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ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1914. What's New in Mew Mexico is it WW DECIDES IWJCTHE FOR DEFENDANTS Restraining Order in Suit In volving Title to Ramon Vigil Grant Is Dissolved by , Judge Abbott, 'MCIAL OiRRATCH TO MORNIN JOURNAL Santa Fe, Nov. 6. District Judge K. Abbott today handed down on opin ion dissolving the Injunction in the ciiNo of It. II. Curtwright & Ilro. vs. Th(. I'nlted State Hank Trust Co., involving the collection of a note of 15,000 and Interest, which the plain tiff hid givtn to prevent the fore closure of a mortgage on the Hamuli Vigil grant of 30,000 acre In Sando val county and on which the famour cliff und eave dwelling of the Paja rito park are located. The plaintiff did thl to nave the Interest of quite a nuinlier of owner. The grant was finally Hold to Detroit millionaire who paid down 120,000 and gave Hole for 160,000. The wile was made through Mat l'red Muller, who had obtained in option from the United State Hank Trust Co., and It waa beeaus? of the dlleged interest of the bank in the Halo and the demands of creditor of the itamon Land Lumber Co., among whom are Cartwrlght rtro., for the distribution of the full pro ceeds among them, that the Injunc tion had been asked for, but the court could not connect the first transaction wllh the subsequent one and there fore had to dissolve the injunction. TO MAKE EFFORT TO GET REVENUE OFFICE BACK TO NEW MEXICO (RUCIAL BltMTCN TO HORNINa JOURNAL! fianta, Fe, Nov. . A determined effort to bring back the internal reve nue; office to sonta Fe or Albuquerque wag Inaugurated yesterday because of Arsons' going dry, I'nlted Ktate Senator T. 11. Catron and A. U. Fall. Congressman M. H. Fergusson, st.ue official and bulnes men, have been interested and feel If a concerted movement I made that the office will come back here. A prohibition state;" It l argued, 1 not tjie place for an office whose main business It ia (o collect revenue from Intoxicants, es pecially since the office was taken from Santa Fe only a few months ngi on the plea that Phoenix I More con venient to the interest that pay ihe internal revenue taxes. However, Arizona ha two demo cratic senator while New Mexico h is Just reaffirmed It faith in the re publican party and that is one rea the Arlzonan will urge for keeping the office at Phoenix. More potent, however, will be the argument th.-.t Arizona paid a much larger Income tax thin New Mexico and that It alio pay more Internal revenue taxe on the manufacture of cigars and under the new revenue law than doe New Mexico. Colorado ha gone dry, Oklnhonvi ha been dry, and so have been sev eral southern state but the internal revenue office Ik doing business at the old stand In those stands is taking In considerable Internal revo nue tax despite prohibition. It I also pointed out that New Mexico I rapidly growing dry through local option and Is likely to vote on state wide prohibition within another yea'' POOLS MADE 071 Die PROJECT 15 GOrJSISTEHT Work at Elephant Butte So Steady as to Become Almost Monotonous, According to Report. FARMING A SUCCESS IN ESTANCIA VALLEY fRRICIAL CORRttR3HOCNCt TO MORNINR JOURNAL! Kstaneln, N. M., Nov. 6. That farming in the Kstuncla valley" is not h failure, 1 proven by J. A. Cooper, residing sixteen mile south of Moun tainalr, who raised 80,000 pound of beans on 160 acre of land without irrigation. Without any extra help Just his family the entire tract was seeded and only at harvesting time was extra help necessary. Mr. Cooper ha already sold "5,000 pounds at $3.41 per hundred, deliver ed at Mountalnalr. This show that over $2,500 was Realised from this season' croii which show that a good profit was STATE MADE PARTY IN ALAM0G0RD0 WATER SUIT IRRRCIAL CORRIRPONDKNCR TO MORHINO JOURNAL! Alumngordo. N. M., Nov. C. The state of New Mexico has become Party to the Alnmogordo Waler suit, through tiie llllng of a petition of in terventlon by Frank V. Clancy, at lorney general. The tltlo of the suit Is Alamogordo Improvement