OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque morning journal. [volume] (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1903-1926, June 21, 1916, CITY EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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Albuquerque Morning Journal,' Wednesday, June 21, 1916.
leys Fitted
We take pleasure in announcing tlic addition
of a key filing department to our laziness.
We are prepared to fit keys of every descrip
tion. Corrugated and paracentric cylinder
lock keys filed by machine while you waif.
Vc use genuine "Yale" key blanks.
Raabe & Mauger
, . m Hum l.'C'l
1IS-H7 noiith i iitsr kiui;i:T.
feet he national guard draft provis- I
ion of tlii! now army bill was not prti
unti'd In coriKi-fiw.. The ncrtlon "f
th bill referred to contain the stnte
men! that Hip nun shall be culled un
der Hit; draft "for the duration of the
war," unless sooner discharKed. He
laiiKi' of thin plmiNeoloK.v anil ulo be
cause, adoption of th resolution
would be only a mutter of a few min-
IlitfN when iK'i'di-d, loaders In congress
determined to hold It up until event
show what is to bu expected layout!
the border.
Aiiihnssilor-Iosigiiile Aricdondo
htul HiruiiKod to nee Secretary Lunula
today, but withdrew his it'ipiest for
tin uPlioliilment after the note h.td
been handed to him. He made no ex
planation ellllw of the object of hi
projected call or his reason for can
celliiK It. U I believed however, that
bp was mixloiiM to learn the attitude
of General Currnuy.u lifter rending bc
American note before haviiu; any fur
ther formal InterchnnueH with Ameri
can officials
f.Wiir ilennrlnifnt officials Were
no.lhi.rn nan of th reoubllr were
then being augmented no as to be ahle.
to prevent any disorders thiit would
endaiiRer Amerlenn territory, bands
of Mexicans on the nlnhl of May 5
made an attack at (ilenn KprliWH, Tex.,
about iO mileg north of the border,
killing American soldiers and civil
ians, burnitiB mid Kfirkinv property
and carrying off iwo Americana as
('nrrna ISIocks .Vlvaiiot'.
"Subsequent to Ihis event, the .Mex
ican government, us you state, gave
i j. ....... i,-...., st...., .,..! nlirekon to
lliai I .11 mini- w. ....... r, -
notify the fulled Hint en Unit it would infi
n.ii i.erni t he fur her passage oi urn.
American troops
1.1.-. 1 ... 1l A.I Ulnlnu irnVtll'tl IO f 11 1 Wl tilt
lilt. VJlllll-U C"U-n P."'.
domestic politics of Mexico.
"If a denial Is needed tbat this ov
erriment has had ulterior " i"'l'i'P
er motives In Its diplomatic represen
tations, or has countenanced the ac
tivities Of American sympathizers and
the American press opposed to the (If
facto governmen' I am glad most eni-
pltatlciilly to deny It. It Is, howevei,
a matter of common knowledge that,
the Mexican pr?ss has been more
active than the press in the Cniled
Stales In endeavoring to infliiine. the
people ugufnst each other and to
the two countries into linsiin-
Vlth the power of censorship
- 2 ' ' ' .
Your Satisfaction Our Aim
That' why you
Modem Plant
have at
and our
iurintu jm.-.-ih . ..... .
Into Mexico n this of the Mexican press, so rigorously ex
act mint, and that orders had been rs'v
en to all military eoinmiindcrs ulong
the frontier not to consent to same.'
Allegation is IM-nleil.
Thlu Bni-ernment Is of f OUI'SC. , llllt
ercised by the de fnctn goverpmcnt
the responsibility for Ibis activity can
not, It would seem, be avoided by '.that
government, and the issue of the ap
n,.,il .f fl,nnrnl Piirrnnza. himself 111
Icy, General l'unston Mint a long
code, dl'spiitli to Secretary JIaker In
dlcatlngi what portion of the 1011,000
guardHinin ordered under arum be
needs immediately to tlffeil his bor
der guiird, The jmlntii nt which he
wishes tho men to mobilize and the
oronortlons of. Infantry, cavalry ond
nrlillerv he desired to huVu at
place wttro Included.
Tfitii-poruMloii lYcpim'tl.
Assi:jMents.wlll be made from the
first stole unit' to be wuntreJ Into
the uhlce, Prelimlniiry arrnnge
mctito r ulat'UKseiJ today with rail
road officials looking- to their prompt
transportation to tho point selected
by Vienwtil Kunnton.
N'one' nf the guardanien diimmoneil
under President Wilson'n call were
ready tenight for mnrhlng orderii. Jt
may bo w matter of several days be
fore th first reglmentji are mustered
In tin the men will have to be exam
ined physically, mklitloiiHl camp
equipment assembled for them, and
the train to carry them to the border
arranged for.
Slimy Vnll Now Hemly.
The entire guard of the District of
Columbia will be under cnnvnss to
morrow l Fort Myer, virtually ready
for muster. Heveral state also tire
fXprotcJ to complete their mobiliza
tion by tomorrow night and decision
may then ho reached u to which
forces Will bo moved first. There was
hot sufficient information available
toplKht, however, lo furnish an esti
mate as to how much time would be
required to get the entire force ready
for active service.
War flicpariment officials have been
highly gratified nt report of crowd
id reer'titliiff otatlonn in several states.
