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ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. -UHTY-RHTH YEAR raTlroad RATE I HEARING GOES 10 Ell, LAWYERS 10 HAVE 111 ( j ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1914. --tf-K j-xuxr.JikmrM Tan M Dully by Currier or Mall Month, hlnirle Coplm. to. Clifford Thorne Insists All In tciests of Country Equally Depressed Transportation, FARMERS SHOULD BE fa-Intel products moving from east I'Mt r.'irtnl its lei tin' west. Wc e.itt h ii both ways, coming anil going; and we arc subject In tlif limit hauls. "Tlic market pi of niMiiy of our miii pi products are i tint i oiled by tins prl'ts Ht (he A 1 1:1 lit It- coast, lt'i-s fi eight rule An it il it iii-f in mil frtight rates Is equivalent in moving mil' fit rum an. I Industries thai mm h farther from inn i K ft ; It ledu. es our price Unit much. In the nggregnle, that will iimmint In a very largo sum of money. Wants General I 'h Ii- I'Ih.v. My purpose In 1 1 1 1 p t - tn help net' that the pulilli' hI'Ic uf these Issues are fully presented In the commission. If (he curriers lire i nlitlrd In iin im reuse, we hope the t-mii mlssitin "ill k h lit il; If lint, we tiust and believe iliui Ip'the commission win deny the petition j nf the carrieis Wc favor advances Al0llg;on silt h traffic as does nut yield ade quate compensation todav , likewise we f.ivtir reiliii Hons where conditions nle the reverse As to Interstate tiaf- fie, It in the fun. tinii nf mir state com-mit-sioim tn represent the shippers !J A R R A N Z A AND i. i VILLA CERTAIN 10 BRING ill UPON MEXICAN S MRS.CAKMANIVIAY I KNOW VERDICT OF JURY BEFORE! END OF TODAY Mil' I ' Surely. 1 1 wa. She thought It tear of the Ii.mi .ll'lllll l lllllllllH she said As nhe lea. In1 the stalls she ;, tw,, tin" Il the- h.ill, Inn she ftilt tn I! ml nut w ho tin Hlle WCtlt llnW IIMl.lll M sll nil Unusual sound " had mine fl'titll the il tmik her llnW II M t It il s, I I the head nr Wnlliell going lll.nle tin ef v Here. After Walked Int.) Mil. I leaned against it llnnilt lit She d!ll In" hsiair itiul went after having t v a tiiihiin . I Adheients of Each Chieftain j All Testimony Expected to Be Declaie Other Must Retire! Before Oiderly Government Can Be Restored, the Wailing loom H lli,iiitleiiei e f"! lint Hi e it 1 1 otic tltlel'llv Up.Hlail.-t II gnu stood Itt the inall'le for perhaps. Mrs. ',ti in. in civs Clllleil 11 lltl lie!' 1 1'illl t WllH Ihell I K 1 ") I n itifli i-r ti sttiiitl. Mrs Carman's til venr nlil ilaugh ter, ITuaheth, vv,t (lie tit- 1 withes III ii child'sh In Nil she gave lie ex.niillial inn exstininat urn i nrnnmin nrniu nrurnAi lrnmuran nr i hi nrnrnni UUI lllll IIIU UUUIII UUIPUI MIL. OFFENSIVE MOVEMENT III i nnnxiirnii TiiPiTnr nr mm NUHititnn intAint ut- vvaii, SECURING SOI SUCCESSES Freight Rates, ft I . I noie Armistice Entered Into Calientes. tiffnr.' ibis I t'ilkite . t Thiu iu h. rltultvtu rnuM LUootolliH"''' "i required i.y statute "There Is nut the nlluhf 'hL spirit ef ' " hostility in our iittiunle toward th" President Rea, of the Peiinsyl-ri,i',,,r'H- ,vvv fu"v ' ,,"1"t,, ,h,,,' ' vnst linpiirtiiin e in the vania. Is Last Witness on !"''"f,h-"'"'" s0 in uu-prosperity ., , , i j "f H"' farmer hasie ami fninlaniental ADphcation tor Advance in m the wen-are t the nati.m. uk- ' ' ....... wise the welfare of the lahnritiK mini is nf treincniloiix important c tn the pi Dsperity of the country. A mneriil Hilvani e of ti n per t ent in wanes tlur ir'f I hid period of tleprestiitiii, m cnrtl ln to the pleitHiiiK Ionic we have been lifttetiinjf to during the last few thiys Would put that much more money into clr ulatinn. No man upends hisdown of both money more freely than Jw the la-! holing man. Until Mile liHC IllKllls. , "Those whom I iini atilhorlzed to, represent placed no rcstrit tiuns what-i ever on what I shall sav or tin. How-! SONORA STRUGGLE IS GROWING IN VIOLENCE fly MOIVNINa JOURNAL aiMCIAI. ItAIIO Wltll W'aslilimton. Ucl. 23. "If it Is rinht fur the sovernment to Mhieltl the rail reads from the rfl'et ts of the wur; If it is rii;ht for the Kovcrnmnt to make pood the losses of people in dif ferent