company vs. K. F, Cadwallader, et al and It seeks the adjudication of the rights of all the users of water from I .a Lux and Fresnal creek und the smaller tributaries and spring. All of the irrigation water used by Mountain Park, High Holla, La Lu and Alamogordo is Involved In the suit and several hundred people are named as defendants. A short time af ter the suit wa filed In the spring of 1911, Judge Edward It. Wright, then presiding In this district, ordered a hydrographic survey made by the ter ritorial engineer' department. The cost of the survey approximated realized. Besides. Mr. Cooper raised . , """",,u ,, r.nn ...wil , ' $7,000, and since the suit ha not yet . been settled, the state has not been Ill.lHMnl fawn Ileforn Cnnunlwlnn. I rel mbursed for the cost of the SUr Santa Fe, Nov. 6. An Important ! ve'' Mr' (-'nf''' petition pray that hearing was In progress today in thethe rlKnt of the "'era! water users supreme court chamber before theibe abdicated that the cost of Plate water commission, being an ap-1 lho 8Urvy ,,B Pirated according to peal from the state engineer. It wan!"" mml"1 VL walrr ''eu io eacn the case of Charle L. Craig vs. i usf,r- Charles II. Adams. The state engl-j A during on the petition will be neer had rejected Craig' application I Tunt,'d ,,v Ju,,Re Kiw'ard L. Medler, for an extension of time to complete at th" faU tPrm f th" diHtrl(t 00llrt certain irritation works in the Arrovol""11" wl" "e cunverieu nere ai.iiiuuy, Hondo in Tao county, and had ap proved the application for Adams on the same project. J. H. Crist and F. C. Wilson appeared for the litigants and a number of witnesses were ex amined as to the flow of the Arroyo Hondo and other points Involved. November 9. Ciolng After Big (aino, Santa Fe, Nov. 6. The game ward en's office Is receiving reports daily of big game killed by New Mexico nlmrods. In the Mogollons, A. P. Williams and party killed two bear und each member of the party had a. deer after a two weeks' hunt. The party went In automobiles. J. O. Mc Nary, his brother, Maj. W. O. McNary of Chamberlno, Edward Nevill and Amos Marlar, a cowboy, killed a mountain lion measuring 8 feet, 2 inches from top to tip. GREAT HELRTO Ml A SICK MA This Lady Says, "I Cannot Find Words To Express How : Thankful I Am to Cardui." Jnnwllle, Va. "I certainly appre ciate what Cardui, the woman's tonic, lias done for me," writes Mrs. Owen '. Wells, of this town, "liefore I he Ban to take Cardui, 1 could hardly go about. I had several womanly trou bles, which caused me much suffer ing, and were very troublesome. But now I feel like a different person. I had often read of Cardui, but had little faith in it. My husband urged me to try it, and now I cannot find words to express how thankful I an Cardui is a wonderful medicine and I feel that it was a greater help than anything I could have, tuken. . I had scarcely no pain or suffering at chlldbirtn, and I feel I owe it all to Cardui. I know that ho woman would make a mistake in using Cardui it that most critical time. It will save them so much suffering. It is my sincere desire that this statement may be seen and read by all sufferers who suffer as I did. I m tiling all my friends and acquain tances of the great cure I have re ceived. " 1 If you suffer from any of tht ail mei.ts so common to women, give '"ard jl a trial. Thousands of women -have voluntarily written, to tell ot the urea; benent that Cardui has been to them. Why shouldn't it help you, too? From Yoga to llong Kong. Santa Fe, Nov. 6. A conspiracy that extended from Las Vegas to Hong Kong, China, Is apparently being un earthed by witnesses In federal court in the trial of two Chinamen, whose names do not matter, one from Hock Springs, Wyo., and the other from Idaho. A third Chinaman from Las Vegas, Involved In the same case, has already pleaded guilty to conspiracy to smuggle Chinese into the t'nlted States. It is the Las Vegas man, who apparently . received every Chinaman who was smuggled Into the country from Mexico and from Las Vegas sent them on to their