OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque morning journal. [volume] (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1903-1926, October 21, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84031081/1912-10-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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IS; Mall, 50 Cents
u Month; .single Copies 5 oonla.
Ity C arrier. (Itl rent Montll.
Piosidcnt Issues Statement
Showing Conditions are Bet
ter Than Ever Before in His
tory of American People,
Facts Cited Indicate That All
Industries are Thriving
Scarcity of
Labor is
ll Nomina Imiriiiil Nnniiil IjmiumI Wire.
lloveliy, Mush., Oct. 110. President
Tali tonight issued a statement pre
ilirijiijf republican victory next month
miiiI declaring It "obvious that either
thv republican or dcinocra tie nomi
nee will ho eleeteil." II- says it is
an open secret that "the third party
does not expect success."
The president reviews business con
ditions which he Hay are unpi ecedont
edly pinnperotis and asserts the ho
lier that Hoher judgment of the voters
will continue present conditions. The
sUitetnont rends In part;
"FIfty-lwo jears ago scccders from
the union thought they Were lacing
a divided north, and would win an
cus victory. There had been division
mnonK Hie loyal people, hut all unit
ed iii lace of Ihe eomnion danger.
Then II was said hy hostile erities that
thu slilp of stale was drifting. It
drifted -yes. Willi Lincoln at tno
helm, from the reel's of secession and
Hill very Into the placid waters of.
union and liberty. I
"I'luler Lincoln's tsucccssiirs li has,
sailed on, propelled by the winds of
prosperity, save when il vovugo has:
been halted by just such a visitation
of storm and HtreSM, nt tl"il protection
sails und broken ' business bulkheads,;
as we are now threatened with, should
Baltimore supplant Chicago, which it
did no, in IMiU and will not In 1 i 1 li .
"The- republican party lias had a
difficult, if unsuccessful tank, in I
teaching the democracy its mistakes,
so far as it has been taught; but some-
how the obstinate pupil conn's lor
ward every four years to be taught
ana ill. '
"I am fclud to say, however, that I
many (Icniocl'als have Icarnol their
lesson well and are refusing to leave
Ihe lli'iii ground of prosperity for t he j
tiuagmii'c of business illsruptinii, trade I
depression and commercial and Indus-I
trial depletion. .From all parts of thej
country assurances are coining Ihnfj
Ihe democrats intend to vote for the!
republican candidates and a continu-
aiuu nl prosperous ousiiuns
litum anil iiKalnst the program of
economic confusion and socialistic
subversion .of our institutions. sup -
polled by the tleinocrittie cantliilales
ami Iheir allies. Democratic workiiiK ;
men refuse to he Ictl from the taotory I
and uooil waHes of 1 1 - nrieK to un
tleiiiocrui le hard times of 1IS!):!-S7.
"Dt nioeralit- business men feel the
same way.' They know that when in-1
dtistrles languish their business lan-i,f
iiiislies. too. DrllliiiH. well let ine
ulanee at some of the drift. Our,
hoine market has
tuui, lino, oun in I'vt-'
drilled from ','.
to Oini. nan, uimi
a bad drift, that. Ami it is this
magnificent home market without
ctiial In the past of present, that the
democrats propose to dismember and
ilisoimtnlze, ami invite every nation In
the world to prey upon, while those
s niilions ket p the barriers to their
own markets just as hit;li as they
Please. .,
"Then look at our foreign trade. A
favorite, democratic argument is that
r, publicum! build up and cultivate the
home market at the expense of our
fori'lun commerce, when the fact Is
th u the growth of fort-ten trade has
almost kept proportionate pace, with
the done stic, from I .ooo.ooi'.tiliil ilii
1X7(1 to 1 1. 0(1(1, (ion. nun in 1HI. j
'Our exports for the last year
uiuoimii-,1 to lM ro,:Us,:tt'i of which
J HT l.:!0,!io.'! wire manufactures ready
for consiimptloi), the larnest export;
tratle antl the larmst proportion ol
uiamifa, lures ready for consumption
the country has ever known.
"The A ni.rte,,,! manufacturer und
the American worker would not have
1 1 1 1 , i h spirit li ft for invading the for-I
eli;it market if deprived Ity a ileum-1
i litt. c tariff for rivtiiiie only" of the!
best iitiirkei of all. more than etna! in I
pui cbaiii(. power to all P.urope, the'
home market which thev now control.!
thanks to the republican protet tiv
Iji iff.
' A it 1 1 this uh)reeiiciiteil trow Hi of
our foreiKn trad. is ne, omiianietl by
xpitiisioii hs tinprecfilcnted in our
home trade from nn- end ,,f the coun
try to th- other. It Is not sudden
inflation but a i;ratlunl advance. Ail
industries ar. htiininini; and there is
work at Kttod tt Hitt'it f. r all v lt, iti e
lllili to wolk. Ill the IMtshuruh
I'siiit t sloiie. 1 iiiitleiiHiiil that th
re i
is work for al least Jfi.ttint work, i
in -X, ess of th' p,Ulr,'.i- a V a I I.I I-!.'.