They nfo are pleased that the gov
ernors f virtually nil state having
ImporUjU iiutlenal guard units which
wero not summoned have sought per-inisHlon-,4o
forward their entire con-
tlligelil, "
N to liiemiM- Allotments,
NO liicj-enseii In the allotments
nadp aw now contemplated. In this
connection, It wits learned that the se
lections iunde Were designated to fur
nish tho elements of Heveral provis
ional brigades and that taken as a
whole, the r gulurs and guardsmen re
present the units of several field
armies Into which they might be
quickly ; assembled should war with
Mexico como.
The note delivered today is viewed
here as President Wilson's final word
to General Cnrruiua. H mukes.no ov ¬
ertures for further dlsi ussion and
leave virtually, no question to be set
tled except one whether the de facto
government will supples outlawry
against 'American,' H tirrulgns Gen
eral Carransta by name, for having
permitted bandits "to roam at will
through territory contiguous to the
Tnlted Plate," while he has seen fit
to recite "groundless sentiments of
hostility'' townld the expedition sent
after Villa and Ho Impute to this fcov
ciiiinenfiulteriiir motives for the con
tinued presence, of American troops
on Mcxtran soil."
tlv MleiiiT of Hostility.
Reentry Lansing points out in the
note nmwy evichnccs of t'arrHiv.u's
hostile liltlttule eontalned in official
n ports iod assert that the steps
toward eieurlnr P 'be situation lit
Jn....... hut mmiunl tonlarht nt a mes- General
sage from the border spying A Car- .so far as known to any oiiur .mikh
ranm milltury c.omniunder, posted jenn official. Genval (ibregon did,
near the line, hud sent his sou Into the ; however, Inquire as to whether Anier
I'nlted Htates for safely while he him- jlcan troops had entered Mexico In
self prepared to lead his forces against pursuit of the Glenn Springs raiders
.i. i.i.oriPin, hpiiiv IT war Is to come, and General Funston stated that no
, iThey also )iot,1 border advices that (orders to cross Issued to American
promised by General J f,....!,,,, ln G,e trno., to cross the frontier on account
AfHfirjn hUla Id antlclputiun f
h;v .4Mi hiikoil fur H-rvU'(
In a position to depute the statement ;tho press of March 12 calling upon the
. ' I 1. tvrntioriiil fitF
that these Instructions had been giv- niejvic.ii p.-u,..c ,o -
en to General Obregon, but It can de-jnny emergency which might arise, and
clsivelv assert that General Obregon lntimating that war with the I niled
. .,:!.. t Rtatea Venn Imminent, evidences the al-
never L!ave nnv k urn rajuiu'.niwn v i
Scott ir General Kunston or, iiume oi mc. tie it" Sw,,,...
rownras inese puiiiiuaijous.
lunillons Slilpmcnts suspicioiis
More Proof that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound RelicvesSuffcring.
ChioofTO, III.-"I BUfTered from bad
cuseof fcmuleill. Lydia E.I'inkham's
Yc Re table- lorn
northern Mexico
(ibregon at his conference with Gen
era) Hcott actually have constituted a
display of military force directed tit
the American expedition and design
ed to Impede lis operations, He af
firm too, that Carranaa has given his
support to the press campaign of
each iantl-Ainerlcari agitation In Mexico and
cite a published statement by the
first chief calling upon the Mexican
people to be ready for any emergency
and intimating that war with the
finted Wales was Impending.
fmbargo to te Strlil.
The purpose of the fnlted Htntes
lo withhold all arm and ammunition
shipments from Mexico "a long ns
this menace continue," I announced.
It wan learned today that plan have
been laid liy Hie nuvy and treasury
department to Hid In stopping such
shipment by water, . while the mili
tary !iMt'ol of the iKrdcr will iVmt1
that route.
An ither preparatory slep by the
navy was th decision of Hecretary
Tlonlels to ask the senate to add au
thorization for approximately 10,0(10
additional enlisted men to the pend
ing naval bill, Which as It passed the
house, provide for nn Increase of 11,
000 over the present alrciiKth. I
Navy Needs Men.
Mr. Daniel explained that the ne
eeshity of putting muuy small ships
iisuuliy hebi In reserve, into commls
plon for (tervlce in southern waters,
made II Imperative that the navy be
recruited promptly. It is possible the
m.iliiiiMii Ion for llin Increase will be
sought In u separate measure. io nvuiu
dilavi Hhoiild'wiir Come, the per-
sonnel of the fleet must be Immedlater
ly Increased, the aviation corps and
other ftuhllliiry4 ' service tnUt " '
strengthened and an ample reserve of
trained -men must be prepared,
There, wn much, speculation on all
Hides tonight as to the probable course
of Hie president should t'urran.a r.
tier an attack on General Pershing s
,..n I., fin-,, of tin. American govern-
menl's warning. It was generally be.
lleved that the hint .contained In Sec
retary Lansing's note that military oc
cupation, of northern Mexico had been
considered tts tut alternate in ume
.. 1.,,,, it,,, ulloiilliiil hevolld the bor
der appeared critical might ihiiicate
the plan of action should war now t
be frtrovd upon the nation. ' . j
Plan of t'umpaigti. !
