Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, June 21, 1916. Four REPUBLICAN OFFICE SEEKERS STAKING OUT THE JOBS THEY WANT, (inula Fe .Iitne lUpuolu ..hi t1 - fir.. M,-krr nJiCifl. . me stuliiia out the jnijs lin y will seek in cuae Cbnrle i studied In 11 day ' 'o. ' l.'Vi.ii llunl'vs -, Med roiuVn1. -V , M. spent Hie ful -week of hi aliiy, Porter Jn-. I'lininh of Aiiiii'-iii'- ilivwr. llt iii ji ii point,, war Ha gue, l the first Hi iuh'uh'I tli' ! iiiniJ, Ari.oria, particularly hi the tcriial revenue i ullceiorshtp for Ne roiiml nilnc ut NiizliM- !tlffv. 1 mil'-n Motiri, ami Ai-l!i. It l msr-eil tlmt Mexico illl Hh Hepiihlcnn i"' 1 1 utorn will be m much better position to land the. place limn Allone., which linn the Job under tin' 1 "Mnoi'i nth' i -Kluie. iini of U' fi'cl etitli'itviii f of Fhltfd KtUoti HeuiiW.r 'IhoniM II. t'nl ron, ! wild to Iji- tin- tetuin of the In ternal revenue offln' to S-inlu Fe whence II was taken In Phoenix be cause of till lnl1 uttil of All- ; cona'a liomoi ralie setuttoiH n feu 'i'Mr,HKo, .1. Purler .hiiifd I lumliitti J conVi'iil Ion jnlifoiti tor Hi'imtoi rut ff.n Hjid therefore believe himself !-: titled to the choicest of tin- federal; i-ob. . ! Not nun li mit-prlse n caused here h,y tin- iiniiouiioeiiicnt tluil County Superintendent James I.. C. Swlnney t of Hull Juan county bus entered Ihei lists for tin- democratic nomination fur Kllpei illtemlelit of public Instl'lic tlnn, inakliiaj, die h' oiui i Hiulklult' wlio j hope to tiilir l lie iionilniilioii from tlx- , Iiipwnt miiet Intenilenl, I'ev. C, C, 1 Jlil) of Hfuwi'll, mipei Itih tuleiit of! Chiiveii eoiinly, livlii)t Heen emloiHed for Hie plinf l.y I) Ik coomy iitt il nl' J.iKt week. OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR I NEW FREE SANITARIUM i lHflU CeHHMMNBINCI ! MCIINIH JOUMUj Alamoftol'tlo, . M . .Ituie A full ( M'fwuri for i hu National Free nw.l I il -I I...I.... ia rta I mui nun iwi muuii. i hp )X'u1ed 111 AluniOKordo, linn been weicrtPcl. T)ih control and biiKliienf hiajKiifemetit. of the Irn'titufion I f1- d In h. board of direct orn and lidvtw ma. (onMslliUf of tweiitv-slx lnember. thfl iniblotily of whom (iri bulneH mn of ALiiuoXurilo. Tim offtf ef lire: V. IVaive, pre pli'lit; H, Oondwln, v1ei'-ireNldent ; 1. Powell, nerretiiry; (ieo. II. Mealy, troiiNurer. Iean Kherry, an Alamo iordo niiorney, liu been appolnled ii coiinfeilor for the uoi'iaiioii. Jir. R. U. McKlnley. Ir. C. JI. Wabl mhmtdt, Dr. .1. It. Gilbert and Dr. .1. l. Holme aoimtlHitn the local iiiedieal boiud, Hrrear' (, I. I'oweil now In k latiotnu, where he Is condiM'tlnif an kdyrttfcliiit uiii.paiKit for the imaorlii- tloil. All fiKlil-liK folder htm .Imtt been publiHhed, rl t i ti k 1'iiith Iho plan nd purioe of the asoi: iallon. Il aJuo coiitMiiui ft dem-riptlon 1 AluiOkordo Md th 8:n luuii liln Milley. tOft'H hfir with C'loU'U roft and the Hurra tnritlo mount Minn. The folder is b.-ltiR di- trlbuled In H numeral way tliromthoul the llilte(j HliUe. NOTED ARCHAEOLOGIST VISITING IN GALLUP;Tnv,,," nfn" Al!'r"sK,ii"',W!tc,rni'auv , !th,y.t vin office will be maintained nt wetemi. ' " joni.i j Mount Dorn, I'nlon county, If tho iiilHip, N. ,M , June 2U---DI'. W'hI-i HJnouht of business at all Jus! ll'ie If, l.-r IVWkes, director In ctuune of IhCjOrdel had been issued In dno Ihe bnrenii of ethiiolony ut WushttmOui, D.ioffl. e. 5 to 35 This Oil Stock "t'O lull-!'!! II li nil uv.-i t I" iii .if lanifli il'il I' J"' IliprillV in- III1 It III I Ill C :il I .1 K.m licit, I' h'-sK protii-i tie fully m lei i-i mi.1 mf w u i lil'I'll l.lui kril nfl' hii. lm i rn' IV niMny ttitti-ii-ni nioe Inrlw .llttrtot oil k. liul nr nuiti'il llil'K Irjullllly iiiimii. w r i. il mi-iily- wi b- f'iiir le i-vin "f ivliii li ,, tlui-lnu Hi" ni'JI I"'1 m!"iiM 1.. vii-i1ii. III rlulliiK I' in- 'I' " Tlil fointxniv limy lime - er l linn- ilred nilllloa tlijlsr. ul all In lh- iltrfer- t-ut pnttM-rl le nnil M l'le lino op.'l iltliin l lie liuUtu e ii llllllll'il ! I'lil f f-.i'iy In fifiy until tin- r'niii- llllll uli'l keeu tliem iinliil Hi.llV uffsiii.