"Pusiness. wholt-Kiile antl retail, I
tothe n,J -r..f ittile. f.r the p.-ople i
have money with which to buy.
"The tiuestldii for the Aniciieuii vo
ter Is whether tills condition shall
continue and the nation shall Ko for
ward to even re:st"r :rosperlty.
"Tile farmers are enjoying ,nu
greatest prosperity in the experience
of American agriculture.
"At present the steel Industry,
coiumnnly regarded as the barometer
of business, Is driv en to Its utmost ca
pacity, witli orders far ahead for steel
rails, (ither industries ale equally ac
live and, altogether, national condi
tions were never so prosperous and
promising, provided the American peo
ple decide to apply to their political
choice the same good Judgment find
prudent foresight which they apply,
as a rule, to their personal affairs.
"As we come nearer to the day of,
election, it Is to be expected that 1he
intelligent voter will appreciate mure
keenly the responsibility which al
lachcs to his ballot. In national elec
tions at least, the ureal majority like
to feel that (hey are voting for a
candidate who has a chance of suc
cess. It is obvious that either tile re
publican or the democratic nominees
will be elected, and not to vote lor the
republican candidate i in effect to
help their democratic opponents and
the democratic platform of a 'tariff
for revenue only,' f remitted with direj
conseiiii'ii'-es lor too country, now
busy and prosperous under republican
"It is well known to every one, an
opi il secret on every sir, 'el corner,
Hint the third party docs not expect
"It remains to he seen how many
republicans are willing to ussist in
completing the demoralization of the
republican party and handing the
reins id' government over to the demo
crats, to gratify mere desire for re
venue. 1 believe that the republican
part.v, will be found as a whole, too
patriotic, too loyal to its principles
and its traditions, too just in its atti
tude toward public servants, whuiii it
lias entrusted with duties faithfully
performed, to commit hara kari in the
form and for the objects Indicated."
President Gomez Reported to
be in Clash With General of
Army; Rurales are Active
Partisans, .. .
(fly Uitriiing .Itiitrnitl Sprt'litl t.t'ie.rtl Wirr.
Havana, t it-1, li . The Cuban irt-s-itienlial
canipalLsn is 1 ,citn 1 1 in more
acute, ii is reported that President K.
tiomez eontemplates a proekt ma I ion
declaring himself itetively in coin-
imiml of all the armed forces in place
of .Major I leneral MoutetiKuedo, who
Is reported to have proffered his
This is taken as iutlical ing a lack1 of
actortl between the president ami the
general, it belli;; asKcrlci,- by the co.
st'ivativ fs I hat the president Intends
tti throw all his influence in favor of
the candidacy of Allretlo Jiayas.
Ccncral .Mario Menoc.tl. conscrva-
Uivo tandidate for the presidency, and
other conservative lenders held a con
ifer, in e today with President tiotue.,
! protesting against, the retlrcinciit of
iileiieral .Monteamit tin, after w hich thu
! president wu 1 t )orteti to have saitl
,,, n n it. M t(1, ,,f rellevluK ( ien-;
u jiont,..,,,.,, ,,f iijN , niianil or
,,f llf-suMiinK personal coinniaml of the ,
reiterated, however. Ills i
: ,ieterinlnation to take all iiu asurcs to
j insure it fair ami peatclui election,
AllcKations of parlistin iittiluile of t h o
rural Biinrds come from inanv parts
the island and ill t onseiiuencc tic -
taehiuclils of rt'KUlar troops have been
sent to various places to assist lit pre-
scrvintj order.
The Cuban seeretarv of lb
ior, Setior J.ttretlo llrua, whose
partmeiit is vestetl Willi the control of
the rural nuartl and the rt'KUlar army,
tendered his resignation toiiifihl ami
insist,-,! upon its act cplu nee. He is
charged by the cojiscrv ttl ivcs wiin
favoritism for the Zayaistas.
l.cHulrittei'. Albtrtu, Oct. L'll. The
seventh Intel national dry fartniiiK
coiiures, culled for asst'iiibly ill
brlitec. October l!i-iti. Is now
for the
openiiiK ceremony to be pt
bv I.leuteiiiint liovtiiior I'.ul-
vea. of Alberta, tomorrow.
Dfh'KHtf'S fi'om all ttarts of
antl Hie Ptiited States r, it,rt
tb-ii t;i t tons from the t'orciei
tries, Prazil, Chile. I'crsia,
( 'an., da
tl. with
conn -Turkey.
iiusia, Mcxiet) iind
vtry pint of tin1
w olid.
