Jewelry Sa
2:30 P. M. AND 7:30 P. M.
Great BrllaiiBccomcs Alarmed
Over Shipments for Use of
Krupp Gun Woiks and Mil
itary Forces in Field,
the only (tm I from the
(.allnp field In receive
n award from die X.
M. Hut I 'alr Ama latum.
Phone 251
tendon, ,Vuv. (.3."i p. ml In
formation is In possession i,f (he Brit
ish government., It In said, whuh
proves i'diii luMlvt-ly lhnt Jinx- ship
ment nt (( r, rublur and other
eimnn.d,iii am passing through
Italian port on their way to Orr
inn n y.
Good Hope and Monmouth De
stroyed by German War
ships; Glasgow Not Exten
sively Damaged, Is Report.
Hugh H. Williams' Plurality
Shows Tendency to Shrink;
Constitutional Amendment
Probably Passed,
n i il nniur mnr I
Mil Unlit VIL.L
rnnn niTirn
mum until
Hood Sarsaparitla removes scro-
,fuln sores, boil and other eruptions,
(because It drives out of the blood the
'humors that cuuse them. Krupllon
cannot lie successfully treated with
external applications, because these
ennnot purify the Mood.
llood'a 8ursaparllln makes rich,
day threatened to impi im.n nil Itizi u
lound on th street alter t n't lock
at niKht,
"Machine (mm have been mounted
at th railway station and Hie Im
pression prevail that the Oilman
fear their occupation of Antwerp I
not permanent," the mi respondent
Big Grain Operators Accused
of Cornei inz Wheat and
Causing Loss of $10,000
to Plaintiffs in Action,
.r ho-mum joumMtki. tniiAL Ltiug hihi
London, Nov. 6 (10 p. in.) It In
officially announced by the admiral
ty that the British cruiser liooit Hope
took fire during the engagement with
I he Oerm.iri off the coast of Chile
r ""T"'"" vhmiuk through I lut Sunday and foundi red.
The admiralty statement aaya It Ik
held ved that the Brill. h
In New York lame pun liases of j mouth, which the German reported
.,, ,, ny represent-. ban Peen sunk. u run ashore. The
the of house In Jtotierdam. Anouer-1( rtiiser Oannpu. it adds, wita not
dam and Copenhagen, who, It Is stal-I prt sent at the time of the light.
nl, are winking on Merman at count, j The atatement says:
Iiirct i.oi.a at the same time ne given "The admiralty now haa received
(hut three consignment aro to he trustworthy Information ahotit the
shipped through Italian porta to the action on the Chllcun coast.
ordi r of viu imia financial Institutions I "Ouring Sunday. 1. the
which ure said to he controlled hyjMood Mope, Monmouth anil Olasyow ! the sending of the return to the conn
Merman capital. American copper i came up with the Hcharnlmrst, (incl-lty Beat Instead of to the Mate capital.
" "iieis appear In pe capable of pro- hi nan. ! pile an Hrernen. Both
teitlng their ow n Interests, since th y , s'tuiidrnn were steaming aouth In a
usually Insist on payment In rash be-1 strong wind and a considerable sea. they allow the copper to bo 'The Merman afjuadron declined
"lP"'I. action until aunaet, when the llaht
KiTfirt ropper I'iiiiii (.crmiiiiy. jKave It an 'important advintuKe, The
Tho 1'illlfih government la deter-'"'"'"1 I""'"'' n hour.
r.ariy in the action both the Good
Hantti Ke, Nov. .--The at-ite can
vhxhIiib hoard by tonight hud finished
the preliminary rhecklinc of the poll
bookn up to and Including Quay
counts. Curry and ft.mta I'e counties,
however, are the only onea that have
thita far nmifu complete returna.
From Hernalillo county only the poll
book of the precinct of Chiilll are at
All but two of the poll booka from
Dona Ana county are In. From H'.o
Arriba county twelve poll books are
(till misslnif. Including two of the pre
cincla that failed to hold on election
two years ago. In cane of legislative
tohteata, which are likely to be made
Kansas Says Newspapers
Respond Readily to Honest
Views of Their Readers,
Kanaa City, Mo., Nov. 6. The
newrpapera are the forces that can
drive vice from American cities and
will do ao when reader and aub-
an acldre-a to the International purity
ronicre" tonight.
perfect the distention, and
the whole , system. Inalst
llood'a.. .Get it nov.
red blood,
Governor-elect Capper of!b"":u up
to do what you will. They may not
respond to the public' demand aa
readily nor o wlllliiKly us you might
like, but eventually the newspaper
must reajMind unerringly to the senti
ment of the people it nerves.
