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SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1914. AM INPErfcNDlTNT N'WKPAP lilcn:l;:o Social CO. rul.liit b th JOURNAL PUBLISHING r A. MAfM'HRMHON Pi-mM-M W. T. Mei'HKPIMT Bualnxa Mn,,.r K U l MrAI.I ISTICIl N.wa K.IIIW A. N, M'lliiMN.,, cny l-.lioir ii. i. rox Wtalem nreanllle I. i. AMll.KMIV, Mart net la Nniltliac, I hlras, PI. Falm ftteaeit 'alia, 111 Ml N. Ml I I Ili4, M far Hmm, htm tnrk. ' f;nird a aei.ntl rlawi matter at lh p.i..ffi' .f AleaqutMue, K. M , mlr Ai t tif I'lmewaa f Mtrtti 1, inn TIIH MUMNINU ,lul KNAI, IM Til W f.rI'IVa lll'I'l Mi ll AN IMHKH nVSKW MXH'O. INI'l-ol'llNil 1HM I'MIMi- pl.KM lif TUm IlKMill.K'AN I'AIITT Al l. Til TIMS) AVO INK MIMIIfilm HI'TlllC IIITH'HI.K AN I'AIITr WIIKN TUGtfAIIK HIOHT. tloim with our amhaxxador In nil be. I'gcrent countries, who are the diplo matic representative nlao of the countries at war. Fund received are distributed ) in j ni r I In I ly fcmotig thee. Of MS, 000 cnt from New York (he other ilny, $2i,(l went to Ambit ilur llcrrlck at Pari. 120, 000 to Am liaador (ienird lit Herlln, tlO.ono U Ambassador IV n field nt Vienna und 1 1 0,000 to Ambassador Page at I.on- lion, Nuppllra are on the way to the American hospital at ivtrograd. Thn native relief societies, Herman, Heliflan and French, are open tollman oonlrlliiitora w ho wish to confine their hi'li to one rioilon. Any khiii sent to Mr. Murron will he forwarded hjr him according to Instruction. The Present Situation in a Nutshell one of (he result of the election In that quite a number of tncti who have t.een drawing tT.f.OO n year, for jlwn year, now will have to work awhile fur about uhut their service iiik wiiitli 12. .i0 ii diiy. lail.r rireulailiin, linn any mhr ipcr la H'lH The unly r-ae-r la N.w y.finu ImiixiI mvrtf day In tha ymur. TlHm nf hiiisi wi'tmiw. lillr, lif it mail, nn month, , ,,r NUT 1 1 HJ Til gl'IISrltlllKHH. NHlrrilra i Journal, an wrlllM Ii hava Ihatr eaer rliangvit Ii a new atl Itr. muM Ij aura In glta tha ulii siliiraM, I.IHMW III PRIMACY. Tha Morning Journal haa a htfhvr cinu latiin raiin than la a-'i.r4at lu anr mhr lair la' Sw Mriido," Tha Amnrlean Kawaiiaprr Iireclrjr. H.lTI'l!IA V. .MAKMIiClt 7, 1H nn: mi rn m;nmiuniiii It la needles to my newspaper lender rverywhern nr dlNmitliifled With the new of the War. The moat they know la thut thii in out itlKiilillc i iv l t r Hull ever hua illKKriired thin Moody old world Ih occiii i Iiik, ii ml ni'ixt of the Itifnriiiiitluli MKiiiil Itig II Im Iiuoi reel, lii ,iiiocon'a t ine, 'ToIm a ll hiilU tlu," liccoiuea i coiniiion renin rk in lila m my. The aevere lenupmhlii of thn war new wha tiiken calmly nt llrKt, he- ciiiikc It WiiX (iliVlollKly ChmtilLiI to tnlliliiry alniteny, ItcHciilineiit KKtiliiHl H hua Krown wllh the iiroitreaa of the wnr; not In ni line it una ihme, lull l.etuilie It W.ia done Htilldly. ' The only JiifI hioiiimI for aiiiiie fiisn of wnr new a h to kecji In rriiiii -tion from Hi" eneiny thut iiilKhthelit hiiTi. Tlie other niiHon, In nvold ef fect nf iinfavoruhle new on mhllf i.ilt)lon, defealH Itmlf. t 'nf.iVorn hie liewa cornea out aoon or lute, und till im luihllc iiihl"M ii UK I lie t theii lirexalna: Knvernment. Moreover, doiiht 14 thrown Hl'ori fiivor.ihla newa luiwod. Thi Itrltlnh reiiaoralili, with which the fulled Htatia romea moat In con tiu t, ha heen Incredll ly Hliipld. tirlg Innl newa from th rKhtin line hua heen nriirenaed, iierverled or imide iinlntelllKlhle, thmiKh nhvloiicly at-i "" '"ken hlund at her aide reiidv known to the enemy. lirent lirltaln and France have formrilly annoiilicid theniHClvea lit wnr wllh Turkey. A illHtuitch from l.oidui) on Novemhcr 2 atnti that Lord Kitchener "hua heen convinced from the oulwct of the war that Orr luany would Involve Turkey, and hit taken mennre a i ordlnxly." Thl firm conviction on the jinrt of Kitchener wh uii'iueiitloniihly deriv ed from hi experience, an the Hrlliah fllient In KxVI'l. hi