Ah a preliminary step to such nn
occupation umJ pending the organi
sation of an urmy of the size su. U an
iiiulertalvlng wou'd require, It was re
garded,' uh possible that a general iwl
vance from the bonier to a line par
alleling the head of General I'eisn
Ing's column at Namlqulpa might, be
undertaken. With American forces
disposed along such a line, holding
Important towns and strategic points
f,, the Pacific to the gulf const.
there could be no fear of serious hos
tilities nt Hie border.
Any, advance, of the Mexican loice
wnrtlj he , subject to attack rrom ine
tw,, should II move tiortnwuiu o.
Ibis advanced line
. M. lfnr for Pershing.
There Is no fear here for the safetv
of General Pershing and his men. The
eaet dli-posltlon of the Iroops, even
the exact number 4iovv beyond the
1,,,1'der constitute military secrets.
in.n. 'is reason to believe, however,
Ut,t' wi-ivr.iVii.10.Miii and 12.000 regu-
1'"""' ' ....
l,.u u re ousted at the advance
Xb.n.r M. llllH of
,...i'i.. ...,,,uiinii Blsti nre said lo
, i...... .,.aiilye,l t vnrioiim I'Or-
OMVe in-. -i. ... .
Mexlcini urmy,
ta.sii's NctTii Ji xni;i)
Wiishlnuton. June 20. --The Amer.
lean note flatly rejecting General
I'arranr.a.' demand for the withdraw
al of fulled Rates troops from Mex
ico and rebuking the Curranza gov
ernment, for Hie discourteous tone and
temper of Its last communication, was
handed today to KHseo Arredondo,
the Mexican ambassador design do. )
Long continued outrages against j
American aiid their property, botn i
i., Mevl,.,. nrnl on American soil, are!
reviewed In the note lltl 1 warning
given that the troop will be kept In
Jfrxio putM much a'tlnie a .the do
fattd g'ofirrterlt peiro-tns the duty,
which the Vnittd .U'lles las not
Sought, of pursuing tho bandit? who
Might in be arrested i)d punished by
the Mexican government.
It conclude with the statement
Unit If Hie ile facto government con
of the raid, hut' this statement was
made before any such order had been
Issued and not afterwards, u, the er
roneous account of the interview giv
en in vour note would appear to ln-
1.VMB.SH.lMK.KKJOX.lTK'dlr-.at'. Moreover, no statement was
. I made, bv the American generals that
1 . . . i ,i
no moro American poops wouiw
Icros into your territory.'
"On th contrary, it was pointed u
General Ubregon and Mr. Juan Ama
dor, who wa present nt the confer
ence find pointed out witli emphasis,
that the bandit, de In. Posu and Pedro
.Vino, who had been Instrumental In
causing the Invasion of Texas above
I nrnwnville. were even then reported
to be arranging Jn the neighborhood
of Victoria for another raid across the
horder and it was made clear to Gen-
jeral obregon that, if the Mexican gov-
'ei iiment fUd riot. take immediate istfpp
'to prevent another Invasion of the
j United State by these marauder,
who were frequpfitly en hi the com
pany of General Nnfarefte, the con-
ltitutlonallt commander. Mexico
iwould fmd in Taniuulipas another
i I.!.... niin l..,U,.. 1,1 Unit
tinue to Ignore tbis obllg.t o chihuahna.
.arries out its threat to defend its Uior Kxpedllion.
tc-rrilory by an ai.peal to arms against ..A ,,. ,r (.rn(1.d int0 ,eX.
tl, Aii.eri.an troops, the gravest con- Jtf unon 11trn,,ltu,n to
sequences will follow. military authorities, under
While the governmen J ;' '; i h, rP1Ill,lnt,. agreement of March
ly regret such a result,' the note, ' , accordance
,ays, "1. cannot recede from its -; -, " ;'',, ' " ,0lL , ,,,,, over forty
l tied detenu, nation to maintain us, ,..,, .,Dree.
of Hut tenltorv of the United Mates ' " - -
and in removing Hie peril which These trcops peret rated !,S miles into
,V,nerlcurfs ' along the International i Mexican' territory i purH.,1 of the
boundary have .borne m, long with idem. Springs nuiramlers w '"
patienc,ran.l forbearance."' U-ounterln a delachmen of il an
"I am roliiutanl to he forced to the;"ouis or "
conclusion which might be drawn ! Further discussion of tins raid, how
frdni the1 circtnnstances," Kecrelary :evcr, Is not necessary, because t ie
Lansing declared, "that the de facto 1 American forced W to imisuit of tho
govV'iiirit'eht 'ill spite -of the crimes. bandits re-crossed UUo Texas ou the
committed, and the sinister designs 1 mortiing or May iz, me o.ne oi u u.
of Villi! and Ins "ollowers, 'lid not vow note under conslderatlou u. further
or Intiuid or desire that these outlaw proof of the singleness of purpose of
should bo oiiptiued. destroyed or dls- this government In endeavoring, to
pcrsed by Aii""'i'an troopi or at thu 'quell disorder and slainu out biwless
n quest of this governiniiil, by Mcxi-jnoss along the iprdcr. Imring the
can troops." ' ; continuance of 'the !HI vPao cohfer-
-ei ,.f fh.. Pnlliil Htale,on.i Guiienil tleott. villi flSSCl'U did
goveriimciit towards Mexico, que-j not take 'into consideration the,, plan
Honed In tho last Mexican nolo, are ' proposed,' by the Mexteaft goveriiiiicnt
iiiuiouneed in the followiig language: for the protection of the fronjler by
"if a denial is needed that this the reciprocal dlstrlhutlrfn of troops
government has hud ulterior and iin- along the boundary. This proposition
proper motive in its diplomatic rep-Wn made by General Obregon a num
resciitatlons, or has countenanced the i,r 0f tinies, but each time condition
aclivltle of American symialhiicer! ",,,( upon the immediate withdrawal of
mid tin! American pre opposed to American troops and the Mexican con
the do facto government, J am glad ,frcpH were Invariably Informed that
most eninliaticallv lo deny it. It is, imn,,ii,,ip withdrawal could not
however, a matter of common know!
