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ALBUQUERQUE " MORNING JOURNAL. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1914, Dally hy Omrler or Mall Month. Mucin Cople. 6V TliritTV-SlXTIl YEAU IN MRS. CARMAN CASE: PROBRBLY WILL BE FREED INCOME TAX SUBSTITUTE FOR VODKA MONOPOLY AmiHhIiI Vrrn i orrrftiHtutlrnce.l I'clrnxrud, 'i t. 6. Knssia nonn will lid vi' an Income lux to compensate the uovcriiiueht for tilt" enormous loss sustained thruunh the prohibition (if the inaiuifuotui e it ml calc of vodka, if tin- minister of finance succeeds In bin present -1 In ii r. This monopoly ha yielded hii iivcmk' yearly iiu'onii' of about MM), (MP', "0(1 rllblts (approxi mately 4MO,0ili),li(ll). "There are two ways In whh h we tiro trying to ralHi' this ni essut leveniic," sold Minister I'm kin In u recent interview. "The litst Is ly the Increase in present duties tin ordinary oiiimnditle "The creation of new revenue will have to aw.iit tile mcctinc nf tlin Once and That No Foither 'n'" the ui xc nun i An ri m i Pft'in Ml thu time in hii income tx." ( Is Expected That Defendant!'1 Will Be Admitted to Bail at Prosecution. Occur, TEN VOTES WERE FOR COMPLETE ACQUITTAL HYPNOTISM SCOUTED BY DENVER POLICE ; I9i MOHNIN JOUNNAl MICIAL LIAIID WMMtl 1 ! Iiemer, Oct. The efficacy- of Pl-wclnn'c VVifp FvnprtilTT tfi: hypnotism "H " ""''iiis diHeuverinu N:ySICiail b Wilt, CXptlUIII;-, nj buried treasure is doubted ,,y the ,,.. Be Freed of Charge, Faints; ."-' " i"v m-rcsted r.,r , , T. , i purposes nf "Investigation anil sule- Wlien She Finds I hat No keepnm,- ,. .u. l-ivor, real .-state I' U,f p.... Roirhnrl 'n"'"'. Arthur Mrttcrtiia n and John verciici nas oeen neacneu, suer, win, were round tunhciinK about , the font if ii hridt; across the Platte i her. The trio wan later re leased. AccordliiK to the nlii e. statements of a woman, h.v Pllotired Is Is said liy j I'lSur, afforded the "clue'' and armed! with pick's and spades, the seaich! for conviction deKt'ee on the was out a bout Mrs Carina n to trial again, in, District At- said that if it w as in full intervened, rested. oKress win e woman 11 I he poll, was not in IRISH VOLUNTEERS FLOCK TO STANDARD r MOHNINI JOUNU tSICIAL LAHO Hti Belfast, Ireland (via London. O't lThat Irelaiit would nuilninin her place as a M'-'hhni,' nation, w,m i'.-e I'eclaration of .l.-.h-i Lcdmond nationalist leader, in addresrini! a rtoctini; of volunteers here today "Ireland'n riKhts." said Mr Mr. ,., mdrnins jouhn.l ancuk Mineola, X. T.. Oct. 2a. The Jury In the trial of Mis. Florence Oonklin Carman, accused of slavl": Mrs. Louise ISailey last .June SO, disagreed today and was discharged. Ten Jurors are said to have voted for uniultlal and two i.f murder In the Ilrst final ballot. 1 he Jury thirteen hours. It is unlikely that Mill ever be bloim lit lVliiie the Jury eanie tornev Lewis J. Smith Mood even eitiht to four for aeouit'al, ; it was immobablo that the defendant ! would I'e retried. To lt- Admitted to flail. Attorneys for Mrs. Carman will make an application tomorrow niorn iriK to have her admitted to bail. Mil h a motion will not be opposed by the distriit attorney. The defendant i on the Verne of a complete physical breakdown, fol lowing a collapse In the court room after the Jtirv was discha rued. .disgrace. The jtirv retired at :45 o'clock last : Thirty-tive thousand men from o'l .0..10 j..v...,ui in ...... .loi int. the n ich t i ta it s of I n-la nd ha ve loined the arn'j and morning It was believed a verdi. t ! !i'"f the belnnin of the war, bud been leached. One the Jury 1 Itedmond added. wanted coffee. Another time It Wanted' i igars and attain it desir"d breakfast. Kuch Unit, .the Jury returned, th'; tie-' femlaiit was sent for. '; Mrs. Carman appeared tired and . fearful. Her hair was disheveled and i her formerly