TWO Albuquerque Morning Journal, Monday, November 18, 1918. ;4Mr i semjustbi neisyoiik looks nMn5Y7n fOTtc' 3vn JfeJlrf - X mill nr HiTlriir rnn nnnnnrnm I lJ I l r"3 VV W rLBBur BRiiuH -run rnuartnn ' ft j P Xfc Are women as yet really nccdprl in fill our industries? One of our experts in management bcllovra that befcro the wrir ends 'worhci will be needed by the hundr .thousands, and wo oufjUt now to ta; planning for their training and Kuardinj. -.Now is the tin:e to F"? parc and dovdon plans and uoliciw. I Kvery. woman should mako- herself Lt for war's call lit heme or abroad iJcfUtn and -strength, aro within ttie reach o: every woman, and there is no better tisne thanw to t nt, herbal tonic, which 'hns had a hdf century of practical demonstration and successful results in moat c,f tiir delicate derangements and, weali- nes3C2 ot wojoen. lt is the "Prescrip tion" of Dr. Pierce, used by him in ctive practice many years, and aow gold by almost every druggist in tablet or liquid form.. '- ---i"" , If it is a headache, a backache a sensation cf irritability or twitching find uncantriillablo nervousness, soniethins.rufct be' wrong with the nead or back, a woman naturally s:-3, but all the time the real trouble " v i "y-tj untu n-ni.t-i-d m xnn organs, in nine .cases out of ten the scat of the cu'riu,!ty " licre' ancl a woman should take rational treatment for its cure, .i jie disorder should be treated Readily and systematically with Dr. ricrcs's Favorito Prnr.; and the hygienic advice followed which ,Pr;Tierce gives free. For diseasca from which women suffer, "Favorite Prescription" is a powerful restorative. During the last fifty years it has banished from the lives of ten3 of thousands of Women the pain, worry, misery and distress caused, by these diseases. Your neighbor could tell you. Address Dr. Pier. valid3.' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y.. and get confidential medical tircly free, or Bend 10c for trial package, "Prescription" tablets. AZTEC FUEL f COMPANY We have in stock the different grades of tlje following coals: GALLUP SUGARITE SWASTIKA OMERA All kinds of Wood Phone 251 1 102 N. 1st BRUSSELS QUIET; GERMANS ARE YET y-IN BELGIAN CITY (Continued from' Pnge One. lengthening mid attenuating, wh'le road makers for the transport of other supply organizations woriied day ru.d mgni at tneir tasKs. On the morning of November 2 tli Cicrman olficlal communication o.d the- American they had won, necau.-u fortthe first time in the war the en emy officially admitted that the Am erican attack had effected a break through. . . : . i LaHt Monday - irfornig the general commanding;" a certain division was mailer 10 ine leiepnone m ai iar ad vanced portion and asked it he had understood that hostilities -were to have ceased at 11 o'clock in the -morn -lntr. x ca, i Fi'ui-u ; ill? Bflieittl, 1,HU. But at: 10:58 we were poing like hell." I get the Germans out of the city. The republican soldiers have failed to keep the promises to maintain order which they made when the new order of things was established. Owing to the shattered discipline, it was ..impossible to get the soldiers entrained by Friday and the burgo master was aaked for an extension until Sunday to complete the evacua tion. Yesterday a committee of the ; soldiers and workmen's council left i f'.rusnels. presumably for Berlin. Their adherents still in Hrusn'!ln numbering thousands, are maintaining a sort of dinelplino among themselves. The excesses in the past week have been numerous, hut less than might have been expected, Imperialist officers took the situa tion in hand and executed revolution ary soldiers charged with nuirdor, aft er a drumhead court martial. One case was that of the slayers of a res taurant keeper and his wife, both of whom had been brutally killed for re fusing to hand over the key of their safe. ' . i Reclaim Old Hals. 