iniliiKtries, I uin soiiiK tn pro post! a nictisurc that will require 'ery hen In Iowa to luy every day, if hlie fails In do mi, that the government shall make up to the owner of the owner of thut hcti the vnluo of the ckkk slie ditl not luy." This Htiiteinent wiih matle 1iy I'lif fnrd Tlinrne, counsel for several west ern slate railroad t ommiswlons and shlpiers" associations In presenting the shippers' hide of the cuse ut the hciirinif before the Interstate t'oni iiiei'i'e comnii.Hsion on the application ul eastern railroads for a general In crease In freight rates. . ; llrui-lnt; I Kndctl. The hearinas runic to an end today ami ui'Kumentx will be heiird next week, with every indicut Ion of an early dei ision by the commission. The presentation of the rase of the! opposing shippers took less than two hours us against five days occupied : by witnesses for the carriers. Mr. Tlinrne took the position that no bus iness depression had been ehown by. the carriers that ditl not ettunlly nf- feci shippers Slid that the ihrteltse would bp unjust. Counsel fur all! other shippers represented jollied In the statement. j AiyuinenlK Hill bei;iii next Thurs day morning and probably will be concluded Friday. 1 President Urn's Sliitcnienl. The carriers closed their case with the testimony of Samuel Khea, pres ident of the Pennsylvania railroad; system. iMis statement followed close ly lh lines of previous evidence of- j fired and his cross-examination was brief. Louis lirandcis, special counsel for the commission, drew Mr. libra's at-! fntion to the decision of the commls-t "ion in the original five per cent case which pointed out its inability to see Hie Justice of raising rates on freight shipments to conduct the passenger j traffic shown to be operated at a Ue- i fit it. ! ''Has anything ot curred sincr that i ruling which, In your opinion, 'justifies t now V Mr. jsrandeis PlP.cpiltpfl Refill P Nilflll :ind " " version of hnt had ha i.p,'ii'd in th ArillinieiltS AlP I iLpIv tok'nnimn h.msclii.ld i',.. nmht of th Conclude in Thice Hours, DEFENDANT WITNESS IN HER OWN BEHALF Botlt Maytoiena and Hill lg- Husband, Little Daughter, Mother and Sibter Anions Those Who Tell Stories ofi Fateful Night, j Agreement. at Aguas iiiiittb r ll.til Kiille "Moth, tinned; ' Hint her v went tut' piai til e me tn dinni;: r and sit Present I shot. I went tn "M V I'ti'f illiinei . she mi Id, she nut ii nd 'la i d mi 1 he la ivn. i' v en! opvla.i .,' slie con- ! my u miii a ml my m ami- i ere nil tile i"l, h Later 1 i t he p.ii 1"!' and si irli-tl tn j in nil the ph slop. Tin .mm, Walked ill a chair In M . miilbi'i' Inld I went into the thmiinh the hall th" dining nniiii. in KOHKINa OUNL CIAI tl.OU Willi j:i Pasn. Tex.. tt. 2'1. Further blnodshetl in Mexico, stricken by revo lutionary warfare for four yeats, only may be averted by a complete bin lilim tlte I'arraiua ami Vill i factions, according to printed and spoken expressions made here today. Jorge l'. Oiozco, acting Carrauz.i agent, In an interview in a local news paper, scored the Villa faction, de claring that the plan of (iuatluluP' ever. 1 desire, at this time to relieve icoultl not permit the retirement of itjiein entirely from such respotisibil-!rf ' tanza. ity. Their object has simply been a h'rnm the Villa side t ame the ox ; pi et a lit tuna ry step to hell) see that ! pressed belief that the trouble wouK. !tioth sides may be fully developed. lj''e adjilstetl. but only by the imnc -assume personal responsibility tor iny'diut elimination of 'arran.a. This, 'statements. '.the fatranzi represent. itive tint lit r il. ! "This is the third lime American I'"" i"',0!",'U'- " '" I"'"'""'1 tll u 'rnili' ttave oeht tn force ', tiowapaprr coi iespoiitlenls at Agtris ; general advance in freight latrs In . HMO they claimed a .risis existed .Instead of a crisis the commission Klixabcth vnnr lllntll. I -Ves." pIii' 'Tluit's all." lust as Mi" Mrs, Caimans jt'allenti's. the scene ef the ;ranza- ilia conciliation ihad hi'cn barred from tin second Car conference sessions tV MONIM OUNAt IPICIAL LIAIfO .! Miiieola, . v., net. Mrs. l'lnr- ence Conklln Carman, on trial in the supreme