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TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1914. linrtmi'tit unci Mm. KuHniinc llnyiph. K'VK Pl lll licit, Willi teil( ilt'S School lit Madrid, southern Santa Fe county, and foini'tiy tiiiiKlit lit liiny. She was therefore thoruUKhly cuRnlzani wlih her subject, "How tin) Clubs Mny Co-operate With tin' Schools." .Mi,!. Puillh hmiik TosU's "Ootid live," ten derly, i - hit r tn I n k ly and elicited pr.i- InllKCll lippluilse, Aim. W. II. Pope, who presided, eoiiurntulnted Mr, Itu n it I'. Asplund and Ihe tiub n t , Ah. Asplund's elevation I" I hi' pr 's idi lliy of the stale federation 11 II. I t'li' chili itrcet. U her with the ehauluu iliiii sahilt. After the id.livs. hy 'Aim. ITU. hett tea wuk served 'n lln- Itit'i (If li'n Frljol.s room, km ' ni chrysanthemums ami other hlo.,.i mis jtilvhiK u festal nlr to the social pari of thf iniMtliiH which was In i'i.iim' ;uf Mrn. Charles A. limit' uni Mm. is. ti. Morley, I I ( llll I' Jl STICK OltSl KVKS I HI K I II I V. In 1 1' li l't .1 1 ion of tin' hirlhday an niversary of Chief Justice Clarenee J KoImiis, Mr. Huberts on Wednesday I'u niiiif enterlaineil at dinner.. Covers its ere laid for JihIki' and Mrs. M. C i.Miehein of Socorro, Secretary of State and MtH. Anlonin l.iicern, 1 r. ,J A. Alusslo, .Miss Alasxio, K. I'. , sic. It-f iili-M the numbers of faiinlv of the I , r.ltl.Wi:i.l. I'AIITV. i Invitations are out hy .Miss Itnmn iia lima lor a Hallowe'en party on Tuesday evening, which will hp III tin Inatiire of a farewell to Aliss Leila (iallalier and Allss Anita l!aca, hoth of whom will shortly leave lor smith cm Caiiloinia to spend the winter. I j IIIIWIlli; I'Mt'lT. The Misses Spitz. Harrison, Alnrri i.iii, I. in em, Mueller, I.aimhlin and I Mis. 1 1 . t v 1 1 - I wi fe KUests of .Misses 'Marion and (iallalier Friday nflei noon at the l-.ui i 1 ill 1 11 in ut a thimble OCHETf MEWS F TIE WEEI of the AllKcl'- I 1 11,1100 ipera hy BY PANDORA. Aesop and the Sticks Hf iniiifr, II mis not mi olisinal di , uveiy that ii" iilinouii'iil hy A("."p wheti'li"'d the fable of the f.illnr who tmp " pnuil'i"! deli - Mlnti.Hi to hlK H'll 'f the tail t 'in I ton mn lake a loin. II. of sli. I, and in i Nit them one at a time while ton cu'lt mike I'll) .inpii "Moll at "II '"" the l.undle a a H v. h"lr. The axiom that 111 union Mmnuth iti.l the pi. .sell, th.i ill mleil mil lift IL-e.f It ill l.o Hi. in i . 5ii. ii''-. older -1 i. t 1 1 1 1 K hi!;" "'' of the I.IOV. l-e Ai .ii d ollli- fo al l It OIK a (''' t there It I a hoiiH.. 1. 1 II Hi" III in the i t ,,h the tl.iwn ' hi I V Cl Cl f ill I ' ' 1 1 . 1 e Itlustla j to n h it evm nt : o i. Mid il l. lin 1 1 I as the 'I in-'ia- ! tlen Id Bllil " ("to. lolls MM the truth I ., (lore lire lots of folic III II. .1 fall old wori.l who taii I hi i in to uet the j Men. ' CW, IV HUM. I Th'i fiv .alitiiiniiioi I' In. nit" ; die in. tin nl hv nil iil'HiMttlon of the, hp.ataili' Ihnl foi muni' tune pat ha-' In i II prenetltei In the t i.lll (x of til", Ki.'te .,1 mi ml" r of ttrnllhv mi), proud old fnimly litlintiiiii mil every-I Ihltiu lad that tiny Know iil.oiit e.i h I ,,in r mil enii.iHinic It to the pnhlic I j:ne. I can I In lp feeling lhat Ihevl lire taklnit the Htickn one al a ilio ntnl I. r lining them i:i Into email hll iirdinurll) n omit Uial nonld lime tin ii,ii e on lh paire, .ul the ion i iin will H the finuiK lal pioiiilneiice 'f I nil piillcH i i. in clued in.iKcn It lek'HI niai ly .i nii.jcct tor diHiiiH'lon h. re Jlnm n knottH I haw no Inn test In the outcome of (lie titration mid vtoiilil not for ail lnlanl he undei Hi.o.l hi i MutH-iiiK ell opinion one ty or aii 'iher h I" the merlin of Hie i a i'. Common l pe h nee t mil -rii thrtt Uhll.illy 111 mn ll vurr there I" eoiihiOeiatde roiorton of ritilit nil I wrong on Imtli nldrii I'.ut 1 ran t K t tittiiv from ii fei Hiik nf r' isri t nlinon of MidneH' iit tne iliHtrnt'inj niecli:e of the ctivk he ln iiriloocej finin th handle. JV IIONOK OK MltS. WIW. (ilio of the niot flaholiite iiflailK of tint piiM werli wh the ten Rhen lit ln Jom-ph Kinher, Weiliiemluy .if lernoon, nt her hmnv on Went Tilcia iivrnuti In honor of .tr ITederlek Winn, who left luM nmhl for a week'c mIh v In Hwnlii I'r mid lni I no In Arionn, where Hill Ju r pi-rmnnent home The Klrthtr home heitiitifullv 1erorteil In wluti? ni tellntf roiw. i hrvHniitht'nuimn of tin mini color :.nd iniltiiH. Mm. Kin hr, Mrn Winn Mild Mm. Mullen rrei'Hfil 111? ruch h. Mm. A, . Withu BWlHtid. I" the dining room Mn. 8, T. Vnnn presided lit a tiliif frHRriint with IibhIuIn of Tone! tied With llllK I'OWH of tlllle llll'l lmlen w ith ilellclnun refrf HhttientH A UHlmir Mm. Vnnn were Minn Mnrniilet Mild Ml Kneenlit Keleher Thomi Invited Included Mm. !" Meirlit. Mm. S. T. nn, Mrn IV H Jli IindH'iiH, Mm. Joliff .e Clarke, Mm. Al t Chadl'oiirni , Mm. Iv J. Al Ker, Mm It. It. I'lillock, Mrn. ThoiniiH Inuilhy. Mm Samuel K. Mitchell, Mm. A. tl. Sluirtle, Mrn, T. N. Wilkor koii, Minn llarel Muloy, Mm. I.iiurence 1 .!