Newspaper Page Text
ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. YEAH So. VI. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1914, JllT lT Currier or Mall K) a, Month. Klllirlrt C'nple. Do, t ml.. 11. PROBLEM FACING j in is io io ! mm tii iiiiniiiiin : nr yu iu muunu AMI ST 0 ' , 1 W7ioW Hat Now? Look at the Journal Score Board and See Whll's at I use.' Is I 'intuitu Link III till' Jl ilny urn! see lor now ? Willi is II mi i mi second or thud '.' uriiul score board to- 'Otll'SClf. It Will MilVl NOTABLE ME Expcits Believe Wizard From Quaker City Will Pick "Chief' Bender or BrcsslerH ZtZ Today, RUDOLPH OR TYLER TO BE STALLINGS' CHOICE, I v "Miracle Man" Declares He ls;,'r Certain Bean-eaters Will Oithit Philadelphians Who ever Pitches, !' Huston, "it. 11. Clear skies f .mil i'im'I.'I' weather for t ho third . game was tin? prediction at tuiil- - night. At that lutiir more thsiii :t (MJ faux were In Hi"' I" front 'f th" pink I 'ox office, many of them sleeping mi improvised luils ! nf straw. ' ,t , 4 4' 4- ' 4 r HOMNIN JOUMNAL PfCUt LtAtlO Ht, Huston. Oct. II. Tin' Philadelphia Athletics and Itostnn Hraves. contend ing funis in tin- worlds champion tihlp husrball scries, rested here today ami tonight while the scene uf tin' coiitesls was shifted. Tin- ( hampinns of the American and National leagues respectively, will meet tomorrow and Tuesday at Fenway park Iti tin' third mill fourth Kami's uf the scries which began in Philadelphia last Friday, With two victories gained toward thr four necessary to obtain the world's title, the I'.o.ston team faced with riinfidi'iii'e the twit Kami's tit be jtlayi'il here. They had gone to Phila delphia with the odds against them In the appraisal of baseball followers gen. rally; they returned today to a tremendous I eception, favorites for the world's honors The Athletic, fighting with their Imck to the wall to defend the world's championship front a continuation ol the remarkable rush which brought aves to victory In III" .uuouai were outwardly still conliilent. ress.-il hope 'hi't 'If ;- would, I Jon lite trouble of asking your neigh- I bor Hinl save lilm the truublc uf re. iiielniiL Ins memory in older li answer your question. I The Intense Interest shown III llu "mid series score board has bd lip Journal to supplement lis service in cider thai the possible Infoi Illation may be Kb en the publie in the quickest possible time. In the re ports of the two Karnes so tar there has been a tclcKi'aph opera I or silting on the platform in front of the score hoard beside his Instrument culling out the plays Just as they weic dirk- is been Xpert score! tn keep lab mi everv hit, every error, every sinlen base, every small detail of piny in the ecu- test for the world championship. Hut this Is no) enough. Pillions of Die Journal are entitled to iiothlir Iism than the best, and that Is what they are koIiik to K''t. It has been mi ml many of the spei .'tutor j lose track ol who Is at the bat and i whii Is on base w hile the play Is go on. Frequently when you are in argument w ith out neiKhbor something happens I ha t gets by you and you don't like to be asliliiK ques tions about something that you are supposed to be keeping up on. lb-ginning ilh today's Kame 111" Journal will have In connection with ils regular score board service a illa- Klitm of the brlcl h till a system of lln wing eveiy feature of Ihe play that is going m. Yon w ill not have li ask who Is at bat or who Is on base. Just look at the Journal's score boa id and see for yourself 'Ihe telegraph instrument will be there on the platform, clicking out every plaV Ihe m in lilt that II lakes place, and the operator will sliolll thi'iUKh his nieKaphone Just what ll is. The scorer will be on hand to keep all the statistics fresh In youi mind. And in addition, the diagram of the held will Klve you all the nihil details that von want to know. Meet me at the Journal score board at 1 o'clock. EL PASO POSTAL CLERK CHARGED U1U lit li'.'iKUP.I t mli WITH BIG THEFT Clare L. Rogers Arrested for Alleged Stealing of $25, 000 From , First National Rank Registered Mail. . Slurry" MiIiiiiIh Speaks. 