Newspaper Page Text
TWO MET! Down to Business The ileitwn In over fur which the rami be jiuIh and" while tlx war U ,li!l t.n it ha fased t uUnirbltur Int. re.t .ir the mi.Jotlty of u Hint it hud few wek Imck. e Mill until the headlines, knowing In mluime that ' ' K"1" '" nliuiit the Kim" thing today ',in' ww rmil lestcrday. ami ' wish It was till t,V.T n,l most of ti" have prrnti'li our load Bdil study for while ft n nii Mii.t r what It I " about tuul then "irn the page i "'J a linn mi fi.niitliiim Hist s ""J" mint -Miitic and k''l' woiki-d t Willi grueoine th-tuH. Fortunately, we In All.ii'l'iTil'l" ftll'l llNVf Sill.elhltlg ti i-iilcilalri W. 1111 Hum! tn keep iik from ffttliiK il - ..m. -thin tn keep " on jiiiiiti without K-ltltiK unduly worked up nnil ovfilifitH'il Wit have mniK'-i thing thai we have been savin all ti... dun until ui h minor matter un 1 Hp election of a t ongrcmnn '" nut (if tlm way something that In volve civic nnd Individual prid-- something rnn Mrlvp fur In tllH perfect ItHHirUllffl that Hip effort ( p,..,.l f..r body inl "'t,l. Whether i. 111P ifitiM rats, republicans. chlbt t.r hull 111000 whether we Iwviir England. I'rui , flcrnmiiy "f AiiMiih In tin- present uilI-Hiiiitn.-il whatever our race, color or I're- vlmi condition of servitude, nil ii.irtbir now In the on 'e n", pulling 11r.1l grunting and straining with n rmnmiin cl tl t-r m I ttn I lrt. " nrp il.iwii to boi'ineit nnd every moth ers run timl daughter nf ti I ""r tlir. mine thing. (if colli" Vint ppt mi- It's In' M. C. A. iwiuiivt;. Thiri" In mum-lhliin Itifplrliig m InP riprtnd' of 0 wlioli" I'otiimiinliy puH' iiik tiiRiiliPi' ! "Id (hum fi'v iiioiiHtii to Hip iii'i-psMty of rpiillnliiK iiii ul'itl. When hip' "f tppI unil of pvi rv vmyiliK pliail" of p"ioii. HI uml polilliiil oilnlori luy nhl tli'1!' iiiiiniy-Kriil.l'liiif "ml lt tmnlnpp" K liuti in onlpr tlm l tlipy "my ' 11 'oininoii pint It niPttim Momi'llilnit iy tiiin li out of thp finlliuiry. It l!ii.iid Hint tilNtory Ih li"ln miiilp bihI that Hip fplrll of 11 pi-oplp In t"'HK l'" vPlopid t.i It hltthPM pprfi-rtloti. It iiit-niiH not only that fuiiirp Ki-nprH-tioim .irp to l.p bh Improvpnii iil on tln pn-tpiit oiip, hut thitt thp men nnil wuihfti fnKiiKul In Hip worK at nnnd i.r m I.n tmiirovrd hy whiit Hiy rr iloioir. 'Hint In Jin'l Hip ort of tlilnn llml I I'olng cm In Alhu'imrliiP tudiiy iitnl will hP ttolnif on fur lhi litnl ronplP of wi-'ha or tn. Alliiniiipfi'ip ha vuiltPil up In mi IniniPdlutp itnd prpw In ti"pd. Hhp rpiilini'i tlmt bIip lu" lnMK"l In thp miiroh of pronri-B nnd cho In ili'ti-rmlni'il t ruti n ui und e.t BlKHd. AM I IT MV AIM U Mil I H. It ln't often lliut I K"t "ff ft uriKlo. Hi rnionlr.lritt Ixn't n hit In my liiii., nnd I lv ft'Pl Ihnt I urn ..... 11 hoiv Hhuw of myrlf whpn 1 iimlprtHke It. My Itifrtpt In th Y. M C. A. U wholly Impprmmul ""'l nltnoft Piitlrt-ly npntlmpntnl. Th Uiiimi Widow nnd I r lh ImdlB IIHit 10 nit-mlipmhip, nnd pvpii If Huch wt-i not thp ( It In duuhtful If t ilher of u toiild hp! hy Hi hHrd or 1(. neurit if our niiiiK'K wprp propom'il. tint nivtrlliflfim Mild not H hMiind I11K w nrp hoth plrotiit th Y. M. t A. It Iwn't oftm Hint AllMHiuor qiip cltUt nn pt totPthpr in liny mill-t-r n tht-y Iihvp iIoiip In thlH. 1'ulllnK UKiiitiKt pin h othi-r tin t'H'ii too frc niii iit 11 fmilt of our folki And now Unit p h II loMi.tlior In niitiuthlim tlmt In ri-nlly w-rtli whllp wp'I. rifii'ulilim. silts. iiMtiii 1 NTi:itTis. Mik. iiiiii Itiirlh ciitfrliiliii-il Tin' iliy nft. 1 noun In honor of Iht Iioukp Min-KtH, Mi. Amlrow llurdorn unit lU'f two, MIhki'h 1'innip tind lri-ii" :uiili'iK, hrt hud Hirivpd ho Hump niuinloM from t'lillfnriiU. inly ItitlniHtp frlPiiiU of th 11'"' dim' who ntilll rt-ffntly wtif nul (lintM of A Hnt-.n,rti. wprt" Invltt-il. hiiioiik Ho- Kiit-wtx hpinit Mr. Nimiy liipvti. I Mt'K. W. W. HlroiiR, Mr, 1'i.d ild, Mrn. Trunk Hluil. Mm W. f. Ki-lni. M IN. C, 51. t'oiniPf, Mm. t'. i:. Il.iiliiln. Mm. .1, A, lliitihtt, Mi.h Mlkt MiimlLlI, Mix tllmlyn .Mim d II, Mm. (itiiidt. t'. Taylor, MIhs I, urn l.itviliup. Mrn. T. N. Wllki-rnoti, Mlpti Mtivht'llP l.ovtliit'c. Mrn. Amu MitiiiiiM. Mitt. H. A. Mitnn, Minn Ituh initt.ii. Mm. I A. lllttiitT, Mm. Itirt r.uhtr, Mrn. K'-Hx !'''. M'" !, Nttotiit Mlwt Hflm foniiiT. Mrn. W. . tt uilt.n und M is JiimiH W. Chiivp A I t HON IIUIIM.I'. I'AltTV. Dr. and Mr. It. I,. Hunt wol'P huMll lit an ntntion IhIiIkp party Kritlay owiiliui at tlnlr humt' on North Kipw'tith Klrt'ft. Hupppr fulltiwt'd th.