It should not be a matter of sur
prise that after such manifestations
of hostile feeling, Hie fnlted States
was doubtful of the purpose for which
tho large amount of ammunition to be
used which the de facto government
appeared eager to Import from this
count rv. Moreover, the policy of the
de facto government in refusing to
co-ooerate and in failing to act in
reopiidentlv in destroying the Villa
bandits and in otherwise supresshiR
outlawry lu the vicinity of the border
so as to remove the danger of war
material, while passing southward
through this zone, falling into, the
hands of the. enemle of (aw and or
der, is, in Hie opinion of this govern
ment, a sufficient ground, even If
there were no other, for the refusal
m iilloix- such materials to cross the
boundary into the bandit-Infested re
gion. To have permitted these Ship
ments without careful scrutiny, would,
in the circumstances, have been to
manifest a sense of security which
would have been unjustified.
.Menace Must, Ho Kcinovctl.;
yk TRY I'S
1 () North first SI
-&fl M ft m& i1 7 -v iVrr
your disposal our
Splendid Slock.
Prices and Quality Right
Gibson-Faw Lumber Co.
Phono Three-Tlirec-TliiTe
Uoes not openly course, that the leo or had vested interests vviunn us
United States In sending its troops into boundaries.
Mexico is to estend Its sovereignly; I'licalled tor Insinuations.
over .Mexican territory and not mre-. ' "i ,ir. face of constantly renewed
ly for the purpose of pursuing in a- j evidences of tbd patience and re
rauders and preventing future raids Mtraint of this government in eircum
across tbe border. The de facto 8ov-tancea which only a government im
eriiment charges by implication which I mu.d .with unselfishness ami a sin
o,i,iiu of hut one interpretation, thatr(,rf. desire to rVspect to the full the
Monaco Must, llo .iimwi. , -overiiment ha as its objec t te.r- sovereign rights and national dignity
uiiu.'ir.:"mi...i-lu .,.!,ltwe.nent. even at th
,on.,i nirttriiiiilizeior-nl:. even at the hu Mexican ricoide would hav en-
expense of a war of aggression agamst I jured, doubts and suspicion ag to the
a neighbor weakened by year of civil j nliU-.-5t of -the government of the
strife. The government of the United invited States 'are exoiessed in year
States if it had had design upon Che j romnnmicaiion of .Inly li, for which
t.-iritorv of Mexico, would have had-, ,,., imllgine no purpose but to Im-
! no difficulty in finding during tills i,,Kn the good faith of this govern
! period of revolution and disorders, I ,nt, for I find It hard to believe
i ninny plausible arguments for Inter j ln;lt sl,,.n imputations are not univer-
i .1 .. ... ... ...!.... lf. l-lm.illir ' .... - .. lw. n il hrtiil llw. least
of the outlaws, constitutes a menace ., , f Mexico ' l,' .notification in fact.
to the safety of the American troops, 'J, lh(ij. own (,fortS, re-f "... h fac.o government doubt
and to the peace 01' the noraer. ' " d 0,la,,,iKh , orderly
long as this menace continues and . Jou. '' has
there is all evidence of an "t' I f ed ited wl h mitienee the consum-
on the part or me (ie tacio gyve,,,-;-- - - ,
iiidtiuil 'i i " r i i
unconcealed hostility of the subordl
nnte military commanders of the de
facto government toward the Ameri
can troops engaged in pursuing the
Villa bands and the effort of th? de
y(y government in compel un-
withdrawal from Mexican territory by
threats and show of military force
Instead of by aiding In the capture
edge that the Mexican piess has been
more active than the press In the
United States in endeavoring to In
flame the two peoples ngalnst each
other and to force the, two countries
(into hostilities."
War or "peace rests with Genera!
Uarrniwi. The position of tho United
States Is pointedly set forth In Its ro
lH' .if the .'apparent! InallJIty of
faiiiinza to prevent border mlds and
to keep the obligation hu owe the
world by' the preservation of orders
in bis dominions. ' v .
Secretary I-nnsing' hud a private
conference with President Wilson be
Ifore loda.v'n cabinet mecling,
A r 1 1 1 a , ' i, hlnei loeetlnir the ooinlon
i-aniP , .. ,. . :'... i .4... . i
. ' ' nrevu lei mar inc coeocct iv,-n- i-v. i-
,f ,onH!IUWCHnol!. , ,rM,loi, of war.
The one hope Was that General i nr-
rattn would b imlucssed by Hie mill
i,.r iieints, ready to dash foiwaiu reintntlon of Hie United States
flank attacks on any large ""'"' !,.,t
force which inlKbt attempt io assau,.