'W'Fare far from beaten yet. said "Stuffy" Aklnnis. "All We need Is n Utile hit once in a while. And We'll get those tomorrow'." JltnaKer StalliliKH, of the I'.raves, in ili."ClissitiK his pitchiliK possibilities fur tomorrow' thought otherwise. "It may be Tyler, or it may be Ku ilulh," lie said, "hut whichever it Is, 1 am .sure the boys will out hit their iiic)iicnls. And with the lieldiiiK we have shown, the result in certain." In answer to a question from an en thusiastic fan as to whether the llravi's were likely to take four sti'aiKht. the "Miracle Man" smiled anil said: "We've got a good team." The identity of Mitiuiscr Mack's choice fur pitcher tomorrow was the lenient ol' Kreatesi uncertainty lo niKht. Would he Bend the Indian, Hi inli r, batted from the box in the first name at Philadelphia, back to retrieve his defeat, or tdioose a yuuiiKster to btar the burden of directing almost a last stand? These wore the ,iiestioiis amoiiK thc crowds gathered about tin liutcl lobbies, llrcssler a Possibility. In event of ebiiidv dav tomorrow il was tli I,t MiiroiL.,,,. Alack would ered .sonic liielriM ,i. i... a ,, misMi I li I i t v : ers was taken iiniong the ynunKer pitchers llresslei considered most likely V MOSNIHa JOURNAL I'ICKl liiih mm ! i:i Paso, Tex., Oct. II I 'la re 1,. RoKers, clerk In the Kl I'aso postom licn, was placed under arrest today on complainl oharnini! him with the eni bezzh'iiient of f"'i' r Kistcrcd packaKcs !c.)iilnininK a total of $jr,,0(iil in cur rency. The money was bein sent by the Fust National bank of 101 I'aso to the Xatlonal Bank of Commerce at New York and was mailed Heptem- 'ber 2. Win n the pouch reached New Vork and the live packaKes were found to be missing th,. postoll'icc insiectors' ilepartmcnt, Austin, Tex., headquar Jpis, was nolified and inspectors im : nicdi.itt ly ib-tailed on the case. Short ly after the loss of ihe money became known, ItoKcrs took h leave of ab sence, pleading cickness, and went to Avalon. I'alif. Postoffice inspoclorM shallowed ItoKcrs In California and until his return to Kl Paso late in 'September. ' The inspectors claim to be in pos 'session of very damaKinK evidence ilnst the accused and have iccov- f the AGA S E 01 ALLIES T CENTER OF GERMAN ARMY is Near Lassigny Is Se vere and Regimental Flag Is Captured During Chaige With the Bayonet, SUPPLY CONVOY TAKEN BY CAVALRY RAIDERS Kaiser's Force Makes Strong Resistance but Is Forced to Sin tender After Long and Bitter En MEXICAN SHELLS WRECK HOUSES H AMERICAN T SIDE OF BORDER Summary of War News of Yesterday Sinn! are I lie ibl.iils of the recent flKhtniK belvviin iheallo-s and the lieriiians who lot wiiKs have been nIiukkIiuh tor supt etn.icv iu northern Kr.ui' e as roiiiaim d m the latest official chiiiiiiuih. ,ition "Wo have ev civ white mainliilned our position," sums ,ti the claims of j the I'l I'll, h war i, fit ,'. VI all poinls; ei id one, iti.ti in tin. Wnevic dis ' j trli I, lerinail m 1 1 in ' K w are said either (to have been repulsed or held. In) jibe i tiler between the i Use ml I I K llel Ills sllKllI ailv.inris i.v the llllli"; I are chioiil, led In ihe Woevle dis ; trli t the lift mini have .h hvei e,l vlo ! 'lent lltlBCks Whether llleV lesulti l' faviir.ilily or unfa v or.i b is not slated I'lom liei in. ,n alone lanin nnv-! CE DRAWS OVER 1 ft OPERATIONS III United States Troops at Naco Return Fire of Yaqui lndi-i";'7 r"""""1'"; "" 1 I of Anlweip I Ills Was la Hie eftccl ( nflS Whfl. ill Tllifv Aft Trie fill Itbal the enlne .in a. well as all Ihe 'V I ' nv III tii'w ' t 1 1 tv, I VII Hill, Cross Boundary Line,! NORTHERN FRANCE SINGE OCCUPATION OF ANTWERP lfrn nrni innt MAYTORENA'S FORCES SAID TO BE DEFEATED Carianza Defenders Lose 8 Kileld; Assailants' Placed at 50 Slain Many Are Wounded. and mm i I M' M loss or iion vr m;us London, (Mi, "ne of the 1 I'lam e of the lif'ssaKe daled 12 (; :'.' H. III.) oircspondents In 1 Mills Mail, in a Saturday, savs: "A desperate battle was follKht yesterday In Ihe district to the norlh of Arras, where' the Kiel. ch u in! Herman forces, have lien In touch for nianv days. It ended III a brilliant success for the Pre n 1 h 11 nil, ihe Her man forces I'i'lliK dlivrll back lc 11 lo thillcen miles. "This was the ileclsive conflict in the Anas district where Ihe lide of buttle has ebbed and flowed to and flu for days. The let man losses yesterday are said to have men approximately I.', nun Killed and wounded. IBV HOMNIMi JOURNAL tPCIAL lttO Wl .V.lin. Ariz , Oct. 11- Four shells from tln kuiis uf (inventor Mayto- ! retia fell on American territory last '. niKht uurinu a renewed niiai I, on thei Cariana Rarrlsoii of Naro, Smioi a. l'lip of the shells wrecked a I.iIkc lesl-i . !denct'. Anolhe,. iliimaKed property 5 sin rounding the I