destination. Every Chinaman, who arrived, whether hid den In freight or on coal cars, had a piece of paper in one of his shoes with his name and destination upon it. The famous Big Six company of China figures in the trial und the traffic Is said to huve been very pro ntable, the Las Vegas Chinaman re eeiving frequent remittances of hun dreds of dollars. High School Orator Warm I'p. Santa Fe, Nov. 6. Thirteen high school orators this afternoon tried out In preliminaries to determine who is to uphold Santa Fe's prestige In the oratorical rtmtest at Albuquerque during the educational convention this month. The final try-out Is to take place, however, on Friday, November 13, a rather courageous facing of the Jinx by the Intrepid Thirteen. Santa Fe has won first honor at the an nual oratorical contest on two pre vious occasions and lesser honors at other times. Visitors o Museum. Santa Fe, Nov. 6. Judge T. D. Lieb of Haton, who Is a guest of Chief Justice C. J. Roberts, was a visitor of the New Mexico Museum today as was also State Senator II. U. Holt of La Cruces. An automobile party In cluded Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nairn and Kenneth Mikanie of Cimarron. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Enydown, of Los Angeles; E. A. Hofhelmer, of Chica go; Mrs. Sue E. Ilreckenridge, Mrs. Marion Davis, of Trinidad, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Jamison, of Vancou ver, British Columbia, were others who registered today, Try Cardui. IRMCAL t ONORMCR TO WONN1MO JOURNAL! Elephant ilutte, N. M No . Progress during the month wa so consistent a to almost become monot onous. It wan hoped that our former record for masonry work would be broken, but on account of lack of space the quantity placed wa prac tically the same a during the preced ing month. Hased on expenditures, the dam a a whole, including all auxiliary features, I "G per cent com pleted. During the month 32,000 ruble yards of masonry was placed, making a total to date of 362,000 cubic yard. Thi wa distributed over seven blocks. Thawinter block wa raised about twenty-five feet, preparatory to closing the flume next month. The concrete at west abutment wa brought up to elevation 4,280 or sixty five feet above the river bed. Within a few day thl block will have been carried sufficiently far Into the abut ment to permit of starting another expansion Joint, which will give an other block to work on. Considerable delay in masonry work ha been experienced on account of the non-arrival of certain gate easting. The erection m' the gut cm, valve and conduit has, however, proceeded very satisfactorily. Ttjere are now In place eleven of th sluteen Valve and gate that are to control the flow of the water through the dam. Four of the castings, portion of the balanced valves, weigh over 42,000 pound each, but with the ex cellent facilities for handling mate rial at the dam no difficulty wa exv perlenced in setting them. Fxcavallon In Continued. Excavation has continued with one gang three shifts, working at first one abutment, then the other. This is necessary to keep to within 150 feet of the tall towers. Considerable work was done In preparing a foundation for the reinforced concrete apron that Is to extend seventy-five feet from downstream face of dam Immediately beneath the outlet pipes, to prevent scouring ut toe of dam by the heavy stream of water that will discharge through It. The total excavation for the month was 2,500 cubic yards, making a total to date of 382,000 cubic yards. The quarries continue to furnish an abundance of excellent rock. A large blast wa made in quarry No. 2 early In the month, which wa the most successful of any made yet. Four drill holes having an average depth of 150 feet were loaded with 34,000 pounds of black powder and 2,500 pounds of dynamite and shot together, loosening "0,000 cubic yards of rock Quarry No. 1, the first one opened, is beginning to play out, but Nu, the quarry between the office and the dam, ha reached a development that will enable more derrick to be