,.,,..,.,,1 PiishliiK's entrenched enmps
or cut him off from his border base I f.ni.,.JI(sll,H i(f t,.ini are peaceful, and fleers and by
- . . ..ii ...... ,ii 11 11 1 n Willi ruw -
u..rv niirinrl is Slll.l tO 111' 1'i'ftdy
withdrawal could not take
pluce and that, therefore, It was Im
possible to discuss the project on that
I lev lew Of fliarse.
j "I have noted the fact that your
'communication. Is not 'limited to a
'discussion Of the, deplorable conditions
existing along the border' and their
import honrlnr-ni'oit the peaceful re
lations of our governments, hut then
fin effort is made to connect It with
other circumstances in order to sup
port, If possible, a mistaken interpre
tation of the 'attitude of the govern,
'melit of the United State toward
i Mexico." You Hate 'in effect tliHt. the
I American government has iduced
i every nlmlncle in the way of attain
ing the riAefflcation of Mexico and that
'this Is shown by the volume of dip
'lomatic representations in behalf of
! American Interest which"' constantly
Impede effort to le-organl..- the iioli-
lid sorihl cotiuiiions
ment or its military commanders to
use force against the American troops
instead of 'co-operating with them, the
government of the United .states, win
not permit munitions of war or, ma
chinery for their manufacture to be
exported from this country to Mex
ico, f
No Shelter for Kchcls,
"As to the shelter and supply of
rebels and conspirators on American;
territory, I can state that vigorous
efforts have been and are being Uiade
by. the agents of the United States
to apprehend and bring to Justice all
persons found to be conspiring loi vi
olate the laws of the United Stutes
by organizing to oppose with armlj the
de facto government of Mexlro. Po
litical refugees have undoubtedly
sought asylum In the United States,
(but this government lias vigilantly
kept them under surveillance and hna
not h.-sltated to apprehend them Upon
proof of their criminal intention a
to the arrest of General Huerta atid
others fully attest.
"Having corrected the erroneous
statements of fact to which I have
adverted, the real situation stands
forth in its true lisht. It is ftdhut-
History uf Itecognitiou.
When the suoerioiitv of the revo
lutionary faction led by General Car-
ranza became undoubted, the United i
Statet', after conferring with iX
others' of the American republic, roc-,
ognlej unconditionally the present del
facto government. It hoped and ex-1
pectcd that the government would',
speullly restore order aim prov mc mq
Mexican people and others who had'
given their energy and substance to
the development, of the great resource ;
of the repBbllc, opportunity to' buihf
in peace and security their shuttered:
fortunes'. j
.Months of Vain Wnitinn.
"This uovernmcnt has waited!
month after month for the consutn-l
niation of Its hope and expectation,
j In .spili' of increasing discourage
' ment, in spite of. repeated provoca
tions to exercise force In the restoru
, Hon of order in the northern regions
'of .Mexico, where American interests
'have, Buffered most seriously! from
'lawlessness, the government of the
United States has refrained from ag
' gresslve action and sought, by appeals
1 ..mil liuiili'l',! i thoutrh explicit de
mand to impress upon the de faetoj
of 'Justine
'that 'f the United States had turned
! covetous eyes on Mexican territory it
(could have found many pretexts in the
I past for the gratification of it de
j aire".' fan that government doubt
What months ago. when the war be
' ,,...,..,, iv, revolutionary factions was
in progress, a much better opportunity
than the present was afforded for
American intervention if such has been
the. purpose of the United States, as
the de facto government now insinu
ates? ..n-i,,.t ,,,iii-,. could this govern
ment have had in refraining from tak-iiv.-
advantage of such opportunities
ether than unselfish friendship for
the Mexican republic? I have, of
course, given consideration to y"''
argument that the responsibility for
the present situation rests largely
upon this government. "In the fust
place vou state thut even the Ameri
can forces atone the border whose
attention is undivided by other mili
tary operation,, "finds themsc .
Physically tmable to protect cffeitu
Iv the frontier on tho American sale
Ohviousiy. if there is no
reaching bands roving on .McMa
territory and making sudden dashes
at night into American territory, it
impossible to prevent such invuiuotu,
...... i ,i ,,.. eil llV
nivtoax he lronuer is i"i
government the seriousness of the sit
I cordon
of troops. No govei
i ... .,i . ii 1 1 1 1 ii I ;i n a ion-
i . t i
. .. a... im lirtrv
to cover PUIPH toss, u.e
highway through which tho formhV
l.e Mono ra garrisons mlttbt ,0
strike at Pershing's rear d't' -hment.
Work of l W tt'itW
it was l.olBtcl out that establish
ment Of U -general line " ncros Mex
ico south Of rolldl Pas- would .lose
that route to hostile forces. An
other aruooieol mUiinccd in upHrt
t Hie t'hin of action wax that the
various railroads .ould be quickly
..i,.,tr...l ami made use of t' sup.l.V
- ..... .....it.,.. Ii ltniotible to
111. I lienor. niimi.i, .. i
jHiund wiis recom
mended and I took
about six bottle.
It fixed me up all
right. The common
symptoms of such a
condition - PIUll ! ..i. i ci i... i niii,. seem
when walkinir. irri- ' M..vi. an soil. s...nc officials
tatkin.liearinjrdown U.at. vvitli the prompt repulse
pains and backache, f iii ..tt.i.K on von... -
L...cao,l.Hi4- ,ii,,l ih.. inainti iiHliee of a right
.n"1'". .. "-"- V ., :.- s,in, (hat enter
ilordemi aig-esnon
. . .i. i . inn i iitinii i .