court line for the iiiurdi r ot Mrs. Louise tin I ley, may know her fate by tomorrow ninht. Her counsel ami District, Attorney Lewis ,1. Smith informed .1 list it p Charb s II. Kelhy at the i lose of the ptoi ectlings today that they Would complete their rases be fore the noon recess tomorrow. The entire afternoon thus Will lie left for the summing up, whbh pi'oba-i into tear. Sh blv "ill occupy three hours, and the handkerchief. delivering of the charge to the jury. The charge is expertrd to be a brief one. The case, therefor, should be in the hands of the jury before night fall. .Sctri'r Cross-1 'a in'' nation. Witnesses for the defense took up it great part of today's session ol I he,.! tl n las la , ak and a i met 111 v limit "ii the stalls. I i my nmlhi't s mom. j other was there j Was With Mo tin r. j I tail I'.n U lulu the ball I , II her ylliipels , wetl In i tlnw n - I iii ii mi in. She 1 "cut illt)' "When saw my tin it her put and k i ii i - 1 1 and I lull stairs. Then I went liatne up In a minute. t her room w 1th her " 1 1 1 u t ros-t xam mat n i j tot iiev Smith asked only lI ale I'islii, t At- ' niie iiit stinn i i M'lV l . 1 1 1 of' I It'll I on . replied, saal tin- Salah mother. ALLIES GIVE GROUND AT CERTAIN POINTS, BUT MAKE ADVANCES AT OTHERS, ACCORDING TO REPORTS Little Change in Situation When Considered as a Whole; No Decisive Battles Have Been Fought, Though Invaders Have Been Almost to Paris and Back; Neither Side Has Destroyed or Partly Destroyed an Army in Western Op erations: Russians Have Beaten Germans in Great Battle, but Victory Is Not Regarded as Deciding Struggle in Eastern Fields; Austrians Are Said to Be Putting Up For midable Fight in Galicia. M . 'onk Iin yt ais old. i ;tnok the stand, the found I hat to be the most prosperous In the meantime both sides charged It history of Anieii-i' 111,1 " opponents nan neen maKwi, the original f Ive j w ' preparations in violation of in" armistice wtnen ntreanv nan neen year in th". whole can railroads. In iipr cent case, basinu their claim oil the vear ISIS, the claim of a crisis i broken by exponents of fanau.a and was again matle; and you . .included j vi"'1 m th' Hmiora-Arizona border that there Is no crisis in the coi,dl-;" Vl"' 1 1 indicate,! that C.ov- lln ..t .1... r,il,..a,lu in ..ffieial . lasHl- "'"' M 'Mniena, the Villa adherent. who neacis an inoian ltpiisinu in nit ffiitlant burst bin it',1 her face in her baking with Mibs. Mrs. t 'illlkllll's tet ilnnliV t ol l nl'ti- laled thai given by Mis t 'anuiin and Kllzal'eth, Similar coirnbiuatlve I est iiimny was flhcli I'1' Mrs. Cat man's sister, Mrs. Ida Powell Defendant's sister. Mis. Powell said she let two would! Itotirt. The defendant submitted to apv'" 11 1,1 tm s w.-m- Iscarchum cross-rxaminatioii. Hx-I"K r"'"'. "Ut of the Imnt .ban'. '1 he t.l, , If-I.llall.,,. of l,,e. hUn- might ll Sllappetl. shutting hemill, Sum mart of War News of l esterday I from I .li.-r tl.ns of incessant 'ileiils iiae at last been mat ' pa i t ef he bat t le line w Inch run v ii tiially si ra Igbt cm : It from Vpris, In laimum. t.. i tn t be elliow III I lie i ii 1 est of A'gne III I'lanee. M ,.S'Sa lOUDNAL 10't LIHII ) I I Lou Inn, in t. The (ScI'mfinH v- Hud llakeil a gtVielal offensive mint aliiuif the nne extenii ng the tuouih of the river Vser on the N' nth sen, to the ma r Metitc, an t while they have compelled the allies to gi" ground In some plates, they t heiiisi'lves have lost positions In oth oi s. This, 111 a few words, Is what I t r d from official reports coming I'l cie h and thii . I hist attack on side. It also fic.-ition territory, taken as a. whole.'! Now. for the third time, the railroad-' ..I.I... 'U,.,., iu .rlwiki ':..,1.,i' tliec , , ,i t H n ,,.li,i (danger to resitleiits on have some foundation lor t heir claims, i .. . Hut this emcigency, upon Which the carriers are relying today, affects i practically all of us in the same j manner. It Is following a periotj ot marked depression in business for about a year, subsequent to the l!al-j kan wars, distuibances 111 Kurope and C.KIIXZ WM.I.IVti the short crops of last year. ' l 1 1 II Haiti on All Classes. "It is jnsi as bard for the manu facturer, the farmer, the laborer, the an Italian iipiising western state, was preparing to renew Xacn. w tth its Incidental ; the American i It also was reported that eral Hill, the Carrnnza leader. 