Dr. A. W'idtsoe, iiitti liat ion
tl.nt. pointed out that tlrv
1 picsi
of mois
ilillllll at the eonscl'V ttt ion
tare lor crop purposes was
est to e ery eotiiitrv where
cuiturlsl holds place.
of int
the .'n:ri
(d'-n, Ptiin, o
ov crnor
niha na,
Thomas I:. Marshall,
democratic candidate P
tb nt. pas!" ,1 t In ouu h h
route to s.tn Francisco
1 li e
V etl
s he
Will Select a site for 1 lit- Itl'llHllit Stllt'
b, tit, lip., at the Panama Pacific t-x-
(i.ovt-rnor Marshall also s. lit.,i,,letl
to ieli vtr s.-v-ral s..-e, h.- in tli ln
lerest of his party while on the Pa-
ific coast.
Sends Message to Commander
Trucv Aubert of Gaiiison
That He is Coming After Now
Field Glasses,
However, Defenders Number
But Few Moic,' and Their)
Loyalty in Case of Battle isj
Not to be Relied Upon,
lly Mtil-liili! .l.itirinil SimtIhI l.fafil Wlrr.l'
PI Paso, Tex., Oct. ja. "I under-!
stand you have a new pair of field I
glasses and I am coniiiig after them," I
was the inessaKc received early to.-lay j
by (leneral Trucy Aubert. federal!
commander at .Inure., from Inez. Ha hi - j
zar. the rebel general, whose forces!
are surrounding tno noruer inwii. i m
federal commander Is said to have lost
his binoculars in the recent battle of
Villa l.ope-., and thai the (lasses were
found by Snluzar.
Ill urine, of the tlU'ealciied attack
on Juarez. Attorney Home. Kobelo,
revolutionary representative iicre, at
once sent a message to Sulnzar, warn
ing thu rebel chief 1ml to al ack Juarez
under liny circumstances for fear of
arousing difficulties with the I'ultod
Juarez was the scene of the final
biilile of the .Matlcru revolution wh
bullets .showered over the American!
City of lil X'aso. A board of army olfi- j
i , , s appointed by congress to iuv esti-j
Bute the ekiims of those injured on I
Anioricau soil during the buttle of i
j mi re, is ill present engaged in an in-i
v cstigal ion lure. II was Uobclo'.s idea!
lo avoid any repetition of thinner to j
Americans on American soil. j
The rebel forces today moved to j
the lUo liramle, opposite the I'll I'aso i
smell er
J uureK.
lo the
of the
(:! fed,,
. and within three miles of
They came from I'.uuchcti
oulh of Juarez. The streiiKlh
rebel force is not tlelinitely
hut should not exceed ."din
Juarez is defended by just
litis, all but 10- of whom were
forced into service and II Is
believed can not be relied upon. It is
ill there is no artillery In town, all
having- been removed by (leneral
llut-rita when he was recalled to
.Mexico City.
.Money in Juarez banks was remov
ed to thu American side, but Hun
day afternoon found a la rue crowd
of American sifiht eels in Juarez,
while the natives were eiiterlaiued
Willi a bull 1'inht,
Itebel troops recruited ami armed
on American soil have bcnun lo cross
into Mexit Ki'otip or lifts men
filtered late todav al l.elea, X. .M., a
few miles west of Ml I'aso. Shortly
alter, llclieral Steevef despatched two
troops of the Second cavalry lo march
in all husle aloii Ihe bonier of .New
Mexico. t iryaiiizalion of other bands
at various points on Ihe bonier Is n -
poll etl.
Several humlrcd I
bel troops have
inovt tl lo the river. lusl
Their eaiiip fires may
test of J na rcz.
be seen from
the American sitb- i
j rebels coiuposinn a
proa. In , I so close
iiinhl that they wei
.oral outposts.
tear Kl Paso. Ten
scouting parly tip-
Jiiarcz late lo
apluretl by fed-
Keeelit a, llvily of re
lives her,- is believed
connect ion wit 11 Ihe a nl h
on Juarez..
Tnclimnm Roti iiiit mi
I t o 1 1 1 1 1 u i v ui-ui iii.c. u i I
of Anna Lopizo is to be Pre
sented to Juiy During Pres
ent Week,
I .
vtitmina; .loiirinil iiftiitl l'tiM'tl ttirr.l
Salem. .Mass.. Oet. Uli. ---Distill t At
torney Atwill ,li,ns this week to rush
the prosecution ,.f Joseph Kttor. At
turo ( iiov a nnitt i ami Joseph Caruso,
members of lip- ml usiria I Workers of
the U'oiitl. on li
m iii'dei of A li lift
tive. ulilinK
When court
It lore testillloliv
otrie. IS of the .