I loos mucu iH-ncr .. - ,,,., ,,.
coiun ni' ..... " " ""
i.,.. ni 1I1.1 l.it'Se of a tew
lllh HU" ,,
bands of outlaw vouiu
nice iseniiai. n
thought organized resistance co.uu
lie .juickly broken up as the ndvancvd
...i . ' r.liifiirccd with vol
,..i. . ..r... .Ticni. ecomimic
run Ri" ii o i in i ii ri i-ui'n v , - .
i .i ll , Mum Tliere or llie counuy i.y uii: nrnu ..... ...
.1 M O I 1. HU , 11 11'' I HMIIU,.,., -
has "horn ho Indication.' however.' thutt one time to Villa by Ameilcan of-
iicer una oy me oeptinon'm y o.,.,. ,
....... I.. 1... 111,1 Mltlllfv,l 111 IV 1111. 1111, 1 I'll I ll'l 1 IJ 1 11" ......
ev ery move n . w m ! ... . ,
Hie heltef thnt hostilities niliy begin .Piithohc clergy to that Of Mexico, oy
at nnv moment. ' !tho conMaht activity of the Americ.m
. .. 1 - - f r- ' press in favor of Intervention, and the
. iimiiitm , HnlM-PHla or American business men;
jbtlnfcl AnT UANoliMU O U)y lhk Bh,,ltt.r aml supply of rebels
! I ATFT NOTE TO 'end conspirators n Amerlcrfn terrl
I i " ' - , if.ry: bV the Retention of shipments of
! ' ! GENERAL CARRANZA arms and munitions purchased by the
j 1 1 .Mexican government, and by ihe de-
I icontinneil rnim rt OmJ Itctition of macliinery imended for
withdrawn. It is to be noted, 1hat !' America Ha N-oK'rtMl.
i while the American government whs In reply to this sweeping cha-ge, I
.. no..,- ... -ilf., I. iu ii,...e,.,. ii Gen- can truthful v affirm war me .voieri
, V. IO III H I 11 "., ... .. . . ....
i UgVef-hernot
wining io rinuj i." """""" v," !''
. ,. ... .1.. .... .,u f I. mi. . ff,,,n.ni,i.nt tlnu irlven CVCl'V POS-
f h.wtl ltics;' ' . . . , , ..., , il.. faclo
mn r,n5Uint nW'HV.
,.u,thnri fdiilhefore. nd I recommend
. ...
the f-ompoutia every umen "''- Wlille roving
trouble,aitdid for me all it ia claimed xja!1,(
I V.... .mlcEt,! 11 llllVl. ,
to 130. ou iinvt; uij ki ni.c-n...., r-
lisb this IctU-r." Mrs. J. May, 3MS S.
Lincoln St., Chicago, 111.
If you have nv of thenyniptom men
tioned in Mrs. May' letter, remember
what Lydia E. Pinkham, VeReUbl
Compound did for her, and try it your
self. It is a good old-fashioned medi
cine, made fotn roots and herbs, and it
has helped countless numbers of women.
If vou need specluladvle.wK
to Lydia. 1 Plnkham Medicine
Co, (coniidcntialn Lynn, Mas.
Your letter Will be opened, read
and answered by a wouiub, aud
held In Strict confidence. '
..... .. , i i..,..,.,,t.-. ntiiniiir ;u b rne,iMrjoremcnt tn ine ue l..'
otln-r thiugv, It linpt fed improper . on-igovernmeni tn ine paciucai."".i
Oitlons upon the McKicau government, jnhabilltation of Mexico. frrm the
"Xotwillistaiullag the a'suianccs liijoiomciit of Its recognition. It has bad
the memorandum, it is Will known .the undivided support of this govorn-
,i that the forces of the de facto govern- invent; An embargo Was pia . u .'...
I'OUi . . .. . I..., 1 .,.,.,, ,lli,.n onliiu illtii fill.
. . ,,...! I...... ii,,, i-'till.,! nil , I K i ii ii ii. ilium tiim . 1 1 . in ,i in ii..i. w."...-, -
vveeU- 'l""'""'1 "r 1llf' n "ninlnK bam''' nn.t ! huah ua, Sonora and Lower Califor
nia! mi ' proper distribution or ioiccr nia, in timer to tin-irui i... ..