used there and will eventually take the pluce of No. 1. The sand cement' plant wa oper eted two or three shifts dally, which ever the cement requirement de manded. The, best day's output wa 1,860 barrels. During the month 84 000 barrel of sand cement was pro duced, making a total to date of 354, 000 barrels. The Iioail to Kiigle. The construction of the relocated portion of the road to Engle, made necessary by the proposed flooding of a portion of the present road when water is being stored, was started the first of the month and is progress Ing satisfactorily. It Is expected to have this road completed by the end of the year. Work at the embankment wa com menced the middle of the month with a small crew. A camp ha been e tablished, water and electric line built," construction roads built, the dam site grubbed and plowed, a toe trench partly excavated and a quarry opened. It I not intended to push this feature to any extent until the latter part of next month, a the equipment will not be ready prior to that time. There are now employed about 1,330 men, which Is the largest num ber since the work started. Labor conditions are excellent. The weather has been very favorable for construc tion work, not a shift being lost dur ing the month. from sand storage 6,800 cubic yards of sand was used nt the mixing plant. The quarrle furnished 13,109 cubic ynrds of crushed rock, 4,fi00 cubic yurd of plums, 1,700 cubic yards of rock for sand cement plant and 4.300 cubic yards of waste, mak ing a total for quarry excavation of 2.1,700 cubic, yards. ELECTION FIGHT OVER HILL AND WILLIAMS IS APT TO PROVE FATAL IRRICIAL OIRRATCN TO UORNINR JOURNALI Santu Fe, Nov, s, (q,,, g,.rmi election tight was ailed today before Justice of the Peace lv, Alaridand as a consequence Piuitaleon .MonMn of Oallsteo, ngeil 50 years, la In Jul I In default of 1 2, Out) bond to await the action of the grand Jury. Mnntoya I accused tlf stubbing Sn blno Sena so near the heart that Ihe wound Is a dunei-ron orm t ih,. charge Is assault with intent to kill. i lie Hlgumeni was whether Hill or Williams wa the better candidate. Wild lg. Create Havoc. Santa Fe, Nov. . - That wild don are creating havoc a in mm stock In Ihe iMgun and Sacramento moun tains I the report made to the game urden' office. In fart, according to Ihe complaint, the wild iIoks are do ing more damage than the wolves unj coyotes did in days of the paid. Olives, sheep and goals by the score are be ing killed by the canines Md ul ulgbt they invade poultry jards and kill chickens and hogs. A pack of twentj wild dog ha been prowling ne,ir the W. W. Cox ranch In the organ moun tain and Deputy Sheriff Stanley Oood, Jr., ha organized hunting party to shoot and trap the wild canines. U UT SAYS PRESS REPORT C0TII TRADE III ENGLAND IS MORE HOPEFUL Retreat Is Strategical With-'Orders From China Stimulate drawal to New Position in! Accordance With Fixed! Plan, Dispatch Asseits, ! r--..-t TIIE CII1E1 OF MOTHERHOOD Enhanced By Perfect Physi cal HeaUh Manchester, Nov, (via London, Iolidotl, Nov. 7 (J..M a. in.) The Pe trograd correspondent of the Mm nig 1 : 45 p. m ) The Lancashire spinners Post send the following dispatch- '"e much gratified over the results Ihe Austrian ret rent on the (!ah-attained the first day the Liverpool clan front I of such character as In 'cotton market was opened since the Indicate less a general defeat than ! war began. The spinner believe a strategical withdrawal In u new even restricted il posltlon, in accordance with a fixed i ward and expect that the Liverpool plan. Although the IIiimmIiih had ! Cotton association will remove all Im been pressing the Austrian with ! pediments to general tradlmr a soon great energy, the Austrian were Inias the New York exchange opens, possession of everal strongly forti- China ha commenced placing or fled position w hich were still giving der with the Umcashlre spinners, the Itussluns the greatest of trouble. Sir Charles W. Macara, president of The Austrian are retreating to for. the Cotton Spinners' association, ex tofled positions, resting In Cracow j Pressed delight at the reopening of in the south and In Kalis In tits j the Liverpool market. While the north. They expect to make an Im- j splnnn were not Inclined to regard pregnable stand there. 