-, MIM I-or I nvelnce, .Mint M.iy l.elln livclace, Mm Mal'il Steven Jlniiee. Mn NeiKon, Mm 1'. IV I'll, h 1)11, Mm. Km Ilk I'ooler. Mm A. Leo ).i.ld. Mm Walier Counell. Air H. J. linidford, Mm. (leoiite HlminH. Mrn. A. n. WhIih. Mm S K, McKlwmn, Mri. Kelrher. .Mm. Jaiiien K. .Mullen, Min Clmlyn Alatnlell, Mien Ciiine i Irei nln ruer, Mm. i . A. MhIhoii, Mm. Thomait Keleher, Mm Theodore H, Woolmy, Jr., Mm. I.. 8 J'elet, AIIhh tlerlrude Walker, Mm. A, C. ThonuiH, Mm 1". (1. CornNh, Mm. I.oiiIh Ifliv iioIdH Aim C. A, Alanli. Mr W. K. Wuneti, Mm Knout . iih, mi liaMd II. Ii ne, Mm il. N Mnrroii. Mrs liedeil.k IIiiiiiI.v, Mrn ,1 A lilainry, Mih J, t Seih. Mrn I,, c. Heiiuclt, Alii. I-: A Walker, Aim I.. I1" Head. MlM IjiiiiIm li'Coiilier, Aim J, Hallowe 'en Hi slinloil M. Hull In Cm la- niul I'lne. 1 1 1 ;i e'en In the iilKhl I'efore All S i.iiIh' da , Novi'iuher 1. f.illowcd Hi" nexl il.t v hy All SoiiI'h day. h time over lln- ttorli 'or mcinoiy of the dead. I I I"iiiIIchm Indeed h the itoiil for which no noiil Ih iillcleil tin n, and d. HieHt tl. ,ifiiii-K ku, It need lie, to pav for iu.iii ik and cniidh H for th loved one n rent. In Kurope, I'rot iHHilit and Cilholie ullke, lull -tcr i, ml unhell tor, d"cornle the Ktaen of ihar out and ll SoiiIh' liny Ih the unlieiHal Memoihil ilav I At de llll' 'ltnilie Iiiok' Sellor, hill u Inouiclll, ."tn' The Jai' The olhi' Will you Inly if' Very little .ton Hhall piiv. I.ooll Jon. Inn nixlu , KHCIl and i npp r, flecked ith ttatH of 1,1111 how Mt. Ill ; M.iiimI. licit iilfan I o -i i i a ill Mi I ti tx keii hi hi. ill IiiiiIkIiI' Atiyuel maile it. Ah' The Padre union to the rim km ho hoop! father, wail a pint! r lor Miguel: .Mart, AIhIIot, manl the l.oon' Si nor, MiaclaH' Wli -n the mm tine I c 1 1 1 fur AliKiiel n rent, Know a v.. an, ill In the darl.neH' juii)h Kill y oil tun limy hp hh hI." lt-lrsN' l Sun .Iiiiiii'h Hay, s iM .1 'in 1 1 ih d.iv in i ; ii.i. I.i In ..' : the d.iKa h n dir 'llh e.i ha I hi oh hold and n.iy niiij HenoiitaH div, And ,MI:iiel, ie ulfineto, ttcinlH through Ih" itottd to her, Indole, with the diinky ee ho mft an IwiliKht ky. Imlor. H 'ncalh w hone HkIiIchI toil' h hin heiul Ik like the clay; Who iiioIiIh him he iiioIiIn IiIn ttmiH upon the whlrriiiK ttluel, ih' may the kiiiMh I.i v. i t" him on Ihin nupl Inn day, And mnnl Ii I ii im.i.Ii In e her all the love a man may feci. All nlln.i, nee. thin olla- how Ii f I . i -1 1 . x In tin- hiiii. And eh I ui in i ih with I he It'H of I'iiIiiiiiu'h illinilei I. leant! la ft thou the lid and look within. iinill.i, little one; My hi ill I liei warm lielow yoilr Haze iih I,ii .Ih lie In tin Heiiliitlven lit the ennvelillnn fih nil Ion to he held In l.o next June, when h. prlr.e of Will he .iwarifed for the hen . an America ii i-oiiiiioner I A Hlale oIKanljitlon of iiiiihIc cIii'ih !u in cmiteniidalion, iin, Mi, f, U 'lliadford, one of t,P ,hi"f misanlnem In the Thumday rluh, Hn w, II an one of the lemllnK munieliinn of AlhM'jucr iiie, linn he' ii mini,, mate. pi. Hl.n''. ' llereafler tlm (u,' will irlet't on (lhe Heeonil niul fourth Al lav. even ing in each nionlh nt the-huilduiu of I ll- Wonian'ii cluh, nnr mtravlite .io KraniH ttlll ho rendered at mO -t-.'UK. - , I The mectlntr al which Ihene vlifil chaniieH wire upon .ih held jl.iKl Tkurnday morning, wlnn Mm. Jtalpli Al. Ilendemon and Thoioax A. ,1'hrlHtian lo one of the hint in iif-l.n I iroKraniM eter liiv. n In llii' cllv. Alr. C. A. foreman. All", f. i:. Head mid MIhm Paula PohIcII iil-o took In the enl ri nninent. while Mm. It. It. pollock I'. 'd a ruont InlercHtiiiK paper un curtint iniiHical l.'VCIltH, I Tuesday night lifter the l he Prehliyterinn church lian and Aim. Ilendemon gu st of the ( lull nt th cluh huildiiii;. A repelil I'lnafnie p.rforniance imon tu will make Joseph lianriH. r. .Mm Julia in. I Mrn. Al, H "rgmnim. An Hiti lion litnliie ii.uty in Iheir honor hy Mm llildeuiiiile (IruiiHfeld vewterday lompleted h ii unimnally 'ie live week fur Aim Itoi etiu aid lin.l Mm. Welnkopf The other iiueHt.i were Mm. Kidney f. I(..h. uuiihl, Mm. Kdttnril lloaenwald. Mm Hatld ItuH .nwahl, Minn Iteilna Itofeim -a Id, .Mr, .'adle N'eiiHliidl, Mr. It 'in 'll uni'feld, Mm. Kriient Hpiir., Aim. Nmi lireld, Aim. II. Klilt. Mm. Ilerniird Hf' Id. Mm K'li'on stern, Mm J A. Wein man, Air. I.oiiIn llfeld, All .Max Noidhau. Mm. Nathan Jala, Airs L. Kempi nh li, Aim Jua. ih Itamtigi-r nnd .Mi. Arthur Jaffa COM I IIT TO MICS. WIW. I'lie l oncert In honor ol Ada Pier. Winn Hi the PrcMht. tci lan chuich Inft Tuemlay nmhl tt u mi ,n Untie Inumpli Hllll nil ev. llt long to he I " Illeluliel i ll It llione fi'l t II tin It- eiiiiugh to he ileh enl, That the people wire confident of the ntillllv of the performer ttn