I "t believe I know the new spa per
publishers of America and as a whole
j the publishers of newspapers w hich
I have welch! nr liiftneimn htnv i...
.criber. Insist on it, Arthur Capper, , l0Un(.d , for thoii0 ,,,, w',lU,h
editor of the Topeka. than ) Capital eJ(t a ntttion.
and trovernor-elect ef Kansaa, said in j , ,.' r. , ,,' ,
riil,'lia lliv: t:Blflviiluil aUlipiCII
,were these:
I Priflnir Ihe nutlonul
"The newspaper i peculiarly ensl ;umpn(, he Mann ,ct ,0
nve itnu responsive to ennitnienea
public opinion," asd Mr. Capper, "and I
u .w-.1 ....., I . . . . 0 . . (
n"iu ill luiiilllT-iiinmn i.r VI ; , tluu- lu-a m..,lul,l.,w rn,..- r
w I'ooa iu iiiciiinn I'lviuiil) I'V
Inter-city traffic, askinR world pow
er to make treaties for the extradi
tion of persons charged with whiu
congress to
that a wife
may be compelled to testify in awhile
slave case: asking state legislature
mined that It will use every legiti
mate iiieuns to prevent col, ner reach- ninouth took fire, but
Intr Mermany. where it la helmr made f,""int nearly dark, when a seri
ous explosion occurred on the Good
Hope and she foundered.
"The Monmouth hauled off at dark. ,
making water badly, and appeared
unable to steam away. She was ac
companied by the Glasgow w hich had
meanwhile, during the whole action,
fought the Lelpxlg? und Bremen.
"Un the enemy again approaching
the wounded Monmouth, the Glasgow
which also was under fire from one
jof the armored cruisers, drew off.
"The enemy then attacked the
Monmouth again, but with what re
sult I not known. The Glasgow la not
extensively dumnged and has very
few casualties.
w here it la being made j
CritMANH AlttVI)
ATTI M"T 0 Till: VM It
Amsterdam, Nov. (via l-orulun )
A dispatch from Klul to the Tile
graaf attys:
It is now obvious that Ihe Mi Titian
have al'nni!.ii"d thlr attempts to
rrosa the Yser. Helglan troop oc
cupy both banks of the mer.
"Merman troop have retreated
eastward In litrgn nuinbei and tun
tlnued to arrive In Illiigi-s thrniitthoiit
i hi:n( il in
1(1 l, III I'lUtT
(MlMit M ( I
; ,. wuirni inciil ami aim I
New York, Nov. 6.--James A. rat
ten, Chicago grain dealer. Is named
among- defendants In a Hhennao law
stilt filed III the ("lilted Hlates district
court here today, charging I'atten and
other wlt(, having restrained trade
by cornering? the market In certain
grade of oat In July, 11102.
The complaint charge that the de
fendants, throtivrh a "conspiracy" pur-
I chased on the ( hU ago board of trade
! upwuM of 10,otiO,!Ht(l btishds of No, 1
i and No. 2 white oats fur July, 192,
I delivery in excess of the available, or
j visible supply, and that "exn sslve, ar
j tlflclal and tnonnpollatb! prices were
I charged for oat sold In thu l'ii!e I
far!, Nov, (1(1:40 p, m ) Tin
following connntinit alio,! was bsned
ly the French war office toninht:
"To the north the fighting con lu
ll to be severe. AeeordlnsT to the
latest reports Our offensive was pro- j
feeding- In the region to the smith oii.i
east of Ypres. i
"In the nglon of Anas und from!
Arras to the inse several (inintnn al-
tack have been reputsei). j
"In tha region of the Ai-n.i we Imv
retaken, to the east of Ysllly tho ell. I
luge of Hnuplr, Which was bo-t th
nther day.