Immaculate costume ; wrinkled. , )latKfation of. .lurors. ; Lii.ssHtisfaction was plainly written! mi the luces of the Jurors when M)e ; f led in from the room where they hml been deliberal in and announced llley could not HRtee. j At the mittttcstion of John J. tira hain. Mrs. Carman's chief counsel, j Justlee Kelb.v, usked the Jury wheth er il was the evidence they could not axt'ee lilKin. i "It Is. not u question of evidence, ; yon r Inmor," replied one juror, "we : have ftone over the evidence very : carefully und we cannot reach a ver-, diet." ! The Justice said he was sorry, j thanked the Jury mid then discharged it. Mrs. Carina n llsjtiplnl('(l. Am the jurors returned to the room where they hud been delilieratintt to sot their huts mid coats, Mrs. Cur maii burst into tears. "Oh," she cried, "I am terribly dis appointed. I felt sure the jury would aeiiiiit me." As Mrs. Carman was led from the court room she fainted, frdie was oulckly revived and then continue.t jany SUDS INFLICT SEVERE DEFEAT TERROR SHOWN IN LOUDON AND J PIS ABSENT EASTERN ! FROM BERLIN ON GERMANS IN Austrians Make Desperate Stand on Well Chosen Line of Defense, but Are Driven From Ground, BAYONET CHARGES FEATURE ENGAGEMENT maxe ti clans, dressed lO llCltllil e Ml! I I' l u ,i stalls and look. Worn, ii ol th belli ill heavy nils, vine fotlh with tlialkv faces and bouid '.nans nnd step Into their cmTliiKes Then is no sobbim;. no outward piotisi against the tab' which lias hen ft them. Sometimes they stop and nlLr money and word" of coiiholatlon to the peasant women who face the world as paupers There Is the extraordinary spectacle of arts- locr.iiy and pcasintrv hnuiRht nether III a i oiiiiiiu nit v of ar'ef. I' Kaiser's Capital Is Still Blazing With Electi People Are Spirit, Lights and Cheeiful in bV tnl WOMEN ENGAGED IN WORK FOR SOLDIERS n r A n . . nussian successes mic ne tui e Houses Aie upeo ant ported From All Points, and; War Scenes Aie Depicted Enemies Are Said to Be in Full Retreat, but Movies Mimic Battles. I'.ut apart from si cues tl'oKlad Is aine with u coufideio e. Tile Nov a 1 in , a ir lot i"n comment "We hae lo.w tinUli. month ,.f th,. war. It In oil the w hole foi tutiaic fiist month. e wen : calamiiN . 1 In , has not been na i i- ol ' lite. We luiv Cot I Austr'ans, but we h i ipiest of a kiiittdoni j I mcliv- lliikcwaini. j We have captured I points held l' tlie Ureal provision ib-p.i bcr of tt"n. ti.ims "We huVe hiiiuli'i'il of irluiei s. Aside fi these successes from I ... i , or vi'W uie aie siunn; Alt L IIIMlfU IU alizatlon f as tin s-, W hope ikes the fol I the s. null we ilutiim inrnmimi rnnnrn niinnrrn mwi runuu duuuccu IN CROSSING YSER Mil AFTER BEING DRIVEN BACK CDMUi PflftCT RC MflDTU CCA U I uunu U IU I I ULH r and W !'. the oe, taken by a i vi oinl moot Ii ,t MUX heat 1 seen the ci Calicia, and laib the v 1 1 ( UK K rorllfled i as w. ll Ii-1 i la t K mini- DESPERATE FIGHTING CONTINUES IN WHAT IS REGARDED AS MOST IMPORTANT BATTLE OF WAR MOHNIN JDUKN1L I'lCUL LtIO lHII I'etroKrad, Oct. -a. Tile folloflitlK comnmtilcation was Is-ui.-d from nen uil headipiarters tonittht: "On October i;l and :4 the Kus- sian troops inflicted several defeats I on thp tlerman rear guards who were I Hlteniptim; to hold positions alonu !the rivers Muak. Skeinxaka i Itylkn. j "Lttvinx. Skli iniew ii e and l!aa .were taken bv bajunet attacks 'The Austrians In retreat with the our of thousand" m ihe x.ihle of milil iiy poin' ant us a l'e- natioiial aim In that i' h It b Hid W hundred j o hold Hum j an histoty j . nturli-s t" j in re ' f Ihej I i er. i "huh tip i iei ma n , Is and have ; niond, "are not to be defended inert- j "Ainni; the river San and south of ly within the Irish shores. If the man-i rrxemysl, despetate ttKhting con hood of Ireland refused to strike aitinues. An attempt bv the Austrians blow where real Hthtlns: Is RoinK on.lto turn the llussiaii left tvitm south the country wnuld be covered wlthjof i'lzemysl failed, the Austrians suf- they back to I'iismu was wiested from her . years . If We are able In ml t lies. da s in I ! us t t.wHl.ileil IT.., t .,rr,.ii.trn.e. I ... . ,.,.,.,,,.,.,, in .,. iter ii. net. s. i ne miliars n r ! , , . . . . , , , come. :war, whb h have shioudd London , land Paris 111 darklies, , ,,iKht nmlt Another n.