'lueparing a statement in whit ; would ignore the armistice fixi !the Annas- Calb ntt's convention. t!e- uas b h" d iiy leal "eavesdropping'' device ill the i joffiee of her husband. Dr. lalwin Car-j ' man, she told how men friends of her, husband hail asked him in her pros- j !t li.'e how "all of his girls" were, j tuber men, she said, had told her the doctor was "a devil with the gills." j She admitted that slie In-tame sus- pii iiiiiH of Dr. armau ami hail a Installed ' whctlicr reports of the room i 11, she , frmil I TO VII. I.A (. its nioclifitallon UoDlloiiftl mi I'siie Twu.) RECORDlRElI rnnnnn nrnmiin MIM UtlVIHNU rnn n n uiiimT unu.D, nnui. "lot'i hanical en estlropper" in his office to determine there was any truth in tin that bad come to her cars. frequently Is Confused. Mis. Carman frequently became ttii'tuseii ann at times sne neaiiaieu and fenced with the prosecutor, Onca she appeared to he on the vcigc of a ' Washington, t.,1. - Laicral fa J "' kdow n, but rallied after recourse tunza is willing t retire from the post i silver-filagree bottle of smelling iof chief executive in Mcx'co City, pro-i""11"- u''"'" ,l"' 'liK'stionuig ended 'vided Ceneral Villa Is not insti umen- he hurried to her seal at the eiuin ; till n' procuring his rcsmuailnn. Ile'-1 tabl.t and listened intently while 'also wishes to be Hssur-d that his re- j her little daughter, Kll'.aheth. testifie-l itip-ment w'll not mean the as,en-!" I'er mother's defense. When the tlancv uf !eni lal Villa. 'llgetl mother ol tile tleteiiila lit loon fit i '.,i'. lilt' sianti anil negau ner icsinunn :is ot r and she went arouiid the side house and entered the wailing door. She did not see Karn ahl, all hough she was mi tli steps less than a niiiinle ft Ilea I'd t he report of a I t i ol er. Mrs. Powell said it was she who tcld Mrs. Carman what bad happen ed, thereby i orroliiirM mc tin ilefeii l-ant. When Mrs, Powell was excused, jtlenrge Ciililei', who bad testified fur Ithe staff, was called b the defense. His testimony was urn hanged. i ) ii cross examination, tinkler ntl- nutted he had Inld the grand Jury j that n colored girl followed a wmium . 'iii. the office directly after the shooting. lit.' also testified that In Iliad saitl the woman nnil Ihe colmed jglrl left the loom together through the waiting loom door. ,1 list a shin t ill - la nee a In, m ter this line now t urvi s Hk verted letter "S." the alh.-i pushed back tin I let tun us at of Armcnlit i, s in an endeavor to against press on tn Lille, and the I irrimnit ' I !'' alll having fnrcetl th.- aliu s to give ground Its c n e an in i ha lug the Cast mound I n passe, ,il. ta il . ..lit I .it nl taut tallma.l ..hi due west fr.iin La probably Pe'liuii". r a liiilli s I .a ss. e. That gioiind has been w In this d sun t s ndniltted est Kriiicli official report, impi fiti,'ilile( howi'Vtr, that K.igeiiiclit was tltclslvc. .is declares lite act ons near anil A nil' 111 iei es. n i short , , .nil inn fin', the speiik'ng, f th" war ililng llllpi u ml I. "'l a. - II 1 s . ui and In the 1 1 si elthr en tile repart J.a It.lssee ar Arras, on ihe distance sniith nf with great ini tial tli at, Hall' 'II ui mains th.- report the sit fmnt n (CooIIiiumI on I'uite Two.) expla natinii of it'll!' ry j This ranza's position, made informally .at Mexico City, was le.eiied by th:: American gocernni'iit here today. I'.enei'ji I I ' imlicateti his will- ' 'nmily convention re- J "etr stories were rorroDorative aun Ceii.nal Vlll.iiracn witness uenieil tnere was even F IIIAIICIERu IN .Mrs. Carinan burst Into teats. i Members of 1'amily Testify. ! All t lie members of Mrs. Carman's t testified ill lur behalf today CONFERENCE AT lngnos to have th quest that hclh he ahd asked. ! "Xotliing thut I know of?" admitted. Mr. ftca. Xo Increased KxpeiiHe. "Has there been an increase in your labor charges in this period'.'" "Not that f recall. " "Have the prices of railway