In the Argonne th enemy keep, mho were
Slate and shipped to foreign co:in
j tries, which enabled the defendants
to gain enormous profits,"
The plaintiffs are Charles Vai(6
of Chicago, and Hubert Henry Thor
buni, of this city, who, from Janu
ary, lsitn, to July, 190;-, were mem
bers of the firm of Walte, Tho! burn
Ai Co, grain commission tiierchimts
In Chicago and members of Ihe Chi
cago board of trade. They demand
1 300,000, rcpn sctiting triple damages
I for the ins of fKio.otHi they claim j
they suffered.
j Nutind as defeiidanla with fallen
i are viiiihim it, liartUTt of ,ew Mex
leu, and Fraiilc 1". Finsrr, of this
into ammunitions Great Urltaln,
therefore. Is dlvertlfur lartons steam
ers w tilth aro tturjing copper to
Huly, to Mlbrarftar, where the copper
la ilist barged. The steamer are
promptly released. Home of this cop
per ha been found pat ked in Cases
marked for Dnnzlg. other lot are
shipments made, upon orders through
Merman houses in Amsterdam and
Ilotterdam. home of these houses are
sold to be count tied w ith the Krupp,
manufacturer of big guns.
J lilies to (.el Metal.
It la und erst ood that represent I
lives of some big copper refining!
firms recently sailed from New York
for Kurope with the object of
Neither the Otranto or the Cano-
con- ,. ...
ultlng- ngeiits of Merman firms a to I ,. ' ' 'J T i t . .i. , ,
ihe best mean of forwarding copper! 't"'"r"' rHfixrt by he foreign
,,, ,.,. . , , """ioffltc from Yulparal.i) state that a
Germany. American firm also
have been approached by Merman
purchaser of copper with a view of'
ainuiKlng for the use of the names'
(if the former lor the purpose of con-j
( allng the fact that American copper
shipped to the purchasers Is destined!
for Germany.
I Carried In Italy.
I Hint e October 25 vessels bound
fin in New Yolk to Italy, having on
I board a total of 7,70(1 tuns of copper,
I have been diverted to Gibraltar, and
Mho llrll lull government is Inf.. mini
thai soliie ' thousands of tons addi
tional are now en route to Italy. Th
linger part of these shipments were
fur (liniim OffO'L.t -l,...,u ...,t
UeX-i .1,, i,n m umin jiih iiuii"
Illshed show that for two and a half
belligerent warship is ashore on the
Chilean coast and It Is possible that
this may prove to be the Monmouth.
Knergetic measures are being taken
on thi assumption to rescue the sur
vivors. ' '"'
may lie made the bnsl of charge
Many of the poll book are not sign
ed and some are very poorly kept.
One of th surprise of the canvass
thus far I the fact that the three pro
posed constitutional amendments re
ceived a much heavier vote in their
favor than had been anticipated, nd
that this vote is not at ail along party
lines. If the present ratio of the count
am far a made I maintained, they
have carried by a fair majority.
Hump In Williams' Vole.
The returns are also gradually cut
ting down the plurality for Hugh II.
Williams. lieturns from Ilio Arriba
county, for Instance, as far as receiv
ed, while giving the county to Iler
nunde by 1,200 plurality, give it to
William by only 250, and may be
still further touched, a most of the
missing precinct are democratic. The
(how a
from any man or woman within the j
sound of nt? volie spoken In hones'y i
and sincerity will have weight in any
newspaper office In America."
"The elevation of the moral stand
ard of our people," he continued, "and
the suppression of public vice of ev
ery form, rests, not with your con
gress, law-makers, or churches but
with the American people. We ele
vate public morals only as we edu
cate and elevate the Individual. ThU
Is the work the newspaper must help
to do, and will help to do. The news
papers of your city by unrelenting pub
licity given In the right manner and
from the right motives, can drive pub
lie vice from your city. They cannot
do it if they undertake the work of
pure sensationalism to sell new spa
pers, but they can do It by putiinff
facts before decent men and women
In such a way that an outraged pub
lic conscience will drive the men who
I profit from the traffic from your
! city."
In Kansas, where for thirty years
we have had written in the organic
law of our atate the prohibition of
from Torrance county alsoilne ramc in Intoxicating liquors, we
much smaller plurality than to succeed in tne enforcement
at first announced, und as Taos and'0 thp lw only hpn the lres of the
Howard Tensdnle of Pparta, Wis!,
chairman of tbe legislative vice com
mittee, recommended the following
laws, which recommendation the con
gress is expected to endorse:
A law forbidding women entering
any place where ltquor Is sold or
given away; a department of recrea
tion that would combat the evil in
fluences upon women of the dance
hall and the saloon: heavy punish
ment of parental neglect; police wo
men In cities of more than 10,000
population: a central body in each
state to which vice complaints could
be made secretly.