to prevent the invasion Of American 'rto th hands of armed opponents of
territory has been as will be shown by the defaeto government. I't rmission
lb., further facts hertinaller set forth. Ihus been grantca from time to time
I am reluctant to be lorcetl to the con- jn requested, for Jlexican troop and
.. . , ...i.. I. l, ......- fn.ni '.-iiliiiiti.i'it 1. r:(VArf lilt 'I ll'Ct f 1 i
and moved slowlv -outiiwaiu. , ,h.,, f..(o i ritorv from t.ne Point to another in
o Warlike Talk. ' rtvrrliwnl ,,,. f . crimes Mexico. i order tbat the operations
Army officers J, ',, d the lnlter desiic.. of of Mexico tr....,. A H d
would not H.seu- thee a. , n;v his f)llow,.r! m not and (his for, eS miht be facilitated. In
They admitted privatelv then . ' ',',,. .. ,wilv ,hu. these view of th-e friendly acta. J am "-
that war w,m imminent mm e t...-, - .w,,-ved nris.,1 that the de facto governnvnt
ftl'r disperse.! bv American troops or. (has construct diplomatic reprcsenta-
. . ' . , . i i. ..(.,.. I., r..,..irit i.. the iiniost trent-
.. I II.. r... I II.-VI III 1 II IM K ill 11 III III. .'. T I r. ,.,
-,k,, iim.rimn interests, as
While the conferences nt fl I'a-o
were in i.rogresn arid lifter the Ameri
can conference had been assured on
May 2 thut the Mexican forces in the
terl ihnt American troons have
the international boundary in hot nur. i v .... - ........could De expecieu io ,
- . ... i .... i, ..iiiiiw., it io im oi iv in 1..... fmiiiiini.i
suit of the Columbus raiders and with-, - '"o ,'' , .,;, ' .,, ,,,, ,,,., of this sirengxn a" 'i-;" ' f(jr
out notice to or the consent ot your i ,.,.,
government, but the several proteBta-1 l,'w',,i" ' , , v i "rTTnie sceil".' '-'
tions on toe ihiii m mm f,u.
hv the oresldciU. by this department
ani by other American authorities,
that the object of the expedition txvas !
to caoliire. destroy or to completely j
disperse the Villa bands of outlaws
or to turn this duty over to Mexi
can authorities when assured
that t would be effectively
fulfilled, have been carried out in
perfect good faith by the foiled
.Kf fort mocked.
"Its efforts, however, have been
Obstructed at every point: First;, bv
Insistence on a palpably useless
meat which .voii admit was eitli
lo apply t the present expedition
or was to contain Impra. 'liable re
strictions on Its organization aiuf op
eraUou. ti litl then by actual opposi
tion, encouraged and fostered by the
de. facto government, to the further
advance of tho expedition into ' Villa
territory. which was followed by' the
sudden suspension of all' negotiation
for an arrangement for the pursuit of
Villi- and his followers mid the 'pro
tection of the frontier: and finally,
by a demand for the immediate with
drawal of the American troop. Mean
time, conditions of anarchy Vn the bor
der states 'of '-.Mexico ' were ' continu
ally growing worse. Incursions into
American territory were plotted-and
neriietrted: The Glenn Springs raid
was successfully executed, while ho
effective efforts were being made by
General Carranza to Improve the con
ditions and to protect American ter
ritory from constant threat of in
vasion. In view of this increasing
menace, of Ihe inactivity of the Car-
rnnza forces, of the lack ot eo-opera-tlon
in the apprehension of the Villa
bands and of the known encourage
ment and aid given to bandit leaders,
it is unreasonable to expect the f nited
States to withdraw its fones from
Mexican territory or to prevent their
entry again when their presence
i( tuitliiued t.ti raio' -
. Many One Their Meanly .'"'''- "'
7 .Vnlenkii Siiralt, l nietl Amrrlf
"'';llk 'vV ireiitet Kflf-Mutle llMiitJ-
I V f THVINtt-V'iii are Just "
I 1 VNJ I ,..! t . ' I.,, with ih.' imlr t..nlf '"""""
I I I ,:itl. Hi re u my ' n I'l """.
VTta A - L. a B-ii.terfii en-i "I'"" '' ''""
I Hair, unit rcKults can Iw inifKl "'"
1 ii.- t ti i--ii t 1.1 it err . . .i... ,
i T
if K nc-i-t'ssiiy .
urtrts fr"i, ii"t
tift.'U si'eii, ab'M
Kf. i
'f tin-
i llic
tli" f-.icf anil
i';ivy fupf-'l"t'u-
"'hiwn ' n hioh
'.-ks. ''hin u Hit
1 - V. -ii iii t
r-f with il'
Mi re i my f
.Italr. iniii nsultn can bo qui
niM-.iiituiK (,t' ih'W hn!rs
tidftiMl luKirf hiuI fim'i'in
of nlrnhul ati'i hrtU i
-if h-tir, ami
iiiut uf wM"
; lit Ii'l'MlltUltlOU H
uny vost, hot w.tf to r-
f nil n from simkhu? any rtmrUH that
jhiKht Hrv fnnhr innttn.t the
minilK if tin M-xt-an rftlc.
For the Kinuo r'rt)itn the ' npoHl
rtcoUition to put into imimiVmto cf-
Irivit aswtntamv to oiiMnnt of the
1t facto uovertwitont hy jiytnrhiwr
in a foreian rouiUry. and the Activity
ot a fort-ijrn press hs interference h
8h'ntttfV atij arnix, sliouhi uh
j vM'.ry W'trny i. But ninny vo:nrli
n-Toov t hi snfT tl"wn because th?y
ti m tilt- muriy superfluous hnir ro
m! ortit!l. tiu''ti th.y must marlis,
irrlioMon. hnve ual tlto
1 ':is--'r. and ihur is why I
own. impty lip
on ny hnirn you
If.'W mni-Hi;y it
vl.njx t
.1m u,.t
friir tu
if! iipft:' ant
nanii! .vjei'U-i)(
j ply -s. nif imlfo F-'lufi n
i want Tt-mfVi'tl. nml- set
c I !. yu may- use o full
y.ui wish) and t'1 this
beta -fiuiiinl, which your
jfiu. T OxiiMi'le-r th;
niiti UiiHe formulas.