flitpiov.-H ami
,al h. re for the nlb-tcd
l.opizzo, a mill opcr.,-
lllf I awieuec l- Xlile
ibv . lie
Will be present
-it of. Pavvrene,
I by
mill t
ojiiclnls who had to
lisliirbanccs atlelnlalil
ileal with 1 1
upon the miii-iri
ailftl last w inter
Thus far no l
Mi nted relating t,
I Warfare w libit pt'e-
t.liioliv tins be. -n pre
the n t, ml filling ol
th- v, om.-ti
the .0111 icon w ea It Ii liav
tslablish that llllor and
-..us. ,1 tic- strikers to ,ID-
orders during which Anita l.opizzo lost
lol life. Caruz.. is chargo'l with be
ing a pttmipiil in Ho- intunl l-,triK
bel r, presciila-1
to have stiuic !
ipaletl attack
immiuciit at
in u m
llnitf.l States Cruiser Dcs
Moines Arrives and General
mmiifuii ni
Felix Diaz Confers With CapPOUCE ESCORT FROM
tain Charles F. Hughes, I HOSPITAL TO TRAIN
Engagement is Not Expected loj
be Fought Within City Be-j
cause of Danger to For-!
I If
Mm, din; .liitoieil Nlireltll l.rnril Wlr I
ra t'ruz, itel. u. The l ulled
S cruiser Dcs Moines, ill colll-
j Vert
j States
I niaiiil
- si ea mi
! niKht.
,f r.tptain ''Hul l' s I' . llufUo s,
I into this port tluiiiiK the
An officer from Hie warsh p
lieneral l''ellx Diaz this moin-
! v isit, il li
I iu and
: bt half itl
arrtniKctl an in
j Di.i
' wh
llo ii advanced to
the American c
the lies Moines
apl.'lin anil Ihe
dl held a lonu
of which lias
leader of Ihe new rev
confi renct-, I he na I urt
not been iliVUlKcll.
While the Diaz revolution sis led
the city anil the fetlt rals have take
nit i.osilioiis on Ihe ontskli I s lie"'
" has been no eomlriif together of lb
e, i
forces. The t'celiue.
ot'elUU re.slllellls I
biy relieved by the
Moines, and II is ,
that .1 battle, if it
place beyond the
i a moil
las be -II
a'lival of
is follj'11,
city I i i ti -
I consider!
! the Dcs
J probable
; will lakt
The (1
I to M, i
erinan anil llussiau ininislers
,,. who arrived lu re on the
' steamer
SeriiKanein. 1 , f I today lor
; .M exico ( 'i I v on a spe
j plied by (leneral Diaz,
and KiiHsian consult)
; them pa i t of I he wy
,: l ist niehl h"lween t.''
' I'liioa I'm i, a man
I il train sup
The (leruiau
Iraveletl with
. In the flriiiw
e.uilbtit.ls end
op. Inline; the
j M'arehllahl on a Kiinboat. wtis klllctl.
The Ward liner Seruuancla on her
larilvai veslertlay was warned by Coin
! mod'oi'e ,V,tieta, In command of Him
jetmboats still lovnl lo Ihe .Mexl in
Kov t rnnienl, not to discharge its car-
no. Today Captain
steamer, was ordered by
lo unload an,) declared
of thane, so. It has on b,
aiiitnunlllon for lb"
which. If landed, will
f Ho
lieneral Din?
his int nl ! in
iril arms and
government, I
be sei'.e.l bv I
rest ecu lei .- in
. Azileln .'III l
i it'll' ra I Diax. ' 1 n-.i I in t
the altitude Commotio
'assume in conneiiioii with (lie .lis
! charge of the cai":o and vv hit I mea
sures will be adopted by the D --i
Two other .American warships are
t'Xpt'c Ital to rein-h lu re al. any tim.
The Spanish consul has sent out w'i'.
less messages to pissing slounnrH to
proceed here lo Ink
subjects ill case of ;
A Iva ratio, a m;m,r
milts south of Vol"!
lured last ntehl hv
e ,'l boa I'll Sp.ill'sll
bombard lit
poll about Ihirly
( 'I nr., was ea I -.Major
Z, rape, 1
fev id nl lona ry officer.
Tuxpain. 110 miles northwest of
Vela I 'I'll., has tb e I a l e,l ill I i v or if
the i volution. Ihe ti ill hori' I, a I!, ,.'.
together with US li veterans a'ld : .10
aruied v olunlcers, taking p il l In the
movement. I
The rebel ireiie ra Is. Auuilar a id
llelallav,. at-,, loo.ill.d lo be III I , t 1 1 1 U
from the north toailack ( ien, ra I Pt I -
trail's fear. Ileltrau lias I'.Oiin nnf
around Vera Cruz, while the rev t 'u -
lionisls have more Ihan I. Soil vv il h in
II ity anil I'.niui with ( iene a Is
Afiuiiar and Delallavc.
A ionium llmi has arrived
to take off Herman subjects in fane
of bolli bit I II III. -I , I .
