Newspaper Page Text
ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1914. THREE TcONOMtST STORE j j Phonc84 j j 308.310 West Centra! j j THE ECONOMIST STORE j vgj 308-310 West Central j'PhoncS. j j THE FXQNOM1ST STORE MMl ORDERS Mail Orderi Given Prompt and Careful Attention Free Delivery Out of Town by Injured Parcel Post QQ promptly attended In and goods turwarded premld by par (.,. post. excepting In case of mvrchandic tun larew it ton ii'.ivy Till') FCoN'oMlST has ncen dealing with ttii" public fur many ,,.,, and ha never during this linn, deviated from lis stun ,..,, ABSOUTF. HKI.1ABIUTY. This term lulellv illbes ill h. ii. led I- of our miignificput situ k of hluh elaxs furs. "" urgently Invite you to see tin- beautiful ntes In sets, s.aifs and mulTs iiwnlutig f'mir liif peel lou In the department on tho si mid floor. Silk EcOTQffiiiks i tut km w s nn i its K is ii pleasure to select from this r, .,, sM, !i (,f SilliS It has no WCSt- ,.,,i rival In either quantity or end (,.; variety ii ml no at ore In AiiMlca offering superior values. m-iciai. list or silks ji.oii mimI $l..'3 Fancy Silks, consist -of checks, stripes, mc.ssallnc ami t i'ictii, choice colors unci styles. .(!! sj.mi soft Taffetas, 3i inches wiili1, . . . . I . ... r . ... 1 tt t 1 11 roli'l'H to win i 11010, tii- mi .'t Iii ::-lnrll llcW 1 I it iI Silks, all new hades, worth to $1.30 yard KI.I9 I'Mnch liliick urn! white check Silks, icgulnr Milne to $l.:iu yard $!.! 411-inch Silk ami Wool l'opltn Ch:irniulit, ".i. new Mimics to delect from, regular $l.,10 urd SI. 35 p'-iuch good grade non-slipping ivpc do Chine, all the new shades fur evening mill street Wear, regular prices J'-"0 to ..UU SI. I.I pi ,i..'i!ji of "li-ini'h Mack Silk, i on--Ming of Moire Velolir, Faille, Moire, T.i IT.-ta, lletignlino, Duchess Satin: worth to M.oo yurd SI. 1)8 n-inch Chiffon Dress Velvets, colors IiNh Ii. tele de nogre. new blue, prune, I i ussiii n green, fuchsia; (peciiil, per I I $l..-0 this- i;i:iv, on Tin; mux l l.ooit. I'll pieces nil wool novelty I hi ss Hoods, consisting of I'lnlds, Chocks, Stripes, llengalinc, Serges, liiiliar iline. I tron tic loth and Novelty weaves; worth to l.'.r.u vurd; special ...Sl.l Novelty .Shepherd Check wool ill cms goods, 5(i inches wide, colors green and white, navy and white, brown and white and black find white ami plain uoods to match. Value :'..'i0; special VI.UH .Vl-inch all wool Storm Serge, spooned and shrunk, ready for use. Colors black, navy, medium blue, drown, gurnet, etc Regular price $1.2.1; special . 11 cloth roi: tiii; i'oiti.ak iron. ii and ui:my coats oti-ineh Aslrachan Cloaking, ull col ors; J 4.00 value $i. 98 "iii-imh reversible all wool Cloaking, all new this season, vatiety of color combinations; :i..'i0 value -'.," ."it Inch nil wool Cloaking, plain polo cloth, ziheline checks and plaids, value , .H Fir ft mi d aiowriiir ?r Misses, Woaaeia, Bkh mi Main l'loor Yes, stocks are complete ami we are ready to gcrve you, Please look through our linen before buyiiiK, ns we believe we can give you better quality at lower in ice stlian you can get elsew here. A VDKV IMM Al, sI.K OK WOMKVs AM MIssK.S' ,X I'M'Sl'Ali SAI.I'. HIX'AI M'; It In very early In the ciIKI.n to offer Komi, standard, well-made, stylish Kiirmeiits at much less than regular prices. S AV I'XI'Sl'AI, KAI.E IJIX'.U'M: owIiik to the scat! My ,.f ettalti materials w cannot procure new supplies of some of the lust selling styles which we have been reordering freely lliiiiuuhout the season, therefore we have se