ntlcHleil l,y the nl.e of the iiiidlence. Ahlc'i iin k'd (he ii iidltni linn, ,h.i id luliiliia Sunilay I11...I iooiiih iill.l tin g.illi.t. and Dial tiny enloted the conceit fuliv and every minute of the tunc further ileinoi.xtral d hy the r upturn giteu the five performer An i inh it. khIi lit ii t mi' fed from the room lead ng In the i lotl the people iiiiIiiiiiI' d. when each flnleli e.l fl niiiuher Ho le huh an encore, nnd after tlnlKhlng hn Mir performer wiih npplainlctl iiKaln. An till ttan done for each on I in pinKiani, il wa haul to tleleriiilue ttli.ther the peo(ie Inn) iitiy favorite.; it evidently hh an 'all latniHc" eonipuny. ProfenHor Hiaiiley Heder open, il Hi" luogruin with Hie Hliilelv and hcnull-. fill Triumphal .Mur. h" Irom and limiliiVIHCil fur Ih.. enenre VitllatiollH yfiiH the npiiorliirilly afforded I for an eteiiing'n (lelighlful enlertain- , in. Hi and were (iliHel v. il In the nudi eliee, ih ' pile the hlg pnllllcill llleet :iuk and Ilie AlKHnnh' tout enl ion. I Th" niuHclaiiH lHilayed tarn liiHl.t I In ,M I". t ing li n l h li- i ah ulale.l tu pleate the moHt cullivaled, m iihIi ii I ly, anil 'al. i o charm I hone In the audience who, not hat ing mud" a ntudy of mil ihIc, inliilit not iii.i. i lale finlHlied . lechnliiie part leu In 1 1 , hul who never theeHM were lovrr of true inui - Hie Kind w.lh the lieiiutlftil melody which all can follow niul (mil. rslaiul, wliii Ii rem hen the heart a will a plcafc the ear. , , III I I PTIOV T SOCOItlUI. A ieccillon whh given l-'ridav night IKTOI1IH. iictoher'n it hrunett. Nut-liriiwn In the hue of her. you iniiHt take a walk In get Any proper view of her. She Will 1.1 the pace H"t It nwift and candy. Willi a win I Ie upon her fine, llflpilly and lreedy. She" im outdoor girl. Alaltleii noft mid Innguorouii Only range our Hp to curl, i inly nerve tu anger u--". 'Tl icIoher'H (twa.v. Mriptilng ti, enfolding u Front that net the hlood lo play Youth's fnreier holding us. All Hie nlr Is vtiiu-; Sweet, Willi .vet a hit"' III il. All the virtu known romliinu To put a pure delight In it. Whil" the l;y I clear 11 Ix Joy lo talk with you! lilcHM your heart, Ooluher dear, I will take a walk with you! 1 1 ti f Alexander, In Pittxtiurgh ld-natt h. iiai i.owi: k wi:i.k. It Ih a week dedicated In merry makers and Santa Ku noelely will make the ni"fl of It. The leading event will he the concert on TIiiiih- iinjilay evening ut the executive maiiMon ati.lion lirldge hoHl,., enl . ria in ing "v M'H- Aut, 1 " ' " " " Ilol llik of llaclne, .: ...,., ,. ,. .m ,, an exclusive nnd nmart affair. Winn, who studied under Put had been Ht-lectotl to play the pr. Hcnt were: Aim. St. c,iir, Mrs. K. leading rolo at the first prtaluctlun C. piker, AIIhh l.ora Vovelat e. Mrs. I"' l'"hem and her fame, a a 1 rji in it 1 1 ' sopruii'i npans tnu I'tiiui iientH.' She ha oMecteil her own pro- (.ritiii for ThiirMdat- eveiiinif The nu ll. 1, Air. (I. O. Shol lle, Alit-H Louise i ly :iil,lill,,n;il iiiimln.iH will lie a cello nlo l.y .Miss l'.lliil.elli AlaHNle anil piano selection hy Airs. J. II. Itapp concert nt .Mr. Chrls- ttel" the Woman's Hi. n of the given last Santa Fe Society Notes springs whh put on In a dei' il.dly in formal and wholly enjoy tMe manner, and the evening waH one lung to he 1 1 ineinhereil hy iill who part, I VII IIIMM II AT AI'ITIOX. mi Thill xduy iifternnoii Alls. f. Nohl of South Waller sltccl was A. I nil" lor AIihh Kim i tu e Wis. The rooiiia were in lil ii a II v tlet oiat' ii wiiii ciii-.tsantli' iiiiims. M is. ( m ry J.'lui .Millie iiHsiMtetl the hostess. Those, . nil tl. S,, .Mis Aliihcl Lovelace, I AIihh Marjorm l-.dwnrds of Full Suin- Nlflnd. Afrs. V. (J. Jarretl, .Mrs. T. N. VMIkeiHon, Airs. Frank Tull. Aim John Mllnc, Miss Florence Hoillck, Airs. II. (i. Coots, Mm. II A. Ilillner, Aim. J. A. Itchly, Aim. I,. (I. 1 1 Ice, Aim. lieolge Taylor, Aim Samuel L hy the fin ul I. v iiiitl hoartl of reuenls d Hie New Mexico School of .Minis at Hiicoiro, which proved to he one of I he Hi""l successful affair ever given In that live anil nterpriHlng city. Il whh a l.iilliant affairs and w as attend ed hv the must prominent , people in that section of New Mexico. I he reteptiou w as for I he purpose of Inln. din Ing the new students of the Institution to the peoplti of Hocurin, and wiim In every way a Hit'cess. I'u lure so( liil nffiilm of Ihe hnhic nature are In conteiiiplaliun lV the college autlioi il li s, and the season promlscH to gain nun h Ih sol lal Imiiortaiice on aeeoilut ol the m'lltities of the colle gia Ii. I.iilnics l,y niiinhers of Ihe faeully of Ihe Hi hind of Aline al fifiUclit interval will he featurts of the col lege ear. mil Air. C, F. Iio A distinctly Hallowe'en cast In to he given tu Hie reception nt the first I'rcsliytei'ian church on Tuesday cvn- , inn In mem hers ant It'll nils of the .Mitchell, Airs. Tuft, Aim Chitrlej, hurt h, hut especially the new tncin W ashliiglon, Airs. K. S. Newcomer, hers, hy the .Stephens' Itihle ( lass. The committee In charge are: liettirn llons. C. K. Llnney, Pror. Iliimmilt, J. A. Wood; refreshments. F. I'. Side- hottoiti, 11. 