-ltnlt II'IO li !Wtl! itii.llKilinl lrreif tier ijay. II IHilttil ulllt ISIi'iil IrllKC 'if 'Hl 1ee th.illlkillil i'!l ll-M'llOM't 'if tile I It'll Hi-liilnil "Il T""! '"I U l-M-'Mlil K'eut- ..r iiiul-flin.t tlmn f t -ft 1 1 1 ' fieillik in lii-lnit tnovi'il In ne) ilrllliiiu IU ni HI ctli-e m our I'lUlii e lis ilinli mi I lil .iuem wliere u KT'-iil v -'ni' vi rtpni-teii. Ihr llealill Ill 111 a lea w it !h sirtnitf nnil in unit i a 1 1 ill .1 1 e'l I murlj qitiu 1 t-i- i'f ii lillllui ili'lhi. Aid' tlii fiini'iiili Hop ,lut i-niiiutly !- t inert a li anf if lieaiiv live lll-amalul nele Oi H1P!ieni i"iint l II. lllllnluu, jeviul linn. 1 1 red alien uf wluell are l I''"' IwlttiTll H lllll "ii MHO tnilliMIt llll'l lUl'illlir llrlV ,,r.ttl an rill .il CinKlluil tlmi i ilevi lniii'iit tii'irnioiai yell it lm!!"w ili.lli nn,rl t'i V'e t'Ui "II nun I lil- ii.i- A reirted KW.I'm i ' I mmin r lm .Itisi biell . . lll'. ll nil. ml llu. e inilm .III he'l-t hi l"i.irn liilt tmlei lh lie M.iithein itietl-llt liawii Hie etllini: ii hluti H five IniUrttell ililliilf, ier u-'ir. Hull "111 lie fcl.lltt'l ill at-e ill -Mir i4iilil'ie t-l ml ly en till si'ext !ee In 'ielie-i i'hii.'i' i Ihn ll'iur tliilt ii.ilne le IIIIUMI llle illMH sre III Hie i'iiu I ' M "f eri.ilin l In tiirrr 1JI fi o iii , i i'"i ' The l iii'i' M.n HI Coriitimij. By Julie "i t .iir l'i nriii ni-1't m illlfei.-iit .lii.lti. i nhi.ulil l e ilantrtiit. S'.iiii- i.f tlniii ule .ill. I'll I 1 1 li'll .r.i.ii,...n h'hI e.111 liiitlifi tin Mil . nve .-n the m c-li 1 1 ,-ui t i vthlili wlil lHiiiic.1ii,ie! r .lli-it pi ) -e a atnl.fl h.'i .11 Till iVilntiAlit ia (.,- it, j- ll lut'rattir rtul (ip'ti 1 1. nil i 1 hv anffl. !rlil "I"" lli I .-nil tlilltini! . .tu. p&i it-i nun! inh ir . nreii ll s-.a- hue ii, -ii ly li.-r i. lha l.ia illia hill .l-e,1 urn! lift y 1 1' i pr nil, ttitt rteim f'.r ah- ,K I I ;l nil KJ1 tt all - I. , .. .".! in -li-. li haa tlltee l. filieriee . I"I h br,.. The oitiinitit ..,'i.a I'a ul.rl u,l aii.l: t- liyer linl-'I't I. 'I- CI in "I'H !llr I I.- HH ( C't " Hi ic eiej in, ti oi in ,! -ilUrt ts llirillietl liinie I .' . 'J ' l4. ll 1 nine t.t I'- ' i. forty million itnltirv T oil l m1, i- .. M"l liarmy hecn a -i, ;,. ;. T llila f,oa - if 111 III h P-. -It'll J.mited MitU. I a ' I i 1.. I r-nj al'M ;-e li.o! t'li.'le Kairi nil ' ''-tl i J.itt'a '.int(talie i. - t -v. t.. I ; It lll'-uaaiifl ...4e , .l.ii.l a i. i- roniiii'tii ! ij I - I I fiiiff II Haa f. i..i" "a l.eme. uti.B t ,i -i.- t Ii nil hm ed M. t. "' mi"r j. j.e.Ki 1 1. n ijt ttn in i.-a -K a ilii-tltfh tl a- IntleiM nrlvnf I'm Imb'-I.- inie, t a 1'T.fttu'ru-r II i l.-leimilieil t.i lla It.'- mil. .if i'a .-.ttn i.ii-h ,,i,.. . a i H t ,i il net lo-.i t it .- .in. ' 1 I'll!!" ! t Hi., : ' r 1 1 1 it . . ' 1-. -i ;t; I lie lhal lull -1 , rl v i ' ; e n t,1 hm t ike Ihe .ti iaai f.r lm- (tan k UriiUuf rpetato r. uunnf tua , tgu'tliT wlili .Mr.. Few km, an, in tbillup for u extended slay, Iur-j Inn their 'Jirn ! I r. lewkes Willi 1 n .. I i)f ule number i'f tin thousand I of iT-jijtri i-ir ii i n- iliiii can be) rculily reached from Oallm, f o ex iiwl to ml about thirty day In j i J.'j lu (.., fnkiiiliK thiilv tl,s to , 1 ji t r mitis that .ni be tern bed and from ::. These Ik- found very i liiei-lliiK nnd oik-m lloii. uill I'F of, Kreiil nliif l'i I lit- liintory of (he ple- : liti-loi ! liiliiiMtiint of ihiH eolintry. j j An ex iiviHtii expedHiof will iwnl jtci tlmt point u litCe Inter to inakfj furl her lincul matioiiK. , .Monday of tliiH week he upeiit at; ' one f tiie l.ugfM pie-lilctonc rulim; i of Hie HOiilhwesI, iibniii n iii i enwi , .. of iliillnp. Tile ruin of tntM 1 1 I . ' , . ... ., . . , i i....lnil Mll'll" l I''IUII Hi' n1"' , , Ml... .III..... ..ll Ml ( I I I I I 1 O. P. J II' kIoiik thi t-lKn "f a fchiirp- Muff for nlioiM ;l lOlle. The ellllll llliolll llllH ruin in strewn with umieni pottery tilld -iiihII liiipleiiielilH used 1 V the iiilisbli;inti, wlileh ler the itiaikf i.oiihuoii to the people of the KOUtli eci prior to the enmln of (he Amer ican Indliin. The plnoe wax iiiulout't- .,ii- i ruin lonu hi-fin e I lie fcnunlMhl prlent ft if t lnited thi.H jmil of couiitrv 1n ir.:in ihe The people of Uutlii', HiHlllliee of lr. I'eWkiK wilh the IIM- ; holllev 'III lIH will h h k I'orlSfiiliii;.