'I Camp Cody, N. M., Nov. 17. Cam paign hats are being reclaimed nt the rat of 100 a day while 7,000 hats are often in the shop to be reblocked and cleaned. These hats are cleaned and blocked at. the rate of 30 cents a day. Four men operate the ma chines which Mock the hats, insert new eyelets and put new ribbons on them. The hat shop Is a part of the clothing reclamation department. i- ') lliols in Denmark. London, Nov. 17j Grave syndical ist riots occurred In Copenhagen Thursday iight. according to an Ex- change Telegraph dispatch. Eighty persons were arrested, including Rus sian subjects, the police acting rigor ously to quell the disorders. Announcement of Reduced Tax Program Another Com forting Trade Feature of the Week Just Passed, l MoaNINS JOURNAL IPICIM. LIAIIO Wimj New Tork, Nov. 17. The many unqualified assurances from official sources that the coming period of trade adjustment will be managed with due regard to all .interests was the paramount influence of the week in the securities market. Va9hinir- ton Is understood to be co-operating heartily with the leaders of finances and industry to effect an easy transi- tion from war to peace. It is general-. ly recognized tnat some of the most delicate problems now facing the big interests of this country have their origin not only in the countries of the entente alliance, but in central Europe as well. A comforting feature of the domestic situation was the announce ment by the treasury department of a reduced program of war taxation. , Koremo;t trade authorities agref that the immediute aspects of general business are very confusing. Commodity-prices recorded further down ward revision this month, but buying in many lines was at a standstill in anticipation of further reductions. The end of the week found prices of nc. tive stocks 2 to 10 points under the corresponding period of last week. In. dustrials, hipuings. oils and motors were most adversely affected, rails yielding only nominally. . Apart from developments due to the termination of the war, it is gen erally believed that credit restrictions win continue . to exercise tnelr re. strftints. From present Indications time money will hold at prevailing rates, with little or no increase of supply. STOPS PAVING WORK ' AND LEAVES STREETS RESEMBLING A FIELD KPVCIAI. C94lltONBNC:B TO MOttNIN JOIIKMAU Kast Las Vegas, N. ,M., Nov. 17. Sixth street between Douglas avenue and Main avenue is likaly to resemble a farmer's field until liext spring be cause City Engineer Vuwient K. Jones has ordered paving operations stop ped on that thoroughfare. The street had been plowed up, the gutters and curbs laid and levels made for lay ing the concrete when the enginoer decldod the weather to be too cold for further operations in concrete. Pav ing on (irand avenue also will stopped, but asphalt will be laid on all concrete ulready in place on Cen ter street and Hlxth street. Consider able additional paving is expected to De done next year, 'property owners now being engaged in signing the ne cessary petitions. - ' - Saumliiy Aiglit For Atblcdrs. Camp Cody, N. M., Nov. 17. Satur day night is no longer known as bath night at Camp Cody. It is athletic night when the sportsmen from the different regiments gather, to com pete in field and track sports. Box Ing, ' a moving picture program and talks were given during the evening each week. ; Capitalists Already Planning .for - Great Industrial Re- " building, Not Only at Home but Abroad, !; George IrinirmoJII, ; New York, Nov. 17.- Cteorge Prim rose, noted minstrel and '-dancer, is in a critical condition tn a hospital here following an operation today for stomach trouble. Primrose, who was first associated with Billy West, later, appeared with George Thatcher and Lew Dockstader. siasxesjiK I blend of g )0l a r li l BE B m m m ma e some tine tVPaWAL COMHKSPONOENCt TO MOHNINtt JOlfttNALl '- -new lork, . .Nov. l (. waKing to a iua reaiizauon of the wars end, New rorkers today mro predicting that peace will bring back to them better times than this city has seen in all its history, Already capitalists, business men and labor tenders are projecting pians ror huge industrial rebuilding at homo and abroad that will occupy for;years every, man and every dollar tnat this country can threw into action As army and navy demobilize, it seems assured that every man from the ranks may at once take a prominent place