1-'. Stephens, John II, iWulker; enterla inni.tit and amuse Iff t menl, Suiil. f. C. Snyder, l'retl Ale- John I. Adams, Aim Leslie O. C! II htt", Mrs. T. A. Ilayden. Airs. Alar tlorf. Aim. Tin inas Doran, Air. WalK-r L. Kigel, Airs. Htipert !' Aspluud, Aim. II, c. Vonls, Airs. Frank An drews. s ItlAIAt.K. I've ii,l a-goii,' to Sunilay school I'm goln' to he an had As Capla n Kitld or Nero wus ir Jimmy .Mayer's dud. I'm gnu' t'n he so awful ni'-sn, I'm sure tu go tn hell; An' when J sec the det il. then I'll go In him an' tell How that ol' m.iii what calchis dogs Came hy our house one day An' coaxed Spot right Into his pet An' drug him away. An' then I'll say. "(loud devil, I've come down lure to work; fin Just as strung as any man, An' I will never shirk If you'll Just, let me lend the fire An' keep It Rood an' hot, Where you hate put t lint wicked man Who took away old Spot. Ilalph llaeoii in Texas Kepuldlc. IN 1IOVOU OF MIIS. Ml CIII.M. Airs. Al. C. Alechem is a guest a! the home of .Miss.'S Conrad and 'iscii un Ihi.'tia ViHta heights, ami will re main here next week. Jud;'.i Alechem returning home on Friday. She was the guest of honor at a luncheon giv en at HI iirtiz, Liimy, hy .Miss ', li ra tl. Covers wi re laid for ten. The decorations were yellow chrysanthe mums and the affair was a most cn- Jo.valih. one.' Ths trip in Ijimy home wa made In nuloniohih s. The same nl'ttrnoon .Mrs. J. Johnson enti rliiinetl delightfully cards. Th"te were six tallies Lridgc. AT C.VltllS. The Friday cluh was the guest .Mrs. Frank v. Parker. Tin day chili will meet tomorrow Hath" ami W. a' . f iii 1 1 . ici;. The dame at the Puhlie lihrary, un ler the auspices of the Woman's Aton-1 Hoard of Trade, opened the dancl ig W illi 'season willl. eclat. The same C 'n- i Mr. It. I!. Pollock anil Airs. C. F. ; Lowher. Ixotkk or mm IFTY. i Air Aaron lloHenwaltl tla iighler, toinorrott Aim. S. Wei. for li. nver, 'kopf, w la l i a ml will leave I hey will ma in I .mi .Mrs. S. C Vofk for a making the i 'i lea ns i:. a visit of sevenil weeks' iluru- Crichton; invllatiotis, Johnson and Itev. II. White has g.. two inoiithH trip hy water. I Mr. I 'alias ! At i s. ; turned soulhe I Airs. : favorite In AlhuiUeriUe, is. ime mouths past a .lesld ie tn New vacation, la New to lllritle, It. J Iscott. prof. Alt Coliollgh. s AIKNS CONM'I P.I.CTI. Oh, Jim, Fm in an awful row IWIih Alls Passce although I vow !ir 1 wns rude, 1 don't see how! 1 1 in certain I ha I I meant no harm, j You see, JM ofii retl her my arm illefole X noticed, with alarm, IThere really wits not room In dance, 1 1 didn't care to take a chance. So mummied with a tender glance: Vang hey has gone for a visit of two weeks. Alahcl Stevens llinuie has re finui a two months' visit "ll ii Calilornla. Lalph I leiulerson, lung a social hut for !"isteail of talking, let lis chat: nt of Fi r can't see room to sttlmr a cat! Pas.i, is the guest of Alls. N Stevens. Mrs. II. son have make their future hoiiit Airs, fienrge Putlltlg.) left last week Pray was there any harm In that? i Then why did she get on her car; Scolt Knight and lur two!(n,i Vtalk awav wiih haughty air? gone to Oswego, N. V., to;uH surely verv. ttrv tiueer! (ieorge li. Morewood, In Lippln- ( utt's. ( Inn Ie J. Andrews, tenor, untl Thorn as Christian, ol LI Paso. Iuihso. Insleatl of singing "The Fl-liermen a announced on the lirngrntii. Ihe iiliHtPiiii-d Mintlelsnnlin's "llrctllng. Milt h was i .hi ik lit to t he ear, Hi I li i:AsTCIt STAIL for th" east. She will visit in litl1.- The meeting In AH.iiiUcriUc IhmI ,vllli', Chicago and Oswego, N. Y., he we. k of the lirallil Chapler of Ihe Or-irr returning to Alhuiiueniue. tier of the laiMtein Star was an etenti Mis. f.hlred Anspatli antl small of the- greirtet sneoil liupol'tam n an .daughter will IcnnvJu-Ul'ew dais for nfter nt interest In sr- .haina iiarnara, t al., w rwtp .tir. Aim- through Santa Fa u few luuh I located. ;iiomeWiird hotintl. Mis (.l.idvs Mandell Is enjoying a J. . Shiirp has one of his Taos pic vlsit Irom AlisH Carrie ( irecul.erser ,'t ores on exhiliil nt the fifth annual cx)iihltlnti of the i 'allium. a Art cluh lal l is, of Kl Paso, '.vhuiin Kxtmsitlon park. Los Angeles. It tor lite past iwo tveei on ilie I4in jtosc or .suiiiiiier. 