nited Stat s ens- i tutus house. The others foil tn a slock ! Ifielil and 11 inerciintiln esta Idishment. i lniriiiK thp cnKaKemeni, which last-' I led the k renter part of the ninlil, nv- . eral uf Maytuieiia's Vaqul Indians icrosseil the boundary line in utihvtn, attai i th,. Naco Kurrisnii In the rear. .They wa le irumiiv disai ined Pre tlvltntslv Aniericlill soldios had been! I are now' ill the bauds of the, I ( li rniaiis. ileinral mi :ciler, Ihe jiieiman 1 omiiiambr at Antwerp, is sued a ptocla tna I ion that iili7.i'iis mu;hl letiirn Io iheii vo. atloiis with-, join fear and that property would In ! I respected. The liei iuau rip"il sald j little ilamaue had I n done lo any cs- ! 1 ept public biuldinus in Auiweip. I I'mpci or William's aiuiy which be kii Ked Antwerp Is now said to be movtni; sviifllv toward list, ml will! j Mhe object uf 1 a il 1,1 inir ijin en I0II.M-- I1...1I, i,.l II... l:,.L'i 111 nfticlals ll Is 'stated thai the queen alinidv bus lea, bed I , oil. in. I In addition to the f.., e of lielislall and IOiikIisIi lioups who fled lo hutch soil nfltr the fall of Anlweip an I were interned, a newspaper dlspuP h savs, a lii'llinai division iiuvv III luulv invaded hutch territory and was disarmed. Herman a, roplanrs anain havi- made a dash over I'm is, droppum 1 bombs. Three persons were killed j and fourteen injured and i oiisi leta blc , daniime tn piopiriy was done lOxccpl that a tear Kiiard action be-j Iwcon the ItusMiins and Ihe Ceincins! simtheasl nf VNiiballcu Was In pt'ox-l l ess, IliltblUK i nine tliroimh niln i i it-. i IliK Ihe fluhlliiK in Ihe eastern war' theater. ! In tile south Hie MolllclieUl ilM . claim io have defeated, with heavv lossi s, an Austrian iirinv iquTatim;; aiiainst Sarajevo. Ki'om the fill east the Japanese noil that ihev have silcie rd I'uit REPORTS FROM PARIS SIMPLY SAY CONDITIONS ARE FAVORABLE TO ARMIES OF ALLIES ON BATTLE LINE Part of British and Belgian Garrison and Some German Forces Cross Dutch Border and Are Disarmed and In terned by Holland Government: No News of Importance Comes From Seat of Hostilities Along East Prussian Frontier and in Austria; Montenegrins Claim to Have In flicted Severe Defeat on Emperor Francis Joseph's Sol diers: Rumania and Turkey Arc Both Restive and May Soon Join Belligerents on Opposite Sides. It'Cil 11111,11 unit thi'V I'el II 1 neil Ihii I'll' ,1 tieiieral Hill, cnnniiiindinic the ar- 'l hl11"'' 111 'rlson. lost alum! eiuht killed. Mavtu- I lU KI'oiMld f 'ri'iian loss was estimated at nut lessi'n'ks aie than fifK' killeil anil manv u ,1 ll ml I'd. ' P la ct H ill J Arabia. t'ltltN. III ( S ! news dispatch says that i holer. I In spi en 1 1 1 n if over .viimi in e numai . litis ,' and otherwise are K 'ln oil the Herman. The stroiivtlv foiMlfvlnit viii lolls vlia, Palesline and north lo i:Ti u I'lloi l M', !B HDRNIHt IOUHNAL aPtCIAL LIA1IO WIWII Klolii Ihe I'atlle I'ront, Oil. II via I arts, ll:r, p. m.l A nota ide adva in o by Ihe allies occurred today m the lieiilhl'ol hood of Ihe renter of the bat tie lit! tilled I 101 I'aso, Tex., Oct. 1 I - Officials I of the Cariana uovei iiini nl Hlniu; 'the border today were prepailm.' a ! r port on the Nnco battle of last niKht leKardiiiK the entry on American soil ;of Ihe Yaqui troops The information wrecked wlnre Ihev i-'turuied and rap- probably will be uffered to nffh l.ils ilamalieii Iiiiii.iiimki i ei'iioi n oosition. i f the American urn eminent throuviln ernmenl i fm re.", who are Harrison i Aiuerb'iin side. One , the residence nf P. attacking ihe Car f Naco, lell on th shell 10. P , r MRRoih jngnsHs aPriAi. Limn winti l.oiidoii, ort. II ! : :i 0 p. in. i With ihe cniii bislon uf that phase nf the war of Ihe tuitions which iiimc with 'III" fall of Antwerp the censorship has ..'iKiim iliawn a veil ever tin- hulilliiK I" the Kreiiler Pal i cf the lOurnpean i ou- tlliellt. The l ien. It Ibis iiiternooii deals only with the bat lr, or Miles of battbs, whn h has 'been In iiiocress fm four weeks from cast lo west in I'liince with an evei icxieiiiiliii! line which now reaches not thvMiiil ft Mill the elbow lit NiiMin llinrnss the t Ik In ll holder at Armcn- tlcl MS The ,l:it have held wrecked ,,,,,! ,ni , isnil, one, ,. .,, tnK mo K'lV- inilit savs thai the allies their position), everywhere li'ininn ciivalrv whb'li was to envelop the allies' left lso the fiKhtinttWas 1 Ha fuel Zuharan Cipmany, the con- 1 1 prcsentat iv e nt Wash- Near K.ISHiKllV very sevire. i'lie allies and Hermans came to close quarters and a Herman ri'Kimi nlal flax was taken in a bny- onel I'haiKe. i.nssinny tonus an un file of the allies' line, which from tin re turns almost direct I v mirth. The Hoi mans nrc holdltiK their ground tenaciously at this place when they have a considerable number of biff Kims in strong posilions in the quarries. Onriiii! ( avabj Cald. The allied cavalry ditrins a heavy mist cairied out a darim; raid In ionise of will-h thev cut off a Her man supply convoy proceedim,' to l;oe, They captured s.'