supplies advanced to your knowledge'.'" "Xo.". Mr. 1 borne asked if it were "up that the net revenue of the riers in lsl3 had not equalled per rent on all outstanding stock Ilea admitted the figures were feet. .Mr. Lyon, representing shippers of Pennsylvania, asked if Ihe ' entlsvlvania Mi-Kt,.tn h.iu enntemiilat .give w .iy to a n tsional n esidmi y. j In the meantime, (reports to the statt! of the advance northward utral for the provi-j'be snmllcsi particle, of truth in the i story lout f.y i etui ' oienntn, me khi bowever. official vant who gave testimony on Thurs ,i.,,v. ,,., e. lobiidav inteniitil to connect Mrs Carman til .several onecii.v who toe iiiiiiiiet m an.-.. NATION'S CAPITAL j German and English GovernH1'''''. (,'::r:T ; merits Are Said to Be Bid-! intended m,t for pun.. w im ! Kailcy. not ' car-: 7.! ; Mr. ; tor- co il , inza troops, a lit arran.a represent. iliv-'H Another witness was Feiilinand (J. is. s of attitcK I Morton, a negro lawyer who was ein- .i. u , .c i .t,A ii ...... ,1 i.. if. a . utf.lmenl r,,,,,, I a. a . ' 1 P I All f 'Ol-ll. pi ecil It I aula I oeietise, III irtjc . ..aa"")'" . ....v... ....... ...... dlllff ACaillSt tadi Utlier tOrieonventlon eame t... no agreement and Colcniiin for the district attorney. Villa moved his fines sonthwatd. iwhnh statenient was aflerwant Cnrranza's attitude toward the , turned over to the defense. In this venllon has kept the delegates in sus- S'ltenient Ceha denied she knew pense. Generals Dbregon and llluic'0 I Most of Problems Growing Out! i of War Are Believed Near American Visible Supply. Settlement, England and as ! mi me I'ne ; La ftassci : leiice. In ' generally 'tills fait i sa me, 'if the fighting near the coast ; where the Iti itisl, and French naval ! vessels are endeav m ;ng to aid the al llietl truiips 111 li.ililiiig Lack the tler- iin.itl advance, im thing was Mitlch-; 'safer! In the rept.ri. i "Vltkitthe. in 111. pel Als.lC". II hllnllj aliHtaiici.. from the Swiss frmil ter, has j been taken bv ill. 'ien. Il at the pmnt 'of the bayiinei, Sim i' the outbreak ;of the war this town has been the jsi-'ne of much fighting, and several ! limes has t hangi'd liaiuls, I'etroijrnd clalins ihe tiennans iiari lliliile to retreat and that the forces I j llmperol Nil holiir have 'crossed the Vistula without resist -men. The A un it rlu it lire gleii credit in lb- l!uslaii 'repoit for lotillmiing to fighl stub ibornly on the lstula, mi the Hau ninl smith of Praiemisi, No reports were received Until (bnnanv or Auslrl'i and Servla Ilk. wise was silenl tegaid Ing tlic opi rations in the south. Rfl iAOfll - The llntish admiralty has Issued n l V- I. T I V V ' , , (If MOUSING JOt,NL 'CIA L LK A ViO Wll hour records for export basin iwheat since European hostilities be- ,gan were sin passed oy uie t..... Ireachetl todav, 3,iitt(.,itfn bushels. The . brriad 'Hintr out of trade was acconi- d any reduction of salaries to off i- 1 Da nl-d by t cis and employes to meet the enier- Ocrm.iu gency. Mr. Kra said lie did not be lieve he should discuss that question and the question was not pressed. Counsel then announced that the carriers' cast? was closed and Mr. Thome took the stand to make his statement. In purt It was as follows: Mr, Thome's Statement. "The carriers are proposing a five per rent advance in the freight rates, not only m official classification ter ritory but In the rales between all points in this eastern territory and t hose ipilOll neillg et . s. rumors tnat agents "i ;ind English governments had been in artive competition. One result of the huge trails-Atlantic sales of wheat was to stimulus tr.insa tions in other staples, notably corn ami provisions so ami me leiUtorlals teres! shown tn tnc spccuiauvc oi.o as well as at the sample tab I Iwent o the capital two days ago toj ......... ...a. -"..... e !,.. f..,l!i,.' r.t' ' j p j ir i r il.i it. . i, i i a il... o I lie , t . . . . . . .. , loppo.siiig tlie wisn.'s of tlic coin cut ion. jener.'l Felipe Angeles has gone to i iCuerna vaca to invite iener.ll i to ."end delegates. lie Is reported to; 1 ... I.... . 1, i lie I ' S'ttlieo in,. ui, us.