-'. mi HPl'i'iPi'1'111"!' '' eoimrci"K. for ihe; oiiruiwe of ol.lalninjt fumln Willi lo reMlore mohim of Ihe wull of the ,i 'orinpieuoiiH inounlaiii reM.rl hy writ more Important leinpleN mid kivan of log- lo Arrowhead Sprlnirn eoiiipiiny, thi ruin. IMPORTANT GOLD STRIKE iCLOVIS HOLDING A REPORTED FROM ORGANi FIVE DAY CHAUTAUQUA Irecil. r.oaontiINC:t TO monin iOUftNAt Sit llt.t. J' e, .1110" III." 'A HOUI nuiiM of much tmpoi iiinee l ropouen i irMn two 111 llt-K north of Ormin. I . 1I 'I'lw. t irnt lpiiiiii kim twin.... forly totiw of ore taken out netted $ 1 2,000. The I'.Lfrno Itiu a Copper i imipu nj" I l HliipplDK urn troni tn new n'-m inotlhweHt of Hie Mand.i hua tuouh- laitiM in orru eouniy. j C,, Jiumonelte, of .Mexieo City, nun Manuel Cutiern-x, of Tori eon, iiayf liilien a lease from W aller Mil) field on copper piojienlen five inllrx nortli eiiKl ot Tiiliiiou. The Mlriluda CoiiNolidateil ijoptier I'OUiPiinv hlif ifHiiitiPd operation In ll'itil. ida Canyon, Cuadalnpe eouuly. 1 jmlle wet of Hajila Hcna. ItoturitM of i$."ififl, or nine riin' of nlct tmd t-f' jouix e or Hllver, boHiden. per i pm ,of copper, hav been obtained on n 'iHlllpriient made liy tleortto tiler from tho Jim Crow-lmberliil Rioup at iSleeple UorU, tiranl rounty. riiifi l or Hlm fc ll'ii. j Sunta f v. June !!. - J'lan Cor ttood U.ed Nloek pena at t.W y oi) tile Helen iPiit-off were Hubmilted today to Iho jKHte Corporation Commbninn by lOerietal UvchIimU Agent' F. P. Urook. thin beltiK In rrxpniiho lo the (ouirdalnt by Annus M lllv ruV to the i omin'm Kloii, The I'oininlsNlon wm also noti fied by C. M hay, stttiertnlemlenl ft! Advance on (Drill!, hlft l"l flu- till fill me DiiiiJ lit ...iiiniIIii .1 riie ( ut lire M ill hihiii prir I.. . . me ihe i... k l right 1 1 rliiin In l uirl remit hm en mil l h ni linw, ii ml tif It l . tin tuivtnu in We ihil riiMhirN in ml ivella !. Il ll 1 II n.n llli t let. i . ri i nil nui. limit lilHie slitiift, I., tiivi ut fimii tu minimi lien liri purt ie ii ii. ili illllii; licit- I'll.' flll.ll 11 III hi il mue i,f lliuliC H tuliil uf eiulil liilllilleil mini. ni nielli fii.r Ituif i-,f I Ml M he laniti il It In. lirtn.illl tnu (,m l-'lli- llini.1i I'-lle 111 lutlliiliu mili-elf i III nih-e Htl.l Hun Ul, 1 e,ini;' Ulllt illlli, lllll l"Ul'll will il tSti l..,ili.ililer mr It.tlilinnit iiinlcr tin. m,i. k tilt i.l. ihl ulliil im-rit lull tun, III ..r Hie ,l,i,li i H lulre ivhhli H'niilil tmilie Ihe enure nt. lul n. k eihl) t.t J.. Ih.ltl ..tie .h. limit I- The (o e h. lit at, i, III... , I. ii iv, nlii ii.. I .en la l,,er u .'iiall ,i1e of mir i -Miitiilieit pi-i , ierl y Il III I. thilll tell 11,111,11 ilellina T. ))relK nil 'Id. 'If Inive p.nil in nlimit m.-, an.) ii hill mill!.. n ,'f rth-iill lum- lime ii, ,i,,t .urr. i, hi I. 1-ill.oa ..I- h i;aln nnw i. The f mnonJiy tmg tea, en. It ,.f it'liii h limy iter mine All the ill tltla ImeiF. At thla ilm-el'ip mtj Kl rti k tvlll i Bit Tiiiur ue emiitidrr the h.ii.k tiilne ef ' -i- I iiearlj- tlmihle ihe, an. rifu a , lli-relll I i v i tna f(.p l!l f'nj an. . Hi, r Investment in the rnite.l Sinlis Him tvlll ttllhln n i. mull v hi,., K ,,f no, ..ff,.r Thla I' emit' .in n.e i,,-.v ijiiitnl H, (luilii,,. leal llella Hint ni.iv lain leita.-a to i. III e ynlne of .