.u Heitnans who coustitutiil the escort, as well as several quick-firer and a larne amotiul of ii in in m n n ii hi The Kreitrh aviators, who are pel i itiutun. I Hctteial Hill In his report jet a I Carianz.'i asserted that i of Iinlbins estimated lit . lately crnssed to the Ann to Hen-, a I ot'ce j ilcllber-i ricau side of j Ihe line and opened lire on the de- lenders of the Inn der low n. of this; number, he declared, only twelve' were lapluri'd and disarmed by the Auieiliiin soldiers of the Ninth cav-l ulr.v. Kv Idence t' tidiiu; to prove thisjlodiiy Is bcini; seciiteil. Mexican offic ials! w here I lie I ''ere said, in the form of ilfle carl- rnmc shells picked up on tn,. Arizona side of the International boundary. Lute teporls from Hciicra! Hill to day staled that the Vaqul were in full f I ik lit, inirsiieil by his troop who lust few men In the battle in which . I he enemy lost 1 J." In killeil, und i men -nut lie minuinu; property ndJiuniiiK ihe I'listoiii house and fourth fell In a shirk Meld. one troop at least of the I State border patrol whs fired by the Mexican. They returned tire. (Ilvcred u vlKorou attack Vaqul Indian. I'li-nperuUiiK "I'h'biinli of the Am ir river, nils and III" rear attack upon Mavloiciia ii f 01 ccs, i fussed the line III order to make a Ihe Naco Harrison. Severn I were i.i,p. lured and disarmed by the trouper I vhlonei-. mi American Side. Kvldenoe of this at tuck win seen In the American stock yard, were found the body uf one Vaqul and manv empty shells Indi cated the principal point nf nltaek. Ciisiiallle on the Mexican side are viiKiiely reported. Mill lost clMhl kill ed and flt'tv-seven wounded. Mayto-1 ictia's loss Is reported to be from wln ami bad certain point ol nassane ou I lie rivi r l.vs In the east uf '"'lAlre. was defeated yesterday inn tired to the nnrthi'iist Into the Artmn- lilted t eres district. I "Poni mime In Mliirk. i il the same li Ill" Oeinuin de- on the I Is lit I between Al - ' the iuscci lighter iius after they lind but- jlered dnwn t llu foi ls With their llflivy jKiin and naiuiiilly the former did not iil.i so mm Ii exec iitlnn. I Xcrdiiii 1'roliiiiil.v Next. i A lb rliu icport suv that tlicsii I heavv kiiu lime been c lit Iu lVain e. I If Ihls Is so, priibiibly the Verdun Issued jfurt nhuiK the French frontier which, j hinderiiiK the Herman adviini e. lire to I be nlliii ke, vvlth them. In till case, ! however, llteiu 1 a hl( field iiluty lio Ihlnd the forts, no that While the de strucllnn of Ihem would imikl- plogresx ieasier fur the Heiniiin It would not ' ii IihoI ol elv liiHiirc their sureis hciiiiittcil It) I nipcror. Hineinl Vou Heseltl, who ditertcii the alia, k on Antwerp, and Prim jAunusi S llliam, fourth mui of tln iHirmnn euipeior, who was one of tlm !flit to enter ih city, hud been dec- ) re-l""'1''1 '' "'" '""if for. What Iho II'IHIUK ot ine low if cosv lite Lift, Ilium is not known, hut It I reported flom Holland that trnlnlnudw of wounded jure belli conveyed lo the hospitals ttf the lli'iiniiii base. I amine I hrcntcii lleluliini. Famine 1 thientenoit throushi)ul (Use, wilhniil iiniklns; sny ! ,.,,., ,, ,.. . th, , .,. peeled in H country which has hcen ) iHJtl was missing money. Ivoi,'- before I'nited States Cnmmlssioner Oliver neie louav .no. The the amount of bis bonds fixed at $2U,- II-... u .c . .i i.u II I! ll r etail t o wnicn lie was i.iui- c-s nave snuwn mar incv cun on - . .. the speedy delivery of Pa nder and mltU'd to the 1,1 Paso county jail. ''lank. Thev have yet to be tried on a fast breaking curve in this series. iMrA lMft f)F RUMANIA lb-ess er. a left-hander w as thoUHllt ! i o- ixn'w v tube h tavorite on account of his ability la combine H port side delivery which I reduce somew hat Huston's offensive j powers, and his use of a hnfflliiB, curve. Ovcrhearinir n conversation : TAKES THRONE TODAY unioiii; ttewsiianer men on tills suu- .liicl. Hilly Martin, one