- un-.j iSlllltnern Clllef to senil iueiu -lour i (representatives. The convention is i jwaitlng Ihe return of these missions before transacting Important business. ' orfiolal reports show that the M--ico City newspapers are publishing attacking the purposes and rets of the Aguas Calientes gathering. wis the greatest displayed for a long cm The excitement, however, such 1 characterized tin; early days of the war, did not develop, and the j Xaco, widest variation in prb " was a j declared ot .''l'C hi I'ecemoer "... ".lanza t ne jp.iCK;i:x mi l. xi M YTUtK.. AT X co that was narrowetl to 1 "U c at ! Close, latest sales of the Decern!) river which I represent. We will pay the advances on the raw products moving to the east and on the manu- Ariz., .et. 3. A truce was late today between the Car- garrison at .N'aco, Sonora, and 1 the Villa attackers. I Pending the final solution of the. i pence problem h.v the convention ai i Aguas Calientes, lien. Henjamin Hill 'and Governor Maytoiena will sus-: hostilities. The Maytorrnal WEATHKlt roittJCAsT. Washington. Oct. 23. Xew Mex eo: Local rains Saturday; Sunday probably fair, pared with II.IJ-I, last night. Italy was credited with paying to- 'day the top figures so tar n.-u j j this season for cash wheat in t, oopR H ,. ret irlng toward a point ( T nitcd elates. ine nwn "ri" ' to be the necessity of supplying Iswit.-rland. which now has been cut j 0ff completely from grain shipments through the one neigntioring 'thirty-five kilometers southward. j Peace Commissioner Hamon SSosa, The Day in Congress SC.XATK. Met at noon and after futile at tempts to end the session, adjourned u 1:54 p. in. to noon tomonow. except country to the south. tienernl need of wheat from -Sam was specially emphasised by -advices that despite there was no likelihood portable surplus on reports that the yi were worse than made known. To cereals were bullishly affected. Uncle today recent rain nf any ex- Aui-tralia and by yields in Canada had heretofore been ,t slight extent other HOCSK. ; 1-aek of a quorum ami parliament-1 ary tactics by supporters of b-gislut on from tin convention, obtained a erg. salion of hostilities after three days' parleying with Ihe two factions. Maytoiena had previously agreed j to retire, hut failed to effect any; backward movement until today. Last night the firing was unusually heavy.! .Serious admonitions from the; Fnited States government through or- j fleers of the bonier patrol here, arej reported to have hem the convincing j Rtgnments lhat moved the Mexican leaders. I Sarice October l", there has been at any thing more about the murder than she told at the Inquest, when her story was favorable to Mrs. Carinan. The maid has declared she lied at this hearing because Mrs. Carman bad atiked her to and because she felt sor ry for her mistress. Percnilaiit I est trio-, i "Mrs. Carman," began the district; attorney, "you said ymi were sus-j 'plcious of your husband. Vhcn did' j you get suspicious?" "About a year ago," j I What caused her suspicion icoultl not say. A Woman did 'cause it "Just rumors." I "Were the rumors iibnul a ; man ?" I ".N'o. .lust some qne. asking about his girls. Somebody told be was a devil with the girls." Some women, Mrs. Carman said, were more attractive to her husband than she was. she had thought. i Mr. Smith asked if she thought 'Mrs. Vanillic, Ihe middle-aged nurse 'whose lace she slapped was mole al-( tractive than slie. Mrs. Carman smiled and answered "no," DcsciIIms Scriic. She was made tn describe th slut. ., nil ..'atlliir lle.t the lie.-eMsilV til itcd SlaiCSi'use lis warships for convoy duly hnv Imr missed, lliitish cruisers, aided h ' 1 ' vessels t.( the Austrian, French and Ian tioiwiM joul ipiciil Lititi mini Japanese navies, will now search tli" Washington, ...I. ":!.