poet at the nlil- nrruK or liontuillea. In Cairo h came Into (i.iilni t wllh the diplomatic and fltui ru in I Inf liien e w herehy rier- inuny hu for year heen timlermln- Inu the preKtlue of Knuliiiid unite ua erTecllvely, thounh not openly, a In t'onaliintlnopli! itself. At, the time of the Crimean .war, the lute Muni ii in Hu HhIhii y remarked that In aupporllnK Turkey, I'liarht n1 had "hacked the wrong horae." Hut It wa not until the Youiik Turka iiime Into power that lireot Hrltiiln found to her iimiiiZ' ment that Ucr inuny hail aiipplnnted her In the f i vor of tint rulliiK party. It la ilifficult to put on lui'cr how the liermuna lirniiuht llila iihoiit. It la heal ex plained pcihiip ill the Wot'da or nn iiiiiiiiii , writer w lio, aome year nun, explained the (leruiun procedure In rexiird to Kk.vpl and Morocco, u fol lowa: The (lermen ha heen movInK with that alow, peraeverlmi, not nlwny lirllllnnt, thoroiiKhricHH which he lirliiKM to hear In till thut h" doe with a will. There la very little fUHK. hut creeping, iimleviatlng advance which In the e rid aiicceed. In lIHO It tin ct aiicceeded no far (hat the native pre In Turkey and ('Hyp! apoke nf (he kalaer a "the protector of lalinn," lh aaiue year that he told AuKtrla that (lerniunv In ahln- iiik iiriiior." Then Turkey concluded (iieorK Walker. In !oton I'omtiierclul.l If I he I nllcd Klatc lu! la-en fiirci i! to Im-coimo a iari , to the I :ura aii war llila ifotcroiocnt, liy'iipKiilloc in the patriot Inn of lln- a-iplc, limine lionahly coiihl lone i-all two lo four hilllon dolliir it war I'm ni In u very hliort lime, ''li amoiini ami more' of anil wealth would have la-cn hnrncil up, ilevlroved, wailed anil loi ; hul In -pile of U (he country would linvr aiirtlvril. The nccckll y that now coiifroni ll I the uiillllii-Hl of IhK f nee culliyl iimiii to rain- u. mm Ii ninllcr ik.'uicjiiIc nil in and iihi Ii ax Indlilil- mil to hnv MinrllloK, which rcirc ii owocrlii In i he ino( auholnuliiil and VHliillhle of Ainciicaii railroad, hnho- trial and mining niN-iiliK, from the few i:uroM-un Imliler" who are ohllKeil lo n il: ami we are reijulreil to flnaiice for a lime eiirphm iiiiiiillly of cot ton, M lion-Mri-lialile comnioilll) of nnlveral ('OnMiiniilon, ll I every whit ii pal riot Ic to Hlraln your reMiurcifi to uphold die cnillt. the honor anil I ho Inleurlly of your country In linn of miic- a II I t" pour money Into ll coffer In lloic of "war. 1 li iuiitImiso ami flliani lni ol our Hlainlnril H'iirllle ami comiiiiall tlc do not require mi I loon I rlfl'i-: lliey offer to iIiom" wime Individual who would Mipply (hr fund to lurry on n illi-alroii war an opMirtiinlljr to Increase) their aronal fort u tic, lly the miiiic act they can defend their own property ami the ioiiutry' credit, IncrcifMt lliolr own and I he country' pr(ipcrlly mol lay the foiinilall ui for o laslliiK fliiiiiicliil Hlahlllly which will Itlve I ho IndiiMirlcH of the lulled Slate tlir lirNt rail mi the Mirplu cittlliil of I III whole world. fouidcil with thl demand which (Im- present Klliiallon mnke n jmui our: patriotism and nailoiuil pride I an j apH-ul lo our eclf-hilcri-!. When the American MHipi reallM1 that It I (heir j patiiollo doty to purchase MiM'k. i IkiiiiIh ml loniiooilltlcM to defend! Iliclr country' credit mid IniJiiitm In terexl they will nnHiinl I'lni-rfiilly. To la for ed lo hny Kxul Mi'iirillc lliiil coiiiiiiimIIiIc for half what. Ihcy lire worlli -for half lh prh' at which they Korcly mil! kcII In I he mar rnlore certainly I not a en lam lly. It I an opiMiitnnli y. the heat; In other word, we have) brought (he ga (o the lowest pnnxlhle nrn(teratur. (in (hi aocount It ha heen railed the uliaolule ero, and arl entlfle lnvetlgator have been atrug gllrtB for many year to reach thl ul timate goal, for It ha been R prue tiial certainty that many of the tern pel at lire will dlMippear, or become profoundly modified, at the bottom of the acule of tempciature, thirat and hunger. Those