lected many lilKh-Ktndo Mannents from Mock and will offer them at the' Brently reduced price quoted for Monday. AX t'M'Sl'AI, SI.K lll-TAI'M' eVtraordinary pun liases made dni itiK the past week by our New York resident luarf, and rnhsed to us by express, will be included In Monday's Kfeat offcrltm. Rifffli!!!8ailbffiir We Ntficr MiIh Vsakea (.'nine i this sale wild Hie fullot nsiiianie thai yon will get tallies exacllv us i-cpreMiilfil in this luhfitlf uif ul. SITTS Made of Seine, t inbaldlnes, I'oplllis, etc., ill the tn-w buin font models; new Htyh, new eololr; special IH..'t SlTTS Made of Hit adcloth, Wool Poplins, liabaidim s, etc, many models to select from, some fur trimmed; special V'J.YOO COATS Consisting of the newest plaid and check mad-rial; new coloings with the new ripple hacks; special IIH.IH COATS- Just received, the lateM much), called the new College h ml Skating Coats; special I2.5I and H.mi lll;.ss;s New basuue ilicssis. made of l'lein h serges and satins, colors black, navy, ltussinn green, tele do hcro; special ?t .". Iltl-;SSKS Girls charming school!, made of Scop h plaids, navy seine, Shepherd's checks, etc., sizc ti Id 16 years, sin-dully priced fur I bit ucok. lUI-:sM-;s I'or Juniors and young ladles or little women; new basipie and tunic styles; priced XH.olt and up II A I II Mi l.Ol (.l(i ICOItl-'.S I'or men, women, misses and children. mr new assortment shows the latest styles In superb color effect,- and at prices that enhance their own attraction. Autumn Millinery, recognizing the supremacy of black velvet and the favor acioiileil satin. Is ready. Much that is all-black and much lhat is blacU-aml-white all In one fashionable assemblage. Some close, some In the large sailor stvles and some with a wonderfully graceful line, rolling front right to left. Prices .tM to SIH.00. Oil v t a days ago w e rece ... i . . i. .. . ' I Hie l.lllious i-lwil our t,n shoving fall liniMiri onbr 'i'iir,iiii.,, i !,.,. w lomplete lines III Kid lilovrs retail mg from In Jt.V.Mt M street length; and from .l on ,, .r,u in lii biittoii length And owing to the uncertainty of fiitm Mipply we be lieve It witm to sei -ore oiir needs i M 1 1 . t. te ill sizes while stocks are and rolors. ii i.l XI. ...I... ' .1 ,-l....u ' - ii., , ,.,.-o i 1 1 , , II 1 1 colors, standard makes only; special Pliccs thm week l.:l. v e lit ami gnatauti we seil. all Vel nlove IN llltll I I M' Aldt V liows of 1,'oiniin and f.incy striped libbolis in dozeiu, of in I, a- eomblna llntis are newly here, pointing to the growing fashion of wearing many and gay lines In our Rashes. There are many widths mid patterns, and prices are :t.V. .Mle, T.'ie and It 1 .00 i . , - yald. lt0 I'll I S I'WCV HIIHIOX. 2,'m- V ltl Connistlng of Moir,, lq-esdeii, Per sian, slrlpes. iheiks. etc.; a big as sortment to ihiHnr from; yard 2.V.' We tie lour hat and hair how and all other fan, y bows, free of i hai ge. Sw(siliir Sells ifoir fifans ll<UIi&fi Alti; .IM 1 INMMMIMS Main Floor. I'or they mean ro much of com fort and therefore i heery ilisposl t i i in to little tots. Sweater sets. 1 to .1 years, knitted n-plern sets at jjtl.HH, 'J..-iU. $;l.on and l.00. White, gray, cardinal, Copenhagen and brown ale the colors and some have belts; all have pockets in the coals. Nexer Heir We llelter I'H'paei'il, ur Our Prices More Itca-onalilc . AY mention but a few Items to show you the ledoi Hons for tins week, Tn-liicli I , it-Ii liamask, 1 a pieces In M'lei I I'ioiii, tegular II value, (.po ol. il, v.itil use 7 1 -1 n . 