-ai h-tuvi V-.ll t'illl.1 hii Hm. a il" bnf lime In Ihe nntiMii,-e for thla a bnn.lle.l in .re ivIM ml fielfla i,ut vein- i-,- -,i it . .'lllhille.l y nh a .lull a leat Well nn I eat that in a -file ;lf mil- i-tifi'eie ,1 1, ill iliine mat- jtimp in i till,! a. III.- at. i, li ( Bl,,tl,. i lh 11.1 l, . irnr ,. i, V II - ! I a. , nt .. 1 1 i.t i ia Ii I 'I ' e Mi. 111. -r v.iiir fnf in-i'T mil he j-.-nr nil i'lie l l rl'l II .ii ,.f llin nth a in. K .1H 1- ati, -Ishiihlee .tf ttU.l int-nl i-'il't'trtiii-e Ilia nit nt i isiit t 'nir.iiiy iImI.I h. Wh.n nil a loii 'I liiiiiaiinit 1I1HV 1 - iil.l,-, t ina. In i, r., ,ri!' ii,.a m .hi llli t. UK. .1 fit a II, titnev ni-fl ,11,,, tula ain, k ',t can ....i..t, ..ill' II' i- ii tuiai. i fltnl vfc 1 , 1 le-itu.i thia nr.ttii.i: ;ri il r I e I ! i ia ne ea. Hi. ll ltele.1 will ,, il l,iut littlbira eel- m.imii unit hv i,eir hvtlls n.,- drill, a tune t-v tliiviii.- Ihe 1 1. ii i film -i-t aniit te. ta a lli.l unit 11- r.Mlve fifty liheiiiitn- let' a ll llli'e en drilia Otr, , I fi-,ti,i ul ae me d.-ier. lh lo t.i 't! ,ir;ii a . me ti fwvf ,.f ah. ad -a ,n- . ! I a... a tli'lp rk. d re' H t-'l I Ilia lie,ea itt- ifev -lfti, meiit I t r e Situ .10 I ' -Hi I i,i 1 1 1 ae -, a oiar F..UI Vhoimi lid 'II h-aa-a In t!i liana, Null m a as-, att'l la netr tai .. le.-t a. nn.1 n- ll iu n .'a in h d an '. t ..n .i-ii ft firmer ffteen I . n the van a'.el a. ue'l that adits', .. i,, it,irj"M e e,ea va) on Vi - teaae .1 a are Itiidrllv ilial- , d: !! ind-ed IK : lh i -.1 1-!'-, a. rea for a -n.e l,;a aetia Iratea In Patallee i-f ah ut fifleen l! n. h liem lh a. n-a ult hi'.ci The In . t.tii"l. S ,,r. me r. iirt uf the I'll t"l Stali-e ne. talon uteatnat tiie i v.iivhied till " ' hiaiidt-a eeita,.p linliviuaia aa in a Muiunai .',i.-ra,ir.t.-y for f.-rtv aa.ujt a. I conipelnoia The famtt- be-bk year FAMOUS ARROWHEAD SPRINGS A FAVORITE SUMMER RESORT l';o k In the liemilifiil .San iler li iir-1 1 ) i . i iiiouiiiHiiiM. itv miles from Los AnKeli-M. ill iltl ultil'lile of L'.H'Ifl fcl, ' I hitu.iteil Arrowlioml ,priiii.'H, .fiiinoim Ihe world over for the Won derful (ii)'Hli-.'e wnlelH Jomnl there. ,Jliirili, rent mid reii'fiiioti meUers Jonrtiev lo thif illKtindh v resort U'roin nil puru of (he cnuntr.v lo par jluke of do- Honilerfiil wa iters ii.n J enjoy Hii- world'H only rint lliidl dl-Modliiui iiiKeiinte Hti-iim i-m-e liathn. I The einMeiii of Arrowhend HprlnK. ii Kittantii1 mi l n i ii I mi I d head Pluwd otr, a mnooth rut wrinkle of one of inn pnk, puliiln ilirei ily lo the heul- intr upriiKr.", and it enii Ii- seen lulled lllle nwiiy. H i,. Willi Ili cridleHH uuinher of de- liifhlK mid i i n pruioiin (iiK-li a Ii-iidIh, j mvliuinhiK luoiintniu ellmhiin;. 'niie of Ho- most lAoilcrn, The hotel 'enntiilns t-yiry nietlupollluii fen I urn. llome-urowii iniicli mid diiiry prod IuiIh are seiyerl nl 111 holel frrnh from Arrowhead Itnneho. Thin well known leHort run he l i-aehed liy four tin urpoi I ;i I ion linen I from I, on Anne.les. Alai-inlaniized aulo also lean mreci 10 me hunnner deKr rlptiv e vae.'i I ioiiintx ran nhtaill II folder of Calil'oi nla'n iijo"t ; Arrowheai) Spiiiik'x, California. IIPtClAI. cntmiMNOflirl TO MOHN'MC J0UMNAL1 CIovIm, N. M., June 20. CommoHC In? yeKlerduy. ITovis will have u five cluyn' Tiuul.'iuun whit li I beiiiK Kt)oii.ired by the Mlnfionary oclety i0f (j,,, Met.hodiHl i liiucll. The VVewt- ern (TmuliHi'ina Syxlcui In furnlKliinx .ih(. nltraetloni". Tho flv1. day th i aiiihU-ui Art compaiiy wii me ruin dttraellon. The fonipnny is iciniponed ot iiuiHicia n ana an iinieionuui. j Today licv. U . II. Hcbllvner ler jfuled The. tlliid day Will be devoted I to tho Hmith-Willliimn enlertuiners, :vi)edl noloislH. The fourth day I'r.ui U'Ik .1. Cable, lecturer and humorixt. jw ,H the iiHriii tinn, while the fifth land last dm the people will be en- ' trii liii-U hv lian Xowklrk and Mid her! in- j'llnrmouy coinpniy." vocal 'ultnnienlal musiclaiiK. NEW METHODIST CHURCH nrrilPlTrn AT PAI