'the first day's business as proof Ihct After their failure before Warsaw . n steady market was assured, u inu tile Herman succeeded in getting Joi lty exprerscd the opinion that the their best troops away Ith compare- , Improvement In the cotton situut'on tlvely small losses. Thes. troops are i was largely due to Sir (leorge PaHh's probably already proceeding toward j effort in the I'nlted States resulting France. j In a better understanding between ' j bankers, grower and brokers and tin (iocs to Survey Township. American and MritlKh governments. Santa Fe, Nov. (1, lienrge V, Itig-1 While the Liverpool market was by, I'nlted State deputy surveyor, closed the Lancashire spinners had who has Just arrived from Denver, I I"11" trouble In buying all (lie spot The experience of Motherhood ! ft try ing one to most women an J mark dis tinctly an epoch In their livea. Not out woman in hundred la prepared or tin j ..... 1. 1 . t i i r- , i . , ; ueipuiiius now iaj jifujwn Lurv turner" raCtOt ieS and Opening Ol1. Ot course nearly every woman LIVUpuoi IVIJIKei IS Ut Ul!- I timet, but many approach the experi- fying t0 SpilincrS. ' enc wlth an orRnUim unfitted for th ' j trial of strength, and when It U over " 1 j her aystnm has received ahock from which It ia hard to recover. Following right upon thia cornea the nervous strain of caring for the child, and a distinct change in the mother reaulta. There ia nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother of children, and indeed child-birth under the riglit condi tiona need be no haiard to health or beauty. The unexplalnable tiling fa that, with all the evidence of ahattered nervea and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition, and with am ple time In which to prepare, women will peraint in going blindly to the trial. Every woman at thla time ahould rely upon Lydla K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, a most valuable tonic and tavigorutor of the female organism. Illeplinnt lUille Hoard .djoiirus. Santa Fe, Nov. 6. The Klephant Ilutte land board has concluded its sessions and ha adjourned until spring, after planning a preliminary report on the boundaries of the lands that are to be irrigated from the pro- Jeot. The board, consisting of 1. I), O Donnell. supervisor of Irrigation; 1(.fl tonight for San Antonio, Socorro I '"' needed, but the opening ''i non iapul ii tiin ii(-iiiiiii- i it ii.i L.'!!,.!.,!..,. i.... ii it... .in inn I mmiiihh i m h niiiura if imuiirn rlngton and took with him the fol- ,lv' hat future lowing corps to rush to completion the survey of nine township of gov partment of agriculture, and F. W. Hunna, superintendent of engineerln.i, have gone to Yuma, Arix., und Crnnd Junction, Colo. Work on the east side Mesllla diversion dam is to start bv New Year'a and will cost :'no,00. ,.;,t cahert of New McUeo, K. liouglas und J. K be bought. The In many homra once chlkllcs there are now children be causo of the fact that Lydla E. rink- lam' Vegetable Compound make a women normal, bialthy and atrong. If yon want special advice write to Lydla K. rlnkham Medicine Co. (conn. El eminent land, or approximately :, " '" minimum pice. mniare miles: 8. 1 1 rimes and Kve-! "", Liverpool market ranged from Liverpool spinner association has 1 dcutlah Lrnn.Ha. Your letter will fixed eight and a half cents u pound be opened, rend and Bitawered by h woman aud held in atrlrt eouflileuee. llu( ArcH to I to Surveyed. Santa Fe, Nov. 0, Two hundred and fifty square miles, nn area eiiul to a small Kuropean kingdom, Is to Im surveyed by the I'nlted Stales gov ernment In the vicinity of San An tonio, Socorro county, without any further delay. Deputy I'nlted State Surveyor leorge F. Itlgby arrived yeterday from Montana and will leave tomorrow for San Antonio with a Btirveylng crew to survey the eight