1 1 Met i eri.ed liaiiiask. all new iIisikiis V'ic value, special yii id Mc .'ix ;u He h heax v Hotel Naekins. ilesimi, icyiilar $ I no dozen, per, special 2.."..Y Ale all h.ii- The prettiest, dainti est and I I i-.iiiHiti stvles ever bioiinhl mil In 1 1 lofoi In a f.,11 en soil. 1 1 1. .i i . . xx Is the time to se lf' Itoiii lull i, tiiellts, and i oil will find our pinesj most riMsonable. lieaiittlnl S,iu Crepe Waists at :i.t.'i. sit ;.n .,,,,1 xio oo. l ace and I'hllloii Waists at 7..MI, ll.nit ti ml xi.vimi. New Wash, ihle pal. lie Waists at l.;l.-. $.'.Ml , $100, NlH .de Hasipie AValsts the very latest novelty, 7,.M and $10.00. Hw fMk Brand TniJEisffiiiiiiSiB H''" I, 1 I Ini Ii to .1 Inches wid"; plain and fancy elfei Is; lum p used in slvhsh tailored coals, suits and dresses lOe t $M IFinir ml B!k ftiw A ildite stork Iii colors of blaik, while, pinl,, Hkv, Pi,, uii, monkey fur, i o n -y fur and marabou edges, prion! according to width and grades. Fur t riii,nnnK.s are fashionable and we have plenty at present. lti; M il l, Ml t II I AAOItl I) A splendid selection Is offered In our neckwear department of the most original, best made neckwear to be pill chased. Then- is great ili'iiiatul Just now for vcMecs. Kiiiinp,. ,,, I eollar-and cuff sets. We ahie. a good supply at 2."ie, ."i0, .'n' and $1.00 THE ECONOMIST 308-310 West Central Ave. Phone 84 THE ECONOMIST 308-310 West Central Ave. Phone 84 THE ECONOMIST 308-310 Wrt Centra! Ave. Phone 84 nijoyi'il theniselveH at cird.-i. Thou' presi'iit at the Woman's liol'd of Trade il.ince were Misses Langahn. (iulliigher, l.ucero, Morrison llarri fun, Kilvvards, Sanford. Johnson, t'hil ilcrs, Preiifli. Messrs. ic"liiUick, THltihell, Holt, Kdwnr-I-:, !Cm"i'on. Hank, ll'ninill, (iriffin, Paikh'.nst I'ulleiton anj others. ,MST Hilt IXSTAXCK. T.evviire the awful jiggerboo, Who roams th' forest dim; 1 ln's nine feet high and four feet through, And tears folks limb from limb. The princess tu her suitors said: "1 swear that I'll' be true To hiui who brings the gristly head, "I the red-eyed jiygcrboo." 'J'lipii the suitors' heads were bowed w th grief -: And they muttered; " 'Tis outrage ous, For the princess knows 'tis our belief That the jigger's breath's conta gious." Hut Kupert went when no one ntis-ied him. Ami ps gleaming razor drew. Ami he jal.o d a hole in tho jiggef'B system That let the sunshine through. Then he brought the head In his good right hand, : Hut nl hope was soon bereft, J'r the princess had married another man, And Kupert was badly left. lie turned from lis llenth And, with his razor keen, J"' cut a slice from the jigger' breath And never no more was seen. Kugene Brown. CU.MIXt; AM) (iOIXf;. A trip by automobile to Las A'cgis, H;in lied by Mrs. M. C. Mechem and -uiss Conrad, both enthusiastic mo torists, !,., i,epn u,andoned for the ini" heinK on account of the unfav orable weather. Mis. I.. C. Collins will return this Ivvcek after an absence of several 'months at Up; bedside of her daugii Iter, who has completely recovered, i lb-sides Chicago, Mrs. Collins visited I other eastern points, i Miss .Massif has returned from Den Uer, having recovered from serious ) illness. j Mis. J. Wight liiddings is expected I home this we k from a vihii with rcl I ativ s in M ichigan. ! Mis. McDonald and daughter, Mrs. j S)enccr, are to be home from the i Carrlzozo ranch early this week. The Saturday rlub was the guest of Mrs. Harry F. at the De Vargas on Saturday nlt-rnoon. Where to Worship Today IMM.UTKTH COXCKI'TIOX Sodality mass, 7:00 a. m. Second mass, 8: HO a. in. Ijite mass, 10:00 a. 