-wsoap t il:.l.l Iteluttim and all i.ort h.rn Ft a me ""''rin ,h" "" in ruins, have, so f,. failed-. o touch '"' ,h" N"m'n Merlin. I'"- l.. l,..rt. vh.. n. mill ...I i-lve.l ! "Wt have now . OVfll I lie f. ..... i .....l.... ..o,,o i, ...I ii,,t there mo Idlers to b soldi !was less of nervous anxietv luo in the Ihliish capiial und he sa w ev idence of this In the fact that Iter-I one of th- I nner restaurants was I'm .till shows it usual blu'.e ,.f elec-! foi Innate enoiiKh last ntLht to haM "iernuins on the mads near Kadiuii,. , ....,. ... ninni. while London, ns many as twenty Kiiest. fturinK an unheralded isit fromisam Zfiinelliis. has Cle.itlv reduced ils H-iUHo it I.ussain otllccr leap, liimlnalion. Just as Palis has tloiiej tor the sain reason. j Another cause fot comment was to, see so manv men capable of tlolux ' iiillit.nv dutv sllll non about lhel''"'lnt streets of tierlln. etmaned ill thWrj customary work. MHkf Muidi Ottr Wouiule! d ; re i than ! n"t ""pet men 1 1. ...Ml CM II. , I " i l .i ki. Reports Claim French Have Gained at Several Points in Southern Field of Activities; Russian Dispatches Tell of Pursuit of Retreating Austro-Gcrman Armies, Though Severe Losses Have Been Inflicted Upon Muscovites in Engagements in Vicinity of Przemysl; Turkey Declares Intention of Maintaining Neutrality; Servians and Monte negrins Repulse Attacks by Emperor Francis Joseph's Men; Main Features of Struggle Remain Practically Un changed Everywhere. . havimr received reinforcements and profiting by the wooded and rolling 1 i harnctei' of the rcKion, offered stub- . born resistance to our offensive,; w hich developed Into an cmMKi im nt 1 of considerable dimensions. At that' place we captured prisoners, cannon I Ked- and rapid Hreis. It rye CANADA IS NO T ferititf Rival losses. "An Austrian column, which tie scended the Carpathians near thi town of Hulina (twenty-two mile from fctry). has been defeated or dis persed." itional air. iniiicdiati )M ItVlAXS CLAIM TO i nw r. ii;rKii:n PROTECTED FROM KAISER'S TROOPS Soldiers now freiiueiitly seen on the 1 played the n street are convalescent wounded. jin tin loom i The life of I'.ei lln, In fact, centers ,feet. just n.w about the wounded soldier.) " "' as well as the soldier still In the held, j pQQD PRICES MUCH 'Social lite IS llomill.lleil oy neiieo- ilenee for him. Women and nirls are I industiioiisly knittim: Ktnokum and him; and wherever they j ternoou coffee party, al meetiiiBs of the numer for assisting th'' !"''; and wounded. eeii occasionally at concerts and in oilier puhllc places, their llnioM are seen busy with their work. Wealth. Women Mel,). Nearlv every Merlin woman of the was Hie r stauratit iii which s' years it Kussian officer leaped to his feet and shot dead a student w ho was ; 1 OCOUmo- dining uuielly with his w fe He had neglected to rise when the Russian nation. il anthem was nlaved. t in 10 -i siHTt't'ik'i of this and other similar -pl- ; 'U...1..U II. a ni'dict inn 111 th.. rest:i il 111 tit i had struck the national anthem from CIHI1IV ll.lVf lift'l fCliUlM'U. jthelr program Last nmht. for Ihe! IVt mi tllf ( :ilhl till" 1 1 li st ran c.iiiiiii wa issiivi! aitinii lavs. Iit'tw et'ii X ictipt 'it 1 1 1 (By Morning Journal SjxvmI Lrawd Wire.) (.)i-t. -'5 i 11 :15 i. in.)