- n.iiti-M ut tHtd'', nnd tlm uHalr pi-oM'd to hi- tun. of tlm imiKl fiijoy ul I.. of the prrnenl ut l r'HHun In A It. in (Hi t illi'. 'Hit. (tut--.! Iniltitlrd JinlKrt nnd Mr- I-'.. A. Mann, Mr. and Mrn. lstttuo 1'arih. Mr. and Mm. I-'fli Haea. Mr uml Mm W. t'. Keitn. Mr, and Mm. I-:. A, Vanning, Mr, Mia. I. II. Morrlit, Mr. an. I Mis. I rt.tik Woy, Mr. nnd Mr-'. ItiinW KtotU, Mr. mid Mm, I'taiiK A. kt-t titan, Mr. and Mm. H. ' . .Strom!, I ir anil Mrs, Kint 'i ttlt, Mr. sad Mm. I'ri-d i'linflfld, Mr. ami Mm A. I' Van 1'elltKP, Mr. fi' Mm. A. M.ifpit-rpon. Mr. nnd Mm. I'lank Knifi..., Mr. anil Mm. J. It Whltt', Mi:t a! IS. Mai'phiTsim nnd Mm, It. I', t'opp of Kili r f'ty. HtlHiWITV lilNM It. Mr, John Kniilnnd tsinHhrr wan a llitllowp i n (lum. r htwt hmt Hntnrdu" -i-mii ftit. tiiiliilni; hlK liiu Kta In Twft hall at Ih Alvaiadn nt 7 o'clork A Ipattifp of thp nt i.uin wa the wt-lrd and I nt tint l. Ilht fffn-ls no tlnrt d hy t atidl.-ii .l lui d IiihIiIp tif (iiiliipKltn of vtot.'Snup vlHaKi". A )iue. pumpkin f.llml with nmntniotn ytlli.w rhrvftanthpinnniii (urmi'tl t mt'M fff tive t i'tttor plpi'p, t'tirftatcp I Imuiiii'U of rupi'it.-ptith of a rtlfri'rent ft lor, wpre (tivt-n prh lady yellow i hrynnihtmim p.. man. l Mr. and Mm. Pmither thrr wptp tutitpnt Dr. nnd Mr. M. K. Wylder, Mr. and Mm. n WhltP, Mr. anil Mm li. It. Kditar, MIni It Vrt-iit, Siic Marmitvt Kmithei, MIp MarRarct Whitp, IttiHell Kdar and tifnrii Hmlthf. TKI..VI IMIA I1MT, Thp dam given hy thp Alpha Al pha Alpha fraternity f thp fntv.r klty of Nr Mh't at thp Woman', rhib Iniildinif Krlttay nluht, wan oup of thp mot delightful ffair t-pr Klvpn hy that vpry wide-nwakp j.:r: nation of rolUirianii. nip vaity N4 IKMII, OF MOHIRN DAM IMl. la ltiiin SMtl lnc' Tliurxtajr evening ut vri wcrk In tWtl l-l-tui 1111. piietJal lar Tlinkrtlng nlgtit; mnMtt hy IViwiMer i.rflieirs. 'liHtlrt'ii' 'ls rt-i-ry Saturtlny . m. t 8 o'cIih-W. l"t. U liwwms ipliMmcul, II. K lI Ci I'lioitPt Haa. Oniiclng liiMritctttr. 3MEWS F TIE WEEI BY PANDORA. The Porpoise and the Tortoise Now thp purpoiip of Iho porpolup In to pliiy ohont the prow (if th n lKioiK'r n li "t'iin OiTomm Hip l"'p, Whllp Hip torild-t'tiipirPd loftolup ihlnkH It fxprt-lnt pnow JiiHt to nit upon piindy nh'irp nnd nlftp. H.ild thn porpohp to ths torto'w, "I t:tn nwliii to hi-ul Hip Imnil, I run til vt nnd do a lovoly loop tlm limp; Whllp you ptiddlp In ti puddle, nnd you wtiddlp on I he Hit nil, Ami ''U end your lumit fXIMetirp In the itoup." Hitlil lh lorlolnR to Hit liorpolftp, "All Himb Hilly Mun!"i, my fritrul, You may tin, it tul JumI tut many mora IipnIiIi-; Hut 1 m vt-ry wt-ll ront'-ntcd with my life, nnd ul thp pihI am mire Uny won't miike MioiittrinKt of my hldi.." fo Hip porpolKp nnd Hip turtolitp Wftij phi h one li Ix m ponilt" wny, I'.itlifr lltltikInK H"'t Hid Hk r wun u fool; For Hip nrlil noiiKht thp Hiiiiity parti In iioup nwiiy Hip day, And Iho piirpul to IiIm npnrt ;n uml. K. It. H. ' flavt.r win iitiith In pvldeiitP nnd ttav rar ri llMi to on fvenltiK "f Kreu: I.!..-, .niifj. ! TIiohp fimppiit Included Mr, and Mm. Iureni F. I-p. Mr. and Mm. Thntnim Hinahy, Ml Mary t'ooper, M Ih Mvitle VVilklimon, Mm Itulh Mi Kuvveii, Mia Atlelal'le Hh'fldn. Ml J..l. Trent, M Ikm Julia Keleher. Ml Tompklmi Ml Ir.iu. I lerketihof f, Ml lleiitltP Meptlen. Ml H'tnii Holdt, Ml KuthrrliiP fhnvp. Mlm Kalhlepn I.onr, MIH t'le'i Kelly, Mi" Myrl llotie. Mimi l-oltlp 1-emhkP, Ml Kll'in IllKhr, Mi Dorothy M e M 1 1 -len, Ml (Irnep Hhopt. Ml IMtlp imriin, MIp- Alma HitlilrldKe. MeHri( N'PlMtm F. Newman, flord'ui (5a, Jop MeCannii, i'ny MeCiilina, t. hPter l,r. I'nt Murphy, Howard 11. FuHert-n, tllpnn Kiiimon. Kh-yd It", HeorRe While, Howard It. Ii. nnl, K. K. 1" dav, ('. K. I'arkt-r, Thackiry. 111" Itoltlt. l.oul lleeldi n, I'aul Hull, Irn Holdt, Italph Kel.-hef, VVIIII tm Mi immild, m:w iai i(J ri.m. A new organisation whletl t'ltl" fair to taku tip u larRt Kpae In thn ot'ifll world of Alhmiiiernti htm hpen formed tinder th pomewhat rrypllf name of thn f f -X-1 1 idtth. hn lKiilfl carit P r Iho namn lielnK that th let ter and figure nforei-HUI aru Intend ed to represent the lenellll, "Happy Thrptt lloiim." It I a ilain InK eluh, mid It firm funetloii wa Riven Tues day evening at Columho hall. Huh (teuuent aflalm, whit h will h fully tip to Hi" hlKh Klaiiilard net In Hi Initial onp, will l. nlveii every two week. Uefreahment and a neneral Jollv nooil limit li r to h" I hi feature of all tht! fiilertiilnmenlH Klven hy the club. , . Tho prepont at the tlanep lat Tuewdav were