'in. ST. AC Alamo Hive No. 1 Ladies of the Maccabees, held a most interesting moetin',' Thursday afternoon at which Mrs. Pinu M. West, of Port Huron, Mich., fupreine commander of the or der, and Mrs. Laura H. Hart, of San Antonio, Texas, mad- addresses. The meeting was followed by an elegant bu nquet. HEADACHE STOPS ,-s i; AX(ii:i,icL i.ctii- Kit AX CHITtf'H. Corner Silver and Sixth streets. Kdward P. Schueler, 1). D., pastor Piirsonage, JU6 Houth Sixth street Phone 13. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ni )n Tuesday evening at X o'clock mass meeting' of all Young People s sociilles will be held in this church, to hear State Secretary Paul C. Urown of California, hands and careless from the NEURALGIA GONE thi' door, as coo! Dr, James' Headache Powders give instant relief Cost dime a package, Xerve-racking. split ting throbbing headaches yield or In dull, just a few moments to Dr. Jnmes' Headache Powders which cost only 10 cents a package ut nny drug store. It's the quickest, surest headai he relief in the whole world. Don't suffer! Re lieve the agony and distress now! You can. Millions of men and women have found that headache or neural gia misery Is needless. Get what you ask for . Banking Facilities an i;.i'i.itn;x(E exti:xi)Ixg own a n:iuoi or TIIIKTY-SIX TKARS IX LOOKING AKTKK THE HAXK- i.xu m:i;is ov thi: i-koplk of this commcxitv 11 AS CilVKX THE OI riCKHS AXI 1HHKCTOHS OK THIS IJAXK A THOUOCGH VXDKItSTAXTHXG OK THE l IXAXCUTi ItEylJItE.MENTS OK 11HMS,. COKI'OKA TIOXS AXI IXDIVIWALS. YOIXO MEN Jt'ST KX TKHIXU BCSIXESS A HE ESPECIALLY INVITED TO OPEN CIirXKIXO ACCOrXTS IX ANY A.MOCNT. we THE MOST SATISKACTOUY SEHVKE AXD CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Science services are held in the Woman's club building, at tlo! corner of Seventh street and Hold avenue, every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Wednesday evening services are at 8 o clock. Sunday school at :43 o'clock. Heading room In the .V. T. building', room No. 18, open each week day from 3 to 5 p. m. COXOrEROHS. She swept and garnished her house with care Though many the telltale footprints til ere. For childish feet Had carried the clay in street. Yet over her face shone Joy serene As she tolled to keep her henrthston.' clean. And J understood as her loul took wings And scared above the clay To sing. CHINESE INTERPRETERS QUARREL IN U. S. COURT j ,cas of the Slate vs. W. C. Plltman State vs. Hernabel lories, tho i returned vci dii ts of not guilty. terpr.ters fell' to miarrellng with each ' ''"" 'V' "' ' -'""' 1 lolhee In the l.-.t.-i 1 i t vest, r- i State senate has conllrmeil the ap- : v l iwiiiir the trial of Tin, mas Mar- ; pointmelltH of liliss Kleein 111 Mln. of Tucumcarl. and Chin Snev .! l",s' "Ulster Incensed of conspiracy to smuggle FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHLRCH. Corner Lead avenue and South Third street. Charles Oscar Heekman, Pastor. .Miss Kdith Gorby, deaconess; D. A." Porterfleld, superlntfiident of the Sunday schooj; Harry Frank, presi dent Epworth league; Miss Jennie L. Trott, directress of choir. Public worship at 11 a. m. and 7:30 P. m. Sunday sehoo meets at 9:l."i a. m. Fpworth league devotional service at 0:30 p. m., Misg Pearl Tompkins, leader. BROADWAY CHRISTIAN CIICIU II. Corner Gold avenue and Broadway. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Preaching by Bro. Fergusson. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor ut 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday even ing at 7:45 .o'clock. ST. .iiiiiv's 'iiri: m Corner. Fourth street and West Silver avenue. Key. 'William K. Warren, D. D., rector; residence, 1309 West Tijcras avenue. Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. Holy Kucharist, 7 a. ni. Sunday school, :45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, o'clock. Evening prayer and if'rnion, o'clock. 11 ::ii) FIRST BAITIST CHIRCH. Crner Broadway and Iead Avenu. . Sunday Rfhool at 9:43 a. ni., J. W. Horton, superintendent Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by Mm. K. Ii. Atwood. Young People's service at 6:30 p. m. Bev. C. T. Taylor having in cepted a call to the pastorate of the church is expected to take charge on the first Sunday in November. COMPLETE SAFETY TO EVERY DEPOSITOR. H I- - V ' " Mrs. Ada Pierce Winn nrrived yes terday from Albuquerque and Is a guest of Mi-ig Conrad on Buena Vista heights. Ely ; to lUwxxe'l. Santa F, Oct. 24. State Chairman Italph C. Kly made a hurry trip to Bosxvell to consult with Banker K. A. Cahoon regarding the republican campaign in the lower Pecos yalle. She s't her mark on a lofty height. And upward climbed through nid'iy a night. But the road was long st u p, , And the clay clung fast to her aching feet, And her hands outstretched Just miss ed the goal; Vet brave of heart, and strong of soul, She soiiim uloft on Joyous wings And lives above the clay And sings. Shu builded her castles strong and well; She set her love on a pedestal; And worshiped at his shrine each day To find her idol's; feet were clay; And as he fell the world grew black And Faith was lost; but Hope came back, And to her tirms she closer clings And rlseg ubove the clay And sings. When Life's fierce stotms beat grim and gray And shut the sunshine from our day, And Joy Is ( linked by parking cart! And Faith seems weaker than Ijespalr When hopes deceive and all is lost And shipwrecked on laic's sea we're tossed, O! then we rise on splendid wings i Supremely o'er all sordid things, j And live above the day I And sing! Emma F. Swingle, Chinamen into the I'nited States, They differed over tho Interpreta tion put on answers of Chinese wit nesses, and Judge W. H. Pope had to reprimand them before they stopped their Jabbering In Chinese. Although nn, i roueti un,li",e court remained In session until at Las Cruces i Hughe In be postmaster gordo, thun ending thi be and L. B. at Alamo- ultter New .Mexico postoffice lights. Dllk Sellg iic ill had been nominated for post master ut Las Cruces, but the senate lulled to confirm him because of ob jections of Senator A. B. Fall. L. B. HiighcH succijeds .1. M. Hawkins who has been postmaster at Alamogoribi for twelve years and will go to Ore gon next month. Protests had been filed against the appointment of Hughes, but were unavailing. after 6 o'clock this evening, the ex pectation that the case would go to the Jury Was hot fulfilled. I'nited States District Attorney Summers Burkhart will make a lif ti en-minute argument tomorrow morning and then Judge Pope will charge the Jury. Two other cases are set for trial tomorrow, one an Indian liquor case and the other Involving prosecution for sending an obscene letter through the mails. BLANKETS. COMFORTERS X Governor IIhi Full Program. Santa l'e, li t. 21. Governor W. C. McDonald is slated to apeak today forenoon at Dona Anu, In the af ternoon at 1m Union and In the eve ning at Mesllla and Las Cruces. FORGETS TO SETTLE WITH HIS CREDITORS j Awiirale) to Get New Trial. ! Carrizojio, N. Al., Oct. 