1 11" wi ll as of Ihe w Id .. tini. c.M'ilieiii exa llipi'-s l(- ,. nriler tllcle. of Ills ower and hlt iiillh with the hln : Among the ptoniln -iit Pie. e. anil hlH ahllllv to make the tir-Mhe t ilt oil account of Hit sun .spoilt w Mil iiiiunsl human tones ; t ho gr.nnl t hapler were Airs. Lauril0' Las egas on the sweetly inehnlioiis uumhem ) Hart, of San Antonio, Texas, Past i Mm. J. lO. Tile next IlllUlhi r was a duet hViMnsI Wmlht Crinnt Ma Iron nf thn has hllll her. j AIM' AMI I in ltH ItK. ! K. 1. Coiise, Ihe last of the artist Icolony at Taos to leave for the east productive, summer, passed days ti ijo Nadine Face Powder (tit Cmn Bom Only) Airs. Hugh K. Oilmour who t a rrh d ing the Itoyal N. ighhois and Aloileru off Ihe prize at last week' meeting, i Woodmen were host ut a dance In which was held at the home of Airs. j:liei- hall. Those who did not danc L. o. (Illicit. The guests at the !- tt-r meeting hesides Ihe cluh nn inhersl were Airs. Francis C. Wilson and .Miss. Ituth Laughl'n. The floral decoratioiH ; were ( liiysaiillieinums. The filieen cluh met with Mrs. II. AI Thotiuis I'ritlay aflernuiiii, wiih Airs. I. II. Itapp presiding. .Mrs. frank Ni whall lead a paper hy Airs. It. II. llanna, t ho is ill A lhu.iieriue wiih Judge llanna. on "Santa fa Today," which dwelt especially with the civic deeds of Hie capital. Airs. II. F. Aspluiid read a story from the current numher of the Am "rican magazine. Current events and imitations hy each of the iiiemlieis were the oilier lentuic of the pro gram. Among Ihe guests were Mrs. W. II. Chihlets of A lliuiiu ruue. The cluh will hold its next meeting with Airs. Wallers on Fast Palace avenue. The Woman's cluh had one of its delightful al'terniions on Tuesday, i delightful that i again culled out lull audience thai lilleil Ih" assemldy ! room of lln- Palace of the t lovi i nors. The meeting was under the auspices' t th" home iiiul child welfare t' Makes The Complexion Beautiful Producing that soft, velvety fresh ness so much admired. Money refunded if not entirely pleased. Nadine is pure and harmless and adheres until washed off. Blends out blemishes; prevents sunburn and return of discolora,tions. A million delighted users endorse the delicate tints, Flesh, Pink, Brunette, White. By Toilet Counir$ or Mail, SOc. ' National Toilet Company, Parta, Tenn. I Sold by Williams Drug Co., and - i other toilet counters. visitors meeting t ol1 ended perli'Clty i' . a pall Ii-ll In I ly fine Ihe ui". llll I.H A I've, AH. Wnlter Killtdl and An, ftetl Arthur. DM! O't Unit I.I'M III ov. Among the many delightful affair" that have In en gltcti In honor of Mrs, fttdiiiik Winn on the eve of tier il" p.tittue from New .Mexico none ha mi! puss. .1 the one o'clock luncheon of Air John Fnglund Smlthcm at the Aiviiradn I'llilav. The lalde wa luiiiitlfiillv d"c"Mtd in ted en I rial loIiH, Ihe (fleet heing tHtili.l out in the pla. e-i iild'i. whl.h wile liantl-pa.iileil en rna I Inns 'he I. suit l.eiiui In the lilgherd ilegri'e ar- tlelte I'., ul. , tic guest of honor Utile t i ii pie'tiit Mrs Inhii la e Clarke, ;tli M ti 'li,. .1 in mi in-. Mr-. Al.iig.n V t Al dh-r, Mrs .Inaph C liiimn. Mm V ' l' I andress, nlni Itoss iMel't'llt. '1M i hul 1. s S While, Mis. M K Wtld.-r. Mi-c V, II. 1 It; n and Mr.' .V ", W al i.i l MtiMii; ul miss liolll It li. Aim John Milne wun hostess Wt i Wo VI mi hi SCleill.lli W.(, I he in Ih j i c not fat ni i d ,'it .ii.-i'i" en tins uniitlier, mill they ev Idem d their desire for it l.o', i I.e. It ti ti. Henderson. -oiiil-., of Id Past linking stiperh in her rich " iiiliif ymtii of l.l.n k satin autl hi "id eal ni l. t a a" next with "Capric n n nol,..' lie of Krelsler's i tiuip t titii'ii", mil lir .'i.i 1 1 wa 'PliimlM s r. -natle." ht liarult gger. w hich she I laved in j, ni irlerly maniu f. 'I ll' li came the peel less Alia I'lelce Wlnil, ilium, ill.. Hoplalio, the hntioie.. of the i.e. ;i. imi, in mi clcganl nnd iiiiisi iiitist,,. gnttn, who s.-ina ""is tl'Arli." (Lot,, nnd AIuslci. Ihe lam- eiieiiil i ru ml chapter: Alts. Allnnhi 'Visdlng her mullier, Mrs. Al. L. John- and . .Miller, of Los Angeles, Worthy 'stun, has returned In her home. Hraliil Fslhcr of Ihe ilencral (irantl! -Mis Frances Slronie . expecting ('hapler; Alls Alary rniri' itn, of Soeor- 'm"'ii In leave for lletllamls, Cal., in, Past liralul Matron of New .Mexico, j hern her pitrenls are making their land .Mrs. Hum Al. West, of Poll llll- home. lion, Mich., Supieme Cumtnuiulcr of' Mrs. L. Chadhouni., Ihe Lathe of Ihe Alan a In es, U'lly, Is Ihe guest of li 1 Min Friday nighl a Hiieclally inter- !'". ('hadhouine. of New York . i' son, Al r. Al. ' tin i.-.l.i. nil. I:e lll.l'.lf III. I, I I' . I. e Ii! ll III '-HlK 11 1' Ho. . i ll. li ti 1 I 1 1 1; 111 I' 11 1 Tl." i:,;- sk tveie ttot, M, i.oia I.." Hi. k. v, Mi., mil. I M.l I; p. nil, Mu-H .lames T. New lull l ull. M New 1 tit". Mis- M l' I" Sir.. it, i . Mi s .1 ii'iiut a a sett Inn he- al .11 Snillll Hgll ftreet 111 I hen He gtl si. M iss l -k. of I;. "Ill"', Wis. Of- hmeiit were served al un of the arieruoiiu'n cl.