townihlps In question, working all winter. Tho government 1 pushing the survey of the unsurveyed public land in the tate, which still cover many millions of acre. II. Peer of Colorado, and Douglass; S. M'nll of Washing ton, D. C. Pcrnallllo First to Itomlt. Santa Fe, Nov. 6. Bernalillo coun ty Is the first to remit it taxes col lected in October to State Treasurer O. N. Marron, County Treasurer M. Mandell remitting $534.29 to the stats New Trial Denied. tout of a total collected of S2.24S.53: Santa Fe, fv'ov. S. District Judge i Sa Miguel was secondTreasurer Ro- E. C. Abbott yesterday overruiea ine motion for a new trial in the famoua case of Thayer vs. The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Co., In which on two trials, Juries awarded the plaintiff damages, the first time for $4,300 and the second time for $5,000. The rail road company will now take the case to the state supreme court. Thayer was hurt while working for the com pany in western Colorado and at one time the railroad company could have compromised the case for $75, mero remitting $2,027.71. Treasur er J. R. Strong of Mora county, re mitted $131.82; Treasurer C. J. Am ble, of Torrance county, remitted, $318.31- out of $1,107.82 collected; Treasurer Max Montoya, of Socorro, $104.49, and Treasurer Thoma Mc Bride, $268,90 out ot $1,041.09 collect ed, McKinley county collected $95.46 of 1913 taxes, and Dona Ana the big sum of $15,424.81 of 1913 taxes, $.1, 713.14 of 1912 taxes, $1,088.51 of 1911 and $1,919.43 of prior taxe. i To Render Decision Soon. Santa Fe, Nov. 6. The paper In the famop Caja del K lit grant case which has been in the district court in one form or other for many years, were gent to District Judge II. F. Rey nolds yesterday. Indicating that he will hand down his opinion In the veiy near future. Ths auit Involve the partition of the grant which He be tween Santa Fe and the White Rock canyon, covering some 30,000 acres and claimed by hundreds of heirs the bulk of whese interest has been uc qulred by several local attorneys. Refund Caso Argued. Santa Fe, Nov. 6. Ilefore the state corporation commission today the case of the Santa Fe (lold & Copper Co, vs. the A. T. & S. F. for a refund of 35 cents per ton on coke shipped from Colfax county to Stanley, on the New Mexico Central, was argued. Col. It, E. Twitcliell for the Santa Fe, raised tho Important question of the power of the commission to award repara tion and this was thoroughly discuss ed. Renehan & Wright appeared for the petitioner. The case was submit ted, except that each party to it will file briefs. Adjutant .eiicral Isniicm Order. Santa Fe, Nov. fi. Adjutant !en eral Harry T. Herring today Issued general order No. 25 regarding the keeping of book and records by the National fluard organizations of the state and the making of reports to i) I Ho to twenty points above the mini mum fixed by the aHsoclatio. I'nder the restrictions of the Liver- j pool market spot cotton Is not af-i fecled. j The association limited future to I May and June delivery because the ' limited supply In Liverpool would be ! exhausted by filling heavy orders . honked before the war. j It Is estimated that the Lancashire 1 rotlon worker are now employed' headquarters. All requisition for ! from 6) B0 l'('r rpnt t the time supplies must be submitted by Feb ruary 1. Tho order also rover the subject of discharges. Order for nrmy supplies have offset ' the dullness the war ha caused to ' general trade. i lliil to He Opened. Santa Fe, Nov. 6. Hid for the bridge across the Sapello at Watrous, Mora county, will be opened on Mon day. Hid for the reconstruction of tho bridge across the Callsleo in southern Santa Fe county, which col lapsed a few months ugo, will be opened next Monday at the office of the stute engineer. SCARCITY OF VESSELS i CHECKS WHEAT EXPORT! will stop youi i IRT MORNINR JOURNAL PIC!L LKIID WIRI) Chicago, Nov. 6. Scarcity of ves sel room wn the explanation today for the marked decreasu In sales of gruln lor export. Wheat exports are already reported a 501). 