'H The 'court has advised the attorneys for the defense In tln ease of the State vs. lilcardo Ascarate, found guilty of j manslaughter last Tuesday, thut their I motion for a new trial will lie heart I next Monday. If this motion Is over- i ruled, the defendant will receive the j sentence of the court at that time. I Tho court Is now occupied w ith short I criminal cases Involving the violation of the deadly weapon act, two such : c ases heing tried yesterday. In tn l.P.C.L CO .D1.CI TO MOHNINS JOU.NAlJ Carrizo.o, X. M., Oct. 24. Some time ago a man giving his name as C. B. Boyle opened a railroad eating house at Duran, tills county, going In debt for his fixtures, it is alleged. He succeeded in establishing a line of' credit with the. local merchaints, which continued uninterrupted until about ten days ago, At that time Air. Boyle figured out that his business Was not a paying venture, and In der to meet his local obligations he gave a mortgage on the fixtures In hiB restaurant for a certain amount and for the balance gave his checks drawn on the Commercial National bank of Fl 1'aso. He then left Duran for the Pass City, leaving the latter city, it is alleged, on a Texas & Pa cific train on the, HUh instant for some point In Texas. It Is understood that he left Duran owing the mer chants. of that place over 11,200. A. J. Cury. one of the victims, has filed complaint in the Justice court and an effort will be made to locate Boyle. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by Ik-I iiilli'itlii. thi'T innmit rmuli fli dlHPMed iiuitlen i)( lb' 'r. Tliere U imly ... ,e . fn. ami Uml In br com! Jto 1 1 n I rnniilli'. Iffnm in cniKfll bf ll lllltlillimi condition "f th nrmi llnln of the Kinuuclilui t.u Uh.n tlili tulip ll liiflainid yiMl hnve ( ruraullor xmofl or Inuierfeet hearing, nil wtn-ii It In fntlrcly oliimd litiiei H (lie result, nn! nnii, ihr Inflammation Can br (nkn out miu this tulie rrttvred to ll norilnl i imilltl'iii. le-ur tnc will b" di'stmyil toreitr. iiin out ill ,,.m ... ,-aiinMi l,v Catnrib. which ti notlilnit but p i an liitlamul ennditlon of the puioom in fi-e. oi - i . ..... u...,,l,l lt..nM,-a fi,r mo ,-nav of ivafneaa OaiKKl b.r calarrb) lint eanliot b iurU hT Hall'a Catarrh Cure. Sunt fur elnu larafree. f rilESRV CO., Tolwlo. O. Hold by Pmlt. 75e. fake Hall a Kautlly I'd" fur O0tlialion. Senator Buys Blooded Cattle. Santa Fe, Oct. 24. I'nited States Senator Albert B. fall has Just bought herd of J00 : registered Durhains and iHereforrts from the ranch of John P, Boekefeller In Kansas. The cattle ore the finest ever brought to Otero county and will be pastured the Three Biverg ranch, "- AlVD H BOOK ON Diseases HOW TO rEEfi M.illod Vnr to any addreaa br the author H. CI.4YUI.OVeB. V.S. HA W -at 3 1 at Strati New York Albuquerque Foundry and Machine Works Engineers FoiukIpts Machinist Casting In Iron, Brass, Bronze, Aluminum, Klectric Motor. Oil JSa- "Mglnes, Pump and Irrigation. Work and Office, Albuiuerque, t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t j y x (Sec Wiinlow tune The 1km h I i 1 1 . line of wool am i re)leiifl Coliiloi lei from ias enme to retieiitMi your 'e are displayiii"; 1 1 ic f i not SI.AXKKTS. in' ali-wonl. half cotton, raiijjin' in price from 75? to A 1'AIK in jrcys, tans or plaids, cotton, wool ur down filled to $27.50 I'ACil t y y y y y y y y ? y y y 7 y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y x y x-MKJh i iv wn nr a , si w s n uii nil tn c, Carpets, Draperies and Stoves. 2U-215 West (-old Avenue k y y TaT TafcT