- A m n, M i s i: W.ui. n. ;. W. t. ll I" ill. h A I'. M 1 H Ml , t '.n I he A ii. Ms 11 M t- Wi.Ii.. i II I' l M. Al l: l: ,1 VI- (It-olge At- ., Aim M K. key, Mr, l'u . Doyd, Mm. A min New - i;Hielle I.U ..n;. Mts Itov Mis S. T. II. a. Alts W. Chi i tt, Alt. l.l-le K"lll "'Us "Pi. net art and ih ll, Winn s " l.selll ' ,, Mr HI I. Iter t . luc-.Miiii I : .'nnllH,, tt ill 1 1 a Me ,t Sen;-. I'V It. -Kill. till II ih I'll. I. "Sol S. .1, I "Allcgr a p.i I,,, ttlliell lilc I.U; in;, ,, (.,'; nllli ' 111 I ,n,l (,, I ll" spl Igllt I', ,n,, ,, from "Alignon Al i . Christ mn, i ..... pi'.m am numl'ct -i K ipPng I n mi i "i. I lug "i'l 'li It for mil' i. ,i Id . Inn a , iliannili. ail, and and silting "Tor 't 'al m. n ' ii.mth , hut jthe penpleV "Mother o i.i-i h ), and ! in nils III -j ll U' till ('snug program wiih reiuleretl, con- .sisiing ot musical milliners i.y Airt. ' lingers, Allss Anna Al ter and Air Kalhryu Oriminer-liailey, leailiugs hy iA)m Harry Strung and Alls Iintlc mid jan address hv Mrs. Illiin .M. West, j The Installation of nflicem last illgllt, ttdlottetl hy a 1 .. 1 11 1 1 1 1 . t anil .thine ', proved lo he a filling conclu sion In one of the most successful gathering!! of the kind ever held In !.ew Mexico. HAM I". TO IMTOIts. A Hiilf Option dun i his splendid canvas "Indians at .Mass," reproducing Ihe artist's vision of an Impressive scene at Taos. Jir. I lector Aliot, Ihe versatile art .mil dramatic critic who lectured be fore, the summer school al Santa fe anil Is favorably remembered hy San til Feans, appears as Ihe author of a (Hi-page volume that represents a work that shuul.l ;t 1:-. t he done for New .Mexico. It Is entitled "liihliog raphy of Arizona," anil is mainly a record of the literature collected hv I l' .1. .scull Aiiiasa Alunk. who al- vHting lu r parents. Air. ami !,, i,.,.n u Santa Fe summer school at I "ii J. It:t ii It 111, hit lb." last "fendanl ami who made a present ul' cck for lu r home In Kansas City. n hhiarv of 7.0110 volumeu of Ari el' Airs. Leonard en-lZnna literature to the .Southwest uni on of having won a of which Charles F. Lunmiis. of ol Air. the pan Alberl Alls. (Hen I guests Neher, Al i s. been Airs, the w The young baby jots the distinct en rrii p and sun arc ; and Al rs, ( leorge K. ' nls ol Al rs. Hem rup. ' P. Leonard, who has; SCHOOL OF MODERN DANCING Odd gins Hon'l forget our Class Lcson and Jlance, Thitrs'dny etfiiing of tach week. Class lesson h lancing after !l o'clock. I'liildren's Class Saturday afternoon at '.' o'clock. I'hono I82;l. 11. i;. m;V, llancim Fellows pi'inipl ly hall, at k. Instructor. in ni inst il, witn cxiiuiMie "i numher of visiting young act, ,s nil eiii'iiie Alls. unlv eisallv nil It all It nor, who urn never ul' I. i , sang w lilt splendid rs ilia 'I, in';- 'Long ng." re- Hie number "Willi Would lie flying," llUlllli ladies, w.. given at YViinilnifiis hall Thursihiy nlKht anil proved to he one of the un. si delightful all, ins ever put on in AlhiiiiicrtUc. It is allng 111, i proh- of Saula I able that a peiniancnt social otganiz-ger of Las atinn will be foimed out td Ihe Iml of i A It ar.ul.i bolt .prize in the falter fables contest al ,t he ' hool ijf Ainel'iilan Archaeiiioey the state fair this i nil. j;it Santa Fo Is the founder emeritus. ; Airs. Kdgnr Sli iiiniuist and sun. -y j,,arv of Ari.ona, of course, (Filgar, Jr. of I'm Hand, Oregon, are ,s ,r,.,.,.8. )r, Aliot, who is cuta igtiesls of Air. and Airs. John Strum-ir ot Ihe museum, has catalogued it qilist. Airs. Filgar Struimtuist was under the names ot the authors, fol formerly Alls Helen f.tarrup, of this ,,wctl by a subject catalogue and a K'ltV. igenci'iil iiulex. The volume has for ; Airs. .Mi t nan .lall.i. ol Kosweii. ami j,ts frontispiece n fine portriiit ol Or, her two daughters. Airs. Art bur Ja I ! i Al uuk and Is rich In oilier illuslra- il, I Airs. Joseph Hanzi- jtinns. Head ban. Is of native wild Vega", are Klli'Sls at Ihe vt Wi nuinhei' ling' is. on ; d forth in.ig itt ed il w il h Ie "Oavnllc" ins I ' , t , -I'l I ..i lit. it. I,, I liii". i I All PS .lr- A., ti.un. hii r J'l Hills, i. lilel t of V i I. VI hi Mis J I' iilcr and wile limnlie, cent so",'ii III k i ii;m i lh"ln I Mi- sang iis nnv lcev Selei Inn I. ill, I tl'lllllltltt tile display nt ci c r-piipohir Sotig " from These w in e i vectiti'd lu il llie songs which reached lleall ttete his I m ul'es. Al inc." i K ipllug T in in "The Land nt Hie l.eal." Vl'llllir footi'. These were s,i r . .l.'lc ainl lei'linitly sunn, display- ingei 's tt nnd ri ully t u Ii mid lie bass l.'iics. thi s tt II ni.) ill III,, menu. IV .. the It 11,1 1 e! e deeply a ffet tci I v ill. AH -h.c VV . I'l i) 1 .1, -in- '" 'In A V e . in, Aiis Itti.u till I.oia' n.1.1,1 1 1-It. Was 1 - , bled g llll Ui' " n riii ,' f. i.i ,f IV I II, inn Wt ,.i. s .ci, pi. . !c A' is Weinman (bit nit. lliuiiu at a "!! ii con t ha Ii was a pi iti.v.!,- ed -'Hie table wile ' a a .1 1 II , I i s .1 . - In pink "tol white il-rt-.tnth lllld t .bbioi. K tlte quests li.innr there wrn present viis Naih M r. Aflhtir .!. . pit Iiai.