in this new peaco time enterprise that looms larger than any prospect before the war. lnlitie!il Policy. Wearing Wilson badges and pro claiming the armistice as an accom plishment iue directly to the war work of the ; present administration, the people of this town now appear to give a democratic color to the future political policies of the nation, in the republican headquarters, however, the opposition leaders are declaring that the rcconHtruction period follow ing the close' of the fighting must place their party in a position to con tror again tho government at Wash ington nlong more conservative lines. To the man of the street however, the present soul-stirring situation contains no smack of politics, but only a great American triumph following America's greatest trial. ! , Sustain Service. With over a third of all the men In land or sea service representing their ranl-s, the war workers of tho National Ca'holic war eouncil nre this week plunging ahead with their plans to take a prominent part in helping the government during tho demobilization period. Following their active assist ance In pushing over the united war work campaign, 1ho millions of Catho lic men and women, whose activities toward winning the ware are directed by this organization, are rcadv to re double their efforts along lines first calculated to help '..ring the boys home, healthy in mind and body and Inspired to take up with renewed vigor the work of rebuilding the world. Not uptil the last lad in khaki or blue is home, will they cease their vsrious labors to help.,(inr fighting forces, these war workers declare. StMngo Khrhtx. Sigh's never tieeh before in all lime on tills Island Have marked the great popular pageant that proclaimed the announcement. of an end of the world war. That this metropolis has never run riot to such an extent before Is admitted, while, no one ever exnects again to. witness a similar demonstra tion qf generally. Now that thou sands ef tons -o$ ihe paper flung about have finally bean cleared away and everybody at lost, brought back to work again while whistles, horns and sirens are1 hushed, : New Yorkers are realizing that they have seen and neard Tnpre In the last week than will ever be forced! on eye and ear in these parts again. ! Prosq Points. Waiting to Jninr'.'the real Inside ac count -of the covering of the world's biggest -. news story,' the newspaper workers of Tark How are now contin uing to speculate on all the angles of all the true and false flashes from the press association men at the front. Be fore the. matter is all cleared up, friends of the various correspondents! who sent the peace bulletins believe tnat an Interesting drama of news competition will be presented. It will be many yeai-Sj before all the men who handle news here agree upon the many knotty ppirtts involved in the reporting of the most Important bit of news ever ght over the wire. .cement: To help meet the needs of the government, Wrigley's has discontinued the use! of tin foil as a wrapping for Hereafter all three WRIGLEY ..." "'.' flavors will be sealed in air-tight, pink-end packages. So look for in the pink sealed wrapper and take your choice of fla vor. Three kinds to suit all tastes. SEALED TIGHT-KEPT RIGHT Be SURE you get Wrigley's The Flavor Lasts ! AMERICANS Fi BOCHEOUARTERS WELL SUPPLIED to m o & oftee but FALLEN RULER OF HUNS BEiNG HELD LIKE A PRISONER "'Continued' -From Page One. a ins no cartel ne e unusually attractive taste of nt o m Ft lot - ::. makes many pedpli prefer it to coffee. And you can make each cup strong or mi Id jutst as you Wish by yaiHhjaibui of Instant Pdsturri used per cup- '-v; ATrial Is Gonvihcinft There's a Reason9 rial memory. As usual, the ex.kaisor wa the first man- to leave the train, "ui e was tonowed only by one lone Prussian general.? , liitcrnmciiD chief Groets Him. luruittiiy weicomel ty a smau, stitt group on the platform c-uiiipusca oi nis uneasy personal host ' ount von Henttck; his niilitury . nirnu i mien, commander-in chief of the internment forces in Hnl hind, and Queen Wilhelmina's repre sentative, the royal commissioner of uirecni province. L,lttle time was wasieu in introductions and formal handshakings. . 