Ixive of money was characterized
as "the worst thing the nation has to
contend with," by Arthur Burrnge
Furwell, president of the Chicago Law
and Order league. t
A plea for better protection for im-
igrant girls and women was made by
lira. Kate Waller JUarrett, president
of the national council of women.
Alexandria, Va.
Colfax contle. about which there is
still soino doubt, treated William
equally a bud, his plurulity may be
shaved down to 1,200 or even less
than 1,000.
The canvassing board, consisting of
Chief Justice C. J. Itobt rts. Governor
McDonald and Secretary of State An
tonio Lucern, expects to be uhlo to
state became thoroughly converted to
the idea of prohibition and assisted
by unrelenting publicity in Its en
forcement. "The suppression of public vice and
the white slave traffic will be half
way accomplished when national pro
hibition becomes a reality. The
Wednesday evening, unles all there
turns are not received by that time.
eon- i i,, ,.f tun r.i,,Uv,n,ifcH ,i, vni.
j between Williams and Hill, Secretary
of State I.ucero today selected E. F.
C-,,,r.l ..hlP ,!.,.k ,.f Ihn ,.,,,..r:.llf,n
Hear Admiral Nr Chnstopher Crn-; co,nmiw!i. to have custody of the
dock who commanded the (Ir tish ,.,,. h. d Ue , pa
syuadron from the battleship .".! ,he return, wh evening and lock
'.- cMii-'vi uic Hint i;ui
announce the official result next ' ably linked. We cannot suppress vice
'ally to have been must gallantly
j tested, but In the absence of the Cu
jimpus, the enemy's preponderance In
'force was considerable."
leave il chief offender to flour
I ish. The American saloon must go.
I The peoplo of Kansas are advocating
I national prohibition through their
I newspapers and you can advocate the
same thing and accomplish the same
I thing through your newspapers, be-
Pcspomloiiry Due to Imliirewtion.
It Is not at all surprising that per
sons who have indigestion become dis
couraged and despondent. Here are
a few words of hope and ch?er for
them by Mrs. Blanche Bowers, In
diana, fa. "For years my digestion
was so poor that I could only eat the
lightest foods. I tried every thing
that I heard of to get relief, but not
until a limit a year ago wnen 1 saw
Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and
got a bottle of them did I find the
right treatment. I soon began to im
prove, and since taking a few bottles
of them my digestion la fine." For
sale by all dealers.
Hacking ilolently ,n without re
suit, on the heights of the .Me in.
lid to the raet of Verdun we Imv
captured some trenches"
mi-inber of the Chi, (itt f "l,,nt," t"'br to October IS Imoorts of
OF I'ltFNCll
gialn ornkcruge firm of liartlett, I'ra-
si r . fo., at the time of Ihe ullife)
curiier In mils.
The complaint seta forth that the
j defendant "co-operating with olbeis
.unknown, ri ferre.i to aa
MU.Illl'.lt! and co-coiiMilratiii ." hit.-..,! i.i.r
,, , .. . , chase oats in aa large tpiantltli-s i
larl. Nov. t, ( t p. m The ! Ih(.v ,.,,, wh,m MnK ,,(..(.t,.j ,.
Mory of an .xrlting incident that look J iiiscnveied, that they gained contri 1
.,. .,,,..,, an, "'-- of the Interstate and fi
me oise, nm inr limn t urn pigny, tuts mf , t)Ml
nil ii rereiveii neie. i
The Fretien were (intend to hubi'iim
i Me limine lit any cost. iby pi.ii i"l
nuiik fuels, which plavid ha cue f
twenty muni),. lii the (let man luiik
and piecentiil the Mirman sdomre.
Htiddettly the bugle Sounded fur a
Fnnch retreat 'and the Meirnans
quickly pursued tlieni out Ihe l.tiili-n
A moment ia'er a French aviator wm
bad bei II hoVelitiK o el lo ad, ili uppe l
a bomb which completely deslrnyeu
the bridge.