were not the flrat victim nor the lat. Into that alnlaler country McVangh aen went In 18T. Itniherford H. Muyea wan prealderil thai yiar. rilnce then war have heen fought and iiite adml((ed to (he union; hamlet have grown Into oltle; thoiiHiind of mile of railroad have been complet ed; national dlaater and national re joicing taken place; wirele, phono graph, aerophme, niolng picture have become, common; the facilltlea for tha Interchange of human thought have made their advance; the popu l.'irl.iitlon of art, Inter and aoclal hct erinent ha had It iiecene. Hut cut off from all thl, living con t'niioualy, a It were. In the year IS7 9, McViuighaen ient thirty-five year of III life by hlmaelf, prospecting In the ilcairt. i The. flrat good claim that he opened up wn 125 mile from a rail road, the neareal point being the I'roiiinner ranch In (he extreme eaat crn part of th degert There I no dejiree of'hunger. (hltat or loiielliieaa that thl man of '78 ha not experienced, lie I well acquaint ed with them nil, and with a good Mm n y form of dunger hi-aidc. Jlut he wn born to hardship. J?l childhood wa spent on th? frontier, und when little morn then a nny. In 1S6I. he went Into (he gov ernment service n a acout nnd m.e neriger, The government allll pnyi him f 775 a year. In a pinch he would , ba a valuable) man, for h apenk (Utanh y i.c-d in I.eelle'.) eral Indian language fluently, beside At ,n 'n'1 "f the long, tenae week, Spanlah and It Mexluin vurl.itli.n. j'very hour of which (hey hud exped ite doe not tonnliler the 5V5,tlirt n"1 either the aummon or the averting crt of reward of merit, a In etorle. tnp crial. a number of French of- i-oitTM.i i: if i: ri.wT. (ieneral Franciaco Villa, command ing the "conalltutlonal" force In the north of Mexico, hud ft portable lee making npparutu conatructed for tho ue of hi army and hoapKal corp during hi later operation. The ma chinery, which I capable of produc log r. Oil pound of lee at one time, I divided Into (wo aecdon und mounted on MUlialantliil truck which are at tached to motor vehicle and trnna poried when Ihe urrny 1 on the march. The ngine, cooling tower and other of the equipment ore ar ranged on one trmk, while Ihe free. Irtg lank, 20 In number, and each wllh n rapacity of 25 pound, are car ried In a refrigeration box on another. I A picture of the phmt la a feature of (he November Popular Mechanic Magazine. IT IS THE TASTE, THE FLJWOR OF Baker's Cocoa That Makes It Deservedly Popular An absolutely pure, delicious and whole some food beverage, produced by a scien tific blending of high-grade cocoa beans, subjected to a perfect mechanical process of manufacture. ' Crf tht genuine, made only by Walter Baker & Co. Limited : Established 17S0. Dorchester, Mass. tr. . 11.04. n'Z!:Z.'urnil' tl,"",',-50-lb. box all sound M nn "Ye: he the man that m.ld A, ADDleS ' t !'"" I I How a War Breaks Out the auto,' With Scissors and Paste for hi year of IndiiHtrle. lie look on the money a merely Incidental to the. romance and Ihe adventure that ha made up hi life. The money might have, come, and It might not; It doe not make a great deal of dif ference either way. Now (hut It I here ho Intend to devote moat of 11 to educating aome, nephew and nh-ci end getting them Hlarted In life. iJullng hi year In the dcacrt he located eleven good claim. Thene no recently gold to Hchwiih & Co., nnd that account for the J.'m.'.OoO. The mine tire, gild, Hllver und copper. llcer and illKilngulahed civilian gath ered on the porch of the hotel. It wu afternoon. The waiter were Fpreadlng cloth preparatory to serving ten. It aeimed nlinoat a If u lull had come In all that dre.iflful walling. ine group on the hotel porch ot f'lnard had quite rcafaured them aelvea, and become lively in fact, when, upon the evening olr, heating upon their conm loiisncHH, until, un willingly, they found themaelve forced to hi hove it, camn (he clung! 