The soldiers of the Tvveiil v -llrst
I ail 1 1 ii I i 1 1 ii mnrisoiiiiit! port liitoa, lo
leatetl on an islitml in Die local harbor,
j today revolted ami jo'tud the rcvtilu
i Poiinry forces of I'tiix Diaz.
I The Kiiuboats I'ti. vti ami .Monies
opened fire on i he ' refugees, killim;
several and w iniiulim; olhers. Tin
sohlit rM of Port 1 Inn. t ,, risen re
malni'tl iiitii, nfu'lii;; to return Ihe
lire of their com i ntles.
Th,. situation is . si'cii.illv seiious nl
Port lilloa. used a- a pciiHcml.il'. .
liltil Ihe lire was o t iled bv tb,
Prat,, ;,n, Morclos. alier the tb solium
tb the Harrison at port liiiou. it was
difficult to iiinl. i -sta ml the iiltit inle ot
the uunboats. t 'ommotlo! e Anicia.
com in., ml in,; the warships still loval
lo the not el nniclil . kel Ills euiiSiiml
s. a rt lilit; his tiiiimd in' fssanHv on (In;
city, allowing
twecn II, bo,
Felix Diaz
I shor,-.
files OplillCS
I I'
1 c- j
Mill j
rdint; his chalc'
. let ,1 .'
lielit. T,
lit and
I l'e with
rev olui ioiui ry 111,0
'. - aul that Ihe olili
t I
ine KtlliOoatM In !
1 hat t 'ominodo! .
bim a
iait proiiiise
Cllellglllg llis
I lo 10
mill. I 1
111 Pis torees, tail v
t the last moment
ten, en! was op, 11
asketl wily bu
nt,! fire on the
J. lie I'n I 1 !.' z sa id
W holly llltltee, s
il would be e
tlls.tble the boats
before the Dll'Z 111
ly launched. Wh.
sboie batteries d'l
!.'le;, I wiirship-.
that tois would I.
ary. I!.- r.-i' thai
irem.lv foolish t.,
A II jeh
his tin
will . 1 1 1 , -1
he d.illv s.
(Continued I'ns" t, f L S.)
?Km s
Hln UialtH Ml
Slight Setback Due to Over
Exertion on Saturday Does
Not Alter Plans for Jouiney
Force of Detectives Will Accom-
t-t . i A i i
pany raiient aim rviomueis
of Paity as Far as Indiana
State Fine,
lly lrtlillM .iMltrilill SptM lnl litHrtl ll' I
' CIllcaKo. (let. U. Colonel Koosc-
I'vflt's sllKht setbatk. from liavini:
j ovc r-t xerlcd himself In rcet iviiu!
'friends v, steitlay. will not prevent his
: tlepjirture for oyster Hay tomorrow
' mornlnit. Ills physicians admitted Itl
i the'r mm nliu; bulletin today Unit Ihe
j patient hail suffered trout his eer
I lions vt'slerdav ami Ihey appetiletl lo
I the imblle to aid Iii perfect rest ft r
i him. Their bulletin follow s ;
rview on i 111:1)1 a. m. l'lilm- and tenipera
(leneral I ture normal. The patient continues to
; llllpl ov e, I olotlel Koosev en
I i.uiiat I mm ovel'laxliiK
tlist halKc
lions of
We hate
A i t . i u t'.
send him
There is solllevvllill more
from the wound, but coiull
thc injury are satisfactory.
Issued orders for absolute
incuts have been lint i It' lo
home. beli.vllIK conditions
wa rra nl
t Ibis time, jllhoiicli II
salt lor him lo be under
for the in I ten days.
be a kindness if Ins
the public would assist
him absolute rest anil
next w ci ' or ten days.
lli'i; DKA.V r.KVA.V,
will be hot)
surgical eait
Il would
friemls ami
in a llov inc.
tiii, l for th,
Dll. J. H
Dli. All'
. Dl!
A I. ION AND I'll! 1. A .Ml! Ill IT,
ScrilliY I., TllltltlOI.I..
eveiiiiiK i.nolher btillelln was
is folbiws:
p. Ill, Pulse 12: 1 "III peril I llt'e
spiratioti Is. Illood count tint
'tn lal condition KOotl; resplra-
: s. i;
lory inov
vondii ion
ineins comforlable. l.ellelal
Justifies his leaving the hos-
pilal fol nvstcr ll.'.v.
advisable, In order t
hut It Is deemed
lessen tilt.
he w av
isibillty of ciinipllcn Hons,
shotiltl no I be dislill'hcil
t ml
vv i 11 not be a How
.(I It
' in
cur. Mile, lie will h
Alexander Lambert
rharnc of
I r. Sctir-
I ir.