The French I hen delivered a Imvo-
net marge, luriing the cii"iny ) n I t ply ,,f
the river. A pontoon bridge wiitliiii.ji
tiuli klv ( until in led and the Inn h
einssed, Tiny surctiled not only In
regaining the lo position, but In es
tiiblihhlng themsihes in an'
position at Tracy.
reign com-
they rig u la ted price to
lonsuniers, and after July .11,
tiny "did demand, exact and ex.
from and cause to b paid by
copper Into Genoa amounted to only
I.JU tuns. A comparison of these flg
utes with the must recent shipment
shows, it is mild, that the Import trade
in copper Willi Italy Is entirely an
11. .1., I I . I. .. .L. 1. .
nssocltileft ii iv i.i,, una umi uiai ine uauan im-
poiia are not rnr the consiiiuptlon of
that country.
Jn view of all this evidence, the
lUillsh government -maintain that
Ihere is no alternative left but to stop
this nlluged cont rutin ud trade in cop-
cause the ' newspapers of your citv.
I tho returns each evening and lock j though privately owned, In reality be-
inem in tne vault at trie capltol. 1 hi j long to the people. They are
will be guarded during the night by
two watchmen, one designated by th j -!S---S- - ssr-
republican state chairman and ono 1 C- I Z 1 -
by the democratic chairman, in addi
tion A. M. Burgere, representing the
l-OST lling of keys. Suitable reward
for return to Dr. W. G. Hopet 210 li
West Central.
fleet In Mexican waters at the time I
the American marines occupied Vera j
Cru?,. He was t,'l years old.
. Hir Christopher had a distinguished1
,r. ,u aim ,e, ,-iveo iiiauy nonnrs anu , rt,,)ul)ican state committee and T. J.
decorations. During the .Soudan cam- j ,-Uf. the democratic committee,
palgn In ISH he served in the British ln ,he canvass, each keeping a tally
army and also saw sVrvlce in China i ,,f ,.a.,h ureclnct. a Governor Me.
( hi fa go board of trade ileal. th and by
iiianiiltiiiurcrH and cniisumt is, slxty-f-inr
cents a bushel for all undeliv
ered nuts.''
For u time prior (o this, it Is al-I-
e.l, tin. deleiidant bid up the price
of oats oil the bon rd and elsewhere
until it advanced tt, seventy (cuts a
At the time (if the alleged I'unii", (
t limner Hiitgiii, the lu'tnnl sup-
No. 1 and No. 2 white outs in
a Warehouses, visible and avail
able fur delivery on contract for July!
delivery, was sk th,m 1.250,mi0 1
bushels, und that Die defendants.'
a wire of this, m out to control the I
'entire and inure than tile entire I
supply." j
j III isoo. His gallantry at Taku earned
I him promotion to a captaincy.
During I $94-116 Hir Christopher was
j commander of the king's yacht. He
I served as aide de camp to the king In
! 19u and became a rear admiral In j
ji91U. He was made a knight com-j
I il Hiiiu'r fir I n i I'itrmn ii-iiit l ,1 u v
per with Mermuhj. through Italy. With ; Amon(t his decorations are the royal
i ,.-,v i'i'i"n'ii- rceiiiuiia, American
(xportera do nut suffer, us they have
been protected already, but the iliit-
Lionald read the total vote endorsed I
on the poll book and Chief Justice '
Roberts checks it. i
Ish government, nut wishing to be un
fair In any way, is prepared so far
a concern shipments made before
October 2, when copper was trans
ferred from the conditional to nuliml
contraband, to arrango for the pur
chase of copper which It has detained.
punish order of the second class for
i naval merit and the Royal Humane
i society's testimonial for saving life.
He received a nilver medal from the.
British board of trade for gallantry
in saving life l sea in connection with t
the wreck of the I'eiiinaiilur and Ori
ental line steamer Delhi.
I -" ' 1
irrr BVPinn
jLrr ivi limhij
I .. (l.H , ,1 11,1 I I I.I', 1ST MOSNIN JOU-N.L SSICIAL .IA-D WISH
I .o Angeles. Calif.. Nov. fi While
Santiago, Chile, Nov. . The Brit- effort were being ma do to raise funds
tsti cruiser i.iasgow was In un engage-! here to succor the victims of the war
ipent with a German warship or war- j in Belgium. Dr. Mllbank Johnson,
ships prior to the fight last Sunday 1 president of the municipal charities
evening off Coronel, , in which the j commission, published a statement to-
tfONNiM iOVNM. eftctAu wissr
Washington. Nov. ii - Mure thai;
lOo ftate banking Institutions 'hrough.
"it Ihe Cnlted Mtiitis have applied to
the U reserve board f..r ndint
hion to the new liniilng svst'm.