- ! y. w. fb. , -1 tci ai i k s r. i li a Id. Al i s, 1 s. I I it'll V ilile I Host 11 W il III, "f J'.nSW t I Jitflit. of Snnta I c; Mr. xiger, ".f Im Vegas; Ale Aim. O s Itsi im Itowuwaltl, Mm, K. It. Ivan Orunsfcltl ant) Al ilrunsfeitl A sew ing psl t Thtirsu i nfierpim-i nt which Ali I'lilfchler Iiiul. i wus no less njot nlile,1 Kl"'tt r .. freshments us u of the in- lertaininent i I - I..I ! Mill f St'l Olid til "ie i; 111 1 ! ii'"" " r tt .iv A us dor lleliiia lb," i,s Snu'tana. tt In. Ii t II her in III, pul e anil a," a I'ul I he ens,, ii mi ii.. i plating She used as lni l i,is iiinloubtcllv "tie i,f pu'ar uunihci s of the . v , i hauling 1 To a Wil l M," I a-tt ell, with (he must '" pi" "I cm it. i 'tit i:t ti i in n t '' i't I'lole-sitl Seilcr. II llipit ii, , ne " v It. i . . tt hi 1 1' slni II tt c tu i n In id tt til tls In pl op, lit- l.-si fih.. Tos r iii'iin.ri.ii "in, ,i, p.te." us .end. re I ib. Mm. Wini.' li win. a., w mi, l.o lid Hit ll itsiiin.ili.g pipe-iiigan in1- irnu d i llll.'ICS j f i.'. ;eh:!.,i , Pe l nt 11 tl I '...m of li I i In i re a I th. in, ,s I elll'lg. III ! It,, si . ; , t l II IS , toaisll jst,t, I And those who I,, i,i part In Ihe iili.iu. and if ,' in li idmulil he Ihe case it I , avur . d lhat there will he niaut .l,li"lillul dailies in the city' during tin coming is inter. The (.pcclit! guests al Ihe dance fi". tins night were Allss Itubv Peel, Afs.' Allele Ouiikeily, Aliss Kalhirlue f la tin ami Aliss llacl Kulitht. A de lightful feature wa" the tlciminsli a tii.n hv Prolcssor mnl Airs, II. f. nr- call- nan of Ihe "four lluiidiid due Step," one of Ihe latest of the new dances which Mr luc.ali uiiinitil on his ic it iil trip to the cast. The guest included Air antl Alls. II, (i. Coins, Jr. Air. mid .Mis I; Al. Hutchinson, All. and Mm F. A Aloss niau, Air. ami Airs, tieoiuc C, Taylor, Mr. ami Alls. II Iv Ougaii. .Mr rind All felt Skinner, All', ami Aim. it. p, A. Johnson. Air. and Airs. .1, lienson Newell, Alis l.oiii Lovelace, Allss Un by Peel, .Miss I. anient' llcsschleii, Allss tillse Woods. Alls" Idemuh' augliey, Alis Until Tompkins. M ss lla.ei Ala ley. Allss Sadie Mori is, Allss Ka tiler-in- lijvin. Aliss Atari, n'li' falsi aids. Miss Chai lotte! .Miss Latircne svelin. Miss I'e iM K u tt nrthv . Alis lean lluhlis, AIp-s Irene I let keiihtd . Allss Julia i'i n'i, Aliss Aih le Hunker Is. Mis Hael Knight. Al isM Ituth Hi. ciilitil. .Mies AlMi ll 'i.e, Miss Alav- ! Airs. A. V. ftlw. mis mid her, Alis Maiiurie fdvvaitls, of fort 'Sumner, N AL, are giicsls of the I .Misses Lovelace. Air. nnd Airs John Millie and their ImiicsI, linienee lloiiick. spent yesteiday ill Santa fe. Aliss I liiiiu k , leaves tomorrow lor her home in lla jcine, Wis., after a sisit In AllnliUti'"ue lid six weeks' duration, I Airs. Harry P. W iller gave a sew ing bee Tuesday allernoon fur Air.'. ! Aaron Itosemvalil autl Airs. S. Weis 'l.ipr. Just! guests were pies cnl, for the most part relative, i Airs. I! Kijsciisvalil entertained in formally Aliuiil.iv aiietnoon In honor .of Alt. Anion ltosensviild and Aim. S. I Weiskopf. j Alls Aline stern was hostess yes it i day afternoon at an informal sew- hce In honor flutter of Arizona r'i'fcsentiiig a great variety of types, tiews of Ihe desert. Indians and Ihe industrial niul esthetic pursuits of the neighboring slate, precede each chapter. II is a work of love that reiitilrcd much lime and painstaking research on the part "f Hr. Allot. A KFSFKT sum;, When I came on from Santa Fe Ly desert road llirtmgli night and day. The wilds of God ran far nmi free, Antl sweet tho wind of desert sea. Put. ah! my heart to know again 'liic scent of rain, the scent of rain! And I'd in fancy scale the it I r I'.t'Vtind those yellow mountains bare. And Rn with dizzy bird survey A thousand mile of shining day. Hut, oh! my heart to see again The dai'U of rain, the dark of rain' ill eeliherger, nnd .Miss Atl Al Ms f.ernh f Alis Carrli Miss katherlne Flavin j Ad r would glean the gold of sun Ie Imiikerly. ,Aml ln,,,.k Ms ,.u.vinK glory run 11, "Seidell is giving n,i.. ,.,,,...., ., ,,..,. i,,-,, infotinal hreukiast (ills morning as,My (.,i,i.k ui)J j,, ,ir()W () imn a farewell compliment In Aliss Kalh- , , (,(, heart to feel iigain ci ine r las i ii, . st no lias Siclll ilie last three , weeks In Al!,iiiueriiie a the guest of the K. A Vamtheys and who. with lur mother, is hating for her home in Clncag Air. and Airs, dinner hosts at I I. The kiss of ruin, the kiss of lain! Jnhn (liilswortliy, in Sciiluii'i ii Alagavine. CAIIDS. .1 Iv Smlthers were. Airs. It. P, Krsicn etileliained in tii Alviuatl'i Thurs-, ormally Tuesday alieriioou at aue r special guest being ilon bridge In honor of Airs, tiardew f'.isln. Other guests i"kU life florence Spitz. The guests flavin, of Chicago; j wile from the younger set. Airs. . Mr. and Aim F. A- Stamllcy t;. Sniuli won the prize. A iVaughcy, .Mr. Arthur Praeger untl guust prize went to Airs. O.ardewskl. ,Alr. Finest l.aiuhiif . i Two card parties were given this : Air. and Airs John Lee Clarke hiivtfjweek by Airs. K. K. Wright, one on Issued invitations fui u dancing par j Wednesday nnd the other on Thurs tv to he given at i:iks Itulgo rooms to- ;duy ftfternoun. The flowers, refresh- . ..!l'., I.oll : n incut ml w- i i r inini-in thiit .il I V in u .