1 lung! clang! of the tooxin lriking. Men, and men' heart Mood mill. A lllikcil Ix'fiiiitlon, . Prof. I.elle C. OroHvenor, the nnti uffrnge lecturer anil writer, gave, !n a recent Iienver apeech, a definition of the new woman which won i plnuae from aome part of the limine, 1' and groan and IiIhsi b from nlhei. I "A new woman," Dr. flrovenor raid, "I one who believe that It I now i ioilhh for hT to have both 11 p.ial I nad a future." 3 it. fancy Oanhcrrle (t Ih. large Swift 1'oUilocx .... 10 Dm. fancy Onion Fancy I'limpkliii, Ih. 1 ri'-h Kiiiisiih lggi, tin. Home Jtancli ',gg, Uox 2 Ih. Ilrookllchl ( iciiincry llultcr Very hot Oleomargarine, 2 Ih,, cry good Olciiiuargurlm-, 2 Ih., lic-t ( omh Honey, I0i ami it for 2."c 20 lbs. Im-M Mexican llcan . ..$.iui IC kc 30c .Mk' II.M' Si'm1 !.- Itemnrkable C'liro of t'roiin. "I-n! winter when my Utile hoy had rroup I got him a bottie of Chumlier luln'H Cough Itemedy. I honeally be lieve It .mved hi life," writes Mr. J. II. Cook, Indiana, I'a. "It cut the phlegm nnd relieved hi roughing spell. I am mo! gmti-fiil for what this remedy ha done for him." For ali bv all iletilerN. 1 (.(aid quality Kimt-t CoDce . ...,2Uc little (iiallly ItoiiHt Coffee ...... a.1! Il.'ic quullly Hull!. CilTco ;l(l(. Wcihhug llrcakfast Coffif ;pi(. t'ITi ;tO(. . . . . .1.11(1 . . . . .Sl.lin 2.1c Till-; t.OOVi; hTI:l , , I . ., , , ., , (lung! clung! clang! clang c iing If there 1 one thing In particular I ,.1 ,,. f From the church tower In the! aqiiare It moulded H HUiomon to the I (hut olallngulalie the (larman army from nil other, II I Ihe koi.hc lei the rerejiiollloim "hi;li-klcking" Htep Ho Impl'eaalvely employed by the (ier- ; encircling countryside, and all w ho i II I L ....... II...... 1 ... marching pant king ' " '""" """" ringing rr .,,;., TlM.!'"' ' h "f elviliieatlo,,' carefully im mini in i,iiiik;iiiii;i. oi Ileace. lllK ile lifflelal (leruiun diHpatche Were kept from ihe I'nlled Hlalu until they ! 1 uiiio by wlrclc. New pulillhed In i Ireluiid was iipireed In F.HKland, nnd new ptilillHied In Knglund wn kepi from the Fulled Plate, includ ing (wo important speeches of I'rcin h r Aqulth. ,f eoiimn thoine thing came to (he Fnlied Htale hy mall, to the Impair ment of American confidence, The American pre luoniciallons, which have deserved Confidence hy Integrity nml good faith, huve had their ill putche mangled n brutallv n the iinwt senKiiilonal 1 orrexpondence. The cenKornhlp I nut mallcliiu, hut tu pid. The head of the lirltlah nt'my are not 10 blame, nnd the civil govern ment Im powerle, Kitchener Invented nn lileal 1 en"iiilil) In the Hu il n n lampalgn by miiprrNliig everything till thing aetually happened, and then letting all the (ruth come. The lirllllnnt report fur the public Hlgned by Kir John French, tuko the world lido hi confidence. Hut the het officer of the Hrlllah nrmy are on The firing line, and (he cenmir.hlp Ih left in half-pay valetud inarian, quite unfit for the. aervlce.. Mere we can only make the brt of It, reflecting tolerantly upon their Hying Hltualion nnd Imperfect equip ment for II, 11 huge loan wllh the Herman hunk, end thn next thing Fnglnnd knew fiermany hud tht coucckhIoii to build the llugdad railway, which C'ermuny projected In Turkcy-ln-Alu to reach the I'criiin gulf. Thu It will be een that the cn- U)ST MIVKS. Who win hi love ahull oe her, Who loae her ahull gain; For Mill the gplrit woe her A aoul without 11 Main And memory Mill puiHiie her With longing not In vuin! He loe her who gain her, Who wutchea day by day The diiHt of time that Mulni her, The griefs that leave her gray, The flenh that yet em bain her, Whoe grace hath plowed away! Oh, happier he who gain not The love munn Mcem to gain; The Joy thnf cuMum Main not Hmll atlll with lil in remain; The lovelliica that wane not, The love that ne'er can wane, In drentn she grow not older, I he land of dream among; man regiment in or luiiHcr or oilier 1 ;kooo Mcp, despite Iih name, i truly j ImprcRMlve. It Ii in eompllidied by j keeping the knee Mtiff, ami hy lifting j thn