Mm. II. F, Aplnwall, Mr. iiiid Mr. II. Aekerman, Mr. nnd Mr. (lenrKP lltleher, Mr. and Mr. F. II. t'ayot, Mr. nnd Mr, fhttrle liodt', Mr. and Mr. M. I.. (IrlHMiim, Mr. ami Mm. F. MetzH'ir, Mr ami Mr. 1. M. Kweenry, Mr. and Mm. t'harh Hehutt. Mr. nnd Mr. Itoy Vim lniff, Ml .;ilr.aheth (lllhert, Mini Jane Walh. Ml Julia llohprtsitn, MIh lilanehP HwaKKer, Mr. t'hnrle Ami, hrop Mr. LouIn I-utle. Mr. t'tiarie Khanl, Mr. t. McCIuhHi y und Mr. Fred Ntih-tto. I.OVIAM HKIIHiK CIA'H. Th newet otKanlisatlon for the purpose of ilrlvlim uway dull ear hv meiin of an Hfternoon t cnnl Is th Lowland Hridus eluh, whlt h ha Just heen fotnii d und whh'h hehl It first nieetlnx yenterday til tho home of Mr. Frank Afkermim on Went fen trul avfiiup, Th eluh will meet wnn different one of tho niemher every H.iiui-iiiiv nfii i tu.uu. and hhl fair to he one of th moM iiotiyp taiflttl gr Kiinlltiillon III the flty. Mm. Aekerman' iiiel yeHtelday were Mm. Myron II, Ives, Mm. V. W. Htri.ntf, Mr. M. K. Wylder, Mr. Fred t'anllelil, Mm. FrnnK Htorli!. Mm. Jiime Horner unit Mrs. Wtillue He pehlell. I ViltT K.HTl.V t'lA'll. "War-It Influence on MiihIp nnd Muni. 'In ns" I the suti.leil of a paper to he read hy Mm. H. H. Miller at th regular meetinK of H' Fortniithtly eluh next Tuemhiy nlKht,' nnd Hie lde:l miMKPHled hv the title wll form Hi themtt of an pxtfiitlunally allrattlv promam whlrh will he ranihretl. Tha meeting will lie In the Woniitn eluh i., ,u, li,,.. iiii.l will hi-iiln at H o'l loi'k. Koniti of th heal muslenl talent In tlm J titv will take, part In tho program, which will h" a" follow": 1. tjuiirtettp "Austiian National llvmn," (llaydnl, Mm. Itlnoni, Minn Tlmt ti, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Hloom. 2. poin 'i.t.t Mp it Holdler I ile," (Wullacp), Mr. I'uryear. 3. Quartette "l.ti Mamelllal"." Mm. Iilotim, Mis Thorn, Mr. Meyer, Mr. I'.loom. 4. I'lnno solo "Mnreh Mlll talre." (ictiuherl), MIhm Heryl Ken woi thv. 6, Hul'i "Two nieiitidlcr" (Hchu nmnn l, Hiiro ". Meyer. ti. Imet "llernlcit Symphony." ( lieelhoven), Mr. I II inn and Mies Nichols. 7, "Ihtltle Hymn of the nepuhlle," Mm. Itloom, MIsh Thorn, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Hluoin. 8. Bolo--"The Itt'ceHHlotial," tile Koven), Mm. '', K I'.nulforil. V. V. A. Atiivi:, AetHlty to V. V. t A. circle was renewed with Hip arrival hint week of Mik Kthel t. Welti, formerly of For' Worth, Texas, who will succeed Mis Kirk a secretary of tho local iissn. clittlon. Mis Weld, an exceedluk'ly KltrartiVA woman who ha had wide experience In th Y. W. t A. work, has taken hold with a vim, and her suciOB In the local field I ft fore Knno conclusion. Therp will he a reception nt the honip tm Mouth Thtfd street neat Tuesday afternoon nt which most inter. Minif musical proKram w ill he rendered., and at nlKht a party will he Klven tor the henefit t.f those who nro nnnhli- to ntteml the daytime- affair. All memhers and friends of the a wiclntlon are Invlteil, A oelal ten given hy Mlse Allen nnd Tnkken lit thtir home m SomIIi Third street to Hi youn ladles llv Inn at th association home wa one of th fHH'lttt feature of th lat week. llltill lll UlltMM) I I STIVAU Thp llollntnetn festival clven hv Hip Frutrnal Hrotherhood IoiIk last Mimd.iy eveiilnK w.i one of th most delightful ftalr that rver took plac In fraternal circle In Alhunuprnu. A iiiinMrtl hitw hy the hoys In the course of which ltlchard Havld nnd Alfred F.lehl, n end men, kept th audience In h roar of latiKhiir wltn their Joke on mrmher of thp local lo.lgp, wn of th special feature ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL; SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1914. of the evening. Th musiciil fea ture wert far uIiovp th oitllnnry, and luii n. v of the new popular soiik" w-r Introducpil for the firt time. Mis I rend Marr, In a Venetian folk diuicp, was easily the main nttrarv lion of th eveiilnK. Mis Htarr, who had hern specially trained fur the oc casion hy Mr. A. F. Keith, won un stinted npplau hy her ftrace nnd th liitelllKeiicn of her Interpretation of (he meaMtire that she danced. Mm. Kelih ha made n Kpcclnl stutly of I li 11 style of (liincliiK end the exccl lenci. of her method was t leurly re flet ted In tin? performance of Iter pu pil on thl occasion. Mr. Klmcr ! Itlehl violin uci ompanltnt nt Wa es pecially Kiod. Hppclal credit for Ihp succes (if Hip entertainment I due lo Mix Kchu Htarr, the chairman of Hi commute ItavliiK Hi ulfair In chai'KO. 