of the Hraves' substitutes, interjected the Htutemetit: "If Joe Connolly ever nets hold of "lie uf those curves, he'll hammer it. They all look alike to him." Two-to-One on Uravc. Hush, hero pitcher uf the world's se ries last year, and Wyckulf, who pitched with some success after Pen der was retired Friday, were also men. Honed a possibilities. The uncertain ly as to the pitchers influenced betlinif tonight. Twn-lu-oiie on liraves to win the series was most quoted, and there were lew takers. The longest crowd that ever saw a world' series game in this city is look ed for tomorrow. The celebration of 'olumbim day a a holiday will allow thousands of "fans" from stores and shops to attend the contest and it Is expected that the limit of the seating accommodation at Fenway park, 37, bJO, Will be reached. to P,u- V MOBNISO JOURNAL SIC AL LIAS0 WIK London. Oct. 11 A Uisp.iien tc.., iter's Tcleuram company from charest. Hunijinfti. under date nf 'es terduv. relative to the death of King Charles, says: "The council nf ministers met in extranrdinarv session today, the lead ers uf all parties being present. II was decided to convoke parliament tomorrow to proclaim Crown Prince Ferdinand king and to administer the statutory oath to the new monarch. The messaue adds the following the-'concerning the event immediately the ve,.p,j,nK the death of the king: "King Charles wan seized villi an illness last night. His physician was uiiniinotieii arm oronoii need his dltion grave. The queen watch night by his majesty's bedside. forming brilliant work along the froul, indicated the a pprnacll nf the Hermans, whn, when attacked, offered a long and fierce resistance, but even tually wi le obliged lo sin render. llics Satisfied. The allied i oiiiiiianileis regard their position on the vvestirn wing ami Ihe center as improving daily and are Ihoi ouglily sal isfied with die progrcssa w hich is In lug inade. Op the eastern wing the Herman bombardment continues wit limit in terruption and much material dam age is being done. The cannon, iding is accentuated because of the echoing and re-echoing; among Ihe surround ing hills. MOVING-PICTURE REUNITES WIFE 10 HER HUSBAND V MORNINa JOUSNAL fCIAl. OHIO WlHI j Itichniond. Calif., Oct. 11. Freilj Uobcsnn, Miiperiiitcndc ni of a inline)' company and .Mrs. fioliesoii, held i happy reunion here tonight, alter a i. ..v r...... ...... .lin .i li,.,, sen. -u oi ii.',,,,.. '" torney wnicn enueu in a moving ihihui- no aler today. ! twenty captured. It tilso was icport i nl that Hovernor Maytorena, the I Villa partisan who head the Snnnrii (stale revolution against, the central ; government, was Hi eing by autumu ; Idle to Tucson. Ariz,, from Catianea. 1 b'oriora. The Maytnrena troops, nffi jclal report said, also failed In a sim- tiltanenus attack on Agita, I'tleta. ioppuslte hnuglas, Ariz, Carrimza of ; licinls hailed the duel victory hs end ul the Indian uprising and its pnlitiial ; backing In northwestern Mexico. observer here today turned their i eye from the Naco liuttlefleld, and I its menace to International relation. I to Vera Ct li.. w hich the American force bad been Kohoduled to evin li ,ate yesterday. II was predicted that Hcnerul Carianza would take some slop at least In the form of a dlplo iniatic nolo. In secure the porl for his : forces pending the outcome of the jAgiuis Calii'iite peace conference wit h j I. he Villa faction and the possiblllt.v : of It eliding In armed conflict be tween Ihe two faction. It was re ! ported here today thai holh freight :and passenger traffic had 1 n or dered re-established on the Inleroce i utile railway between the national .capital and the sen purl. Till report j from Mexico City, however, came nt the Name lime wllh an official nics- Isage informing bolder American troop already were lenv-l lug Vera Cruz, an error which prob-l ably came from a prediction based on the understanding that this a to' have been done on net fiber 11), The depiirtmonl nf .lusllce at Mexico City: I was renrganized Saturday Willi Al- lOsciiarilo y Voi dngn in charge work of i -st, i blishlng civil twenty to two hundred, liall and McAllister make the total American victim, of the Mexican lire live. Trooper Wilson, shot lust Mon day, died later. Trouper Leroy Hrad fnrd was shot through the chest mid .seriously wounded Tuesday. The same day an unidentified buy wit shot i through the hand. Urgent appeal or protection were sent today to President Wilson and In Hovernor Hunt of Arl.ona. Appeal rnr l'rotiIKn. Last week a citizens' commlltee tel Mgraphed for protection to the presl 'dciil. In tes,onse the border patrol I was Increased lo about l.xail men and a machine gun platoon. Col. C A ! P, Hallleld, the brigade commander, name from houglas, Ariz., to take iiiiiimanil of the troops of Ihe Ninth and Tenth cavalry. i The troops served notice upon the two Mexican factions that they would i be held personally liable lor the re , s ills nf their misdirected fire ' In spite uf (hi warning, the cUlil day siege nf Naco, Soiiora, has been I incidentally' a small arms bnmbafd 1 nielli of Naco, A riz. This nidi. 