- The i"ll' iutf lVicial a'lniuuiii- liv tin ImtiicIi war iitlict t'ini'ht: lias nuititinol iithUr tlie saint o'liiliiiciis as mt liatilo nf M'iy vpik'iit cliaraitcr is in roo(rc' ami the Rixcr l.v., Tlio ('.eiiiian trnves have in iTiiisino; the 'se lietwmi ieu'dt ami DiMiunk. l!;e et ami tu the smith of Lille )irit"il ailacks hy the time since then, the orchestra very run person i to his ; wristlets for Ho, at the a .l Sl lll.WS 1 business 1 us societies I Nish, Servia, Oct. 2.'. (via London, '12.06 a. m.) The Servian war office has Isfftied the following: i "On October 11'. a detachment of jthe enemy advanced from .Motlropol jje, north of Kalinovlk, Herzegovina, laauinst the flank of the Montenegrin troops' east position at Kalinovlk. ! "A Montenegrin detachment from Itorivatz, perceiving the enemy's; the poor: some in charity otgatiia- movemcnt, attacked their Manx ami ! tlons which are looklnt; atter tne enn defeated them, capturing a mountain ! ,),,. ,,f the soldiers ut the front. left . , ri i ' n Kl i gun, nine caissons iiuu .i i.hh w itnoui ane'imne inc.nir. ... "r MOni'Oe UOCtrine , DOCS INOtlbor of ririw.. land many are nur.inK WU or w..una- TvtonH ir, Rritlch' nnminifin ! "On O. tober 21 a batile took place ,,,,, poHliers. Most families of the LAlClIU IU DIUIOll UUIIIMMUII , , ,, ,,,,, th(. ijosnlan front, both Ser- ealihb.r classes are also taking" Into vians and Miintenegrlns taking part. J tlir-lr homes poor women and chil Th.. ttiilkan allies relielled all lit- ',,,. f,,r uood meal daily, and t jtacks and took 200 prisoners, includ- i there are organizations of women lo ,.,o.-,N.JoU.nptci.i,L...t.isfi lng one held officer and lour suhal-j ,, ,.), dispensers of charily. Washington, (Jet. 25. (.iermuny'J terus. , j Another function of the charity 01 - risht to land troops in Canada, ir o-j "In view of the enemy's severe j (,1.II,J!HtionK is to collect hooks, pb sible. and thus secure at least a tern-.attacks, the Monlenem in troops huv1 j turoa and newspapers Tor the rnili porary foothold on the American con-! been compelled to fall bin k 11 littlo , hospitals, where there arc a 1111111- tinent was niiheld today by Count . behind their positions. i, , ,, H,,o-)s. There is ev en a von Ii-.-rnstoilT, C.ermail ambassador j An 0ff, al statemeiH Issued at l here, who declared this would not hi',Pnm, on Friday said that Servian and a violation of the Monroe doctrine. j Montenegrin forces which had pen The amhn.-sttdiir suKftested that, a1-' j etrated the soiit heastet n liosnian Canada was sendine soldiertt to Ki:- ; frontier, were defeated on October 22, provisions lu re have increased areat- ' ly. j Trieste and the stirrouiulimr conn try ale cxccedlnuly ipliel. Tile people L-ellerally seem Kieatly depressed. The police had adopted the severest of measures to prevent Italian newspa- iwealthier classes Is duiiiH something j pern ciiculallnK In Trieste and the to hell). Some are workillSi In I he Icinity. fersolis found In possession i kitchens conducted for the feedinn of !of the forbidden papers are sent to fourteen days Imprisonment Count Von Bernstorff Says; in America, Xrii'f iinc there is nothing tu rei;xi't ei'e)l several Mitall .blvaiu'es hy mil' troops Id the tinrllnvt'st of j Nussmis ami in the re'imi ut Liaoune. ; "On the heights of the Mense there is an artillery e.ngaoenieiH. !ln the ,iere reL'imi our heavv artillerv hnhls tndav uikKt its lire HIGHER IN AUSTRIA ; tin- vad tonneelino; Thmnvmirt, Xmisaul, Brussels and joinville. I which is niie of the principal lines of ciiinnmnicatimi of the GennarH mi momi jewimak raeit, (. wtMi j ij At 1 ' I ' ' ' t '" ' I'ola, Austria, o,t. (via Veil ice i Ilea I' t. Alllll,'l. ... . and I'aris. oci.' ::.) The prices of: ..... .. ,..i -i ,i1;.