'i hi: hiiihvn ri i it. lieflfclltiK thp KPiieral trend of cur r. ii tlisciisplon, the wtir in Kuroi foriiii-d Hip principal topic' of Hie meetinK of Hip Woman' chili Friday. I 'apt ra hy Mr, I'oiioi-k nnd Mis lllckey on the "Triple Alliance' ami tha "Triple Fntpnte" witp especially llliimlliatluif ti to Hip cause Icudin-: up to 111 prewnl kIkuiiIIc tlisttirh li rifti that has upset the l.aluticp of th entire world. Mis Mnot IreKor nave ti moat InliTcHlnit account of th" wui k of thn national fcileialloii Kleatietl from her experience as a ileli'Mittn to thn iVitiVenlliili ill I'liii-nK" lust Mummer. The husliii' tneetlnir of the cltlh wa out! of exceptional Interest anil elicited tin unusual Interest In the work that I helliK ncenuiplinheil hy the orKaiilatloii, lli:il I'AIITV. Mr, uml Mrs. II. I,, lirook enl'T lalned tlellnlitriilly at dinner Frltlay pvenlnK. Tnlile ami room were fragrant ami heautiful with Violet and pink dahlia, milhered front the llrook itiinleti, which arp noted for their lovely flower during- the mild AlhiuiuerijiiH wlnler a well a In summer. F.njoylnn Hip hostiltallty of Mr. nnd Mm. Ilrook wern Mr. and Mr. Louis Ilfeld, Mr. nnd Mm. N'oa llfeld, Mr. and Mr, Ivan llrunsfeld, Mr. and Mrs. II. Hpil. Mr. and Mr. Themlur K. Woolsiy, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. M. . fhadliotirni., Mr. Fell lister and Mr. AUred tlrunsleld MIIS. HII III, I.MI KTAIXM. Mrs. Arthur Itlehl was hosles on Frltlay afternoon to the Indie of Him Woman' llellef corp at her horn In this city. I'urda Had other name ,,.rw pvW, and dcllclou rcfresh- i ment were served, Thoso cnJoylnK Mm. Illt-hl' hos iliitallty were Mm. M.lionalil, Mm. Hall, Mr. Hot h, Mr, riilirnclic, Mr. Ittllherforil, Mr. Itlehl, Mrs. Jitcohy. Mrs, t'lark, Mr. Wimnor, Mr. Whit- son, Mr. Isherw I, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. HylP, Mr. Hart, Mrs. llayncH, Ms. l.otidoii, Mrs. Hihutt. Mm. Wat on, Mm. Kill, Mrs. Strain, Mm. Smith and Mrs. I'asry. NOTTS t)l' St I Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Strlckler lf j Tuestlay for l.os Atmclcs, where they will remain Indefinitely looking ahoiit j for it permanent location. Miss; Kathiyii Htrlckler afcunipa tiled her parents, Mr. and Mr, lluhert F. liietz re-, turned to Alhuiiuer.iue from their I honeymoon Wednesday evcnlmt. They will ho nt horn after January 1 at Nassnti Farm, Mr. Iiletx' pstatp north of th city. Mr. anil Mrs. Harold II. Jamison, who went tu Winchester, Mass., for the wedding, will return next week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thorna Hughe ntul children lift last iitutit for l'uehb., Colo., and later will go to Denver. Mr. Andrew Horder and her two daughter., Mlsse France nnd lreno Horder., left Thursday for Sparta, ST. .lOIIN'S t ill lit ll. Corner Fourth street and West Silver n venue. Itev. William 10. Warren. D. !.. rector; rcMdelicr, 13U!) West TIJcrua avenue. Twenlv-socomj 'Sunday after Trin ity. ' 1 Holy Km-hnrist, 7 a. tit. Sunday school, K:45 a. in. Morning prayer and sermon, o'clock; subject, "Kellglon Applied. 11 Kvelllllg o'clock. service and sermon, 7; SO MIHISTIAN SCIF.M'K StM'IFTV. Christian Science service are held in the Woman' eluh building, at he corner of Seventh Mreet anil uoiu avenue, every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Wednesday evening service nre at S o'clock. Sunday school at 8:45 o'clock. Heading room In the N. T. ArmlJ.i building, room No. IS, open each week day from i to 6 p. m. iMMAcrnvrr. tt)ci.iriov tlltltCll. Sodality ivttisis, T : tlu a. m. t Second mass, 8:30 H. 111. f High mas and sermon, 1A:Q0 nJ m. Kvenllig service. 7:30 o'clock. ' GFJIMAX IXTIIEUAV CHURCH. Carl Schmld, Tastor. Corner Edith and Central avenue In the Library building. Trenching service at 10,3a a. nt. imoADww cmtisTiAv cnritni. Corner t3old avenue and Hroadwav. A tlay given over to the Y'. M. C A. U F. Scutterday will tu'eupy the pulpit In the morning. Kvt'tilng aervlce at g o'clock; P, II. lfiiotr will Hpak. Itihle Mi-tuml at :t"i a. m. Chr ml tun Endeavor at 6.30 p. nt, l!il.l study and prayer, Wednesday 1:h . m. j Choir tuactue, Tueday evening. Where to Worship Today llllnolit. lo Join M. Jlonli n, Whil" In A lliiiiipriiip they l;-p the tutl'lil Of Mm. l-ityp liarth. Mi. John I). Ciilcniiin itnd htT Ptnall nun, John, left Thumday fT fhicngo, wht-rp thpy will nmk thpir hump with rplntlvcR, .Mr. Coleman, prior to hla dfath two w-t ki iiko. wui Hip itpnlor nipmbpr of the firm of ColPmim, Iilatilt fompHtiy. Mr. Thonin IHinahy hint Iftm-d In vitation to two aftiTiioonit at turds to h ithpn nt thi, Alviiniil.i tin WPd ni'Hilay and ThuiPiUy Hftprnooiin of thin we. k. Two hundrrd lovltiitUitm Iihvp lii.