leg In a kind of Melt, u high iih I poMalhle. To m great line of In ! fniitiy employing the gooe Mei, to I ee them, with erect body and toe !i pointed outward nt the mime angle, lift each leg high and hi iff, then bring It thundernualy down upon the ground well, that Im a fine Hpcclncle. j The K""o tep, furthermore, la a I fine excrete. Military critic declare that a half hour of It will strengthen 1 the muacle of the leg u much u 11 1 full day's marching, I Oma Your Car in Comfort MARVEL Aato dealer Wash and Poluh W fcaaalnf around with atar mnt a' Maaag a: claaa raur car anrwbata, iuirk Ir, MaHjt, lb aclantlha wa. Llray tm M1 gm Ba awaaila tea. HTKONtJ A I TO (.. Cllf. . 10,. , irc 2.-.C 111c up up . I.".!' II- Iniiice of Turkey Into tho war n j Though nil th world wax colder, the hotel the clerk at the ileak wu J11M liftiiig hi pen to write a name, lie dropped It, and ran, leaving, where the name ahould have heen, only a Kploteh of Ink. From the dining room waiter (rooped hurriedly, (hrowlng their apron aMde. Ilookkeeper left their account, porters their lutifaire. j millionaires their luxurious aulte jund all men their labors or that which at the moment engaged them, it (was a motley proeelon that went trooping to the nqunre, nor was all of It men. JMirsemnld were there dragging frightened children protcMlnglv i Jacques, Francol might i CHICHESTER S PILLS . HIK lIAUIl IIUAKll. Il r llrnruiM In itmun.1 l;randV lxil.1 ninlih.V IlliM K.Mk.. Jf tli'T or your L'2 i.itaiMl Aait ur lrn, f af IHttmuri' "ill ih K1 and t'rti, teai-u with j mm mm ntr. liny or your I'rorirut- Ak forMl l.n if .TF.B yeaf knuwn M brl, Saint, Al kclial.( SOLI 8V DRDGQiSTS IVt KVMLRE :ii woir J 17 lbs. Ilift Sugar 1(1 lb, ( aim Sugar :l can best Toouitoo ..... il can l'iidcr I'cu it Ih. nlc I 'cache 3 Ih. nliv I'm 11c ' !j Knumchil Slew I'uii , 1-ql. Fliaincleil ( ollco I'ol-i , l-qt. I.namcbil Ivctllc il host quality (.la- Tumbler . . . Itoy' Swi-alcr Coat ... (10c anil Men' Swcalcr Coal . ...i,V nml Men hel quality ribbed In- (lerwciir Men' good quality illihi iicrwcur o-l(. Men's line qualllv I nlon Siili uii., I l ull Me heavy ( omroi t l.25 lo $ .- I f'ol Ion llhttiket (m,, j Wmilnap Itlankcl ,...2.2." to net .',11 ah wihiI lUiinkci t sHlm Kav' v"" a',m " " oil 1 mii inmg f oiil. Men' OviTC.1111 s.VlMI tr.IM I Hoy well inmlc ScIhhiI Suit 2-IKI to $l..-,(l vont nor.LAii nrvs mohk at DOLDE'S ALIi coons MXIVEltEIl. 210-2J2 Soulti Sifonil Street. I'lionn lt4. the ully of lieiiniiiiy wu no Hiidden whim on the part of the ultan, nor the result of any unprecedented no tion of tho Turklnh cruiser recently "purchased" from Uermuny. It wn tha fruit of year of (leruiun diplo macy. The question now I, will the ac tum of Turkey ho the mean of bring ling (ircece, Italy, ltumiinla and Itul igurlu Into the war. If so, the itcqulHl 5 linn of the Tin k an ally for ier- many may prove it costly achievement. Though all the song he sung; In dream doth he behold her, Htlll fair and kind and young, Andrew I-ung, speaking of Carrunna and Villa If Ihey only would make ll pIMol nnd coffee fur two Ik would be much bet ter for Mexico and would save Ihe live of 0 lot of better men. I'lioinm 1 io ti i s. Thl I n. prutpctiun country, and Is i going to remain so until it becnme a creditor instead of a debtor nation. Now and then the people will make on experiment III the, direction of free linde, but pot for long.. IMF NFI TItM, HI II CltOKK. The World Man Is appalled at thn Mniy of the Mat'Vutliiti which face M-ven million of people In Helglum. 