- I 'inancial .seas In an endeav. ir to run down the jfi'ices of Hie government, the vv isdmil 'eight of nine Herman cruisers. In- of some of the most prominent men liticlnillng Hie Fiudt ri and Karlsruhe, ; I Ii f American banking weilil. and the. which have been plating havoc with j friendly counsel of l e,i est nl at iv cs ol'(lhe shipping of the ailed ciiinti es tilicat Britain were turned today to- Gteal lliitain has prohibited the Iwai'd a solution of Ihe mobleni of H i importation of sugar In order In keep t ii'.htiug, ; . in that bad been i..l s.ililll : tile bt'llll Iglllll' f Ih. fur- 1 1 h im evening ftoiil t'i t it ruin il lieadqual tet . The German attack todav was par tlculaily severe in the west where lh right wing, slrougly reinforced, bv fresh Hoops, atti mpted an atlvtini ,) the llelglan. who are holding r' extreme left. Tills left jests mi the cna.-t and Is supported by Kng lish ami French warh ps nnd by A ugl.'-l' reneii ironps wh'ch form a fmnt extending from a point some where In the vicinity of linxtnetle. southward tn La Ilnysre canal- Ku II Nltii; i lainii suet esses, hut the French alone admit thai In places they havn been compelled t fall buck. j I Idle Change Nnlctl. , rieti'Tallv, however, there is liltle or no change in the situation, the llnet swinging mid tiwayliig as they hiiva tloiic for weeks. Although It Is now Just two months' since the allien concentrated on tip Fratico-ltt'lirl.'iii frontier tn oppose th I-i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 adv uiici), and Ihe Invadc'M have been almost to Parin and hack in the Interval, no derisive battle has been fmighl. Neither side has de stroyed, or even partly destroyed, an army. Fvtn th" P.elglan army es caped almost intact alter that coun try was overtoil by the Germans. Thai .saino can be said or opt rat ions tn tun fast, whi te Hie armies of I tuftsin, tier runny and Austria are fighting, except in tin i case of Lieut. Gen. ftatiisnnofr, the. Pussian coiiiiiiaiuli r, whosn Btmv (was partially destroyed t.y the Gcr- imans in the battle of Taniiebcrg, Fast I Prussia. j Important Alitor). In the present buttle on the river Vistula, from Warsaw south to tli 'river pillcla, the flussinns huve scowl inn Important victory In driving th tiiermatiH buck and have raptured rti.i n v pi isoiit t's tiesidiis guns and um i munition. Hut the defeated army, jwheil h gets bai'k to H si'lectt'vl pnsi 'Hon, can entrench and Mart another sege Mlttle, Sllcll IIS tlUlt WlllCh IC- leiirred mi the riv ci' Aisii.. In France. Snulbwanl of the Pillcla the Germans (Htlll hold Hie river Vistula, except. In I front of the lot treys at I v a ngorotl. i e.i tl j ust men t of the foreign eschangfi market t,, meet toiiilit Puis whe h have arisen as a consequence of the Kuro- moie I ban three she no I wo- him me the German and Ansiiian from being shipped in from countries. President VViN.,ii li,i approved demands of the Mac- depa 1 1 incut fire, it Itiltain for tli" lei. use of Mesmeis Plnturia and I Iri ml 1 1 la president took Hi" pi.sHhiii that ev ui iblipilig must i ure , si-cin isaid she saw I'r. Carman give j nurse 1 1 "i and saw her kiss him j terwariR It was Ihe passing of 'money and not the kiss that discu j ed her, she said. ( "You didn't object to anoth man kissing our iiusnariti in tude?" "Ob, no," Mis. Carman replied. "Now. as to the night of the shoot ing," said Mr. Smith, "did you hen a shot'.'" Xo, I heard some oonimtiili.n." with Mrs. Varance. en She the Ipean war. For j hours, the federal reserve board, Sir I George Palsh and Dasil U. Hlacketl, repi cseiii Ing- the English treasury, and . some of the best known bankets In ! New Voik, discussed the situation in right of Am.' jail lis aspects. .'cording tn thus" ; prnU.'t'tf al. j present there was not a mile of pess- j r , .- - jiminn build to mar the harmony or 'thi' conferent e and there was every jitasnii to believe tonight that all the j prnblcms which lonliletl so large In jihe financial horizon a few inontiin ago win lie snivel without, great 'Hi flcully. . Here are ilm salient polntu discussed land the results anticipated I American baiikeis stantl ready to jpay their ohligatioiis to Hngland In casn. ine i)ii,iiuti,iniii g.uii pom in- ( IlrltlHli. government, ready formed and $ M', Una, (Kill raised; According In some of New York subscription to meet ,,, , the. t . inference the York City's obligations pmba hly . ., ,, ,.,.,., W1IK sm i, rising uffiie to satisfy r.nglanl. Pay-! Although ipeiv was no pi nd in t llellt r i i Hie Hie Ihe cry be dr.