'ale that the battle In Pl- iciirdy, comprising ihe department of iSomnie and part nf oise. Pa de Ca- In Ih and Aisne. In w hich the cavalry is participating on a scale not seen In iprrvloii modern war, extend over in very com lib ra hie urea. 1 1 or" are I many mile of open ouiimry w here iliniHi'meii can tihineiiv er with advantage. liaildoll Suine I'Osltluiis. Iletween Ihe river ols- and Klu lm. land partlculai ly iu the region iiorlh jWCHl of siolssoiis,' where the Itrlllsh force are entrenched, further pru igres has been made. It thus seems iprnbable thai the HeiiuaiiH have aban doned some of their strongly en trenched positions in tins neighboi , liodd. It I n pnt'toil that sanitary lea ons have coitipelled (ills, as th" Frenches 111 which the tioups have been living for weeks have become, lb" hreediiiK places for disease, i (iciiiiaus Arc ItcpulHcil. ! The Herman have tesiiined Ihclr night attacks hetweeu Ci'aotine and Ithelm, wliii Ii, arroi diiii; lii French 'an omits, have been icpulsed. From (Ithclms to the Men-, nothing nf Im portance has Ul'CUIIecl of I. He, but Iu the Apreinuiit district nl the Wocvre In the east id' St. Mlhlel, tile HerilianH made violent attack ilunng th" nighl of October !i, and tic following day. I iciu h Hold Vpicinonl. Apremonl win: liik' ii by the Her-I inaris, but was retaken by Ihe French; and remain in their ha ml. The Her-1 Sl'AMsir t'OVSI I, I 'Mil It AHHIOST Pl. I l AT M.ll.N , HI Hoard C. S, S. West Ma.atlan, Mexico, Oct. Ml Iu,.,,., I'nlir ii.. I It l.,,,n, agent (hat th ;,,,...: ,.'', vil,., mine ex-1 irif the coin ts, con "d all IIISTOKIC nrn.iMxos OF AVrWKKI S.W10U -The here Mar- I'.F.TS )F It) TO 7 MM) T AKIOliS IN I'llll.Ahl.l III , London let, 1 1 (9:3a P f,,ilovinir dispatch was received ihiu ovenina from Berlin by the enni Wireless Telegraph company: "An official report from Antwerp 'suvs all the forts are in our possession. Oct. II. Despite the- "Main headquarter reports that the iston Uraves have the: Belgians accepted the Herman ofler nf the vvnrld's series to arrange so that all historical moan considerable Huston imuit should b" spared as ..idile nn, I thai the di bombardment a plan showing the po sition of Ihe principal architectural feature of the city was handed to the Herman civil administration through I I ,.nic mill sier. V il lirn m m iilau were tiven to every , nrlr.r .111.1 tile was shown, vvnen the city was negotiatei military could b" round Flliladelphia. fact that the I ust two game to their credit ntoney was covered here today at "lids uf 10 to 7 in favor of the Huston team, while a number of bets at even money were made nn tomorrow's game. .Supporter of the Athletic have nut by anv means lost hope. Thev figure that if P.elider is Mack's pitchinj; selection tomorrow he will surely win his game anil that Plank consideration would be in condition for Tuesday's surrender of game. much as before the. artillery greatest possible no iWKATIIIOH FOKKCAST. I Washington, Oct. 11 New Mix-? ten: Pair Monday; Tuesday uu- settled, 5 vvvvvvviwivvvvvvvvvvvvvvwj : The dispatch adds tmH me maa. lan minister in Berlin has requested hi countrymen in the Herman ''"P"1 lo inform their relatives in lirazll that they are In full enjoyment ot s-cunty and liberty and thai conditions In jGermany are absolutely normal, de spite the war. i the said an official statement from pllal. , proclamation calling on all Mex ican to fight again1-'! die American who hold Vera i'imz and against Francisco Villa's for es ha been is sued at I'arral hy .Monclovio Ileircra, the former Villa brigade coinnianiler who Joined the Carianza side at the recent split of lln constitutionalist Kobeson was injured in plosion near Scrantoii. Pa . February :'H, 1911, and was taken lo a hospital. Mrs. Koheson started the