'Ihey nuil hnv piompt ansit:ince or it ratiiHlrophe, nn h a never ha lulled humanity, w ill occur. The htsMl agency Ik the lied Cross, f which Hiule Treasurer O. N. Mar run I agent and trtasurer for .New Mexico. Im it 1.,. understood that (ho tnterniitlonal I'.ed Crust, is absolutely neutral in W4r. It rvh.'rs are given Irnpiirllally to all war front and hos pital il can reach, and ll penetrate all blockade ami crusnes all fron tiers wherever Iheie 1 suffering and privation. While the neil of the Uelghin are thf most pressing, the most Insistent, tha lted Cms neglects suffermg no- viler on the face of the i limited In it work at niercy only hy lark of fund wllh which In carry out tin mission. Thl Iwgin to tm demmiBiratrd more and more by the universal and Import hil distribution of .American 4 ont rihut lens since (he first ship luad eit with doctor, nurse and hospital malenol nailed from New Vork har lor. No mm ond ship Iih been dlspub -h. a-4 yet, and perhnp tmne win Tha IU'd CroM lu ouniilied relu- The prohibitionist gained In their fights In Colorado, Oregon and Ail imiu und Washington slate I so close as lo be In doubt. They lost In Ohio nnd California. In the latter state the law proposed wu so drastic that tho I people revolted iigalnst , 11. For In- Matiee, should 11 family serve wine tit the table a second time after the law went Into effect, the hend of It would huve been punishable with Imprisonment. ! I'hnl lir-ovtuliiii Wfia In direct Viola tion of the intent of the constitution of tha I'nlled (states, and doubtless would have been so held on a test cnBO. The people, even preachers of the gospel, knew It wu thing ton far and tho proposed amendment." Tho work of extremists, like those who Injected such provision Into the proposed prohibition law. hu done much to handicap the prohibition movement. American people will not irrmlt too drastic Interference, In their personal uffalrs. carrying therefore opposed The Washington I'ost puis Mr. Tuft 'down ft our greatest ex-president. lurth, and Wouldn't that frost your Oyster tay? Imperial rhave county cast nearly one thousand fewer votes in this than In the election of two years ago, while the northern counties cast decidedly more. . "The women have added two more state to their list of rculp. Congress will take notice, one of these days. F.I .V Tit 1 1 I ( 'ATI ON 1 II :f K 1 :i. (Hlectric Hallway Journal.) Among the many large engineering Improvement which will he seriously delayed because of the great war now In progress on the continent are the electrification of steam railroads in (ierniany, France and other countries. The greatest delay may be expected In (lermany, partly because of the diver sion of government funds to war pur. pose nnd partly because of the fact Jthat. the lutcst electrification, that In Hlleslu, I close to the Hussion border. In nny event, (lie railroadH will ho si overcrowded because of troop and provender transportation thut no such Interruption a are Incident to a change from steam to electricity would be permitted, tt is doubtful also whether the Staittbahn electrifi cation will he furthered In a time of such financial Hires. In France, where the prlvutel owned Midi railway has taken the lead In electrification, lens delay may he e.vperleni'ed because there Is no dependence on government fund for the change nnd the line lire ol 0 great distance from the war mine. It Is questionable, however, whether the Mihurban electrifications of Purls will he continued at thi time, Hussia also was reported to have In hand great electrification project which will now have to he postponed. F.vrn If Italy, Upaln, Sweden and Norway succeed in maintaining; their neutrality the elec trification planned In thoe countries will he held up for two reasons: di version of government fund ond as signment I" army duly of the most vigorous ntiil technically (rained men in the country. In generul, the- con tinental countries give preference lo retired soldiers for railway worker; therefor (he men who would build and operate the electrified rond lire among the first reservists to be culled hack to the color. No matter from what angle the situation is viewed, even a very short war must mean tt serious delay to tho electrification of steam railroads In Kurope. On tills account. Mince Ihe war's onl- ! break ha brought the goose step Into :HlorK- Jean lironilnenea a o-relil nninv