I rv
P. Terrell.
Stencil i
.lollX II. .Ml' It PI IV,
S. I.. TKIiliKI.I..
All al laliHellients art' complete for
Colonel Koosevcll's ilcparture at 7;.'lii
o'clo, k loiuoriow. when a bin aulo
niob'lc will draw up in the court .van!
of the hospital. The block Will be
cleared of people and pollctinen will
he on Ihe low iooIh of adjolnlii'.;
. Colonel Kooscvcll will wear heavy
clolhinij ami sit in a wheel chair,
vv hit h will be low t rcl In a private
elevator fr'hn the third floor lo tin
unuind level nnil whet led I" the an
I'toinobile. lie will be bundled up nil
runs ami driven slowly to the station
A private entrance to Ihe train floor
wll be Kinirdeil by policemen, tin, I the
streets for a hundred feel t il her way
Will be closed.
Attendants will entry I,
vv h
'chair down to Hi., train shed
w il
1 i 1 1 the chair to Hie level of
. car
tii i
. slep. so that Colonel Koosevelt
j slep into the Irani. .Mlaelicl I,
a'emilar Main will be Hie col,
j pi iv a If car, ami another for III.
p eliiiK eon espomlenis I pliyslt
I'Col I and Mrs. Koosevelt.
Ihe '
'.Hit I. Tlieodore. Jr.. ami
.Mrs, I,
wolill Will oeellpc III, colonel's c.l r.
I Dr. Alex, Hitler l.aiiib, 1 1 and I n . Tcr
' i , -1 1 . Hie colonel's physicians, will be
uiiaiicred with the newspaper nu n in
jlhe see I. A bell cord will be III'-
tranced so that Hie patient Horn his
I bed can summon Hie pliv sieians al
lllliv lime. The doctors. Mis. House-
c( ami the i
be the nurses
It rs the pi
ilnoimh Xew
ol i
ill llle
sen I
I take
I, I se
cv elt
II li
, i tvst, r
I '.a y.
The blood test
llle patient's I''
lent. o It.,.',. ,
i '..I.e.. I Koos)
, excel-
W as til k en I o,i. i v j
I to l In- opel alitn;
i for a la-t -ray I
photograph. I, i which Hie doctors cx-p
peel to Hole Whelller Hi, t 11 It- s pi'
o in in; Ihe bullet lias pi, li t
I ar eiiouuh thai Hie missile w III
hut e
I the
pen. I
I I'l
I to be tin list awav lion
I br,
nil I h
till u I
rib. .Much
;tt in il v will
ppiiil .
cadv f,
, I
. 1 flu
. j w .1
ial pi
ea 11 Hons
l:,l Poo-
for llle pt,
v . lt w bell
W'-lc iilillO
llel Of P
I ion
.' 'I
rty hospitiil
AssHt;,lt t i
ntil, r
The ns
j4.:,,l thirty
1 K It., I d t 'olo
it. I lit
ni It
I lllcf
police will
who will
route from
!i H olm
, to.sev elt en I'o,
llle railroad
tlV' S VV ill VII
P.ISS.S the
;li,. I,
! A foi
j until
oMdlal to
e of ,1,1.
th.. li., iii
id him
I iii 1 ia ti 1
j The ,0S,
Itearlv cost
j was lived
I t.lllf lo,l.,v .
I loll
.. Itl,
A 1,
ot the hi
l,,i Poos,
pT el ision
-r.iy pli,
,-t thai so
11 his nr.-
r the first
graph vvas
.lined Ilia I
'lakell and flout litis it vvas b
the bullet lav on the outside of the
broken rib. t'util this photograph was
taken the phv si, lulls had been unable
to stale positlvelv whether it was on
the outside or Inside of ihe lib.
"We know definite thai the bullet
lies out' hie Ihe rili w her,, it can do
no harm." said Dr. I.anibeil. "It lies
ill such u position that I could teach
I In
pot precisely through a small ln-
cisioll. Should Oolollel Poos, -Veil (le
Mire lo have It removed .it i,nv lime.
It is a matter of his own preference."
t'olunel lioosevtlt ill, I not ililnk le
would ever have Hi,, bullet removed
When the dressing via,.; removed
from Ihe wound todav it was found
to be slanted will) blood nilnglei With
the discharge of serum,
"The discharge Is ft, mi the Ihtcrlot
infiltrated tract," said Dr. W. I :. Me
Canity. "In sit, h a cawc u Ibis while
corpuscles id' the blood ale , leo,,-.i I , d
over the surface of Hie wound to form
a protective wall, when the liillnmmu
tlon subsides permanent IK.sue beiitus
In Ki'inv to fill up the wound. The
While col pllseles dissolve tin, I ale dp
t ll.t I 'e, jis Sertl III."