-n lmtipd a-ntl th two iiffalm promlfp to h Hie inoct i-lahorata of th ptaxoii. Thn TiifHilny liildno i lull nu t liitt week ut Hip tffidi iii-ii of Mm. luiWd Wilniiian. Russian Note Sounded in the New Fashions N.-w York, Nov. 7. Tin' most pop iular of all trlminiiiu f.,i drc.te suit- ulde for street, mutoiiiiK or eveiilnK wear i fur, fur ami ini.iin fur. Fox, wolf, tltch, mink, curat ul, chit hillu and UilT. rent kind of liimh' wool, from the wide, fluffy kind to the t Ik lit. curly kind, are iind for dif ferent continue. Hut uiiioiik the inont popular of tlico fur Ih heaver, pos sllily bci'uiiNM oiu, ur tn of Hi fa iiimik l'arlslan couturlei were tisimc it when th war hroke out. Nutria I often itsti il In place of heuvcr and ho icximlilc II thnt only thusn Very f.tiiilliar with fur are a hie to tell I hum apart. Thi ntilrlii I the fur of a Mouth American miuatlc animal resemhllm; the utter, ami called u coypou. The North American otter is iilmi helliK used for those who can ufford such it luxury, coat of otter cunt i iik n mall fur- tune. As a novelty. Africa n monkey fur continue to rank lirM. It is a lotiK-haircd fur, nnd tunic when llnlshliiK the l.uttuiu of a hut, or liottom of tlm sleeve. looks Ilko an Irri'Kiilar silk frlnKe. The wide. IiuIhIh of fur which nre used on th hull. mi of the full skirls, or tunics, nre it ntrotiK reminder of the ouMtuiiii-H of thn ItiiMMlan, the i'ole and tho Cossack. With thi a a, Ihti tlesittner have harked A Coal Showing Hit I.iinn of tho Cosmic k Nillmtit'lu. back for liisplrtitlon to coHtumcH of KumlmiK nnil Ttirtum t.f tho Mlildle Age. VVotiderful evstillig routa are matte like the costumes of bartering Tartar ti lht . The material la a heavy brocade, almost of the texture of silk tapestry, while the figures scattered j actus Ha surface are Oriental In oriit In. The garment 1 cut very rlose ; lltlliiK nt Hie shoultlera, nnd with ' Mleevcs act Iii, which Hare nt the bot tom where they are Mulshed with a band of fur. A whin band of fur adds weight and rlchm ut the bottom of the coat, which Hares out in deep gotlet ripples. Secondary only to fur comes braid ing. The popularity for this is no doubt due to the war ubroad. For all we may talk ot the barbarity of war our hearts go out to the soldier 'who Is lighting for hi country, whether he be Kngtisli, tit-rman, ltuaslan, Aus trian or French. There Is a glamor about war to the uninitiated which is teflected In the trimming nnd cut of our clothes. Wide braid Is listed on tho bottoms of skirt ami tunii In place of fur. Narrow braid hinds the edges of tail ored costumes und soutache, Hercules and round braids nre imcrl for tirald- I lug dresses, belts, panels, collars nnd ....,'r.. i. I ....... ..... .1. ..(.,., Wiilcr 11. tin III . ...nil...- ....(-.ft..". ....... . I. -..1.1 .t .......1 1..I.1 f...wj I'lillU n.i.i ii'tii nil- iiiiii.' and buttons for the closinK of coats i anil down ilir fioi.u of drewos. Ktv- ing the military effect. Even modified epaulets, made from Mack or bluei braid, are seen on frocks. ' I Close in the wake of braiding comes beading. Many handsome frocks have! belts which are beaded In some at tractive dcslsn In color rich and dark, which adds snap and smartness to the entire frock. One blue dress madn after the popular Moyen Age ana smnimcss . 5i i i r ' ' M',t' i il . to the entire frock. One blue drcssl,,.,! " ., , ,i " Mpt stvle had a belt which widened " W ! the front and dropnitt rnther low, This was entirely covered with o beaded dcslKn in broiise beads, with now and then a red bead which serv ed to accentuate the center ofthe civnventionalixed flowers. Color com binations of small beads may be used most rffectively to add the touch which tells upon un otherwise som ber dress. Embrodiery is also, Used to a great extent this year. Not the line small embroidery, but the large, sprawly variety, which is done In more or less coar.ii! silk or wool and is most ef fective. . In the ilhoti ration of th coat the CosMc-k silhouette, which I have t spoken of In Hi forepart of thl let ter, may he noted. The closeness of the coat at th nhotilders and th liar at th t.otloin show th latest cut for cout. Skunk fur I used for the rolliiiK collar, th cttflii ami the laittom ut th coat. Froit odd the mllltury not which is o popular on coat of many style. Till suiiip style limy also h seen In cofltn of fur nnd fur-cloth, while Hip