'The kaiser looked and must have felt like an "unwelcome guest," which has been the favorite headline in the Dutch papers. The thickest Imperial skin must have felt the fact poignantly that he was an un desirable alien. He wore a field gray uniform, a fieid gray overcoat with beaver collar, and his sole armament was his field walking stick. Jt was reported that he had been disarmed by the Dutch authorities at the frontier. 1 'ails to Show Grout Worry. His status is thus that of an un armed deserter. Qenerul Onuen, in greeting the ex-kaiser, Is believed to have had the parole papers In his pocket for Wilhlm to sign, dledging superfluously not to attempt to es cape. . -- Tho "former kaler looked very much better than one would expect. He looked Httle different from his ap pearance at the front,; except that his bronzed complexion te now of a yel lower tinge and his hair grayer. Wil liam did not look broken or greatlv worried, but nevertheless It was ap parent, that he was trying hard to Kep up appearances.' He looked and acted almost shy and greatly embar rassed as he faced the small crowd of the populace and reporters.' He saluted formally, then hesitated as the cheers of, the crowd were un mistakably mingled with groans, Jeers and catcalls. ' - . It was dark when Wlthelm vanishes behind the guarded portals of Ame- rongen hall, where it is understood he gave hi parole. Apparently. he had riot yet i heard the report that the crown prince had been murdered, hut an urgent call for the ex-kalser late last night was believed to have brnucht bad news to his hot Connt von Bent linck, who has English relatives who are understood to be far from pleased at his having extended hospitality to the ex-kaieer,. who had been literally thruet upon hlm- . .i : - tY MORNINS JOU1NAL ICIIL HSIO WIKIl With the AmorlraiVAi-niy Northeast or Verdun, .Nov. 17 (f:20 p. m., by the Associated press.) Officers of the first division worked tonight ' upon ip.eir pians ror Alonduy, housed In quarters at Kialn which until HVirtnv had been occupied by German officers. The Americans entered. Etain about daylight; there was not. a living thing in signi. Btain, above ground is pretty well pounded to pieces. Tho Oermap quar tern-were in most cases underground. Th-a Americans moved into these riuarj lers, wnicn were all wired for electric lights, the commanding general's quar ters even having the electric bulbs, In tact. AJ1 that was neuessary was, to at tach a. portable dynamo und torn on tho current. t 1 , . ' In Splncourt 1hirty-eight I'Yrinch civilians grneted the first Americans to arrive; they had remained up all night, for they .had heard that the Americans were coming in force. The women and old men shed tears, while children stood on ihe cutb waving flags. Hut the Americans went on about their business, only stopping at Splncourt for a few minutes, I All along the line similar scenes are reported. Most, of the villuges are fly ing French flags. GERMANS THROWING ' . " AWAY. 'EQUIPMENT ' MONNlNa JOURNAL-tPCCIAL HO W1HI - ' With the American Army in" France, Nov. 17., (by The Associated Press.) All .oveiv the re-occupled country where the .Americans have passed there'is evidence of the whole heartedness with which the Germans quit. Camps with temporary bulld-ing.-j have heen left, intact.-: Not one was burned. . . - Hero apd there have, been seen great plies of helmets and gas masks. wnicn betrayed the manner In which entire companies threw away the equipment they had learned to rely on but also, to hate. ' , , REPORT OF THREAT OF U. S. IL TO 1 E tir MoasiNa journal special liahd wiml Copenhagen, Nov. 17.? According to a Berlin dispatch to the Berlinske Ti dende, President i Wilson has in formed the German government that maintenance of law and order is a prerequisite of the armistice, and that if the, Russian Bolshevik representa tives are received in lierlin tho armis tice, agreement will bo dissolved. 