( vrstorifav in the Am, nine reirioit att entire reii'it'iit of (ierinan infantry was annil Itvhieli was cMended to the wood to the i Paris, (Vi. J5 (.':.' p. in.") The Sunday al'trriionn French' lorticial annoiiineinent follows: i "There i- no chaii!v to report hetuecn the sea and the region ...,,,,.1 In tin Nioiiiiiii ft" ion onr situation is maintained j u I ' 'U 111 I .ill... ' . . . - n, plunder the coiiiliiions .iniiounced yesterday. '........ i i "(n i - miner Mense our tick artillerv nas tie id i ,.i-.,.c .mi. nf w Mir i w :m eotnnosed V.fV I 111,111 I'iiiii i i'1, .-.. .-. - ---- I heavv calihre." '' The last official I Tench statement, iucd Idle Saturday night. t I said thaf from the sea to the region smith of Arras violent attacks i..r ti.. f,.em;,,ii line lieeti everywhere remilscd. and that ''west ,.M ill IIJT..... j , ,'the Argonnc region ' which commands the I the Aisne." lilated during an operation north of l.aehakle." I'liced Summaru of War r.., r v,0f-,in !nw,re 11 Vivo vi iiomuuy droved of gu three is of erhn ' then I fori irope to flBht against his country, th!ufU.r u mttle of three days. T.'nited States should not consider It In j . sense an lniruiKenieiii on "'"j.Msriil.l .M'.ittiri.AM'.'s her Journey to her cell. The Jail phy- 'Monroe doctrine ir oermany w u DIIDI IM.I I I t'liii slcian was summoned. He said her :iand n armed force on Canadian soil. . condition was worse than at any; Discussim? his. now much talked ct Cctlinje, MonteiieKio. lime since she hud been arrested. note, of .September ;!, to the state tie-j way of London, 1 p. m l The foreman of the lurv. tn dis- partment here, explaining the attitude trian aeroplanes droppi ciissinK the deliberations, of the Jury of the Herman Boverniiient toward j hove Antovarl without said live ballots were taken. On the the M on roe doctrine a nd K)vinn assue i parently the attempi Oil, d I society of Hi itif Ii citizens in I which sends its aKents now and jto American families to ak American magazines and books 1 1 he Knulish prisoners, a few loulslde of Merlin. ' "lotles" Are. Limited. The theater 1 1 IK I concert hi 1 'all oiiell as usual, but the alleluia n Is not lal'Ue. I he 'il r IIKtll musical farces and in tin: t Ihe variety theaters, fierce fi),-tini; between the allies and the Germans continues in the western theater of war, c.-p cially In ihe district near Ihe North sen mast In MelKitim around Xieiiport am! southeastel ly toward the liver I..s. The. Hermans claim that they hinu thrown additional forces westward across the Vser between N'leuport anil l.iixmude and that, despite the faci that the allies had received reinforce merits, the Hermans have advanced at for jsewral points northeast of Vpres and inib s ; taken over alio. I'.rillsh prisoners. sc i em I of t hem ol f ieet s. The latest Crencti reports ailini'. iin.i o... Oei-neiiiu liae crossed the 'ser, but km no lul l her ill this t " t,n....t It lw ,i.,l known, thetefole, ... . H" ' J w e i'n;ii of have carried the village ot Mel.icotirt. leading from N'areinnes to the valley of W1 MOBNINd JOUP.MM. lICMl. l.IAttO WIH1 l.oiulon, j", -- II urli .1 buck flam the coast by the fire of the French ami Miiiish warships, the Her man troops, afl.-r a week of the most hao turned Inland cross the Vs'-r ills ill" Mint ballot the Jurors stood nine to three for acquittal, on the other four ballots the vote was ten to two. DEADLY GERMAN laxainst the i ly brought here by KKM II WIATOH OI TWIIS Hl ltM W U'iltOPl.Wls-TS . Oct. : aviator (byjls not laine. ' iwhetber this is a reiteration or tne -ThreH A US- ' he Imhl mUMcai laices aim """" ! pi-evlm,H mknow ledRelllfiit of a C.".' bomhs froiTi'lu-otluctions at Ihe variety "'''al i". ; M.1( .r,: . , h, ,. eonfirmutto'l effect. Ap-Ind the niovin picture places I " ' , , j. t,,e lust Herman claim. was directed ent military nuns o,,,,... An) M.maiiider ! the mine . I. .... Loll li.a tinJll II. t-l'L' i ... . . Jl . Krem h aeroplanes recent- ' sre snai ' ' ' ifront in lielKlum only urt.