hand III thl cas tire of con trasting fur. A Ionic-haired fur on the short, cliisti fur, or a fur of tnt-rely contrastlnK color, nre comhlned Into u emit of luxurious warmth and Rood t If. AllhoitKh the dresse with th x-at'K'-riiled waistline, or no wuistlln at all. re very much the rai?p. It ha not takpn away from the style of tht morn conservative frock, whose wtilMline remain normal. ! have chosen for onp of my illustration a dresK in siylt unexiiKKC-rated, hut cut on the late lints. The nrmholtt Is small, the hoiiltlem closp-fittinx, the I tiiiilt! fiurt In the latest manner, while the rather wide helt Is nt the formal wuistlln. The only trlmmlnn of this tires I a hratded design which is iipplled to th helt, the cuff, th collar u nil th bottom of th tunic. A Jn Duty little hat Which hespenk In ull kinds ot weather I worn with th t'ostuni. The small hut vies with the lurKcr hat for th popularity of the major ity and the honor seem to he pretty evenly divided. The women who find comfort comhlned with Jauntlne In the small hat hesitate to chanK" for the larKi-r hats, hut those who have mi, dc Dm clinnne find that the larg er hut are conservHtlv enoiiKli In lz to cause the discomfort of those worn four or five year hack and called the "Merry Widow" and "1'each HiiBkct" hats. From such, lJme Fash ion, please deliver ux! In winter hat the Cossack shape, a well it tho Hussar, are very smart Tne itter are rather high and flat the eilKt! of a,m t. made of cloth, velvet or fur and trimmed with Jaunty rancy lirushe of hluck or whit horse-huir. An ornament I usually idaceil where this ornament lnutened, a In the real Hussar hat (he InslKtila of the riylment I usually placed there, a may l. seen .In the hat worn hy the Kaiser' Death Head Hussars, which Is a skull nnd cross-hone. Not cheer ful, hut certuinly apropos to the re sult of war. The Cossack hat Worn thl season are mutle of fur, hlKh and roundinK nt the top. In chinchilla, mink, or heaver they are most striklnif. Santa Fe Society Notes MINK imm;. I'm a h-an tloR. a keen dog, a wild dog, und lull", I'm u rough dog, a tounh dog, hunt ing on my own, I'm u hud dog, a mad dog, leaning silly cheep, I love to it and bay the moon to keep fat souls from aleep. I'll never be a lup dog, licking dirty feet. A sleek dog, a meek dog, cringing for my meat, Not for me the fireside, the well-filled plate, llut tthut door, and sharp atone, and tuff and kick und hate. I Not for tne the other dogs running 1 by my aide, Some have run a short while, but ; none of them would bide, 'O mine I still the lone trail, thf j hard trail, the best, 'wide wind, and wild stars, and the j hunger of the tpiest! I Rutherford Mcl-eod In the Nation. M XCHEON OS l.A HA.IADA. An al fresco luncheon on the brow of Iai liajada hill overlooking thn glorious panorama of th Klo tirande valley, was one of the delightful so cial affair In honor of Mrs. W. H. Chiltlera and duughtcr. Mis Edith Childers, this week. It was engineer ed on Thursday by Mrs. Willlnin 11. Hope and Mrs. Harry F. !- and a more delightful afternoon wa never spent by any party. Federal District Clerk Harry F. Lee wna taken ulong to attend to puncture and engine trouble and proved un ever present j help ull along the route. Those in the putty were Mrs. Childers and Mlsa I Chlbler of Albuquerque, the guestB of honor, Mrs. Hope and Mrs. I-ee, the ! hostesses, und Mr. W. C. McDonald, whose reminiscences of ranch life on the plains around Carrlzoxo Derore there was any Carrlzozo, were match ed by those of Mrs. Frank W. Clancy of the entiy days in Albuquerque and Santa Fe; Mrs. I. H. Hupp, Mrs. Paul A. F. Walter and Mis Gruce Johnson. The rapacious lunch baskets held gas tronomic surprises that drew out the repast over the greater part of the afternoon. The homeward trip at sunset with the maestlc, ever chang ing Sangre de Chrlsto range always in sight, was a delightful conclusion to the plcusant afternoon. IV HONOR OF MIIS, I'll I MEI!S. Soft strains of Spanish music greet ed the callers a they entered by th Hatio of tho Clancy home on East Pulace avenue on Wednesday after noon to meet Mrs. ehilders of Albu querque, In whose honor Mrs. Clancy wag at home. There was a profu sion of autumn blossoms and the guests numbered over a hundred. Two dainlv and charming misses, Cather ine Van Stone nnd Florence Earnest, received th guests and pointed out "the way they should go." In the receiving line besides the hostess and guest ot honor were airs, mcuunitui and Mrs. Thornton. Over the punch bowl presided Mrs. Albert Clancy, as sisted by Misses Sylvia ard Genevieve Morrison, Mis I.ucero and the Misses Childers. Assistant at the reception were Mrs. W, II. Pope, Mrs. C. J. Huberts. Mm. H. H. llanna, Mrs. Frank W. Parker, Mrs. K. C. Abbott, Mrs. Van Hyvenhelm, Mrs. N. II. IJtugblin. Mrs. M. C Mechem, Mrs. I.ucero. Mrs. , Edward Marshall, Mrs. I. 13. Ilnnna, Mrs. J. P. Victory, II....... ur l.,.f 1LT pd niinfiru l " , r t i . i an oiuuc, mis. a. . 