I MD rerenumiPH. I ne cnurcn ouiiuuik UtmUAILU A I UALLUrwiU b ollM of ,i. beautiful j struma' of 11 H kind in the south- tHHCIAl. OUfAICM to MOHIN JOUNl.) iriillup, N M., June i;0. ---The, lay Inn of Ihe corner stunt of tie new Methodist church look place here Holiday evenliiB, June Ik, Audit T. K. Twrdy of the local Sanla F station was muster of ceremonies. Judge .1. I!. MeFlo was nmotiK the prominent Hpeakers. His address was very lnter- OKtln, IjilliK hIouk tho lines of I tie development of the Methodist church In New Mexico and In liallup. Key. 1. C, Kuiuinns. who l nuiinly responsible for the great wave of splr ItMfil preparedness whkh has visited ;,illup, xave A shot! talk, pertiunintt In thp purpose and Intention of tho June 28 lea iiilil Ifilsloeaa it as,., in tea ul' thifr .'i,ilii iitura n.-iv .i-i-j e 1 1 ' t-unlf .il cr Ji'Veinl lull newaii.t pel a mi. I magdzti). fhltiHliii, i-vt Yi.rK. ami Hitler eltiea. Ilir.'linh ' fiiltti lintini'liil iMileia" lime III- H .-.illlllluniK l'i - i si 1 .1 1 - y ii;-llliat rl.'li t ' IV II n In Mil,, lo in i The i I ii.'le i ill I'.tnitwint unit nre euntlntl ally in iiiliriK Inaiiiuat I, ma mnl fn:ae alnte mi Ilia il a; .1 ilia t 'Die lln.-le Sum (111 rnniPiiti: tii at ule t tic American i..nhli frnm lair elnlsiliK Una v.iliiiihle alneli In thla mil- Itiirltiiia i 'nlii l ia n v , iiinl thus tlepiive l uf nei'.letl i-aiiltal and relartl ll Kiwivtli a tjrnwIiiK iMiiij.titi.- iir the hln i-tnnhiiie. Tin tu me "I'ahl I'rcRi.'' piihllahea ulol 111 K uulyenlai inetita fur nil i'(,niiaiilea ''niai ineriidlim iia ' iiiileiien.l.mia'' tlmt am feiltiy in-.tninie.l nn, I liiriEili- mvnc'l hy i'llenilly hunkers uf Ihe oil MuUi.p.ily t'roivtl t ntlt-r tliese .-ii t'liniai.iiiut a i,. me foi-verl tr r.ffar tln at u k at e ini bargain In veatineiit.. Ite-fcj in tlu-aa of Pt-raceution ftnit Hie mil, i fill n, ia ,,f Hie "Paid l'reaa. " una hiif Imlepentiem I'tintiiuiea to (o!ri. illlfl ah, 'Hid an, ni have auffit lent nrniHn-- linn In operate frnin' forty tn fifty ill Ilia afier pavliif a.ltiafnt t.irv ea,t)i illvlileiula iiml nuilie ihe flintier aaeriflra ..f at.i.-k iliinereaaaiy. i. rv.K. Since thla in, the wan wiltu-n this rum pHO V luta i 't - 111 pie li- it a. '.'S OltO.iM'i tola well t'.eill' the venter ,.f 1ia fumteen nllflrter if.' tleua t.f ltmaea In I'.iivnee I'unnty, near .Ian nlniia. where nianv M.-tl Infuriiievl oil men eupe-t neatly u at'.'i.n.l iialiine p,.(il. fn til t, "I ,laia real eil unslieia In tiiia il;a tnel n.tiv aei-in alire. 'i'lie tlrilla will Rn Meefier tiny ami tuaht aht! we Jiave atarteil In new tvella In liie ii-r- 1-ail of llila n.-iv fielil nn rtlfferi-m pi-.-itei flea We hate rter file tntUa ef liti. t(t pr.i-le.-t In ihia fiel.l ami may alar! the hal- nn f I'm t . -i it ,i i-) in w- ti.ja on theta valuable leu at a .-ll e tinple I lun of ttella nuw .Uiilli'tt an. I a .i n ilrue tlua ntui-k In a reiurtl hrenkniif nth an, of ;'n f.. tllll-.a Aa pail ,,f ihe i-..i,ai..,iatl,ni tin patiy li tou t ihe imht ti. llppi rvm - ' t,r ll a:i..-l; The M k ia ti.m .,aa,..a,.h!e II. lulu. in. . I. .ti inc 1. ii- ' will I. a anhiei If inii't - it. 't l- . it.-il on the awM.1 i I lAier than ot SKI KII IlK OI I KK. 2. IHid slmrrs A.lMMI Slian- ...... IH.IHMI SliBiva 1in.iH0 Shan's Pol an . vtp alte the aid tnriUe kit I", niitt.ilii-ea I'm-ie Slim in i .tl.lrtllt. or rn'inev .Miler. ' S li on , ti.voo 2.).IIO auvk y. iwi.ihle n want Ki The draft Write -nr name ani a.l.lrt a plainly. (Nnie) ! lStltt-1 I'uy lo-re. tful'i.i ,iu,t SI He Adtlreaa) ; auhitutivd. ! THE UNCLE SAM OIL CO. Hy II. H. TII KIH, JR , XAddieaa all leitera Ij Hie Pre. . Vuipanrl KANSaS CITY, KANSAS Make Arrangements for YourS;Summer3Vacation READ THE ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CALIFORNIA'S FAMOUS HOTELS, HEALTH, BEACH AND MOUNTAIN RESORTS AND SOLVE "THAT OUTING PROBLEM." LITERATURE AND FULL INFORMATION BY