f ii-
f b.iy iu
:n if
t rf
ittHt.U s t'(n th
hftii s ant fvon on
(.f th ln.tiy. Jt
Jihv.'i3 wi.rU pHifft
Im nhtaiiiett t tin
f cry w onmn hniilt
1 niuit'i I" ut ftu nuttn.
r lnnvt-s
irst ".vii-y
it hdor :irU
a murk nnd
atiiutt'jn can
MIPS H. Ii. B-M.v C'lTlex";" " f,r.
will p!'..'UU( i an iiiui"". .......
ma;..n mi nnv Atn. -Ttie m'"-'
fn. ef it Im.l f.Miiiplexhn w
sriiiiiv unit uneven celur i-f tnf s"
-.1 ..... ,., ,., si.,,iiil fveckil . '
tui'l lOi r wpiilf..
. ,. ... ... .,, hi ii ti'"'''
Ail cie miFiie" mi vi-.-v". .
unit l!ie tl.ili tnUi-.-i mi an ev l .tii.
, li!'f"
i'l" II snptil
never falls
In fart,
rr, s" is n,un.
,.f (ilyr.riue with n Hint
,, ,,. f aliit.in-. 'l.h;''
m thf ilrn "I"''.-. ' ?e ,n
.-1 '
w rtlr
hltrnt'ly rvrry .lay.
MISS Hl.1'12 Y-'p. 1 r;.n apuie you thut
1 1 1 1 .ir k hi'H ill run In- c',nivt.ly .-i-nitiveit in ft
I ftn .'ninuli s hy f.tu ,tiU!i.if,- hiiiiu. i.iw ilrretl
jnt irvin t.n h h'.t. vi i t sjii.na,. ;ii.(l ruhhinir
Klin nil .hp bhirkhiii.l!. Thp ni.i-.ivln fiili
1 In. i.ht;iini1 at ilna; sihivk
is.t-f miiif lias nrvrr f;i:lfd.
the unly t heck upon further lianilit J
onli-ases ami the only ffi'ii ient means I Mr. . T.A, y ,lale ,..lu Wt,r not
of prt.tectins Ainerican lives and t-!f t- thp lH.t.t-iiiinul.l huvf nt-pr-homessafeguards
which I'tent-rni """"' f'"' '"' ,lliU n ftft the hma-
ii- i,, i iiiiiKiiiK lie
at lluu's, Inc., f.ruK
MISS I.nTTII." it . -Von. liimP1
,,ni,l(lv- ipmreeil hy IliKir
i n "
in. ur t''
lia.ip-m:irul afl"f mntls "r
twelve iuinri' "f SUKitr. "Hi
cue Mini it pint "f vvater.
This furniulu At ih line; t..r. hy the
iuiinm parkaue.
Set Ih'1
,f "
in til
t'HiTitnza. though International ohli
Katetl to supply, is manifestly un.ih'e
or unwilling to glw.
( 'oiicliisions 4 liitlh'iiut'tl,
"111 view of the actual state of af
fairs as I have outlined it, ahout. 1
am now in a position to consider the
ooneliiKiotis which you have drawn in
your note under acknowledgment
from the erroneous statements of fact
Which you have set forth.
,"Your government intimates, if It
ilUiiml. i.r ally "ther
lie hi-auty f,.niiuUi,
1!. T,
that uliani)....'
I .isstiM' yu.
--i;i il In half
ce! eneilirh
;a ''
V.-lt-ip i n.y f"'""'
i rt.il.l' Pl . a
ami (i;intn ut i i-- flji ta
'." '". " " fr nt
Mh8.1 AX Vtll'l.l.rc-N',,. ya iliiln't Kllrs
niy ace rely rh, !...!. 'rheri-M a HHrn-t ri-n-s-.n.
niul mc v. rink!,' f.a-ninltt Is r ffn,i!.it.li.
I' tl"l f.'l'm'lla l'liemlly every ilay. ami
M "lllff i"..-r.ill,. ullnkla rrpitm. Ait.l
Hi" tal.hsi ntuls i.f iciy.vrino ami iw.i
'ainyrn uf fih'! l.i a half lilnt t.f lint water.
Tliis ii so ei "ii'.inlral that It tan lw usnt
ner'.iily, ami will lianten ihe rtnilt. H
remm-es wrinkle. er,.w' reel, and linen uf
ine in a remu.liahl way. The tplul can
be uhtaii.ed at any drug iore.
ili,-...-!! Khanif."
n,,.,li.rali nric.
exreeila ev en lhf tiet
liele f"r the parpus
at the .li-i'K ."'"'''."far
her ar-
snap. "I" 1,1,1
1 ever ile.t.
MISS It. T. 1I.-N". P' ''""; eielea."'
anv meehanieul e.iiili i. 11 . f
. ', 'eveh,,, the .u.t. The f-,M111.t
formula ha- ,.-..l.e'e,l ni.lei.i.i , ,!
tn mnny ."! the.nth V" rf ":'.,..(,. M1
ilevehmiTielil '. iliffitiill 1" ,,,,-es at
toBcther a half rup i.f 8""'"' ' .;,,, !
faet.me ami half I'"" " ' ,ur!v
l.insi.lve ih .rnuKlily an1 taK' ;. . aaf
leaspy nfuls three or lour t.""

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