1 K. J. Palen. Mrs. C. A. Haynes. Miss j Laughlln, Miss Conrad, Miss Olsen and Miss Parker. Ex-Governor and Mrs. M. A. Otero gave a dinner at their home on East I Palace avenue In honor of Mrs. Chil ders and Miss Edith Childers, covers ,,n ,,. - -.h. ... Mrs. Clan,v til,.- Hattie Pain and Col. 1 ll-AttUlll. It Cutting. JfX)H MltS, MAUSIIAIJi. Santa Fe Is delighted to welcome home Mrs. Emory Miller Marshall, or "Helen I.aiighlin," as she la still known, despite her wedding a little over ten months ago. Formal greet ing was extended to the popular young matron by local society on Monday afternoon, when the beauti ful Enughlln mansion opposite th capitol, was the scene of a brilliant affair In her honor. The home was nglnw with chrysanthemums, brown and yellow in the reception room, and pink ml white n the dlnins room. Ir the former, Mrs. W. C. McDonald, Mrs, Frank W. Clancy, Dropping the Burden - 1 a"-" We grow o weary of our human work The tlay long lubor and the many deed Mir hand have wrotiRht; We grow so weary of the care that I' .. t Our resiles brains, our bodies and their needs. So weary of our thought! F.ven a mill children sleep not nt the Where all day long they toll the hours away, Winn dark I on th deep And ail the ureal wheel slh nt are und still. , , , Like these mill children, Lord, at close of tlay We would k" home o sleep. Where nothing of our handiwork ap pear . And nil snrroumlliiKS ahull wholly Thine; Thy boundless sky, Fnchamc.-d thrmiKh the Illimitable years. Thin unti licked wind, Thy mnm of fire divlnp, Thv deep eternlv! M. E. liuhler, In New York Sun. Mr. H. J, Palen, Mr. Antonio I.u cero. Mrs. 1.. C. Collins, Airs. John It. McFle, Mrs. Jacob Weltmer as sisted. In the lining room Mrs. r. A. Flske, Mr. James A. Hulls. Mrs. W. II. Pope and Mm. 1. II. Happ as sisted in st rving and Mrs. Harry T. Herring, Mrs. Wheelon, Mrs, Van Stone and Mrs. Mora and the Misses Kiicero and Muller ut the table. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Fiske en tertained In honor of Mrs. Marshall at a thimble party which was at tended by the younger act. Thcr was dancing und after the dancing a recherche luncheon was aerved. The appointments of the table were espe cially beautiful and artistic. There were unique Individual favors. Tho guest beside the guest of honor in cluded Mm. Marshal!, Mrs. Merit, Mrs. Wheelon. Mrs. (laribsky and Misses Mav Spit!!, Aurora I.ucero, Nellie HarilKon, Kate Muller, Huth I.eui;h line und Edith Childers. SHE KNEW AM. AHOl'T IT. He placed his hand mar to III heart and said: "The world knows not how great a load I Itcar Pight here." She looked at him, then turned her head ' Away. ltalslng her handkerchief with en re. She answered: "You're mistaken, I believe; No one can stand as near you as I do And not know all about it. So don't grieve." He looked surprised, then nte nn other clove or two. Uppincott's. l int lunik EoVl lts. "The Dons of the Old Pueblo," by Pcrcivul J. Cooney, a l.os Angeles school teacher, is Just from the press and Is of some Interest because of the charming picture It draws of Spanish life In the southwest in the days be fore the American occupation, Mrs. George 11. Wallace, now of 627 West Woodruff avenue, Toledo, Ohio, but fifteen years ago, tho lady of the Palace of the Governors, where her husband, then secretary of New Mex'ico, died, this week sent the Mu seum of New Mexico a large box of ethnological works, which Mr. Wal lace collected when he was American consul In Australia. They are rare volumes and very Interesting and will find a permunent place in the ethno logical untl archaeological library in the Old Palace. Santa Fe society still holds Mrs. Wallace In loving re membrance lor she was not only a charming and liberal entertainer, but her kindliness of heart and the wel come she extended to strangers won her the esteem, and gratitude of ti large host of visitors and newcomers to the capital. Mr. Wullace was n relative of Lew Walluce, the famous warrior and author, untl Mrs. Wallace kept alive the Wallace traditions that cluster around the Palace of the Gov ernors where Hen Hur wag written In part. IX THE 1SEAI.M OF Ml'SIC. Most entertaining was the after noon prepared on Tuesday afternoon for the Woman's club at the Pulace of the Governors, by Mrs. li. 