WRITING DIRECT OR AT FREE INFORM A TI0N DURE A U AT OFFICE OF THIS PUBLIC A TI0U eluireh III II near future develop ment. A brief hlslory of the church, the illumes of the directors, the buiblins icommitten and the names of many of ,fh( local people proininently connect ed with the church, and many, who have nnlted In helping it ulonn in the pnet were imbeildcd in Ihe walls of jth new slrutitme during the ooorse jof tho reroinonicR Fully five bun-, 'di'ed of thf local citizens wiliieKse.d west. The entire builditiK will be of tho native brown rock and brown col ored preusod brick, manufactured in (jn.ll.up by the New Mexico Hrirk com pany. It will be completed some lime In July. MARRIED WOMAN HAS NO HOMESTEAD RIGHT,' LAND OFFICE HOLDS PCClAt, conntiroNOfNCt. TO ManNisa jol Pinal) Saniu I'e. June SO.-- That a mini led woman lum no rlnht to homestead 'un der Hie federal land laws is empha sized in I""'! office option in the case of Clara Kckert vs. Kilmntiil I,. Hrown, de lilliiff the issues aKainsI the t'Oiilestee, the enlryinvulvcil eoveritiK 60 acres. William ft. Kckert. husband of the contestant had sold a r.-li tut ui-lin int of Ihe property to Hrown for 2.iuui, that wasi to be paid at tin- rate of $.'iH a month. The record shows Hint Si" bad-been paid on the contract. V year later. Mrs, Kclii rt bruunht net ton, al leK'inif the coiitracl was made lo de prive her of a homestead: that her husband is of unsound mind and was under undue Influent o when he sinned (ha contract. The land office officials held against her on the Ktnund that a married woman cannot have a homestead 1-itfht. unless it be shown that she is I i ! Hm bond til' n f.-iinllv. and ill Ibis in dance lk.kert It was movi'il not for the p.tuioi-.ition of tile laud within reasonable: time. SOUTHERN VALLEYS OF STATE OVERRUN WITH " REFUGEES FROM MEXICO ,... cc....aa.N..Nca ta -oasts, j.uaaau Santa Fe, June i'H. New Mexico, especially the Pecos and Mesilla val ley are being overrun by starving Icfu- fit'CU- from northern Mexico. tne peons are anxious to worn uui ait compelled' to beg for food on their wav. Kmvilovment in the fields and 'orchards as well us en Ihe ranee and 'railroads is source. ALBUQUERQUE DEGREE TEAM BUSY AT CAPITAL ,...,-,. maai.aoMoiNCl to uoaNisa jouasLl j Santa Ke. June ill.- The second day of Ihe Masonic reunion saw an in -Urease of Ihe class taking the hiKhiT I degrees, as a number of Masons w ho Already bad took the desrees up to th fourteenth arrived. ; A special dispensation was granted !sffer ennsitlemble telegra phlnf. to ! COIlf ?T t h Uetrtiei. f 1'Ottl t ll e fifteenth t Ihe. tbirlv-second inctusivc, upon ipefi y K. Kiiiuht. i'f i:i Paso, a banker, whr fs under the Texas jui isdlctton. j T)f Albilytiernue tb'srof team .-nn-iferred several derees today. pill lltl Sniiill I lit'. Sinta . June 2'il. Kire broke out from a defective fine in the home of JudKei A 1.. Morrison on Kast Pal- I...- Tit.. fi..i,...u i 111 "'" ' ' were eMIiiKUished before the lire company apparatus arriveo, mo inim ;oCf bi-itiK nominal. I'rison Hollon TJIf In lNnimiiil. ' Santa Ve. June J.').- The .atnte peiiitenliary today shipped three more ears of hollow tile to Albu iiue.rimo. nmkiiiK ten cars of the I twelve-oar-order for the llross-Kclly bu i lib ni:. The penitentiary has booked orders for a million and a half of brick und hua more deiimml for its K .11 .U.i. i eati fill t li .i tt.l. lor tll being produced of : better - ' ru rrinv iikiqu taui'inuv 10S ANGELES, CAL. Alwiiiiiljr 1 Ireiirmif. Hill lreel, nrr liiiirlh. foTMiurtexl on lUdli the Kumiienn and Aini-iloau I'lan. .. n'.S Boonik'AII W IlK I'rivutn Mnth, Trin'W-rj who arp iiccustiniufl 1t Hip i mi finit ftt the i.'Utrk i-v,-rv pumiitile comfort, eorivenienre anil rt.finf'iiu'nl. Til clilnnt (t.-niro of emh Rtli'lalalit In oi. render mnif-ri'. timli-i, re;ti ritvIi-i-. 'i'iie lliirk R HitlMled 111 the h-:o'l "f ihu I'tly. near ti-.