The applicant itn iuile some bug.'
Iianks which memheis feel will add
materially t the isirength of th- vs
tem. A vu))-( iiiiiniltt-H .,f the bmird
lias under cnnsuK-rullon n gitlatioiis I
for their adinlssiini and Is rxpet ted to
Ie tile to report next week. lin-)
pilmipul unestioti t,r . decUion !s ImW
fir sucii bank will be permitted le
make loan on reul estate,
Work Hard
Shut off from sunshine
and fresh air. the
blood becomes thinl i
and warcru this
brings rheumatism or
other sickness,
Theoil-food in SCOTT'S
bu.lh.inf tonic to keep
Ihe blood rich, fortify
the lunga, refrc-li the
body and strengthen the
whole system.
r. Uiuf N4
l srniT a emL'i.shm
Vl' Smt-M SuhUituttt
imt uri'N.M joess.c inc.. ilaxd -ii
I'hii-ago, Nov. . Ch'trging that
n,iiii(,ooo ha been stub n from Con's
umy by tax dodgers,
, llnyne, slate s iittm nev . tod-iv llistitut
Ud In the county court, proceedings
(Which, he said, ' eventually villi jn
ii:i,!is' IJ.0U0 person.
: The brief healing today revealed
inbuilt fifty alleged InstaiHis of tax
"For fifteen Sears there bus been
jibe groHHest (iisi i mi tita t ion In favor
if the minority if property owners
in the expense of the majority," said
.Mr. Hoyne. "It ban been continuous
'and svsti iiiulli . I export to expose
Ithe system mid show that It could
not be eairn-d out without the con
Sent, participation or guilty knowl
edge on the palt of the official or
I employe."
'V n,n joo-n.c ricni. iiiuo wish
Honolulu, Nov. . Aiinouni etuet'i
i of the reinslntement of Jeff McCai n,
! I'nlted states distriit attorney here,
ffollotta.l lilu i, ill!, I UV-... I.... I.,
', ' , Ills refund trial on a charae of !is-
isauttinK Claudius Mi Bride an uttor
I noy. with a deadly weapon. The Jury
ln the previous trial stood t to ti and
j Was (list harged,
The trial Krew from a fight between
Mi Cam and Mcltrble sonie months
I ago after the men emerged from u
) ctuirt session in which they were op
j posing attorneys. Mcltride charged
(that McCarn tried to shoot him, Me
I Cam HKserteit that Mi-Bride struck
I him and tripped him and that after
j falling he tried to draw a weapon
self-del onse.
British cruisers Monmouth and Good
Hope were lost, and the Glasgow and
the Otranto are reported to have been
l badly damaged, according to messages
received here from Coronel.
These advices ure that the Glasgow
entered Coronel last Saturday and
took on coal and made repairs of in
juries caused by sheila. One of her
four smokestacks was destroyed, there
wa a big hole in her side and her
bulwarks were smashed, according to
the report. Ti e cruiser left Coronel
the day following her arrival, Sun
Ml KNOWI i:ik.i: of two
HKlTlsll IIATTU villi's
Valparaiso, Nov. , 6.
known here concerning
warships Catiopua and Defiance,
which are reported to have passed
through Magellan strait to Join the
cruiser New Zealand,
day declaring that relief sent to Ku-:
rope meant only prolongation of the ;
strife and suggesting that charity j
should begin at honte, ;
"Scientific methods and modern '
civilization," said Dr. Johnson, "as ex-!
empllficd in tfae conduct of the war-;
ring nations 'in Kurope, have brought i
to the combatants realization of the !
potency of suffering women and chil-1
dren in compelling the conauered to
sue for peace. If then Europe is do-
termlned upon ft war of extermina
tion, doe it not occur to the discern-'
Ing mind that relief efforts may onlyi
prolong hostilities? . I
"War In Eitfope has thrown thou- '
sands of women and men In this coun-''
try out of work. The consequent
Nothing is ; Suffering and privation entailed is ap-'
the British ! Pulling. These unfortunates are ask-1
lug. not for luxuries, but for food and
clothing. Charity, go 'it Is averred,
should begin at home. Has it occurred
to the many who eagerly hearkenUo
Europe's cry that they have not con
tributed to the relief of their own unfortunates?"
Compare our prices and quality. We want your business,
and we will make every possible effort to warrant it. We
always endeavor to give quality, service and price.
