo.. LI Porv.-nlr; (ilia, near I'eil P.. ick : illla, near Silver City; Horn, near ('million; l.ambrlght draw, mar Santa l:ita; Lake McMillan, near l.altewood; La Plata, at l.a Plata; Mlmbres, near Fa wood; i'ajarlto, near llanley; Pecos, near Anton Chlco; Peons, at Cowb-K; Pecos, near Mayloli. Uayailo. at Abren's ranch near Cimarron; Itayiulo. near Abreu's ranch near Cimarron; l:lo Colorado, above yuestii; Km Colorado, below tjucHla; Itlo liraiide, near Hickman: j Klo l.a I. nit, at l.a Lux; Kio l.ucero, near Taos; Itlo Pueblo de Taos, I.os Cordovas; Itio Pueblo do Taos, nenr Taos; Itio Puerco, at Itlo l'uel'co; Kio Pnerco, at It Joya; Itlo Tularosu, near Kent: Klo San Antonio, at San A. It. S.; Itio Vallecllos, at Vallecltos; Hull Francisco, near Allium; San Jose, nt Suwanee; Kan Jtinn, near liloomflcld: San Juan, near Shiprock; Stephens, near Ft. Ilayard; t'nu del Onto, near Katun: I'te creek, near Lofcan: AVhia key, near Hurley; Whitewater, at Hur ley; Whitewater, near Mogolloti. The data obtained from the. fore K lug stations will furnish Informa tion of especial Importance lo Irri gation enterprises, putting future pro jects of this kind on a firmer basis regarding the avaihihlo water supply. As there are valuable water power sites In the statu which will be de veloped as the murketii for power are created, the records of stream flow will be of Importance in this connec tion. This will also be used In connec tion with plans lor flood control and pre ventlon. Pa the Weekly. Crystal. VBVp' H .Hi AN KXTHKME CASii Jack How very easily Kilty gets era karma-ietl. Ever tiutic It? Fred Oh I my. y. Why stiu'd blush crbnuun If tlie saw a 1)1 1 of undresstJ luuibvr. It seems that this year, when ev erything else Is going forward at a most satisfactory ml; the b.-.-t Il luminated aulii parade that was ever h Id will be xlven Wednesday night of fair week. This parade is to be a real one. a suceessf til one in every sense . ff the wold. The committee in charge. Sol pen ianiln, A. W. (loodiieh ami Jay Hubbs juit In a busy allernoon est-rday soliciting price-, and mi l with uniform sicoc-s. i There will be prizes enough to offer! one for almost every sort of tm.i bin -driv. n. for the best decorated, best il luminated, best exhibit made by a woman own.-r and coiinilc-s others. And tin- ears will be there to gel them. The committee lias a list of all the agio owners in Die city rfnd vicin ity and Is going after each one per soiiallv. II time permits, to K"t tli -m linto -.he parade. In ili-. as-onu the affair yesterday. Mr. (ioodrieh said: "The atito parade has been a joke in former attempts. This our w.- are out to make It a suc cess in every sense .if the wonl. We Haul a real auto parade. It is time that this tiling of having Iv.o cars ciiim- down the street burning spark b rs and (hen having i-vi i vlmily go home, was put to an end. 1 wotil-l-i'l va Ik across the slreet to see such a l!i' lit- and neither would von. I "What we WHnt is a real parade. running and cow boy 'well oiKanized, coming down the 27th nn,! 2Mb I "lovls 1 st I'-et all at one time. In a parade will contain the largest crowd e cr rmation. Ann this year the coni-asf-. mbled in the new stale, on the i mittee is going to get It or bust a h"in- nlght of the Tsrver-Wllle Hunt. Try a Journal Want Ad. Results Sinn-- That s all there Is lo that. "We have already promises of neur Iv (o niotorcvcle t. be in Hrr- f r this parade. That feature is (joins I1 r v. ii When you open a Blatz bottle there will be satisfaction and health in store for you and yours. Partake of it as freely as you like, you cannot help but have faith in its merits as an honest, delightful beverage of rare tonic properties. It should be in your home- for hospitality's tcll sake, at least. Phone for a case. 'lvO &&Tfi ' Di.tribt.r. W . Copper Avt. Albuquerque, R.