avmniml. "'' " "S no time for conslderu urn have inaugurated goose step ,lon' Nnr -r nursemaid or other' classes under the supervision of for- 1 '"""hie sweethearts of the soldier I mer officers of the German army. j Ind" "I,,ne """i lhat crowd that I It 1 claimed that wllh 10 or 12 packed (he green. There came women minutes of goose Mepplng a day n fat "f "gree: some, wllh folded par-j man or woman will reduce the waist ". wore round their necks string; measure an Inc h or more a week. The '"f I'earls. And over them all rest- ( goose, step make the leg very supple lP(1 ,hp weight of an awful silence. It, nnd shapely. j struck too deep for words or tear. ( . I The bell had stopped ringing. A A review of the German army amid i man got up above the crowd and the ruin of Ijiuvain wu shown this ,' drew something from a blue envelope. I week at the Crystal theater. The In-iA blue envelope means "telegram!" I funtry marched nith the famous I In France. He began reading In 11' "goose step." -EDITOR. Turkey ha got Into the. war game, but thl country I Mill hanging on to the tail of the dove of peace. Now U ihe ti-ne effective jemedy lo EuruPii." !o aduiiumter an 'The sick man of MAM' A lXlini NF, IN lfl'ATIt VAI.I.F.V. (American Magazine.) H. II. McVaughaen, nn old-fashioned prospector, has just come buck to civilisation after thirty-five years spent In Icuth valley a a prospector, lie brought 5T 5,000 buck with him and world of experience. In M79 McVaughaen wa living in Uakersfield, 01. In lhat year his wife died, and that, he say, was what made him a wanderer and sent him into the silence of Ihe desert lvath valley I one of the most treacherous and lonely strutches of country 011 the American continent. It was given that name after a party consisting of several families moving u cross country by wagon lo California KINfi AM'OIIOIj IH NOT (Christian Advocate Ono of the surest sign traffic In alcoholic beverage Is belni' seriously affected hy the current agi tation for prohibition Is the desperate advertising- which I being put forth by brewer rind distiller. We referred to this In previous Issues, and are moved to mention it now because of nn illustration in proof of it which recently appeared In a reputable newspaper. The advertisement of n well-known brewer ran thus: "Alex ander tho Great drank beer and con quered the world before he was 32. Perhaps Im could have done It sooner If he hud not drunk beer, hut you'd better take no chances.". i Thin advei liHeineiit must huve been written by u man who had a slight lie- j qunlntnnee with history, or supposed I that hi readers would be densely ig- I iiorant it, Person familiar with the I story of the Maoednniun conqueror I know (hut hi days were ahortened by 1 indulgence In strong drink he prob-1 ably never tasted anything corre-1 spondlng to modern beer and thai he died after a drunken bout in the thirty-second yrar of his age. Many other Illustrious victims of premature ileiuh has alcohol claimed, and not one triumphant, roreer con be attrib uted to Its potent spell. Not folly ulona is shown hy the writers of liquor ndvertisemcnts descend to the most wicked mlsrepre sentiitlona. One firm of brewers has carried through hundreds of newspa pers a series of portrait of the fore most champions of civil nnd religious liberty, accompanied hy the astonish ing admonition thut, as these valiant soldiers of freedom strove to unbind the shackles placed upon humanity, so beer drinker should maintain their right to consume what they desire with equal courage. All this in the fuce of the appalling truth that vast armies of men are struggling to liberate themselves from chain of habit w hich intoxicants have fastened upon them. hushed voice. There w ere cries in ! louder!" and then In a voice (hat 1 broke toward the end, he cried out to! (i.F.VFIt lall those who gathered there the mes- ) !age wired from the ministry of war 1 that the ' t rderlng the moliilizutlon of the I French army. The women