same, day for the home of her parent In Col lege City, o., but was so overcome by the accident 10 her husband tbut her mind became affected, while on this train, and she was taken to an usv. lum, where she remained for eigh teen months. Recovering from his injuries, Rube son searched for his wife without success. A year aim he came to Rlch mond. Today he viiileil a moving pic lure theater here and a a film de picting a mine explosion was shown, a woman in the aiunence screamed.; Light were turned on and Kohesonj waa astounded to find that the wo-j man was h'" wife. , Mrs. Kobeson ha been living In I Itichinoiid for several month and fori two vear searched for new of her : t be Jl uerta government unci denoun husband. placed under arrctd because polled Interference Willi the now under the emit ml of the consti tullnliallst and bring operated by them Order tins been resiorcd in Ha lit a Itosalla where conslil ut loiialisl mu tineers shot Major Agna.vo, the mili tary cominarujei, and looted Ihe cus tom house. The mutineer put to .'a in a. steamer they had seized. COM I SS ( (SPIH( V id iv v win io i uain mans apparently aie determined to ,,(, maintain a far as possible their pnsl tloiis here, where tiny have pierced llui line of I'oi llllc alloiis belweeii Ver dun and Toul along the river Mouse. Should they be sue. i s-T ul against the, allies elsewhere, this doubtless would be the route by which I hey would en- lo enter lln- heart of France. WtNiiull In Xel'iildiiiiCM. "' " To remind Partisans that tin. mines 'nn iiiviiged by war fur upwards of two Iliolil lis, on the east Prussian frontier the I'lisslnns lire Kllll cngaseil with the lei in, iu rear gitanl wet of Huwalkl and tn the southeast of Wirbullen. of the battles 111 Hallcia mid Po land the l;ulan staff has decided to suv nothing for the present, but the Austrian declare that a recent at tack on Przetiiysl lit m Wen repuled and that tlm Kilssliins have evacuat ed Hie western front which the Aus trian occupied. AiiMriiiiiH Claim Victories. The AiiNtrlahs also claim victories over tlie Kusslans at Uincut and Dy ne, w, in Hiilicia. It Is known that theV have received reinforcements, whlcli Pctrograd admit ha compelled it change 111 the plan of the I tils la ll iirinv. Tin- Montenegrin claim a victory nver the Austrian in llnsnla, whom they say the Austrian tried to cut off tin- Montenegrin army proceeding to sturajevo. hut were defeated with heavy losses. Cinders in Ausirla. Mote uluimlim reports come from llaly of the sprtad of cholera In Atis irla. It Is said that there are manv cases of cholera in different purls of Ihe country. The Itumanian government has thought it necessary to take precau tion lor the prutecllon of the Au. Irian legation at IhiehuiTst. Turkey, loo, Is making piopat a Hon nf a war like character. The Vming Turk nrs Virginia, j (via Hun r i'airon,i,,,HV(,r lias been j remind Partisan III I'l il i n ". Iw o let man V a re aero- to be largely under Ihe Influence of Ihe Hermans, lOnvcr Pasha, Ihe Young Turk s lender and minister of war, having lived for many .veal In Del lln. A dispatch from Athens that Ihe Turk aie displaying great activi ty In Syria, Palestine and llortllotn A I ii liiu. MOIMI N Ol I l( I II. HIOI'OUT or m i' hp's t Annuo i: Nogales, Sonui.i, oil. 11. Confes sions were secured lodav from the principals in the alleged ploi to dyna mlli a Maytorena troop train near I plan', which seem lo dinnse Sunday ifur their visits, fine over lln- I'reiirh ;capllal to. lav. Tll' i ilO.ped a i.col'e i 'of bombs, which killed I hi e persons j and woiiudcd twenty, toil did no mn-i Icrial da mage lo 1 lie eil . Carl nt (.aril-oil Inli lucil. ' Pall of Ihe Antwelp giirrjsi.n anil; I J.Ona of Hie HrlHsli naval volunteer, j who crossed lulo Holland and laid! (down Ihclr anus have hen interned I und will have lo leinaln there until i mi' enit ,.i uu. war. .-om '"''Uliiu a liutiilini'dnieiit was iCermatis also utiw in (ugly i rouse. I lheuni this was begun tit I; way of The 4 5 p. in. i The on the capture lori es. Copies ,.r the statement , here Plan were a lso urn uver-tl show lenehed here today, T1 n otganiZed ,lnl to blow- Up H'il- Herrera made an appeal lo arms, : road a ml bridges, "since, tliu time is drawing near when! W. Carrmvay, .1. C. Wilson and J. Ihe American goveinnient must leave ft. Al"li!prny. who were arrested yes our sacred fallnu land, and since weierdiy, and James Mn.