-i meiinuii the fleef ictose iiini'iu"" ' ,ir I IK opcrailoii.s is inane, ,-umm oi ' 'proposal to take movliiK pictures u, ,.Yeiicli claim repulses to I ho real ballbs, or al least naiiienei-i", (;,.rm.,tl! ,, aihuncs by the allies did not meet ihe approval ol ' ""' ' ' ear Snlsaons and Cruotine. M. ...... .. n . W,.rit lew ( i;ii..k.. ..... ,11'ocef.ll- . .. lint . n .."""" j ;s I i 1 1 1 r i . iik.i' hp. in - ' . - , (11:1a a. ni.) The j ''he play impulse In Herniany, lias ,in(, heiiihts of the Mense und in M. Moirct. who is I lie n,, mentis been Riipptessi d by tnei,,P V tie vie district In the AlKonne SUBMARINE IS . i SAFE AT HOME IIV MOSNINS JOl SNAI. SICII. LIAHO Wll Merlin, Oct. 25 (via Home, H a. m.) The Herman terror of the seas, the submarine I'-fl. which sunk the lhltish cruiser liawke. returned safe ly to her home harbor Friday, after an adventurous voyaife durine which she sent four Mritish cruisers to the bottom. The enterprise and skill of Com mander Weddinen of the l'-8. wrho steins to operate under a particularly lucky star, has been rewarded by the decoration of the Order of Merit. Besides the Hawke, the lT-tt has to her credit the sinking of the Mritish cruisers Houe, Aboukir and Cressy. i I'aris I French serving with the Russian army, out wltted, and by his intrepidity, escaped I three Herman aeroplanes throiiKh (tlyliiK at a lower level, says a Jlavas aneiicy dispatch from I't-troKrHtl. time Tin. other day n team went to Vienna- and played a i,uve been a nnilillaii d. irojieti uMttie with a lentil of that city. ; The heavy t'nu-meiiieiiw Of course the - Herman cniiiireii -) netween tne i.ussiaus I "!! nir w.iv with a zeal hardly less 1 1 1 nnnarlan forces the ances that (tirmany was not contem plating any Smith American coloniza tion schemes In event of victory over j the allies, the a in hassudof said only, Putith America was referred to at that time because there never had been j anv uuestion raised as tn possible Her- man attempts to seek colonization In any other part of the American h-in-Isnhere. Count von Mernstorff asserted th Great Britain had officially called the attention of the state department lo re to rahnili II-,. I llnmnnv mlL'ht 'lt-i Th.iuuh mi bier-ted to llttllcks f I'l ,1 II ' i I ,. . i , 1 1 i . , c than IS sllOW ,1 lV tempt, if successful in the war, l'')he aeroplanes from above and the i soldiers il) the field. The boys like to colonize in South America. Officials army beneath, he brought back Im- j conKi'eKule on v acant lots, where at the department said later they li't I porti.tnt informal ion of ihe move-), hey din; entrenchments and build not recall that Great Britain had j mnt(, ,,f t he enemy a Inn the Vist tila x'orts. Lads of a more serious heut muilo any such churge, but the ambas. , ,.lv(,,. flock at the '.UKbaus" to see the sudor explained today that his notes sp(.im ,,f artillery and other mill- had been Intended lurneiy as a reply f.;itoiI.ANF. IM.MK.I)IKT ! tarv equipment. .NOT VKItV KII'I-XTIVK! !r .ssI t AIMTAL IS Luinlon, oct. , 2... ' The Herman j M LONC.r.K A ii.W 'ITV campaign wnn aeroplane nomosi uir.nnut Warsaw has been rather ef-i J,.ti oti ad. Oct. 5- The ....(iv.. ' savs the Warsaw corre-teanlial. reiturded as a Itedtice ili)ii ii,. ispondent of lleiiler's Telegram coin-ied enerKies, and ithe Merlin football ia Herman Infantry reitinielit is said lo a nd in the v rod in t .ii ti 11 ii AUhtl'o- va-inlty of Poland and Itusslnii'i 'Molent linhtiii);. and fiueeil ibeii 'canal west of 1 lixmiuJe. ! I'lessllm their ailvaillUKe, the Her j mil ok in a mlithty effort to tiaiti a victory lonlinueil riishluur forward all Mhe reillforcellielils that cull be spilled in ml in their official reports i laim to i be slowlv but ilH.