of Hrlt- j tflny, their white coifs on their heads, : looked ot their men's proud shoulders1 set, and knew it meant war. Too: their eye brightened turned away. have i brave to weep, 'redly and Ihey The Storytellers Tlk fourugcoii I let rent. "It takes courage to retreat," S11I1! the Vlcomto de Puversnc in u New I York interview. "The French, re treating to the Mnrne, showed fine courage. I "Kvon In peace we see this fact ex- j empllfied," continued M. de Paversac. ) "One man said to another In club: "'So he deserted her, eh? peserted her at the altar! What was the in it- I ter? Did ho lose hi courage?' j " 'No. He regained it.' " I Warm the Cold Corners T DECLARE," JL said Mrs. Com fort, "I thought no one ever would use that upstairs room. And you couldn't blame them-it cer tainly was chilly, and there didn't seem to be any way of heating it. Final ly I got this Per fection Heater and now it is as good as an att room. With a Per fection to keep it warm it is perfectly comfortable." The Perfection can be carried anywhere, where there is need of extr heat. In five minutes it will warm any ordinary room. A PERFECTION SM0KlES:Q HEATERS It is solid, good-looking, easy to clean and rewick, and burns without smoke or odor. It is fully guaranteed. At hardware and furniture stores everywhere. Look for the Triang'e trademark. THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY (Incorporated in Colorado) Dner Purblo AlbliauwMLm TlA- am ik Lllf pfiipp "Study a Tho Tip. child's character," said 1 Henry Ford in Washington. "Note his proclivities. Then choose a trade or a profession for him accordingly. "I sent a little hoy out the other day with a quarter to make a small purchase for me. On his return he told me the article I desired wa out of stock and handed back my quarter! they n ij,fi for)ri of two dimes and n nickel. "This boy, of course, I cut out fur i n waiter." I a I Bull tt j 1 . 1 I ..1 1 1 1 i.p 1 1 1 ' ALWAYS THE A Dead nivp-nwny. Little Willie said fretfully one day 1 to a rich aunt: "Aunty, make a noise like a frog." "Why, Willie, what do you .want me to make a noise like a frog for?" said tho rich aunt, with an amused nml puzzled laugh. "Oh, because," whined little Willie, "whenever I ask pa for anything, he always says: 'Walt till yer auntie croaks." " WHAT IS THF. "ARSOM'TF. ZF.ItO?" Two hundred and rventy-three de grees below sero hits, from theoretical considerations, been known to be the temperature ut which U molecular motion ceases; in other words, It is tho temperature which a body will have when every particle of its heat is abstracted, i he rate at which the pressure of a Ks decrease as it Is cooled show us that the pressure should vanish entirely if the gus were cooled to a temperature of 2TS de gree below xero. Now the pressure Is due to the molecular niotion whic h we call heat, and it this motion cease peiished there, a half century ago, of jn means thut we lmv removed all of Had Business. In zn Interesting discussion of wr prices. George W. Perkins said to a New York reporter: "Th---y who draw exorbitant and un just profits from the war have a wronj; Idea of huslness. Their Idea Is that business success comes from cheating. Thus they would regard ns 9 typical piece of business the trans action between A and R " 'What Ig A laughing and chur'; ling so about over there at the pump kin exhibit?' one farmer asked an other ;t n state fair. " lies just bought an auto ridic ulously .heap. "Am! look at 15,' the first farmer pursued. 'He's, chuckling all by him- 1K f tw? 1 jF?..rii iirriMiiii,, Alt' 111 hVj.-iO V i7'u (ft Sic" TmoF.iiiivts. -v Dtstu.i km w YYnioruie Today Tomorrow and In Years to Come Yellowstone Whiskey Never varies in quality. You'll be delight ed with its Rich, Mellow Taste. FR MORE THAN 35 YEARS THIS DE LICIOUS KENTUCKY BOURBON HAS BEEN AMERICA'S GREATEST WHISKEY TRY IT TODAY. FOR SALE ATALL FIRST CLASS BARS Consolidated Liquor Co. Wholesale Distributors. ALBUQUERQUE ... NEW MEXICO