-ni ni I. Ilie iiii hi I sis e oil ii 1 1 wiiiTal I, it beggar r V oil to itnsoi ti"H al... ut It. tiiiiis!- was th -cl li-ples-Mm sst i . I l 'ill l ie Jill'obs linlld. "I uly. I'car." . a boon to the . itv If loved not, the iibist I.- liirhtful tegtur if the occasion. 1 hoe Iircscnt besides the guests of 'cuts no h'-nor ituine.1 t went Mrs. r.. Hnm-niniu. Alii, nmne) V. Jt(.i"nwald, .Mr. I'uvid Itoserw aid. Mis Jiegliid L'Mnwald. Air psvid Wfinraan, Mrs. fiiiuun Stern, Mm. No. llfeld. Mm. Iernsr,t Hteld. Mrs. H Spitz, Mrs Hiltleggrde Ut urnfeid, Mrs stnii i-rii-rli.iiim. ins could be bad. ami vi y deplore i ly that Wii't: is busing ns, mnl thai Christ ion aiid M r I loiitler-oti re. at u sh. lt t .sit, litt ting I.I Paso Tbtii sifts ntiiht i he, e ws thori'iiiglilc reiue sentalis. of ilie pi opie of itllltin .t ml g"iod tste In th- i itt , and lln- Itihs, i huii lies of it!l denomination nnd society people were well represented. A great 'iinny of the leading business sttllinn Jaffa, Mrs. Arthur Jaffa, Mrs.Jnd j tv.Kssioiial nu n of Aihuiuertue hinted states me .Matthews, Allss mi.. Hudson, Alis-ti.lay evening, tin Alas Ix-Dc Lot ybtccT M Iss Fiigcnlii Kel-i,Miss K.itlleiine elicr ami Aliss l.otaiue I i Ii t bourne. ! w ere Mm Alice Misms.W .1, Kalpl; Keleher, . Mrs. C. S. Whitr Will AlvAllllln. Kol.ert Sewell. Sling s. Will Ali (iurki ii, Thomas Knui, "lioscc t', Itevinc, .bttnes lluh dell. lis f.oldl. Lohert Hopkins. II. K. luv's. All,iiaii, J. K lltiiii'n, W. o.i'iiim.ii. i tun i. un. ,i i.. i.oiiiieii, iiimruw night inents, prizes nil were recherche. Chail, l.eiiihke, L. Cooper, I.. Alur-j Airs, J It. Hern, 1..,, has issued cards , Wedncrday nfternoon Hie guests of i""- " ' i. .N. " .net loueii, ,Tor an at liome einestlav u fternoon honor were Airs. Al. C. Alechem of So llaroia sieilcis i: V.'Kt, Httns I.. 1 ! icoinplimentary tn her sister. M Iss Icorro. Aim. Lalnh C fit ot fieniinir. lAlaylila, Uunkeiis, nii, her niece. MUM land Airs. J 11. Paxton 'of I-is Cru- ! Allele iniliKt'liy. t.f funis. Texas. ,('cs; the (tther guests beliiu Airs L A. Jalla was at htnne frl- Hughes, Airs. . p. f.rvien, Airs. .lames 1.,. Sehsnian. Airs. Jacob Wtlt- IHer. AITS. L. f June. Mrs llnrre T il.irlttrf tl.u t.- I ' .1.1 .... ..... ...... up., ....-. . rft'.l'llll, .tt I s. frank W. Parker, Airs. Janus A. f rent h. Mrs. Paul A. F. Walter, Airs. N. 11. I.aughiin, Airs. Arthur Sellg tnan, Mrs. A. H. Henehan. Airs. Curl llotlay Air. tout Airs, c.runsfeld are en-A. llishop, Air. C, J. Huberts. Air ss!.. of mere iu.ui .o tei tainlng Mr. antl Mrs. Jul, us Hosen- S. Sjuls. Mr. It. J. Pitlen, Aliss Itris lit the club Is ouiy one of jw aid, or Chicago, who ure returning itow. Thursdav afternoon the guei mail.' In the eMsting or-ifroni the Piicuic ii.i m. iirunn. r Mr v w.ront t...... ib-r ""l. things The Huh h,t gain-tl .f,., and Mrs. Itos fiwai. l nre listers. Ijiihii. Mr C ( c.ii-...', 'm,1 a National I . ibit.o ; Airs. tn vli nn-lela will site n in-. Small. Mrs. L. O. Aloore '.Mrs t'lii..ri uge d .formal tea Mi.s allenmon fr.iin 4 un-iiiniicy. Airs Martin i:.'ir.len-kt- Um -Mrs. Jul'ii Rosen- Irs 1. (Iruvshnw. Aim. John '. AIc . IMmnis, Mrs. lit 1. drttisbee, Atr. We Furnish the Home Complete V.dl iii the a slue llT Vtitl (UK' SdlltllWCst c iii wliidi of tho largest ami licsl ass,irt0 stocks in un which lo make your selections everv (lei)artinent i,' coiiiiiletf: I'ruxirrKK vok tiik dixixg room la'K.xiTrivh: i'or tiik parlor l'VUN'ITl'KK I'Ok TIIK J5ICI) ROOM Library, Kitchen or ),; A',,-, Curtains and Draperies; Healers and Ranges Galore. IT Will I'AV YOU TO Sl'li L'S BEFORE BUVJXC. and L. llesseldeil - Idltl S'll.llll V Ml 'SIC I II . The I curs' miration and reins, na linn nf the TnumtUty AlornltiK Alnsnul .cluh tinder the name nf the I ti tn iuht- rtfti' Alusb- t litb, with enlaiite.l scope Mts. .niiij aluhlliotis plans fur the future, is Ml. out event which will be ot un it than w ml-ltst to music Intern of the toy : The min melr la i ship the i tiitiisi'j 1 Alls. Ilennie day slteniotHi fm Mm. Aaron Hoseii- wald Hitd A(ts. Weiskopf. fifteen la dles being liivileil l,i luiiiK their sew-' Inn and spend the afternoon. Air. and Airs, isan Clrtinsfeld were dinner lust Saturday cveniiiE, enter taliiiiiu; eleven out-nf-luwit Ktutsts. adini .-'on in th of A'ma tittbs. '.tforal itius one of the stn al ol'iiiin rations and will base in "he til 7 for Air. mnl repre-ly.itlit, of Chicatjn, ( o o o o 4 5 -l--- n.xst Centra! AlliiKjucnnie. K. M: V