-iHively pushing ihe 'allies ha- k. ! of i he K.ilns i ii, it I bv Ihn Her- j man,, the French reports confirm Ihe crnssinu of the Vser canal, but de jeiniv a vry violent balile still Is )ntt liu; between Vletipoi ( n ml Lys river. At this point the Hermans clnlm I have taken ;,Hu Miiiish prii-oin-i . I Haliis Ii) (In Trench. ! Of Ihe bailies on the teiiler and I report Uadom and IvunK le-lwecn Austrians and the south of l'rst"mysl, in Halicla. Th- Austrians ham driven tin- Moii (etieKi'ltis from positions on ihe lios nian frontier. Hcneral Sir Charles Whitiinxh.iin Horsier OuiiKlas. chief of the Ml'H- I lo.s not h ,e, Lu c I hey positions In llie lieiuhis of ihe ive-l three more From unofficial thai the French inlvati' e In the Alsace border, ils of the troops in this accusation by Great Britain as well as to reports that country had been spreadinn In other ways thai Germany had d' sisns on South America. 'IhIi general staff, Is dead. The death Initio is reported of the Herman la jor General Voohhatiinier, who was ikilled In action In the Aronne ron-si. Kussianj Merlin iirinoiiiices that it was the c'.tv nf dissipat-Isnhmarlne which recently sank midniirht naieiyiihe British ei Hitter Hawke in til" Ijttiti Statesman lle. n.w.n..o iirAU imt ''.t Tir. Jose friburi, former president of Argen-j MH tina, died today. ! . . i, , .. . . ..!. .. , ,,i i-.i- th,. miiim nr ihiiw- ,.ni i ,-l-IJ. i .-. i , i i .-.i . v Atlanta la., Oct. .'J. i) c eve pa ay. i 1 uicim-m. . - ,.,... . ' .v. ..,, h,c f.,etv.f,,e r.eo o ii i )..... in the first two months of the ti,,. cruisers A lor, l leHNV tn;r:Z ; and H , l , s sombre in tone as u nocturne. UoK., The submarine at las. , "... .- '. J. I.......... 1- ,h ..!r.,,ii ntiu were soldiers on a not her ' The slreets are ttulel and almost de-, turned majolll.v 01 l',e imiim-ip, I- .1.-- 1 , 1,..,- ,.i..,i..,t linjni hii iiinv there were sixtv-two casualties, sei led at the Hour wnen in KI-IIIVHIK Slrtie.i ,.,i , c 1 -. . 1 , ' j 1 . .ruu w ho uoreo to t Vn so H ers were ln urea at inanusen i ncn.n. . .. 1 o r. Tha time, but many children who were:neet no numi'i apital, I'Ke an cities or r.inoi". uwOiened bv Its losses and by all Ihe misery which ebbs back from the assistance to 1 (d uce their Atlanta, 'drawn into the streets by curiosity The Vt'KATIIKIt i'or.i;c.vsT. . Washinston. Oct. New- Mexico: Fair. Monday and Turs "duy. . j ' planters urease ill niovetnent was beuun bv the f'h,,,i i Cnimi-rfp and it is said I were struck. Bach aeroplane appa- luii received siaried pletlKes from lently has an e-mlpmenl of five I thousand bank presidents. nonius nun were nreu ai mini am u ...... in Ihe fllii-ht across the citv. In ihe rmi Kill. ..I 1 . , Hi v ISIS 01 l lie oean are T.I Viu. lttH'ovt'i-s Healih. in front or tne siniciure, thr-l London. Oct. 2.7. Former Presl- peasants, their black shaw If I'orftrlo Ola i! of Mexico, whojiif ink aftainst tne mono rci rami liulldinK. stand helpless ami Sovernor-ueneral or . ana.ia. tu., -- """ " "-'"' ' " c lhm ,,, r... from allies In the published lists and otn- lllllisli Officer Ottawa. I int.. Oct. 2 a. Major Hlvers-Kulkelv. comptroller of ousehold of the Duke of Connaushl, neneral of Canada, has been killed iii action at the iront. accord ing to a cable messaue received nt .Government house. dent I'orftrlo Oiaz of Mexico. now is in MlarritZ, France, has coin-Ithe i.letelv recovered from his recent lit-1 afraid lies, says, a I'euter dispatch .Madrid. ers, sank and lias re turned to her limn,' poi i. niliht life j ( ommunder Luedeeke of the cnin- v... ui.c Pros-i..i..rce raid nir Heiman f l ui.ser K ill echries with revelry. Mriih iias he n promoted to lie a cap- I ta;n. I American e,,itori sblpiiients will (Pd j the considered contraband of war i . ..i i... .i Great Mrilatn