000 bushels, 1 while 600,030 bushel of com. 60,000 Federal Court Kuhjnrna Served. bushels of out and 40,000 bushels of Santa Fe. Nov. 8. Subpoena for rye were moved from Chicago, the Albuquerque term of court were Vessel room for 500,000 bushel of Issued from the federul court today i wheat and 200,000 bushels of corn and deputy t'nlted States marshals I were c hartered here, the rate being j started to serve them. The term will i one aud one-ouarter cents, wheat. I skin suffering Additional Dclcgatm Apistlnlcd. Santa Fe, Nov. 6. Governor Mc Donald yesterday appointed the fol lowing additional delegates to the Ocean-to-ocean Highway convention at Phoenlz, Ariz.: Frank Landavezo, Magdalena; Leandro Haca and Naza- rio Baca, Quemado; Powell Stack house and Melaclo Apodaca, San An tonio; George Keith, Siim Gibbons and Julius Cumprcdon, of Socorro. i KuHK'iisioii lli'idge Across Rio. Santa Fe, S'ov. 6. A suspension bridge, across the Rio Grande has been placed at the mouth of Taos creek In Taos county, to be used by the men who are building the. new roud to the railroad. be a most interesting one on account of the Important cases, Including sev eral white slave cases that will be tried. and one and one-eighth cents on co-n I lo Hufl'nlo. Tho rate were one-eighth cent hlher, due lo the Increasing dif ficulty In gittlng lake steamers. ' IF you have eczema, rash, pimplea, or other torturing, ugly akin erup tion, try KeBinol Ointment and Reainol Soap, and ace how quickly the trouble disappears. They a top i tching imtant Ijj. Reainol Ointment i so nmrly fleh -colored that it cn be Uied on face, hands or neck without attracting undue attention. PhyilrlanR hv prmwribol Rwinol for II TMra, for ll tort of (kin trouble!, dandruff, lorat, Blrert, imnn, wound!, and pllra. Evrry dru. gilt oils Httalitol Ointment and Hnlsoi Soap. For Irv sample, writ to Dept. 2i-ti. Ktwlnul, UalUinora, MJ. Avoid Imluulana. Can't Sell School llonils. Santa Fe, Nov. 6. The department of education has been informed that the Red, River school district, Taos county, has voted voted $3,000 bonds for a new schonlhouse, Hut has been unable to sell the bonds thus far. Clu-allitim (iocs to Washington. Santa. Fe, Nov. 6. United State Commissioner F. T. Cheatham of Taos has gone to Washington, 1). C, to ap pear in the United State supreme court. Pound Sale. On Monday, the flth day of Novem ber, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m., In front of the city Jail on North Second street, I will sell one gorrel mule, about 6 years old, will weigh about 600 pounds,' branded on left thigh; one dark brown mule, about 8 years old, will weigh about 800 pounds. branded on left shoulder and left thigh. Has collar marks. One bay horse, about 7 year old; will weigh about 600 pound, both hind feet hlte, white spot on forehead, brand ed on left shoulder, swelling on left Jaw. THOMAS M'MILLIN, City Marshal. . XOTICK To whom It may concern: The co partnership existing between Frank Fracarolli and K. Herta has thl day been dissolved. K. Herta & Co. as suming all debt and to whom all bills due are to be paid. E. Herta 1 to continue tho busines under the firm naml of K. lierta & Va., (A. P.erta, manager) In the future, Mr, Fraca rolli retiring. E. HERTA. i t i r i i innni'i - i r i iiiia' a ' a 1 Makes five cups of coffee for less than one cent A patented percolating de vice saves one-third on your coffee bill t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? T ? t 1 YOURS! for REAL COFFEE .Tliis young- latly is handing you the dandiest coffee jKTcolator you ever saw. I'rinp; in your old coffee jxit any kind at all we'll buy it f..r $1.00. Then you're given a chance to get an up-to-date "THERM AX" Electric Coffee Percolator .Tliat beats all hollow any other way of brew ing coffee. Pells regularly for $7.00. Yours, including your old coffee pot otherwise $5.98 COMK IN AND LOOK IT OVER The Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. 502 W. Central Ave' J'hone 8 ? t ? J J T T t t T ? T X ? T t y t f f T ? T t t ? V $$ lZlnil $ l $$ l l $ X