100 furc-tred Rambouillet Rams (Arizona Range Raised) For sale at Albuquerque Stock Yards. Go and see them If In terested. Best Rams seen at Albuquerque for several years. Charles Chadwick & Co. .108 Ttest Gold . ; , , Asents of this country und with the depart ment of labor which is in intimate touch with the condition of employ ment in all . parts . of the United Stater." '.' Undelivered Messages., Washington, Nov. N 17. It was stated- authoritatively , tonight that Ger many has not teen informed y Presi dent Wilson that the armistice will he dissolved if the Russian Bolshevik representatives are received in Berlin. No mention has heen mado to the Russian Bolsheviki tn any of the dip lomatic correspondence between Washington und Berlin, it was said, nor had the new German government heen informed that the, maintenance of law and prder is a prerequisite .of the armistice. 1 The only reference to he disturbed stato of affairs in Germany made by the president wag said to have been contained in Secretary Lansing's note of last Wednesday, informing the Ger man government that the president was ready to consider and take tip with the allies the matter of supplying food to Germany, "provided he could be assured that "public order is being and will continue to be maintained. It was assumed here that the Berlin dispatch to the Berlinske Tidende was based on this note. The following la a list of messages remaining .undelivered at .the West ern Union on account of insufficient address : Jose Romero, -C." W. ! Lainer, J. T. Overatreet. Roy; Wagar (2 . i i i r Cr.IAK-UP-A-COLD TABLETS KiB ft eo'd in thm hull WILL: READJUST WAR CONTRACTS EQUITABLY T MO.NINa JOUP.MAU W.CIAL UHI1 WI.I) wasnington, Nov. 17. In , carrying out the. industrial aspects pf demob ilization. Assistant Secretary of -War Crowells announced that, contract re adjustments would be made equitably In regard to Industry and labor and promptly to safeguard the financial elements of tho problem. Mr. Crowell, lt was announced ' has been placed in charge of the industrial phase of the demobilization , program. Overtime, holiday and Sunday work on war department contracts has been stopped. Secretary Crowell said, and as rapidly as labor can be used in normal day shifts, night work will be discontinued. - - , ;. - Regarding the cancelation of con tracts, Mr. Crowell said:. -. "No order is being suspended or cancelled by the war department without consideration of the nature of the work or the locality In which the work is being performed., labor and the re-employment of labor at such piaees ';i other industries and without conference and consultation with the war itiutMtries board, which has been constantly ja ttQuch with the ladjwtrics. DON'T LET A COLK KEEPtOUATHDME Dr. Jlnga New Dlsccera , Talmost "never.f alls to , t . briag quick teUcf'Y' .Email doses once ia awhile anS"toafi: t-b.-oat-tearine.' lune-solittint? conrhi eoon quiets down. Another dose and a1 not bath before Jumping into bed, i ood shsp, and back to normal ia tha acriun?. . ' . ' . ,. . Dr. Iuni's New Discovery Jj'weH tnown. For fifty years it's been riliaving coughs, colds and bronchial Cttacb. For fifty years it hca been said by druggists everywhere. A Tillable remedy that you yourself orany merabcr of your family can ta ke safely i 60c and $1,20. Train Those Stubborn Bowels Help nature take- its course, not T:ith a violent, habit-forming purga tive, tat with gentle but certain an! rai-laxative, Dr. King's New Life x,ltl Tonic 5 action, it stimulates the towels. Sold by druggists, ,25c BLOOD POISONING Hamlin's Ward OilaSafs nrst Aid Treatment How often lockjaw and blood . poisoning result from : the neglect uJ ?htf5riLtch or little cutl Ham lin s Wizard Oil is a safe and effec tive first aid treatment. It is a pow erful antiseptic- and should be ap plied immediately to wounds of this Kind to prevent danger of infection. ils footm'ng and " healing and natron in cases of Spra ns, bruises rata, burns,-bites and tingsl Just ' b,C' too: stiff neck! o?e feet tooU,Sft',f??' WraCh' M Tf fTm draggisM for 30 cents. ' It not satisfied retnri fh. K..l- " . g your money back. '"" 7 7 "a constipate! or hare 'sick Ever ?KM ' Jst try.Wiaam Liver 2JJ'f 'Pleas"t ttle pink pilUB I Cents.- Guaranterf v .. "Vyi