-Hregor a nd .In mav have to use for. o to fight notiseph McHany, arrested early today, b:id;aiid s' ven Mexicans Involved, will tie the publicly court martialed tomorrow. nun I be five Americans gave their pre only the foreigners but those Mexicans who shamelessly lo fatherland have been traitors to cause," Another pro. la ma I ion by llern ra lauds Carran.a for his fight against llmitiary testimony In the American consul, piclt. the presence nf Frederick Siin- f.mli Ives, iieslde . i, men. who ll Ihe arc j es , FUNERAL OF CARDINAL Villa as a "trultnr and bandit." Several of Villa's leader have, is sued c nunicr-argument in which the. asserted Hi-it Herreia has no logical FFRRATA TOMnRRnWlrefisnn for bis si panitinn from the ill- I L.,,1111,'1 ,V.T,VIIIIVIT , JURY DISAGREES IN j i TRIAL OF JEFF M'CORNinl.naer ,f the j Two fit MONIN JOUSNAL BFI C,AL LCABKD WIRI1 TWO AlUC Itonie, net. II. The funeral of t'ur- i m-nt illliul rerraia, ine ,aie papal sei reia ry ; 'Prnop of slate, will be held Tuesday. Many I were prominent persons, including Ihe dip-.shot fn lomulie repiesenlatives uf Austria, Spain, Pra:-.l! and Argentina, have made official call upon the family' of Ihe cardinal, who also have recivcd many telegram of cotidoleucs. norih. inerlmn Shot. leans, Hall, a and Corporal Mi promt- Al'lster, I!, Ninlh I'nited State envairy. ruck by stray bullets. Hall was the bead and seriously hurt. McAllister was shot through the hand wh!l on sentry duty in tin stock yard. Four shells presumably from guns of Governor Maytorenat the! Villa' V MO AMISS JOUAHAL tAlO I A L I.OIlO WlAij Honolulu, T. II.. int. 11. A Jury In th" trial of .left" McCain, .I'nited .mans district ultoincv for Hawaii, cliaigeci with assault with a danger ous weapon, disagreed today and Was ills, harxed. The vole as to M.-Ciirn's guilt or Innocence stood six to six. Md'arn was accused l.y CI iinllus .VI. Pride, an attorney, mill having st- lac Red him Mav ., in an altercation arising fiom u law suit. fi mil l--r and wcie similarly treated, i if refugees there appear (o be no lend. The Ijuii'h towns are now crowded with i pie who left their jhoiues in Pelgluni un.l the llollnnders are finding some din'o ullv III provld jilig for Ihem The (Ioniums, huw jever, have invited the refugees (o re- I turn to their ow n ntry, promising I Ihem fa ir t l eal nicnt. CcfugecH ill lOiiglaud. i lOiiglaud also continue to be a. place of refuge for many 'wounded officers and 'crossing from Osteiul : .slellmel h. j In Antwerp everything 1 quiet day nf turmoil. The Herman Him biiMomasier if Hie i.iwn, all in 1 1 il u i v aulhoiities having left, Issued a, warning to Ihe people ttuv d in in In, net or attacks on mans will ,,. severely dealt with, hamage Vol So Serious. So far as ran be ascertained, the damage done to Antwerp by the limn, hiirdiiienl was not so sei'luu as al first f 'ii I fit. The c 'allodial, art gal lery, inns. urn and oilier pudlir build ings are lit Ihe in. rib west part of the idv along the Scheldt, to vthiiti the Jshclls did not reach. The Hermans I. II lb, rue and Loudon, " Heitiiaii official report of A n I w .o p say s- J he List shot was fired nil Sep tember 'ji against the outer line 'of fills in, iictolier l the firsl forts were taken by assault. The river Nellie was crossed hy the Herman in fantrv und artillery on October tl and on the .ill. Antwerp was notified im mint nt a J o'clock In the morning of October s. Sim nl -laneously au attack was made un the inm r foils. "On October !, two of the Inner foil taken. Al J.;iO u'cloi k In Ihe, af ternoon of Oi totter H Hie clly of A III -w'i p w:i occupied by Herman Infan try without resistance on the part of the llelghins, whose conduct was val iant, However, the effect uf Ihe Herman attlliety, infantry and mu rine division in the first iiltiuk was that 1 esisiii nee A regular j taken ! ev uf a fieri oij.,,,. w hi roi'i the 1 have ! that Her- ! was futile, of supplies was, upon if M. bug,- iiiuiniiiv by Ihe Hermans The effieien lhe Herman troop was rocosT by ihe emperor in conferring letieiiil "ii p.esi Icr l he order 'i it. I Itl.M II Oi l 1(1 L HIOPOItT ANNOI ( I S NO CH VNt.i; Paris, I'lct. 11 (.1:14 p. III.) -The. fnllnalng nnrioiiucemcnt by the French war nfflie was inado thlsaf ternooti: "First, on o;ir left win Oerninn cavalry-, which had seized certain points of passage over ths X,yn river lo Ihe east of Aite, was driven off yesterdiiy and retired last evening In to the Armentier district. Uotween