Alter t'ololtel llooscvelt Is at llvslCf
Hay there will be little I eln .tt Ion in
the Ht rlit regime of the phvslclaiis for
it Wfek or ten tints. Colonel lloose-
Velt bcllevt'S, however, he will be able
to speak In .Matllstm St pi. ire Harden,
i New Vol'k, on October ;;. lie Indies
to make tdie speech lo summarize
.ill of his leasomt for st'ekiun' support
for the ptoKfesMlv e parly, ami has be-
jKini to plan an
lilt'llier In Ivvcni
I "I am koIiik
'wnv," he sHltl.
ioIiI.v Ihrcc word:
i,bli'es which lie can
v minutes
to the lilecliliH any
'even If I can opeak
s III! K M'l.Mis tiii:
hi i)iv; ici ri ;
.Milwaukee, Oct. ti. John Seliiank,
vv ho a t tempi etl to
Koosevelt, occupied hi
vv rili iik a nil re,,, Mm;.
A bo,.t w rllten by n
who a 1 1 , rw a i ds b, a nt
ea I I ieil ttll mi... sh.ua rv
. Inn,
today In
former conv ict
converted anil
rv work, vvas re
Arnold today for
handed (lie pris
colled by Sherdf
Sclll'allk. II was
oner. Seliiank perused n number of
the panes of the rclii'.loiis work.
It is nmlersiootl thai a t onshlor.ihle
portion of Sthrank'N wrilluu consists
of poctrv ami what prose he has
ground out Is of a rambling nature.
Four Brass Bands Play, Police
Act as Pallbearers and Fire
Department Automobile is
Funeral Car,
i it.
MornttiK .Ifiirinil Kt.fiitl l.niMftl M Irt.
"ill I no., 'Mi. . t lie I it 1 1 c t n I ot
Willie l!iif;h, the newsboy, who nave
h's crippled Icmt that skin mteht be
Krafleil lo the hotly of .Miss lOthel
Sinllh. thereby savlim her life, was
lichl here today and practically all
(,ary and many from sti rroii ndiiiK
towns nil, -n, led. The hiiihliuu was not
laillc eutlllllh to liecolllllloilille tile
crowd and the services were held in
the streets.
1'otir brass bunds plu.vetl. six police
men were pallbearers and a lire tle
paitnient a uloiiioblle was Ihe funeral
car, while a eoiiipanv of firemen cur-
i Id
Ihe Mowers.
which i
pass Ih
In the
w mm
u vv t
if Hit
Forty Seveiely Burned When
Flaming Motor Car Suddenly
Blows Fiie Comtnunicat -
i i -... i r i
ea 10 uasonne laiiK,
lit IhirtiiiiK .liniitiitl .St,. ial
Petit Inula, ('ill. ( let. -0.
soils VV lie scVel.it burned
I mobile explosion loi e to
I"1' ,hii-
1st Hie lit
tow 11. 'a
t i'le fill
owd nail
.bile will
,f .Mi
w ho
n u -
bill lied,
il about .,
had been
-'.-to. I
ri.l ,;. . .vl
I'lni-r chief
r .aiin
f Ihe Hi.
ill, 'III. I',
liomlcl to the lit,
, la
a ml la
Iii 0 I
iivv n j 1
ci- , I
atlaekcl the
c 1 ingii'slicr
foil, feet le
Willi 1
111 a V ,
ti,s till'
w hu h
10, s Moll. V
I I II P I 11 II' b .
and l.s,
at I lo' point
and ,
ell V ,io,
few lllol
til. iilc t
Ot II,, inc..
1 1 a 01 pled
0,1 I
.1 do
t , I e
ow,i ;
and ;
was swept by ;,
set, ral teison-1 w
III Hi" pa nio W hi'
Kvorv inns,, in
ng.ig' ,1 a ml ot h.
mom "I from S.m I
, Il
t.ihtiiia has
have been
1 nti.seo.
in '
d. II. an
to New
i. 1 son
i-Hil of Money XiagiiHtc.
ntiion. t et ;n. 1 iiniiet I : itl -
,11.1,1 f the house, has gone
x oi k wiih Mib,oi iiacs for
wanted btfoif ihe money
estig.t t tin; Cf.mtlllltee. AnionR
ocllaes is Si, id to be one fol"
Pock, fell, I.
it iliv
III. Mlbi
Discredited Boss of Bernalillo
County Fosters Plans to De
stroy Piesent Republican
County Oiganizatiou,
Proposes to Finauceampaigu
Independent of Chaiiman
Baca and Committee, or
Through Men of Own Choice.
Pliable to ousl I'llfevio Paca from
the I'luilriuaiiNliip of the rcptihlicun
county central committee and rcKdln
coiilrol of the county oi Kanizul ion by
the offer of $i.oui to Hit? slatf cen
tral t i.uiii, lltee. olu -half to go to Piit'a.