- III. W her tacks Th nf ten e, Il iutn Hi. i I. ussai n liowe1, er, HUpi'll' l t ij..ili of I lev were driven buck by al lium that stronghold. Austrian aiiiiy, which was so cllbed n bailies of t, again and lel'i wing, a ppa i .ail iv b" bariler ,1a rosla n. r ma n Mi'alegli milled anil drsiroy- i Ih la. has sprung is atlacklng the The Austrians. have found an at th" river San, the Lieliooi i action Is taken A i omtlllltee I Strong, Jr., . Pl ow a of New Iin and I 'a it I M ".. ha ng. In fore such oil-is'Iiik of Benjamin il va legin, James Yelk. Governor llam . W ,. rloiru, of the I c- serve boa i d. will j fereneea w II h Sir j.Mr. Placlceli al'." ; adjustment plan, would bin e i, I,. In. 1. 1 further ' nii George P.lbdl and :. details of the re Any sui Ii plan submltleil to the those pres .ptlniisni of r wo- j KF .11 I- J I !bv , j .New .win suiiiie to smutty r.ngiani. ray-; Although H'-'ie was no rxpressl Miiem of mis total may nut be neces- , ,t, , ,,w IMU, , K,lIl( illSt . actually tsal'.v. j paid to Fngland- or I ra nsfcrred to j T"" Vork and London Mot k,,,. liink f : l; l.i 11,1 branch in utta- excliangcs will not i.e openeil )o.SHIin I v, was the opinion of ny of hi Tore the beginning of lltl'.. A , on - j , h,w, prcscm ll.i,. lidle more than ul feienc. between lominiitecs of I he j , y h(t ,.,. ..n-i.neii for will be two ex. Iianges will consider t eopen-i n,,,.,.,, , jaig. beforehand. ; r loxe. The Gel man claim of victory over Hie PussiaiiH w est of A -.gustow o, Sit walkl, following fighting reported by I Ihiii ye.stei day in the direction of tosstiwetz, south of Augustowo, shows illial the Germans are attempting an other mliancr from east Prussia Into 'the government of Grodno, to the east of Suvvalki, with the object of com Ipelling the Russians to reinforce their .armv In that region. I All ilies,. movements, however, have bioughi ihe belligerents no nearer to their goals, which cannot he attained until an army is ileMroved. nr one or the other of the contending forces he Iconics tun exhausted to fisht further The admiralty tonight Issued a ro ipnrt in which It was stated that the tietman cruiser Karlsruhe had ap iturcd thirteen lliitish Mratnrm 111 the j Atlantic. OI SPKH I K. I K. HUM. ALONG 15 rj'I.K, I'KONT -Two ! bombardment of Xaco, Sr.nora. which! 'What!" shouted the district al- or relief of southern cotton planters blocked the adjournment pruCram again. Adjourned at 1 :C p. m. tint tomorrow. Chase tiermnn Air Men i,i. i.t 9.1 (:! P. !"- were seen comuis, i i,ra" w..i nuiif iriw t-i i eta i ic i ,,,rnev . iigiiinst Ibis American town. ( "Well The Hill partisans, however, four I heard a that the uncontrollable Yaqul Ind ans noise." w ill disregard the peace terms. ' i "And your curiosity Wa aroused German aeroplanes toward Tans today ibut a stiuatlron ot noon pursued the Germans ed to the northward. trom Ct.mpeigne, French machine who disappear- 1 sip don't know lift. I whether hi aid The fed.'la preserve p. .aid, to hasten coiisidera'.imi ot tb". proposed cotton loan fund plan, ilcsigueil in part to give bottom to the iiiiti'.ii market. burgh The cotton exchanges in .New York, Y. M .New OrP ans ami Liverpool to be i rive at opened as Soon as possible. The Xew York exrluinae Preslilcnl al Plltsbingli. Wnsliingioii, int. - Presitl Wilson bit. at midnight for Paris, Oct. 2:i ( I l..4il p. m.) each other s every move In older , tak advantage of the slight est w eat. tie.-'s at any point, lha two gnat armies continued violent attack and counter-atl.ukH throughout last, i night and today, according to MaH ments made by officers and official nt jiirrlving here from various section of to spcal c. A. Pitt I inorrilriii. wil probably jaiid expecis will confer through a committed 1:15 In th here tomorrow at a ee brai .ion. lie will ar uigh at H;3a tomorro'V speak at 11:30 o'clock o leave Inr Washington f ttrnoon. Pitts- the battle line. These assaults did 'lit ieffect any noticeable change in the positions. although the compelled to give way a Hnstce, thii u cu nule Llllii. At Aniitntiei ts ulao allies wr luile at La southwest of tbo X;sutu$ ) . .S j