'A. McCol lough, chairman, and her committee, the art anil literature department. The subject was "Music a National Expression," and Mrs. McCollough In Tb customers, but none better than in troducing to them an article like the Me rode" r"A Underwear 44 .In the New-Flat Ixjck seam and Spring Needle Stitch, a measure of perfection has been attained, almost unbelievable. At the first glance, you will decide that this brand of under wear is the ONE FOR YOU. Have our salespeople you the various qualities and styles which will permit you to select just the quality, weight, finish and price you may desire. ' ; ' Underwear Selling Week November 9th to 14th i Prices from 50c to $3.50 per garment ' Special Extra Sizes for Laree People. Splendid Range of Silk and Wool Fabrics. ... Shapes and weights adapted to present modes. All Garments Hand-Finished. Perfect Fitting Union Suits a Specialty Special Offering-This Week Only No. Mi MtSrode Vests ) , Drawers & Tights ) U8"al pnee 50c. at 35c Same in extra sizes " 75c. at 50c. Union Suits - " " $1.00 at 75c. Extra sizes - - " " $1.35 at $LC0 ThU lis i one of our best number, made of the finett bleached Waits AnatrieM combed cotton in all alupei of teaaonabk weight. Golden Rule Dry Goods Co. "We Do What We Advertise" a paper OI ntgn liiriarv mrru brought home the fact how each na tion expresses Its moods, Its joy and its sorrows through It music, how interwoven with Us history, Its dally life are the folk songs, martial hymn and church music. Illustrating thp paper Mrs. Fauth sang Irish, Scotch and tiermnn songs and Mrs. bowman, Welsh, Italian und southern folk songs each endowed with a voice nt marvelous charm Riving expression to the simple strains that touch the heart. Then followed folk .dance translating the music Into the rythm of the dunce, Miss Catherine Flench giving a Turkish dance; Miss Gilder sleeve a Spanish dance und a num ber of little girls a French tntagi song. It wag the most delightful nf. ternoon yet and thn assembly room was again crowded us It bad been al the previous two fml-monthly meet ing of the club, Tea was served In the Jtito de lo Frljole room, Mr. Collins and Mm. McFle pouring. This was th last meeting outside of thn business meeting on November 7, un til January 5, wnen Mr. Jtia nruw Mei.'uriiinil of Denver, will address an evening meeting. Another musicnt eveni is mump i for Saturday of this week, when 1. U Tdlo will give u violin recital at the Kays theater. Alt T I A ENT. The art event of thl week N the exhibit of the great mural painting of Tikal, the most ancient of the large Maya cities. Just completed by Curio Vlerrn, the, and a mat for tho mural paintings of Chit-hen Itza, gulrlgua, I'xmal and Copan Just hung in the California building at San Diego where they nre the s-nsu-tmn of the year. Th picture of Ti kal Is the most sensational of all. for It Is that of an American skyscraper city of two housand years ago, and the canvas has great merit as an ur-. Stic of Ohio nty of TrtfAo, tact I'oonty, . Kranh J i'tn-ii.; niakfl ualb tttat bp la twoi. (.arln-r uf tlif Brio ut K. J. Clienpy ft Co.. do ll iwaliiMa In tli City uf Tolnlo. Comity and Statf afuri'aan), and tint ld arm will jim II,.. sum ofONB Hl'NUHKU HKIXAKS for r .i h and rtprr t'utanll that raiiunt Iw iuiimI !. tat tiw of U'l' Catarrh t'urt. FRANK J. CHENEY. Pairn t" Wan dip and aubwrlWil Id my (irpurmr, tliUt Uiu da of pwoibi.r, A. !., liwtJ. S...1. A. W. OUCASON. Notary fublle. Hull' Catarrh Curp It Uipd Internally and ft illwllr uikmi Ibc bl.Kl and muriiua aur Uen ot tbt aj.o-ui. Stud tur tratiiuonlalt, F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, a Suld by ull Prut-flnta, 7:. Takt Uall'a Kiimtl flllt for ronatltloS. 00000000000000000000000000 We thoroughly understand th i DIAMOND business, and make this assertion without fenr of successful contradiction, that we nre giving better values on DIAMONDS than any other house in town, or than any other reliable house in the country. If you have In mind a DIAMOND Ming, Itrooch, Itvalliere, etc., call nnd let us show you. A small pay ment will reserve It for you until you nre ready to take It, THE THITIt ADOPT DIAMONDS. See our line of Hracelet Watches. EVER1TT Central Ave. Established ISM. 00000000000000000000000000 1 1, t: - ,A