Prank llubhell has t ome forward will)
a selienif tn praetWMilly destroy Ihe
present re publico!, ciinnt.v ol'H'anln
t it in und rediice il wllh one of his
own chooslite.
The method adopted Is InKciiloiiM
enouKh to ii roust! admiration ill a bet
ter canst- and is simply lo take the
control of all finances for the ctun
paten from the executive coininlltee
and place II III the hands of a commit
tee which Will be composed of frlt'llllM
of lliihboll. Iiicldeiilally the scheme,
us devised, and In process of execu
tion, will be such u slur upon .Mr. I turn
ami the meinht is i,r the executive
conimllleo thai Its tleslAiiers believe
they will he forced lo rcslu.li nnil re
fuse In have even a nominal direction
of the caiiipateu.
As a priiinilna rv to the move, Juiln
10. A. .Mann tendered his reslKnallon
lo Paca us a member of the executive
coininlltee. In the recent strUKKle of
Ihe county republicans uK'Hnsi I ho
domination of llubhell, which was be
Knii prior, to Ihe statu convent Ion,
JutlH-i- Mann itllKiieti lilinself with th
n li ( l-1 1 til 'I it'll forces and Has placed on
the executive committee by Iluca, but
he wits never very militant In the
fteht and many members of the coni
m 1 1 tee IhtuiKht that his opposllloii to
Ills former political chief was only
hall'-hcarteil and Ihcv' claim that Hiib-
I sett lien t
events Justify their hiih-
Il Is now openly
claimed by 11
number of the aiili-lliihhe.il lepulill
cinis that Mann, as well as It. II.
i I I'll 1 1 IK, only obtained places 011 Ihe
commltlee for the purpose of work
ing for tile reliisl, Moment of lliibbell.
Al any 111 1 1, when the iitenl effort
to force paca lo resign 'n del'eatt,l
by (he positive refusal of linen lo ac
cept $ .Mi 11, in- niiy other sum, anil
slep out and by 11 unanimous vole of
Ihe central coininlltee to retain him,
Judge Mann promptly resigned from
tl Vettlllve coininlltee, mid on Kat-
jnrdny nlghl lasl met with l.oids II
In Ihe Inn., j fchl. tMiix Xoidhaus. Dnvltl Uosen
n an hour lOiwahl und P. o. Jaffa at which the
been placed 1 lalesl move lo eel lid of linen ami hla
ft- Isiipportf rs and substitute llubbiil men.
jus iiiilvo malingers of Ihe campaign,
Wits perfected.
This meoliio; followed one at re
publican Il t It 1 it 1 1 ttt rt f I'M between lltieil
and Ihe gentlemen who Inler met with
Judge .Mann At the lieaiiiiartiilM'
inci'liiig Paca staletl Hull sufficient
money inusl be deposited In the credit
of the fxecotlve coin 111 II I ee to meet
H e legitimate expenses of the cani
I aign. 'Ph I" retpiest was met with
H'e sit ti I .ti i"t t Ihat nollilng woubl be
ccntiiliuted unless lis distribution was
hit to a commltlee to be named out
side of Ihe regular executive commit
tee. This commitlce Is to hnvn the
handling of all funds contributed to
the campniKii in the county. It will
milt the ae, mints of the executive
mmitlec and pay or disprove bills lit
tt t it 111 1 1 v I'to it and thu members
f ihe executive iiulltee resented
llle Idea of appearing In'Tore the pilb-
hs as in - i v in, could not bo trimted.
I rim-it tOrci t,, handle the campaign funds anil Uti
- Folly pt r- 1 unci 10 Lave their expenditures ren
in an auto- Meld bv a sell -it ppoliiteti committee,
lay will, hlt vas pointed out thut every Item
1 Z.i it ma n, I , ' ,... lido 111 e would be open to thu
1 (iisp,., i i,ui of anv one nnil that every
'dollar received would bo accounletl
f,.r. The Hiibht ll people stood firm.
however, and declared they would nt
soli, it or contribute a cent to the
campaign fund unless their plait
I to.
Pact slated that lto tlfltl IJ
obliu.itt tl tho party to tho rx
of about JSOO for expenses anil
L. lie would ngreo to any suclj
whh h he saitl was designed only
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .' himself and the member
to It,,
the , e, iiilve committee, he would
the outstanding Indebtedness! out
his on n pocket and close tho ru
So I
1, beadtitiarlei s.
1 Chairniun Herbert W. Cl.11 k,
ienibuan statu lentral coin
has not Mtiearetl In the latest
f llubhell to retake control of
of the
mil tee
pohtnal affairs in liernalillo county,
hut as he wits especially active with
Senator Thomas It. Catron In tho re
cent effort to oust Itaia Bt the be
hest of llubhell, it Is generally believed
that the state committee Is at least
in sympathy with the present effort
to 1 (.pinHate ami disgrace the men
elected I'V Uo voters ft the cPuuty.

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