-nu-tiful- .tViitrul Parlt. rlos. I t hU cur Hue-, Kiii.ii.iemi I'iain. Tariff frufn 1.J lrr rtwy. Kii-e Aiioi Him ni-';tiii all truliifl. Vl'iim f'i- lllua iraiel fnKW. .'..v llPiflio tuitreii.t'e tilii'iti-i I'mlrr (Me fvfig'.iiiil itiuuanttiaenl 1. M, llliniKh. bun, "Vlull the Grill." JfOfflSZ 10T SPB0M6S V.iTuous mid Wftl kiiown far its i'unitive VroiHrtl Spi irs rih.1 tjih n--w npt-n t'if i hiit ht'ri un-t uiulcr new ni!n;ii;cmpni. Ht-nt trmituicnt and W"n li'iful i eullH iisstir'd. M, AHOI M.KMAN, )tnitx SpriiiKt, ' - New .MpU-9. Arizona Resort Pine Lawn Inn Tin- most beautiful HEALTH KK S'lHT In th? southwest, conipris IhrT a tract of ISO acres covered with pine and other native trees and is surrounded by mountain pealts. i inly one mile from rail road station and center of city. Klectrie liuhts, telephone and A-l water. Ahsolutoly No Saiiilrl.Mins I'rescoll, Ariz. - John Strot'lior n 1 1 u I i I than any Ihe, SOIithwesl. oilier produced in I ru:sT l int mi.iors n t:n.riirs. ' IndiReHtion quickly develops sick headache, biliousness, bloating, sour; I stomach, K.'is on stomach, bad breath! or Home of the oilier conditions cuus-j ed by clorje, or Irrciruliir bowels. If you jinvo any of these H.vmploniM, take j a Foley Cathartic. Tablet this oveninj?j land you will feel better in the morn ing. Y. 15. Vandigrift, Smyrnn, Ca., I I says: "We find Koley Cathartic Tab- j ; lets the best we have ever used for , bilious headaches and 1 am praising i them up to all my friends." Sold: i everywhere. I'loncrr llc-liiciil Diet.. I l.ns Vi-uiis, .V. M., June ltoth. a resideitl of I xii-t 1 S.MI, died Saturday niglit ninth of this city, ufier ! v.. ii'ett'i since ! I i i n t m. Vegan at his brief lillncsM. been in Al r. the Htilh for many years had incut biislnes in tliis city. shown- that Mrsf..!11 mso was a n tiiiiuicoi came iinsei j "ud tarnicr, t tie itotti larm isone-oi' j the best improved anil cult ivated I pieces of land in tile stale. Mi'. HOth (is survived by his wife, two sutis and !tt daughter. He Was born in C,(.fell, Prussia, in IS.'iT, and came lo the I'niled Stales while young. He wa a prominent ultl Fellow. Says Condition Was So Seri ous Little Daughter Had to Take Charge of Work, But Cardui Helped. riurhanU. Fl.i. "About a year and a, half ami." writes Mrs. Florence IlOK-i ers. of this place, "I had Rot ill very, bad health. Kvcrythins was wrong; Ij couldn't -at anythlnt: that didn't makei ne suffer . i My limbs also suve mei uid the pains in tin. limbs). Weal pain I exietidins' down to the Unera. I too had ! jawful pains in the back and was veryj , I liln ami rirn-down in health; also, I hud pains in the chest and stomach was terribly turums. Kverythingt would startle me i An ai'iuaintance told me of thel gn at betiefit he had received from j I'ardui . . . , st I thought I would trv! It inasmuch aa I was in so serious a! condition. I was so bad off I couldn't i do my work. The little riiiUKbter had to take charge of the work, and L could hardly walk ... I 1 benaii iisinn cardui, anil In about a 1 wcVk 1 felt much improved ... I got! better riKht along, afier taking the Cardui, KetliliiT better every ,ay. In about two weeks after Ukiiiif the Car dui, I was able to do all mv work ex-' ept the washinu ... In a month more, I I could do nil my work, the washing' too ... , i I have found it a great remedy and! boon for women." Ladies'. Take Curdul for your trou-i biea. ror aaie oy ull arugsiau. I COULDN'T DO ' HER WORK; - - atm A1TIT0BK jjr-..aMny' ' '-iw , California's Famous Mountain Recreation Resort- OK Kl f 1VII KKI IIKATIIIV 1I VOI If IIKMTIVVHOV Sixty miles P'.in I. on Angles. F'aiinni! t he 'i.l li 'y. i1rul lUVHiv" v. at.Mx. XnUlinl ni-S-xllum Am-inl V;io r uii'i mud liiiito-iivt i f. An .iiIIi-h niinit't-r "f J- reel. iik. imliiiluiK iHiiur. .If , -mi inuitc. m"in:Mlti inc iniimi-ii. cir. I'l. t ur.iiiii ranyen; ipitet letf un. V