10 lbs. pure Cane Sugar 5
5-lb can Silver Leaf Lard 75
6 cans Baked Deans 55
These arc Libby's und the largest can ever offered at the price
quality guaranteed.
Large can Apple Butler
2 cans fur
Extra fine Tamales, 1 cans fur
fcatt Iknox,
vju,(.i. fc
1 1
-MO jOilSKHi. ftPtCl.l lA, W.ftAl
l.niiiloii, Nv. :, to p. in )--Adie.
p'teh to Bi iiter's from Amstet .t un j
s.ivs that advh ea reteivvd Ciere friiin i
Berlin sy that op to but f-'timlny the'1
mid w is observed
("-rmi i ( 0111 mtuitii-n rumps and rum. The fire started by
p.iiiw iii-i,i tne r-iilnwiiig prison-is
FT.rin h, I.'.lg oflleets, and t. h
men; liuvsi in., 3.121 off;, . is, and
lfi,t turn; B igi.ili, hi' otfiiern,
and pen, British, 4iT ofllcrr.
and IS, "SO men
Tlie rorrespondent add that the
San 1' im-o, Nov, , .California
will become (he beer brewing center
of the Pacific const a tho result f
i Ihe enactment of prohibition laws In
Oregon and Washington by Tuesday's-
vote. Th l,iei-b.( n,.n.'
, e .. . ' - ."'..i toive Oil HI- org m
they ran from i n, .u ... . .
twelve miles from 1 "".f11 108 "ave """""""a
here. In effort to escape an on 1 Z ." '? ' V W,T p,an,s 10 t"l,ror
rushing ptairlo fire. Thi .k, concerns are expect
,. : . . . ' " i
oie,i ni- oernaii ratal v liiirnl
Belfleld. X. D., Xv. Ml
l.Hiys iioiiister, a school
; titi.i three of her pup
tin death today when
Itlie tichonlhoiiie. tu.,le ,..o..u .f
were burned I
a tlueshing outfit
first when five
j lierha dispatch ) (bene figure d-s
i but Include prisont r net tTuaiuptd,
miles away. With her twenty-two
children, the tea. her dashed toward
plowed field some dUium-e from the
school. The crowd soon divided,
these remaining with their teacher
being caught H f,.w r,.1m t)
ploVKHl ground. The Sehoolhouse
'.and unharmed.
to follow.
Arizona's Momau Senator.
Bres- ott, Ariz.. xv. 6. Mrs. Fran
ces Jlunds. democrat, of Yavapai
county, will be Arlxoita'a first woman
senator. In Tuesday election she led
the entire democratic ticket, detesting
her republican opponent by at least
ort votes. Mrs, Munds wn ,.ne of
tne mniage leader who
votes for women, in 1912.
New York, Nov. 8. The progreg
sive national executive committee met
here today behind closed doors, three
member and one man holding a
proxy attending. There are eight
members. Subjects of general Inter
est to the progressive party were dis
cussed, it was announced, but no ac
tion was taken and the meeting ad-
Journcd to reconvene December 2 in
i Chicago.
I'resent Were George ,W. Perkins,
chairman; William liinn, Pennsvl
vama; George o. Priestlev, Oklahoma i
and Harold K-kes, Illinois, represent;
ing Miss Jane Addams of Chicago.
xueouore Koosevtlt did not attend
and it w as said he sent no message.
2 pkgs. Potato Chips 'Zof
Lunch Specials
Extra Fat Smoked Salmon, Fresh Smoked White Fish, Goose
Liver Sausage, Mb. Cakes Lmiburger Cheese, Ncufchatel
Cheese, Chili Cheese, Boneless Herring, Smoked Herring,
Fresh Baltimore Ovsters.
Vegetable Department
Fresh California Green Beans,' Fresh California Wax Beans,
Fresh California Lima Beans, Cauliflower, Mango Pep
pers, Green Chili, California Head Lettuce, California
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes.
Bakery Department
French Mota Cakes, Angel Food, Whipped Cream Puffs,
Lady Locks, Chocolate Potato Cakes. Sunshine Cakes, Al
mond Horns, all kinds of Layer Cakes, French Pastry.
Our Bakery Goods give universal satisfaction. ' Give them
a trial.
Mail Orders Solicited.
The Jaffa Grocery Co.
"Good Thing- to Eat"
Mail Order Solicited
Phone 31 and 32