ha; nouueo me i mini , nil staff officers, the 'states Kovernment to this effect. This, dead are published, will permit the safe riiovenieni tu cm-; ton to any point, even nifi ti'ontf iiei-t many and Austria. It is believed the British Kovern-mi-nt's decision with r, ward tu cotmn will also apply to non-contraband .aiKOis from I. neutral country trans ported In neul ,11 ship'. wliiK. speak, but Hp Foil urn iipiintaiiilci' their Arifriniie and on tlo Mense and have destr German tin I tefles. sources It Is lent tied 'have made some mountains n lotitv ih i To add to the II U'DH'HKt'd in the norlliwesi a short spell i ol' fine weuther has uiven place to ati jother downpour of rain whnh will Icoiiveil th" lowlands of Flandeis into Krc-tti lakes. : (.eriuaii llcliil'orceiiiciils. I Many of the Herman soldieis ai jldxmudc have . nine from Merlin with iltt the la.-t few days, ArrlvlliK at the scene of battle they hale been sen' lit oil, e in, i ihe tri ll, lies wnicn wen ; waist deep w it h i lilliler cover of i trenches and at oriel, in,. .. ,,, limners , her of the invaders, time the contest was nieroiis other points. waicr. Tip i l'o. appn the poult i if MeUlans, u lie, I the the bay- alue ll mo At tile s'iinc resumed at. nit but llie result a line like hi morbidly apprehensive, are tryiuu was differeni and the casualty lists litre la rue. The fact the allies have tid vunced appreciably nisi of ieupcut, as officially attuouin ed. has helped to reassure them, since in this vicinity the Mritish n.ival nuns hardly could continue to exercise an itifluen- e In gaining nrround. Tlie slight reiinRi'cs- sioii at other points, which, It Is claimed, was coiinter-bHtanced hy proicress somewhere else, was consid ereil as Inevitable in a ureal conflict of I h Is kind, and a ppal cni ly it did nut ,-Hiise the slightest illseotiranemciit. liattle Slralculcally linporlanl. The stlatenlc conseipiences of tills bailie of ihe noi'ili. i! Is fill In some iiiiirters. will le (jreater to the Her man1! than to ihe allies. If it shoul I he nei essill'y for Ihe lulltT tO W'lth ilrave H would be U1HU1 Hie normal lines i f tin ulli"s without risk, It In divlarej, and the beluilnn of tile left, winit would not coinpi omise the situa tion in Kenetal. In an effort to destroy the Herman mid Austtlaii forces which were de I'chIciI in their first attempt to cross the Vistula between Ihe fortresses of IvaiiKoro.l and Uadom, the Busslans nre now waitiiiK a heavy bailie in til a nd. The official ttiissian report ml yd iheir iidvalice is betDH- met Willi stub liorn reslstan, e. stioiix reinforce. ineiits havitlK been bt'oiltthl up by I lit ( icrm. in. Mjitlle Not Decidcil. Both sides have, nccoi dinsT to their own reports, made prisoners and cap tured nuns, hut the battle which ev leiuls over a front of twetiiy-six miles has mil jet been decided. The Bussians report, however, t hat l.oiinz, llawa und Skb-i nlfivice have been ti,ken by bayonet attacks. The Austrians are still inakiip n bolii effort to cross the ri er S.ui und are , at rv inn on a splendid I'u'ht north of I'rtM'iii.v'sl in the hope of reuchliin; and recaptarinK I.eilibel it'- The .Moiilen, m Ins today they have hid to withdraw to their previous positions Htotljf the Bosnian frontier after an aUio'St by a superior force of Austrian.-. Th Itittfi. In fact, .seem to h.iv. iinide a wonderful re coveri' and to be IHttitinK In a man lier of which th.'-ir ilrsf pfrformaiicCH ill the war hardly wave promise. Till key tu Krnmiit Nflilrnl. Tin key. hii h It will be recalled ,it ope time had decided to throw her lot with ( b rmanv , has attain assured the ambassadors of (iicat Britain, Fiance and I'.us-la thai she intends to riuiliit'iiii her police of neutrality, iirkey.' riiev- -ontifus3l.i willp tary sctivltiea and 1 collecting for "-FJK