Only Natural Di-Sodium SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR AMBITIOUS MEN bcurn iiufnii'lillp Hi'Pnirinp, lKnlti.'li, Ma''liiHiBt mid LH'lt'iiiK in a n-linhli- hlMi'i In tb- iiH'ft iii'iiern ini'i lK-st t-onijifiril Jn liv inir w-hilo ti.ariiinii il.l.'s; auciin -hilrt tnicrefufnl t;rtt'iiiDtf!S. ml tor 'hi r free 1 1 .NATIONAL Nf'IIOOI. I tXuli'ill Sii7-i".I Smith l iKiieroit AUDITORIUM HOTEL llllll AND ' iTl'i ikihlT I'l'ii 111 It ill ' fiirninlH'ii f'-r ttljsntutii Hpeilal mianiKr rtc. IIOTH. FOR MEN and llfiril, 1 OR ' WOMKN Popular Prtri" Lilj illllii;ief nililn IiiKtlliito HnilillnK, SUth, mill Hup Mlreetn. IJt Aiijelej. Call ferula MELROSE HOTEL 120 lu 1"0 inutn (irand Avenup, Lh AnRftli. ftumimr rat now nn. UMi!im ulUnmt hath, wffk up $Ifi nmnlh up. ItiMimi with bulli. H werk up, $i: inuiith up. t fe in ruiinertiiin. Thones: Home Ifrt'Tl Main TOfi. JOSKPH O. 11 UK, I'roprtt'f-r. SAN DIEGO The NEW MARYLAND HOTEL OPENED MARCH 15TH LAST UNDER THE MANAOEIrf ENT OF OMER E. LILLY Tar Ofr Hv Vanra Memhar of TT. 8 Grant lintel Muff, Thla handsome new h.iatelry la tha aae nnd lanceal hntal In san Iileo 300 rotima; every rnom hua either bath or tnllet anil lavatiry. Vary reaannable; rate, JUKI per day up. Central idea tion; every modern appointment; every thing new. Special attention tn enra meri'ial travelers. HoapitaUty. eonifort court.-sy and aerviee make it TUa "At tentive Hotel" uf the Kipoalllon City. FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS For Rheumatism, Stomach Trou bles, Kidney Ailments, Inflamma. tlons. Arterial Hardening, Loco motor Ataxia, Nervous Breaking, etc.. Perfect Treatment, perfect Climate. Health, Pleasure. Later Modern Hotel. Bouklet T. C. M'DERMOTT Faywood, JT. M. NEW MEXICO RESORTS J a !. if ' t v , i .i . i v H4 S&olpfifliir Spniaii -- .... union-,,,, sioniacn triuinies, of lllflaioiiiail,.,, v lrilljfs ewry ami l'rlilay. lor mrttular rn E.AMLL SVLmrit SPRINGS, VIA X. M. AKI AKKIIH II I', t II M'ltN,,s r tr wi.n- i-o am i .i llKhla ui.rt ill- . t ti . t- i. n. niuv Am rnim pif(n Arsenate Steam Caves Known V Isi'lf-Ht.irli'm, Acel viem; VV't-niini;, Yulraiiltlnt, 1 l.y iiiif.tial exp..rlen , llur rn-iv hmu li:i I'utiiitry. AA'e lulp stiKU-nt tlitn i'l; .i.l in tlie l-'lllO'il (i'lit. . llimJri'ili ill ! u at rat d rittuinir tun! I n ! tmlay. OK l:MilM:l:ltl(i - lll ,1 lHofi. I (ilrret, liKrlen CkI. OIIVK ST., I.OH ANGRl.KH V' I'urif Kvi'iy m.-iii-rn cemf'irt; larg lobbies and uri'niiiin'.Jallon; prlmu firkn '.i: iiUO II. F. (.RUN. MuDaiter Ia Ihirt of Lis Angelei HOTEL rPERCIVAL and APARTMENTS 145 SOUTH HIIiL ST. HoUfpkppplriK apartm-nts: 2 riuimi, l?f t' t'K ninrtthly; 3 ruoinn, $-10 to $fo monthly, Minute r'"tm. SI Ikt day up i fi-kly ujt. -tu ouLaiIe rnomi. c and itiotJrn. In center of ihupplof dil-triL-t. lieach carg from door. J. A. RII.EY, Mgr. Hai -f. j ii -3 '.fii'imi II?; Hi i HWm .sB3 ml ' rV. I ' -iM i Ti-a, i i-i c BROADWAY AT SCTENTB The renter of ahopnlnt, bualneal and theatrical riiatriet. ConTea lent ft alt ear linea. Soil viilaiilo nioiiia wllll prlrata lilllh. Ill tea Jl.Tiil and up. Bura. I peno plan. New nian.iceiuent; nea dining room; new klleliea. I'ree auto lata meela all triiina. -I. It. UShklt-IIlM Owner. WIM.IAM K. 1I.OOII. 'alanauer. ' i '.-napa"it!iiaiii, ..ijtw-."",. TIIK OM.V HOTKL OK ITS KIND B j THE IMTKI) STaTISS Golden West 'o 8TBKET, EVT1HK BliXAt TlllBD At" IOLKTH rKK.T SOD outside rooms. Hot and 'uldw'', Sleam heated. Lara-eat. heat HnnU'4 H1 In the atata of iilifornia. ICATEI) I.V TIIE II l'i ART OF SAV IiEfi ttre Hua Meela All Tralna ail "1"'r HATES Front rooms, one persm. "! '" paraona, $1.00. Side rooms. in!. " U'.nll to $4,110 per wee. N'OKKIN) at MOORE, I'roprletart BAN llll.f.O. CA1.IIOKMA. fi: ti 1 i ?t 'Hi .. .j v. o PI'S. - it fr r BATES .. i all kmo kiiiner aiini"ii-" V-..ihur i ... V-i.... f,,r tliC MUI"1''.. to II mm : f '-ei.v'iT r iwl. i u.